· i' ' the sun, friday, july 2v, 1804. , 9 'i...

I' ' THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 2V, 1804. , 9 'I asi comxxrciax.. .1 Mtw Tark rltas. Eaehaasrs Sal) laly M, at tntlTIt) (TATM AMD STTAT IK1KM (IX tl.OOOs). Mfi 11 Vr debt I 6SCr44 100M IWl.i M I glomco prick or tmrrcD itatm bonds. J JM. .Aired.... Bid. Asred. B JSa:::::AirjSft S?:::8) z RAILROAD AND OTlIItn BOND ftft 11,00 0(0. Atchison a 7044 4 Nor n n of Cl Be H Si j vvj 8 ........... ...... .. TOW V I..M..II.I.U i 1H OhoMlis cn.,.lP8 ?0H 1 Ohio M 8F,jo9 iii;:.;...-- . jo 1? or r !:. .Mu .. jot, io8J 5 71. 104 ft Atohisxra Mi, A . 0K 8 Oregon Imp 0 ... 64H i IS..... VOW 0 85 Ci 1 4. 8U '1 AmtlOss ...U..I18 1 11(11,0,0 AStt la irrodsrsy Tth 4)4a.Bl 104 'JT atcbos. 10W4 10RhVrTU... MM tr... no o saG ikORtio to. WW 1 hock til ... i IltrnriklynEltd.. 3 Rock lal ex is... 01W JCblAOcnfH ....105 ... . .ioiH .....105. H ioiw ,. 105 a Rock III deb 5s. . I4 WH 1 RhA RnvSs..". 76 AOBWtntg, 1 Rcsdlng inl 4s, . 7SJ4 !J ootr....... ...... .101 II .. 7H O.B Q 4,r,eb 7 ....... 75ji ex.. 88J4 10 Reading I it pflno 8.)4 IH 6,. .... "H lsow 10 heading tdprino 8 J 8 Canada So 1st. ...lew 1 Readlngdefln... 44 4 , lOW, 6RI0 O Wllt... . (14 Canada So Id IPMj 0 Scioto VANE 4s. (WW , . 104 10 .. . ft! Ch Kill tnl 6.. V7J4 0 i'H rh.StLANOos.llnl, 1 Bt r A Mlnnacn. 183 ChloAErlelno .. 31H 1 RoPaenfCal HI. 104 DenAROcn 71 out V ft Ma lit. M Edison It 1 1st... .1014 OA 11014 Ft Worth lit S7M 15 St P Ma con t. . 11VJ fowaOnt lit.... PO 7.. 110 i KiuPaccon 7VM st PftUcpn 4U.l0flU KanftTei4i 7hW 10 Bt L HFSJ.orn.ll W ......,. im S8tpni4.. . . en Kn ft Tex .... 40 SHtl.ftHWllt. 04M frJMOu lit.. H7U 4KtLftBWil 14U Mo,KftKlit..... ItH 1 Bat Wlit in Max Inl lit 4a.. 70 80Bn A ft APUt U 014 70H DSt JoftOI lit... A3 OMInpiftntL lm loneatl.H K lit. 43 Hi 140 18 Tax Pae Id In.. VI IBU 14 Union Pao.Mm.. 0HI 8 Union Tac, M7i.. 104 ISM 4 Union Pae, 'vaa..iott a 104 93 10414 fMatniit 8.. IOIW I I0tj 'Union l'c, V9I..104W lit 7a.lll BUnlonFao.tir,.. 87 lOOH 1 Union Kl lit...... KU MM A r...,.Vl04l 11 Wabaah lit?. I09Q 4KT.OW.r4a. 8 1 10J l!!x!!'.V.V.'.'.'.!!!l!! r&h isWabiiin d'. '.'.;."." 70 MT.OftWen6a.108M SWBIiora4a 104 Total aalaa of railway bonda (par Talus), 1902.000. BAIUtOAD AltD OTnKR BHARES. Open' IHqK- - Low- - C1orino.y fain. (no. nt. m, Md. A&nL 40AdaniKx...,14M 160M 148V 16(1 161 4KlAm8tlHef..l04ft 104 lOlri 103 109M 33Am8Mlte(p. 84 84 84 84 OttJ 84 Amer Cabls... 88W 80 89W D8U 81 400 Amrr Too. ... M 88 M niil (is 8AAmerTobrM01 10V 10 103 103 SOtSAtch.TftaV. 814 4 UK 4 414 800 Canada South. 48U 48U 4e( 40W 48W S80Cha ft Ohio.. 10 1GH inC loC7 inU TOOOOiteaapOaa.. 74 74 7, 7a4J 73J 180ChloAlton.l40K 14 14( 140 14 10XO,CCft8tL. 8U 534 H 83 SO 133ChioNW...104 104 104 104 104W 0ChftNWpf.l4aV 14fW 14KW 141 14tQ fSSOCBftQ..,'.. 74jl 74tJ 74tl 74M 741 llSAOC.MftBtP... 87W M B7M BM 8Sli (42 1184 Ubtt 117H 118 t04SO.RIPac... 8Q SOU 6M4 On oV tD!nadaon.180Q ISOU 1AOU 1S0U 13IU 001ei. Lft W....108 18 lOt 10.1 104 nooDenftROpf. M4 4 sH 7 x?K UtMDUtlUftOr. 18 18 lTtJ 18l;, lhM 100OnralElec. 84 88 SO 80 soil AOIIllnoliCant.. 8IW siu 8IW now ul!J 100 Lake Shore. ..lHOtJ 180U loC uuU 191 SOOLITrme.. 14W 14 14K 14S I4t( 1800 lull ft Naab. 43li 46 4S(, 43 J 40 4S8ttashat Con..ll4U IIS 114L imU HSW IS Mich Cent.... 8SV 8SW 831, 84 9(1W boo Minn ft 8t L.. 8i2 aU "4 4 1710XtuourlPao. xstf 84V I.W 84 S4U 8A3 MY Central... 87 87 87 VO 07W oOONatlad 37H 8N 37)4 IITjJ 8xiJ 40NatIxad pf.. 84 84lJ 84 B3tf 84 S10N Y.LKft W. 14 14 14 14 1414 10.VY,8W... 1414 14H 14t. 144 140 480SY.8ftWpf. 40 40 40 4(1 4oB 000 Northern Pac. 84 314 84 W M 800 North Pao pf. lj 13 181, 18W 18W 800 Ontario ft W. 14U 14W 14; 14tj 14rJ t880PhlUftUead. 17 17 17 17j5 172 18PullPCarCo.lSAU 16 lBOU 18Q 16 8001' C.CftHtL. loij lOtj lotj loVj U 100 Pitta ft Wp7. 8tf 0 80 - 88SRIehft WP... 14H 14M 1414 144 li lOOKIehftWPnf. 18 18 IX 17W It 800 st I' A Omaha. 8.V4 HV4 mu 3t2 30 lOrttPftOmnf 118 118 110 118 117 00Btl MAM.. .100 103 103 lot 101U 800 Southern Pao I7W 1H 171 in tal 18SOTennCftI.... 17(2 17U lnjj inv 17VJ 600 Texaa ParlHo. 8W xw HU hQ nU 173T.AAANM. 4J 47 4(7 4 4C2 1800 Union Pacific MJJ u tW H4 u 710Uarordase.. so xuM so sow 81 HUH Cord pf... 34 84 84 34 39 lOOlfllUbber... 344 H44 8U-S4t- M 400 UH Leather.. 10 10U 8lj WW lu . 800 U 8 Leathpf.. SS ootl 63 Mi 60 flj ,1 400 Wabaih pf.. 134 la 1344 I8V4 1HU I I IOWeUa.KarEx.110 llri lls m 117 Jl 884 WeatUn TeU. 844 8IT4 844 M fV 116S Wheel ft L K. Bt 10 8 bl, 84 SSOWhftLJCpf.. 40 40 39 87 89 Total aalea of atocka were 188.800 iharea. BOSTON CLOSIKO QCOTATIONr). Bid. Jitltd. Bid. Atlnl. Boe ft Albany. 803 80S ErieTeL ..40 404 boa Maine.., 148 Weetlnah'ie K 88 81 Cn.Bfty 7444 74!4 Weal Knd L'U. 84 8H CentMaai 10 One ft Mon.. 814 Fltehburg 0844 Butte ft lloi... H 84 Vex On 4i.. 64 Cal ft llecla. .878 - OldroJonr,.,, 180 A. Tft8Pe4l, 70W 7I(' Am Bell Tel. ..180 187 A. T ft a Fe Ino 80H 81 riIILADILI-ni- CLOSINO QUOTATIONS. Bid. AtM. Bid. Alitd. VOI SS OSujLehCftXro . SI 68 ConTracfn&a 8SJ4 MS IPennaHR.... 4H1 494 People'! Tree. 4B4 4Sti Phlla Tract'n.. 834 9(1 A LehUh Valley. aij 8o!4IMet Traction. 114 118 l LATEST I)NDON QUOTATIONS. f Atchteon.. . .. 8 Norfolk ft Weit pf .. 19r V Canadun Padnc .. SH4 Northern I'acldo pf .. is LUI KMeeommon. 14 Ontario ft Weiteru... IS I J'. Erie 8d oonaola.. ... 744 TenniylTanla Sou HIT jlilnoli Central 8.1 Beadlnx S 1 f Kanaai ft Texaa. ... 18481 Paul. 69 Jiy lakeHhore 1384 Union PaelBo 9 BlJ Ism ft NaihTllle .. . 40U Wabaen pf 134 IH ii Y Central tr4 .jS TnunSDAT, Julj 28. ' Theconru of prices in the stock market to day reflected a steady covering movement by the short Interest. The advances were gradual and In no rases extraordinary, bat were signifi- cant as taking place without the Incentive of favorable developments or of any special change in the situation. Closing prices for the general Hat were at or only fractionally below the highest of the day. The only active stocks In v hlch the net changes exceeded 1 point were Distillers' and 8ugar. The former received support from the general disposition to cover, while Pugar certificates on a very heavy volume of business sold down nearly 3 V cent., closing wilh a net .1 loss of 2J y cent, on the day. Outside of the regular manipulation of the certificates motive I causes for the decline were apprehensions of a i , loss of the discriminating protection given to the refiners in the Senate bill, and there were evidences also of the liquidation of a large line of the stock recently acquired by one of Its habitual manipulators. It may be added that the strength of Distillers' was not unaccompanied by statements from its executive, though the connection between them ia not clear. The covering was most pronounced In the Granger share, and no doubt waa accelerated by official denials of recent reports bearing on the next Hock Island dividend. The total volume of business was not large, and was rather unequally divided between Hug-a- r certificates and all the jb others. Among the inactive shares declines of S IV cent. In Wheeling and Lake Erie common I jL and of 2H V cent, in the preferred were noted. LTj Pittsburgh and Western preferred also sold at a Tfl decline of 7 points from its last recorded sale on J April si, K The news of the day waa meagre and the de- - V A Telopments of a routine character. Clold to the I i amount of over $?.000,O0O was withdrawn from V the of which 18,000,000 U de- ft talced for Kurope and the balance for Canada. I An equal or larger amount will almost certainly I be taken until which time it is lm-- I Possible to state the exact requirements of the I sellers of exchange. The committee under the 1 trust Indenture of the Union Pacific Hallway I Company has decided to advise the holders of il the company's 0 V cent, collateral trust notes iVv Bot ,u v"" ,ho collection of their prlncl-- Vu Pal at the present tlm. These obligations, it Mil bo recalled, were issued In 1HU1 in order i to fund the curupanr'a then embarraaaiug Coating debt. They mature Aug. 1, but It 1 Is manifestly Impossible for the company to pay ' Ai'fm at 'h' time. Further on lu this article win bo found the full recommendation of the Committee and a statement of what ha been accomplished by arrangement with the receiv- er. i'lnal sales compare with those of yesterday a follows; At. TAB fa $44 K Y Central. 97W 87 I Canada 80. 4 49U Ont ft West. , Uti lift V 4. ft St U SM iRockltUnd. Ufl 664 m C.IlAy T4J3 Iti ' Kleh ft W r. . 14U 14V4 "IcaioUaa 74 lA IKlch ftWPpf. 17 IS 1 ij tni lSU 174 5i WsftOlPtt ITiJ l'StPalScom. 670 V (rtoLlac si sn1, Texaa Pa. fc 84 y 44 45U Colon Pac. btj H liJf I fc Shore 18VM ISOU V blUtnUg. to SoJJ KkU 1 I44 1 IS, West I'afel 844 ?2 gUtourlPac 8U4j tl WkaelftLK loU 844 H 1 C'"'.0" 4 104 WaealftLCpf 41H P ft 14 IJ I H I . Qwernmsnt bonds saaier. The 4s closed M3H M tent, lower bid. Hallway bonds Orm. The AH tI! vre Oregon Kallnay and NarlxaUon m b "".wcjoa Ixaprpteiiujit tva. Ittcliinond and BsBsaavX z4' a-- aiiaaBSxSxawMsawsassasasasgSPaaa - TeTTnlnsl fls, flcloto VaMey and 'Kew England 4. Wabash 1st. Atchison and needing issue. The more Important net advances were in Atchison 4. 1 S) cent, to 71, and Sit Oreiron Hallway and Navigation isU.H, to 1041 Oregon Improvement 6s, 44, to BUM I ltlch-mon- d and Terminal flu, H. to SOU; Heading 1st preference Incomes, H, to 20, iftl preference In- comes, H. 'o SOW, Scioto Valley and New Eng. land 4s, 1H. to 6o4. and Wabash 1st. )s Y cenfc, to 10.1. In bank stocks, 00 shares of American Ex change sold at ICO. Har stiver In London 284d, Money on call, 1 V cent. There Is practically no demand for time money. Quotations, are 2 f cent, for four months and 3 r cent, for six months. The market for commercial paper dull, and offerings of desirable bills are light, i Prime endorsed bills receivable are quoted at SHO- -l V rent., tholce single-nam- e patter at UWti V cent., and good at 4)435)4, V cent. The sterling exchange market was quiet lo-d- and rales were a shado easier. Tlie gold shippers were dlfpowd to offer bills a little more freely thsn yeslenlay, and this led to the re- action. Continental exchange was dull, hut steadier than sterling. Posted asking rates for sterling, $1.8743 J4.HR for long bills and S4.HW 4t4.8i4 for demand. Actual rates are! Long bills, $4.R7Mrt4.N7,: sight (irnfts. S4.R84U S4.NN4, and cable transfers, t4.rri)fcftf4.HRi; Francs are quoted at o.lTJtlS.ldH for long and 5.1A forshortl relchsmarks, HAf(ilU3l4 for long and OoftfUMU for short: guilders. 40)40406-1- 0 for long and 40HO40 7-- for short. IVomestlo exchange on New York I Boston Par to 3 cent premium. Charleston Iluylng, par; selling, M premium. Savannah Iluylng, par: selling, H piymlum. New Orlranv-llan- k, 76 premium; commercial, par. Pan Francisco SlRht, 12)4! telegraphic, IS. Ht. Louis 60 cents discount. Chicago 20 centsprcmlum bid. The anthracite coal sales agents at tholr meet- ing y derided upon a.oOO.ono tuns as the jirnbablo requirement of the trade for August. Is'o change was made In prices. The Pennsylvania Kallrnsd Company reiorts for all lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie for June as compared with tho same month last ) ear ft decrease In gross rnrnlngsnf $l,020.1Hl,a In expenses of $1,016,107. and n decrease In net Turnings of !0OS,07.'l. The six months ending June 30 as compared with the same erlod last year show a de- crease In gross en minus of $7,037,240 ; a decrrnse In exines of $6,072,402! a derrease In net earnings of $1,004,747. All lines west nf Plttshurgh and Krie for June, as comtxirrd ltli tho same month Inst year, show a ilecrrnse in gross earnings of $1,1(14,401; a decrease inex- - Jenscsiif$.Ml,051;adecreaseln net earnings of Juno 30, as comiiarrd with the same period lmit year, show a decrease In gross earnings of $4,030,305; ade-crea- In expenses of $2,001,521; ndecreaso in net earnings of $1,734,813, The gross receipts of tho Philadelphia and Reading Hallmad for June were $l,lin,30il; gross eapenscs. $1,020,4611; net receipts from other sources, $50,8.12; showing profit for tho mo. th, $l,03ti,omi. Deducting equipment pay- ments, terminal trackage, and fixed charges there Is a surplus for tho mouth of $151,745, against a surplus of $120,387 In June. 18113. The set en months of the present fiscal year show a deficit of $l,ll)M.?04. against a deficit in tho corresponding period of last year of $1,022,051. The gross receipts of tho Philadelphia and Itrndinic Ca1 and Iron Company for Juno were $i,34R,H83; operating expenses. Improvements, c, $2,137,-24- 2: profit from mining. $211,741. Deducting fixed charges there Is a surplus for the month of $80,532, against a deficit nf $03,132 In June. 1803. The seven months nf the current floral year show a deficit of $052,343, against a deficit In the corresponding period of last J ear of $700,180. Tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad reports gross earnings for Juno of $008,300, a decrease of $151,808 as compared with the same month nf last year, and net $237.08, an Increase of $.17,100. For the twelve months ending June 30 gross earnings were $0,044, lOR.adecreaseof 1,305,057 as compared with the corresponding period of last year, and net $3,010,081, a de- crease of $185,053. The Northern Central Railroad reports gross earnings for June of $403,411, a decrease of $120,004 aa compared with the same month of last yenr, and net $137,075, a decrease of $80,-01- 3. For the six months ending June 30 the gross earnings were $2,(107,140, n decrenvof $707,404 as compared with the corresponding period of last year, and net $738,081, a decrraso of $305,174. The Allegheny Valley Railroad reports gross earnings for Juno of 9151,568. n decrease of $H4,233ns compared with the same month lost jeur. and net $42,230, a decrease of $42,340. For the six months ending June 30 the gross earnings wero$lH0.H51, a decrease of $372,507 as compared with the corresponding leriod of last year, and net $.'118,038, a decrease of $127,203. The New York Guarantee and Indemnity) Company reports for tho ear eliding June :m: Resources llonds and mortgages. $110.28(1; stock Investments, $4,130,077: loaned on col- laterals, $5.347,04 on Twrsonal secu- rities. $40,073: real estatr.f 101.O2U; rashltrms, $1,542,472; other assets. $45,23(1; total, 4. Liabilities-Capit- al, $2,000,000: sur- - fund, $1.000,000;'tindlvlded profits, $552,-1- 2: deposits In trust. $1,830,730: general de- posits. $7,704,342; other liabilities, $180,121; total, 813,333,014. Profits during year. $012.-07- 5: Interest credited. S20R.435: rxnenses. 5181,(1(11: dividends declared. $140,000; with Interest, $0,100,231 ; rate of interest, 1 to 4 V cent. The New York Security and Trust Company reports for the year ending June 30: Hesonrccs llonds and mortgages. $250,600: stock invest- ments, $2,400,787; loaned on collaterals, loaned on personal security, $1,020,-1)0- 3; cash Items, $3,580,027: other assets, $53.-64- 7: total. $0,808,350. Liabilities-Capi- tal stock, $1,000,000; surplus fund. $1,000,000; undivided profits, $50,102; deposits In trust, f 7,800,330; other liabilities. $32,807; total, 0,808,350. Profits during ear, $308.0.15; in- terest credited. $120,703; expenses. $48,001; dhldends declared, $50,000: deposits with In- terest, $0,223,215; rate of interest, 1 to 4V cent. The Metropolitan Trust Company reports for the year ending June 30: Resources llonds and mortgages, $200,000; stock Investments, $2,257,-80- 0; loaned on collaterals, $5,487,070; real es- tate, $330,000; cash items, $305,472; other as- sets, $7.1.126; total, $0,014,077. Liabilities-Cap- ital stock. $1,000,000: surplus fund.$l.o:i.l,. 270; general deposits. $0,013,005: other llablli-tie- s, $(111,803: total. $0,014,077. Profits during ear. $172.(181; Interest credited. $77,414; ex- - $20,448; dividends declared. $40,000; Jwnses. with interest, $0,702,204 ; rate of Inter- est, 1 to 3 V cent. The Continental Trust Company reports for the year ending June 30; Resources llonds and mortgages, $200,800: stock Investments, $030,843: loaned on collaterals, $2,035,141; loaned on personal securities, $158,415; cash items, $350,843; due fmm bunks, $00,315; other assets. $23,034; total $.1.714.31.1. Liabilities-Capi- tal stock. $600,000; surplus fund, $230,000; undivided profits, $100,020; deposits In trust. $873,332; general deposit, $1.0(15.847; other liabilities, $15,205; total. $3,714,313. Profits made during the) ear, $131,070: Interest crrd. Itetl, $34,175: expenses, $42,00(1; dltldendsde. clarcd, $7,300; deposits with Interest, $2,200,-80- 3; rate of Interest. 1 lo 3 V cent. The Washington Trust Company re;iorts for the year ending June 30; Resources llonds and mortgages, $80,(100 ;stnck Int etments.$(100,l&0 ; loaned on collateral. $2,873,031; loaned on per- sonal srrurltlee.$30.03O; rash on hand, cash ondepnstt. $538,550; other assets, $34,302; total, $4,242,3.17, Liabilities-Capi- tal stork, $300,000; surplus fund, $400,000; undivided profits. $40,108: general deposits, $.1,200,001; other liabilities, $5,774: total, $4,242,537. Prof-l- u during the year, $181,403; Interest credited. $77,318; expenses. 