i*«•—«n*^—i—> »mt—< —ts— «—«>—..« i »i m i...

G. A. AMMANN _ _ F r a me d Mirrors " Riverhead, L. I. No Guess Work In Optometry It mathematical in its exact- ness. ' The defects of vision of every patient are considered with- out reference to those of any other patient. That is, eve ry person gets an individual service , and in no other way can satis- faction be secured. We are fully equi pped to render the service that your visual condi tion re- quires. Glad to welcome you any .. day. R. C BROWN '> Optometrist RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK When We Sell Victrolas and Victor Records we always bear in mind there are two grades of commodities in the world —-the best--- and the others It makes for us a very comfortable feeling and for the customers—complete satis- faction. THE ONLY.COMPLETE VICTOR SALESROOM IN SUFFOLK COUNTY ACKERLY'S ¦ the Musk Center PATCHOGUE, L. I, VICTROLAS $25 to $1050—Terms 16 Desired . , NEW RECORDS EVERY FRIDAY CLASSIFIED ' ADVTS. IN THE COUNTY REVIEW BRING BIG RESULTS. TRY ONE AND BE CONVINCED. WeirV Flowers CJ Just the best and the freshest and the most for your money than you can buy. f Anything at any time in the way of Flowers. Lon B Island's Leading Florists - Phonr 149-J J. Ebb Weir & Son JAMESPORT, LONG ISLAND BALTER PHOTO STUDIO AT HAMPTON BAYS PHOTOS TAKEN Any Time, Any Where, Any Place Your Appointment Solicited At Your Home or Studio Telephone 13 0 AUCTION Horses, Wagons, Machinery GORTON'S SALES ROOMS Saturday, Mar. 15th 1:30 P. M. j The following will be eolil to' highest bidder: Four farm horses, team harness. 3-seat wavon, runaboct , team farm wason and sholvinirs , nearly new Aspinn]l planter, Rood Aspinall planter, new Acme harrow, teair. plow, wecder , seed drill, wheel hoe, lot garden seeds, all kinds hameu* *. wagon jack, bed- steads, springs, tfots, rockors, chairs, blankets, good cook stove, shoes, etc. > TERMS CASH. RAIN OR SHINE. F. -J. CORWIN, Auctioneer. Spring Is Just Around the Corner —but we are ready to meet her With "Turner ' s Inf lammacine " to ward off and get rid of those colds and coughs . Howard Dustless Dusters , Sweep- ing Caps and Aprons , New Wall Papers in stock , tand orders prompt- ly filled. Easter Cards and Novelties; ' Fine Stationery f or yourself or others , at Mrs, O. O. Wells ' SPECIALTY STORE MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD NOTICE TO TIIR I.NLKT: Private Parties. $10.00 rounil trip. Rceular Farr. Adults. S1.00.: Children, ' , 50c ; round trip. Boat Leaves 10:30 A. M.: Returns 12:30 P. M. Boa t Leave* 2 P. M.. Return* I P. M. Will start from Shinnecock Boat Garnpe, Pon QUOKUC. G. A. PENNY R-A-D-I-0 ONLY THE BEST SETS Freed ¦ Eisemann NEUTR0DYNE RAD10L A Only the Best Accessories WESTERN ELECTRIC EVEREADY EXIDE R. C. A. TUBES—All types in stock When there are better Radios they will be sold by OVERTON ELECTRIC CO. Main St., Riverhead Tel. 230 flfl L ° « g IsIand \HH l § Railroad ¦ | TIME TABLE Taking- effect October 9, 1923. Week Days (Kxcept Holidavs) EASTWARD WESTWAHD Leave Arrive 1' a.Sla. Flt.Av. Riverhead F)t.Av. Pa.Sta. •73v B,:1 >'» Ar. Lv. Bklyn XV AM AM All AM AM. AM •4.D5 «r , .ll ?10.01 5.. -U S.04 S.OO S.l'T S.31 11.30 t7 .-!2 f».as .40 "9.17 '9.22 Pit S. 12 10.43 10J.2 1 J M I'M *12 .i:i ]. .\| PJI PM T3.49 f3 .35 ¦ t*5-SJ *^.02 *u.4U *ij .57 4.&" 4.57 7.3S 5.43 " ..42 S.29 S.3S 0.1:2 C.42 Sundays acfl HolidavB AM AM PM AM AM AM 9.25 9. 29 12. 03 7.49 10.22 10.2'j P. M . I'M r;.; I >M PM PM •1.15 4.13 0.54 CM .7.58 S.03 * Via Montauk Division. ...-t Except Feb. VI and i'2. Trains leave Rlverhend for Eastport and stations le Say Harbor anil Montauk ¦ week days (except holidays) 7.4 2 A. M. to Eastport only; 3.02 P. .M. for stations to Amafc-ansctl. This tlme-taulc subject to change without notice. . Pullman tickets as well as . through tickets l' roin New York to points on or r eached via the Pennsylvania system vgWS&SL are on sale at River- *s7TE* *y Off " l ' :,d staH'-n. . . . W0g® |lf I' . 11. WOODWARD, Vj[!jl[w E45L P / Oenera l -Passenger yJjiBXf RADIO LADIES!! Tune in on WAAM—NEWARK—263 THURSDAY, 7:45 P. M. and hear CAPTAIN GEORGE FAY , JR. give a talk on " Uses of Modern Silverware " BUR NITE, The Jeweler Roanoke Avenue By the Big Clock ELLI O TS YOUNG Dealer in the Hi ghest Grade Player-Pianos , Uprights & Grands Greenport j CINE-KODAK Motion Pictures the Kodak Way Anyone can mai:.. - motion ,ricl V ros with a Cine-Kodak , ami tbn.tij.l i tlR- Kodascope can show them at his iiwn home. RALPH C. BROWN Jeweler Main Street Riverhead, L. I. Tho Long Island -Li ghting Co., is considering , running a commercial circuit through to Calverton awl if sufficient .business is assured to war- rant tho expense, the residents of that section will bo afforded the op- portunity of having current for li ght- ing their homes and for power pur- poses. It is requested that all who are in favor of the project communicstu with the Riverhead commercial office of the company. FIRST METHODIST EI ISCOPAL CHURCH Rev . Wilbur E. uchoimhi.vcit Minister 10:311 A. 3L "The Mission of a Man " 12:00 Bible School. 0:30 P. jr. Epworth League Prayer 'Meeting. 