i or oraugeburg valentines! -...

Tho 'Oranp;Gburg Times LOCAL OURCLdUB Arrangement with tho New* and Courier is working charmingly. By it two paper, tho Wcjkfy Nctc* and the TiMrs is obtained lor the incredibly small sum of $2 50, and the subscrib er gets ns much rcuding as he can digest tho whole week. The Firemen's Jubilee. On Tuesday afternoon and evening, the occasion of the 'JG h Anniversary of tho Young America Fire Eugiue Company, a lively time was bad in our Burg. The Red and the White mingled in fraternal unison, the two 00101.311164 parading through our streets, enlivening the toWu with their huzzas, and attracting the attention of old a..d young. The young ladies too were out io greet the boys, and the exercises of tho afternoou passed off with the usual eelat. At 7 o'clock tho company as sembled in regular meeting and elec¬ ted the following officers to serve for the ensuing year : President . P. S. Dibble. Vice-President. I lent y Kohu. Sec'try.T. O. S. Dibble. Treasurer.J. M. Brunsen. Solicitor.Gen. Jas. F. D.lur. Surgeon.Dr. A. G. Duke*. 1st Director.W. B Thompson. 2nd Director.<'. P. Brunsen. 3rd Director.A. Garner. 4t!i Director.J.I. Sorentiuc. ]«t Axnmu.John Robinson. l{nd Axinnn.j. G. Bob vor. After the meeting tho company with their guests proceeded to the Hall ot the sister company the El¬ liotts, whore an unu-tjal'y line supper awaited the eager expectants. Alter supper the cloths wcie re¬ moved and the (low of wit ami seuti- ittetit commenced The following vtxi 111: program carried out : tiik day \vk celebrate.OUtt 26rU axxivkk3aky. We meet with joy again to night, ami haii the day, when first we .saw tho light, llespon I ; I t) by G^n. JzLiu, who opened tho ball in his usual felicitous styie.» TU K EU lOTr'a. As 'round this festive board we meet, Our sister corps we gladly greet. Responded to by L. II. Wanna- M&KKlt, who alter n lew appropriate remarks, concluded with a titne'y seuiimeut showing the necessity of a better equipped tiie department. Jn concluding Mr. VVannaroaker called upon Dr Hydriek, who showed by hit response that, he Mas as ready in answering calls as a speaker as he is as a physician. th e fire i>Kt' a rtm ext. Ptn Buna l*iib!ieu. Responded to by Chief, Sam'j Dibble, in the clear and forcible style for which ho is so peculiarly distinguished. ouk ikv.i l'ki) guests, Wc give «ach one a welcome here To join with us in our got d cheer. Responded to by liev. J. D. A. Bnov. n, in a neat, and appropriate speech fully exhibiting the appr ecia tion of the guest? for the unstinted hospitality extended. OUK Tt.WN. Its prosperity, our pride, Its safely our tru<t. Responded to by M I. Browning. Mr. Browning in his response to this toasi fully sustained Iiis reputa¬ tion as a humorous and eloquent jjpeakcr. He kept his audience in a Kate of contiuous merriment. our mayor an i) aldermen. Confiding in their ability am', judgment, we coin in it to them the welfare of our town. Responded to by J. S. ALBERGOTTf. In the absence of "dr. Alborgotti, Mr. Jos. Straus was cade I upon, who after a lew re marks, turned oV«r his subject to Mr. Wi T. Mullcr, who in his jovial and practical way did full jus; ice to his theme. our state. Recovering from her days of dark IiCfifl, may she in the future maintain that honorable position anio ig the Union of .Slates, which belongs to her former glory. esp mdyd to l>y C.ipt Jno A. 11 a ii.tox, inn letter whiob was filled with patriotic sentiment, and highly appreciated Dr. Cooko was then called upon and in his admirable style gave utter¬ ance to the most patriotic and highly commendable sentiments which were fully reciprocated by his appreciative audience. our country. * Standing in the front rank among tho nations, may she never b ecorae a prey to party, but realize her highest good at tho hands of a free people. Responded to by Rev. W. H. Law.tENC'K, in a most eloquent hum¬ orous and patriotic speech keeping his audience in wrapt attention to the close. Gov. Siitrsorf. A public man, possessing those rare quulities.of simplicity, uprightness and ability. Responded toby W. L, m.aze, iu a neat aud ehasle speech doing ctedit to one of his years and experience. WOMAN. In contemplating her moral cour¬ age and unselfish devotion, we behold objects worthy of our eiliululiou. Responded to by Rev. Ü. A. Dauby. This toast is always the centre of interest, and .Mr. Darby did full justice to the theme, exhibiting wo¬ man in all her lovelin >**, purity and excellence and carrying with him both tho ear and the heart of his hearers. the mimta.ltY. Conservators of the public peace. Responded to by B. P. IzLAR. In the absence of Mr. Izlar, Oen. Izlar was called upon, hut turn - I the mutter-over to Lieut. F. S. Dibble, who after acknowledging the cotnpli- uk lit begged to be excused. the prk.ss. In its freedoni.a nations glory and safety. Respond cd to by Si. It. MELLIcnAM", in a manner wh'eh showed evident dentoralizidion either from she lateness of the hour or the tlight of eloquen : i wliicli ha I pre ctde I him. "e spoke ina tiresome way to a tired crowd, who were undoubtedly relieved win li he wound up, it being after 1 o'clock 'I bus elided a pleasant evening for the boys, the recurrence of which is always huilcl by them with delight. Long ru .). tin so celebrations continue as a means of promoting social union ami good let ling between alI classes of the cominuuily, and of welding more elnptdy togeiher the h< u ls of a commoii brotherhood, 'J ho Committee of Arrangements deserve great credit foi tho admir¬ able manner iu which every thing parsed olf The oys ers an I supper prepared by Aug. Briggmann were excellent. The hospitality extended by the whole corps reflects credit upon our town. We oust that new life has "been given to the Fire De¬ partment of our town und that thu property holders aud Town Council