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yJ *-- ¦ - —- " —Se—as—iss— t I - ¦ - - t lAesHie i ¦ ^ , , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ __L! ^!_ "J ks fjfksaaasaaaisPBaPa^^ ?*# ^stf &J «/ wi . A ¦ ¦ ¦ V ^F^ ¦ y ; c / £ «- T - «• NAVY | BEG- B1J»& u. S. NAVY ALLEN-A l—% j" ' . ' ¦ « MEBCEBIZBSI , BASQUE CBAMBBAY M ^rJf n SS5 EB r P C»fiw>N SOX SHIRTS WORE SfllBTS ANULETS C t - . -ilJ l fpir Only Jfe $ |JQ Jfe 4 •»• f. 00 M S""?*?-?*^ 0 C®TTON W. S. NAVY V _ - _ rT__aSS? V B ^^wiSL «ABAI4MKB 3 HT»f TBUNKS J_S ___ _5a. fl V,»F^IBTS (_ |^|C__ gm_,s 1<M>% ^ *££*"** I BBW ^ H"* *W $1«5 I snaB aB ' SCBSSi!NT JOCliK BOYS* CARNOK B iPISaf ' ^HOR'F S SOratBB . TUBKISH ¦ TOWELS Cf-Bbesl Yarn SPSaaT , SBK- ' aS TOWELS B 3 f ° r $..00 Ste Wc 69c I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ IM-—- -. I-SVB ¦ »- I HI -III-I- -SI. I I - ¦ ¦ ¦ « ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ II l«-»B- - - - - -^^B ¦ J. S. W»vy , _, ^ «* ' l B ¦ Ite Jsuafrera Heavy Baiy STEER. Tamo—o atm ** H $1elf jiatfwty Ifc* CHESTS srass- Ba^Mty ¦ *** *** w ss* - eaeo $_»» TTwT I $LW **" ond $3.49 $2.i*f S2J9 I S. Air purees WAC CLAW STANLEY B IS Gi r^mm S Kil SETS HAMMERS B/.^rs BBILLS ~ |3.|9 J $pf | 9| oni!$1.47 [ $4.49 g CARL & BOB'S 5 iFAiR | \M 4 FLANDEftS ROAD At Peeonk Ave. Circle I H RI¥£RHEJt & i ; ¦ ]g ' PLBNTf OF PARKING SPACE- ALWAYS fl L^ 5HPf THJ? FAIR IFOR SURPLU S WIAfr " I Accidents At (Continued from Page 1) the Riverhead Town Police in- vestigated the accident. Pcfittlbie Skull Fracture Dnnipl Fnhy, 20, of Main road, Mattituck. suffere d a possible frac - ture of the skull in a motorcycle accident on the Peconic Biy boule- vard, Jamejpori. about 3:20 a m on Moi.day. He was riding en the rear seat of a motorcycle oper- ated by Walter R Bergen. 21 , ot Baser avenue, Mattituclt, which struck some Mnd and overturned. Bergen also suffered serious in- juries. Both young men were giv- en emergency treatment by Dr I Fred Frankel, of Riverhead. Fahy was removed to ths South- ampton Hospital. Tbo accident was investigated by Patrolman Robert Leonard ot the Rlverh*ad Town Police. HermaiiA wards (Continued from ' Page 1) and Peconic Bay boulevard, Jiinicr-port . 't in? Herman car was proceeding in i\ .iii'itherly direction en Depot lane r-nt] the Whitty car in a west- erly direction on Peconic Eay boulevard. The plaintiffs , of course, contended that the accident was due to the negli gence of Mr Whit- ty. The latter testified that he stopped his car about 100 feet back from the intersection and when he observed no cars near the in- tersection he started his car again and proceeded and when he was crossing Depot lane the crash oc- curred. Mr Whitty, who is chief clerk of the Appellate Term of the Su- preme Court, Second Department , and a prominent Democratic lead- er of Kings County, suffered a fracture of the skuli , a fracture oi the jawbone and six of his ribs were fractured. Mr Herman' s injuries were not serious. Mrs Herman sought $25,000 dam- ages for her injuries and $760 property damage to her car, and her husband $15,000 for his in- juries and $10,000 to reimburse him for expenditures for hospital and medical treatment for his wife. It is understood that Mr Whitty has instituted an action against Mr and Mrs Herman in Kings County for heavy damages for the injuries he sustained. QTJQGUE walker Arch. Arthur Oooley, Bruc-o- Fedcrico, Clifford Hawkias , Louis Lucas and Lorraine Medu- ski have been taking their pre- liminary regent:: at Westhamp- ton . Beach High School this past week. For Immediate delivery PCW Bit TAKE OFF SPRAYERS. Fannin . & Housner , Riverhead JOlS-Advt. Rev Asa Ray Lewis will conduct Sunday evening services In the Quogue chapel on Quogue street again this summer. The summer services will begin on July 1 CENTEREACH Teddy Overton , «on of Mr :md Mrs Percy Overton, who Is a stu- dent at the Nationnl " Bible Insti- tute of New York , .spent tlie week with his parents. Mr and Mrs Arnol d Burkhardl of Lindenhurst, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Tony Manilla and family. For Immediate delivery POWER TAKE OFF SPRAYERS. Fanning A Rousncr, Riverhead 2018—Advt. Mr and Mrs Robert Ncwbolt of Scuthold, were gucsti last Sunday of Mr and Mrn Harvey Williams and family. Dr Robert E Krltsch oi Allen- town, Pa, was a guest speaker at the Congregational Church here last Friday night. Miss Bernlce Overton started last Friday for the March of Life Camp at Swan Lake in the Adtron- dacks, where she is one of the counselor* a/id she will spend the summer there. The Bible study will be on Mon- day night this week at the par- sonage with the pastor as leader. Thursday evening prayer moot- ing will be at the Congregational Church this week. School closed In District No. 11 last Friday