i mm i .av m a. 1 nknty - university of hawaiʻi...hydraulic riveting, boiler work and water pipes...

1 .tf I l I .Av A A. A. 1 nknty f mm m f.-. - . - .. - r - - -'- . . . r - - - - ... ... . . I t i f M M i 1 ' i i i F I S .4 1 I' I ' I TOW VOL. VI. NO; 127. PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATUR DAT ,.J1AY 30, 1887. THE DAILY &vtrti$tmtnts dvtrtmmtntB. MvtTtisttatnin. Oaqs HprecJceU Pacific Commercial Advertiser ATTORNEYS ATLAV. Wm. Q. Irwin. ROYAL INSURANCE CMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL- .- S. X. STAlf LKT. toB.it bp an kJfcx INTER-I- S JaAiro Steam Navigation Co. VOtKJCY V AaroBD. cxaxsKCB w. A8HTOBD. CLAUS SPBECKELS & CO., 13 PUBLISHED E?ery Morning Excoot Sundays. (LIMITKD.) CAPITAL - 10.000.000 JOSHUA IIENDY MACHINE WOEKS . Jo. 35 to 51 Fremont Ktreet, SAN FRANCISCO, Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second- -' hand BOILERS, ENGINES, Spruanco, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobber, of F1a WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS 410 Front St San FrsnelMo. Koliala Saloon. Ashford A Aahlord, ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS. BOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos Office. 4'id&wtf BOBSCRIPTlOJfS : STEAMER AV. Q. HALL, (MALULANI,) - UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Insurance oi all description Fire be effected at Moderate Bates of Preci Dm. by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO 20-dfe- Managers for Haw. Islands BAJSTBERS. Daily p. C. adtcbttseb, one year Dai lt P. C. Adybbtisks, six monthn. . Com ma nde 4 00 . I 00 . 1 so 60 Da.ilVP. C, AuvcKTiasn, three moath. jlaiuv - vr. Ajv&nriaKn, per ZOO a la. -- AND- Will run regulany to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona and Kau, Hawaii. S 00 , , lltlttt Wkkklt P. c ADvuTists, oae year f elo Subscrlptloiv. W.'F. O. A. (Including JOHN T. DARE, Attorney and Counsellor at Lsw Offlce No. 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu. so HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS MACHINERY Of every de.seriptiou. j 176 oct21tf Payable Invariably in Advance Best of Ales, WinSs and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. STEAMER IWALANI, FRFKMAN. ttmmande Will run regularly to Nawlliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waimea; Kauai. ' , ECIL BROWN, ATTO NE AND C Notary Public. Campbell's Block. Merchant street 43-lym-20 Draw KxohAu,ge on the principal parts of the world. Have constantly in stock New and Second-ban- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, Machinists 'Tools, Irrigating and Pumping Ma- chinery, Piping,' J?ipe Fittings, Etc. THE MODEL AMERICAN GIRU A practical, plain young girt; Not afraid-of-tbe-rai- n young: glri; A poetical posy, A ruddy and rosy, A helper -- of -- self young girt younj gtiii ' A never-will-lac- e young girl; ii Fancy drinks of every description ajpeciMty. EL. H, Webb, BOdAwly "Proprietor. UNION. Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealand. CAPITAL... i tlO.OOO.OOO; Established an Asrency at Havlntr for the Hawaiian islands, thejun-dersign- ed are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. losses promptly adjusted & payable 19-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIN & CO. The Hisdon Iron & Locomotiye Works, Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO.. ...CALIFORNIA Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, MACAULEY....... ..Commander Will run regularly to Haraoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e. Honokaa ahd Paauhau. Hawaii. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli cation. - 62yaugll A life pure and clean, A princess-o-f -- peace young glrL Deposits bearing Interest received in their Sav Ings Department subject to published rnlea and reralaUous. 17oc3tf AMERICAN CRACKER CO STEADIER JAMES MAKEE, WEIR.M.. Commander Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. otacs srasoxsLs. wm, s nwnu Biscuit Manufacturers, COB. NAttSOJlE A BROADWAY STS., San Francisco Cal. JAMES DUNN, 8upt. 86 suglO UM FEED CO, WH. Q. IEWIN & Co., CTOAR FACTO US and Commlmilon T. R. FOSTER, President. J. na, secretary. -ly mm STEAMSHIP CO., President .Superintendent W. II. TAYLOR. JOS. MOORE... AUtHIB, ilODOiUIU M. 1. 18-tfw- tf Limited m IJ. THOMPSON. aTTORNEY-AT-LA- W, Office in Campbell's Block, corner Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu, H. I. Practices in the courts . SSSrWhen desired, will give the law in a writ- ten opinion, as to the probable result of the contention upon the facta stated 44tf J. m. MONSARRAT. ATTORHSY AT I.AW a fir ik NOTARY PUBLIC. Ke&l Estate In aoy part of the Bought, Hold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn Ho. 27 MEBCilASTT STCEET, " Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4S-- tf A. 0. Cook & Son, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING, Lace feather and : Header Iraien, No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. 442 Jan25'88 IEON-BAE- K IUPOBTEBS a BEAX.KR8 In HAT AND GRAIN, Telephone No. 175. 3Stf MAOFAELANE & CO-- , Tl7rlIOI.ESAIJB DEALERS AJfX E. tf era! Jobbers In WiNES and LIQUOKSi. S 13 Ksabamana Street, ' HONOLTTLTT. ; 28-- tf THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (Limited), Keep constantly on hand, for sale, 6TEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. D26 ly A wear-her-ovrn-ha- ir young girt; ' A free-from-a-sta-re young girl; - . Improvea erery hour. No sickly sunflower, A wealth-of-rareena- e young girL Plenty-roora-ln-her-bo- young girl; No icdulger-in-bjue-a young girl; ; Not a bang on her brow, - To fraud not a bow. She's a young goi. Not a reader-of-traa- h young girl; Not a cheapcwel-flas- h young girl; Not a sipper of rum. Not a chewer of gum, A marrel-o- f sense young girL An early-retirin- g young girl ; An actire, aspiring young girl; " A morning ariser, A dandy despiser, A progressive American girL A lorer-o- f -- prose young girl; Not a turn-up-your-no- se young girlj Not given to splutter. Not "utterly utter," Bui. a matter-of-fac- t young girL A rightly ambitious young girl; young girl; A sparkling clear eye, That says "I will try." A sure-to-succe- ed young girL An honestly-courtin- g young girl; A never-seea-flirtin- g joung glri; A quiet and pure. An honest, demure, A flt-for- -a wife young girL A Bougbt-everywb- er young girl; A future-moetfa- lr yciuff girl; s - An ever diacre.v ' ' - ' We too seldom meet This queen-among-quee- young girl. ' Virgil A. Pinklcy In Brooklyn Gtizen. M. PHILLIPS & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaaaumanu street Honolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- tf WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers of EUEEKA ! STEAMER KINAU, (Lorenzcn, Commander.- - Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule ouchlng at Labaina, Maaiaea, Makena, Hilo and Keauhou: Commencing on MONDAY, July 26, 18S6, and on every alternate Monday t 4 p. m., the Kinau will make the VOLCANO TliIP, reaching Keau- hou on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are in waiting to convey passengers to the VOLCANO HOUSK(nve miles in the saddle and nine miles by carriage). . Passengers by this route will have two days and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE. TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS ALL CHARGES. The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano 'ripa. On Hilo trips, wil leave Honolulu on TuesTs, and return Saturday morning. ' - PAfeSENQER TRAINS wilt connect with the Kinau at Mahukona The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from HUo for Passengers tf a signal Is made from the shore. OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALL BUILDERS Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Com- pound. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete with hulls of wood, iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINE8 compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together.or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv- eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand Work. SHIP WORK, Bhip and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches., Air and Circulating Pumps, made fter the most approved plans., k6X SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa- cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, built with the celebrated - Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block, 551marl2d&wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Deale Street, Nan Francisco. 13-Jy- We have receiv1 a consignment o the most . Economical aiJ Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, vis.: - - COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and " Butter poducer 1ij ns8. Foundation Timbers ! ! Schweitzer & Co. .... Importers and Jobbers of irisrcir aoors5 HOSIERY, GLOVES, COE0ET3, H. HAOKFELD & CO., G ENCUAJL HIU3ISSION AGENTS. 6 tf Queen St.. Honolulu, H.I. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Importers A Commission Merchants. Honolulu, H. I. 27-- tf WM. McCANDLESS. No. a Qaeen Street, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and shipping: Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furntHbed to vessels at short notioo, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 29 tf New .Photograph Rooms. We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k Foundation Timbers. Oil Cake Meal shows abor t 27 per cent, of nu rltive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. . 100 lbs. o this meal Is equal to 300 lbs. of oats, or 31S lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in LoU to Suit. Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds o Hay, Oats, "Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. STEAMER LIKELIKE. ( Davis, Commanaer;, Leaves Honolulu every Monday at p. u tor Kaunakakai. Kahului, Huelo. nana and Kipaoulu, every week; Keanae.Mokulauand Nuu every other week. Returning, will stop at the above ports, arriving back (Saturday mornings. For malls and passengers only. SIZES 16x24 inches, 12 Feet Eonff. And UxlS.lnches, 16 Feet lAn&. TTbite Uoods, TCmbroIderlen, JIa.ndher clilefs. Laceit, Ribbons. Indies Oc t'hildreusV Underwear. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco 83 f eblO'88 E. H. Buctnam & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in SHIP STOVES, Tin, Copper, Crockery and nueet Jron Wares, Miip ianterus and Signal Oil, 22 Stewart St.', bet. Market and Mission, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ship and Job Work and Stove Repairing of all kinds a specialty. 