7:30 P. Jl. "The Law of Fame— Nirt' o (" V.mniamlnionr. " GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Willis B. Holcomb, Rector. Marc h 10th—2nd Sunday in Lent. Ho ' .y Communion ' ' 8 A. M. Morning Praye r 10:30 A. M. Sunday School 12 M. Evening Prayer 7:30 P. 31. Daily throughout Lent. Shortened Morning Prayer 8:30 A. M. Tuesdays- during Lent . Reading and Prayer:; 4:4u P. M. •Wednesdays during Lent . Children ' s Service 4:45 P. M. Evening prayer with address , 7:30 P. M. The Guild nnd Junior Auxiliary will meet on their usual days; the Boy Scouts on Friday evening. Friday—March 21st. The regular monthly business meeting of the Women ' s Guild. It is requested that all members be present. CALVERTON MAY HAVE ELECTRIC CURRENT Riverhead—Odrs. Cornelia Wood- hull , wife of Zophar M. Woodhull , and one of Riverhead's most ' estim- able old residents, passed away at her home on Court street early Sat- urday morning from heart disease. Jlrs. Woodhull was born at Miller Place and was 81 years old. Fol - lowing her marriage she resided at Laurel up until a number of years ago , when the family .moved to River- head. She had not been in good health for the past six or seven years. Mrs. Woodhull was of a quiet and ret i ring disposition , but of a very pleasing personality, and her many good qualities endeared her to her friends and acquaintances. Mr . and Jlrs. Woodhull celebrated their fiOth wedding anniversary last year . Besides her husband- tho deceased b survived by a son , George B. Wood- hull , of Laurel , and three daughters , Mrs. Arthur C. Loper , wife of Dr. Loper , of Greenport; Jlrs. Hu- bert F. Corwin and Miss Elizabeth Woodhull , Riverhead. Funeral services were conducted at the Wood- hull residence Tuesday afternoon , the Rev. C. C. Cornwell , pastor of the First Congregational church , offi- ciating, and the interment was in the family plot in the cemetery at Laurel. MRS. ZOPHAR M. WOODHULL I , . Mollis Warner , one of Riverhead's well known duck growers , broke his right wrist in two places while crank- ing the engine of his Ford car on Monday. Harold Hubbard , one of the pro- prietors of the Sunrise Duck Farm , seriousl y injured his right arm this week while cranking the engine of his motor-boat. The muscles were torn , and blood vessel.:: were broken , but fortunately no bones were broken. He went to the Southampton Hos- pital and had an x-ray taken of the injury. We are now receiving orders for baby chicks and hatching eggs. White Leghorns and White Rocks. Also lay- ing hens for sale. Brightwaters Poultry Farm, Brightwaters , L. I. Telephone Bay Shore 473-J1. —Advt. 27t4c A son was recentl y born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Maxwell , of Den- ver , Col., formerl y of Riverhead . Little Miss Dorothy Gallagher, daughter of Jlr. and Jlrs . Ralph W. Gallagher , and Carrol l Jl aloney, daughter of Jlr . and Jlrs. John E. Jl aloney, are victims of chickenpox. JIargaret Jlaloney is ill with the measles. The Laymen ' s annual turkey sup- per . Hampton Bays M. E. " church parlors, Thursday evening, March 20 , served fro m 5.30 to 8.30 p. m. Fine Carnations 51.30 per doz.; Sweet Peas no cents per doz. ; Calen- dulas 75 cents per doz. Lee, Florist. —Advt. 30t3p Hasrisoni-D. - iWorthington , - of . Rort Washington , spent the week-end with his. parents , Jlr. and Jlrs. O. D. Wor- ihington. Mr. and Mvs. William H. Swezey returned on Jlonday from their trip to Florida. Mrs. Eva Lee Corwin visited Jlr. and Mrs. Harold Weeks in Manhat- tan. .this week. Jlrs. Harold Brownlie. of Manhat- tan , has been visiting her parents , Jlr. and Jlrs. Harry J. Newton . The Review wishes to correct the spelling of Welte-JIigr.on Reproducing piano in the Ackevl y advertisement of last week—it read Witte Jlignon. whereas it should have been spelled Wclte- Jlignon. Easier Ca rds now ready. Largest, best and most reasonable Pne ever. R. C. Brown.—Advt. 30t6 Joseph E. Lutz spent several days in New York this week. Jlrs. John S. Howe will entertain at cards next Monday afternoon and Mrs. ; Clarence Dugan will entertain at dinner followed by cards that evening. ¦ Miss Sarah Petty gave a very en- joyable Mah Jongg party Tuesday evening, the high scores being Mrs . Robert Howell , Mrs. Howard Downs and Mrs. Everett Petty. Walters Brothers , of Riverhead , who were awarded the contract to re- pair the damage done to the Court House by the fire several weeks ago , started work on the job this week. John Stonebanks is doing the plumb- ing work; George W. Hooper , the painting and the Overton Electrical Co., the electrical work. Assistant U, S. District Attorney Robert W. Duval! , of Oyster Bay. spent the week-end here. Ralph W. Gallagher is sulicring from blood poisoning in his face , caused by an ingrowing hair. Jlr. and Mrs. Willard B. : Davis and Jliss Flora B. Hallock spent last week- end with Jlr. and Mrs. Benjamin Klinger , in Brooklyn. George Autenreith , jr., son of Jlr. and Jlrs. George Autenreith , enter- tained a number of little friends last Thurstlav afternoon at a birthday party. There were pretty favors for each " gue ; .t , games were played and refreshments served. The little folks had a fine time. _ ,. ,. Dwight M. Corwin , of Brooklyn ,, was a week-end guest of' Jlr. and Mrs. F. Carl Haliett. Everett B. Swec-zy, of .Englewood , N J., spent the week-end with his mother , Jlrs. Laura B. Sweezy. Mrs O. O. Wells is spending some time with her daughter , Mrs. Robert Hallock , at Speonk. F