and a picnic was held on that day at West Meadow Beach. Plane Crash (Continued from Page 1) 1M4. For the next two years he served as a flight Instructor at various Army fields in tho country. His last assignment before golr.t. overseeo was at an Army proving ground In Florida where ha demort- sts sted jet propelled planes for Men rajfklcg Army officers and representatives of foreign powers . j^ciSwd' .nB to H's letters received from Okinawa , ho had been fiyins Republic Thunderbolts lately, and bac , been Instructing West Point men assigned to Okinawa for Sight training; His fstnsr and brother are the only survivors. ' 50.000 Sniisls >' ~£- -—¦ , (Continued from Pas* 1) piratibn date won't come until Dec 31, IMS. It «as considered only fair to the fanner to cuah' on his recon- version to psaee—as was done for \hdu»tri sJh.i,+-- }.enc« Ihte two-year pttrvWon; A parity $iric« Is one wBSMbi will gt«e potatoes—or other sllptftytea farm ' proiructt—a p ' ur- ch&slft j i; pc*er equivalent to that pitnEkz fa 4 favorafele base per- tof. trtvS ' pefic^ used" is that from l¥n *i\: Tfclv^ear Suffolk farm- fer» art jryira-tced »l>out SH cenU pe r ' peim d, bagged and read y for They can 't lose. It calculations "irt»l<; misfire, cr the weather s^ottM provs too good , and tiie nrfales jnaterUiiSf la a second pirer-afcaidanea . tending to v«* n tte »«kW >rle« " *wn, farm.rt can always MR t-irn to the Oov- eranaMt et 2* ' eenfs for the stand- ara trade. Tin the jMce-allw, - ie* ' aicther IV cthts, «r a bit Wro , for trari«?crtatj«s and arid- «M-en--wtB SS« »a# "b«o# 6 or 8 cents to the New York housewife , no nutter how great the surplus. Now, suppose this unwanted sur- plus were plumpM on the saarket and the oM law of supply ana de- mand operated without any BUa- gall AaanasseatT What would hapsMKi f > , * wVa la* ifaai Bes * Bald Jean J Issaer , 1* eeoalc fanner: 1 saafsa* sre ' e let tjera ret In the islaF aet aether to take them to SsHMt. « we did take them to asstket , ' fo sell them at. M or 40 - cants " pw hundred- welgat- ^Owr-tehtes of a cent per pound at * less '1 would be the rnlhattscr of maMt. county. The eatastrdatie ' wsnM be so vast , en ISS HMII aasje , t*at ' tr.o oan 't ^5yvn?r« *»etk« Ba tae sapport Wtoe tatght erjajr ' thz market so low that the fajrmer VCQ W not be able to ftnance puutB^y of a siza- ble, crop tue foUowit uar. Then, ta the . event of' Sit eatbee , or ethei^ auat^lvMttnre, the conasmer wbntd lave h6 potatoes at all . or get a few at outrageous prices. " It cost the Oovemicant 180 , 000 , - 000 last year to buy up the potato surplus , 1 P accordance with tbe Steagall amendment Fanner ' Fred Zeb, of Calvertor. , believes Congress should lower the support price from the present 12.40 per hundred pounds guaran- teed to the farmer , to around $1 or $1 55 . Racketeer* Muscle In "Tbe farmer would still cam enough to prevent farm fore-;)on- ures , " said Zee. "In Suffolk County and. In California, . rackets:?.? tike advantage of the Government' s sure-fire support price. " Other agriculturists pointed out that the Steagall smtndment en- ables the fanner to make a profit , and that a stop-lose arrangement is all that the Government should attempt They suggest that price- support at t6* , rsther than 90% cf parity would - sufScs to prevent potato farmers front being wiped out In over-production years. "When i you Insure your house agKinst fire, you don't Insure for the full value, " they argue. "Sou aim only at protecting tbe major part of your teYestment" Democrats (Continued tlva. Page 1) admitted to practice law in the state of New York in 1926, and has continued to practice in Riv- erhead town to this date. He Is now and has been for many years a member of the firm of Grilling and Smith. He m admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New Tork. He Is an active member of the Suffolk County Bar Associa- tion. He is a Trustee of the Su- preme Court Llbrcry of ScJtoDc County. He is president of tlie Lawyers ' Association of Suffolk County. He is a member of t' . -o New York State Bur Arsoclotlon. He is a member of th:. American Bar Association. He served as president of the Riverhead Rotary Club In 183S. He is a Past Com- mander of Rlverhaid Post Amer- ican Legion having . served in the year 1980. In 1928 he was County Adjutant of the American Legten. He was Town Attorney for the town of Riverhead in 19*4 and 19S8. He Is a trustee of the Riverhead Savings Bank since 1917. He is a director ot the Riverhead HoS- stti! association. Some of the preset firms of the United States jir* listed among his many cheats - Wsckerty far Sheriff ( The candidate for County Sheriff IS EVUtiaa R Wacfteriy of West •aMos. Mr Waekeriy is a ;«• ttrit Sergeant of Detectives c? Few York City Police Department , and , has made his