830,520; dividends declared, $30,000; dciHwlts with Interest, $3,247,282; rate of Interest, 1 to 3)4. V cent. The United States Mortgage Company reports for tho lear eudlng June 30: Resources Ronds and mortgages, $1,824,280; stock Invest, ments. $V,783,17a; loaned on collaterals, $1,. 770,08.1: loaned on personal securities, $301,-34- 1; real estate, $01.850 ; rash Items. $2,341.. 657: other assets. $80,538: total. $8,141,110, Uabllltlee-Cap- lul stock, $2,000,000; surplus fund, $000,000; undivided profits, $105,574; deposits In trust, $80,248; general deposits. $4.- - 07.314; other liabilities, $1,247,080; total, J 8.141,110. Profits during year. $.185,372; in- terest credited. $(10,743; exiense, $88,808; dividends declared, $180,000; deposits with In- terest. $4,100,400; rate of Interest, 1 to 4 V cent. The I'nlon Trust Company reports for the year ending June 30: Resources llonds and mortgages, $722,200: stork Investments, loaned on collaterals, $13,870,754; real estate, $1,000,000; cash on hand, $4,044,572; cash on deposit, $12,705,033; other asbeU, $173,887; total. $37,440,57(1. Llabllltles-Ca- pl. tal stock. $1,000,000; surplus fund, $1,731,040; deposits, $31,324,U13; oilier liabilities. Seneral total, $.17,44fl.5Id, PrAt during year, $1,20.1.183: Interest credited, $000,522; expenses, $172,083; dividends declared, $240,. 000; deposits with interest. $20,310,701; rata of Interest, 1 to 4V cent. The KnlckerUcker Trust Company reports for the year ending June 30; Resources- - Monds and mortgage. $127,500: stock, investments, $2,231,708; loaned on collateral. $8,302,080; loaned on pergonal securities, $208,072; taslt Items, $1,020,203: other assets, $80.35.1 ; total, $0,007,407. Liabilities- - Capital $730,000; prom. $J4O,O50: deposit In trust. $1,484,002: general deposits. $4,040,100; other llabilltle. 852.085: toUL $6,007,407. Prodi during year, $200,748: Interest credited, $U0.. 838: expenses, $87,130; dividends declared, $43,000; deposits with Interest, $3,711,738; rate of Interest, I to 4 $ cent. The Btate Tl ut Company reports for the year ending June 30 f Resources-Bon- ds and mort- gage. $44,B5fl; stoik in estraenu, $8,034,434; loansd on collateral. $4,078,728; real estate, $07..130; cash items. $1,808 600: other asset. $50,710; total. $8,213,000. Liabilities-Capit- al stock, $1,000,000: surplus fund, $300,000; un- divided profit, $350,31(1; deposit In trust. $8,340.04; other liabilities. Jll.288; total. $8,213,000. Profile during year. .74 ; credited. $122,032: expenses. $55,077; dividends decUred, Jd0,000: deposits, with l3.604.13S; rate of interest, 1 toSHV cent- - Tb Title Guarantee and Trust Company forth year ending June 30: Reaourt-bo- jul nd mortgage. $3.031.8!; tock Uveat-ment- s, 8J51.600 Ioii4 oa coUatsral. lT,. 727 1 cash Items t3o0,fid0j plant, $450,000) other assets, $03,803 total. $3,070,086. Liabilities-- Capital stock, $2,000,0001 surplns fund, $008,336! general deposits. $4.13,574; other Ha. bllltlea, $274,8701 total. $3,670,080. PrpflU daring year, $70.1.148; Interest cretllld.$17.. 640! expenses, $420,0501 dividends declared, $120.0001 deposits with interest, $433,141) rate of Interest, 1 to 4 f) cent. Messrs. J. Plerpont Morgan, John A. Stewart, Edward King, E. Kllery. Anderson, and Alex- ander E. Orr, the committee under the Trust Indenture of the Union Pclflc Hallway Com- pany of Hept, 4, 1801, have addressed the fol- lowing rlrcuiar to the holders of the six p' cent, collateral trust note Issued nndrr that In- denture and maturing Aug. 1, 1804: ."The early maturity of the above notes and tho financial condition of the Union PacMo Rail- way Company make It proper that the commit- tee should communicate to you Its views a to the trust which they represent on your behalf. The trust deed provided for a possible issue of $24,000,000 notes. Of this amount only 818.710,000 were Issned, and $7,480,000 were redeemed nt various dates from sale of collateral, leaving $11,224,000 notes now outstanding. The receivers of the Union Parlflo s stem hae regularly deposited with the trus- tees of this loan thu monthly Installments of Interest; and. after full dollleratlon. your com- mittee Is nf the opinion that If the receivers con- tinue to deposit monthly a sum sufficient. In con- nection with tha Income collected on the col- lateral pledged, to pay Interest on the notes at tl per cent, per annum, th note holders may advantageously refrain from press. Ing forpaymentof Ihe principal, or from forc- ing a sale of the collateral pledged for the notes. Negotiations with tho receivers have been In progress for some time, and. as a result, they hae agreed with the committee that they will continue to provide for the Interest, by monthly Installment as stated." and that they will. If necessary, make application to the court for authority to enrryout this arrangement. In the opinion of the committee tho collateral held for these notes is mora than adequate for their ulti- mate liquidation. Under these circumstances the committee unanimously advise the note holders not to press the collection of the princi- pal at present: It being understood, however, that tho Interest shall ho regularly paid and that neither the trustees nor the rnmmlltro waive anv of their rights or power on our behalf tinder the trust Indenture, or bind themselves not to sell the collateral whenever deemed by them to be advisable," The condition of the Treasury at the close of business t(vday compares with that nf yesterday as follows: Jvlv ff. July i. Tntsl STstlsble suets . 7sS.h!,44S KI,:n.744 Current llswmifi,... ani.oou.tns noo,i30,074 Total tialanre , .. (I88,78(1,un2 $181,180,070 Gold balance . . O0,084,nu 00,483,783 Currency balance 3, 1 03.201 JO.1,684.845 Included In assets are $10,357,240 fractional silver and minor coins and $12,038,-50- 2 deiwjslts In national banks. The Treasury holds $4,778,020 nntinnnl bank notes for re- demption, ngalnst $3,002,400 yesterday. Money In Inidon, Mfl.4 W cent. Rate of dis- count In tho open market, for both short and thren months' bills, slll-l- l rent. The Rank nf England's minimum rate nf discount unchanged at 2 V rent. Amount of bullion with-draw- n from the Rank of England on balance to- day A'35.000. The proportion of Its reserves to its liabilities Is 00.0.1 V cent., against 00.0(1 V rent, last week and 48.3.1 cent, last year. Rul-llo- n In the Rank of England Increased last week A'l 40.000. and reserve Increased 337,000. Paris advices quote 3V cents at 101 francs 55 s, and exchange on London at 36 franca 10)4 centimes. The weekly statement nf the Hank of France shows an Increase of 8.075,000 francs gold and an Increase of 1,430,000 francs silver. Tho weekly statement of the Imperial Rank of Germany shows an increase in specie of marks. The Protective Committee of tho first mort- gage bondholders of tho Duluth and Manitoba Railroad Company nnnounces that holders of more than a majority of tho first mortgage lionds having signed the agreement nf April 4 last, the same ts therefore operative. Bond- holders who have signed the agreement are re- quested to deposit their bonds immediately with tho New York Guaranty and Indemnity Com- pany, and to receive therefor negotiable certifi- cates of deposit. Rondholders who have not signed the agreement are requested to do so at once, nnd make deposit of their bonds before Ang. 16, after which date their assent will bo accepted only on such terms as the committee may Impose. Electric Htoek Qnotatloaa. PosTO.July 20. The closing quotations of electrte tocki today were! BUI. jMkl. Edlsnn Electric Illuminating US 180 oeneral Electric so 804 Weillnxhouae Electric 38 83 Weitlnzhousa Electric pf .... 68 6.1 Fort Wayne Electric. 84 2W, Fort Wayne Elertrto Trim (series A). 44 Thomson-Housto- Trust (series CI . 44 6 Thomson llouiton Truit (aeries D).. . 4 44 Comaaerelal Coaapend. TnnuiDTjoIr 28OTros Declined 0 to R norfnu and closed barely ateady. Sales 133.VA0 bales. Liver, pool adTanced 4 to 1 point and closed barely steady; ipol sales 12 000 bales at hardening but unchanged prices. In Manchester yarns were steady; clothimrt with more Inquiry, but there was not much tiuftlnessdolng. New orleani declined 4 toe points, hpot cotton here waa steady, hales hoo for export and 1,400 for iplnntng. Middling uplands, 7c. Houtb-er- ipot marketa were very quiet as a rulo, with prices luit where ther stood restcrOsv. Memphis wss very stesdy. New Orlesns steady, hut Oalveaton and Savan nan eaiy. New Orleans told 1,23(1. Port receipts 001, against SD.1 this dsy lait week and 1.S91 last year, lhu far this week 3.8.17, against H.teu thus far lat week. Tho Bombay ship litents since Jsn. 1 sre 48.000 to Great Britain, against 33.000 for the asms time but year, and 78I.0O0IO Ihe Continent, agalnit 03.000 for the same time lait year. The Bomlay receipts for the week ar, agalmt 7.000 for ths same week lart year, and tbe total ilnce Jan. 1 Is 1,307,000, against 1.491.000 during ths aama tluts last year. The rainfall for twenty-fou- r hours ending at A P. M. ieiterday waa a trace at Atlanta stations, .01 st (lalrestnn and at Mobile stations, .03 at Havannah.. 13 at Wilmington, .08 at Auguita, .87 at Charleston. Ran Antonio had a rainfall of ,18 of an Inch. The Signal Servlne predicted generally fair weather In the cotton belt during the ensuing twrniy. four hours. Maximum temperatures for twent).four hours H4' to 84'. minimum (U1 to 70'. bllver declined 3-- Od. In Londou snd S4c. here. FEATmis The MTcrpool newi wss disap- pointing, tbe crop news waa generally favorable, a tnl many recent buyers sold out. That was aU there was of the market Tbe ipot sales In New York, New Orlesns. snd l.lverpoul rnsda an aggregate of 13.130 balea, and ssles of torn descriptions of cotton goo.1l show an Increase. Hut, taking tbe iltuatlon aa a whole on the basis of itipply. present and prospec- tive, and the exlitlng demand, most operators Incline to the short side. Friday, notloes on ' August eotitrscts sre expected. The trsulng In futures was as follows: Cluing. lltghnt. JjAtt Salt July ... A 03,40.07 0.71 0.70 1.000 Auzuit ti.A9un.;o 0.74 AS8 41. MOO September ,fl.73a.74 0.78 0 7:1 18.400 October , 0HlwO.SH 0.SH 0 si 10,800 November ,,o.tM 0 93 o.o 13,900 December O.U7uO VX 7 O.I 0 97 88,700 January 7 04'17.1H 7 00 7.03 10,800 February. 7.11u7.l 7.13 7.18 400 March 7.187.1 7.91 7.17 t,400 AprU 7.21i7.2 7.83 7.83 300 FLora Bull snd In buyers' fsvor. Sales 0,700 Mils. Exports 4,030 bhls, and 8.947 sacks. Receipts 0.704 bbls. and 0.274 aaeki. Winter wheat branda In bhli. were quoted as follows: No grade, S1.70USI.A,, nne, tl.MWll.81; superfine, 8848.10; No. J extra, No. 1 exira. 2.10i.S0, clear, 12 30u , 2 00; straight!. S2 06,42 M.1; patents, S2.9(sS.t 3u: Mlchlgau stralithts. S2.70i.tt2 Kl; ell) mills for West I Indies, S3 43: ' patents," 2(1. Bye flour, iu-r- - nne, it .V4f.1. Corn meal, We.lern. S2 S(K4t2 M llrsndywlne, 2.Wl. Bag meal-- Hn jellow, SLUM 11.071 while. Sl.(k4tl 10, coarse, urV4U7o.. do. ilfl-ed- . 97'sux.'. ll.uulnv and amp. SH.4S.I.V3. Pearl bar. ley. t2.IS.sfl.A0i granulate.1 lellow V.Vt3.IO l.u.1 whliejrranolated, Jut3.8U bbl. Choice fan sa. 2.4IM8 .'MX- - f t: tluts Wheat decllneq . Spot sales K8.000 buih. Including 8 ioails for exnttrt. No. 2 rcl. 14c. under beptember afloat; No. 8 Toledo, le, under Hep- - teinber afloat: No. I Northern, Me, over September f. o. Ii. afloat; No. 2 red. f. O. b. afloat. Sac. under Sep- tember. These were the receipts: Chicago, 84S.930 buih.i Mllwsukee, 1.930: MlaneapolU. 84.ihm1j Duluth, 83.330; 81. Louis, 817,000; ToleJ.k210.hOH; Detroit. 44,931; Kansas City, 74,004; New York, 103.800; Hal. I tlmore, 93.217: Philadelphia, 140,232; Bolton, 34,239. Total, 1.872.730 bush.: total jesterday. 1.442,490, , tout last year, 1,130,141. Future sales 2,030,000 bush, si follows: Lfuf I Opeslaa. Lmift. JJiahftt. Clntimg. .MyA, I September -- 30 33V SO 1 IS SAt rtU October 374 674 371 674 SlU December 69M 894 6ut2 6944 noli Msy (144 014 044 044 o4 Corn advanced 4c. to Ic. Spot aalea 1 40.000 buih. Including xx.OOu fur exhort. No. 2, 4HW14l4-- . n store, 6(s8o4o afloat, and Use. over September, f. o. b. store; yellow, 33c. afloat, S04e. lu store. Future sales 313,000 bush, aa follows; lJUi OvtKlng. luril, lliahft, Chtl'g. .MoAt. August.- - 49 49 494 49 44 heptemlier -- 44 t"H 48 It 16 4S4, 4S4 Noveinlier .4K 4l 4HU 48 47 lvecclnber 434 43 434 43t( 46 May . 45 43 434 43l 43 Oata advance.1 4e. on most months. Spot snd July dull, hpot sales CROOU buih. No. 2 while, 414c.. 1I0. July. No. 3ilo live.: No. 2 mlicl. 4X4404c.t ungraded while, 41(433c, Future salsa 80,000 bush, aa follows; Pinning, Ilighitt, doting Atosr. July S4 a4j Augus- t- 32U mil September 324 824 824 H 384 s again lower. Larga recelpta at the Wot, lower Enillah lablra, Irrsvulsr sail unsatisfactory ( outlnentalealilea and long liqui- dation caused Ihe dtpresiion. There wss a pretty export Inquiry and Europe bought futures but he supplies in this country and Enro; are lllieral, tbe bartrstlng returns from tbe Wait are favorable and tbe sentiment la bearish among the generality of o;rators. Corn was stronger owing to dry weather ai tbe Wist and a pretty good demand for Uith accounts. Oata sympathised with corn toaomesxunt though the cropadi Ices are rather recently, Minneapolis, July jo.-T- he Minns spoils mllli ground 163 Omlbhla, against H3.2S0 week before and 1K7.880 In 19. TheSuperiorand Duluth mills ground S2,4l Uila, agalmt 11.700 (or ths weekan.1 4 1.178 a year ago. Export shipments were 1024 th week before. Th slis-- of flour l the inllt snd In Irsnsli Ii 13O.00O bbls. 8L l4ull groun4 72,400 bb!a,or an Increase of 37.H00. Northwsat reports flour prices V10 lowsr. BL Louis reports good export sales. 100.000 aacki has. log been disposed of within two weeks. Clueln. nau, July id. To Cincinnati Prscs tltrreni sars. " Important rsllef hsa been gtvsu to corn by rslns In extensive sreaa In Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, and to sow extent tnofbsr Western States, but many dis- trict are yet inaertag, notably Iowa ad Nebraska, where a abort crop seems certain. Winter wheat re- turns continue toaverags ahead of the estimated yield. Spring wheat altuatioola uncertain, genera! expecta- tion! ar for moderat yield. Oat crop advteee ar averaging rather bettar." Th recelpta of grain at ths prtiu.rpllntrtir receiving polate thua far tbia week a compered with the same daya last week hav been aa foUjws; WkftU. Seaa. rorw.ssu. Outa. Sua. To-J- .1.031.200 S7S.7U0 taa.too ThU week.. S. 104.300 I.0SI.40O SSS.40O Usiweek, 1J24.7.90 (Ht.400 6a7,4b0 Osnrxiin Cog ps4 to 13 poluls lower. but rseoTsr (b Uscila a4 load a taudsrat uraac Utsr on. Th final price ihowed mort months 8 to 10 points lower thsn at tbecloss of yesterdsr. Males 18 boo bags. Rio receipts 11,000; Bsntos 11,000. BsltJ-mor- e bolls give the market support from time to time. etrespest firm offers yet msd were received Jhs from llio, being No. J and No. 8 together at 1 4.0V., eqnal to 14 Roe. cost and freight. No. 8 was of. eredhereat lS4e. Warehouse deliveries 10,133 bsg. Amerlcsn vlilbls supply nf. Brsill aos.vou. sgslnst 416,084 bags. Rio wesk; Ssntos 200 rels lower and wesk, Clesredfrom Itlo, the nsllleo, with 8t.000.and from Santos the Slrlus. with 1 H.OOO bags, Hstre advanced M frno on July nd Angmt, snd most other months declined 4 frsne. Ilsmhurg 4 ptg. Exchsnge at Hlo itlll 94d. Tbe trading In futures wsi as follows: July... 1,730 15.10 16.10 ISIivjtirTso Atigual..,. 8.860 14.10 14 30 J4.fl14.4'S SeptCinb'r.OOO 13.73 13 03 13.70(Jl3.78 OclOber., ..2.300 18.21 13 10 13 2') December. 1,300 18.80 18.00 1?.0.V1 70 Bin on Ih spot was dull and nominal No. 7, KVAt8t(c, Rales 1,200 hags Msrscslho sml 7oo tisgs Cenlrsl American on p. I, Raw suesr dull sml itesdyi 8M teit;80Uit, Slsc. Ssles t2,oooliagscentrltugsls, 80 lest, st 34c, Reflneilqulct sml steady, .Nivit. Storm spirits of turpentine dull snd stesdy al 80i84c.t roln dull snd easy at tl.8K4tl.80for common to good itralned. PsTnourM Nosslesi Nstlnnsl oftereil at 83c. Oil City 8e, closlni olTered 84c. Psovisioss-lji- rd higher but qtilet. city, O.aoe.t Western, 7.soc.i July, 7.8(V, September, 7 Hoc. Pork dull but firm. Mess, t'4tl4 83, Dressed hog. 7f 74c. i pigs. c. Tsllow, 4 ftlesrlne, 4c. Oleo, 7V. . 34c. Beit butler, 17(Al9c.! do. cheese. H'48!c. ChiCaoo, July 26. These were the Chtcsgo prlcen titt VThKlt. Oprnlng. ltlgnnt. ttnrrtt. 0'tlng. Mahl. Sept . 6B4 53( 63 6314 63"4 Dec: .. 604 67 604 6(4 6SJ eVpt!1:. 444 444 4.14 4'P 434 Oct ' 44 44 42U 43 44 Msy... 404 404 094 894 404 Rp'tf:. 88 87h JM S'M Msy..,. 82 38 Hit, allj 8iJ Sentr..; .S5 6.874 6.83 6.874 Bept"'. 