will see the necessity and duty of encouragcing the fcelf-eaoriliciug efforts of our noble ynu:i)> men Give us asieam e.igine. The martins have come. We have had a most delightful week. Lemon squeezers aud knife trays at Korijon Mr. Ulli calls lud -Savaiiu.ill Nstej bad names. A political tempest (not iu a toa pot, but iu Georgia) is brewing. mmm> * 9M-¦ New spring hats of tho very latest sidles ju.v. in at J. C. Pike's. -.mm*- . .m- Washington's Birthday was ce'e- brated iu Charleston with u splendid military display. See Mr. J. 11. wies' advertise¬ ment of u desirable lot for hale. A good burgaiu is olfered. Price back bands, plow lines, seed potatoes, Hour, sugar, cufl'ee, bacon, Ac , at Korijohn's before buying. Married on Wednesday February 23th 1»8U, Mr. John li. Robinson to Miss Julia Joyner. All of Orange- burg. No cards. We would like io hear from some of our teachers on the subject of the. the continental pronunciation in Latin. Do you cure lor your shoes and hariu'es? Ii so go to Dr. J. G. Wauuamaker's and procure a bottle of Wo.lf's Acme Blacking. S>e notice of final dividend of the Citizen'» Saving Bank in nuothei column and govern yourselves ac¬ cordingly. Wanted, 1000 farmers to run their places for cash, this year. Buy from Korijohn's and compare prices with credit and liens. 2\o child will have n rosy complex- ion as long as worms exist in the intestines, Shriner's Indian Vermi fuge will destroy the worms and re¬ store the health oi the child. Aldcrmnu Albergotii who is acting Mayor in place of Mayor Mosoley is giving general satisfaction by his promptness ami impartiality. The Union Meeting will convene to day at 11 o'clock in the Baptist Church. Delegates from the sur¬ rounding country will be in. Tbc Intest! Graut has captured Mow York. In the Republican Con vention the th ird termers carried everything their own way. Embroidery and trimming, hosiery, handkerchiefs bal 1 cotton, sp ml thread, laces, je veil y, Ac . lo w down at Kortjohn's. A shed lor the protection of phoS phates is being creeled by the I». It. company at the depot. I'll is has been a long felt necessity. Dr. M G. Sal Icy has moved his rooms to the Mcroney Hotel whetM he will bo gla l id tea {his friends, and persons who wish his professional services. What! never I No, never before have we secu such good vehicles an tho buggies, sold by Mr. B. Frank Slater, fur the small sum that it takes to buy one ot them. O.ily i fe.v in>ri left. The members of the Orungo Light Dragoons are ordetcd by Lieut. U. W. Cul er, through Secretary J. S. Rowe, to drill on the first Saturday in March at 10 o'clock A. M. sharp. 'Ibis will be o.ficiul notice. The Howard School for colored people in Columbia was about lo be dös d o r want of funds, but so liber¬ al are the contribution"', both from the whites and blacks that it is hoped thai iL will I) ¦ conti ill id. Oue day la-l week a mule of Dr. Cooke's attached to a wagon perform¬ ed an unusual number of antics to the great amusement of the small hoys and bystanders. Mr. Kelley however was loo mu.di for him. At Kortjohn's auction house, Sat urday and Monday, emits, punts, shoes, hats, undershirts, drawers, notions, tinware crockety and gro ccriea lor c, t i close out consign* meats on account ot all concerned. We hail the pleasure of a stroll into the new-rooms of the Y. M. C, At on Tuesday, and were pleased with the uir ol neutucss and comfort they presented. A little paint on the walls we think would bs a decided improvement. Mr. J. ('. Pikt has ju.-t returned from Charleston where he has been selecting a choice lot ol manures for our farmers. The) are arriving every day at the dep. t. (.'nil and get the best for this firm deals in nothing else. Mr. \Y. F. Robinson has on hand a fresh supply of garden seeds of all kinds, carefully selected, tor his cus¬ tomer. He has a so a lot of pearl mil let and ice rind melon seed winch are of a superior quality, and well kn. wn for their excellence. And sill they come! vVh!lL? Why another car load of horses and mules, will be received at the stabler of Mr. Win. M Sain. IK informs us that they arc the finest that the Western markets afford. Call soon if you want a good steed. We call attention lo the card of Mr. Kirk Robinson, Insurance Agent, in to day's issue. Mr. Robin¬ son represents none but safe ami re¬ liable comp mics, and all desiring to iusuie had better call on him. Insure while you have the money. Tue Fifth Annual State Conveu- liou ol the Y M C A will take place in Orangeburg fron April 1st to the -1th inclusive. Distinguished workers from abroad will be present and an interesting meeting may be expected. We will give moieof the particulars as the lime approaches. A horse ran away on unday after noon with Mr. I'erryclnar'.s little son carrying him at a rapid rule past Mr. Duke.-.' where ho was stopped by a colored man. Had it not been lor the p rtinacity und self-possession of tho mile fellow serious damage may have been done. MM . rmt .. Soe change id Mr Eros' advertise mcnt. He has on hand a Iresh sup¬ ply o: French and American candies, currant*, Aw. which he sells at the most reasonable prices. He is also prepared lor the season of ice cream which the warm weather admouisbes us is approaching. Young ludies und gentlemen you will find tho best writing paper und envelopes in fancy boxes, at 1 ow prices, at Korijohn's. The many Irieuds, in this County,4 of Dr. J. B. Jeter, the able and much beloved editor of the llrliyioii* Ifertittt, of Richmond, will be pained to hear of bis death. Ti his demise the South has lost a great ami good tir-iii, and the Bupiist denomination a distinguish* d representative. Mr. Geo. II. Conclson is now re¬ ceiving his yearly supply of manures. Alho spring and summer goods, con¬ sisting partly in clothing, shoe?, huts &c. I he reputation of the above gentleman nud hs