487 f eblO'fe TO PLANTERS. These timbers, as their name signifies, are nearly as solid and durable as Iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. ? . LAINE te CO. 3S tf TELEPHONE 55 STEAMER KILAUEA HOD, - (Cameron, Commanaer, Will leave regularly ior Lahaina, Paauhau,' Kukalau and Ookala. STE AME T"lEHU A, (Clark, Commander) Will leave regularly for Hakala'u, Xlonomu and Onomea. FpM TEEPEIS .W. G. Irwin fc Co. SUnov26tf E. IK. Mayiiew, OVES NICHOLAS STORE, FORT STREET, the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Fort-rai-ts and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranteed. llap '. A. GOKSALVJES. it Wo fa Co. 3 PT.ATVmVTa MT7 T. The Skipper's Fish Tarn. "A. curious; thing," aid the .skipper, "hap- pened on the last trip. Sim Clipp,"tha cook," said he, "took a fever, and when, he kicked the bucket we didn't delay long, Imt , tied an old grindstone and a rusty az to him to weight hinx and chucked him overboard. His boy was aboard, and es Sim's body went over a big shark came up, opened bis jaws, and into the shark's maw went Sim. His boy saw it, gave a yell and sprang overboard. The shark hadn't got his mouth shut yet, and the boy went straight after his father.. An, hour afterward an old whopper of a shark came up lougsi'le of us, and we made up ?uf minds to capture him.. We baited a shark bookwf pork; presented it to him and in half a, minute had the old man eater fast. "We got him aboard by hard work and cut biiu open, and what should we see inside of him but Sim Clippandhis boy. We had captured their shark. The funniest part Of the matter was that both Sim and the boy were alive. . We had made a mistake about Sim being dead when we cast him in the sea, and he had gone down the shark's throat and come to just as is boy went thumping iu against him. He and the boy held a council, and what do you think they were doing when we cut the shark open? Rigging up the grindstone to sharpen the ai, so they could cut a hole ia the shark and escape. WNaw York Sun. ; A Word to the Wise. J-- A JJXAJLiAi. L. 31 Alakea. near Qneen St. LZ1 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Opposite Freeth & PeacockV, .NXTXJ'A-NU- ST, : - ss-- tf , , To tHe Public. 86 Hotel Street, Xlonolnln. II I. (Opposite Fashion Mtables). BEAV'ER-SALOQN- . SO. FORT STREET. f Opposite Wilder ft Co. 'a H. J. Holte, Propr. OPKN TOM 3 If. TILL 10 P. M FIELST-CLiS- S LCSCUXS COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER,' G1SGER ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety - . of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant EVICS'i CO, EILL1AED TASLS on the Premises. The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call from, his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LXJNCII, A SMOUC OB A GASH! OF BILLIABDS. STEAMER MOKQLI3, tMcGregor, Commander), Leaves for the following ports every alternate Monday at 5 p. m.: Commencing May 16th To Eaunakakal, Ea-mal- o, Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning to Labaina, Pukoo, Earaalo, Eaunakakal. Arriving at Honolnlu Saturday a. m. Commencing May 9th To Eaunakakal, Lanai, Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu, Ealaupapa. Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olo- walu. Labaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Eaunakakal. Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. m. r-- P. O. BOX 315. BEIX TBLEPHONF. 58 The Pacific Transfer Co., i ; Offlce with the Union Feed Co. We nave on band a onslcnment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces. Foi four and five foot furnaces, complete with rrat bars, bearers and trash carriers, machine of tfiis make are now in successful operation at Bptefkelaville, Makee Bagar Company and other plantations. Also, a consignment of Filter Presses, Havlna; all tbe latest improvements. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and eramlne the above. For prices and farther particulars ap ply to . . Wm. G. Irwin & Co., The Company will not be responsible lor Bell Telephone 175. Mutual Telephonel75. , All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and pecLScations made. Jobbing in all details done at short notice. Good work and low charges is my motto. 85 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED. A Large Assortment of Maenificent EBONY and CINNAMON-WOO- D KXJ R JST I TU BE, Marble-to- p and inlaid with Pearl. ALSO Silks of all Varieties. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of draysge, hauling or moving work, all of wuich I will guar- antee to execute faithfully. 88 ly . 8. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Metropolitan Market 44,: Jf A. Cents. I1IKQ STREET, BONE MEAL !! J. H. SOPER, Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & I7EWS DEALERS, : Hawaiian Gazette Block, 27 merchant St., Xlonolnln. II.I. 41 tf PROPRIETOR Q,V. WALLER, MATTINn in all colors, including a new design . never seen before In this city. H. J. N0LTE.. . 3i-t- f 667 apr29 jInspection Invited. Choicest Bleat from Finest Re 1, CHUN HOY & CO., Watel&makers and Jewelers, Nuuauu street, opposite Merchants Exchange The danger of beiijg carried away by the growing fashion in canes, Lifts. He Never Reached the "Ama." A saintly individual who tried to offer up a prayer at the meeting ot; his creditors in Queen Victoria street, Hew yotk, not long ago, did cot gr--t as far ts MAmen" on that J occasion. Among his creditors was a rough Scotchman; wh as soon as ha got over the am&zement at the coolness of the proceedings, J any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not responsible for money or jewelry unless placed In ha rge of the Purser. All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, hut the Company will not assume any risk of accident. SAMTj u. WILDER, President. . 8. B. ROSE, Secretary. ... OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.' I 1 I 6&-- ly Mar 30 S. P. TAYLOR 6 CO., Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALER3 IN -- Paper Bg. Twines, Etc., " Hi and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO Pioneer and San tieronimo Paper Mills. South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Cruz County, Cal. 4ja25 '88 Geo. C. Skreve & Co., MANUFACTURING JEWELEES And Importers of Diamonds, ' Watches, Stiver and Silver Plaled Ware, Decorated China, Art Braes Goods, Fans, Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc. ' Montgomery and ntter 8tsM : SAN FRANCISCO. 43ja25 '88 J: I7MC07ICH : CO. Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants in Foreign 5s Horaeatic Prnit, 500 Washington, and 6C1, 603 Jt 605 Sansome Sts , ' SAN FRANCISCO. : - ' This is the oldest established house in this line of business in 8an Francisco, and we are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our 11 ne. SPECIALTY in PACKIN3 all kinds of FRUIT for long distance markets. . Ton r Patronage Is Solicited 45 inarlo'SSj The nndersljcned are now prewired to re ceive. orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from tbe manufactory of Back & Ohlindt San Francisco: ' The following is a report of tta compo- nent par ta, as obtained bj Chemical analy- sis: Water...... : 8.10 r cent Organio Hatter 23.18 " " Silicious Hatter. 4.65 " Lime....... 81.70 " Phosphoric Acid. .. 23.11 " Oxide of Iron 8 " ' CarbonioAcid X.83 Alka Salts.... ..... .52 " joo.o Kitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will h av? Fromp t and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co.. ' Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. " 21tf mille and shipping supplied on SHORT Physician and Surgeon, Residence and OfSce, 40 Emma Street. OFFICE HOURS From' 8 to 12 a. m, BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 4Q5jtln0t8 THOMAS LnrDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, WENNEE & 00. 02 JTort Street Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade jewelry. ' Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. 3ilrar and Gold Plate, . Elessmt Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENOBAVIKa AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. E&patrls&g In all its brAncbes. r SoIeAnta for Sing's KyePresi vers. shouted-out- : "tSit doon, ye aommea put-r- u NOTICE and at the Have always on hand and for sale, CLOCKS of all kinds, . , Gold and Silver Watches, Tanous prices, including ladies watches; JEW- - - ELRY of all descriptions, gold and sil-- - - ver; best Spectacles and Eye Glasses to suit all ages gold, silver - and steel. - Also, CHINESE JEWELRY, Of all kinds gold and silver. ' CHINESE FANCY SILK GOOD and PAINTINGS. Also, an assort- ment of handsome Artificial Flowers (Chinese); Musical Boxes, etc., etc. RIFLES, REVOLVERS, SHOTGUNS, Tfn. 60 nnann Ktreet I i Lowest Market Prices. Xlonolnln, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 32t heepocreet. , If ye say .aaitcer wuru ij Almighty in my presence tkm me4if t dinivs .kick ye." The creditors roared, the petitioor sat down, and the . business of the meeting proceeded in the poanne? usual on such oc- - . casiona. Pittsburg. Commercial Gasetta. , . . . - - - : . . . Another iiJc3 . ... s As those who hare baen to his oSoe know, Gen.' Black, commissioner. of .pes&siojyf, has a pure Ethiopian, with unchangeable skin,7 for his doorkeeper, and a very good ; doorkeeper he is. - ,..- Recently Cor gressman O'DousfiH wsst up to the commfes'.oner's oSce, end ; txiee&ig the black man at t a door, he topped, , : . 'Are ywi G33. Bisckr-he- . ssiJ, bcsr- - ingly.!- - ; . ; : "Xo. sah," wplied th dccrkscpr, P eot Gen. Eiack. I 'Pa ji plain,, 'tcizzzsa black, sth. , Gsa. rise's Jnsids, iWsr-;.'-- - . The ongneanan gave the doorkeeper cigar koA-wvx- S is'-id?- . Wad:t2a GriUz. f MONTHLY PAYIUCNTIS. FRArilt GERTZ, . : With cartridges to suit. i iron v sale. All accounts for Adverttaln aod Job Printfo at the 1'aelCe ConiEaerclel Al ttrlfxer REPAIRS attended to and neatly executed with promptness. Including all kinds of work in our Una of business, ai very low rates. Workman- ship guaranteed. a. The public are respectfully invited to come and inspect the fine assortment of new and ele- gant goods at our new storer Nuuanu street. ejauN hoy & co. C30aug 12 - Of all Descr.pttons ox ' Orders troai the ether Islaa is solloitad. ; . 2iO, 114 Fart &U KoeeoIbIu. All meats delivered from tbts market are thor ougly eLilled immediately after killing by means of a Ben-Coiexn- aa Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties, and t? GUARANTEES TO KEEP- - IOKGEB AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLT- - WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD . newspapers on hand, which will be sold for 25 cents a hundred. They are useful for wrapping parcels, laying under carpets, etc. T. C. ADVERTISER. OSce wClfrom this date be prest.it id for fay. meet monthly. ' Honolulu, IarchSt 1555. KILLED MEAT,