home in West Babylon for . the past seven years. He Is very well versed In police work and is the recipient of many awards for outstanding service while In the employ of the New Yet* City Police Department He served In the U S Army during World War I and In the U S Navy during World War U. lie Is a disabled war veteran. Democrat*: powers /eel that they have an e x c e l l e nt can- didate in Mr Waekeriy due to his long and rich police experience and also due to the fact that he is a veteran of both world wars. JadMat IMegatsa The following have been desig- nated as delegates and alternaUk from Suffolk County to the Demo- cratic Judicial District convention which win be ' held in Broeklyji following the primary on July M: First Assembly District—Dele- gates , Joseph F O'Brien, Patch- ogue ; Irving Schechter, Smith- town; George W Percy Jr, West- hampton Beach, and Beth A Hub- bard, Riverhead. Alternates; John C Whelan, Kings Park; Vail G Tooker , Port Jefferson; J Leo Sax- stein, Riverhead , and Freak J Mcllann . Greenport Second Assembly District—Dele- gates , Edward A Davis, Bay Shore; ' Harold W Worse] , Holbrook; Eu- gene T O'Neill. Hnntmgton; Sam- uel Raskin , HuhUrifeton ' Station, and J Vincent O'Shea, Babylon. t'AJtentatee , Leo V Johnson , Amity- ^^mi-j mtm ,2fcrfc , Uwfcnhurat; •* George Klein, Babylon; James L - Onara , Northport , and David N Lewis, Bay Shore: ' " J&SrJgFSSZZZ aaJl-ltteaTus ^iaaad i.xaou ¦ r«v R ! Walsh s Steak Sandwkh I WITH VISiTAifclS I y uf m6u ~ - htisr » : Modetats f I AT I ITte C«ry Cer^r | 4 PB c^rvfeiTieNKi? I Cor. Griffins & Main St. I RIVERHIAD , j| cmtvvicrwk *AD *AT *ms BATM TVM Is> Stmeh Tinss) rwysaaMB Asraaiaaiai ATLAITW PLIMSai t nATMI te. MO W. Msfc ss. BlMsaaaf. N.T. Boy Scouts {Conttaued frees Pace 1) bang airMster. is ehairmai) of the board ^ jadgos. He Is a resident ef iZ^mm tThrfc. - ¦ Oata a iUu o wiijitln will take pte-se upon a ' throne constructed upon the school grounds sspecially for the occasion. The Hon Thomas B Dewey, governor of the State of New Yolk sad ' aenenJ eaairman of the Jtyatvsje ttonornfy Com- mittee , ia «atNfeM to officiate at tte ctowalfli 7 * the ouoen. ' Folk dances sad hand concert matlc Is aJev, a^eduled. . (Cantainsd tress Paae W trsatsseat at tte scene and he was r**»ved t* _ tfe» IMOsjatptoa Hon- fatts} ft Atoslt C Peaay ' s ershu- auMW. - liVW6*lt»on is reported tele slat iMoai:"Ke Is bstng at- vtam *Wymt * ' ' The sxeJoW wss laveetigated by Corpora! jSrti ' nr liaw-W and Trooper naatls Harroa , of the Flanders batrabas ef the State Police , sad WHtm* O Halsey Corwin, cf the Riverhead Town Police. No arrest was made. Boy Hit H«VtJ0» JOlET ^ TOB B V>C»TI0 I FUN - -^___8__a__^r_B__________BaaBBB-H Sm : M__S^*^^^' ' - MmW ^f ¦ }?* ^k^^ jt^ lfP^ i ^^^ t^e^^siSi^^kmk^^Mmmmmmmmmmm ^mmmmmmmmmmmm ^s\. ____BBBBB>BBBBBBBB W^*^ **^-9^ * ST ^ IhT jEBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ^^rSlBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBBBBBB ^ l9t * -^^___________K :. * *J* 4 | ____n8__r«___r ^^ ^ *^_SlB!__ !^^^____________________________ ^__ rV *^_^^^_^^^^^ _e _k t WaBBBBBBBBBB^^K'ff^l'^iB ______¦ /' «_____________ ^...^R^^^^ s . ._ e> fl ^ - ^ njH|^ AVAILABLE ON EASY TERMS ^^^ A 6:00xl6 Allstate Tire Costs Onl y FfufaHw ^Bsaaaaaaa ^Saaaaai WtKlWf/ ^Sl ^^mmm C0ST ** ""!r.tiiiMd by Seers Streigbliiae ' Okeribetiea Sysrssj. Their mmmllMsmW DS^Smm ' LOl " : " SERVICE QUAUTY H «««»«"»»T Heet-teeted te a»aia*aia Seen ¦ HpFVl ^ljR^pJ^I^H to that Stan Users! Trsde4a AHwraace and ram see why etlNsss ef »saaiinvAw ^* ^JSF' yHi AaaV TVHiR^i vtrnna MM^ BIMpMMijJ^HB3BBrr ^- ^ aai flSi-i 6:50x16 16.98 * 6:50x16 ^.13* ¦ saaaaaaaaa ^Saaaaaa W \ >^^P^ \ 13 ' 48 ' 7- -00x16 ^H^BB^V S ^^^ x+# \ 5 50x17 3.24* ^aBBBBBSsBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaiaaBBBBBBBT I ? * ' * at^sS' ' 1 'l*"i , *4 ' ^^_P_ p___P_PJ______ l ________ r * * ttt* ^" we^ik. «***^ 't , i ' ^ m m Wg! m *a§m m ^ mm W \ ^ ' iV ' v iC ! ^ ¦ *" _ •. ;' ::\ Other Sf.«a At Slmtlmr SacteM ^>9Bs»£^U!9aVsah______ sw * r \ * - - ? «-w*# _ »|ffl»»%A ^\ w ¦ " ¦ ¦ V - w *1aW^ "S^v* - \ ' ¦ I v f ^*&-> J& £ *lnel»dei red. Iiu6lse Tait CfcasMse Year Spa>rt \v-.:sisl ^ J ^ 0 ^'^ e TT Y ^ i ^ ,, J"** »M 0«wi ^ A *?° x '• ***** TN Oa Yoar Car ! ' fag» ;^»^ ScUtor £_^i £^a Fishpofo ^Sgj_f Twin llcnr I MHHQf Htm ipark p jpg| ! ] 1-Gallen- KlKS || Auto Jack BF^W Carrier fvJBEil Auto Hom ^B3 pfcv* B-Bf fly e*r»wlaltoii.Is- JaN s BKI kea l a K ba?r* tia ¦ BRflH of y^ir co ' . ^ Rub- _#» , -j „|, y S " .otftlr- ' t&BBsl ^^ _L'" <5!T Itl'lll wE& ~ jSi4 Possk* type step- PSJ5S1 °* , » w °* ,M,,pb9 E ^^^^ ber »c« Um cups, "^ J^ W I sy teeiwrptont. ¦ B^ BP^ ' sw»*l BEACH UMBRELLA 18. 9S W^m^m ^ ^ ALL5V*\ E BATTERY mmmS&StWM s auras ruaiBC A OB a ^ aaaalm Va-R^mal «'" H ^W I A i a ¦ MIISRf WmMaWiaW ^RakWaWm fcAvrr* wnaiss ¦ _ . .