II Condit , .optometrist Eyesight Specialist will be at Dr. Harold •Smith' s dental parlor ,Jlonday, J.aie. n 17th from 10 to 3. Advt. Don 't forget the benefit show un- der the auspices of the Rivernead •\uxiliarv to the Southampton Hospi- M which will be held at the Capitol Theatre Riverhead on Wednesday cvenin-: M^'ch 10. Hal. Koachrt Rascals and other popular films will be shown. Tickets are being sold in advance bv members of the Auxiliary and others. This is a worthy cause and H " is boned the residents of R-verherf and vicinity will give the show,,i,ieir "II " -Uu " Mr^\v1ilUam VValters were ' given a •'house- .raTming " in their fine new home on Fourth street Saturday evening. It was a very jolly affair. Among those who participated were Jlr. and Jlrs. Irving Halsey, and Jlr. and Jlrs . Randolph Hudson , of South- ampton; Jlrs. Louis Hann , of Brook- lyn; Jlr. and Mrs. Forrest ¦ Tiirbush. and Jlr . and Jlrs. Harold Squires , of Riverhead. The office of the Riverhead ware- house of the Suffolk Feed & Supply Co. on Osborne avenue was entered by three youths Tuesday ni ght and some articles were itaken. They enter- ed the building through a window. The lads also participated in a crap game in the building. Some of the boys 'implicated are said to have in- dul ged in that favorite pastime in the lobby of the postoifke until they were warned by Postmaster Kratovill ' e that they would be punished if they continued to use the place for gambl- ing purposes. . New Victor records for St. Patrick's Day—Ackerly ' s—The " .Music Center— Patchogue.—Advt. The indoor bazaar and carnival held at the Auditorium las.t Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings under tho auspices of Riverhead Post , American Legion , was a largely attended and very enjoyable affair and a fine suc- cess financially. The "boys , " with the assistance of the " girls " of the Aux- iliary, netted about $800. A large number of people were awarded articles in the games. Good music for dancing was furnished by the Sterling iJIelody Boys. The Greenport Choral Society and Southold Symphony Orchestra will render the Holy City in the JI. E. Church early in Ap ril. The Review Stationery Store has on display a beautiful line of Mother ' s Day, Birthday and Easter Greeting Cards. Your inspection is invited. Jlrs. George Cuahman has been vis- iting at the home of Herman II. Hal- lock , at Sound Avenue. .Major William JL Coombs, of New York , Held representative of the In- ternational Lions ' Club, who spoke at the dinner give n at the Peter Pan Hotel in Riverhead on Jlonday night of last week on Lionism , succeeded in interesting a number of Riverhead business men in the organization and it is expected that a club will be or- ganized here in the near future. The Lions are accomplishing splendid re- sults in Southampton in advancing the commerc i al , civil and social inter- avts of the village. The Misses Estelle and 'Dorothy Cooper entertained at 500 at their home Wednesday evening, prizes be- ing won hy Jlrs. Frank JlcCabe. Jlrs. Fred Orth and Miss Natalie Hill. The informal card parties for the benefit of the Riverhead Auxiliary to the Southampton Hospital , which are being held in Riverhead homes , are proving to be very popular. There was a large and apprecia- tive audience at the show given at the Capitol Theatre , Wednesday evening for the benefit of Red Bird Hook & Ladder Co. The program included Sve acts of vaudeville , the photo-play "Cupid' s Little Fireman ," and Pathe New, - . The star performers in the vaudeville were the Hart Sisters , of New York , nieces of James T. Kell y, captain of the Red Birds. These young ladies are very clever dancers. The Riverhead Fire Department band furnished music for. the occasion . The work of widening the Peconic avenue bridge in Southampton town , was completed Jlonday of this week . The work of filling in :s now going steadily forward. . All the business places " in Riverhead town have re- 'jjoved the obstructions on the avenue. There are three obstructions on the Southampton side of the avenue. Ac- ;ording to the Southampto n Times , Highway Superintendent Downs ask- ed the- Board for instruction . .; as to what measures he .should take to have these removed , at the meeting of the Board held this week . Two gas tanks that were in the roadway have been moved back to the sidewalk line. This week action was taken by Riverhea d town officials in the matter of widen- ing the avenue in front of the prop- erty of John R. Hogan, T. M. Griffing and A. Ribeir ' o. It is understood that the officials are seeking a release of a few feet of land before the erection of a concrete retaining wall on that side of the avenue. The bridge work for Southampton town was under the efficient nunerintendencs of W. W. Hubbard , of Hampton Bays , and his men , and makes a very presentable appearance. Several' improvements in the matter . : -of lighting has also recently. taken place. The stores of A.:.Voj * voda and "Little Jimmy " now have a string of lights across the en- tire front , as has also tho ga rage of Benjamin & Corwin , and . we arc in- formed; there will be others to follow suit. Mr. and Jlrs. Gustav Baron , of Flushing, are visiting her mother , Jlrs . Jacob Meyer. Mrs. Albert K. Payne entertained at cards last Friday eveninc. Mvs. C. C. Cornwell , Jlrs. H. L. BisTiop, Jlrs. W. R. Duvall and .Mrs. JIarjorie War- ner were the nrize winners. Jlr . and Jlrs. CY R. Inglee are en- tertaining Prof. William Houston , of New York- , over the week-end. T , .j J^ocal ' "Paragrap hs Wells & Howell Scientific : Beauty Culture MAIN ST., RIVERHEAD Next door west of Capitol Tbeatra Building Tel. 113-M Riverhead +**U W II ¦ ! ¦ ¦ H ¦ ¦ ! , II t»— It—Ml ¦ »j [ 1 I Riverhead & Port Jefferson Bus Line Tel 77 or 233-W PORT JEFFERSON Leave Riverhead 7:45 A. M. Arrive Port Jefferson . 