8.33 6.674 63 6.53 6.5S4 Sept-- ' 112.624 SI8.684 1.1 ve Hloeta Market. Kgw Yosg. Thiirsilsy, July 20. Receipts of beeves were841 hesd.allfor ei.ortatloii. No trading In lire cattle. Dressed beef steady at 044 ih. for poor to prime native side. Ijitest rabtes fmm limlon and Liverpool quote American steers st 84jtl'4'. e1 . dressed weight, snd American refrigerated lieef at 74(48c. V No shipments or nniorrow Receipts of cslves were 4.MI head. Msrket scllve snd steadv. Pimr to prime vesls sold from t3 to S0.60 100 isi'i Inferior to prime buttermilk cslves from "Itot-iSo- . Cltydresie.1 vesli.PaloV'. V tt.idreiseil buttermilk cslves. 34 7c. Receipts of sbeep and Ismtis, Including 4 csrs dl rect to slsughtcrers, were pj.omo heud. 49 csrs on sale, all told, Tlie demand waa light snd the msrket very dull, sheep selling s ihsde essler, snd Ismbs st a decline of v4c. V Fullv23 rsrs were not sold. Poor to prime sheep sold from t? 73 to f 1.124 t 100 tss.. Inferior tocbidcn Ismtis from $4 to $3 13. Dressed mutton, otsysisr, w . iiresied Ismlx, 7(4 lie. Becelptsof nogs, msf nly direct tiislsugnterers, were 1,770 head. Market higher. Inferior to choice Slate hogs sold from 43.75.4 to.23 4 100 as. Heal lUtate Auction tSnle. By Br an I. Kennelly Foreclosure sale, No. 409 Eait Rcvenly-slxl- street, north side, 1 03 feet cast of First avenue, 2ox 108.8, two-tor- frame dwelling. Due on Judgment, t7,883. bold to Elltalieth orr, exroutrlx, for t2iio. By William Kennelly: Foreclosure sale. No. I3".est Eighty first street, south side, 873 east of Amsterdam avenue, 19x102.8, four story brown stone dwelling. Due on Judgment, t3.20: on prior mortgage, t23,ovu. Isold to Ellen Purcell for 23.i)00. By John If. Holding: Foreclosure sale. No. 12 Com- merce street, south side, Is'tween lllceekcr and d streets. 23x87.0. brick list. Due on Judgment, tlo.Oou. bold to Pnlllp Sanunet for By D. Fhnrnlx Ingraliam Co , foreclosure ssle, two lots on Bergen asenue, north side. 187.rtsnd 197.(1 feet resliectlvely, west of Orove street, esch 23IOO. Bus on Judgment. t7,123. Sold to the plaintiff, Mitchell Valentine, for f i.100. Real Estate rrlvate Hale. Charles Griffith Moses bss sold for Msrk Ash snd another the Ihree apartment houses, with stores. Just completed. Noa. 440. 442, snd 444 Welt 123lh itreet, 76xloo. to sn lnvetor for t90,(K)o. J. J. luphsel of Tim a Co. sold for the estate of eight-stor- apartment hotel known as thn Wssblngton. on tlie southwest corner of 122d street and seventh avenue, looxlOJ, to a Mr, Henrique! for t450looo. J, It, Hunt hss sold for the building Arm of Cotter Bros, the four y Tlftsny brick apartment houses, with brown-aton- trimmings, Nos. 203. 207, 209, and 913 West Eighty first street. Isnd 130x102.2. to V. W. Sklddy for about Selbarh A Co. have sold for Arthur Coleman lo Charles M. Koplllk the y brick double flat. No. 0 Eait 132d street, 23x83x99.1 1. for ti.s.uoo. Frank Baubsold al private contract the building at southeast corner of Liberty and West itreeti, 22.0x03, Wlllleni E. Finn hsi sold for the estate of Meyer Finn. Nos. 231, 2.1:1, 233, and 237 West Mity-lfn- t street, four flie-itor- brick and stone fists, lots 23x loo each, for about Tim A Co. have sold for the estate) of Leopold 114 West Thlrty-iecon- street, a three-stor- y stone dwelling, lot 80x53x98.9, on prl ste terms, Robe't Applelon, Jr., has sold for the Jordan I. Mott Iron works Company to Royal D. Comstock of Hartford, Conn., their foundry, works, and four acres of ground st Peekiklll. for Frederick Zlttel sold for SI. Hiher to A. P. Mende tho three-stor- y brown-ston- front dwelling No. 127 Fast Slxty-aeeon- street, for tlA.OOU. and for Charles End. ers to H. M. Olell the four story brown none front il sUIng 130 East b street, fur about 1 10.090. Slawion A Ilobbs, with Rlchsnl V. Harnett A Co.. have sold for tbe Ilmton estate to William Hall's Rons four lots, two toKeiher. 49.11x100. si the southeast corner of Amitenlsm avenue and 130th street, nnd the other two. 60x99.11, on tbe south side of 139th street, 100 feet east of Amsterdam avenue. Real Estate Huburbsm Hale. 17. Weatherby A Co. report sales at Tcnafiy, N follows: F. A. Redding, one plot, Jen"eri.on avenue, 30x140, till); 8. (I. Smith, plot 50x140, Columbus avenue, tt 10: C. Gosling, one plot, 60x140, Jefferson avenue, S410; tl. Raymond, two plots, Jefferson avenue. ts3(l. L. II. plot, hunset lane, 33o, M, Reld, four lots. 23ll 10. Columbus avenue, tt'.'S, L. Moore, two Ion, each 23x i to, nuuivt Isne, t'.'uu. Real Estate Tranarei-e- . lit st. 17E;Jaa O'Reilly to Mary II. O'Reilly sstruitee. . . $1, 103e 1st ar, 201102 2; Ijiull F. Doyle, referee, to Ellxalicth Orr, eiti, Ac 800 Madison cor 70lh st, 43xluv.V: Frwtk HCoudert.Jr, referee. to F I. Kali 10,000 llioihst. lis, llow8lh av, 23iw.ll: IVm It Mutton snd auo. trustees, to P Michel.. .. 83,000 127th st, 211 and2l3i:,Jaa O'Reilly to Mar- - srcM! O'Reilly. , . . .. . I !tli it. s s. 203 e; 1'ssqualo AlilerltoTFGslnes 1 lootll St. 11 s. 825 e Amsterdam av, 23x 1 00. 11 i Mlcbael F Van Dobren tnl. Maiteixm.. 1 Same prop; Lillian Maitrrson to FJIisbeih VanOohrsn ... 1 133d st, 137 West; BenJ T lleekmsn to Clsr- - ence W llsvlnr. 88.000 Same prop: HyPDetiraf 10 IIP Beekman. .. 1 TlntofJav.ulU; Laura llMher to Samuel Mc- - Itlchanli .... 6,000 Tlnton av, a e cor Cedsr st, 10.8x100; Geo Kckrletsl to JoS.-hnel.le- r 5,000 Clifton 11, s s. 132 0 e Trinity av, 37x100; John Frlarhka to Patk BoyUu and wife . . . 7,300 Lota 103 to KM, map Iroarit (iravc, Ac; iu- - guile hommerkorn to N Leopard 8,000 Lola 131 snd IJ2,msp Hertford Park, Ac; John J MackllnloLllalAJakley. . . 1 Lot 100. Fly Market, John 11 Johnatonet alto FranrlsJ Mall . . 1 Sheriff si. 07 snd (IU; Sam'l btrasbourger to Morrls8hsilro . .... . 1 Same prop; Morrla Shapiro to Karl M Hal- - lach ..1 Lot 114. map prop Uth ward made byCaul- - merll (ioenk. Ac; Thos 11 Odell, ref, lo Philip Sauimel 16,200 Lot .13, mail of Noah Scovlllc A Hall; IVn FrltrtlioElliFrltzel. ... 10, SHn sianlon st, Irregklar; Re-- . Inva HymaiitoKrelne Fnstrln .. 13,600 73 e hherUI It. 18.9100; holo-- mon Slnol et si to It Shapiro 1 Illvlnsstnnn. Rachel Shapiro to Sam- uel htraabotirger 1 2dav, wa, 4H.IH n 2'id at, 23.2x04, rlarall (J.wHlman lo Ellia SI . 81,200 Hlt sr, 314 Last; Karl 51 Wallach to Rachel Shapiro ... 1 I.nt IH2, map )iart of farm of Hopiier. .te John J Ooriuau, Sheriff, to Calbarfne Allen- - dorff 1,800 Same prop, Mary McManui lo same 1,300 D3th It. n a. 376 - 2d sv. 23x102.2; Msrle Neckermaun lo Ina VVI. inrs 16,900 Lot 70 eh snd lot 77w4.msp (sriof well farm, Ac; Edgar A loumam to Harry Adams ... 1.800 Lot 73 w 4, same prop, same 10 Slc-- Mahon .600 Lot 73 w 4, ssme map, aame In (J Davidson . 900 lst 77 e 4 and w 33 lot 7s, same prop, ssme to Altiert P btaats .. . 1.813 Lots 87 snd su snd n 4 VI, same mspi same toChasAboteldo 4,890 Lot 1, map prop of Sheridan A Keagrave Mnsholu. Ac; Jas F Sheridan it alto I. A Perrulisl , 600 acroKPsn Mourn tog Altlerl, Psaquale. and wife 1.1 Slll'n P Palmer aalrui. H2lh at, 2031alav. and8yrs,4 . . . ?t.O00 Allendortf, Csthsrlne. In Frsnces J fcble, a a B2dal,U3l w lllhsv. Syrs 8.500 Adler, liaae R, lo Caroline Schwab, a , 00th ll. 100 e 4th av. notes 4.801.07 Allendorff, Catharine. 10 Philip J O'Brien, aa S'M at, 330 w lllhav. I r 57900 Alllcrl. Paaquale, lo Krlaou II Salisbury, aa aaaUuee, Ac, a a 1121)1 at, 205 eait - maud 8,108 Allan. John, snd wife lu Ema'hC Wll.eseih av, 73.H a 12ulh st. demand 8,000 Aitama, Harr; C, aud wile to Ihe Harlem Co- operative Bldg and Ian Asan, s Rose at, 178 ellalnbrtdgeav. Installs 1,730 Baum. hophlaM, In th" llrbren Benevolent and Orphan Aaylumbotlely In NYclly, 124 Weal 011b al. & yrs 17,000 Bingham, James snd Vi Dl II. snd wives lo Nathaniel Wlae, a s 1 loth it. ;U3wSlhv. demand 8.000 Bruwn.JaruesL.Coinnir.Ac, to Henry rrlts, n a Cherry at. 140.4 wja.-ka.i- at, 2 yrs. 8.600 Uornkamp. and wife to i.eorge II Mc- - Eniy re and s no, 11 a t9th it, 200 Columbus av. 1 rr 8,000 Uornkamp, Fredk, and wife In Jane AColwell, n s 89th at, 200 w Coiumbua av. ,t yrs 22,000 Coogsu, Msllhew, and wife lo Elisabeth It Johnston, ss 109th al, 223e2dav. 3 yrs 8.000 baune to Michael Cat anagh, 318 East 1 09 lb at, I vr S.000 Curlla. 8F.I0 Robert VY Todd, 63 and 63 Beeknian st. 1 yr . 800 Duane, John, and wlf to Morris Bergrr, 17 l.uitlow st, I 1 r 4,450 Ecclealae. Carolina IIM. lo Juatua L Bulkley, ws Lexington v, 73.1 st, 3 yrs 18.000 Oebney. Bernanl Pnd ano lu Alex W bhlner, lot 1 4) map East 1,000 Heath. Mary A, and ano lo Finlly Bearer, a eth ar. 73.7 n 43lh H. 1 jr . 1,000 Judsvjo.Cbaa0.andwlfe to John TCooney, u e eol 100th st and West Kiel sv 1 yr 10.000 Jones. VraucU A. admr, Ac, to ' Devoe, n s ivetbst.183w8.lav. 1 yr .. 6.000 Johnson. lo. and auo to il D Bogue, gdn. Ac, 43d Peart at. 8 srs '50 Krooka, Beujanilu. aud wlf to Samuel J ' Krook, lorsytheal,8yrs 14.(0 Levy. Louis, and wife to K J Oebben. Av .,.,. A.181 2u84tbsi..1yrs 10.0o0 Lordl. Giovanni, and If l Nsnnelt Hart- - flsM. 88 Mulberry at. 6 yrs 10,000 Leuailg. Araold. lo L0.1U Uraner. River. a 103.1 at. dmootha Lopaii nicaotaa, to the Oemian Sat Bank N rVwaTrtallysv. Wn ISIat at. 1 yr 4.060 lluJvttluciijllu J, d wst. tot WW- - StsJ.wslMv,7S.T t 118U St. yr ..(8) ., ,,., .,. ,, ,.,,,,,,. .,,,,,,,. 84,600 McCoy, Peter J, and wife to Mrs Frank Les- lie, n s I 63th st, 300 Amsterdam av, a yrs. 17,000 Murray John.snd wife to Slargaret A Murray! Cnlumbl it, e s, 100 n Rltlngton it. In- - stst ,,,.. ., u , ,,, , .,.,,, , , 880 Meehan, Cardlne F, to Wealthy II Mwln ns 81st st. 200 e 1 0th av, demand... ,. , ,,. 11,600 McRlchard, samoel. 10 the Teachers Coopera- tive BulMlru) and Loan Aesoolatlon; lOSdst, Inital,., 4,640 Moloney Julln,to Jlnry rts FWeekes and ano, exrs, Acini ltothit. 108 e lit av, 6 yrs.. 17,000 It W Yonmans; s s Ross si, lOOeBalnbrldgeaT, Syrs. ,,..., ,. 460 MrMshon. Wm, snd wife to Bridget Clsrkln. lot US msp part of fsrtn nt BenJ Berrtsn. Urrs ,,, , ,, 1,600 MeCshc, Jsi, et si to thos F Cooke, 11 71it It. 8nowAvA,lyr , 4,000 Michel, Philip, to Wm R Button snd ano. trustees. Ac, n s initth st.linw6ihav.8vrs. 17,600 Reld. Annie M, to Elbert It Smith. Jr. e s fay. lorav, 200 n e Columbus as, 2 mos ........ 875 Rulsnd, Anns, to Henry II llarnsnl, ss 173lh st, ISOnw Vsnderblltav, 8mos BOO Sammet. Philip, to Flora Kuhensteln, exrs, et al, 12 Commerce st, I yr 9,000 Shsplro, Bscliel, to Henri Straabourgrr, 234 Btvlngtnnst, s s, denisnd,,., 600 Poteldo, Chss A, 10 Flcsr W Youmsni, e s Marmion ar. lot mTjmix n 4 lot 91, msp or fsrmof BenJBerrlsn.Hyri . .. ,, 1,493 Wnehltng, Chss II, and wife In the Harlem Havgs llank.N V, nenr Railroad av and tenth st, I yr. . , 1,500 WhelAii, Julia M, and ano tot) J Carroll, ss Creston sv, silj lol vu, lot! 00 to 102 msp Prospect HID est, 24th wsrd.Syrs., 1,000 Wlederman, Morrla, to Alfred Outwlillg, 614-ei- East 12th st, I yr 81,000 ffsitntuinl. FIRST MTgT 7XsiifiG FUND GOLD BONDS or The San Juan Smelting sand lHining Go. OF IiUHAXGO, COI.OHADO. Amount of Morljaic $500,000. rni.NCIP.VI. Dt'E JULY 1. 1B10. Interest layible 7nn. aaal .Fnly. THE 8TATE THC8T CO. OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE. Principal and Interest I'etjrnble la Nenr Tork In 41 old (sin, Coupon nonds.91.000 listen, with prlvlle; of resrjstratlon. The business of the Company Is that of H.Mtl.TINO The value of the entire property, both real and per aonal, based upon most conservative estlmstes. Is placed al 1 ,000.000, and this Issue of bonds Is tbe first and only lien upon It. From our Krional and Intimate knowledge of the business ami conduct of the Compsny, we hsve no hesitation In recommending these bonds as a desira- ble Investment. Circular! and further partlcrjlsn upon application. We offer th aliove $300,000 of bond! at loo and accrued Interest. H. AMY & CO., Bankers, 31 Nassau St., Now York. TO THE IIOI.DKRH OP THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD GO. SECOND MORTGAGE BONOS. The undersigned, owning and representing a large number of the aliove bondr, have been appointed a committee to protect the Interest! of the said bond- holders. It Is of Ihe utmost Importance to the Second Mort- gage Bondholders that their Interest! be represented byacommltteo wholly free fmm any alliance with Junior securities, and they are earnestly requeued to deposit their bond! with the NEW iGllK SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY In exchange for Ita negotiable tenqsirar) recelpta. The commute deems It ajralmt th best tntereits of the Second Mortgac Bondholders to deposit their holdings with any committee representing Junior securities snd requests tbem not lo take such action without first conferring with the undersigned. A circular setting forth tbe plan of the commute and a bondholders' agreement msy be obtained from any of the undersigned. JOIINrsTO.N LIVINGSTON. Chairman. Pl'llOXT CLAIIKi; President American Exchange Nat. Baak. I.rTlII'.lt KUII.NTZE, Kountre Brothers. Bankers, Nsw York. HENRY H. REDMOND, Redmond, Kerr A Co.. flankers. New York. C1TAH. N. PAIItCIIII.D. President New York Security snd Truit Company. MICH AMI. II. CARD0ZO, Counsel. 8. K. KII.NER. Secretary. Care of Eitats Frederick Billings, 120 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK. July 10. 1894. Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. 4o Guaranteed Trust Gold Bands. The gusrnnteed Interest upon the alsne bond! being In defsult,snil no provision for Ibe liondi having lieen made In the plan of reorganization of tho Atchison Compsny, the undersigned, acting In concert w 1th the foreign Committees at Frankfort and Amsterdam, and representing over 80.500,000. out of a total Issue of SIM.704.00O, of bondi, request Imndhnlders lo deposit their holdings at one with THE HT.1TE TRl'ST COMPANY, No. 3d Wall alreet. New York City, or THE HHAWMl'T NATIONAL JtANK, 1IOHTON, Copies of the prellmtnsry agreement may be obtained from cither of the depo- sitories. Negotiable recelpta will be Issued for bonds deposited, and application will be made aa soon ss possible to have the same listed on tho New York block Exchsnge. Prompt action la Imperative, Depoaltora who may not agree to the plan to be pre- sented by the Committee, may, atibject to the provi- sions of the sgreemeut, w lihdraw bonds. New York. July 10, lblil, rilAM'IN H. IIANUH. Chairman, (Prealdent the State Trust Company), J. C, Met'lTI.I.Olllill. OTT4I T. 1IANNAUD, iPrealdent Continental Trust Company), tl. J. VrETZI.AK (of J. D. Probst A Co.), tvn.i.iAU iiAswirr (of Boaton). Committee. STETHON, TKACY, JENNINOH .fc Bl'8. 81X1., CounieL NEW YORK, July 23, 1894. TO THE FIHHT SIORTOAUE llOND. IIOI.IIEIIH or THE Duluth & Manitoba Railroad Co. The landholders' Protective Committee announce that holders nf more than a majority of the First Mort- gage Bondi have signed the agreeement of April 4, lhtlt, and that the agreement Is therefore operative, Bondholders who have signed the sgreemenl are re- quested to deposit their bondi Immedlstely with th New York Guaranty and Indemnity Company, No. 88 Cedar street, sod receive therefor negotiable cerlln-cate- a of deposit. Bond holders who hav not signed th agreement ahoulddoaoandmak deposit of their bonds before August 13, IS94, aa sfter that dst their assent will be ccepled only on such terms as the Committee may Impose. FREDERIC CKOIIWEI.I., 4't)lt.r.l.ll'H M. UOI.D, KV.IXM It. Ult'K, riiAui.nM.iu.VE, Jr.. I II.. HI. IX It, WHIOIIT. Jr., Commltte. ARniCR UNCOI.N, Secretary, 31 Broad it.. New York city. To the First Mortgage Bondholders or THE St. Joseph and Grand Island Rail- road Company. You are hereby Informed that depoali of th bonds muii Ix mails promptly and without delay with th depositaries Ibe CF.NTKAL THl'bT COMPANY of New York or Ihe OLD COLONY TKU8T COMPANY of Boston In order to secure the advsntsgrs of protec- tive cooperation. Bonds not deposited on or before July 31, 1894, SP. M., will be aoccpted only subject to such penalty a may be determined by the Ctmunittee, Tb Committee cannot too impressively slat tb neceaslty xif securing ths depuslt of theso bondi IN YOUR OWN Interest. PltElr.UIi P. OL.COTT. Chairman. 1IEII.MIAHD MAINZEK, tYII.I.I.lU I- - UI'M, GORDON AUUUTT, W1IXIAM J. N. WALLACE. CounssL Secretary, 64 Wall it Kountze Brothers, BANKERS. 120 BROADWAY. Letters of Credit VOK TstATXs-XiU- ), - I. All ., fj a,, VlgU, JlBssssssllgsssssBlssssfc ssesfBBHHlgssfa Wtf4 eftmXttlf. Rates for advertijing at tho followina offices will bo the iams as those charged at the main office : KEW YOpX CnT-Tt- lK 8nN. 1.985 Brosdwsy, near 8d it. (ropy received until 1 1 P. M.1: 80 East U.lth It. (copy received until P. M.) All American District Messenger oflVces (until 8 P. M.) BROOKLYN-Esste- rn District Advertising Bureau, IBS Bmatlwayi 897 Ful- ton St.. opposite Illy nsll! 7118 nushtug sv. M)N(I ISLAND llTY. I av 8 (telephone call, eoureenpolntl, John W.Davren: Borden av,, HI snd 13. P. N. Dodson. IIOBOKEN, N. tto I.. Retlh. meyer, 410 Washington it.! J. I.lchtemteln, I8 Wash- - Ington it-- PATCIUKICE, I. 1 James CanMrld.Oersnl building. JAMAICA, U I. Corner Wasblngion and Fulton ita 8PRINUFIEI.I), I. I.--ln the Post time. I.A WHENCE, I I. In telephone office, nesr depot, FA 11 ROCK . WaY, I. I, -- Drug store, corner t'stherln and Mott av. RtX'KAWAY BEACB, 1 Ham. mel's av. snd Bonlevaril. t7EEDF,ltS for Chsmliers' folding mschlne. AJttlYI.B PltESM, (18 Cherry it. VttJMUERER wsnted, pager nreTerredl steady ikmI-- 1 lion, 74Beekmsnit..Tieloor, Homcttit trvnnt ttntrtt. Ctlllli for housework! good washer and Mai Esst 8ih st. H"()L'8f.WORK.