^yj ¦ -aaaaaaSa BaaV>^BaB * aBBl - S9aaBBBV *^ ^aaaaaaaaaMeabl sayBMg^^jiiiiiig3aB>fcw_^sT^yTa aB^P^^^aaaaaaaaaaaBBS Qi ^MBuBBaB ^Sav^nV wJ.^*^ w^^ s * ^liK ^^^^^^^^ —r^j ^%tl Boot Red, 6' to 9' 8. 45 up Whit* Wh««. Rings §^|^^^ K^ BH •# Es.hana* CorapoundsMl Oil CtittvhuBk Lin. _ 85e up Std >niettSMn:6e95 \\\\ \^D^mWsWsmsa ^s^m\ Allrtote , iO-qt. ccr, 2,, *J W. carry o complete - liae . * E^^^£ » ^^^ m ^ m WmmmW ***** ^"^ &^«w32£ " .S ef Tackla for Flounders , KS^^SSSS ^^sWk WmWmUP ^^ Chev. v » 4«- '4« _ » i^a ,-Mer - , ttt ^ tor hr- Weska, Kings , Stripers , models 1938.42. ' ' ¦ /: ' / ; " N W«*«» »**«> •""• noli * l!,< - «!se Frssh Wotar Eqnipment ¦ ' - ' . -. ' . ' . ' -^--— Why pay more? Get a top-po verfui Allstate Cross- . - —*"~^'"2a3B w nA Country Battery for your car with a $2.00 Treds-ln l&^aWaWl AUSTAtl BOATING NE£DS B^^^SPI * vax ana Allowance. Guaronteed 18 Months. Heavy duty plates W ttS-SS m Motor Tuna _ " . ^ _.. . s_r^-^^_l ©•CMsBf for full output. Sovo on this offer fodoy. f_L____tkfl| Bi &-» 6 FOOT Boot Oars 5.39 K a _ fl _ aiHI JaamWaBStt Pt - 27 t _ _ _ _ „„ ¦¦ P^TJT Pt CCs» N.. 75, Pscksrd , 11 IE No. 29i, Poet., ieksk , «• mm IH " ¦a 'M I ** *• 7 Foot Boot Oors 5.6* g^o r 5»C . 35 . Mi _ 11.15 on... '38-'4l_ *** '* m *^l * ** **** ** Baat Fandars 1.00 up P cifAHl* Appl y AIUI-I. ¦ « *• . ¦ ?*• W *«i | I «w o- -«. \ ' _ , «- H «& Hq»ld wax and No. 76, Ford V-t, has No. 26, Ford , Merc., 1A« _ __, wm ^ -M aSMee new yew j Keot BlUnpara . 1.80 Up m^SJD ^ <J.on»r to piol«t '3J-'3» __ T.T9 Unc, '40-'42. WJL9 B____ BBBB I' **i'r aB**a"**ar I Mooring Buoys 5.50 up *l-^^3 -i s*- e* «« M. . , :i ¦ .*. in-a. Baaaauaaastl r i**-* .— 1 A Trouble - free Car Means A Carefree Vacation -> - ^ jl OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 5 :30 P. M. SATURDAYS 9 A. M. TO 9 f. M. #711 I ssef ^ EAST ****** ST « | ' &*M * !&?^^ ^gffi KJL * :! M <t _s _es si Mi B __iiai| M WI IB TS isSBi iMl idwsaaaaaajssjraj^iiii QBeiii III WMiair- aa i' iiiH ¦ IIHH I HI II IBIIBWJ II i'asiiiiii»aM 7 T^ n7?aaslT^7rTiili a. Church i.ervicj' a nro every Sun- day at 8 p m. Mr and Mrs Edwin Rrnili-in at- tended the graduation of iheir niece. Nancy, daughter of Mr anil Mrs J M Rcmleln, at the lli'nv - ton Bays High School on Sumi. - .y evening. Children who had perfect at- tendance at school for the last half year are : pavid Crohan and Charles Penny; for the last quarter year, . Patricia Fox , kilman Hel- ler, Diane Marcus and Mary Mar- cus. Allen Vonatxslcl won the dol- lar for the greatest improvement In writing. Prises for the best work-books were won by Clyde Cain for 3; Joan Penny for 3; Judy Back for 1; Jackie Poster for 1 , and Harry Penny for 1: 'Before the close of school the children were guests of Thomas I Havens on his big farm, an annual event. School cleaed with a picnic at Stills Beach. : Harry Norwark, Howard Fur- man and Ralph Glover graduated from tbe Hampton Bays High School on Sunday evening. Susan and Clara Haines of Mor- iches are spending a few weeks wi th their. grandparents. Vr and Mrs William Berra. Mr and Mrs Otis Pike of rears- date. NT, spent a few o > •: * . --.ih Mrs . -Pike' s parents, Mr an : Wn fred Orth. Mrs Orth retn/- . ;t> io Scarfdah With them and . :- .rned home oh _ Keno-y. ,- .|'yfc *t| r "«« -CSib ^ have . asked the fathers for a return game- , to be held this Sunday at 8:15 p y on the boys diamond. FLANDERS Mr and Mrs John C Nl -r.stcilt entertained a family dinner parly on their lawn on Sunday evening, cclebmtinK both of their birth- dnys, which were tho 17th and 31st. Thos° to enjoy it were Mr and Mrs Robert ROOSR tuirt children, Su- isniw, Beverly snd John, of New Jersey ; Mr and Mrs Harold Bow- den and daughter. Lynne, ot Riv- erhead ; Mr and Mrs Donald Mat- in and daught»rr. , Donna and Fayi , of Water Mill, and Miss Ella B Wells. For immsdlatn delivery POWBHl TAIUO OFF SPRAYERS. Fanning 4 Houitner, Riverhead . *ns—Advt. Tbe Baiting Hollow School closed on Wednesday of last week. Mrs Wesson, music teacher, awarded prises for the beet music note hooks in the upper grades. The prises were given to .Rite DanleJawich , Payton Randall , Mar- ks*. VKula, John Randall , Ther- esa BJsJtao , James Marsh , Sophie Klt'nsky end fitanlajr Grcaeck. 9>rl*<;t attendance prists were given to Raymond Mayo , Allen aaalfh, Joan CKula. John RKndal! and Dorothy Ranuall. The children of Baiting Hollow School recently enjoyed a special treat when Dr Cunningham show- ed very interesting slides. They took one from Nova Scotia to Mex- ico from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific coast and then back to our own town and (a Baiting hollow. Dr CunnlnghsJu explained the pic- tures and aavs tonic very interest- Ins hlgh-HgiUs «s . them. BATTING HOLLOW