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Page 1: I mm I .Av m A. 1 nknty - University of Hawaiʻi...HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality


.tf I l I .Av A A. A.

1 nkntyf mmmf.-. - . - .. - r - - -'- . . . r - - - - ... ... . .

I t i f M M i 1 ' i

i i F I S .4 1 I' I ' ITOW


THE DAILY &vtrti$tmtntsdvtrtmmtntB. MvtTtisttatnin.

Oaqs HprecJceUPacific Commercial Advertiser ATTORNEYS ATLAV.Wm. Q. Irwin. ROYAL INSURANCE CMP'YOF LIVERPOOL- .- S. X. STAlf LKT. toB.it bpan kJfcx


Steam Navigation Co. VOtKJCY VAaroBD.



E?ery Morning Excoot Sundays. (LIMITKD.)CAPITAL - 10.000.000


MACHINE WOEKS. Jo. 35 to 51 Fremont Ktreet,


Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second- -'



Spruanco, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobber, of F1a


410 Front St San FrsnelMo.

Koliala Saloon.


ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos

Office. 4'id&wtf



Insurance oi all descriptionFire be effected at Moderate Bates of PreciDm. by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A CO20-dfe- Managers for Haw. Islands

BAJSTBERS.Daily p. C. adtcbttseb, one yearDai lt P. C. Adybbtisks, six monthn. . Com ma nde

4 00. I 00. 1 so60

Da.ilVP. C, AuvcKTiasn, three moath.jlaiuv - vr. Ajv&nriaKn, per ZOO ala. --AND-Will run regulany to Maalaea, Maul, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.S 00

, , lltltttWkkklt P. c ADvuTists, oae yearf elo Subscrlptloiv. W.'F. O. A. (Including


Attorney and Counsellor at LswOfflce No. 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu.

so HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS MACHINERYOf every de.seriptiou. j 176 oct21tfPayable Invariably in Advance

Best of Ales, WinSs and Liquors



Will run regularly to Nawlliwili, Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea; Kauai. ' ,

ECIL BROWN, ATTO NE ANDC Notary Public. Campbell's Block. Merchantstreet 43-lym-20

Draw KxohAu,ge on the principal parts of theworld.

Have constantly in stock New and Second-ban- d

WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY,Machinists 'Tools, Irrigating and Pumping Ma-

chinery, Piping,'

J?ipe Fittings, Etc.


A practical, plain young girt;Not afraid-of-tbe-rai- n young: glri;

A poetical posy,A ruddy and rosy,

A helper --of --self young girtyounj gtiii

'A never-will-lac- e young girl; ii

Fancy drinks of every descriptionajpeciMty.

EL. H, Webb,BOdAwly "Proprietor.

UNION.Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL... i tlO.OOO.OOO;

Established an Asrency atHavlntr for the Hawaiian islands, thejun-dersign-


are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

losses promptly adjusted & payable19-d-wtf WM. O. IRWIN & CO.

The HisdonIron & Locomotiye Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,


Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,MACAULEY....... ..Commander

Will run regularly to Haraoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e.

Honokaa ahd Paauhau. Hawaii. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon application. - 62yaugll

A life pure and clean,A princess-o-f --peace young glrL Deposits bearing Interest received in their Sav

Ings Department subject to published rnlea andreralaUous. 17oc3tf


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

otacs srasoxsLs. wm, s nwnuBiscuit Manufacturers,

COB. NAttSOJlE A BROADWAY STS.,San Francisco Cal.

JAMES DUNN, 8upt. 86 suglOUM FEED CO,WH. Q. IEWIN & Co.,CTOAR FACTO US and Commlmilon

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. na, secretary. -ly

mm STEAMSHIP CO.,President

.SuperintendentW. II. TAYLOR.JOS. MOORE...AUtHIB, ilODOiUIU M. 1. 18-tfw- tf

Limited m



Office in Campbell's Block, corner Fort andMerchant streets, Honolulu, H. I.

Practices in the courts .

SSSrWhen desired, will give the law in a writ-ten opinion, as to the probable result of thecontention upon the facta stated 44tf


a firik


Ke&l Estate In aoy part of theBought, Hold and Leased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn


Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4S-- tf

A. 0. Cook & Son,OAK TANNED

LEATHER BELTING,Lace feather and :

Header Iraien,No. 415 Market street, San Francisco.

442 Jan25'88




HAT AND GRAIN,Telephone No. 175.



Tl7rlIOI.ESAIJB DEALERS AJfX E.tf era! Jobbers In WiNES and LIQUOKSi.

S 13 Ksabamana Street,'HONOLTTLTT. ; 28-- tf



(Limited),Keep constantly on hand, for sale, 6TEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. D26 ly

A wear-her-ovrn-ha- ir young girt; 'A free-from-a-sta-re young girl; -


Improvea erery hour.No sickly sunflower,

A wealth-of-rareena- e young girLPlenty-roora-ln-her-bo- young girl;No icdulger-in-bjue-a young girl; ;

Not a bang on her brow, -

To fraud not a bow.She's a young goi.Not a reader-of-traa- h young girl;Not a cheapcwel-flas-h young girl;

Not a sipper of rum.Not a chewer of gum,

A marrel-o-f sense young girL

An early-retirin- g young girl ;An actire, aspiring young girl; "

A morning ariser,A dandy despiser,

A progressive American girL

A lorer-o-f --prose young girl;Not a turn-up-your-no- se young girlj

Not given to splutter.Not "utterly utter,"

Bui. a matter-of-fac- t young girL

A rightly ambitious young girl;young girl;

A sparkling clear eye,That says "I will try."