-(llr- T In IsisnTlng housei come prS i s. xhm westttih st. IyROTF.stAN'f" oiRJ, nboul I", well oreiTraislst WAITE. :i.1tlreene av Brooklyn, ! sleep home preferred. TCPPER, IMW 91th st. fANTED By small American family, Protestant II woman for general houiework, Kl East U8tn it., top floor. TANT uiu glrT tolialif wlTh housework; sleep home preferred. 1.10 West lint St., xd Oat, WANTED Young girl, aliout 18, to assist In house-- t work) can ileep home. 1 48 East AAtli it. "WANTED Young girl for housework, and assist tt with children. 081 East I44lh st. "WANTED A gooil ptsln cook snd s Tsun- - dress, 15 West filth si. pOl'MI tllllt. for general housework In private famllji wages fix. o:ll Ikut l:l(l(h st. Vantrrt lUntf. PtchunltjJ, tit. 4 FIREMAN wanteilst horseshoeing st. 140 Esit 8l V it.v none but sn etierlence,l hand need spply. nntfrt Ittnlrjs UirrUantoujff. AOENT8 to sell Asbestos Cooking Mata lo families. MARTIN, 115 Bowers St., Jersey City Heights. .SltuKtionj U'nittri. (mains. nOCnEWORK. ; tidy Herman Protestant, Iron, or do general hnuaeworkt livat references; city or country. 160 East 34th at., uesr 3d av. Ituationmntfii pnlt VrosiTlOX mftniirfr or MiUtant undarukt-- r rtblMhM hiitiiMs Ijt 4n Aintrlci.n man cif niftny TCRrt' eitrlfnci In w thorough rmbttmir, n1 win furntth ifnit-cU- rfforfnc. Addrru UN DEIlTAKER, box lf Hun oftlCs- -. VN tNTf.IXU.ENT, etTmattHl man. hnvlntf aknnwl nf irfnfrai nfflr work and trOOKkCfplntr, nf any kind: in witllnir. atrad of temper tip haliltn, and ran t wtll rrcu in mended. Ad drru F., box I&h. Sun offlcr . COMPANION So objertions to traffllinn; 4wrrpt ArtdrfM V. U, M Kat t, N, Y. ali taTniund liuMnrM man 180). unmrrTMt, G'OOI) tKMiltlnn luld( or traTrlllnRi fipfrl4ncfi cunfldrntlal clerk, competent manaffr. Mlttman: no canraMtntf or agencies arceptd. AddreM IiUStNFJW. box 1 XV, Hun nflicr, 1.2AA Unwidway. r ANTED A pmttlon an naletman, can t awe r, col- - f lector, or clerk, by man of many rear xpenenco In New York city tumfertstandsiviniethlitKatHXitnewft paper work, having had itereral yearr xperlen74f; would wtllt njjly leave city; utiaII aalary ran furnUhgood reference!. AddreM riHAMEKCY, tox Ua,8un offlce. I.VA5 Dnwdway. New York. fttrt goard. East Hide. K00MS, with board. l.50; tsbls board. 1.B4B Third av.,bel. 98d and B3d sis. .ITI1 AV., ius Accominodstes working ladfes and geuta; good board, cool roomi; s.'i.8o, 18 werkly. DELANEV'B. 8T.. (3 EAST. Largo and small rooms, nicely furnlane.1; every convenience; excellent board; ladles ami gentlemen. YAT" ST- - :u Ka"st -- Pleasant double and single XV rooms; sit conveniences; excellent board; terms moderate. ... nTlI ST.. 314 E1.8T. Mingle and doubl rooms, good hosrd; terms inoilerate. ilfiTII 8tT, 801 EAST.-La- rge andamall rooms, well jlW furnished; every convenience; board optional; Ocrman family; select. West Hide. eriTl AY., 2,073. flood Oerroan board and well fur 4 nlibed rooms cheap; table boarders taken 1ENER. ST., Jli and smsll rooms, with 1.-TT- I1 board; also table board; terms moderste. rlrct oard roohtijn. VSIIL.4ND PlJtCl IS, orTFullon st. Huperlor room 88; good ventilation; runulng water; use of Piano. rf uruijJhrd Hooms; & partmrnt.o Cet East Hide. 87TII TEXINOTONAV.e,NE.ll only, refervnera re- quired, "W'AYERLEY" PLACE." 3ub.-I.a- rge scjusre front it rooma, nicely furniabed. with sll Improvements, suitable for one or two gentlemen or for light house- keeping; terms moderste to permanent parties; no bill; hsndy lo all railroads. JB AV., Sdt, northwest corner. Nicely furnished O rooms, single or double; use of liath; gentleman. 9 Til ST.. 47 a'ND 49 EAST , nesr BrcuuIwsy-LaT- ge and small rooms, psrlorst gentlemen, smsll fsmlli-- ! permsuentor trsuileut; board, or meala furnished lu rooms. s1 STST.. 138 EAHT.-tlni- und flisir. front oVbsck ll parlor, nicely furnished; every convenience; liosriroptlonsli select. O.lTlf HT.. 147 EAST, belween Lexington snd 3d 0 .7 ars. Furnished room lu private hnuae, 11.50. (lfif"sT.r 347EA8T.-Lr- ge rurnlabrd room, gas, rbaih,fer 1 or 3 gentlemeni house strictly private. rSTlTf.. 144 EA8f.Nlcely furnlshe.l room for 1J gentlemen; use Russian-Turkis- plnnge bslh free. WKYRAl'CH. Q?iTIIbT..3l7 -- Nicely furnished roomi.gen-Oi- l ilemen only; private bouse; near L station, termi ruoderale. IfMTII sf.. 3.10 EAST. -- Furnished rooni.l, 8, or 3 or housekee)ilug. 8lore T I TlTbf., 313 FjibT -- Hsielaomely furnished IXllnmnis for gentlemen; prlvsi bouse, alao backjiarlnr. tVeal Hide. 1 .TTII ST.. St WEST De.lral.le Isrga snd smsll I ! rooms, running water; breakfast If desired; terms uimierete. l.TTHST.. 3t3 WEST Handsomely furnllhed large iJ andamall rooms; exiellrnt table; summer prices. transients Isken. ).".Tlfsf.. 349 WF8T - Large ami small rooms with ,t or without tioard; tran.lenla accommodated; summer rale Of .Til ST.. 345 WEST. -- Large ami smsll rooms. Ught OU housekeeping; Southerners and Westerners sc- - commodstedt Improvementi; stallon ij ITir"BT. 434 WEST -- Pleasant" "front and back O'r rooms, all convenlencea, uear elevated station 14 and 3. ' "ltiTil ST., 33 WEST.-Ur- and smsll rooms; '1. trstulentssnd ierinsiient; board If desired. -- 1 ST ST.. lilt WEST Doctor's office, vscanf alnco i J L May; F.ngllah baaetneul houae, large and smsll rooma, alao parlor; good neighborhood, nearstatlon, luinmrr rale., r I ST ST . 351 WEST. Nicely furnlshe.1 rooms, 11 Uvard opilnual. Irauslenti taken; summer ratea, private family 1 O I TH 8T-- . 87 WEST. Private family will rent efe-- 'l ganily funilaheil room, board optional; gen, lleiueu preferrrvl. 1 O I TH ST.. 37 WEST.- - Nicely f urnlahe.1 nmi, 1 .S't with board, fating Ml. Morrla I'urk.transl.nli, tabl. luanl. f latd and purtmrnttJ iTo 2ft. 1VLE0ANT Improved Bsli, 3 and 4 rooms. 1113 Hrooms trsuge), 19 t.reeuwlcb av., 4 rooms (rime), 3ov East lutls it. 1" ,n JITS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished and In allparunr Iheeltj lolMiM BRuriiblts. Broadway, cor. l(h at. JAMES J, ETI'lll.N't.IIAU. 20IH Wsat nmuat., cor of Amateiilaiu av TTlTilY ST. 33. Single rial, four large rooms, Bleecker aud all liu)iruvrmenti; low reut. Janitor FIJiTS six riairr.s aud liath. iplendldlr ar SINULE .. for famlli eomftria. imalerale renta. jant orSlrE,at83dab B- - O'HAllA. 1,145 3d av STORE 1.137 vdav . suitable for anv buslueaa. plate abow windows, gou.1 npalerste rent. Jt o'HARA. 1,14V 3iav 'IVi LET Hal. couilstlug of Ave rtM'ms snd Usta" I roont. all bright rooma: lii.provciueuti, Iwoblocki from ferry t ier passing door. l,3o Washington at., mil 113. Apply to Janitor or 1,133 Harden it., .. j Ilibit., near av Five room a ana A'I)TUP.IA. deeorjied. alt new. low renli, janitor, 87 W IHjWNb, 184 ritbav. ST 81J-JI- WEST -- Elegant apartments, U'TII rooms, all Improvements, u, 13. tuTH8T.8t8 EAST. Three an! four roeuu with ID unprovemenli; elegsnl psrlor, wash tubs, dumb wslter. tloMti, isreowuer, fsSO.Slg. I ST ST.. 73 EAST, near Ml Morrla Park. -- u I Is) 1 r.stNtis and bath, all Improvements, small fsuilly (31 ST. 84 EAST. Apartments of tkre and I Isl'TH roomi. ail light ruoma, cheap rent. I latu and gLpaitmratji Brtukljju. II'E HAVE th nicest Oata. renta. (II. II (it, (18. txsa and tspcl'a-t- . near raloea L sutloai ln4ucUMsaail fi mlllel aWJUUOJf, itAJLuiauU. tasxjjM SasssV. ,. . !;.. ' I gtat fttMt efot jlatt gw gfr Wit ! TRAINS 1.KAYB NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AT 10.10 A. K. AND 8:80 P. M. FOR DEMOREST ON.Tnrt-ntM.Tor- On the renniylvanla R. R., ami overlooking th elt of Rahway, N, J. LOTS 85x100 FEET EACn. FROM 80 APIECK TJ1. PAYABLE 1.1 MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. , For f re passes good from Jersey city every flatniv dsy, spplr to JEliF.JOHNtON. JR.. 8li Liberty st.,Nesr York, snd 189 Montague it, llro.ikl.vti, or In my rep- resentative In Jersey City Waiting Room, Peasiyvs nls 11. H., 80 inlnnteslfore train time. ) 1 5fl" BALE OR TO LET A new house "at West Ar. Ilngton, N. J., with all modern Improvements house supplied with pure well wster from a Isrge p. vste reservoir! also very drslrsble lots connected with this excellent wster system for sale on easy terms) also two houses In Newark, Nos. t,t3 snd 1,185 Broad II. Apply to HENRY II. PLATE, 358 Weit U8d SU New Tork. 'PKNAri.T, N. I.Ilsndsome"vllls pints for sal. I 1, VhA IllEBIi Y A CO . 37f Broadway. ox ntt or if o Uttlriv 5ftrjt,j. I TO LET IN HOBOKEN. . Apartmenlsnf four large rooms, for (10. assi Hats of Hi rooms, sll Improvements, 118 to (JO. houses, 9 rooms, rents (10 to (IS, ami Apply to sss JOHN C. CRRVlETt, 83 Newark st, Boboaen. H Vftc!u?tfr Co. groperty j? or j5aU. ' DO TOtf KNOtV You can get lo the country without using tnnnet ov ' fast ferry and at any hour, night onlay t ' ,B uKI.I, ()B CAN'. Tske nth or 9th av I, connecting with Yonkera Rspld Transit Railway at 138th St.. and corns out to iM L0WERRE STATION, Y0NKERS. I ..THE riNI4T HL' II I' It 11 In vicinity nf Nsr lork country, with all city Improvements and co - venlences. W. II. KELUflU Lowerre btallon, Yonkers. aS Office at itstlnn. U Urat t&jttatt? or aU oTtUflB. I ."Hill RALE-Elrg- ant twivfamlly new house. (150 rsah, iMlauce rem, rsmrhsncei line neighborhood. H Apply to ow ner. IEI.TMAN, 753 Mscon sl Brooklyn. ' 1 X)ll IIAIUIAINS In Kouili Brooklyn property, call of s write to 1IINT7.E A LCEBHcIen; 1,:I48 3d av, A'U Brotklyn; houses on essy terms. a'atl ONE or 30 bouses. hew houses fiir lots or fsrmi) all two-- ll Owner. FEI.TH AN. 753 Mscon it.. Brooklyn. .'lH Ural Utt ox att-- ljj. Q7l'iiri",oW!'.',a,nceniorlgage, for a new, elegant ' O I 1J collage: all Improvements; price (3.000 ( large discount to buyer psylng hsir cssh. Apply to ..ass TWENTY-THIR- WARD IJS0 IMPROVEMEST CO, 880 BROADWAY, or office of Vvse Estate. Sooth era V"B Boulevard and 107th at. Take Weitcheiler av. eleo- - trie cor at 139lhn and 8dav. SJral (gjatatr or ,gatf. l TKNNIMNKn PIIOHPIIATK I. AND "J. 'J I AI.HO I'AUHN, iwaal APPLT T Ott. H. '. I.tlNCJ, jSaal Mdl'NT I'l.KAHA.NT, TK.SfN. Utal (frjitatr 4"or atr OJaHfoniiB. '.'I 1;ilUIT FARM-8- 33 acres: grrst bargain! will sooa H (loo sn sere net profit, Address CIIAS. X. ' FOWL:r. 94 Iji Salle St.. Chicago. ff or ,alf or ITo Ctt Countrij. l 1'0 LET at Dobba Perry, on Hudson, handsome cot-- 'H tsge: all modern Improvements; 11 rooms: 10 lnln- - '.M ulea' walk from depot; full tiartlcularson application) 'asl rent moilerate. 8. J. CI.U.'UH, Dobhs Ferry, N. Y. gj-JC- rt for "OujJiurw fgurpogfg. iW i.6iTt? TO I,KT, '1 With or without steam power, light on four slds) Tk stesm heat and elevators free; low Insurance, reason . H sblerents: easy access to sit shipping points; S.000 to H 18,000 square feet on one floor. Apply to aV JOHN C CHF.VIF.Ii. Bg Newark SU lloixlken. IJL'IIJilNOh. stores, lofts.ofl.i-es- , studios inlet In da-- H J) slrabts locations. F0I.8OM IlllOTHEIUs, .S 83(1 liroadw ay, cor- - I3lhst. H IXJFTS. - Low rent, low insurance: steaa M IIOIIT power, elevatur; at 9U Walker St., near M Bniadwai. f PO LET LofllHx l83; power, eTevalor.offlee room. 1 C. II. O'NEILLCO . )331ludson st. H ltrrlling Houses lo git. M DE8IBABLE Hil'.sj'Jt. furnlahed and untarnished, H of tiie city. H FOLHsttt IIRuTIIEHb. )38 Broadway, cor. 11th it. H jlurn.jglud "flotij-rt- f to gtt-gtt- a' txtt M ONO BRANCH.-- To let. furnlahed cottages, (ISO to, -- H j (100. WILLIAM LANE, opposite Long Branot M dipot. X. J, "Seal Cutatf at gurtion. J "" "'""' MSIVT1I A It YAjiT fl Itesl llslat Auctioneers, aval HI IIUOAPWAI, proposals. S VOT1CE Faltmatea will lie rruelved for dredging H i norlbut V..i3lihat.. on the North Klvsr under mm contract tbu Departnicni of lKa.'ka. uulll H II o'clock M on Tuesdai, July ol .U( For full H I o) Irs for sale at No. L9 rirtlcularsseelbslliy M FattnusleswIU be received for furnishing j N'uriCE. elbt thousand tiarrels of Portland cement, LU uniierculrii I . 479. by tbeliepariment of (vka. B until 11 o'clock A M on Tuesday. July 3! I94 lor H full parllculsrs ssss the tlty Reiord t jples f"r sale at aaxssi Vu. 31 It) Hall H E hF THE toMMISSloNI-R- F QCARAN. H Otr'Hl 71 URlAUWAY NEW YtiRK Tb atten. aH tion ot contracture is called j lbs advertlaerneai la H tbetlly Record Inviting bide fvrpiaits-o- HoXTmas fBVAH and (wtnbura Islands, also extaiiaWi of doc, al amasBB saasai amasaasssjasasssaaswsa ilasKTJ roal "autirrrt. fl SUPREME COl'RT.-- ln Ihe mstter of ths application -- H . tire Commlisioners of the city of fM New York, on behalf of ihe Mayor. Aldermen, and LM Commonalty of the cllyotNew York, by lbs Counsel - totheCoriHirsilon of said city, relative to acquiring title lo certain lands on tbe northerly aids of Maiden Lm I lane. Iietween Ullliam street and Hold street. In tbe Second wanl of said ilty. duly selected by said Board M asaalieforbulldlngarorlhe use of tbe Fire Depart- - mentof said city, under and In pursusnee of the pro- - H tlalom or chapter 151 of the Iwa of 1H91. axss Puriusnt to the provisions of ebspter 151 of th H Iwsof l9t, rntllled "Ansel In relation to build LW lug sites for the lire Deiiaruiirut of Iho .city of New m I York." anil sll other statutes in such cases made and B provMed. notice la hereby given that an appUtaUou will be made to tbe Supreme Court of tbe State of H I New t ork, al a Special lenn of said court, to be held LW at theChamlierstnereof. In the County Court House, awkfl I In Ihe illy of New York, on the Uth day of August, B le94,althe opening of Ihe court on that day, or aa -- M soon theresfierss counsel csu be heart! thereon, for LW the apiMilutmrnt of Commissioners of Appraisal la awjaj. It ealsire entitled matter. H The nature and extent nf Ihe Improvement hereby M lntemle.1 Is the sojulalilon of title by th Mayor, Aldsr-- M men, and Conimoualty of the ilty of New lork, tocer- - sjxaa i tslnlsuds snd prenilie. with the buildings thereon LW snd Hie sppurleusnces thrreui belonrtng. on ths H northerly side of Msldcn lane, wililans street LW andl.old street. In ihe second ward of said city, la JH tee simple absolute, tbe same to be converted, appro- - H I prlstrd. anil umI lo ami for ihe purposes specified In .) i sstd chapter 181 ol tbe laws of ls9i, said property having lieeu duly sehvtfd by laid lloard of Firs Com- - JM I mlssloners of thertly of New lork aa a site for build- - H Ings for the use of the lire Department of said city, H under and In purauauce of the provisions of said chap LrM ter 181 of the Laws of 1894, being the followlng-de- LW scribed lots, pieces or part rls of land, namely 4BX. All thoaetworertalu lots, pieces or psrcels of land H situate, lying and being In the Second ward of lb H city of New tork, and bounded and described a .H follows Saxaxt Beginning at a point on lb northerly side of Maiden H lane, opposite ths centre of a party wall, which point H ladlatani 17 feel 10 Inches easterly from th. four- - -- - lectlou of tbe easterly aide of W llllam itreet wills th H northerly aide of Maiden laus, runulng Ihenc north- - aVAVJ erly and Ibmugh Ihe centre of aald party wall 89 feel fssa 3 Indies: thenre westerly 13 feet 5 Inches lo s point tM dlitsnl 85 feet IH liu Ues northerly from th said 4Bva northerly aide of Maiden lane, thence southerly and aaal at right angles lo ihe Isai course 4 Inches; tbenc. kM westerly In fret (ilucnee. thence somberly 3 feet 10 H Inches, thence westerly 1 fiit"3 Inches to tb centre fM of a certain )ariy w sll thi nee southerly and tbrnugb H the centre of aald pari) wall 8 feet, Ibenoe westerly H 3 Inches loihsceiitre of another party wall, tbenc. H ioutherl sod through the centre of th last men- - s- -l Hone.) parly wall 73 feel A Inches to tbe northerly H side of Msl.icn lane, and tbeuce easterly and along th said northerly side of Maiden Ian 34 fact luchs H lo pie imiIui or t.laceul beginning. Lfaal Dated NEW VtlRK. July 18, "ii. M WIU.IAMII.CLAKIC. H Counr el lo the Corporation, M S& 'J Tryun ruw New York city. M Ill'A KIVllH'H HAI.R ' H Pursuant to order of tbe Court of Common Plea ) I will sells! public July Jilt, 18U4. U 1 OH o'clock noon, at No. a Maiden lane. New lork tit y. tb AVaffj entire ato. k of fine diamond luouuttngs. conslatlng of H pcudanl.. cluster rings, st'srf pins, lace plus, sworda, H Ac, also t4Mla,rtills.Tatbra, aud luaehlnery. lachidlog H the whole atiark. natures, and mac bluery of the bust. H neai formerly carried ou by Marcus bteru A Co., at 6 H Msldsu lane. New York dl) H JObLPII WALKER,Jr.. Receiver. H 35 Wall street, New York city, M TURNER, MrCLt'RE A RillATON. aaal Attorneys for tvilllam alreet. New York. B Y) ECEIYER'8 NOTICE, ll Is my Intention to )rsaent H IVuiy account of proceeding., with vouchers c. lo ( Ue Court of lisumon Plrasfor Ihe (11) and County H of New York, at a special Term I hereof, lo he held la - tbe County Court House In said ell) un Ihe 3d day of H Aiutuil, . S T r nASCAU Becelver. Ae.. pf Tbe I jgstman Typolheier Company. H