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Post on 08-Mar-2018




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Page 1: fl - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1947-06-26/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · yJ *--¦-• —- "—Se—as—iss— t I - ¦ t lAesHie i ¦ ^ — , ¦¦ '¦¦

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- .-ilJl fpir Only Jfe $|JQ Jfe 4 •»• f.00 M

S""?*?-?* 0 C®TTON W. S. NAVY V _-_rT__aSS?V B

^ wiSL «ABAI4MKB 3HT»f TBUNKS J_S____5a. flV,»F IBTS (_|^|C__ gm_,s 1<M>% *££*"** I

BBW H"* *W $1«5 IsnaB


T O W E L S Cf-Bbesl Yarn SPSaaT, SBK-'aS TOWELS B3 f°r $..00 Ste Wc 69c I¦¦¦ ¦

IM-—--. I-SVB ¦»- I HI - III -I -- S I . I I - ¦ ¦¦ « — ¦ ¦ !¦ ¦ ¦¦ II l«-»B----- -^ B

¦J. S. W»vy ,_, «* 'l B¦Ite Jsuafrera Heavy Baiy S T E E R . Tamo—oatm ** H

$1elf jiatfwty Ifc* C H E S T S srass- Ba^Mty ¦

****** wss*- eaeo $_»» TTwT I$LW **" ond $3.49 $2.i*f S2J9 I


|3.|9 J $pf |9|€ oni!$1.47 [ $4.49 g

CA R L & BOB' S 5i F A i R |\M 4 FLANDEftS ROAD At Peeonk Ave. Circle I


Accidents At(Continued from Page 1)

the Riverhead Town Police in-vestigated the accident.

Pcfittlbie Skull FractureDnnipl Fnhy, 20, of Main road,

Mattituck. suffere d a possible frac -ture of the skull in a motorcycleaccident on the Peconic Biy boule-vard, Jamejpori. about 3:20 a mon Moi.day. He was riding en therear seat of a motorcycle oper-ated by Walter R Bergen. 21, otBaser avenue, Mattituclt, whichstruck some Mnd and overturned.

Bergen also suffered serious in-juries. Both young men were giv-en emergency treatment by DrI Fred Frankel, of Riverhead.Fahy was removed to ths South-ampton Hospital.

Tbo accident was investigatedby Patrolman Robert Leonard otthe Rlverh*ad Town Police.

HermaiiA wards(Continued from' Page 1)

and P e c o n i c Bay boulevard,Jiinicr-port .

't in? Herman car was proceedingin i\ .iii 'itherly direction en Depotlane r-nt] the Whitty car in a west-erly direction on Peconic Eayboulevard. The plaintiffs, of course,contended that the accident wasdue to the negligence of Mr Whit-ty. The latter testified that hestopped his car about 100 feet backfrom the intersection and whenhe observed no cars near the in-tersection he started his car againand proceeded and when he wascrossing Depot lane the crash oc-curred.

Mr Whitty, who is chief clerkof the Appellate Term of the Su-preme Court, Second Department,and a prominent Democratic lead-er of Kings County, suffered afracture of the skuli, a fractureoi the jawbone and six of his ribswere fractured.

Mr Herman's injuries were notserious.

Mrs Herman sought $25,000 dam-ages for her injuries and $760property damage to her car, andher husband $15,000 for his in-juries and $10,000 to reimbursehim for expenditures for hospitaland medical treatment for hiswife.

It is understood that Mr Whittyhas instituted an action againstMr and Mrs Herman in KingsCounty for heavy damages for theinjuries he sustained.