po'ile ami atten¬ tive! assistants is so well known through >ut the land that it is Useless fi»r us to «k\ more in 'he i favor. The biuiti! number of liremen on the drags of the two engines on Tues d y ait ruoon is a rcflccii »n <>n some- b tdy. The young men arc not to blame, f r if tlnrre was a greater interest in the (ire department on the patt ol those who are ready t . be benefited, the young men would bj encouraged to join the com pan c.s. If you want a line gold or silver wateh or .a fin-! gold chain tri 1 d > not wish to pay an onormoua price go do, down to Mr. DoCheviulte's and exttmitio these goods und prices, ol which he bus just received a now stock. Now is the lime to present your wife, sister, aunt, niece, cousin or sweetheart dear, a nice present lot a little money. Ma» k Jone-, the disturber of the public peace, who shot. Policeman Junes some time ago in the discharge ol' his ofUcial duty, has been captureil ami lodged in jail. Ho \>as caught near Will is ton by Mr A'. Me.Mich us who was informed of eis whereabouts by Chief of Police Cannon. It has turned out that Marshal Jones' ball took elf ei in hh lo_. D I- Smoak it Co, who now occupy Ihn fir.it rank among the median s of Orangtburg, have added fertilizers 'o their general merchandize. They are const tint iy r ceiviug fresh lots of ummouialed bone fertilizers fur our farmers Xn-nd deal only in such ma¬ nures as improve th . land. They have also a fresh supply of spring goods. Call and examine. \\ Idle a parly id" young men were out bird shooting on Saturday, Mr. Julian A. Sallej*, who was st-tudiu g on <ui(? >id-?. of a branch, kva< hit by sc era I sh >i* IV mi (':.»» . iu of Mr. W. G. Albergotti, who fired from ilie other side, not knowing the whero- aboiits of his friend. Cue uf the shot- lodged in Mr. Sj It y's t he k and some in the leg. Wo are glad that the injury was not more serious. Mr. Lefv id tiii Is. s just receive.! his new spring und »Ummer stock ol boot and shoe material. Ilesho.vcd u- some of his. patents the otner morn - ing, und wa can say without hesitn- liou iliiit they are the fimsl we have ever seen in this market, and while every thhlg is oil the rise, \1 r. L's advertisement iu another column will inform you that he has lowered his pi ices considerably. Call on him at once. The serrica of Sunday School meetings inaugurated in tho Presby¬ terian Church, to bj held on tho 1th Subbath in every other mouth, commenced on hist Sunday. The address to the chihlrc i was made by (.'apt. Mortimer Glover, who look as ids subject the "Golden Hub." It was a sound, practical talk, and was richly enjoyed by both the young und the (dd. These meetings, we think, are productive of good, and we are glad ol the gum! start made by our friends. We are pleased to note dial active -teps are at last taken towards gel tin-j a cotton factory in Or.i ige burg $2500 were raised on Saturday, and subscription books lire now open at .or. Kirk Robinson's Ptoru for all who will take stoek. We see no reason to prevent the whole sum bo- ing raised in a few weeks. Let us put our heads and bauds together, and have a factory in Oruugchurg without mil. Much de pcllds on the Committee of 10 up pointed to canvass the Conn y for stock. Let every member of this Committee take his district,one-tenth of the County, und canvass it faith" fully and promptly, and the matter will be accomplished. Othe:wise the enterpri-c will languish aud die. Do your duty gentlemen. Buy none but 'Town Talk Baking Powder" from tlic agent, C. D. Kort- john. It is cheaper than Sea Foam or Horsfords. It is perfectly pure,; no alum in it, nor any o her delete- I nous drug. Clarion Jackson Respectfully returns his thanks to his many customers fur their past patronage, and hopes to merit tbe same in tbo future by keeping con¬ stantly on band fresh meats of every kind at his old stau I. in rjar of Uia Postoflice, during the present year. A new feat uro of the Firemen's parade was the procession of bays bearing banners with strange devices buch its'*Iie!p Your Big Buhners," -The Ladies Will Help U*i" Ac. It struck uj- a< a gentle hint for somebody to help the Fire Dcpartmiut, and ii is a very plain matter that the hint ia deserved The h im Department is the town's safety, and it should be by ihe property ho dors. Nu medicine has ever been discov¬ ered ti> prevent death. The bast that can be thine is to assist nature in ke -ping the fun. thins of the bod) iu a h- althy condition during life. The German I'hamoniibi Tonic is just the thing for all disorders of the Liver. For hale only by Dr. J. G. Wanna maker. We have heard a great many com plaints lately of the boys shooting their guns within th-- corporate limi s In some instances shot has been known to .strike the shod and side- of houses. '1 his is a dangerous practice and yr<_» call the attention of the authorities to it. Sinco writing the above we learn that Mr. C. U, .Jones Clerk of Council was lined $5 for shooting iu the cor¬ porate limits. This is commencing n ar In me. See ordinance in another column. The Oraugeburg Agricultural So¬ ciety held its tegular quarterly meet¬ ing a' the fair Building on last .Saturday. Alter tbo regular busi¬ ness was transacted, the Committee j appointed at the meeting held in November last, to inquire into the feasibility of establishing a cotton factory at this pince, were called on for th-.ir report. Mr. II. Biggs sub milted what information the Com¬ mittee could gather on the subject, (bowing that all of the factories iu this State that med the Clemens At tachmcnt, ha I ma la a net pr >tit of . 