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Page 1: · I' ' THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 2V, 1804. , 9 'I asi comxxrciax...1 Mtw Tark rltas. Eaehaasrs Sal) laly M, at tntlTIt) (TATM AMD STTAT IK1KM (IX

I' ' THE SUN, FRIDAY, JULY 2V, 1804. , 9

'I asi comxxrciax...1 Mtw Tark rltas. Eaehaasrs Sal) laly M,at tntlTIt) (TATM AMD STTAT IK1KM (IX tl.OOOs).

Mfi 11 Vr debt I 6SCr44 100MIWl.i M I

glomco prick or tmrrcD itatm bonds.J JM. .Aired.... Bid. Asred.

B JSa:::::AirjSft S?:::8) z

RAILROAD AND OTlIItn BOND ftft 11,00 0(0.Atchison a 7044 4 Nor n n of Cl Be H

Si j vvj8 ........... ...... .. TOW V

I..M..II.I.U i 1H OhoMlis cn.,.lP8?0H 1 Ohio M 8F,jo9

iii;:.;...-- . jo 1? or r !:. .Mu.. jot, io8J5 71. 104

ft Atohisxra Mi, A . 0K 8 Oregon Imp 0 ... 64Hi IS..... VOW 0 85Ci 1 4. 8U

'1 AmtlOss ...U..I18 1 11(11,0,0 ASttla irrodsrsy Tth 4)4a.Bl 104'JT atcbos. 10W4 10RhVrTU... MMtr... no o saG

ikORtio to. WW 1 hock til ... iIltrnriklynEltd.. 3 Rock lal ex is... 01WJCblAOcnfH ....105 ... . .ioiH

.....105. H ioiw,. 105 a Rock III deb 5s. . I4

WH 1 RhA RnvSs..". 76AOBWtntg, 1 Rcsdlng inl 4s, . 7SJ4!J ootr....... ...... .101 II .. 7H

O.B Q 4,r,eb 7 ....... 75jiex.. 88J4 10 Reading I it pflno 8.)4

IH 6,. .... "Hlsow 10 heading tdprino 8 J8 Canada So 1st. ...lew 1 Readlngdefln... 444 , lOW, 6RI0 O Wllt... . (14

Canada So Id IPMj 0 Scioto VANE 4s. (WW, . 104 10 .. . ft!

Ch Kill tnl 6.. V7J4 0 i'Hrh.StLANOos.llnl, 1 Bt r A Mlnnacn. 183ChloAErlelno .. 31H 1 RoPaenfCal HI. 104DenAROcn 71 out V ft Ma lit. MEdison It 1 1st... .1014 OA 11014Ft Worth lit S7M 15 St P Ma con t. . 11VJfowaOnt lit.... PO 7.. 110iKiuPaccon 7VM st PftUcpn 4U.l0flUKanftTei4i 7hW 10 Bt L HFSJ.orn.ll W......,. im S8tpni4.. . . enKn ft Tex .... 40 SHtl.ftHWllt. 04MfrJMOu lit.. H7U 4KtLftBWil 14U

Mo,KftKlit..... ItH 1 Bat Wlit inMax Inl lit 4a.. 70 80Bn A ft APUt U 014

70H DSt JoftOI lit... A3OMInpiftntL lm loneatl.H K lit. 43Hi 140 18 Tax Pae Id In.. VI

IBU 14 Union Pao.Mm.. 0HI8 Union Tac, M7i.. 104

ISM 4 Union Pae, 'vaa..iotta 104

93 10414fMatniit 8.. IOIWI I0tj 'Union l'c, V9I..104W

lit 7a.lll BUnlonFao.tir,.. 87lOOH 1 Union Kl lit...... KU

MM A r...,.Vl04l 11 Wabaah lit?. I09Q4KT.OW.r4a. 8 1 10Jl!!x!!'.V.V.'.'.'.!!!l!! r&h isWabiiin d'. '.'.;."." 70

MT.OftWen6a.108M SWBIiora4a 104Total aalaa of railway bonda (par Talus), 1902.000.

BAIUtOAD AltD OTnKR BHARES.Open' IHqK- - Low- - C1orino.y

fain. (no. nt. m, Md. A&nL40AdaniKx...,14M 160M 148V 16(1 161

4KlAm8tlHef..l04ft 104 lOlri 103 109M33Am8Mlte(p. 84 84 84 84 OttJ84 Amer Cabls... 88W 80 89W D8U 81

400 Amrr Too. ... M 88 M niil (is8AAmerTobrM01 10V 10 103 103

SOtSAtch.TftaV. 814 4 UK 4 414800 Canada South. 48U 48U 4e( 40W 48WS80Cha ft Ohio.. 10 1GH inC loC7 inU

TOOOOiteaapOaa.. 74 74 7, 7a4J 73J180ChloAlton.l40K 14 14( 140 1410XO,CCft8tL. 8U 534 H 83 SO133ChioNW...104 104 104 104 104W

0ChftNWpf.l4aV 14fW 14KW 141 14tQfSSOCBftQ..,'.. 74jl 74tJ 74tl 74M 741

llSAOC.MftBtP... 87W M B7M BM (42 1184 Ubtt 117H 118

t04SO.RIPac... 8Q SOU 6M4 On oVtD!nadaon.180Q ISOU 1AOU 1S0U 13IU001ei. Lft W....108 18 lOt 10.1 104

nooDenftROpf. M4 4 sH 7 x?KUtMDUtlUftOr. 18 18 lTtJ 18l;, lhM

100OnralElec. 84 88 SO 80 soilAOIIllnoliCant.. 8IW siu 8IW now ul!J

100 Lake Shore. ..lHOtJ 180U loC uuU 191SOOLITrme.. 14W 14 14K 14S I4t(

1800 lull ft Naab. 43li 46 4S(, 43 J 404S8ttashat Con..ll4U IIS 114L imU HSW

IS Mich Cent.... 8SV 8SW 831, 84 9(1Wboo Minn ft 8t L.. 8i2 aU "4 4

1710XtuourlPao. xstf 84V I.W 84 S4U8A3 MY Central... 87 87 87 VO 07WoOONatlad 37H 8N 37)4 IITjJ 8xiJ40NatIxad pf.. 84 84lJ 84 B3tf 84

S10N Y.LKft W. 14 14 14 14 141410.VY,8W... 1414 14H 14t. 144 140

480SY.8ftWpf. 40 40 40 4(1 4oB000 Northern Pac. 84 314 84 W M800 North Pao pf. lj 13 181, 18W 18W800 Ontario ft W. 14U 14W 14; 14tj 14rJ

t880PhlUftUead. 17 17 17 17j5 17218PullPCarCo.lSAU 16 lBOU 18Q 16

8001' C.CftHtL. loij lOtj lotj loVj U100 Pitta ft Wp7. 8tf 0 80 -88SRIehft WP... 14H 14M 1414 144 lilOOKIehftWPnf. 18 18 IX 17W It800 st I' A Omaha. 8.V4 HV4 mu 3t2 30

lOrttPftOmnf 118 118 110 118 11700Btl MAM.. .100 103 103 lot 101U

800 Southern Pao I7W 1H 171 in tal18SOTennCftI.... 17(2 17U lnjj inv 17VJ

600 Texaa ParlHo. 8W xw HU hQ nU173T.AAANM. 4J 47 4(7 4 4C2

1800 Union Pacific MJJ u tW H4 u710Uarordase.. so xuM so sow 81

HUH Cord pf... 34 84 84 34 39lOOlfllUbber... 344 H44 8U-S4t- M400 UH Leather.. 10 10U 8lj WW lu

. 800 U 8 Leathpf.. SS ootl 63 Mi 60flj ,1 400 Wabaih pf.. 134 la 1344 I8V4 1HUI I IOWeUa.KarEx.110 llri lls m 117Jl 884 WeatUn TeU. 844 8IT4 844 MfV 116S Wheel ft L K. Bt 10 8 bl, 84SSOWhftLJCpf.. 40 40 39 87 89

Total aalea of atocka were 188.800 iharea.BOSTON CLOSIKO QCOTATIONr).

Bid. Jitltd. Bid. Atlnl.Boe ft Albany. 803 80S ErieTeL ..40 404boa Maine.., 148 Weetlnah'ie K 88 81Cn.Bfty 7444 74!4 Weal Knd L'U. 84 8HCentMaai 10 One ft Mon.. 814Fltehburg 0844 Butte ft lloi... H 84Vex On 4i.. 64 Cal ft llecla. .878 -OldroJonr,.,, 180 A. Tft8Pe4l, 70W 7I('Am Bell Tel. ..180 187 A. T ft a Fe Ino 80H 81


ConTracfn&a 8SJ4 MS IPennaHR.... 4H1 494People'! Tree. 4B4 4Sti Phlla Tract'n.. 834 9(1A LehUh Valley. aij 8o!4IMet Traction. 114 118

l LATEST I)NDON QUOTATIONS.f Atchteon.. . .. 8 Norfolk ft Weit pf .. 19r

V Canadun Padnc .. SH4 Northern I'acldo pf .. isLUI KMeeommon. 14 Ontario ft Weiteru... ISI J'. Erie 8d oonaola.. ... 744 TenniylTanla SouHIT jlilnoli Central 8.1 Beadlnx S1 f Kanaai ft Texaa. ... 18481 Paul. 69Jiy lakeHhore 1384 Union PaelBo 9BlJ Ism ft NaihTllle .. . 40U Wabaen pf 134IH ii Y Central tr4

.jS TnunSDAT, Julj 28.' Theconru of prices in the stock market today reflected a steady covering movement bythe short Interest. The advances were gradualand In no rases extraordinary, bat were signifi-cant as taking place without the Incentive offavorable developments or of any special changein the situation. Closing prices for the generalHat were at or only fractionally below the highestof the day. The only active stocks In v hlch thenet changes exceeded 1 point were Distillers'and 8ugar. The former received support fromthe general disposition to cover, while Pugarcertificates on a very heavy volume of businesssold down nearly 3 V cent., closing wilh a net

.1 loss of 2J y cent, on the day. Outside of theregular manipulation of the certificates motive

I causes for the decline were apprehensions of ai , loss of the discriminating protection given to

the refiners in the Senate bill, and there wereevidences also of the liquidation of a large lineof the stock recently acquired by one of Itshabitual manipulators. It may be added that thestrength of Distillers' was not unaccompaniedby statements from its executive, though theconnection between them ia not clear. Thecovering was most pronounced In the Grangershare, and no doubt waa accelerated by officialdenials of recent reports bearing on the nextHock Island dividend. The total volume ofbusiness was not large, and was rather unequallydivided between Hug-a-r certificates and all the

jb others. Among the inactive shares declines ofS IV cent. In Wheeling and Lake Erie common

I jL and of 2H V cent, in the preferred were noted.LTj Pittsburgh and Western preferred also sold at aTfl decline of 7 points from its last recorded sale on

J April si,K The news of the day waa meagre and the de- -

V A Telopments of a routine character. Clold to theI i amount of over $?.000,O0O was withdrawn fromV the of which 18,000,000 U de-ft talced for Kurope and the balance for Canada.I An equal or larger amount will almost certainlyI be taken until which time it is lm-- I

Possible to state the exact requirements of theI sellers of exchange. The committee under the1 trust Indenture of the Union Pacific HallwayI Company has decided to advise the holders ofil the company's 0 V cent, collateral trust notes

iVv Bot ,u v"" ,ho collection of their prlncl--Vu Pal at the present tlm. These obligations, it

Mil bo recalled, were issued In 1HU1 in orderi to fund the curupanr'a then embarraaaiug

Coating debt. They mature Aug. 1, but It1 Is manifestly Impossible for the company to pay

' Ai'fm at 'h' time. Further on lu this articlewin bo found the full recommendation of theCommittee and a statement of what ha beenaccomplished by arrangement with the receiv-er.

i'lnal sales compare with those of yesterday afollows;

At. TAB fa $44 K Y Central. 97W 87I Canada 80. 4 49U Ont ft West. , Uti liftV 4. ft St U SM iRockltUnd. Ufl 664m C.IlAy T4J3 Iti ' Kleh ft W r. . 14U 14V4"IcaioUaa 74 lA IKlch ftWPpf. 17 IS

1 ij tni lSU 1745i WsftOlPtt ITiJ l'StPalScom. 670V (rtoLlac si sn1, Texaa Pa. fc 84y 44 45U Colon Pac. btj H

liJf I fc Shore 18VM ISOU V blUtnUg. to SoJJKkU 1 I44 1 IS, West I'afel 844 ?2

gUtourlPac 8U4j tl WkaelftLK loU 844H 1 C'"'.0" 4 104 WaealftLCpf 41HP ft 14 IJ I

H I . Qwernmsnt bonds saaier. The 4s closed M3HM tent, lower bid. Hallway bonds Orm. The

AH tI! vre Oregon Kallnay and NarlxaUonm b "".wcjoa Ixaprpteiiujit tva. Ittcliinond and

BsBsaavX z4' a-- aiiaaBSxSxawMsawsassasasasgSPaaa


TeTTnlnsl fls, flcloto VaMey and 'Kew England4. Wabash 1st. Atchison and needing issue.The more Important net advances were inAtchison 4. 1 S) cent, to 71, and BdsA.M.toSit Oreiron Hallway and Navigation isU.H, to1041 Oregon Improvement 6s, 44, to BUM I ltlch-mon- d

and Terminal flu, H. to SOU; Heading 1stpreference Incomes, H, to 20, iftl preference In-comes, H. 'o SOW, Scioto Valley and New 4s, 1H. to 6o4. and Wabash 1st. )s Y cenfc,to 10.1.

In bank stocks, 00 shares of American Exchange sold at ICO.

Har stiver In London 284d,Money on call, 1 V cent. There Is practically no

demand for time money. Quotations, are 2 fcent, for four months and 3 r cent, for sixmonths. The market for commercial paper

dull, and offerings of desirable bills arelight, i Prime endorsed bills receivable arequoted at SHO- -l V rent., tholce single-nam-epatter at UWti V cent., and good at 4)435)4, Vcent.

The sterling exchange market was quiet lo-d-

and rales were a shado easier. Tlie goldshippers were dlfpowd to offer bills a little morefreely thsn yeslenlay, and this led to the re-action. Continental exchange was dull, hutsteadier than sterling. Posted asking rates forsterling, $1.8743 J4.HR for long bills and S4.HW

4t4.8i4 for demand. Actual rates are! Longbills, $4.R7Mrt4.N7,: sight (irnfts. S4.R84US4.NN4, and cable transfers, t4.rri)fcftf4.HRi;Francs are quoted at o.lTJtlS.ldH for long and5.1A forshortl relchsmarks, HAf(ilU3l4 for longand OoftfUMU for short: guilders. 40)40406-1- 0

for long and 40HO40 7-- for short.IVomestlo exchange on New York I Boston

Par to 3 cent premium. Charleston Iluylng,par; selling, M premium. Savannah Iluylng,par: selling, H piymlum. New Orlranv-llan- k,

76 premium; commercial, par. Pan FranciscoSlRht, 12)4! telegraphic, IS. Ht. Louis 60 centsdiscount. Chicago 20 centsprcmlum bid.

The anthracite coal sales agents at tholr meet-ing y derided upon a.oOO.ono tuns as thejirnbablo requirement of the trade for August.Is'o change was made In prices.

The Pennsylvania Kallrnsd Company reiortsfor all lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie for Juneas compared with tho same month last ) ear ftdecrease In gross rnrnlngsnf $l,020.1Hl,a

In expenses of $1,016,107. and n decreaseIn net Turnings of !0OS,07.'l. The sixmonths ending June 30 as compared withthe same erlod last year show a de-crease In gross en minus of $7,037,240 ;a decrrnse In exines of $6,072,402! a derreaseIn net earnings of $1,004,747. All lines west nfPlttshurgh and Krie for June, as comtxirrd ltlitho same month Inst year, show a ilecrrnse ingross earnings of $1,1(14,401; a decrease inex- -

Jenscsiif$.Ml,051;adecreaseln net earnings ofJuno 30, as

comiiarrd with the same period lmit year, showa decrease In gross earnings of $4,030,305; ade-crea-

In expenses of $2,001,521; ndecreaso innet earnings of $1,734,813,

The gross receipts of tho Philadelphia andReading Hallmad for June were $l,lin,30il;gross eapenscs. $1,020,4611; net receipts fromother sources, $50,8.12; showing profit for thomo. th, $l,03ti,omi. Deducting equipment pay-ments, terminal trackage, and fixed chargesthere Is a surplus for tho mouth of $151,745,against a surplus of $120,387 In June. 18113.The set en months of the present fiscal yearshow a deficit of $l,ll)M.?04. against adeficit in tho corresponding period of lastyear of $1,022,051. The gross receiptsof tho Philadelphia and Itrndinic Ca1and Iron Company for Juno were $i,34R,H83;operating expenses. Improvements, c, $2,137,-24- 2:

profit from mining. $211,741. Deductingfixed charges there Is a surplus for the month of$80,532, against a deficit nf $03,132 In June.1803. The seven months nf the current floralyear show a deficit of $052,343, against a deficitIn the corresponding period of last J ear of$700,180.

Tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad reportsgross earnings for Juno of $008,300, a decreaseof $151,808 as compared with the same monthnf last year, and net $237.08, an Increase of$.17,100. For the twelve months ending June 30

gross earnings were $0,044, lOR.adecreaseof1,305,057 as compared with the corresponding

period of last year, and net $3,010,081, a de-crease of $185,053.

The Northern Central Railroad reports grossearnings for June of $403,411, a decrease of$120,004 aa compared with the same month oflast yenr, and net $137,075, a decrease of $80,-01- 3.

For the six months ending June 30 thegross earnings were $2,(107,140, n decrenvof$707,404 as compared with the correspondingperiod of last year, and net $738,081, a decrrasoof $305,174.

The Allegheny Valley Railroad reports grossearnings for Juno of 9151,568. n decrease of$H4,233ns compared with the same month lostjeur. and net $42,230, a decrease of $42,340.For the six months ending June 30 the grossearnings wero$lH0.H51, a decrease of $372,507as compared with the corresponding leriod oflast year, and net $.'118,038, a decrease of$127,203.

The New York Guarantee and Indemnity)Company reports for tho ear eliding June :m:Resources llonds and mortgages. $110.28(1;stock Investments, $4,130,077: loaned on col-laterals, $5.347,04 on Twrsonal secu-rities. $40,073: real estatr.f 101.O2U; rashltrms,$1,542,472; other assets. $45,23(1; total, 4.

Liabilities-Capit- al, $2,000,000: sur- -fund, $1.000,000;'tindlvlded profits, $552,-1- 2:

deposits In trust. $1,830,730: general de-posits. $7,704,342; other liabilities, $180,121;total, 813,333,014. Profits during year. $012.-07- 5:

Interest credited. S20R.435: rxnenses.5181,(1(11: dividends declared. $140,000;

with Interest, $0,100,231 ; rate of interest,1 to 4 V cent.

The New York Security and Trust Companyreports for the year ending June 30: Hesonrccs

llonds and mortgages. $250,600: stock invest-ments, $2,400,787; loaned on collaterals,

loaned on personal security, $1,020,-1)0- 3;

cash Items, $3,580,027: other assets, $53.-64- 7:

total. $0,808,350. Liabilities-Capi- tal

stock, $1,000,000; surplus fund. $1,000,000;undivided profits, $50,102; deposits In trust,f7,800,330; other liabilities. $32,807; total,

0,808,350. Profits during ear, $308.0.15; in-terest credited. $120,703; expenses. $48,001;dhldends declared, $50,000: deposits with In-terest, $0,223,215; rate of interest, 1 to 4 V cent.

The Metropolitan Trust Company reports forthe year ending June 30: Resources llonds andmortgages, $200,000; stock Investments, $2,257,-80- 0;

loaned on collaterals, $5,487,070; real es-tate, $330,000; cash items, $305,472; other as-sets, $7.1.126; total, $0,014,077. Liabilities-Cap- ital

stock. $1,000,000: surplus fund.$l.o:i.l,.270; general deposits. $0,013,005: other llablli-tie- s,

$(111,803: total. $0,014,077. Profits duringear. $172.(181; Interest credited. $77,414; ex- -

$20,448; dividends declared. $40,000;Jwnses. with interest, $0,702,204 ; rate of Inter-est, 1 to 3 V cent.

The Continental Trust Company reports forthe year ending June 30; Resources llondsand mortgages, $200,800: stock Investments,$030,843: loaned on collaterals, $2,035,141;loaned on personal securities, $158,415; cashitems, $350,843; due fmm bunks, $00,315; otherassets. $23,034; total $.1.714.31.1. Liabilities-Capi- tal

stock. $600,000; surplus fund, $230,000;undivided profits, $100,020; deposits In trust.$873,332; general deposit, $1.0(15.847; otherliabilities, $15,205; total. $3,714,313. Profitsmade during the) ear, $131,070: Interest crrd.Itetl, $34,175: expenses, $42,00(1; dltldendsde.clarcd, $7,300; deposits with Interest, $2,200,-80- 3;

rate of Interest. 1 lo 3 V cent.The Washington Trust Company re;iorts for

the year ending June 30; Resources llonds andmortgages, $80,(100 ;stnck Int etments.$(100,l&0 ;loaned on collateral. $2,873,031; loaned on per-sonal srrurltlee.$30.03O; rash on hand,cash ondepnstt. $538,550; other assets, $34,302;total, $4,242,3.17, Liabilities-Capi- tal stork,$300,000; surplus fund, $400,000; undividedprofits. $40,108: general deposits, $.1,200,001;other liabilities, $5,774: total, $4,242,537. Prof-l- u

during the year, $181,403; Interest credited.$77,318; expenses. 830,520; dividends declared,$30,000; dciHwlts with Interest, $3,247,282; rateof Interest, 1 to 3)4. V cent.