A sure-to-succe- ed young girL

An honestly-courtin- g young girl;A never-seea-flirtin- g joung glri;

A quiet and pure.An honest, demure,

A flt-for- -a wife young girL

A Bougbt-everywb- er young girl;A future-moetfa- lr yciuff girl;s - An ever diacre.v ' ' - '

We too seldom meetThis queen-among-quee- young girl. '

Virgil A. Pinklcy In Brooklyn Gtizen.

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers InBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaaaumanu street

Honolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- tf


STEAMER KINAU,(Lorenzcn, Commander.- -

Leaves Honolulu as per following scheduleouchlng at Labaina, Maaiaea, Makena,

Hilo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY, July 26, 18S6, and

on every alternate Monday t 4 p. m., the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TliIP, reaching Keau-hou on Wednesday morning, where horses andcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOUSK(nve miles in the saddleand nine miles by carriage). .

Passengers by this route will have two daysand two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano 'ripa. On Hilo trips, willeave Honolulu on TuesTs, and return Saturdaymorning. ' -

PAfeSENQER TRAINS wilt connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from HUo for Passengerstf a signal Is made from the shore.

OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALLBUILDERS Steamboat, Steamship, LandEngines and Boilers, High Pressure or Com-pound.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete

with hulls of wood, iron or composite.ORDINARY ENGINE8 compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether.or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, thatquality of work being far superior to handWork.

SHIP WORK, Bhip and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches., Air and Circulating Pumps, madefter the most approved plans., k6X

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-

cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or

city works' purposes, built with the celebrated- Davy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block,

551marl2d&wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


16 to 22 Deale Street, Nan Francisco.13-Jy-

We have receiv1 a consignment o the most. Economical aiJ Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, vis.: - -

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

" Butter poducer 1ij ns8.Foundation Timbers ! !

Schweitzer & Co..... Importers and Jobbers of

irisrcir aoors5HOSIERY, GLOVES, COE0ET3,


G ENCUAJL HIU3ISSION AGENTS.6 tf Queen St.. Honolulu, H.I.


Importers A Commission Merchants.Honolulu, H. I. 27-- tf

WM. McCANDLESS.No. a Qaeen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and shipping: Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furntHbed to vessels at shortnotioo, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 29 tf

New .Photograph Rooms.

We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k

Foundation Timbers.

Oil Cake Meal shows abor t 27 per cent, of nurltive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. .

100 lbs. o this meal Is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 31S lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in LoU to Suit.Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds o

Hay, Oats, "Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Davis, Commanaer;,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at p. u torKaunakakai. Kahului, Huelo. nana and

Kipaoulu, every week; Keanae.Mokulauand Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theabove ports, arriving back (Saturday mornings.

For malls and passengers only.

SIZES 16x24 inches, 12 Feet Eonff.And UxlS.lnches, 16 Feet lAn&.

TTbite Uoods, TCmbroIderlen, JIa.ndherclilefs. Laceit, Ribbons. Indies Oct'hildreusV Underwear.

29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco83 feblO'88

E. H. Buctnam & Co.Manufacturers and Dealers in

SHIP STOVES,Tin, Copper, Crockery and nueet JronWares, Miip ianterus andSignal Oil,22 Stewart St.', bet. Market and Mission,

BAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Ship and Job Work and Stove Repairing of all

kinds a specialty. 487 f eblO'fe


These timbers, as their name signifies, arenearly as solid and durable as Iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed. ? .

LAINE te CO.3S tf


STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,- (Cameron, Commanaer,

Will leave regularly ior Lahaina, Paauhau,'Kukalau and Ookala.

STEAME T"lEHU A,(Clark, Commander)

Will leave regularly for Hakala'u, Xlonomu andOnomea.

FpM TEEPEIS.W. G. Irwin fc Co.


E. IK. Mayiiew,

OVES NICHOLAS STORE, FORT STREET,the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Fort-rai-ts

and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. llap '. A. GOKSALVJES.

it Wo fa Co. 3 PT.ATVmVTa MT7 T.

The Skipper's Fish Tarn."A. curious; thing," aid the .skipper, "hap-

pened on the last trip. Sim Clipp,"tha cook,"said he, "took a fever, and when, he kickedthe bucket we didn't delay long, Imt , tied anold grindstone and a rusty az to him to weighthinx and chucked him overboard. His boywas aboard, and es Sim's body went over abig shark came up, opened bis jaws, and intothe shark's maw went Sim. His boy saw it,gave a yell and sprang overboard. The sharkhadn't got his mouth shut yet, and the boywent straight after his father.. An, hourafterward an old whopper of a shark cameup lougsi'le of us, and we made up ?uf mindsto capture him.. We baited a shark bookwfpork; presented it to him and in half a,

minute had the old man eater fast. "We gothim aboard by hard work and cut biiu open,and what should we see inside of him but SimClippandhis boy. We had captured theirshark. The funniest part Of the matter wasthat both Sim and the boy were alive. . Wehad made a mistake about Sim being deadwhen we cast him in the sea, and he had gonedown the shark's throat and come to just as

is boy went thumping iu against him. Heand the boy held a council, and what do youthink they were doing when we cut the sharkopen? Rigging up the grindstone to sharpenthe ai, so they could cut a hole ia the sharkand escape.WNaw York Sun. ;

A Word to the Wise.


L. 31 Alakea. near Qneen St. LZ1CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER

Opposite Freeth & PeacockV,


- ss-- tf, ,

To tHe Public.86 Hotel Street, Xlonolnln. II I.

(Opposite Fashion Mtables).


SO. FORT STREET.fOpposite Wilder ft Co. 'a

H. J. Holte, Propr.OPKN TOM 3 If. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Proprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from, his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aLXJNCII, A SMOUC OB A GASH! OF


STEAMER MOKQLI3,tMcGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at 5 p. m.:

Commencing May 16th To Eaunakakal, Ea-mal- o,

Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning toLabaina, Pukoo, Earaalo, Eaunakakal. Arrivingat Honolnlu Saturday a. m.

Commencing May 9th To Eaunakakal, Lanai,Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu,Ealaupapa. Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olo-walu. Labaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Eaunakakal.Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. m. r--


The Pacific Transfer Co.,i

; Offlce with the Union Feed Co.

We nave on band a onslcnment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

Foi four and five foot furnaces, complete withrrat bars, bearers and trash carriers, machineof tfiis make are now in successful operation atBptefkelaville, Makee Bagar Company and otherplantations. Also, a consignment of

Filter Presses,Havlna; all tbe latest improvements.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and eramlne theabove. For prices and farther particulars apply to . .

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,

The Company will not be responsible lorBell Telephone 175. Mutual Telephonel75. , All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and

pecLScations made. Jobbing in all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges ismy motto. 85



A Large Assortment of Maenificent EBONY andCINNAMON-WOO- D

KXJ R JST I T U BE,Marble-to- p and inlaid with Pearl.


Silks of all Varieties.

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of draysge,hauling or moving work, all of wuich I will guar-antee to execute faithfully.

88 ly . 8. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Metropolitan Market44,:



J. H. SOPER,Successor to

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


: Hawaiian Gazette Block,

27 merchant St., Xlonolnln. II.I.41 tf

PROPRIETORQ,V. WALLER,MATTINn in all colors, including a new design. never seen before In this city. H. J. N0LTE..

. 3i-t-f667 apr29jInspection Invited.

Choicest Bleat from Finest Re 1,CHUN HOY & CO.,

Watel&makers and Jewelers,Nuuauu street, opposite Merchants Exchange

The danger of beiijg carried away by thegrowing fashion in canes, Lifts.

He Never Reached the "Ama."A saintly individual who tried to offer up

a prayer at the meeting ot; his creditors inQueen Victoria street, Hew yotk, not longago, did cot gr--t as far ts MAmen" on that J

occasion. Among his creditors was a roughScotchman; wh as soon as ha got over theam&zement at the coolness of the proceedings, J

any freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Inha rge of the Purser.All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, hut

the Company will not assume any risk of accident.SAMTj u. WILDER, President.

. 8. B. ROSE, Secretary. ...OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.' I

1 I 6&-- ly Mar 30


Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALER3 IN --

Paper Bg. Twines, Etc.,"

Hi and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO

Pioneer and San tieronimo Paper Mills.South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Cruz

County, Cal. 4ja25 '88

Geo. C. Skreve & Co.,MANUFACTURING

JEWELEESAnd Importers of

Diamonds, ' Watches, Stiver and Silver PlaledWare, Decorated China, Art Braes Goods, Fans,Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna LeatherGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc.