QTJQGUEwalker Arch. Arthur Oooley,

Bruc-o- Fedcrico, Clifford Hawkias,Louis Lucas and Lorraine Medu-ski have been taking their pre-liminary regent:: at Westhamp-ton .Beach High School this pastweek.

For Immediate delivery PCW BitTAKE OFF SPRAYERS. Fannin.& Housner, Riverhead JOlS-Advt.

Rev Asa Ray Lewis will conductSunday evening services In theQuogue chapel on Quogue streetagain this summer. The summerservices will begin on July 1

CENTEREACHTeddy Overton , «on of Mr :md

Mrs Percy Overton, who Is a stu-dent at the Nationnl "Bible Insti-tute of New York , .spent tl ie weekwith his parents.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Burkhardlof Lindenhurst, spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Tony Manilla andfamily.

For Immediate delivery POWERTAKE OFF SPRAYERS. FanningA Rousncr, Riverhead 2018—Advt.

Mr and Mrs Robert Ncwbolt ofScuthold, were gucsti last Sundayof Mr and Mrn Harvey Williamsand family.

Dr Robert E Krltsch oi Allen-town, Pa, was a guest speaker atthe Congregational Church herelast Friday night.

Miss Bernlce Overton startedlast Friday for the March of LifeCamp at Swan Lake in the Adtron-dacks, where she is one of thecounselor* a/id she will spend thesummer there.

The Bible study will be on Mon-day night this week at the par-sonage with the pastor as leader.

Thursday evening prayer moot-ing will be at the CongregationalChurch this week.

School closed In District No. 11last Friday and a picnic was heldon that day at West MeadowBeach.

Plane Crash(Continued from Page 1)

1M4. For the next two years heserved as a flight Instructor atvarious Army fields in tho country.

His last assignment before golr.t.overseeo was at an Army provingground In Florida where ha demort-sts sted jet propelled planes forMen rajfklcg Army officers andrepresentatives of foreign powers .

j ciSwd'.nB to H's letters receivedfrom Okinawa, ho had been fiyinsRepublic Thunderbolts lately, andbac, been Instructing West Pointmen assigned to Okinawa for Sighttraining;

His fstnsr and brother are theonly survivors. '

50.000 Sniisls>' ~£- -—¦—,

(Continued from Pas* 1)piratibn date won't come untilDec 31, IMS.

It «as considered only fair tothe fanner to cuah'on his recon-version to psaee—as was done for\hdu»trisJh.i,+--}.enc« Ihte two-yearpttrvWon; A parity $iric« Is onewBSMbi will gt«e potatoes—or othersllptftytea farm ' proiructt—a p'ur-ch&slftji; pc*er equivalent to thatpi tnEkz fa 4 favorafele base per-tof. trtvS'pefic^ used" is that froml¥n *i\: Tfclv ear Suffolk farm-fer» art jryira-tced »l>out SH cenUper' peimd, bagged and ready for

They can't lose. It calculationsa» "irt»l<; misfire, cr the weathers ottM provs too good, and tiienrfales jnaterUiiSf la a secondpirer-afcaidanea . tending to v«*ntte »«kW >rle«" *wn, farm.rtcan always MR t-irn to the Oov-eranaMt et 2*' eenfs for the stand-ara trade. Tin the jMce-allw,-ie* 'aicther IV cthts, «r a bitWro, for trari«?crtatj«s and arid-«M-en--wtB SS« »a# "b«o# 6 or 8cents to the New York housewife,no nutter how great the surplus.

Now, suppose this unwanted sur-plus were plumpM on the saarketand the oM law of supply ana de-mand operated without any BUa-gall AaanasseatT What wouldhapsMKi f > ,

*wVa la* ifaai Bes*Bald Jean J Issaer, 1*eeoalc

fanner: 1 saafsa* sre'e let tjeraret In the islaFaet aether totake them to SsHMt. « we didtake them to asstket,' fo sell themat. M or 40 - cants "pw hundred-welgat-^Owr-tehtes of a cent perpound at * less '1 would be thernlhattscr of maMt. county. Theeatastrdatie' wsnM be so vast, enI S SHMII aasje, t*at' tr.o oan't

5yvn?r« *»etk« Ba tae sapportWtoe tatght erjajr 'thz market solow that the fajrmer VCQW not beable to ftnance puutB y of a siza-ble, crop tue foUowit „ uar. Then,ta the. event of' Sit eatbee, orethei auat lvMttnre,

the conasmer

wbntd lave h6 potatoes at all. orget a few at outrageous prices."

It cost the Oovemicant 180,000,-000 last year to buy up the potatosurplus, 1P accordance with tbeSteagall amendment

Fanner'Fred Zeb, of Calvertor.,believes Congress should lower thesupport price from the present12.40 per hundred pounds guaran-teed to the farmer, to around $1or $155.

Racketeer* Muscle In"Tbe farmer would still cam

enough to prevent farm fore-;)on-ures," said Zee. "In Suffolk Countyand. In California, .rackets:?.? tike

advantage of the Government'ssure-fire support price."

Other agriculturists pointed outthat the Steagall smtndment en-ables the fanner to make a profit,and that a stop-lose arrangementis all that the Government shouldattempt They suggest that price-support at t6*, rsther than 90%cf parity would- sufScs to preventpotato farmers front being wipedout In over-production years.

"When i you Insure your houseagKinst fire, you don't Insure forthe full value," they argue. "Souaim only at protecting tbe majorpart of your teYestment"

Democrats(Continued tlva. Page 1)

admitted to practice law in thestate of New York in 1926, andhas continued to practice in Riv-erhead town to this date. He Isnow and has been for many yearsa member of the firm of Grillingand Smith.