The United States Mortgage Company reportsfor tho lear eudlng June 30: ResourcesRonds and mortgages, $1,824,280; stock Invest,ments. $V,783,17a; loaned on collaterals, $1,.770,08.1: loaned on personal securities, $301,-34- 1;

real estate, $01.850 ; rash Items. $2,341..657: other assets. $80,538: total. $8,141,110,Uabllltlee-Cap- lul stock, $2,000,000; surplusfund, $000,000; undivided profits, $105,574;deposits In trust, $80,248; general deposits. $4.- -

07.314; other liabilities, $1,247,080; total,J8.141,110. Profits during year. $.185,372; in-

terest credited. $(10,743; exiense, $88,808;dividends declared, $180,000; deposits with In-

terest. $4,100,400; rate of Interest, 1 to 4 Vcent.

The I'nlon Trust Company reports for theyear ending June 30: Resources llonds andmortgages, $722,200: stork Investments,

loaned on collaterals, $13,870,754; realestate, $1,000,000; cash on hand, $4,044,572;cash on deposit, $12,705,033; other asbeU,$173,887; total. $37,440,57(1. Llabllltles-Ca- pl.

tal stock. $1,000,000; surplus fund, $1,731,040;deposits, $31,324,U13; oilier liabilities.

Seneral total, $.17,44fl.5Id, PrAt duringyear, $1,20.1.183: Interest credited, $000,522;expenses, $172,083; dividends declared, $240,.000; deposits with interest. $20,310,701; rata ofInterest, 1 to 4 V cent.

The KnlckerUcker Trust Company reportsfor the year ending June 30; Resources- - Mondsand mortgage. $127,500: stock, investments,$2,231,708; loaned on collateral. $8,302,080;loaned on pergonal securities, $208,072; tasltItems, $1,020,203: other assets, $80.35.1 ; total,$0,007,407. Liabilities- - Capital $730,000;

prom. $J4O,O50: deposit In trust.$1,484,002: general deposits. $4,040,100; otherllabilltle. 852.085: toUL $6,007,407. Prodiduring year, $200,748: Interest credited, $U0..838: expenses, $87,130; dividends declared,$43,000; deposits with Interest, $3,711,738;rate of Interest, I to 4 $ cent.

The Btate Tl ut Company reports for the yearending June 30 f Resources-Bon- ds and mort-gage. $44,B5fl; stoik in estraenu, $8,034,434;loansd on collateral. $4,078,728; real estate,$07..130; cash items. $1,808 600: other asset.$50,710; total. $8,213,000. Liabilities-Capit- al

stock, $1,000,000: surplus fund, $300,000; un-divided profit, $350,31(1; deposit In trust.$8,340.04; other liabilities. Jll.288; total.$8,213,000. Profile during year. .74 ;

credited. $122,032: expenses. $55,077;dividends decUred, Jd0,000: deposits, with

l3.604.13S; rate of interest, 1 toSHVcent- -

Tb Title Guarantee and Trust Companyforth year ending June 30: Reaourt-bo- jul

nd mortgage. $3.031.8!; tock Uveat-ment- s,

8J51.600 Ioii4 oa coUatsral. lT,.

727 1 cash Items t3o0,fid0j plant, $450,000)other assets, $03,803 total. $3,070,086. Liabilities--Capital stock, $2,000,0001 surplns fund,$008,336! general deposits. $4.13,574; other Ha.bllltlea, $274,8701 total. $3,670,080. PrpflUdaring year, $70.1.148; Interest cretllld.$17..640! expenses, $420,0501 dividends declared,$120.0001 deposits with interest, $433,141) rateof Interest, 1 to 4 f) cent.

Messrs. J. Plerpont Morgan, John A. Stewart,Edward King, E. Kllery. Anderson, and Alex-ander E. Orr, the committee under the TrustIndenture of the Union Pclflc Hallway Com-pany of Hept, 4, 1801, have addressed the fol-lowing rlrcuiar to the holders of the six p'cent, collateral trust note Issued nndrr that In-denture and maturing Aug. 1, 1804:."The early maturity of the above notes and

tho financial condition of the Union PacMo Rail-way Company make It proper that the commit-tee should communicate to you Its views a tothe trust which they represent on your behalf.The trust deed provided for a possible issue of$24,000,000 notes. Of this amount only818.710,000 were Issned, and $7,480,000were redeemed nt various dates from saleof collateral, leaving $11,224,000 notes nowoutstanding. The receivers of the Union Parlflos stem hae regularly deposited with the trus-tees of this loan thu monthly Installments ofInterest; and. after full dollleratlon. your com-mittee Is nf the opinion that If the receivers con-tinue to deposit monthly a sum sufficient. In con-nection with tha Income collected on the col-lateral pledged, to pay Interest on thenotes at tl per cent, per annum, th noteholders may advantageously refrain from press.Ing forpaymentof Ihe principal, or from forc-ing a sale of the collateral pledged for the notes.Negotiations with tho receivers have been Inprogress for some time, and. as a result, theyhae agreed with the committee that they willcontinue to provide for the Interest, by monthlyInstallment as stated." and that they will.If necessary, make application to the court forauthority to enrryout this arrangement. In theopinion of the committee tho collateral held forthese notes is mora than adequate for their ulti-mate liquidation. Under these circumstancesthe committee unanimously advise the noteholders not to press the collection of the princi-pal at present: It being understood, however,that tho Interest shall ho regularly paid and thatneither the trustees nor the rnmmlltro waiveanv of their rights or power on our behalftinder the trust Indenture, or bind themselvesnot to sell the collateral whenever deemed bythem to be advisable,"

The condition of the Treasury at the close ofbusiness t(vday compares with that nf yesterdayas follows:

Jvlv ff. July i.Tntsl STstlsble suets . 7sS.h!,44S KI,:n.744Current llswmifi,... ani.oou.tns noo,i30,074

Total tialanre , .. (I88,78(1,un2 $181,180,070Gold balance . . O0,084,nu 00,483,783

Currency balance 3, 1 03.201 JO.1,684.845Included In assets are $10,357,240

fractional silver and minor coins and $12,038,-50- 2deiwjslts In national banks. The Treasury

holds $4,778,020 nntinnnl bank notes for re-demption, ngalnst $3,002,400 yesterday.

Money In Inidon, Mfl.4 W cent. Rate of dis-count In tho open market, for both short andthren months' bills, slll-l- l rent. TheRank nf England's minimum rate nf discountunchanged at 2 V rent. Amount of bullion with-draw- n

from the Rank of England on balance to-day A'35.000. The proportion of Its reserves toits liabilities Is 00.0.1 V cent., against 00.0(1 Vrent, last week and 48.3.1 cent, last year. Rul-llo- n

In the Rank of England Increased last weekA'l 40.000. and reserve Increased 337,000. Parisadvices quote 3 V cents at 101 francs 55 s,

and exchange on London at 36 franca 10)4centimes. The weekly statement nf the Hankof France shows an Increase of 8.075,000 francsgold and an Increase of 1,430,000 francs silver.Tho weekly statement of the Imperial Rank ofGermany shows an increase in specie of

marks.The Protective Committee of tho first mort-

gage bondholders of tho Duluth and ManitobaRailroad Company nnnounces that holders ofmore than a majority of tho first mortgagelionds having signed the agreement nf April 4last, the same ts therefore operative. Bond-holders who have signed the agreement are re-quested to deposit their bonds immediately withtho New York Guaranty and Indemnity Com-pany, and to receive therefor negotiable certifi-cates of deposit. Rondholders who have notsigned the agreement are requested to do so atonce, nnd make deposit of their bonds beforeAng. 16, after which date their assent will boaccepted only on such terms as the committeemay Impose.

Electric Htoek Qnotatloaa.PosTO.July 20. The closing quotations of electrte

tocki today were!BUI. jMkl.

Edlsnn Electric Illuminating US 180oeneral Electric so 804Weillnxhouae Electric 38 83Weitlnzhousa Electric pf .... 68 6.1Fort Wayne Electric. 84 2W,Fort Wayne Elertrto Trim (series A). 44Thomson-Housto- Trust (series CI . 44 6Thomson llouiton Truit (aeries D).. . 4 44

Comaaerelal Coaapend.TnnuiDTjoIr 28OTros Declined 0 to R norfnu

and closed barely ateady. Sales 133.VA0 bales. Liver,pool adTanced 4 to 1 point and closed barelysteady; ipol sales 12 000 bales at hardening butunchanged prices. In Manchester yarns were steady;clothimrt with more Inquiry, but there was not muchtiuftlnessdolng. New orleani declined 4 toe points,hpot cotton here waa steady, hales hoo for exportand 1,400 for iplnntng. Middling uplands, 7c. Houtb-er-

ipot marketa were very quiet as a rulo, with pricesluit where ther stood restcrOsv. Memphis wss verystesdy. New Orlesns steady, hut Oalveaton and Savannan eaiy. New Orleans told 1,23(1. Port receipts001, against SD.1 this dsy lait week and 1.S91last year, lhu far this week 3.8.17, againstH.teu thus far lat week. Tho Bombay shiplitents since Jsn. 1 sre 48.000 to Great Britain, against33.000 for the asms time but year, and 78I.0O0IO IheContinent, agalnit 03.000 for the same time lait year.The Bomlay receipts for the week ar, agalmt7.000 for ths same week lart year, and tbe total ilnceJan. 1 Is 1,307,000, against 1.491.000 during ths aamatluts last year. The rainfall for twenty-fou- r hoursending at A P. M. ieiterday waa a trace at Atlantastations, .01 st (lalrestnn and at Mobile stations, .03 atHavannah.. 13 at Wilmington, .08 at Auguita, .87 atCharleston. Ran Antonio had a rainfall of ,18 of anInch. The Signal Servlne predicted generally fairweather In the cotton belt during the ensuing twrniy.four hours. Maximum temperatures for twent).fourhours H4' to 84'. minimum (U1 to 70'. bllver declined3-- Od. In Londou snd S4c. here.

FEATmis The MTcrpool newi wss disap-pointing, tbe crop news waa generally favorable, a tnlmany recent buyers sold out. That was aU there wasof the market Tbe ipot sales In New York,New Orlesns. snd l.lverpoul rnsda an aggregate of13.130 balea, and ssles of torn descriptions of cottongoo.1l show an Increase. Hut, taking tbe iltuatlon aaa whole on the basis of itipply. present and prospec-tive, and the exlitlng demand, most operators Inclineto the short side. Friday, notloes on '

August eotitrscts sre expected. The trsulng In futureswas as follows:

Cluing. lltghnt. JjAtt SaltJuly ... A 03,40.07 0.71 0.70 1.000Auzuit ti.A9un.;o 0.74 AS8 41. MOO

September ,fl.73a.74 0.78 0 7:1 18.400October , 0HlwO.SH 0.SH 0 si 10,800November ,,o.tM 0 93 o.o 13,900December O.U7uO VX 7 O.I 0 97 88,700January 7 04'17.1H 7 00 7.03 10,800February. 7.11u7.l 7.13 7.18 400March 7.187.1 7.91 7.17 t,400AprU 7.21i7.2 7.83 7.83 300

FLora Bull snd In buyers' fsvor. Sales 0,700Mils. Exports 4,030 bhls, and 8.947 sacks. Receipts0.704 bbls. and 0.274 aaeki. Winter wheat branda Inbhli. were quoted as follows: No grade, S1.70USI.A,,nne, tl.MWll.81; superfine, 8848.10; No. J extra, No. 1 exira. 2.10i.S0, clear, 12 30u ,

2 00; straight!. S2 06,42 M.1; patents, S2.9(sS.t 3u:Mlchlgau stralithts. S2.70i.tt2 Kl; ell) mills for West I

Indies, S3 43: ' patents," 2(1. Bye flour, iu-r- -

nne, it .V4f.1. Corn meal, We.lern. S2 S(K4t2 Mllrsndywlne, 2.Wl. Bag meal-- Hn jellow, SLUM11.071 while. Sl.(k4tl 10, coarse, urV4U7o.. do. ilfl-ed- .

97'sux.'. ll.uulnv and amp. SH.4S.I.V3. Pearl bar.ley. t2.IS.sfl.A0i granulate.1 lellow V.Vt3.IOl.u.1 whliejrranolated, Jut3.8U bbl. Choice fansa. 2.4IM8 .'MX- - f t:tluts Wheat decllneq . Spot sales K8.000buih. Including 8 ioails for exnttrt. No. 2 rcl. 14c.under beptember afloat; No. 8 Toledo, le, under Hep- -

teinber afloat: No. I Northern, Me, over Septemberf. o. Ii. afloat; No. 2 red. f. O. b. afloat. Sac. under Sep-tember. These were the receipts: Chicago, 84S.930buih.i Mllwsukee, 1.930: MlaneapolU. 84.ihm1j Duluth,83.330; 81. Louis, 817,000; ToleJ.k210.hOH; Detroit.44,931; Kansas City, 74,004; New York, 103.800; Hal. I

tlmore, 93.217: Philadelphia, 140,232; Bolton, 34,239.Total, 1.872.730 bush.: total jesterday. 1.442,490, ,

tout last year, 1,130,141. Future sales 2,030,000 bush,si follows: Lfuf I

Opeslaa. Lmift. JJiahftt. Clntimg. .MyA, I

September -- 30 33V SO 1 IS SAt rtUOctober 374 674 371 674 SlUDecember 69M 894 6ut2 6944 noliMsy (144 014 044 044 o4Corn advanced 4c. to Ic. Spot aalea 1 40.000 buih.Including xx.OOu fur exhort. No. 2, 4HW14l4-- . nstore, 6(s8o4o afloat, and Use. over September, f. o.b. store; yellow, 33c. afloat, S04e. lu store. Futuresales 313,000 bush, aa follows;

lJUiOvtKlng. luril, lliahft, Chtl'g. .MoAt.

August.- - 49 49 494 49 44heptemlier -- 44 t"H 48 It 16 4S4, 4S4Noveinlier .4K 4l 4HU 48 47lvecclnber 434 43 434 43t( 46May . 45 43 434 43l 43Oata advance.1 4e. on most months. Spot snd Julydull, hpot sales CROOU buih. No. 2 while, 414c.. 1I0.July. No. 3ilo live.: No. 2 mlicl. 4X4404c.tungraded while, 41(433c, Future salsa 80,000 bush,aa follows;

Pinning, Ilighitt, doting Atosr.July S4 a4jAugus- t- 32U milSeptember 324 824 824 H 384

s again lower. Largarecelpta at the Wot, lower Enillah lablra, Irrsvulsrsail unsatisfactory ( outlnentalealilea and long liqui-dation caused Ihe dtpresiion. There wss a pretty

export Inquiry and Europe bought futures buthe supplies in this country and Enro; are lllieral,

tbe bartrstlng returns from tbe Wait are favorableand tbe sentiment la bearish among the generality ofo;rators. Corn was stronger owing to dry weatherai tbe Wist and a pretty good demand forUith accounts. Oata sympathised with corntoaomesxunt though the cropadi Ices are rather

recently, Minneapolis, July jo.-T- he Minnsspoils mllli ground 163 Omlbhla, against H3.2S0 weekbefore and 1K7.880 In 19. TheSuperiorand Duluthmills ground S2,4l Uila, agalmt 11.700 (or ths

weekan.1 4 1.178 a year ago. Export shipmentswere 1024 th week before. Thslis-- of flour l the inllt snd In Irsnsli Ii 13O.00Obbls. 8L l4ull groun4 72,400 bb!a,or an Increase of37.H00. Northwsat reports flour prices V10 lowsr.BL Louis reports good export sales. 100.000 aacki has.log been disposed of within two weeks. Clueln.nau, July id. To Cincinnati Prscs tltrrenisars. " Important rsllef hsa been gtvsu to corn byrslns In extensive sreaa In Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, andto sow extent tnofbsr Western States, but many dis-trict are yet inaertag, notably Iowa ad Nebraska,where a abort crop seems certain. Winter wheat re-turns continue toaverags ahead of the estimated yield.Spring wheat altuatioola uncertain, genera! expecta-tion! ar for moderat yield. Oat crop advteee araveraging rather bettar." Th recelpta of grain at thsprtiu.rpllntrtir receiving polate thua far tbia weeka compered with the same daya last week hav beenaa foUjws;

WkftU. Seaa. rorw.ssu. Outa. Sua.To-J- .1.031.200 S7S.7U0 taa.tooThU week.. S. 104.300 I.0SI.40O SSS.40OUsiweek, 1J24.7.90 (Ht.400 6a7,4b0

Osnrxiin Cog ps4 to 13 poluls lower. butrseoTsr (b Uscila a4 load a taudsrat uraac

Utsr on. Th final price ihowed mort months 8 to 10points lower thsn at tbecloss of yesterdsr. Males 18boo bags. Rio receipts 11,000; Bsntos 11,000. BsltJ-mor- e

bolls give the market support from time to time.etrespest firm offers yet msd were receivedJhs from llio, being No. J and No. 8 together at 1 4.0V.,

eqnal to 14 Roe. cost and freight. No. 8 was of.eredhereat lS4e. Warehouse deliveries 10,133 bsg.

Amerlcsn vlilbls supply nf. Brsill aos.vou.sgslnst 416,084 bags. Rio wesk; Ssntos 200 relslower and wesk, Clesredfrom Itlo, the nsllleo, with8t.000.and from Santos the Slrlus. with 1 H.OOO bags,Hstre advanced M frno on July nd Angmt, sndmost other months declined 4 frsne. Ilsmhurg

4 ptg. Exchsnge at Hlo itlll 94d. Tbe tradingIn futures wsi as follows:

July... 1,730 15.10 16.10 ISIivjtirTsoAtigual..,. 8.860 14.10 14 30 J4.fl14.4'SSeptCinb'r.OOO 13.73 13 03 13.70(Jl3.78OclOber., ..2.300 18.21 13 10 13 2')December. 1,300 18.80 18.00 1?.0.V1 70Bin on Ih spot was dull and nominal No. 7, KVAt8t(c,Rales 1,200 hags Msrscslho sml 7oo tisgs CenlrslAmerican on p. I, Raw suesr dull sml itesdyi 8M;80Uit, Slsc. Ssles t2,oooliagscentrltugsls,80 lest, st 34c, Reflneilqulct sml steady,.Nivit. Storm spirits of turpentine dull snd stesdy

al 80i84c.t roln dull snd easy at tl.8K4tl.80forcommon to good itralned.

PsTnourM Nosslesi Nstlnnsl oftereil at 83c. OilCity 8e, closlni olTered 84c.

Psovisioss-lji- rd higher but qtilet. city, O.aoe.tWestern, 7.soc.i July, 7.8(V, September, 7 Hoc. Porkdull but firm. Mess, t'4tl4 83, Dressed hog. 7f74c. i pigs. c. Tsllow, 4 ftlesrlne, 4c. Oleo,7V. . 34c. Beit butler, 17(Al9c.! do.cheese. H'48!c.

ChiCaoo, July 26. These were the Chtcsgo prlcentitt

VThKlt. Oprnlng. ltlgnnt. ttnrrtt. 0'tlng. Mahl.Sept . 6B4 53( 63 6314 63"4Dec: .. 604 67 604 6(4 6SJeVpt!1:. 444 444 4.14 4'P 434Oct ' 44 44 42U 43 44Msy... 404 404 094 894 404Rp'tf:. 88 87h JM S'MMsy..,. 82 38 Hit, allj 8iJSentr..; .S5 6.874 6.83 6.874Bept"'. 8.33 6.674 63 6.53 6.5S4Sept-- ' 112.624 SI8.684

1.1 ve Hloeta Market.Kgw Yosg. Thiirsilsy, July 20. Receipts of beeves

were841 hesd.allfor ei.ortatloii. No trading In lirecattle. Dressed beef steady at 044 ih. for poorto prime native side. Ijitest rabtes fmm limlon andLiverpool quote American steers st 84jtl'4'. e1 .dressed weight, snd American refrigerated lieef at74(48c. V No shipments or nniorrow

Receipts of cslves were 4.MI head. Msrket scllvesnd steadv. Pimr to prime vesls sold from t3 to S0.60

100 isi'i Inferior to prime buttermilk cslves from"Itot-iSo- . Cltydresie.1 vesli.PaloV'. V tt.idreiseil

buttermilk cslves. 34 7c.Receipts of sbeep and Ismtis, Including 4 csrs dl

rect to slsughtcrers, were pj.omo heud. 49 csrs onsale, all told, Tlie demand waa light snd the msrketvery dull, sheep selling s ihsde essler, snd Ismbs st adecline of v4c. V Fullv23 rsrs were not sold.Poor to prime sheep sold from t? 73 to f 1.124 t 100tss.. Inferior tocbidcn Ismtis from $4 to $3 13. Dressedmutton, otsysisr, w . iiresied Ismlx, 7(4 lie.