' Montgomery and ntter 8tsM :

SAN FRANCISCO. 43ja25 '88

J: I7MC07ICH : CO.Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission

Merchants inForeign 5s Horaeatic Prnit,500 Washington, and 6C1, 603 Jt 605 Sansome Sts ,



This is the oldest established house in thisline of business in 8an Francisco, and we areprepared to fill orders of all kinds in our 11 ne.

SPECIALTY in PACKIN3 all kinds of FRUITfor long distance markets. .

Ton r Patronage Is Solicited45 inarlo'SSj

The nndersljcned are now prewired to receive. orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom tbe manufactory of Back & OhlindtSan Francisco: '

The following is a report of tta compo-nent par ta, as obtained bj Chemical analy-sis:

Water...... : 8.10 r centOrganio Hatter 23.18 " "Silicious Hatter. 4.65 "Lime....... 81.70 "Phosphoric Acid. .. 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 8 "


CarbonioAcid X.83Alka Salts.... ..... .52 "

joo.oKitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will h av? Fromp t

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co..'

Agents or the Hawaiian Islands." 21tf

mille and shipping supplied on SHORT

Physician and Surgeon,

Residence and OfSce, 40 Emma Street.OFFICE HOURS From' 8 to 12 a. m,

BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 4Q5jtln0t8

THOMAS LnrDSAYManufacturing Jeweler,

WENNEE & 00.02 JTort Street

Have on hand New Foreign and Homemadejewelry. '

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

3ilrar and Gold Plate,. Elessmt Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


E&patrls&g In all its brAncbes.r SoIeAnta for Sing's KyePresi vers.

shouted-out- : "tSit doon, ye aommea put-r-u

NOTICE and at the

Have always on hand and for sale, CLOCKS ofall kinds, . ,

Gold and Silver Watches,Tanous prices, including ladies watches; JEW- -

- ELRY of all descriptions, gold and sil--- - ver; best Spectacles and Eye Glasses

to suit all ages gold, silver- and steel. - Also,

CHINESE JEWELRY,Of all kinds gold and silver. ' CHINESE FANCYSILK GOOD and PAINTINGS. Also, an assort-ment of handsome Artificial Flowers (Chinese);Musical Boxes, etc., etc.


Tfn. 60 nnann Ktreet I i

Lowest Market Prices.Xlonolnln, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 32t

heepocreet. , If ye say .aaitcer wuru ijAlmighty in my presence tkm me4if t dinivs

.kick ye." The creditors roared, the petitioorsat down, and the . business of the meetingproceeded in the poanne? usual on such oc--

. casiona. Pittsburg. Commercial Gasetta. ,

. . .- - - : .

. . Another iiJc3 . ...s

As those who hare baen to his oSoe know,Gen.' Black, commissioner. of .pes&siojyf, has apure Ethiopian, with unchangeable skin,7 forhis doorkeeper, and a very good ; doorkeeperhe is. -,..-

Recently Cor gressman O'DousfiH wsst upto the commfes'.oner's oSce, end ; txiee&ig theblack man at t a door, he topped, , : .

'Are ywi G33. Bisckr-he- . ssiJ, bcsr- -

ingly.!- - ; . ; :

"Xo. sah," wplied th dccrkscpr, P eotGen. Eiack. I 'Pa ji plain,, 'tcizzzsa black,sth. , Gsa. rise's Jnsids, iWsr-;.'-- -


The ongneanan gave the doorkeepercigar koA-wvx- S is'-id?- . Wad:t2a GriUz.

f MONTHLY PAYIUCNTIS.FRArilt GERTZ, .: With cartridges to suit.i ironv sale.

All accounts for Adverttaln aod Job Printfoat the

1'aelCe ConiEaerclel Al ttrlfxer

REPAIRS attended to and neatly executed withpromptness. Including all kinds of work in ourUna of business, ai very low rates. Workman-ship guaranteed.

a. The public are respectfully invited to comeand inspect the fine assortment of new and ele-gant goods at our new storer Nuuanu street.

ejauN hoy & co.C30aug 12

- Of all Descr.pttons ox '

Orders troai the ether Islaa is solloitad. ; .

2iO, 114 Fart &U KoeeoIbIu.

All meats delivered from tbts market are thorougly eLilled immediately after killing by meansof a Ben-Coiexn- aa Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all its Juicy properties,and t? GUARANTEES TO KEEP- - IOKGEBAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLT- -

WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD. newspapers on hand, which will be sold

for 25 cents a hundred. They are useful forwrapping parcels, laying under carpets, etc.

T. C. ADVERTISER.OSce wClfrom this date be prest.it id for fay.meet monthly.' Honolulu, IarchSt 1555.KILLED MEAT,

Page 2: I mm I .Av m A. 1 nknty - University of Hawaiʻi...HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality


r ISLAND NOTES.. - A i L I moting the health and comfort of thecommunity. He deserves well of his

Hilo, Hawaii, May 20th.WANTED.

fellow-citizen- s.

Memorial Iay Service. NEW HATS ! M BONNETS !Pacific Commercial Advertiser



FIVE (5) GOOD CARPENTERS CAN FINDemployment on application at

GULICK'g AGENCY,88 Merchant street. ..

May 26, 18S7. 658may27tf

The railroad surveyors and their menhave moved their camp near Honomu,and are progressing gradually in theirwork a rather difficult one. The trackwill not be as crooked as the Kohalarailroad, which reminds one of the' Mis-

sissippi river or i the Rid Grande forcrookedness.;.

Dr. C. S. Kittridge is selling out atcost, contemplating a trip to America fora few months.

Hilo has a fair quota of rain at presentnot too much nor too little.

m OffJ 'fflwYAL Sfo&BtfJ Si

piBell Tel., 348 Mutual Tel., 139. 11MillmeryPopular ouse,

Last evening the annual memorialservice was held at the Fort-stre- et

Church. The Geo. W. DeLong Post No.45, G. A. K.f attended the service in abody, and the church A'as crowded inevery part. The Rev. W. C. Merritt as-

sisted in the service, and the Rev. J . A.

Cruzan preached a very able memorialsermon, which was closely listened to.The music, under the direction of Mr.Yarndley," was appropriate to the occa-

sion, and was well rendered by thechoir. The interior of the church wastastefullv decorated.

104 Fort St., Honolulu.1ST. S. SACHS, n?ixpi-ieto- i

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.Per annum . . f5 00

Six months .......... 3 00

Per roon tii ...... ........ ...... 50c

ar8aberiptJons Paynble AlwnyBliiAdvance.

ComrciDDicatlons from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing In any part of the United Statescan remit the amount ot subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter Inteuded for publication in the editorialcolumns should be addressed to .

"Editor Pactfic Commxrciai, A dvebtisek.Business communications and advertisements

nonld be addressed simply -

P. C. Advertiser,And not to Individuals. ' -

The plantation men are all as busy asbees on the windward side of the islandof Hawaii, and sugar that will polarize

P. O.Box 413.


Business Agency

Skilled and lnsfcilled LafcoiFurnished.

At 3 o'clock this afternoon the , memhigh is being made.

bers of the Post will .meet at headDied at Hilo 25th instant, Capt. John



Only a few more Bonnets in the new shades of brown, drab and heliotrope left.The ladies of Honolulu should call at 104 1 ort street without delay, on the arrivalof the steamers, where they can always see the latest, shades in Hat Trimmingsand all the leading shapes in Hats and Bonnets.

quarters. At half-pa-st 3 the column, es-

corted by the Honolulu Rifles, willmarch along King street, to Fort street,up the latter to Kukui street, along thatstreet to Nuuanu Avenue to the CemeTHE

Pacific Commercial ALL THE RAGE!

Worth, aged 84 years, 2 months and 25days. He was buried in HomelandCemetery, Hilo. Deceased was a highlyrespected citizen, and of sterling in-

tegrity. He had been for many yearscaptain of a whaling ship, and wasAmerican Consular Agent previous toCaptain Thomas Spencer. CaptainWorth had also been'pilot for the port ofHilo at the time so many whaling vesselswere coming there. He was tenderlycared for during his long sickness.

