i want devops. how do i justify it?

www.ecs.co.uk I want DevOps, how do I justify it? Jason Man – DevOps Practice Lead

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I want DevOps, how do I justify it?Jason Man DevOps Practice Lead


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Who am I?

Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Its happening right now

81% of Enterprises already have or plan to adopt a DevOps strategy


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 There is a need to innovate


Everyone wants to do it and we are all talking about it

Do they really understand the benefits? What is it you are ultimately trying to achieve.

Not many truly understand why they need to adopt certain concepts

Its not about implementing a cloud solution or even automated deploymentsCommercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Establish the Why? And Why now?

Its what the real business value it brings.

Often we forget the bigger picture and bog down on the technical layer (easy)

Its not about keeping up with the times, its not about adopting the latest tools. We are ultimately here to bring value to the business which ends up looking at the share price/value and beating the competition


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016

Harvard Business School professor Theodore LevittDevOps?Success / Value?

People dont want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.

Great quoteOften we forget why we do what we do. Too much emphasis is on the Tools, and less of the result.CIO surveycouldnt go to board an ask for 500k for DevOpsFocus on high deployment numbers out of context. why do I want 50 deploys per day? Finance team dont want that, they work on monthly cycles so improving to monthly deployments would be awesome.In this analogy is DevOps the drill (although its not a tool in the traditional sense) and business success/value the hole?Ever been asked to deliver DevOps, or agility to Mainframe work. The Modern day tools, born out of the Mode 2 work is inundated with tools to help achieve DevOps vision, making Chasm leaps fairly easy.


We cant just ask the business for a DevOps budget

Establish the roles and teams to standardise on set goals

Set the big picture, do we all understand what it is the organisation is looking to achieve.

Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 DevOps impacts the entire business

Our analysis has shown that companies with high-performing IT teams are twice as likely to exceed their profitability, market share and productivity goals.

Moreover, there appears to be a link between IT and market capitalization of public companies, with high IT performance correlating to 50 percent greater growth over three years.


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 People

You can have the shiniest car, but whats the point if you dont know how to drive it and no idea how some of the parts fit together?

Everyone working together knowing what they are looking to achieve. This is no different in a large enterprise.


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Get everyone involved!

Bringing Dino into the DevOps cycle.Customers have tried this and ultimately they found the biggest failings is not involving all the stakeholders


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Barriers to adoption

more training (66%), redesigning processes (66%) and hiring new resources with the necessary skills (66%).

42% of respondents indicate release automation to be the most critical tool to enabling DevOps, followed by Functional Testing (40%) and Application Development Lifecycle (38%). These are some of the highest figures in the APJ region.40% of respondents have seen an improvement in new software and services that would otherwise not be possible or explored, as well as a reduction in time spent fixing and maintaining applications (34%).To measure the success of their DevOps implementation, 43% of Singapore enterprises look primarily at external business factors such as increased revenue, faster time-to-market, and improved competitive positioning; andOn the other hand, 40% measures success by looking primarily at internal factors such as lower costs, fewer application defects, improved application performance, and better collaboration across departments.


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 The Business Case

Increased Deployment Frequency

Example of Business Talk vs. Technical talk

What does increased deployment frequencies mean?

Tech Smaller changes easier to manage, less chance of failuresFaster release cycles shorten lead times which means you can spend more time to innovate

Business Shorter release cycles means features go out faster which often means you get benefits and paid faster!Shorter time to market enables you to get ahead of the competition


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 The Business CaseOutline Initiatives Define the goal

TCO Initial setup, software cost, operating costs, resourcing

Example of Business Talk vs. Technical talk

What does increased deployment frequencies mean?

Tech Smaller changes easier to manage, less chance of failuresFaster release cycles shorten lead times which means you can spend more time to innovate

Business Shorter release cycles means features go out faster which often means you get benefits and paid faster!Shorter time to market enables you to get ahead of the competition


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 The Business Case, your ROI

Savings + Profits + Productivity

__________________________Investment (TCO) + Reinvestment+ Intangible Benefits

Tangible benefitsInfraDeploymentLead time

Intangible benefits InnovationCultureIncreased productivity


1. Investment in build, test, deploy and provisioning

2. Investment in IT infrastructure.

3. Investment to complement skills in development and operations teams.

Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 The Business Case, Facts

If you are outlining a DevOps initiative you must look at the entire end to end (big picture)

Look at specific areas of improvement, where and what will provide the maximum value return with the least amount of effort?

Understand the the total cost model for such initiatives, you have to be able to measure your spend before you can begin to identify your ROI


4. Investment in organizational changes.

5. More for less vs. Slow down to Speed up

Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 The Business Case, Facts


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Summary

1. Innovation

2. Establish the Why?

3. Foster the right culture

4. Start small, think BIG!

5. Its a Journey


Commercial In Confidence - ECS 2016 Thank YouJason Man [email protected]@ecs-digi