Becelptsof nogs, msf nly direct tiislsugnterers, were1,770 head. Market higher. Inferior to choice Slatehogs sold from 43.75.4 to.23 4 100 as.

Heal lUtate Auction tSnle.By Br an I. Kennelly Foreclosure sale, No. 409 Eait

Rcvenly-slxl- street, north side, 1 03 feet cast of Firstavenue, 2ox 108.8, two-tor- frame dwelling. Due onJudgment, t7,883. bold to Elltalieth orr, exroutrlx,for t2iio.

By William Kennelly: Foreclosure sale. No. I3".estEighty first street, south side, 873 east of Amsterdamavenue, 19x102.8, four story brown stone dwelling.Due on Judgment, t3.20: on prior mortgage, t23,ovu.Isold to Ellen Purcell for 23.i)00.

By John If. Holding: Foreclosure sale. No. 12 Com-merce street, south side, Is'tween lllceekcr and d

streets. 23x87.0. brick list. Due onJudgment, tlo.Oou. bold to Pnlllp Sanunet for

By D. Fhnrnlx Ingraliam Co , foreclosure ssle, twolots on Bergen asenue, north side. 187.rtsnd 197.(1 feetresliectlvely, west of Orove street, esch 23IOO. Buson Judgment. t7,123. Sold to the plaintiff, MitchellValentine, for f i.100.

Real Estate rrlvate Hale.Charles Griffith Moses bss sold for Msrk Ash snd

another the Ihree apartment houses, withstores. Just completed. Noa. 440. 442, snd 444 Welt123lh itreet, 76xloo. to sn lnvetor for t90,(K)o.

J. J. luphsel of Tim a Co. sold for the estate ofeight-stor- apartment hotel known as thn

Wssblngton. on tlie southwest corner of 122d streetand seventh avenue, looxlOJ, to a Mr, Henrique! fort450looo.

J, It, Hunt hss sold for the building Arm of CotterBros, the four y Tlftsny brick apartmenthouses, with brown-aton- trimmings, Nos. 203. 207,209, and 913 West Eighty first street. Isnd V. W. Sklddy for about

Selbarh A Co. have sold for Arthur Coleman loCharles M. Koplllk the y brick double flat. No.0 Eait 132d street, 23x83x99.1 1. for ti.s.uoo.

Frank Baubsold al private contract the building atsoutheast corner of Liberty and West itreeti, 22.0x03,

Wlllleni E. Finn hsi sold for the estate of MeyerFinn. Nos. 231, 2.1:1, 233, and 237 West Mity-lfn- tstreet, four flie-itor- brick and stone fists, lots 23xloo each, for about

Tim A Co. have sold for the estate) of Leopold114 West Thlrty-iecon- street, a three-stor- y

stone dwelling, lot 80x53x98.9, on prl ste terms,Robe't Applelon, Jr., has sold for the Jordan I.

Mott Iron works Company to Royal D. Comstock ofHartford, Conn., their foundry, works, and four acresof ground st Peekiklll. for

Frederick Zlttel sold for SI. Hiher to A. P. Mende thothree-stor- y brown-ston- front dwelling No. 127 FastSlxty-aeeon- street, for tlA.OOU. and for Charles End.ers to H. M. Olell the four story brown none frontil sUIng 130 East b street, fur about1 10.090.

Slawion A Ilobbs, with Rlchsnl V. Harnett A Co..have sold for tbe Ilmton estate to William Hall's Ronsfour lots, two toKeiher. 49.11x100. si the southeastcorner of Amitenlsm avenue and 130th street, nnd theother two. 60x99.11, on tbe south side of 139th street,100 feet east of Amsterdam avenue.

Real Estate Huburbsm Hale.17. Weatherby A Co. report sales at Tcnafiy, N

follows: F. A. Redding, one plot, Jen"eri.on avenue,30x140, till); 8. (I. Smith, plot 50x140, Columbusavenue, tt 10: C. Gosling, one plot, 60x140, Jeffersonavenue, S410; tl. Raymond, two plots, Jeffersonavenue. ts3(l. L. II. plot, hunset lane, 33o,M, Reld, four lots. 23ll 10. Columbus avenue, tt'.'S, L.Moore, two Ion, each 23x i to, nuuivt Isne, t'.'uu.

Real Estate Tranarei-e- .

lit st. 17E;Jaa O'Reilly to Mary II. O'Reillysstruitee. . . $1, 103e 1st ar, 201102 2; Ijiull F.Doyle, referee, to Ellxalicth Orr, eiti, Ac 800

Madison cor 70lh st, 43xluv.V: FrwtkHCoudert.Jr, referee. to F I. Kali 10,000

llioihst. lis, llow8lh av, 23iw.ll: IVm ItMutton snd auo. trustees, to P Michel.. .. 83,000

127th st, 211 and2l3i:,Jaa O'Reilly to Mar- -

srcM! O'Reilly. , . . .. . I!tli it. s s. 203 e; 1'ssqualo

AlilerltoTFGslnes 1

lootll St. 11 s. 825 e Amsterdam av, 23x 1 00. 1 1 iMlcbael F Van Dobren tnl. Maiteixm.. 1

Same prop; Lillian Maitrrson to FJIisbeihVanOohrsn ... 1

133d st, 137 West; BenJ T lleekmsn to Clsr--ence W llsvlnr. 88.000

Same prop: HyPDetiraf 10 IIP Beekman. .. 1

TlntofJav.ulU; Laura llMher to Samuel Mc- -

Itlchanli .... 6,000Tlnton av, a e cor Cedsr st, 10.8x100; Geo

Kckrletsl to JoS.-hnel.le- r 5,000Clifton 11, s s. 132 0 e Trinity av, 37x100;

John Frlarhka to Patk BoyUu and wife . . . 7,300Lota 103 to KM, map Iroarit (iravc, Ac; iu- -

guile hommerkorn to N Leopard 8,000Lola 131 snd IJ2,msp Hertford Park, Ac; John

J MackllnloLllalAJakley. . . 1

Lot 100. Fly Market, John 11 Johnatonet altoFranrlsJ Mall . . 1

Sheriff si. 07 snd (IU; Sam'l btrasbourger toMorrls8hsilro . .... . 1

Same prop; Morrla Shapiro to Karl M Hal- -

lach ..1Lot 114. map prop Uth ward made byCaul- -

merll (ioenk. Ac; Thos 11 Odell, ref, loPhilip Sauimel 16,200

Lot .13, mail of Noah Scovlllc A Hall; IVnFrltrtlioElliFrltzel. ... 10, SHn sianlon st, Irregklar; Re-- .Inva HymaiitoKrelne Fnstrln .. 13,600 73 e hherUI It. 18.9100; holo--mon Slnol et si to It Shapiro 1

Illvlnsstnnn. Rachel Shapiro to Sam-uel htraabotirger 1

2dav, wa, 4H.IH n 2'id at, 23.2x04, rlarall(J.wHlman lo Ellia SI . 81,200

Hlt sr, 314 Last; Karl 51 Wallach to RachelShapiro ... 1

I.nt IH2, map )iart of farm of Hopiier. .teJohn J Ooriuau, Sheriff, to Calbarfne Allen- -

dorff 1,800Same prop, Mary McManui lo same 1,300D3th It. n a. 376 - 2d sv. 23x102.2; Msrle

Neckermaun lo Ina VVI. inrs 16,900Lot 70 eh snd lot 77w4.msp (sriof

well farm, Ac; Edgar A loumam to HarryAdams ... 1.800

Lot 73 w 4, same prop, same 10 Slc--

Mahon .600Lot 73 w 4, ssme map, aame In (J Davidson . 900lst 77 e 4 and w 33 lot 7s, same prop, ssme

to Altiert P btaats .. . 1.813Lots 87 snd su snd n 4 VI, same mspi same

toChasAboteldo 4,890Lot 1, map prop of Sheridan A Keagrave

Mnsholu. Ac; Jas F Sheridan it alto I. APerrulisl , 600

acroKPsn Mourn togAltlerl, Psaquale. and wife 1.1 Slll'n P Palmer

aalrui. H2lh at, 2031alav.and8yrs,4 . . . ?t.O00Allendortf, Csthsrlne. In Frsnces J fcble, a a

B2dal,U3l w lllhsv. Syrs 8.500Adler, liaae R, lo Caroline Schwab, a , 00th ll.

100 e 4th av. notes 4.801.07Allendorff, Catharine. 10 Philip J O'Brien, a a

S'M at, 330 w lllhav. I r 57900Alllcrl. Paaquale, lo Krlaou II Salisbury, aa

aaaUuee, Ac, a a 1121)1 at, 205 eait -

maud 8,108Allan. John, snd wife lu Ema'hC Wll.eseih

av, 73.H a 12ulh st. demand 8,000Aitama, Harr; C, aud wile to Ihe Harlem Co-

operative Bldg and Ian Asan, s Rose at,178 ellalnbrtdgeav. Installs 1,730

Baum. hophlaM, In th" llrbren Benevolentand Orphan Aaylumbotlely In NYclly, 124Weal 011b al. & yrs 17,000

Bingham, James snd Vi Dl II. snd wives loNathaniel Wlae, a s 1 loth it. ;U3wSlhv.demand 8.000

Bruwn.JaruesL.Coinnir.Ac, to Henry rrlts,n a Cherry at. 140.4 wja.-ka.i- at, 2 yrs. 8.600

Uornkamp. and wife to i.eorge II Mc- -

Eniy re and s no, 11 a t9th it, 200 Columbusav. 1 rr 8,000

Uornkamp, Fredk, and wife In Jane AColwell,n s 89th at, 200 w Coiumbua av. ,t yrs 22,000

Coogsu, Msllhew, and wife lo Elisabeth ItJohnston, ss 109th al, 223e2dav. 3 yrs 8.000

baune to Michael Cat anagh, 318 East 1 09 lb at,I vr S.000

Curlla. 8F.I0 Robert VY Todd, 63 and 63Beeknian st. 1 yr . 800

Duane, John, and wlf to Morris Bergrr, 17l.uitlow st, I 1 r 4,450

Ecclealae. Carolina IIM. lo Juatua L Bulkley,w s Lexington v, 73.1 st, 3 yrs 18.000

Oebney. Bernanl Pnd ano lu Alex W bhlner,lot 1 4) map East 1,000

Heath. Mary A, and ano lo Finlly Bearer, aeth ar. 73.7 n 43lh H. 1 jr . 1,000

Judsvjo.Cbaa0.andwlfe to John TCooney,u e eol 100th st and West Kiel sv 1 yr 10.000

Jones. VraucU A. admr, Ac, to ' Devoe, n sivetbst.183w8.lav. 1 yr .. 6.000

Johnson. lo. and auo to il D Bogue, gdn. Ac,43d Peart at. 8 srs '50

Krooka, Beujanilu. aud wlf to Samuel J 'Krook, lorsytheal,8yrs 14.(0Levy. Louis, and wife to K J Oebben. Av .,.,.

A.181 2u84tbsi..1yrs 10.0o0Lordl. Giovanni, and If l Nsnnelt Hart- -

flsM. 88 Mulberry at. 6 yrs 10,000Leuailg. Araold. lo L0.1U Uraner. River. a 103.1 at. dmootha t.oooLopaii nicaotaa, to the Oemian Sat Bank N

rVwaTrtallysv. Wn ISIat at. 1 yr 4.060lluJvttluciijllu J, d wst. tot WW- -

StsJ.wslMv,7S.T t 118U St. yr

..(8) ., ,,., .,. ,, ,.,,,,,,. .,,,,,,,. 84,600McCoy, Peter J, and wife to Mrs Frank Les-

lie, n s I 63th st, 300 Amsterdam av, a yrs. 17,000Murray John.snd wife to Slargaret A Murray!

Cnlumbl it, e s, 100 n Rltlngton it. In- -stst ,,,.. ., u , ,,, , .,.,,, , , 880

Meehan, Cardlne F, to Wealthy II Mwln ns81st st. 200 e 1 0th av, demand... ,. , ,,. 11,600

McRlchard, samoel. 10 the Teachers Coopera-tive BulMlru) and Loan Aesoolatlon;

lOSdst, Inital,., 4,640Moloney Julln,to Jlnry rts FWeekes and ano,

exrs, Acini ltothit. 108 e lit av, 6 yrs.. 17, It W Yonmans; s s Ross si,lOOeBalnbrldgeaT, Syrs. ,,..., ,. 460MrMshon. Wm, snd wife to Bridget Clsrkln.

lot US msp part of fsrtn nt BenJ Berrtsn.Urrs ,,, , ,, 1,600

MeCshc, Jsi, et si to thos F Cooke, 1 1 71it It.8nowAvA,lyr , 4,000Michel, Philip, to Wm R Button snd ano.

trustees. Ac, n s initth st.linw6ihav.8vrs. 17,600Reld. Annie M, to Elbert It Smith. Jr. e s fay.

lorav, 200 n e Columbus as, 2 mos ........ 875Rulsnd, Anns, to Henry II llarnsnl, ss 173lh

st, ISOnw Vsnderblltav, 8mos BOO

Sammet. Philip, to Flora Kuhensteln, exrs, etal, 12 Commerce st, I yr 9,000

Shsplro, Bscliel, to Henri Straabourgrr, 234Btvlngtnnst, s s, denisnd,,., 600Poteldo, Chss A, 10 Flcsr W Youmsni, e s

Marmion ar. lot mTjmix n 4 lot 91, msp orfsrmof BenJBerrlsn.Hyri . .. ,, 1,493

Wnehltng, Chss II, and wife In the HarlemHavgs llank.N V, nenr Railroad av and tenthst, I yr. . , 1,500

WhelAii, Julia M, and ano tot) J Carroll, s sCreston sv, silj lol vu, lot! 00 to 102 mspProspect HID est, 24th wsrd.Syrs., 1,000

Wlederman, Morrla, to Alfred Outwlillg, 614-ei-

East 12th st, I yr 81,000




The San Juan Smeltingsand lHining Go.

OF IiUHAXGO, COI.OHADO.Amount of Morljaic $500,000.

rni.NCIP.VI. Dt'E JULY 1. 1B10.Interest layible 7nn. aaal .Fnly.


Principal and Interest I'etjrnble la Nenr TorkIn 41 old (sin,

Coupon nonds.91.000 listen, with prlvlle;of resrjstratlon.

The business of the Company Is that ofH.Mtl.TINO

The value of the entire property, both real and peraonal, based upon most conservative estlmstes. Is

placed al 1 ,000.000, and this Issue of bonds Is tbe firstand only lien upon It.

From our Krional and Intimate knowledge of thebusiness ami conduct of the Compsny, we hsve nohesitation In recommending these bonds as a desira-ble Investment.

Circular! and further partlcrjlsn upon application.We offer th aliove $300,000 of bond! at loo and

accrued Interest.

H. AMY & CO., Bankers,31 Nassau St., Now York.



The undersigned, owning and representing a largenumber of the aliove bondr, have been appointed acommittee to protect the Interest! of the said bond-holders.

It Is of Ihe utmost Importance to the Second Mort-

gage Bondholders that their Interest! be representedbyacommltteo wholly free fmm any alliance withJunior securities, and they are earnestly requeued todeposit their bond! with the NEW iGllK SECURITYAND TRUST COMPANY In exchange for Ita negotiabletenqsirar) recelpta.

The commute deems It ajralmt th best tntereits ofthe Second Mortgac Bondholders to deposit theirholdings with any committee representing Juniorsecurities snd requests tbem not lo take such actionwithout first conferring with the undersigned.

A circular setting forth tbe plan of the commuteand a bondholders' agreement msy be obtained fromany of the undersigned.


President American Exchange Nat. Baak.I.rTlII'.lt KUII.NTZE,

Kountre Brothers. Bankers, Nsw York.HENRY H. REDMOND,

Redmond, Kerr A Co.. flankers. New York.C1TAH. N. PAIItCIIII.D.

President New York Security snd Truit Company.MICH AMI. II. CARD0ZO, Counsel.8. K. KII.NER. Secretary.

Care of Eitats Frederick Billings,120 Broadway, New York.

NEW YORK. July 10. 1894.

Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co.

4o Guaranteed Trust Gold Bands.The gusrnnteed Interest upon the alsne bond! being

In defsult,snil no provision for Ibe liondi having lieenmade In the plan of reorganization of tho AtchisonCompsny, the undersigned, acting In concert w 1th theforeign Committees at Frankfort and Amsterdam, andrepresenting over 80.500,000. out of a total Issue ofSIM.704.00O, of bondi, request Imndhnlderslo deposit their holdings at one with THE HT.1TETRl'ST COMPANY, No. 3d Wall alreet. NewYork City, or THE HHAWMl'T NATIONALJtANK, 1IOHTON, Copies of the prellmtnsryagreement may be obtained from cither of the depo-sitories. Negotiable recelpta will be Issued for bondsdeposited, and application will be made aa soon sspossible to have the same listed on tho New Yorkblock Exchsnge. Prompt action la Imperative,

Depoaltora who may not agree to the plan to be pre-sented by the Committee, may, atibject to the provi-sions of the sgreemeut, w lihdraw bonds.

New York. July 10, lblil,rilAM'IN H. IIANUH. Chairman,

(Prealdent the State Trust Company),

J. C, Met'lTI.I.Olllill.OTT4I T. 1IANNAUD,

iPrealdent Continental Trust Company),tl. J. VrETZI.AK

(of J. D. Probst A Co.),tvn.i.iAU iiAswirr

(of Boaton). Committee.STETHON, TKACY, JENNINOH .fc Bl'8.


NEW YORK, July 23, 1894.


Duluth & Manitoba Railroad Co.

The landholders' Protective Committee announcethat holders nf more than a majority of the First Mort-

gage Bondi have signed the agreeement of April 4,lhtlt, and that the agreement Is therefore operative,

Bondholders who have signed the sgreemenl are re-

quested to deposit their bondi Immedlstely with thNew York Guaranty and Indemnity Company, No. 88Cedar street, sod receive therefor negotiable cerlln-cate- a

of deposit.Bond holders who hav not signed th agreement

ahoulddoaoandmak deposit of their bonds beforeAugust 13, IS94, aa sfter that dst their assent will be

ccepled only on such terms as the Committee mayImpose.

FREDERIC CKOIIWEI.I.,4't)lt.r.l.ll'H M. UOI.D,KV.IXM It. Ult'K,riiAui.nM.iu.VE, Jr..I II.. HI. IX It, WHIOIIT. Jr.,

Commltte.ARniCR UNCOI.N,

Secretary, 31 Broad it.. New York city.

To the First Mortgage Bondholdersor THE

St. Joseph and Grand Island Rail-

road Company.You are hereby Informed that depoali of th bonds

muii Ix mails promptly and without delay with thdepositaries Ibe CF.NTKAL THl'bT COMPANY ofNew York or Ihe OLD COLONY TKU8T COMPANY ofBoston In order to secure the advsntsgrs of protec-tive cooperation.

Bonds not deposited on or before July 31, 1894, SP.M., will be aoccpted only subject to such penalty amay be determined by the Ctmunittee,

Tb Committee cannot too impressively slat tbneceaslty xif securing ths depuslt of theso bondi INYOUR OWN Interest.


W1IXIAM J. N. WALLACE.CounssL Secretary,

64 Wall it

Kountze Brothers,BANKERS. 120 BROADWAY.

Letters of CreditVOK TstATXs-XiU- ),

- I. All ., fj a,, VlgU,

JlBssssssllgsssssBlssssfc ssesfBBHHlgssfa

Wtf4 eftmXttlf.

Rates for advertijing at tho followinaoffices will bo the iams as those chargedat the main office :

KEW YOpX CnT-Tt- lK 8nN. 1.985 Brosdwsy, near8d it. (ropy received until 1 1 P. M.1: 80 East U.lthIt. (copy received until P. M.) All American DistrictMessenger oflVces (until 8 P. M.) BROOKLYN-Esste- rnDistrict Advertising Bureau, IBS Bmatlwayi 897 Ful-ton St.. opposite Illy nsll! 7118 nushtug sv. M)N(IISLAND llTY. I av 8 (telephone call,eoureenpolntl, John W.Davren: Borden av,, HI snd13. P. N. Dodson. IIOBOKEN, N. tto I.. Retlh.meyer, 410 Washington it.! J. I.lchtemteln, I8 Wash- -Ington it-- PATCIUKICE, I. 1 James CanMrld.Oersnlbuilding. JAMAICA, U I. Corner Wasblngion andFulton ita 8PRINUFIEI.I), I. I.--ln the Post time.I.A WHENCE, I I. In telephone office, nesr depot,FA 11 ROCK . WaY, I. I, -- Drug store, corner t'stherlnand Mott av. RtX'KAWAY BEACB, 1 Ham.mel's av. snd Bonlevaril.t7EEDF,ltS for Chsmliers' folding mschlne.

AJttlYI.B PltESM, (18 Cherry it.VttJMUERER wsnted, pager nreTerredl steady ikmI-- 1

lion, 74Beekmsnit..Tieloor,

Homcttit trvnnt ttntrtt.

Ctlllli for housework! good washer andMai Esst 8ih st.