He m admitted to practice inthe United States District Courtfor the Eastern District of NewTork. He Is an active member ofthe Suffolk County Bar Associa-tion. He is a Trustee of the Su-preme Court Llbrcry of ScJtoDcCounty. He is president of tlieLawyers' Association of SuffolkCounty. He is a member of t'.-oNew York State Bur Arsoclotlon.He is a member of th:. AmericanBar Association. He served aspresident of the Riverhead RotaryClub In 183S. He is a Past Com-mander of Rlverhaid Post Amer-ican Legion having.served in theyear 1980. In 1928 he was CountyAdjutant of the American Legten.He was Town Attorney for thetown of Riverhead in 19*4 and 19S8.He Is a trustee of the RiverheadSavings Bank since 1917. He isa director ot the Riverhead HoS-stti! association. Some of thepreset firms of the United Statesjir* listed among his many cheats

- Wsckerty far Sheriff(The candidate for County Sheriff

IS EVUtiaa R Wacfteriy of West•aMos. Mr Waekeriy is a ;«•ttrit Sergeant of Detectives c?Few York City Police Department,and, has made his home in WestBabylon for .the past seven years.

He Is very well versed In policework and is the recipient of manyawards for outstanding servicewhile In the employ of the NewYet* City Police Department Heserved In the U S Army duringWorld War I and In the U S Navyduring World War U. lie Is adisabled war veteran.

Democrat*: powers /eel thatthey have an exce l l ent can-didate in Mr Waekeriy due to hislong and rich police experienceand also due to the fact that heis a veteran of both world wars.

JadMat IMegatsaThe following have been desig-

nated as delegates and alternaUkfrom Suffolk County to the Demo-cratic Judicial District conventionwhich win be ' held in Broeklyjifollowing the primary on July M:

First Assembly District—Dele-gates, Joseph F O'Brien, Patch-ogue; Irving Schechter, Smith-town; George W Percy Jr, West-hampton Beach, and Beth A Hub-bard, Riverhead. Alternates; JohnC Whelan, Kings Park; Vail GTooker, Port Jefferson; J Leo Sax-stein, Riverhead, and Freak JMcllann. Greenport

Second Assembly District—Dele-gates, Edward A Davis, Bay Shore;

' Harold W Worse], Holbrook; Eu-gene T O'Neill. Hnntmgton; Sam-uel Raskin, HuhUrifeton ' Station,and J Vincent O'Shea, Babylon.

t'AJtentatee, Leo V Johnson, Amity-^^mi-j mtm ,2fcrfc, Uwfcnhurat;•* George Klein, Babylon; James L- Onara, Northport, and David N

Lewis, Bay Shore: ' "

J&SrJg FSSZZZaaJl-ltteaTus iaaad i.xaou

¦r«v R! Walsh s Steak

SandwkhI WITH VISiTAifclS Iyuf m6u~- htisr »: Modetats fI AT I

ITteC«ryCer r|4PB c^rvfeiTieNKi? ICor. Griffins & Main St. I


cmtvvicrwk*AD*AT*msBATM TVM

Is> StmehTinss) rwysaaMB Asraaiaaiai


MOW.Msfcss. BlMsaaaf.N.T.

Boy Scouts{Conttaued frees Pace 1)

bang airMster. is ehairmai) of theboard jadgos. He Is a residentef iZ mm tThrfc. - ¦

OataaiUuo wiijitln will takepte-se upon a ' throne constructedupon the school grounds sspeciallyfor the occasion. The Hon ThomasB Dewey, governor of the State ofNew Yolk sad'aenenJ eaairmanof the Jtyatvsje ttonornfy Com-mittee, ia «atNfeM to officiate attte ctowalfli7 * the ouoen.' Folk dances sad hand concertmatlc Is aJev, a eduled..

(Cantainsd tress Paae Wtrsatsseat at tte scene and he wasr**»ved t*_ tfe» IMOsjatptoa Hon-fatts} ft Atoslt C Peaay's ershu-auMW.- liVW6*lt»on is reportedtele slat iMoai:"Ke Is bstng at-vtam *Wymt* '• '

The sxeJoW wss laveetigatedby Corpora! jSrti'nr liaw-W andTrooper naatls Harroa, of theFlanders batrabas ef the StatePolice, sad WHtm* O HalseyCorwin, cf the Riverhead TownPolice. No arrest was made.

Boy Hit

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TN Oa Yoar Car!' fag»; » ScUtor

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J W I syteeiwrptont. ¦B^BP


BEACH UMBRELLA 18.9S W m m A L L 5 V *\ E BATTERY mmmS&StWMs auras ruaiBC A OB a aaaalm Va-R^mal «'" H ^W I A i a ¦M I I S R f WmMaWiaW RakWaWmfcAvrr* wnaiss ¦_ . . yj ¦-aaaaaaSa BaaV>^BaB*aBBl - S9aaBBBV*^ aaaaaaaaaMeabl

sayBMg^ jiiiiiig3aB>fcw_ sT yTa aB P^ aaaaaaaaaaaBBSQi^MBuBBaB Sav nV wJ. * w^s* liK ^ ^ ^ ^ —r j ^%tlBoot Red, 6' to 9' 8.45 up Whit* Wh««. Rings § | ^ KBH •# Es.hana* CorapoundsMl Oil

CtittvhuBk Lin. _ 85e up Std>niettSMn:6e95 \\\\ \ D mWsWsmsa s m\ Allrtote, iO-qt. ccr, 2,,*J