8.55 A. M. Leave Port Jefferson.. . 9.30 A.M. Leave Riverhead 3.00 P. M. Arrive Port Jefferson. . 4.10 P. M, Leave Port Jefferson.. . 4.45 P. M. 'I *«•—«n*^—i—> (»Mt—<¦ —ts— ¦ «—«>—..« i i »i m i Demand fc Genome JSeware of Imitations ¦ y^mj if "* "* * «•*»¦ *^. e .5^J4*inl HUM J '' ¦ •^¦¦ ''' ¦ ¦ J «'» , . ,!,"™ LUSB I -Sy^^^yiS mh &" ¦ "«•* '««»«>» c "$£ *fl ¦ fif *ND UIHTtS STATES MTE*" O""- *^ II gfS C «NAOlAN MMT EXT**** ^ j| HS **" •• , ->»*- »r"* TO *"""* i ft jmicai— co*iTeMTs iVi } ** -T0as? T 111 I T^^Pt SOT-i-i «*cu4' 'i SMfBBS I'l ^^] ^"'*?*J*5Sc=553E5»* SR- ^" > J# ^^g^ P^«^- URI»CP_^^g^^ No Boiling of Hops Canadian Malt Extract Co., Ltd Toronto, Ontario, Canada . Distributed by YETTER & MOORE SONS RIVERHEAD, N. Y. S. H. OLIVER I PLUMBING and TINNING All kinds o( Heating and Pump Work NORTHVILLE TURNPIKE Telephone 229-J v r ¦ ~^ v P A / ¦ Rolled or | Standing J You cannot surpass the ex- j. cellence of our Roasts— and we will prepare them, as you wish. Only the choicest Beef is cut into these Roasts. Order One Today General Market Peconic Avenue Riverhead I FALSETEETH Repaired While You Wait ! If a tooth bleaks off a plate, have it replaced immediately, as it weakens the plate and often causes it to crack . A crack in a plate should be re- paired immediately before the plate springs, as a sprung plate is almost impossible to reoair. C. A. HALLETT (Dental Laborat ory ) MAIN ST., RIVERHEAD Pbona 20S-W wmmm^*—*—m—^^mmmmmt ^^mmmmam? - ow—*— A machine is no more efficient than the motor that drives it. . T. ' e nil C-F, iimmi irj GT. ¦ >*•(««¦ uipr-d j[.~!i. ¦ J"'" , ttritut »« IIM-- iS.t ih.ir Will f" MllfitHua— . Ml BUTl' r « tout , l*ilt ill IS* ti"lt, link of oirv O-E mnii-r It tin ifSmn* crpnii.tie*) *( th* GtFKtil tlrrirx Comfiny, who** IIIIMUI hi<» •(JviJ n-try ef iVi *><»U' i tr.-t.ir.* *vr*(l piMmi, U-ll tirf.fl.ii its .tr-.».>.l (.(*• . Wi (irhu and my ti il.t. 7K*t 11 wlrf at tin klTtld, fti ..*~7, (i I-4IUDM i;»m II wjt ' THE OVERTON ELECTRIC CO. Eivarhcad Phonc230 i,i, ^ M^^^l 7 ¦ - . ¦ ¦ ;—^ ^-. _ Quogue-Riverhead Motor Bus Line WEEK DAYS Leave Qcosue Sta. on arrival of 9:02 a. m. train. Arrive Ilivorhc.i d P. O., 0:22 a. m. Connectins with past bound l. -aic at Htver- head . 9:-10 for Greenport. Leave Riverhead l ' . O., 11:30 a. m. Connecting; at Quojruo with 12:22 !». m. east Uour.d train. TV. L. RYDER Thone East Que-Kne 125-J Quogue-Riverhead > Brown Buoes Leave Quogue Station on arrival of 3:15 West bound. Arrive in Riverhead 3:40. Leave Riverhead at 5:30 , making con- nection at Quogue for 6:15 and 7:08 East bound; 8:28 West bound. RUNS WEEK DAYS ONLY: SUNDAY ON SPECIAL ORDER. > SEA-SIDE GARAGE Phono 322 Quogue What the tender care and devotion of a loving mother can accomplish is best demonstrated in " tho case of Ken- neth Burkhardt Naber , the young son of .Mr. and Jlrs. Carl Naber , Jr. , of Flanders. Kenneth weighed only lvi pounds when he was born on Oct. 24 , 1D2:;. Although " tncre appeared to be very little hope of the babe living, Mrs. Naber was determined to ex- haust every resource to save the precious little life. At her sugsrestior. an "incubator " was made and the lit- tle fellow was placed in it. It con- sisted of an old clothes basket lined with fleecy flannels and surrounded with hot water bottles which were kept at an even temperatu re , and a small hole was made in the covering of the basket to admit fresh air . The babe was rubbed with warm oil three times a day and he soon began to develop into a normal child. When he was eight months old he weighed 10 pounds and on his first birthday anniversary after he had been fed on vegetable diet , he weigh- ed 15 pounds. He now tips the scales at 24 pounds , can sit up and also use a baby walker. BABE WEIGHED 1*4 LBS. AT , BIRTH IS 24-POUNDER NOW I hava taken over t' ne store business of Mrs. 0. O. Wells, during her absence for the summer. In addition will handle lie Ediscn and Sonora phono- graphs , also Edison and Okeh records. S. FORREST PRESTON , Riverhead. —Advt. ANNOUNCEMENT No wordo - at our command can ade- quately express our feeling's of sin- cere gratitude and kindly appreciation for the many though ts , words , and deeds of Ihe loving friends who have so kindly expressed thair sympathy ar.d iove which has brough t consola- tion and 'hope to our hearts in this our time of trial and bereavement. Our thanks go out to all those who have furnished the beautifu l flowers which the dear one who has passed on BO dearly loved. . God' s finger touched her and she fell asleep and to His will we bow in hinnbi e submission. Z. 'Jl. Woodhull Jliss Elizabeth J. Woodhull Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Loper Mr . and Mrs. H. F. Corwin Mr. and Mrs. George B. Woodhull IN APPRECIATION