H"()L'8f.WORK.-(llr- T In IsisnTlng housei come prSi s. xhm westttih st.

IyROTF.stAN'f" oiRJ, nboul I", well oreiTraislstWAITE. :i.1tlreene av Brooklyn,

!sleep home preferred. TCPPER, IMW 91th st.

fANTED By small American family, ProtestantII woman for general houiework, Kl East U8tnit., top floor.

TANT uiu glrT tolialif wlTh housework;sleep home preferred. 1.10 West lint St., xd Oat,

WANTED Young girl, aliout 18, to assist In house-- twork) can ileep home. 1 48 East AAtli it.

"WANTED Young girl for housework, and assisttt with children. 081 East I44lh st.

"WANTED A gooil ptsln cook snd s Tsun- -

dress, 15 West filth si.pOl'MI tllllt. for general housework In private

famllji wages fix. o:ll Ikut l:l(l(h st.

Vantrrt lUntf. PtchunltjJ, tit.4 FIREMAN wanteilst horseshoeing st.140 Esit 8lV it.v none but sn etierlence,l hand need spply.

nntfrt Ittnlrjs UirrUantoujff.

AOENT8 to sell Asbestos Cooking Mata lo families.MARTIN, 115 Bowers St., Jersey City


.SltuKtionj U'nittri. (mains.

nOCnEWORK.; tidy Herman Protestant,Iron, or do general hnuaeworkt

livat references; city or country. 160 East 34th at.,uesr 3d av.

Ituationmntfii pnltVrosiTlOX mftniirfr or MiUtant undarukt-- r

rtblMhM hiitiiMs Ijt 4n Aintrlci.n mancif niftny TCRrt' eitrlfnci In w thorough rmbttmir,

n1 win furntth ifnit-cU- rfforfnc. Addrru UNDEIlTAKER, box lf Hun oftlCs--.

VN tNTf.IXU.ENT, etTmattHl man. hnvlntf aknnwlnf irfnfrai nfflr work and trOOKkCfplntr,

nf any kind: in witllnir. atrad oftemper tip haliltn, and ran t wtll rrcu in mended. Addrru F., box I&h. Sun offlcr .

COMPANION So objertions to traffllinn; 4wrrptArtdrfM V. U, M Kat t, N, Y.

ali taTniund liuMnrM man 180). unmrrTMt,G'OOI) tKMiltlnn luld( or traTrlllnRi fipfrl4ncficunfldrntlal clerk, competent manaffr. Mlttman: nocanraMtntf or agencies arceptd. AddreM 1 XV, Hun nflicr, 1.2AA Unwidway.

rANTED A pmttlon an naletman, can t awe r, col- -

f lector, or clerk, by man of many rear xpenencoIn New York city tumfertstandsiviniethlitKatHXitnewftpaper work, having had itereral yearr xperlen74f;would wtllt njjly leave city; utiaII aalary ranfurnUhgood reference!. AddreM riHAMEKCY, toxUa,8un offlce. I.VA5 Dnwdway. New York.

fttrt goard.East Hide.

K00MS, with board. l.50; tsbls board.1.B4B Third av.,bel. 98d and B3d sis.

.ITI1 AV., ius Accominodstes working ladfes andgeuta; good board, cool roomi; s.'i.8o, 18 werkly.

DELANEV'B.8T.. (3 EAST. Largo and small rooms, nicely

furnlane.1; every convenience; excellent board;ladles ami gentlemen.YAT" ST-- :u Ka"st --Pleasant double and singleXV rooms; sit conveniences; excellent board; termsmoderate. ...nTlI ST.. 314 E1.8T. Mingle and doubl rooms,

good hosrd; terms inoilerate.ilfiTII 8tT, 801 EAST.-La- rge andamall rooms, welljlW furnished; every convenience; board optional;Ocrman family; select.

West Hide.

eriTl AY., 2,073. flood Oerroan board and well fur4 nlibed rooms cheap; table boarders taken

1ENER.ST., Jli and smsll rooms, with1.-TT-


board; also table board; terms moderste.

rlrct oard roohtijn.

VSIIL.4ND PlJtCl IS, orTFullon st. Huperlor room88; good ventilation; runulng water;

use of Piano.

rfuruijJhrd Hooms; & partmrnt.o Cet

East Hide.

87TIITEXINOTONAV.e,NE.ll only, refervnera re-quired,"W'AYERLEY" PLACE." 3ub.-I.a- rge scjusre frontit rooma, nicely furniabed. with sll Improvements,suitable for one or two gentlemen or for light house-keeping; terms moderste to permanent parties; nobill; hsndy lo all railroads.JB AV., Sdt, northwest corner. Nicely furnishedO rooms, single or double; use of liath; gentleman.

9Til ST.. 47 a'ND 49 EAST , nesr BrcuuIwsy-LaT- ge andsmall rooms, psrlorst gentlemen, smsll fsmlli-- !

permsuentor trsuileut; board, or meala furnished lurooms.

s1 STST.. 138 EAHT.-tlni- und flisir. front oVbsckll parlor, nicely furnished; every convenience;

liosriroptlonsli select.O.lTlf HT.. 147 EAST, belween Lexington snd 3d0 .7 ars. Furnished room lu private hnuae, 11.50.

(lfif"sT.r 347EA8T.-Lr- ge rurnlabrd room, gas,rbaih,fer 1 or 3 gentlemeni house strictly private.

rSTlTf.. 144 EA8f.Nlcely furnlshe.l room for1J gentlemen; use Russian-Turkis- plnnge bslh

free. WKYRAl'CH.Q?iTIIbT..3l7 -- Nicely furnished roomi.gen-Oi- l

ilemen only; private bouse; near L station,termi ruoderale.IfMTII sf.. 3.10 EAST. -- Furnished rooni.l, 8, or 3

or housekee)ilug. 8loreT I TlTbf., 313 FjibT -- Hsielaomely furnishedIXllnmnis for gentlemen; prlvsi bouse, alao

backjiarlnr.tVeal Hide.

1 .TTII ST.. St WEST De.lral.le Isrga snd smsllI ! rooms, running water; breakfast If desired;

terms uimierete.l.TTHST.. 3t3 WEST Handsomely furnllhed largeiJ andamall rooms; exiellrnt table; summer prices.

transients Isken.).".Tlfsf.. 349 WF8T - Large ami small rooms with,t or without tioard; tran.lenla accommodated;

summer raleOf .Til ST.. 345 WEST. -- Large ami smsll rooms. UghtOU housekeeping; Southerners and Westerners sc- -

commodstedt Improvementi; stallonij ITir"BT. 434 WEST -- Pleasant" "front and backO'r rooms, all convenlencea, uear elevated station14 and 3. '

"ltiTil ST., 33 WEST.-Ur- and smsll rooms;'1. trstulentssnd ierinsiient; board If desired.-- 1 ST ST.. lilt WEST Doctor's office, vscanf alncoi J L May; F.ngllah baaetneul houae, large and smsllrooma, alao parlor; good neighborhood, nearstatlon,luinmrr rale.,r I ST ST . 351 WEST. Nicely furnlshe.1 rooms,11 Uvard opilnual. Irauslenti taken; summer ratea,

private family1 O I TH 8T-- . 87 WEST. Private family will rent efe--

'l ganily funilaheil room, board optional; gen,lleiueu preferrrvl.1 O I TH ST.. 37 WEST.- - Nicely furnlahe.1 nmi,1 .S't with board, fating Ml. Morrla I'urk.transl.nli,tabl. luanl.

f latd and purtmrnttJ iTo 2ft.1VLE0ANT Improved Bsli, 3 and 4 rooms. 1113 Hrooms

trsuge), 19 t.reeuwlcb av., 4 rooms(rime), 3ov East lutls it.

1" ,n JITS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished andIn allparunr Iheeltj

lolMiM BRuriiblts. Broadway, cor. l(h at.

JAMES J, ETI'lll.N't.IIAU.20IH Wsat nmuat., cor of Amateiilaiu av

TTlTilY ST. 33. Single rial, four large rooms,Bleecker aud all liu)iruvrmenti;

low reut. JanitorFIJiTS six riairr.s aud liath. iplendldlr arSINULE.. for famlli eomftria. imalerale renta. jant

orSlrE,at83dab B- - O'HAllA. 1,145 3d av

STORE 1.137 vdav . suitable for anv buslueaa. plateabow windows, gou.1 npalerste

rent. Jt o'HARA. 1,14V 3iav'IVi LET Hal. couilstlug of Ave rtM'ms snd Usta"I roont. all bright rooma: lii.provciueuti, Iwoblocki

from ferry t ier passing door. l,3o Washington at.,mil 113. Apply to Janitor or 1,133 Harden it.,.. j

Ilibit., near av Five room a anaA'I)TUP.IA. deeorjied. alt new. low renli,janitor, 87 W IHjWNb, 184 ritbav.

ST 81J-JI- WEST -- Elegant apartments,U'TII rooms, all Improvements, u, 13.

tuTH8T.8t8 EAST. Three an! four roeuu withID unprovemenli; elegsnl psrlor, wash tubs, dumb

wslter. tloMti, isreowuer, fsSO.Slg.I ST ST.. 73 EAST, near Ml Morrla Park. -- u I

Is) 1 r.stNtis and bath, all Improvements, smallfsuilly (31

ST. 84 EAST. Apartments of tkre and I

Isl'TH roomi. ail light ruoma, cheap rent. I

latu and gLpaitmratji Brtukljju.II'E HAVE th nicest Oata. renta. (II.II (it, (18. txsa and tspcl'a-t- . near raloea

L sutloai ln4ucUMsaail fi mlllel aWJUUOJf,itAJLuiauU.

tasxjjM SasssV. ,. . !;..


gtat fttMt efot jlatt gw gfr Wit !




On the renniylvanla R. R., ami overlooking th eltof Rahway, N, J.LOTS 85x100 FEET EACn. FROM 80 APIECK TJ1.

PAYABLE 1.1 MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. ,For fre passes good from Jersey city every flatniv

dsy, spplr to JEliF.JOHNtON. JR.. 8li Liberty st.,NesrYork, snd 189 Montague it, llro.ikl.vti, or In my rep-resentative In Jersey City Waiting Room, Peasiyvsnls 11. H., 80 inlnnteslfore train time. )

1 5fl" BALE OR TO LET A new house "at West Ar.Ilngton, N. J., with all modern Improvementshouse supplied with pure well wster from a Isrge p.vste reservoir! also very drslrsble lots connected withthis excellent wster system for sale on easy terms)also two houses In Newark, Nos. t,t3 snd 1,185 BroadII. Apply to HENRY II. PLATE, 358 Weit U8d SUNew Tork.'PKNAri.T, N. I.Ilsndsome"vllls pints for sal.I 1, VhA IllEBIi Y A CO . 37f Broadway.

ox ntt or if o Uttlriv 5ftrjt,j. ITO LET IN HOBOKEN. .

Apartmenlsnf four large rooms, for (10. assiHats of Hi rooms, sll Improvements, 118 to (JO.

houses, 9 rooms, rents (10 to (IS, amiApply to sss

JOHN C. CRRVlETt,83 Newark st, Boboaen. H

Vftc!u?tfr Co. groperty j?or j5aU.'

DO TOtf KNOtVYou can get lo the country without using tnnnet ov ' fastferry and at any hour, night onlay t ',BuKI.I, ()B CAN'.

Tske nth or 9th av I, connecting with YonkeraRspld Transit Railway at 138th St.. and corns out to iML0WERRE STATION, Y0NKERS. I..THE riNI4T HL' II I' It 11 In vicinity nf Nsrlork country, with all city Improvements and co -venlences. W. II. KELUflU

Lowerre btallon, Yonkers. aSOffice at itstlnn. UUrat t&jttatt? or aU oTtUflB.

I."Hill RALE-Elrg- ant twivfamlly new house. (150rsah, iMlauce rem, rsmrhsncei line neighborhood. HApply to ow ner. IEI.TMAN, 753 Mscon sl Brooklyn. '

1X)ll IIAIUIAINS In Kouili Brooklyn property, call of swrite to 1IINT7.E A LCEBHcIen; 1,:I48 3d av, A'UBrotklyn; houses on essy terms. a'atl

ONE or 30bouses.

hew houses fiir lots or fsrmi) all two-- llOwner. FEI.TH AN. 753 Mscon it.. Brooklyn. .'lH

Ural Utt ox att-- ljj.

Q7l'iiri",oW!'.',a,nceniorlgage, for a new, elegant 'O I 1J collage: all Improvements; price (3.000 (large discount to buyer psylng hsir cssh. Apply to ..assTWENTY-THIR- WARD IJS0 IMPROVEMEST CO,880 BROADWAY, or office of Vvse Estate. Sooth era V"BBoulevard and 107th at. Take Weitcheiler av. eleo- -trie cor at 139lhn and 8dav.

SJral (gjatatr or ,gatf. lTKNNIMNKn PIIOHPIIATK I. AND "J. 'J IAI.HO I'AUHN, iwaalAPPLT T Ott. H. '. I.tlNCJ, jSaal


Utal (frjitatr 4"or atr OJaHfoniiB. '.'I1;ilUIT FARM-8- 33 acres: grrst bargain! will sooa H

(loo sn sere net profit, Address CIIAS. X. '

FOWL:r. 94 Iji Salle St.. Chicago.

ffor ,alf or ITo Ctt Countrij. l1'0 LET at Dobba Perry, on Hudson, handsome cot-- 'Htsge: all modern Improvements; 11 rooms: 10 lnln-- '.Mulea' walk from depot; full tiartlcularson application) 'aslrent moilerate. 8. J. CI.U.'UH, Dobhs Ferry, N. Y.

gj-JC- rt for "OujJiurw fgurpogfg. iW

i.6iTt? TO I,KT, '1With or without steam power, light on four slds) Tkstesm heat and elevators free; low Insurance, reason . Hsblerents: easy access to sit shipping points; S.000 to H18,000 square feet on one floor. Apply to aV

JOHN C CHF.VIF.Ii. Bg Newark SU lloixlken.IJL'IIJilNOh. stores, lofts.ofl.i-es- , studios inlet In da-- HJ) slrabts locations. F0I.8OM IlllOTHEIUs, .S83(1 liroadw ay, cor- - I3lhst. H

IXJFTS. - Low rent, low insurance: steaa MIIOIIT power, elevatur; at 9U Walker St., near MBniadwai.f PO LET LofllHx l83; power, eTevalor.offlee room.1 C. II. O'NEILLCO . )331ludson st. H

ltrrlling Houses lo git. MDE8IBABLE Hil'.sj'Jt. furnlahed and untarnished, H

of tiie city. HFOLHsttt IIRuTIIEHb. )38 Broadway, cor. 11th it. Hjlurn.jglud "flotij-rt- f to gtt-gtt- a' txtt M

ONO BRANCH.-- To let. furnlahed cottages, (ISO to, --Hj (100. WILLIAM LANE, opposite Long Branot Mdipot. X. J,

"Seal Cutatf at gurtion.J "" "'""'

MSIVT1I A It YAjiT flItesl llslat Auctioneers, avalHI IIUOAPWAI,

proposals. SVOT1CE Faltmatea will lie rruelved for dredging Hi norlbut V..i3lihat.. on the North Klvsr under mmcontract tbu Departnicni of lKa.'ka. uulll HII o'clock M on Tuesdai, July ol .U( For full HI o) Irs for sale at No. L9rirtlcularsseelbslliy M

FattnusleswIU be received for furnishing jN'uriCE.elbt thousand tiarrels of Portland cement, LUuniierculrii I . 479. by tbeliepariment of (vka. Buntil 11 o'clock A M on Tuesday. July 3! I94 lor Hfull parllculsrs ssss the tlty Reiord t jples f"r sale at aaxssiVu. 31 It) Hall H

E hF THE toMMISSloNI-R- F QCARAN. HOtr'Hl 71 URlAUWAY NEW YtiRK Tb atten. aHtion ot contracture is called j lbs advertlaerneai la Htbetlly Record Inviting bide fvrpiaits-o- HoXTmas fBVAHand (wtnbura Islands, also extaiiaWi of doc, al amasBB

saasaiamasaasssjasasssaaswsa ilasKTJ

roal "autirrrt. flSUPREME COl'RT.-- ln Ihe mstter of ths application --H

. tire Commlisioners of the city of fMNew York, on behalf of ihe Mayor. Aldermen, and LMCommonalty of the cllyotNew York, by lbs Counsel -totheCoriHirsilon of said city, relative to acquiringtitle lo certain lands on tbe northerly aids of Maiden Lm

I lane. Iietween Ullliam street and Hold street. In tbeSecond wanl of said ilty. duly selected by said Board Masaalieforbulldlngarorlhe use of tbe Fire Depart- -mentof said city, under and In pursusnee of the pro- - Htlalom or chapter 151 of the Iwa of 1H91. axss

Puriusnt to the provisions of ebspter 151 of th HIwsof l9t, rntllled "Ansel In relation to build LWlug sites for the lire Deiiaruiirut of Iho .city of New m

I York." anil sll other statutes in such cases made and BprovMed. notice la hereby given that an appUtaUouwill be made to tbe Supreme Court of tbe State of H

I New t ork, al a Special lenn of said court, to be held LWat theChamlierstnereof. In the County Court House, awkfl

I In Ihe illy of New York, on the Uth day of August, Ble94,althe opening of Ihe court on that day, or aa --Msoon theresfierss counsel csu be heart! thereon, for LWthe apiMilutmrnt of Commissioners of Appraisal la awjaj.

It ealsire entitled matter. HThe nature and extent nf Ihe Improvement hereby M

lntemle.1 Is the sojulalilon of title by th Mayor, Aldsr-- Mmen, and Conimoualty of the ilty of New lork, tocer-- sjxaa

i tslnlsuds snd prenilie. with the buildings thereon LWsnd Hie sppurleusnces thrreui belonrtng. on ths Hnortherly side of Msldcn lane, wililans street LWandl.old street. In ihe second ward of said city, la JHtee simple absolute, tbe same to be converted, appro- - H

I prlstrd. anil umI lo ami for ihe purposes specified In .)i sstd chapter 181 ol tbe laws of ls9i, said property

having lieeu duly sehvtfd by laid lloard of Firs Com- - JMI mlssloners of thertly of New lork aa a site for build- - HIngs for the use of the lire Department of said city, H

under and In purauauce of the provisions of said chap LrMter 181 of the Laws of 1894, being the followlng-de- LWscribed lots, pieces or part rls of land, namely 4BX.

All thoaetworertalu lots, pieces or psrcels of land Hsituate, lying and being In the Second ward of lb Hcity of New tork, and bounded and described a .Hfollows Saxaxt

Beginning at a point on lb northerly side of Maiden Hlane, opposite ths centre of a party wall, which point Hladlatani 17 feel 10 Inches easterly from th. four-- -- -lectlou of tbe easterly aide of W llllam itreet wills th Hnortherly aide of Maiden laus, runulng Ihenc north- - aVAVJ

erly and Ibmugh Ihe centre of aald party wall 89 feel fssa3 Indies: thenre westerly 13 feet 5 Inches lo s point tMdlitsnl 85 feet IH liu Ues northerly from th said 4Bvanortherly aide of Maiden lane, thence southerly and aaalat right angles lo ihe Isai course 4 Inches; tbenc. kMwesterly In fret (ilucnee. thence somberly 3 feet 10 HInches, thence westerly 1 fiit"3 Inches to tb centre fMof a certain )ariy w sll thi nee southerly and tbrnugb Hthe centre of aald pari) wall 8 feet, Ibenoe westerly H3 Inches loihsceiitre of another party wall, tbenc. Hioutherl sod through the centre of th last men- - s--lHone.) parly wall 73 feel A Inches to tbe northerly Hside of Msl.icn lane, and tbeuce easterly and along thsaid northerly side of Maiden Ian 34 fact luchs Hlo pie imiIui or t.laceul beginning. Lfaal

Dated NEW VtlRK. July 18, "ii. MWIU.IAMII.CLAKIC. HCounr el lo the Corporation, M

S& 'J Tryun ruw New York city. MIll'A KIVllH'H HAI.R ' H

Pursuant to order of tbe Court of Common Plea )

I will sells! public July Jilt, 18U4. U 1 OHo'clock noon, at No. a Maiden lane. New lork tity. tb AVaffjentire ato. k of fine diamond luouuttngs. conslatlng of Hpcudanl.. cluster rings, st'srf pins, lace plus, sworda, HAc, also t4Mla,rtills.Tatbra, aud luaehlnery. lachidlog Hthe whole atiark. natures, and mac bluery of the bust. Hneai formerly carried ou by Marcus bteru A Co., at 6 HMsldsu lane. New York dl) HJObLPII WALKER,Jr.. Receiver. H

35 Wall street, New York city, MTURNER, MrCLt'RE A RillATON. aaal

Attorneys fortvilllam alreet. New York. B

Y) ECEIYER'8 NOTICE, ll Is my Intention to )rsaent HIVuiy account of proceeding., with vouchers c. lo (Ue Court of lisumon Plrasfor Ihe (11) and County Hof New York, at a special Term I hereof, lo he held la -tbe County Court House In said ell) un Ihe 3d day of HAiutuil, . ST r nASCAUBecelver. Ae.. pf Tbe Ijgstman Typolheier Company. H