40 per cent., while, those spinning yam by the old pioees-, only netted 2-r> per cent, 'i'ho Committee's re¬ port being favorable, it wai moved ihat those favoring the enterprise would come forward and subscribe to die stock. Over .va* stibscrib ed at once, and the Secretary was ordered t> open books of subscription at his store in this p'aco. The Presi¬ dent was also icq ties -d to appoint a Committee of 10 to canvass the County for subscriptions to the stock. The remainder of the time of the meeting was taken up, in discussing the best mode of making sweet pota¬ toes. The result * of the discussion showed that large beds 5 to 0 feet apart, and rough barn yard manure, was the host way of making them. It was also said that tin.* refuse cane from the sorghum mills had proved to be p ,go > I manure for sweet pott- toe-. Xföar&et Report. t orreoleil every week by Messrs. Be 1.1. Ä Sco'vir.t. FRIDAY, February 27, cot ro.N Middlings..e..U'p.. 12 Low Middlings. I2$12| i hdinaiy.11 1, A provisions t Van.75 V S' New t\,rn . Peas. 75 Fodder, per 100 ll>>. 1 0> Koilgh Kiee.S 1 -5 Tilt STA'i K OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OltAXOCBUIlO COUNTY. nv <. n. oi.ovnn, KSQitint'., uuobatc judge. Whereas, Kirk liohiiison hath niada suit to me, to grant him Leiters of Athninistra- tion of the Kttittc and etitvts nf Murray Itobineon, late of lira: geburg County, dc.- ceased. The.s? are thert fore to cite ami ;i fmonish all and MOgular the kindred and Creditors of the said Murray Kobihson, late t»f Orangeburg County, deceased, that they be and appear, before me. in the Court of Probate, t«» be hehl at Orangeburg, C. II., on Cih March next, alter publication hereof. «t 11 o'clock in the forenoon, tj show catue, ifany they have, why the said Adininifttrntion should not he granted. tiiven under my Hand, this 23d day of February, Anno Domini IS so. [ls] C IL GLOVER, Ju<l,fp of Probate, Oraugeburg Count v. feh 27 2t HO A u) >. Mrs. .1. Oakman, having occupied the commodious residence of Copt. F. If, IV llrigguiaiin on Amelia street, will accom¬ modate a few Hoarders. Kates reasonable and Patiffaction gnarnntecd. Sheriff's Sales. liy virt'if of sundry executions to mo di- rccted. I will Fell at Orangeburg C, If. on lite Brat Monday iu March next during iho Ci st Monday in March noxt, during tho to . grd hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash all tbr right title and interesta of tho defendant in and to the following property to wit : 1st. All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and 1 <ing in the County and State afoie "id. coutai ning fifteen hundred (16C0) ncres. more or less, and bounded by inuds now or formerly of Christine Uates on the North, Kast by lands of M. K. Ilol- man, South by lands nf A. Holmait. and West 1 y Hellevllle Road and lands of W. C Whetstone, l evied on ns the property of L. M. Keitt, deceased, at the suit of Kllison 8. Kcitt, against Susan S Kcitt as administra¬ trix of the Estate of L. M. Kcitt deceased, also All that tract of land known as II um pit Plr.rr, lying nnd being in Branchvine Tov uship, containing «=ix hundred aud tldrty four aud three quarter acres, more or lessand bounded Ninth und West by lands of IV. J. Kairey aud K I'roco and- fhikcs, E.\fi by ia':ds of K T It Smoak, and South l>y-llyrd. and that other tract of situate in said Township, con - Iaining'tive hundred and Iwcnty-nhe (5ll\ iicrcH more or less, .-.ml known as '.'hanrand Place, und b »umied North und Kasi by land- "I Dr t) Ii Ott, and South ami West by land of- Byrd which said tracts of iand uiv levied on as the propertv of Frederick F Fairy n the suit of A F it J II. LIVINGSTON, I .V.o. I". Sh*rifi's UlBcc. Oraugeburg Coanty, S <". Fobruarv 7:h 1830. fehl»" 3t ______ IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD I Nkvrr C. r.-rn ITai t>. I Can nr. MAtir. ait Stiienoth I>.:»!si»t>. I.a*t i Wicc a.s Long. j r:i:ai:3 Omi Ti-.ior. Bragging tba Qjiltw. cure! cure! . tj CLiilsnc IFcver, /^$A>y fjj [.ivcrferaphicl, I w*v ifJÜfl» M . ?T v pad. ^3.w Vv Clii Li ft neuralgia, -? <är-- fc, @_3_a$ \ te* Kltcnmath fosliwuc«. \ I \Wj Weakoou, Skk & Ncrroni Dttfadie. Ä Tlttae l*»fUC-.rerJir>ii ,.-.< 5 ? ,< '.. :.. ptoxlon11'll!*,*»!*.,«... J'. I> .not i lit? *r,t>t lätntlio slum-., a. TlM iV.it« i - i >,'.: :r fi'a I'll ol UieSt. :<:...'}. covorinj; t' .. . ' ¦ua too Uvr r.i.l Ktcinacu. /< Be*: V .- iji.. Totticisnh>m-huliDl»lsii.'eircn'.itlo'i" >' 'lrr.1 l.ivt<r.tiu:ltyl!ititlittUt«wMl.«ti:»ti!::.¦ .. > -t f ;-rv.....:.;..!;:-. - |.,.j. | :.t.-: ... pu>v*l .-V<: r.icit. SoLoai ..: i Da: . i±v.\ li.v l.*A or ). Matiuractttnjl'at'S) II -V.>-.: : titssicrt Sr-. OAL1 <' :l . I.. 1880 1880 VALENTINES! VALENTINES! VALENTINES! Just as usual at I i ri u m! A large and well selected ltd of V .LENTI 1ST I_S com prising tho "latest" in Sonti men¬ tal and Comic .Styles. Now is the tiine to get Bargains iu Winter Good s Closing out the small lots left, von will never get them as cheap n.< now. WOOLEN GOODS are continu %lly on tho rise. Lay in your supplies now if you want toSAVI- money. DAILY arrivals of GOODS com¬ prising all the Novelties of the jSca* .son. DRESS SHIFTS. Collars nnd Culls have advanced per cent, but having a good Stock on hand will sell at old prices as iongas the Stock lasts. Don't neglect tho opportunity Tllß LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC Sewing SE a chin e Still holds its po.iitiou oi Supremaoy. In fact if its sales continue to iu- rreasuas they have done dol ing tho past few months, it is very evident that they will soon he equal to tho sales oi all the other Machines put together. Valuable Improvements have been made on it from time to time. The latest improvement on the Domestio is tho NEW TJIEA.DLIO which runs on scale pivots, nnd the Pitman con¬ nects with a balance wheel and a l»i'l joint thus securing Lightness iu run¬ ning and anseht to stillness. NEEDLHS lor all tho various Machines, AttachtuetitH, Shuttles, Oils, t^c. always on baud and for salo at Lowest Price?. TH_0D0RE KOHN'3 Fashionable Dry G >d-. Emporium Agent for M M E DE MORESTS PATTERNS