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Page 1: I*«•—«n*^—i—> »Mt—< —ts— «—«>—..« i »i m i R-A-D-I-0nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1924-03-14/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · Roanoke Avenue By the


_ _ F r a me dM i r r o r s "

Riverhead, L. I.

No Guess WorkIn Optometry

It i« mathematical in its exact-ness. 'The defects of vision ofevery patient are considered with-out reference to those of anyother patient. That is, everyperson gets an individual service,and in no other way can satis-faction be secured. We are fullyequipped to render the servicethat your visual condition re-quires. Glad to welcome you any

.. day.

R. C BROWN'> Optometrist


When We Sell Victrolasand Victor Records

we always bear in mind there are two gradesof commodities in the world

—-the best---and the others

It makes for us a very comfortable feelingand for the customers—complete satis-faction.



ACKERLY'S ¦ the Musk CenterPATCHOGUE, L. I,

VICTROLAS $25 to $1050—Terms 16 Desired . ,




CJ Just the best and thefreshest and the most foryour money than you canbuy.€f Anything at any timein the way of Flowers.

LonB Island's Leading Florists

- Phonr 149-J




PHOTOS TAKENAny Time, Any Where, Any Place

Your Appointment SolicitedAt Your Home or Studio

Telephone 13 0

A U C T I O NHorses, Wagons, Machinery


Saturday, Mar. 15th1:30 P. M. j

The following will be eolil to' highestbidder:

Four farm horses, team harness. 3-seatwavon, runaboct , team farm wason andsholvinirs, nearly new Aspinn]l planter, RoodAspinall planter, new Acme harrow, teair.plow, wecder, seed drill, wheel hoe, lot gardenseeds, all kinds hameu**. wagon jack, bed-steads, springs, tfots, rockors, chairs, blankets,good cook stove, shoes, etc. >


F. -J. CORWIN, Auctioneer.

Spring Is JustAround the Corner

—but we are readyto meet her With

"Turner'sInf lammacine"

to ward off and get rid of thosecolds and coughs.

Howard Dustless Dusters, Sweep-ing Caps and Aprons, New WallPapers in stock,tand orders prompt-ly filled.

Easter Cards and Novelties; ' FineStationery f o r yourself or others, at



NOTICETO TIIR I.NLKT: Private Parties. $10.00

rounil trip.Rceular Farr. Adults. S1.00.: Children,',

50c ; round trip.Boat Leaves 10:30 A. M. : Returns 12:30

P. M.Boa t Leave* 2 P. M.. Return* I P. M.Will start from Shinnecock Boat Garnpe,




Freed ¦ EisemannNEUTR0DYNE

RAD10LAOnly the Best Accessories



R. C. A. TUBES—All typesin stock

When there are betterRadios they will be

sold by


Main St., Riverhead

Tel. 230

flfl L°« g IsIand \HHl§ Railroad ¦ |||

T I M E T A B L ETaking- effect October 9, 1923.Week Days (Kxcept Holidavs)

EASTWARD WESTWAHDLeave Arrive1'a.Sla. Flt.Av. Riverhead F)t.Av. Pa.Sta.•73v B,:1>'» Ar. Lv. Bklyn XVAM AM All AM AM. AM•4.D5 «r ,.ll ?10.01 5..-U S.04 S.OOS.l'T S.31 11.30 t7.-!2 f».as t».40"9.17 '9.22 Pit S.12 10.43 10J.21JM I'M *12.i:i ]..\| PJI PMT3.49 f3 .35 ¦ t*5-SJ *^.02 *u.4U *ij .574.&" 4.57 7.3S5.43 "..42 S.29 S.3S 0.1:2 C.42

Sundays acfl HolidavBAM AM PM AM AM AM9.25 9.29 12.03 7.49 10.22 10.2'jP.M . I'M r;.; I>M PM PM•1.15 4.13 0.54 CM .7.58 S.03* Via Montauk Division.

...-t Except Feb. VI and i'2.Trains leave Rlverhend for Eastport

and stations le Say Harbor anil Montauk¦week days (except holidays) 7.4 2 A. M.to Eastport only; 3.02 P. .M. for stationsto Amafc-ansctl.

This tlme-taulc subject to changewithout notice. .

Pullman tickets as well as. throughtickets l'roin New York to points on orreached via the Pennsylvania system

vgWS&SL are on sale at River- *s7TE**yOff "l':,d staH'-n. . .. W0g®|lf I'. 11. WOODWARD, Vj[!jl[wE45LP/ Oenera l -Passenger yJjiBXf

RADIO LADIES!!Tune in on



give a talk on

"Uses of Modern Silverware"BURNITE, The Jeweler

Roanoke Avenue By the Big Clock

ELLIOTS YOUNGDealer in the Highest Grade

Player-Pianos, Uprights & Grands

Greenport j

CINE-KODAKMotion Pictures the Kodak Way

Anyone can mai:..- motion ,riclV ros with a Cine-Kodak , amitbn.ti j . l i tlR- Kodascope can show themat his iiwn home.

R A L P H C. B R O W NJeweler

Main Street Riverhead, L. I.

Tho Long Island -Li ghting Co., isconsidering , running a commercialcircuit through to Calverton awl ifsufficient .business is assured to war-rant tho expense, the residents of thatsection will bo afforded the op-portunity of having current for li ght-ing their homes and for power pur-poses. It is requested that all who arein favor of the project communicstuwith the Riverhead commercial officeof the company.