J. A. M.

rtiser Absolutely Pure.Is now for sale daily at the Fellewing Places;

J. H. SOPEB .. -- ..Merchant streetA. M. HEWETT Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WOKK8 Hotel streetT. O. Til RUM .Tort streetHENRY WILLIAMS. ....... Hawaiian Hotel

Five Ceiits per Copy.

This powder neve r varies. A marvel of purity.etrenirLh nd vholescracncs?. More economicalthan tlw ordinary I: fJ.d cannot be sold in com-petit- io

i with iho nr.iiafcud'j ct lo r test, short

?an1 Royai L'Atiya Povia Co.. 100 WalW'

gd wtt '



locations, within easy reach of tbe.business part of tbe cy. with accommodationssui ed to any requirement uud o- - most favorable terms.


rpHE "OLD CORNER " AT NCCANU AND1 Queen streets, for sale one of the best

business stands in the city.

rpRREE PIECES OF REAL ESTATE IN THISJ. district, outside of tbe city, for sale or lease.


I'urivalletl opportunities Tor profit-able investment.

MONDAY May 30th.

APPLE GREEN AND HELIOTROPE.In fancy Gauze Trimmings and Flowers.

A large variety of 75c. and One Dollar Hats.In black, white and colored, in good common-sens- e shapes.

BOYS' and GIRLS' SCHOOL HATSA large variety, assorted styles, at 50c. and upwards.

RIBBONS! RIBBONS! RIBBONS!All the new shades, plain and fancy, at prices less than elsewhere.

' We alwavs have a large assortment of PLUMES, TIPS, PON-PON- S, FLOW-ERS AND ORNAMF.NTS. In prices we defy competition, and our style of trim-ming recommends itself, i . .


MELLIS Dressmaking establishment on the premises.

Diamonds and JewelryTHE CABLE PROJECT.

tery, where exercises will be held andthe graves of soldiers decorated withflowers.

In the evening literary and musicalexercises will be held in the HawaiianOpera House in honor of America'spatriotic dead. Following is the pro-

gramme of the exercises, which com-

mence at 7 :30 o'clock :

Music American OvertureRoyal Hawaiian Band

Reading General OrdersAdjutant James F. Noble

Music "America" s

Chorus of children directed by Mr.II. Berger.

Ritual.Music "Rest. Soldier, Rest".

. . Quartette, directed by Mr. YarndleyPrayer Acting Chaplain J A. CruzanMusic "Marching Through Georgia".

Chorus of children directed by Mr.II. Berger.

Reading "Ode to Decoration Day". . .

Mrs. W. L. HopperMusic Battle Hymn of the Republic .

. . .Quartette directed by Mr. YarndleyOration Comrade R. Jay GreeneMusic "Recollections of the War" . . .

Royal Hawaiian Band

A general invitation is extended, andall Americans are especially requestedto attend.

Full particulars given upon application at theAgency.


First-cla- ss Book-keeper- s, Carpenters, Stew-ards, Cooks, Nnrnes, and other skilled labordesiring employment.

502 feb23tf

HainakuR Hems.Honokaa,' Hawaii, May 2Gth

Mr. G. P. Tulloch, who for the lasttwo years has had charge of the Hiloand Haraakua Company's telephone linein this district, has gone to Kohala toerect a new line.' We congratulate theKohala company in getting a good man,but cannot say much for the judgmentof the Hilo company in discharging thebsst man they h id in their employ afterputting the line in its present state ofefficiency.' Hamakua is now without aman to look after their line.

Our new Sheriff, Hon. JT. Baker,although strictly temperate himself, doesnot consider it any offense for his police-men tcf get drunk as often as they wish

and that is pretty often. Repeatedcomplaints have: been made of some ofthe Ilonokaa police, ,but no notice hasbeen taken of them. J. M.

I bave received instructions to sell at PublicAuction, at my salesroom, Masonic Building, on

Thursday Afternoon, June 2d,At 2 o'clock, a large and valuable assortment of

Diamonds and JewelryComprising as follows:

Gent's Diamond Masonic Breastpin; Ladies' Dia-mond Spray Pins; Gent's Breastpins, Intaglio andDiamonds: Gem's SoMtaire Diamond Kings;Gent's Clustered ( iamoud Kings; Ladies' balf-bo-op

Diamond Kings; l adies' Kmerald and Dia-mond Rings; Ladies' Ruby and Diamond Rings;Gent's Solitaire Sapphire Kings; Ladies' SolitaireDiamond Ear-ring- s Luge variety; Gent's Soli-taire Diamond Studs; Ludies Silver Bangles,Lockets, Neck Chains, Bracelets aud Ear-ring- s,

in full suits of silver, and other articles toonumerous to mention

Every article ' guaranteed as represented.Ladies attending this sale will have special ac-

commodation. The whole will be on view onTuesday next, May 31st. -

Lewis J. Levey,663june2 Auctioneer.

Isolation is the dry rot of nations. Itdiscourages private enterprise and is abar to social and "political evolution.Revolutions there may be in countries 60situated, but the only outcome isutochange the men on top. That which isestablished remainsso far a3 the peopleare concerned. Social order is not. in-

verted, nor are political lines divertedfrom the well-wor- n groove of immemorial

usage. The axiom, "There is nothingi Hew under the sun," applies to. justsuch conditions. But when the charmofr isolation : is broken, with- - the newthoughts and impulses introduced bycontact with , thoT outer .world comechanges ofjmethod, of policy, and of am-

bition, which speedil' transform the- social fabric and revolutionize public in-

stitutions.We hegd not ; look outside these

Islands for an apt illustration of this;but the more conspicuous examples inmodern times are the Japanese Empireand the Kingdom of Corea. These,countries are now passing at high pres-sure through the most crucial stage oftheir existence, undergoing at one andthe same time a process of political andsocial decomposition and growth the

BeJl Telephone 17a. P. O. Box 307.Mutual 372.


ACCOUNTA NTSReal Estate, Stock and Money Brokers,

General Business Agents.Legal documents carefully prepared. Proper-

ties leased. Rents collected. Books kept andwritten up. Accounts audited and adjusted.

COLLECTING a specialty.EMPLOYMENT. Servants provided promptly

without charge to employer 472 fehfitf

Australian Mail Service.


The new and fine Al steel steamship



CAMPBELL FIRE --PRO OF BLOCK, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU.': r ": Has j fast received from Europe per "Hercules,"

200 Cases Guiness' Extra Stout,Bottled by M. B. FOSTEB A SONS. .";

. -.


HOCK AN X CLARET.These Wines were especially selected for W. 8. Luce, and arc far superior . to any ever

before imported into this market.


Honolulu 25, Benedicts 8.The first game of baseball of the sea-

son, which took place on Saturday after-noon at the Makiki grounds, betweenthe Honolulus and Benedicts, attractedquite a large audience. The Royal Ha-

waiian Band was present and discoursedmusic at intervals. E. P. Low pitchedfor the Honolulus, and Robert Parkerfor the Benedicts. It was a very inter-esting game up to the fifth innings, whenthe Benedicts did some rather loosefielding, and the Honolulus took advan-tage of it. The score at the close of thegame stood Honolulus 25, Benedicts 8.

Itoyal Hawaiian Hotel.The following are the late arrivals at

the Hawaiian Hotel : Thomas Varney,M. W. Belshaw, M. J. Franklin, SanFrancisco; W. Von Uffel, Kipahulu,Maui ; H. Morrison, Maui ; ErnestShulze, Germany ; Z. S. Spalding,Kauai; R. A; Macfie, Jr., Kilauea.

Wall uk u. Maui, ALAMEDA,"


Of the Oceanic Hteamshtp Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

oo or about

JUNE M, 1887,And will leave for the abtve port with maila andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage," having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,AOKNTS.

Kahuxui, Mani, May 27th.The bark F. S. Thompson, Captain C.

Potter, sails to-d- ay for San Francisco withcargo as follows: 10,581 bags H. C. andS. Company's sugar, 1,574,909 lbs; 1,200bagsWaikapu sugar, 144,603 lbs; 1,245Waihee sugar, 180,388 lbs; 401 greenhides, 20,389 lbs ; and 13,427 packages.

The F. S. Thompson takes three pas-

sengers, namely, Mrs. Brigs, Miss Nina.Brigs, and Mr J. E. Grant. ;

Japanese .Laborers.Ed. P. C Advertiser Sir: In your

Weekly Advertiser of just one monthago, we find' some mention made abouta case brought before the last term ofCourt j here by some Japanese laboreragainst brie of the planters a Hamakuadistrict to recover damages of $5,000 fordefamation of his character. . As youmight have learned from the calendar,it was a suit between Japanese them-selves, and not a - Japanese laboreragainst his master. Such misinforma-tion may have some, bearings upon thepeaceful relations now existing betweengood masters and obedient Japaneseservants throughout the country, and sowe should like the same to be corrected.Your obedient servant, A Jap.. Hilo, May 25, 18S7.