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Page 1: i or Oraugeburg VALENTINES! - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067804/1880-02-27/ed-1/seq-3.pdfTho'Oranp;Gburg Times LOCAL OURCLdUB Arrangement with tho

Tho 'Oranp;Gburg Times


Arrangement with tho New* andCourier is working charmingly. Byit two paper, tho Wcjkfy Nctc* and theTiMrs is obtained lor the incrediblysmall sum of $2 50, and the subscriber gets ns much rcuding as he can

digest tho whole week.

The Firemen's Jubilee.

On Tuesday afternoon and evening,the occasion of the 'JG h Anniversaryof tho Young America Fire EugiueCompany, a lively time was bad inour Burg. The Red and the Whitemingled in fraternal unison, the two

00101.311164 parading through our

streets, enlivening the toWu with theirhuzzas, and attracting the attentionof old a..d young. The young ladiestoo were out io greet the boys, andthe exercises of tho afternoou passedoff with the usual eelat.At 7 o'clock tho company as

sembled in regular meeting and elec¬ted the following officers to serve forthe ensuing year :

President. P. S. Dibble.Vice-President. I lent y Kohu.Sec'try.T. O. S. Dibble.Treasurer.J. M. Brunsen.Solicitor.Gen. Jas. F. D.lur.Surgeon.Dr. A. G. Duke*.1st Director.W. B Thompson.2nd Director.<'. P. Brunsen.3rd Director.A. Garner.4t!i Director.J.I. Sorentiuc.]«t Axnmu.John Robinson.l{nd Axinnn.j. G. Bob vor.After the meeting tho company

with their guests proceeded to theHall ot the sister company the El¬liotts, whore an unu-tjal'y line supperawaited the eager expectants.

Alter supper the cloths wcie re¬moved and the (low of wit ami seuti-ittetit commencedThe following vtxi 111: program u«

carried out :

tiik day \vk celebrate.OUtt 26rUaxxivkk3aky.

We meet with joy again to night,ami haii the day, when first we .sawtho light, llespon I ; I t) by G^n.JzLiu, who opened tho ball in hisusual felicitous styie.»

TU K EU lOTr'a.As 'round this festive board we meet,Our sister corps we gladly greet.Responded to by L. II. Wanna-

M&KKlt, who alter n lew appropriateremarks, concluded with a titne'yseuiimeut showing the necessity of abetter equipped tiie department.

Jn concluding Mr. VVannaroakercalled upon Dr Hydriek, who showedby hit response that, he Mas as readyin answering calls as a speaker as heis as a physician.

th e fire i>Kt'artmext.Ptn Buna l*iib!ieu. Responded to

by Chief, Sam'j Dibble, in the clearand forcible style for which ho is so

peculiarly distinguished.ouk ikv.i l'ki) guests,

Wc give «ach one a welcome hereTo join with us in our got d cheer.

Responded to by liev. J. D. A.Bnov. n, in a neat, and appropriatespeech fully exhibiting the appr eciation of the guest? for the unstintedhospitality extended.

OUK Tt.WN.Its prosperity, our pride,Its safely our tru<t.

Responded to by M I. Browning.Mr. Browning in his response to

this toasi fully sustained Iiis reputa¬tion as a humorous and eloquentjjpeakcr. He kept his audience in aKate of contiuous merriment.

our mayor an i) aldermen.Confiding in their ability am',

judgment, we coin in it to them thewelfare of our town. Responded to

by J. S. ALBERGOTTf.In the absence of "dr. Alborgotti,

Mr. Jos. Straus was cade I upon, whoafter a lew re marks, turned oV«r hissubject to Mr. Wi T. Mullcr, who inhis jovial and practical way did fulljus; ice to his theme.

our state.Recovering from her days of dark

IiCfifl, may she in the future maintainthat honorable position anio ig theUnion of .Slates, which belongs to herformer glory. esp mdyd to l>y C.iptJno A. 11 a ii.tox, inn letter whiobwas filled with patriotic sentiment,and highly appreciated

Dr. Cooko was then called uponand in his admirable style gave utter¬ance to the most patriotic and highlycommendable sentiments which were

fully reciprocated by his appreciativeaudience.

our country.* Standing in the front rank among

tho nations, may she never b ecorae a

prey to party, but realize her highestgood at tho hands of a free people.

Responded to by Rev. W. H.Law.tENC'K, in a most eloquent hum¬orous and patriotic speech keepinghis audience in wrapt attention to theclose.

Gov. Siitrsorf.A public man, possessing those rare

quulities.of simplicity, uprightnessand ability. Responded toby W. L,m.aze, iu a neat aud ehasle speechdoing ctedit to one of his years andexperience.

WOMAN.In contemplating her moral cour¬

age and unselfish devotion, we beholdobjects worthy of our eiliululiou.Responded to by Rev. Ü. A. Dauby.This toast is always the centre ofinterest, and .Mr. Darby did fulljustice to the theme, exhibiting wo¬

man in all her lovelin >**, purity andexcellence and carrying with himboth tho ear and the heart of hishearers.

the mimta.ltY.Conservators of the public peace.

Responded to by B. P. IzLAR.In the absence of Mr. Izlar, Oen.

Izlar was called upon, hut turn - I themutter-over to Lieut. F. S. Dibble,who after acknowledging the cotnpli-uk lit begged to be excused.

the prk.ss.In its freedoni.a nations glory and

safety. Respondcd to by Si. It.MELLIcnAM", in a manner wh'ehshowed evident dentoralizidion eitherfrom she lateness of the hour or thetlight of eloquen : i wliicli ha I prectde I him. "e spoke ina tiresomeway to a tired crowd, who were

undoubtedly relieved win li he woundup, it being after 1 o'clock

'I bus elided a pleasant evening forthe boys, the recurrence of which isalways huilcl by them with delight.Long ru .). tin so celebrations continueas a means of promoting social unionami good let ling between alI classesof the cominuuily, and of weldingmore elnptdy togeiher the h< u ls of a

commoii brotherhood,'J ho Committee of Arrangements

deserve great credit foi tho admir¬able manner iu which every thingparsed olf The oys ers an I supperprepared by Aug. Briggmann were

excellent. The hospitality extendedby the whole corps reflects creditupon our town. We oust that newlife has "been given to the Fire De¬partment of our town und that thuproperty holders aud Town Councilwill see the necessity and duty ofencouragcing the fcelf-eaoriliciugefforts of our noble ynu:i)> men

Give us asieam e.igine.The martins have come.

We have had a most delightfulweek.

Lemon squeezers aud knife trays at

KorijonMr. Ulli calls lud -Savaiiu.ill Nstej

bad names.