Rev. Wilbur E. uchoimhi.vcitMinister

10:311 A. 3L "The Mission of a Man "12:00 Bible School.0:30 P. j r. Epworth League Prayer'Meeting.7:30 P. Jl. "The Law of Fame—Nirt 'o ("V.mniamlnionr."

GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCHRev. Willis B. Holcomb, Rector.

March 10th—2nd Sunday in Lent.Ho '.y Communion ' ' 8 A. M.Morning Prayer 10:30 A. M .Sunday School 12 M.Evening Prayer 7:30 P. 31.Daily throughout Lent.

Shortened Morning Prayer 8:30 A. M.Tuesdays- during Lent .

Reading and Prayer:; 4:4u P. M.•Wednesdays during Lent .

Children 's Service 4:45 P. M.Evening prayer with address, 7:30

P. M.The Guild nnd Junior Auxiliary will

meet on their usual days; the BoyScouts on Friday evening.

Friday—March 21st. The regularmonthly business meeting of theWomen's Guild. It is requested thatall members be present.


Riverhead—Odrs. Cornelia Wood-hull , wife of Zophar M. Woodhull ,and one of Riverhead's most ' estim-able old residents, passed away ather home on Court street early Sat-urday morning from heart disease.Jlrs. Woodhull was born at MillerPlace and was 81 years old. Fol-lowing her marriage she resided atLaurel up until a number of yearsago, when the family .moved to River-head. She had not been in goodhealth for the past six or seven years.Mrs. Woodhull was of a quiet andret i ring disposition , but of a verypleasing personality, and her manygood qualities endeared her to herfriends and acquaintances. Mr . andJlrs. Woodhull celebrated their fiOthwedding anniversary last year.

Besides her husband- tho deceasedb survived by a son, George B. Wood-hull, of Laurel, and three daughters,Mrs. Arthur C. Loper, wife ofDr. Loper , of Greenport; Jlrs. Hu-bert F. Corwin and Miss ElizabethWoodhull , o£ Riverhead. Funeralservices were conducted at the Wood-hull residence Tuesday afternoon , theRev. C. C. Cornwell , pastor of theFirst Congregational church, offi-ciating, and the interment was inthe family plot in the cemetery atLaurel.


I , .

Mollis Warner , one of Riverhead'swell known duck growers, broke hisright wrist in two places while crank-ing the engine of his Ford car onMonday.

Harold Hubbard , one of the pro-prietors of the Sunrise Duck Farm,seriousl y injured his right arm thisweek while cranking the engine ofhis motor-boat. The muscles weretorn , and blood vessel.:: were broken ,but fortunately no bones were broken.He went to the Southampton Hos-pital and had an x-ray taken of theinjury.

We are now receiving orders forbaby chicks and hatching eggs. WhiteLeghorns and White Rocks. Also lay-ing hens for sale. BrightwatersPoultry Farm, Brightwaters, L. I.Telephone Bay Shore 473-J1.—Advt.

27t4cA son was recentl y born to Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Maxwell , of Den-ver , Col., formerl y of Riverhead .

Little Miss Dorothy Gallagher,daughter of Jlr. and Jlrs. Ralph W.Gallagher , and Carrol l Jl aloney,daughter of Jlr. and Jlrs. John E.Jlaloney, are victims of chickenpox.JIargaret Jlaloney is ill with themeasles.

The Laymen 's annual turkey sup-per . Hampton Bays M. E. "churchparlors, Thursday evening, March20, served fro m 5.30 to 8.30 p. m.

Fine Carnations 51.30 per doz.;Sweet Peas no cents per doz. ; Calen-dulas 75 cents per doz. Lee, Florist.—Advt. 30t3p

Hasrisoni-D. -iWorthington ,- of .RortWashington , spent the week-end withhis. parents , Jlr. and Jlrs. O. D. Wor-ihington.

Mr. and Mvs. William H. Swezeyreturned on Jlonday from their tripto Florida.

Mrs. Eva Lee Corwin visited Jlr.and Mrs. Harold Weeks in Manhat-tan. .this week.

Jlrs. Harold Brownlie. of Manhat-tan , has been visiting her parents,Jlr. and Jlrs. Harry J. Newton .

The Review wishes to correct thespelling of Welte-JIigr.on Reproducingpiano in the Ackevly advertisement oflast week—it read Witte Jlignon.whereas it should have been spelledWclte- Jlignon.

Easier Ca rds now ready. Largest,best and most reasonable Pne ever.R. C. Brown.—Advt. 30t6

Joseph E. Lutz spent several daysin New York this week.

Jlrs. John S. Howe will entertainat cards next Monday afternoon andMrs.

; Clarence Dugan will entertainat dinner followed by cards thatevening.¦Miss Sarah Petty gave a very en-

joyable Mah Jongg party Tuesdayevening, the high scores being Mrs.Robert Howell , Mrs. Howard Downsand Mrs. Everett Petty.

Walters Brothers , of Riverhead,who were awarded the contract to re-pair the damage done to the CourtHouse by the fire several weeks ago,started work on the job this week.John Stonebanks is doing the plumb-ing work; George W. Hooper, thepainting and the Overton ElectricalCo., the electrical work.

Assistant U, S. District AttorneyRobert W. Duval! , of Oyster Bay.spent the week-end here.

Ralph W. Gallagher is sulicringfrom blood poisoning in his face,caused by an ingrowing hair.

Jlr. and Mrs. Willard B. : Davis andJliss Flora B. Hallock spent last week-end with Jlr. and Mrs. BenjaminKlinger , in Brooklyn.

George Autenreith , jr., son of Jlr.and Jlrs. George Autenreith , enter-tained a number of little friends lastThurstlav afternoon at a birthdayparty. There were pretty favors foreach " gue;.t, games were played andrefreshments served. The little folkshad a fine time. _ ,. ,.