OPERATIONS ON THURSDAY,COMMENCED and are now prepared to supplyTARO FLOUR in any quantities.

With new and improved machinery and otherapparatus, the present Manager guarantees tosupply Taro Flour that will make a better cla?sof Poi than ever produced.

All orders to be sent to W. H. CUMMINS,Manager, at the F.v""v, W'ailuku, Maui ; or toW. G. IRWIN & COgeuts, Honolulu.


decay and death of the old system andtb.4 grafting, budding and expansion ofthe new. This Kingdom has nearlyemerged from this transition stage, but

' it is hot quite emancipated from the thral-dom of a dark and incongruous past. Ithas been carried rapidly, forward nodoubt, but something- - yet remains to bedone to thoroughly modernize itsmethods;. In a word, it ; yet lacks theelectric touch of the outer world.; : Peri- -

1 in fAVAAIItVift - Vina Ka-- n I n , in


KF"Special attention --irawn to the celebrated Wines MALMSEY, MADEIRA (Drya nd Medium j. WH ITE, , POR1V SHERRY, e tc. ' ; .

Rum Punch the Latest- - Novelty.' : ' l ' '"' 578aprldtfdw .

NOTICE.For Sydney and Auckland.

DAHLER OF THE AMERICANCAPTAIN arles B. Kenney will not be respon-sible forany debts contracted by his cre? whilethe vessel is in port. 654niay30

Honolulu Almanac and Directory.The Honolulu Almanac and Directory

for 1887 is now for sale at J. H. Soper'sand A. M. Hewett's news depots and atthis office. Price 50 cents. It containscomplete statistical and general infor-

mation relating to these Islands.

uDtruscntenis. 'NOTICE! FOR SALE!--THE BEST--

One Thousand FoundsThe Leading: Millinery House

The new and fine Al steel steamship

"ZEALANDIA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

June 10, 1887.And will have prompt dLipatcn with mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For Leigbt or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to


;Wm. (t. Irwin & Co.,



No change In the rates for the

Use of TelephonesIs contemplated by the

MUTUALTeleplione Company

Chas. J. Fishel.

, --; - ", r jthe ratio ot .its frequency is its beneficial

, influence to be measured. The revolu-tion that began over a century ago withthe advent of Captain Cook has passedthrough several stages, each one marking

' a distinct period of progression, andbeing at the same time regulated by, orcoincident with,' the establishment of

. more frequent and regular intercoursewith foreign countries. " "

. . It is to be regretted therefore that thecabfe project has fallen into abeyance.It is the one thing needed to bring thiscountry into full accord with the pro-gressive civilization of the age. Theworld is girdled with the electric wire,and through its use the relations of thenations to each other have radicallychanged. Commercial activity and in-

dustrial enterprise have been enor-mously stimulated by it, and those coun-tries that are , out of the circle of uni-versal intelligence, are practically as farbehind the impulses and requirements ofmodern times as these Islands werewhen the missionaries first set foot ontheir soil.

It is our opinion that a cable connect-ing Honolulu with the American systemof telegraphs,-n- matter where the pointof contact might" be, would do more to

At the lowest figure, of the finest quality of

OIAVA JELLYWarranted genuine, made of the pure juice only

, and guaranteed to stand


The Water System and tne Roads.A visit last Saturdav to the works in

progress in connection with the watersystem, satisfied a representative of theAdvertiser that economy and dispatch,in labor and methods, are combined intheir execution. Only free labor is em-

ployed, Superintendent Wilson findingthat he could do better by having menabsolutely under control than by ' hand-ling prison labor with a divided author-ity. A glance at the way the gangs ofmen under Superintendent Wilson didtheir work, as compared with the prisongangs under the Road Supervisor, wasquite enough to show that he was cor-rect in his estimate. The men employedon the water main along Fort street andat other points worked a3 if they meantto earn their pay, whereas the prisonersappeared to regard their work more as apiece of recreation than as a serious

For two Weeks Only i-



Kling Street,Has jnst received and has on sale DEPARTUREBAY COAL of the best quality, and la preparedto fill orders at once. 666June29


j. JAEGER,Our. Semi-Annu- al V . t667 marSOtf Secretary and Treasurer.




will take place


Just received by

Will not deteriorate in quality for any numberof years. Large quantities exported every year,by eomeof the largest commercial firms of thiscity, to different parts of the United States andthe German Empire.

.k' ' . ..-- ,, . MINCFACTTTHED AT THE

Pioneer Steam Candy Factory


i-i-o r ost,Practical Confectioner 1'nntry Cook

j .'s fntl Ornatnenter.HOTEL ST., BETWEEN NUUANU AND FORT.

Both Telephones No. 74. 625mayl0tf

"The Equitable

Life-- assurance Society

OF THE UNITED STATES.Death claim paid in 18&i.. 100 per centAsset, January 1, 18&7..4 ,.$75,510,472 7(iLiabilities, 4 per cent basis. 69,154.597 00

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.ASSETS, 93,053,000.

Commercial Insurance Co.

duty. Doubtless this is partly the faultof t he lunas, but there is also somethingwrong with; the ; system when such afarce is played day after day before thepublic eye.

Superintendent Wilson expects,weather permitting', to lay the pipesalong Nuuanu Avenue which are nowlying above ground, and so complete the

remove the friction that is now com-- ,plained. of in various directions than"anything else. Universal opinion is themoral lever which the electric cable has.brought to, bear upon governmentsand peoples. The political revolutionnow. in full blast in ; the, British Isles,under. constitutional forms, -- would have

E. 0. HALL & SON, L't All our remnants will be placed on theCounter, and marked way down.- -

In Ladies' Trimmed and Untn'mmedHats, we are prepared to offer BIGBARGAINS.

Remnants in all departments.Come and see what we offer you next


water system as far as the present sup-ply of pipes will permit. When finished

been impossible if it bad not been forthe moral support the party of freedomreceived from the public conscience ofChristian nations and peoples ; andwithout the telegraphic cable, it would

Fire and Marine

ASSETS $ 150,000.

Anglc-'s?a- da Assurance Corpor-ation,

--Fire and MarineCAPITAL. (Paid np) 82,000,000.

South British Fire and MarineInsurance Company.

CAPSTAI, - - 81O,O00,OOO.

it will be by far the best and cheapest

v ' A fine assortment of

Silver-plate- d WareEromREED & BARTON'S celebrated Manufactory

Solid SilverwareFrom the GORHAM WORKS.


Departure BayCO JJL,

For family use, la lots to suit, at


Queen Street- -. .: CtiSjunel

DR. F. L. MINERTTTELL BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE OF DR.VV Brodie, Beretania street, until November

1st, when be takes possession of the Makeeresidence.

MUTUAL TELEPHONE, 234.' OFFICE HOURS8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m.



piece of public work ever executed forany department of the Government

CHAS. J. FISHEL,And this suggests the point " as towhether the Government could not do Leading. Millinery House.better by putting street work under the Fnrplus, 4 per cent basis.. :. . .$1G,3.j5.875 Idcontrol of the Superintendent of

- i'he surpfua is based on the conservativeNew York Life Insurance Co.ASSETS, $73,000,000.

For target practice, with wind-gnag- e sightscompute. CARTRIDJtS for ;.ove rifles, andCarti idge Belts, all at lower prices than ever.

Card Matches, extra long.

Barbed and Plain Wire for Fencing.Three hundred coils of MANILA ROPE of

the best quality, from to 5 incbes.- -


Steam, Coffee and ' Spice Mills.. Importers ofTrai. iref4 Kpiees.

Chartres Java '"'oilee, Yeast Towder, Cream Tar-tar, Soda. Ralapratus Grounl Coffee, For- -

ein and Domestic Matches, .410.412 Clay St. brt. Kauwoine A Rattery

SAN FRANCISCO, CALlP. O. Box 1530 i ? J . n f . ; 635mayl.TP3

c. o. berger;HONOLULU.