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^ m mWmmmW ***** " & «w32£ ".Sef Tackla for Flounders, KS^ SSSS ^ sWk WmWmUP Chev. v »4«- '4« _» i a ,-Mer-, ttt

tor hr-Weska, Kings, Stripers —, models 1938.42. ' ' ¦ / : ' / ; " N W«*«» »**«> •""• •noli* l!,<-«!se Frssh Wotar Eqnipment ¦—'- ' . -. ' . ' . ' - --— Why pay more? Get a top-po verfui Allstate Cross- . -

—*"~ '"2a3B w nA Country Battery for your car with a $2.00 Treds-ln l& aWaWl AUSTAtlBOATING NE£DS B^^^SPI *vax ana Allowance. Guaronteed 18 Months. Heavy duty plates WttS-SSm Motor Tuna

„ _ ". _ . .. s_r -^ _l ©•CMsBf for full

output. Sovo

on this

offer fodoy. f_L____tkfl| Bi &-»6 FOOT Boot Oars 5.39 Ka_fl_aiHI JaamWaBStt Pt- 27t_ _ _ _ „„ ¦¦P TJT Pt CCs» N.. 75, Pscksrd, 11 IE No. 29i, Poet., ieksk, «• mm IH "¦a 'M I ***•7 Foot Boot Oors 5.6* g^o

r 5»C .35.Mi_ 11.15 on... '38-'4l_ *** '* m* l *********Baat Fandars 1.00 up P cifAHl* Appl y AIUI-I. ¦«*• . ¦?*• W *«i| I «w o--«. \„ ' _ , «- H «& Hq»ld wax and No. 76, Ford V-t, has No. 26, Ford, Merc., 1A«_ __, wm -M aSMee new yew jKeot BlUnpara . 1.80 Up m SJD <J.on»r to piol«t '3J-'3» __ T.T9 Unc, '40-'42. WJL9 B____ BBBBI' **i'raB**a"**ar I

Mooring Buoys 5.50 up *l-^ 3 -is*- e* ««M. . , :i ¦.*. in-a. Baaaauaaastl ri**-*

.— 1 A Trouble - free Car Means A Carefree Vacation -> - ^ jlOPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 5 :30 P. M. SATURDAYS 9 A. M. TO 9 f . M. #711 Issef EAST ****** ST« |'&*M *!&?^ gffi KJL*:!

M<t_s_essiMiB__iiai| MWI IBTS isSBiiMlidwsaaaaaajssjraj iiii QBeiii III WMiair-aai' iiiH ¦IIHH IHIIIIBIIBWJII i'asiiiiii»aM7T n7?aaslT 7rTiilia.

Church i.ervicj 'a nro every Sun-day at 8 p m.

Mr and Mrs Edwin Rrnili-in at-tended the graduation of iheirniece. Nancy, daughter of Mr anilMrs J M Rcmleln, at the lli'nv -ton Bays High School on Sumi.-.yevening.

Children who had perfect at-tendance at school for the lasthalf year are: pavid Crohan andCharles Penny; for the last quarteryear, . Patricia Fox, kilman Hel-ler, Diane Marcus and Mary Mar-cus. Allen Vonatxslcl won the dol-lar for the greatest improvementIn writing. Prises for the bestwork-books were won by ClydeCain for 3; Joan Penny for 3; JudyBack for 1; Jackie Poster for 1,and Harry Penny for 1:'Before theclose of school the children wereguests of Thomas I Havens onhis big farm, an annual event.School cleaed with a picnic atStills Beach.: Harry Norwark, Howard Fur-man and Ralph Glover graduatedfrom tbe Hampton Bays HighSchool on Sunday evening.

Susan and Clara Haines of Mor-iches are spending a few weekswith their. grandparents. Vr andMrs William Berra.

Mr and Mrs Otis Pike of rears-date. NT, spent a few o >•:* .--.ihMrs .-Pike's parents, Mr an : Wnfred Orth. Mrs Orth retn/- . ; t> ioScarfdah With them and .:- .rnedhome oh_ Keno-y.,-.|'yfc *t|r"«« -CSib have .

asked the fathers for a returngame-, to be held this Sunday at8:15 p y on the boys diamond.

FLANDERSMr and Mrs John C Nl-r.stcilt

entertained a family dinner parlyon their lawn on Sunday evening,cclebmtinK both of their birth-dnys, which were tho 17th and 31st.Thos° to enjoy it were Mr and MrsRobert ROOSR tuirt children, Su-isniw, Beverly snd John, of NewJersey ; Mr and Mrs Harold Bow-den and daughter. Lynne, ot Riv-erhead; Mr and Mrs Donald Mat-in and daught»rr., Donna andFayi, of Water Mill, and Miss EllaB Wells.

For immsdlatn delivery POWBHlTAIUO OFF SPRAYERS. Fanning4 Houitner, Riverhead .*ns—Advt.

Tbe B a i t i n g Hollow Schoolclosed on Wednesday of last week.Mrs Wesson, m u s i c teacher,awarded prises for the beet musicnote hooks in the upper grades.The prises were given to .RiteDanleJawich, Payton Randall, Mar-ks*. VKula, John Randall, Ther-esa BJsJtao, James Marsh, SophieKlt'nsky end fitanlajr Grcaeck.9>rl*<;t attendance prists weregiven to Raymond Mayo, Allenaaalfh, Joan CKula. John RKndal!and Dorothy Ranuall.

The children of Baiting HollowSchool recently enjoyed a specialtreat when Dr Cunningham show-ed very interesting slides. Theytook one from Nova Scotia to Mex-ico from the Atlantic to the Pa-cific coast and then back to ourown town and (a Baiting hollow.Dr CunnlnghsJu explained the pic-tures and aavs tonic very interest-Ins hlgh-HgiUs «s . them.