Dwight M. Corwin , of Brooklyn ,,was a week-end guest of ' Jlr. andMrs. F. Carl Haliett.

Everett B. Swec-zy, of .Englewood ,N J., spent the week-end with hismother , Jlrs. Laura B. Sweezy.

Mrs O. O. Wells is spending sometime with her daughter , Mrs. RobertHallock , at Speonk.

F II Condit , .optometrist EyesightSpecialist will be at Dr. Harold•Smith's dental parlor ,Jlonday, J.aie.n

17th from 10 to 3. Advt.

Don 't forget the benefit show un-der the auspices of the Rivernead•\uxiliarv to the Southampton Hospi-M which will be held at the CapitolTheatre Riverhead on Wednesdaycvenin-: M^'ch 10. Hal. KoachrtRascals and other popular films willbe shown. Tickets are being sold inadvance bv members of the Auxiliaryand others. This is a worthy cause and

H"is boned the residents of R-verherf

and vicinity will give the show,,i,ieir

"II"-Uu"Mr^\v1ilUam VValters were'

given a •'house-.raTming" in their fine

new home on Fourth street Saturdayevening. It was a very jolly affair.Among those who participated wereJlr. and Jlrs. Irving Halsey, and Jlr.and Jlrs. Randolph Hudson , of South-ampton; Jlrs. Louis Hann , of Brook-lyn; Jlr. and Mrs. Forrest ¦ Tiirbush.and Jlr. and Jlrs. Harold Squires, ofRiverhead.

The office of the Riverhead ware-house of the Suffolk Feed & SupplyCo. on Osborne avenue was enteredby three youths Tuesday night andsome articles were itaken. They enter-ed the building through a window.The lads also participated in a crapgame in the building. Some of theboys 'implicated are said to have in-dul ged in that favorite pastime in thelobby of the post oif ke until theywere warned by Postmaster Kratovill'ethat they would be punished if theycontinued to use the place for gambl-ing purposes. .

New Victor records for St. Patrick'sDay—Ackerly 's—The ".Music Center—Patchogue.—Advt.

The indoor bazaar and carnival heldat the Auditorium las.t Thursday, Fri-day and Saturday evenings under thoauspices of Riverhead Post , AmericanLegion , was a largely attended andvery enjoyable affair and a fine suc-cess financially. The "boys," with theassistance of the "girls" of the Aux-iliary, netted about $800. A largenumber of people were awardedarticles in the games. Good musicfor dancing was furnished by theSterling iJIelody Boys.

The Greenport Choral Society andSouthold Symphony Orchestra willrender the Holy City in the JI. E.Church early in April.

The Review Stationery Store hason display a beautiful line of Mother 'sDay, Birthday and Easter GreetingCards. Your inspection is invited.

Jlrs. George Cuahman has been vis-iting at the home of Herman II. Hal-lock , at Sound Avenue.

.Major William JL Coombs, of NewYork , Held representative of the In-ternational Lions' Club, who spoke atthe dinner given at the Peter PanHotel in Riverhead on Jlonday nightof last week on Lionism, succeeded ininteresting a number of Riverheadbusiness men in the organization andit is expected that a club will be or-ganized here in the near future. TheLions are accomplishing splendid re-sults in Southampton in advancingthe commerc i al , civil and social inter-avts of the village.

The Misses Estelle and 'DorothyCooper entertained at 500 at theirhome Wednesday evening, prizes be-ing won hy Jlrs. Frank JlcCabe. Jlrs.Fred Orth and Miss Natalie Hill.

The informal card parties for thebenefit of the Riverhead Auxiliary tothe Southampton Hospital , which arebeing held in Riverhead homes, areproving to be very popular.

There was a large and apprecia-tive audience at the show given at theCapitol Theatre , Wednesday eveningfor the benefit of Red Bird Hook &Ladder Co. The program includedSve acts of vaudeville , the photo-play"Cupid' s Little Fireman ," and PatheNew, -. The star performers in thevaudeville were the Hart Sisters , ofNew York , nieces of James T. Kelly,captain of the Red Birds. Theseyoung ladies are very clever dancers.The Riverhead Fire Department bandfurnished music for. the occasion .

The work of widening the Peconicavenue bridge in Southampton town ,was completed Jlonday of this week.The work of filling in :s now goingsteadily forward. . All the businessplaces " in Riverhead town have re-'jjoved the obstructions on the avenue.There are three obstructions on theSouthampton side of the avenue. Ac-;ording to the Southampto n Times,Highway Superintendent Downs ask-ed the- Board for instruction. .; as towhat measures he .should take to havethese removed , at the meeting of theBoard held this week. Two gas tanksthat were in the roadway have beenmoved back to the sidewalk line. Thisweek action was taken by Riverhea dtown officials in the matter of widen-ing the avenue in front of the prop-erty of John R. Hogan, T. M. Griffingand A. Ribeir 'o. It is understood thatthe officials are seeking a release ofa few feet of land before the erectionof a concrete retaining wall on thatside of the avenue. The bridge workfor Southampton town was under theefficient nunerintendencs of W. W.Hubbard , of Hampton Bays, and hismen , and makes a very presentableappearance. Several' improvementsin the matter .:-of lighting has alsorecently .taken place. The stores ofA.:.Voj*voda and "Little Jimmy" nowhave a string of lights across the en-tire front , as has also tho garage ofBenjamin & Corwin , and . we arc in-formed; there will be others to followsuit.

Mr. and Jlrs. Gustav Baron , ofFlushing, are visiting her mother ,Jlrs. Jacob Meyer.

Mrs. Albert K. Payne entertainedat cards last Friday eveninc. Mvs. C.C. Cornwell , Jlrs. H. L. BisTiop, Jlrs.W. R. Duvall and .Mrs. JIarjorie War-ner were the nrize winners.

Jlr. and Jlrs. CY R. Inglee are en-tertaining Prof. William Houston , ofNew York-, over the week-end.