A political tempest (not iu a toa

pot, but iu Georgia) is brewing.mmm> * 9M-¦

New spring hats of tho very latestsidles ju.v. in at J. C. Pike's.

-.mm*- . .m-

Washington's Birthday was ce'e-brated iu Charleston with u splendidmilitary display.See Mr. J. 11. F« wies' advertise¬

ment of u desirable lot for hale. A

good burgaiu is olfered.Price back bands, plow lines, seed

potatoes, Hour, sugar, cufl'ee, bacon,Ac , at Korijohn's before buying.

Married on Wednesday February23th 1»8U, Mr. John li. Robinson toMiss Julia Joyner. All of Orange-burg. No cards.

We would like io hear from someof our teachers on the subject of the.the continental pronunciation inLatin.

Do you cure lor your shoes andhariu'es? Ii so go to Dr. J. G.Wauuamaker's and procure a bottleof Wo.lf's Acme Blacking.

S>e notice of final dividend of theCitizen'» Saving Bank in nuotheicolumn and govern yourselves ac¬

cordingly.Wanted, 1000 farmers to run their

places for cash, this year. Buy fromKorijohn's and compare prices withcredit and liens.

2\o child will have n rosy complex-ion as long as worms exist in theintestines, Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy the worms and re¬store the health oi the child.

Aldcrmnu Albergotii who is actingMayor in place of Mayor Mosoley isgiving general satisfaction by hispromptness ami impartiality.The Union Meeting will convene

to day at 11 o'clock in the BaptistChurch. Delegates from the sur¬

rounding country will be in.

Tbc Intest! Graut has capturedMow York. In the Republican Convention the th ird termers carriedeverything their own way.

Embroidery and trimming, hosiery,handkerchiefs bal 1 cotton, sp mlthread, laces, je veil y, Ac . lo w downat Kortjohn's.A shed lor the protection of phoS

phates is being creeled by the I». It.company at the depot. I'll is has beena long felt necessity.

Dr. M G. Sal Icy has moved hisrooms to the Mcroney Hotel whetM hewill bo gla l id tea {his friends, andpersons who wish his professionalservices.

What! never I No, never beforehave we secu such good vehicles an

tho buggies, sold by Mr. B. FrankSlater, fur the small sum that it takesto buy one ot them. O.ily i fe.v in>ri


The members of the Orungo LightDragoons are ordetcd by Lieut. U.W. Cul er, through Secretary J. S.Rowe, to drill on the first Saturdayin March at 10 o'clock A. M. sharp.'Ibis will be o.ficiul notice.

The Howard School for coloredpeople in Columbia was about lo bedös d o r want of funds, but so liber¬al are the contribution"', both fromthe whites and blacks that it is hopedthai iL will I) ¦ conti ill id.

Oue day la-l week a mule of Dr.Cooke's attached to a wagon perform¬ed an unusual number of antics to thegreat amusement of the small hoysand bystanders. Mr. Kelley howeverwas loo mu.di for him.

At Kortjohn's auction house, Saturday and Monday, emits, punts,shoes, hats, undershirts, drawers,notions, tinware crockety and groccriea lor v» c, t i close out consign*meats on account ot all concerned.

We hail the pleasure of a strollinto the new-rooms of the Y. M. C,At on Tuesday, and were pleasedwith the uir ol neutucss and comfortthey presented. A little paint on thewalls we think would bs a decidedimprovement.

Mr. J. ('. Pikt has ju.-t returnedfrom Charleston where he has beenselecting a choice lot ol manures forour farmers. The) are arriving everyday at the dep. t. (.'nil and get thebest for this firm deals in nothingelse.

Mr. \Y. F. Robinson has on handa fresh supply of garden seeds of allkinds, carefully selected, tor his cus¬tomer. He has a so a lot of pearl millet and ice rind melon seed winchare of a superior quality, and wellkn. wn for their excellence.And sill they come! vVh!lL?

Why another car load of horses andmules, will be received at the stablerof Mr. Win. M Sain. IK informs usthat they arc the finest that theWestern markets afford. Call soon

if you want a good steed.

We call attention lo the card ofMr. Kirk Robinson, InsuranceAgent, in to day's issue. Mr. Robin¬son represents none but safe ami re¬liable comp mics, and all desiring toiusuie had better call on him. Insurewhile you have the money.Tue Fifth Annual State Conveu-

liou ol the Y M C A will take placein Orangeburg fron April 1st to the-1th inclusive. Distinguished workersfrom abroad will be present and an

interesting meeting may be expected.We will give moieof the particularsas the lime approaches.A horse ran away on unday after

noon with Mr. I'erryclnar'.s little son

carrying him at a rapid rule past Mr.Duke.-.' where ho was stopped by a

colored man. Had it not been lor thep rtinacity und self-possession of thomile fellow serious damage may havebeen done.

MM . rmt ..

Soe change id Mr Eros' advertisemcnt. He has on hand a Iresh sup¬ply o: French and American candies,currant*, Aw. which he sells at themost reasonable prices. He is alsoprepared lor the season of ice creamwhich the warm weather admouisbesus is approaching.

Young ludies und gentlemen youwill find tho best writing paper undenvelopes in fancy boxes, at 1 owprices, at Korijohn's.The many Irieuds, in this County,4

of Dr. J. B. Jeter, the able andmuch beloved editor of the llrliyioii*Ifertittt, of Richmond, will be painedto hear of bis death. Ti his demisethe South has lost a great ami goodtir-iii, and the Bupiist denomination a

distinguish* d representative.Mr. Geo. II. Conclson is now re¬

ceiving his yearly supply of manures.Alho spring and summer goods, con¬

sisting partly in clothing, shoe?, huts&c. I he reputation of the abovegentleman nud hs po'ile ami atten¬tive! assistants is so well knownthrough >ut the land that it is Uselessfi»r us to «k\ more in 'he i favor.

The biuiti! number of liremen onthe drags of the two engines on Tuesd y ait ruoon is a rcflccii »n <>n some-

b tdy. The young men arc not to

blame, f r if tlnrre was a greaterinterest in the (ire department on thepatt ol those who are ready t . bebenefited, the young men would bjencouraged to join the compan c.s.