T , .j

J^ocal '"Paragraphs

Wells & HowellScientific : Beauty Culture

MAIN ST., RIVERHEADNext door west of Capitol Tbeatra

BuildingTel. 113-M Riverhead

+**UW II ¦! ¦¦ H ¦¦ !, II—t»— It—Ml ¦ »j [1 I

Riverhead & PortJefferson Bus Line


Leave Riverhead 7:45 A. M.

Arrive Port Jefferson . 8.55 A. M.

Leave Port Jefferson.. . 9.30 A.M.

Leave Riverhead 3.00 P. M.

Arrive Port Jefferson. . 4.10 P. M,

Leave Port Jefferson.. . 4.45 P. M.'I*«•—«n*^—i—>(»Mt—< ¦—ts— ¦«—«>—..« i i »i m i

Demand f c GenomeJSeware of Imitations

¦y^mjif "* "* * «•*»¦ * .e.5 J4*inlHUMJ ''¦• ¦¦'''¦•¦•J«'» ,.,!,"™LUSB

I -Sy^^ yiSmh &"¦ "«•* '««»«>» i» c"$£ *fl¦fif *ND UIHTtS STATES MTE*" O""-* II

gfS C«NAOlAN MMT EXT**** j|HS **"•• ,->»*- »r"* TO*"""* i ftjmicai— co*iTeMTs iVi} **-T0as? T111 I T^^PtSOT-i-i «*cu4''iSMfBBS I'l^^] "'*?*J*5Sc=553E5»*SR-^">J#^^g P^«^-URI»CP_^^g^^

No Boiling of HopsCanadian Malt Extract Co., Ltd

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Distributed by




All kinds o( Heating andPump Work




¦ ~ v PA/ ¦

Rolled or |Standing J

You cannot surpass the ex- j .cellence of our Roasts—and we will prepare them,as you wish.Only the choicest Beef iscut into these Roasts.

Order One Today

General MarketPeconic Avenue



FALSETEETHRepaired While You Wait !If a tooth bleaks off a plate, have itreplaced immediately, as it weakensthe plate and often causes it tocrack.A crack in a plate should be re-paired immediately before the platesprings, as a sprung plate is almostimpossible to reoair.

C. A. HALLETT(Dental Laborat ory)


wmmm^*—*—m—^^mmmmmt ^^mmmmam?— - ow—*—

A machine is no more efficientthan the motor that drives it..

T.'e nil C-F, iimmi irj GT. ¦>*•(««¦ uipr-d j[.~!i.¦ J"'", ttritut »« IIM-- iS.t ih.ir Will f" MllfitHua— .Ml BUTl'r « tout, l*ilt ill IS* ti"lt,

link of oirv O-E mnii-r It tin ifSmn* crpnii.tie*)*( th* GtFKtil tlrrirx Comfiny, who** IIIIMUI hi<»•(JviJ n-try ef iVi *><»U'i tr.-t.ir.* *vr*(l piMmi, U-lltirf.fl.ii its .tr-.».>..l (.(*•. Wi (irhu and my ti il.t. 7K*t11 wlrf at tin klTtld, fti ..*~7, (i I-4IUDM i;»m II wjt


Eivarhcad Phonc230 i,i,

M^ ^l

7 ¦¦ - ... ¦ ¦;—^ -.—_

Quogue-RiverheadMotor Bus Line

WEEK DAYSLeave Qcosue Sta. on arrival of 9:02 a. m.

train.Arrive Ilivorhc.id P. O., 0:22 a. m.Connectins with past bound l.-aic at Htver-

head. 9:-10 for Greenport.Leave Riverhead l '. O., 11:30 a. m.Connecting; at Quojruo wi th 12:22 !». m. east

Uour.d train.TV. L. RYDER

Thone East Que-Kne 125-J

Quogue-Riverhead> Brown Buoes

Leave Quogue Station on arrival of3:15 West bound.

Arrive in Riverhead 3:40.Leave Riverhead at 5:30, making con-

nection at Quogue for 6:15 and7:08 East bound; 8:28 West bound.


SEA-SIDE GARAGEPhono 322 Quogue

What the tender care and devotionof a loving mother can accomplish isbest demonstrated in " tho case of Ken-neth Burkhardt Naber, the young sonof .Mr. and Jlrs. Carl Naber, Jr. , ofFlanders. Kenneth weighed only lvipounds when he was born on Oct. 24,1D2:;. Although " tncre appeared to bevery little hope of the babe living,Mrs. Naber was determined to ex-haust every resource to save theprecious little life. At her sugsrestior.an "incubator" was made and the lit-tle fellow was placed in it. It con-sisted of an old clothes basket linedwith fleecy flannels and surroundedwith hot water bottles which werekept at an even temperatu re, and asmall hole was made in the coveringof the basket to admit fresh air. Thebabe was rubbed with warm oil threetimes a day and he soon began todevelop into a normal child.

When he was eight months old heweighed 10 pounds and on his firstbirthday anniversary after he hadbeen fed on vegetable diet , he weigh-ed 15 pounds. He now tips the scalesat 24 pounds, can sit up and also usea baby walker.


I hava taken over t'ne store businessof Mrs. 0. O. Wells, during her absencefor the summer. In addition willhandle lie Ediscn and Sonora phono-graphs, also Edison and Okeh records.




No wordo- at our command can ade-quately express our feeling's of sin-cere gratitude and kindly appreciationfor the many thoughts, words, anddeeds of Ihe loving friends who haveso kindly expressed thair sympathyar.d iove which has brough t consola-tion and 'hope to our hearts in thisour time of trial and bereavement.

Our thanks go out to all those whohave furnished the beautifu l flowerswhich the dear one who has passedon BO dearly loved. .

• God's finger touched her and shefell asleep and to His will we bowin hinnbi e submission.

Z. 'Jl. WoodhullJliss Elizabeth J. WoodhullDr. and Mrs. A. C. LoperMr . and Mrs. H. F. Corwin

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Woodhull