If you want a line gold or silverwateh or .a fin-! gold chain tri 1 d > notwish to pay an onormoua price godo, down to Mr. DoCheviulte's andexttmitio these goods und prices, olwhich he bus just received a now

stock. Now is the lime to presentyour wife, sister, aunt, niece, cousinor sweetheart dear, a nice present lota little money.

Ma» k Jone-, the disturber of thepublic peace, who shot. PolicemanJunes some time ago in the dischargeol' his ofUcial duty, has been captureilami lodged in jail. Ho \>as caughtnear Will iston by Mr A'. Me.Mich us

who was informed of eis whereaboutsby Chief of Police Cannon. It hasturned out that Marshal Jones' balltook elf ei in hh lo_.

D I- Smoak it Co, who now occupyIhn fir.it rank among the median s ofOrangtburg, have added fertilizers 'o

their general merchandize. Theyare const tint iy r ceiviug fresh lots ofummouialed bone fertilizers fur our

farmers Xn-nd deal only in such ma¬nures as improve th . land. Theyhave also a fresh supply of springgoods. Call and examine.

\\ Idle a parly id" young men wereout bird shooting on Saturday, Mr.Julian A. Sallej*, who was st-tudiu gon <ui(? >id-?. of a branch, kva< hit bysc era I sh >i* IV mi (':.»» . iu of Mr. W.G. Albergotti, who fired from ilieother side, not knowing the whero-aboiits of his friend. Cue uf theshot- lodged in Mr. Sj It y's t he kand some in the leg. Wo are gladthat the injury was not more serious.

Mr. Lefv id tiii Is. s just receive.!his new spring und »Ummer stock olboot and shoe material. Ilesho.vcdu- some of his. patents the otner morn -

ing, und wa can say without hesitn-liou iliiit they are the fimsl we haveever seen in this market, and whileevery thhlg is oil the rise, \1 r. L'sadvertisement iu another column willinform you that he has lowered hispi ices considerably. Call on him atonce.

The serrica of Sunday Schoolmeetings inaugurated in tho Presby¬terian Church, to bj held on tho1th Subbath in every other mouth,commenced on hist Sunday. Theaddress to the chihlrc i was made by(.'apt. Mortimer Glover, who look as

ids subject the "Golden Hub." Itwas a sound, practical talk, and was

richly enjoyed by both the young undthe (dd. These meetings, we think,are productive of good, and we are

glad ol the gum! start made by our


We are pleased to note dial active-teps are at last taken towards geltin-j a cotton factory in Or.i igeburg$2500 were raised on Saturday, andsubscription books lire now open at.or. Kirk Robinson's Ptoru for allwho will take stoek. We see noreason to prevent the whole sum bo-ing raised in a few weeks.

Let us put our heads and baudstogether, and have a factory inOruugchurg without mil. Much depcllds on the Committee of 10 uppointed to canvass the Conn y forstock. Let every member of thisCommittee take his district,one-tenthof the County, und canvass it faith"fully and promptly, and the matterwill be accomplished. Othe:wise theenterpri-c will languish aud die. Doyour duty gentlemen.

Buy none but 'Town Talk BakingPowder" from tlic agent, C. D. Kort-john. It is cheaper than Sea Foamor Horsfords. It is perfectly pure,;no alum in it, nor any o her delete- Inous drug.

Clarion JacksonRespectfully returns his thanks to

his many customers fur their pastpatronage, and hopes to merit tbesame in tbo future by keeping con¬

stantly on band fresh meats of everykind at his old stau I. in rjar of UiaPostoflice, during the present year.

A new featuro of the Firemen'sparade was the procession of baysbearing banners with strange devicesbuch its'*Iie!p Your Big Buhners,"-The Ladies Will Help U*i" Ac. Itstruck uj- a< a gentle hint for somebodyto help the Fire Dcpartmiut, and iiis a very plain matter that the hintia deserved The h im Department isthe town's safety, and it should beby ihe property ho dors.

Nu medicine has ever been discov¬ered ti> prevent death. The bast thatcan be thine is to assist nature inke -ping the fun. thins of the bod) iua h- althy condition during life. TheGerman I'hamoniibi Tonic is just thething for all disorders of the Liver.For hale only by Dr. J. G. Wannamaker.

We have heard a great many com

plaints lately of the boys shootingtheir guns within th-- corporate limi sIn some instances shot has been knownto .strike the shod and side- of houses.'1 his is a dangerous practice and yr<_»call the attention of the authorities toit.

Sinco writing the above we learnthat Mr. C. U, .Jones Clerk of Councilwas lined $5 for shooting iu the cor¬

porate limits. This is commencingn ar In me. See ordinance in anothercolumn.

The Oraugeburg Agricultural So¬ciety held its tegular quarterly meet¬ing a' the fair Building on last

.Saturday. Alter tbo regular busi¬ness was transacted, the Committee

j appointed at the meeting held inNovember last, to inquire into thefeasibility of establishing a cottonfactory at this pince, were called on

for th-.ir report. Mr. II. Biggs submilted what information the Com¬mittee could gather on the subject,(bowing that all of the factories iuthis State that med the Clemens Attachmcnt, ha I ma la a net pr >tit of

.40 per cent., while, those spinningyam by the old pioees-, only netted2-r> per cent, 'i'ho Committee's re¬

port being favorable, it wai movedihat those favoring the enterprisewould come forward and subscribe todie stock. Over .va* stibscribed at once, and the Secretary wasordered t> open books of subscriptionat his store in this p'aco. The Presi¬dent was also icq ties -d to appoint a

Committee of 10 to canvass theCounty for subscriptions to the stock.The remainder of the time of themeeting was taken up, in discussingthe best mode of making sweet pota¬toes. The result * of the discussionshowed that large beds 5 to 0 feetapart, and rough barn yard manure,was the host way of making them. Itwas also said that tin.* refuse canefrom the sorghum mills had provedto be p,go > I manure for sweet pott-toe-.

Xföar&et Report.t orreoleil every week by Messrs. Be 1.1.Ä Sco'vir.t.

FRIDAY, February 27,cot ro.N

Middlings..e..U'p.. 12Low Middlings. I2$12|i hdinaiy.11 1, A

provisionstVan.75 V S'New t\,rn .

Peas. 75Fodder, per 100 ll>>. 1 0>Koilgh Kiee.S 1 -5


nv <. n. oi.ovnn, KSQitint'., uuobatc judge.Whereas, Kirk liohiiison hath niada suit

to me, to grant him Leiters of Athninistra-tion of the Kttittc and etitvts nf MurrayItobineon, late of lira: geburg County, dc.-ceased.

The.s? are thert fore to cite ami ;i fmonishall and MOgular the kindred and Creditorsof the said Murray Kobihson, late t»fOrangeburg County, deceased, that they beand appear, before me. in the Courtof Probate, t«» be hehl at Orangeburg, C. II.,on Cih March next, alter publicationhereof. «t 11 o'clock in the forenoon, tjshow catue, ifany they have, why the saidAdininifttrntion should not he granted.tiiven under my Hand, this 23d day ofFebruary, Anno Domini IS so.[ls] C IL GLOVER,Ju<l,fp of Probate, Oraugeburg Count v.feh 27 2t

HOA u) >.Mrs. .1. Oakman, having occupied thecommodious residence of Copt. F. If, IV

llrigguiaiin on Amelia street, will accom¬modate a few Hoarders. Kates reasonableand Patiffaction gnarnntecd.

Sheriff's Sales.liy virt'if of sundry executions to mo di-

rccted. I will Fell at Orangeburg C, If. onlite Brat Monday iu March next during ihoCi st Monday in March noxt, during tho to .

grd hours of sale, to the highest bidder forcash all tbr right title and interesta of thodefendant in and to the following propertyto wit :

1st. All that tract or parcel of landsituate, lying and 1 <ing in the County andState afoie "id. coutai ning fifteen hundred(16C0) ncres. more or less, and bounded byinuds now or formerly of Christine Uateson the North, Kast by lands of M. K. Ilol-man, South by lands nf A. 0« Holmait. andWest 1 y Hellevllle Road and lands of W. CWhetstone,

l evied on ns the property of L. M.Keitt, deceased, at the suit of Kllison 8.Kcitt, against Susan S Kcitt as administra¬trix of the Estate of L. M. Kcitt deceased,

alsoAll that tract of land known as IIumpitPlr.rr, lying nnd being in Branchvine

Tov uship, containing «=ix hundred audtldrty four aud three quarter acres, more orlessand bounded Ninth und West by landsof IV. J. Kairey aud K I'roco and-fhikcs, E.\fi by ia':ds of K T It Smoak, andSouth l>y-llyrd. and that othertract of !¦ situate in said Township, con -

Iaining'tive hundred and Iwcnty-nhe (5ll\iicrcH more or less, .-.ml known as '.'hanrandPlace, und b »umied North und Kasi byland- "I Dr t) Ii Ott, and South ami Westby land of- Byrd which said tractsof iand uiv levied on as the propertv ofFrederick F Fairy n the suit of A F it

J II. LIVINGSTON,I .V.o. I".Sh*rifi's UlBcc. Oraugeburg Coanty, S <".

Fobruarv 7:h 1830.fehl»" 3t


IMPROVED PATENT LIVER PAD INkvrr C. r.-rn ITai t>.I Can nr. MAtir. ait Stiienoth I>.:»!si»t>. I.a*ti Wicc a.s Long.

j r:i:ai:3 Omi Ti-.ior. Bragging tba Qjiltw.cure!cure!

. tjCLiilsnc IFcver, /^$A>yfjj[.ivcrferaphicl, I w*v ifJÜfl» M. ?T v pad.^3.w Vv


neuralgia, -? <är-- fc,

@_3_a$ \ te*Kltcnmathfosliwuc«. \ I \Wj

Weakoou,Skk & Ncrroni

Dttfadie. ÄTlttae l*»fUC-.rerJir>ii ,.-.< 5 ? ,< '.. :..ptoxlon11'll!*,*»!*.,«... J'. I> .not i lit? *r,t>t .«lätntlio slum-., a. TlM iV.it« i .¦ - i >,'.: :r fi'a I'llol UieSt. :<:...'}. covorinj; t' .. . '

¦ua too Uvr r.i.l Ktcinacu. /< Be*: V .- iji..Totticisnh>m-huliDl»lsii.'eircn'.itlo'i" .¦ >' 'lrr.1l.ivt<r.tiu:ltyl!ititlittUt«wMl.«ti:»ti!::.¦ .. > -tf ;-rv.....:.;..!;:-. - |.,.j. | :.t.-: ... pu>v*l .-V<:r.icit. SoLoai ..: i Da: . i±v.\ li.v l.*Aor ).

Matiuractttnjl'at'S) II -V.>-.: : titssicrt Sr-.OAL1 <' :l . I..

1880 1880


Just as usual at

I iri u m!

A large and well selected ltd ofV.LENTI 1ST I_S

com prising tho "latest" in Sontimen¬tal and Comic .Styles.Now is the tiine to get Bargains iu

Winter GoodsClosing out the small lots left, von

will never get them as cheap n.< now.WOOLEN GOODS are continu %llyon tho rise. Lay in your suppliesnow if you want toSAVI- money.DAILY arrivals of GOODS com¬

prising all the Novelties of the jSca*.son.

DRESS SHIFTS. Collars nndCulls have advanced per cent, buthaving a good Stock on hand will sellat old prices as iongas the Stock lasts.Don't neglect tho opportunityTllß


Sewing SEachineStill holds its po.iitiou oi Supremaoy.In fact if its sales continue to iu-

rreasuas they have done dol ing thopast few months, it is very evidentthat they will soon he equal to thosales oi all the other Machines puttogether.Valuable Improvements have been

made on it from time to time. Thelatest improvement on the Domestiois tho NEW TJIEA.DLIO which runson scale pivots, nnd the Pitman con¬nects with a balance wheel and a l»i'ljoint thus securing Lightness iu run¬ning and ansehtto stillness.NEEDLHS lor all tho various

Machines, AttachtuetitH, Shuttles,Oils, t^c. always on baud and for saloat Lowest Price?.

TH_0D0RE KOHN'3Fashionable Dry G >d-. Emporium