Gen'l Agent Hawriian Inlands. 611apr2Stfdw


have been impossible to have had theconsensus of the world's judgment uponevery point at issue in the contest re-

ported daily at the Eeat of British Im-perial Government through the news-paper press. A cable to these Islandswould bring about needed reforms by asimilar process of publicity and discus-sion. It would likewise stimulate in-

dustrial enterprise and production. Justhow it is to be had it is impossible. for usto eay. As a commercial enterprise itwould probably .not pay interest on themoney invested, but as part of a generalcable system, aided by Governmentbounty, it would no doubt be a paying

.enterprise. Hawaii is not in a positionAo inaugurate such an enterprise on itsown account, and must therefore dependin great measure upon the public spiritof other Governments, taking full ad-

vantage of it9 geographical position,however, by liberal terms of co-ope- ra

.. - '.- - -

Commercial Advertiser

Water Works than by keeping it under aseparate bureau as at present? , "

If Superintendent Wilson had hadcharge of the streets as well as thewater system he would not have made apiece of road one day to tear it up two orthree days afterwards. And if lie werein that position now he could utilizelabor and material to a very great ex-tent in

?the formation of School and

Fort streets "tin; the permanent level.There is no reason why these officesshould not be combined except the lossof patronage involved.

In conclusion let it be said, that withthe limited means at his command,Superintendent Wilson, since July last,has furnished, the city of Honolulu withan abundant' Eupply of water, thereby

assumption that only -- 4 per . cent interestwill be realized on investment.

.Afcfcuniing that 414 per cent will be real-izex- l.

it amounts to $20.4!)r,i75 70., ?The SUKPLUS, on every basis ofvaluation. IS LARGER THAN THAT OF.ANY -- OTHER COMPANY IN THE

'WOPcLTJ. ; . .

New assurance in 1S.S0.'. .$111,510,203 00" larger than that of any other compriny. .

Outstanding assurance. . . . . 411.775.09S 00Larger than that of any other company.

Paid policy holders In . 83(3:07 CO

Paid policy holders since or--" - -ganization. ....... . . . ... .; . ,

, 0fl.rt7.73 53Total incomes . 19,873,733 19Premium income. . . . . . . . . 16,272,154 J2

' Larger than that of any other company.','IMPROVEMENT DURING THE YEAR.

Increase of prera. income ,.f ?,8in,76 40Increase of surplus, i per out basis. 2,4y3,tf6Increase of assets. '8,957,005 25

' Policies Issued on all th plans,' with all theguarantees and concessions. For full parllcu-lari-appj- y

to-- ' ;... ;.r .a ALEX. J. CARTWRIGtIT,

632 inayia '88' !No. 8 Eaahumann stret,


SISAL ROPE, from to 134 inehea.

BaleBope, Cotton aud Linen Fish-lin- e

HARDWAREOf every description, and an endless variety of

Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, hSperm Oil and all kinds of Lubricating Oils

Engineers' Stores, Oakum, all at the ;lowest trarket rates.



ACCOUNT OF THE PREVALENCE IN THEON States of America of the aiptase, "Con-tagio- us

Plenra-Pneumona- ." of cattle, Notice igre reby Riven that ALL CATTLE arriving in thisKingdom from any part of the afore-meniion- ed

country will be liable to a quarantine of not lensthan ninety (9't) day, and possibly a longerperiod. accoWHns to Section IV, Chapter XXIX,of the Revised Laws of 1884

. By order of tbe Board of Inspectors of Animals,JAMES BBODIE. V. S.,

652-jan-el Executive Inspector.

In prepared to do aU kinds cf

AT A i MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OFthe Mutual Telephone Company, held

this day, It was decided to reduce tbe rent ofinstruments to f5 per month in the districts ofKoolau, Ewa, Walanae anit Waalua.

f ua. Jaeger, .... A r Secretary Mutual Telephone Co. .

Honolulu, January 6,1887, eC2-jan-- tfgreatly lessening the fire risk and pro--J Commercial & Legal Work

Page 3: I mm I .Av m A. 1 nknty - University of Hawaiʻi...HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality




AKUIVAI3.8axtrdat. May 28.

Am ship Timour, from BostonStmr Kinau, Lorenzen. from MaaJ and HawaiiStrar Likelike, iMvies, from MauiStiar C R Bishop, Chaney, troiu KoolaaStrar Hokolti, ilctiregor, from Molokalfcchr Moi Wahine, from tfanianuaSshx Haleakala, from Vepee&eo

SCjjdat, May 29.Stmr Mik&hala, freeman, from KauaiStmr Surprise, Weiftbartn, fioiu KaauStmr Jataea Make, Cimptil, from KoolaaSchr Canute, from JLaupahoenoicbr Waiehu, from WaialuaSchr Eaulilua, from Kauai --

5c or Heeia, from Koolaa


Kid gloves, dressed and undressed, inthe ,new shades, at Sachs' store, 104 Fortstreet.

Come to-morr- and bring your friendsto see the mammoth bargains in ladies'hats, from 50c up, at Chas. J. FisheUs lead-ing Milliuery House.

IKlAltT titles.8ATU&DA.X, May 2t.Schr Emma, for Kauai

Schr Nettie Merrill, for Koca, Hawaii

Fourth Annual MeetingOF TBS

Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Gowen has anaverage attendance of thirty Chinese.

The Honolulu Rifles are ordered to meetat 2 o'clock in blue pants, blouse and foragecaps, for the purpose of escorting the Geo.W. De Long Post to the Nuuanu Cemetery.Captain Unger will have charge of a firingparty of twenty men.

Major V. V. Ashford has been electedLieutenant-Colon- el of the Honolulu Rifles,and Captain H. F. Hebbard has beenelected Major. This leaves Company Awithout a captain, but there is to be anelection on Thursday evening next.

It is probable that on next Sunday, thefestival of Trinity, Mr. Vincent HowardKitcat, late of St. Augustine's College, andhead master at Iolani College, will be or-

dained a deacon at St. Andrew's Cathedralby the Bishop of Honolulu.

Mr S. M. Carter, King street, has forsale some of the best stove coal in themarket. It is Departure Bay coal. House-

keepers, after once trying it, will alwaysuse it. Bear in mind also that Mr. Carterhas all kind of fire-woo- d for sale.

On Saturday afternoon a team of horsesattached to a milk wagon ran away. Whenopposite the Fish Market the wagoncollided with a buggy, the occupant ofwhich, a native lady, was thrown out.Fortunately she did not receive serious in-

juries. '

Last Friday evening a surprise party wasgiveH at the residence- - of Mr. Henry Mac-farlan- e,

to Mr. Carl Widemann, son of the


23 ISKvuairu street - - - Honolialxi U. I.to;

8ole Agents in tbt Hawaiian Islands for


,J. J. FELLISSON'S pure, uncolorcd, unsweetened OLD BK AN DIES,





Of Milwaukee. '



lawauaii JoeYeMselN Letavluir To-nn- y.

Stmr J A CnmmiDi, for WaimanaloStmr Waimanalo, for Waianae at tf a mSchr Moi Wabine for Haiuak.ua (cy Club,

Dou't fail to drop in at the good freelunch at the Hawaiian Hotel bar everyevening.

Call and see the new hats and hat trim-mings at Sachs' store.

To he held at KapioUai Tark,

JUNE lOth & 11th.The most wonderful values in ladies' and

misses' trimmed and untrimmed hats everoffered in Honolulu are at Fishel's leadingMillinery House.

- A Crowded llonneand Lot of Fun.

An exceedingly large audience waspresent at the Hawaiian Opera HouseSaturday evening to witness a perform-ance by the Honolulu Amateur Min-strels. A good many persons had tostand. The programme opened with anoverture, after which a number of songsby the different members were sung.The choruses were not as well renderedas we have heard them, probably the re-

sult of insufficient practice. The joke3and local hits were exceedingly good.One of Bishop's, which had reference toa now celebrated breach of promisesuit, took immensely with the audience.

A few of the conundrums are heregiven. Why is the Hawaiian Treasurylike a well-regulat- ed city? Because itis always kept well drained. When is abedstead not a bedstead ? When it is alittle buggy. Why is the opium racketlike the back of a Chinaman's head?Because there is a long tail (tale) at-

tached to it, and, 6ays Harry von Holt,the "Gazette" has got the que (queue).

The Old Folks' Concert, in whichBishop and von Holt took the leadingparts, was intensely amusing. The lat-ter took the part of a female and createdroars of laughter by his falsetto singing.It was one of the best things of the even-ing. A Negro sketch, interspersed with"wonderful" conjuring, was given byMessrs. ArmsTrong, von Holt and Bishop.W. H. Hoogs' character song fell ratherflati as no one understood what he wassaying. E. Leroy did some clever actson the trapeze,' though he had a narrowescape irom losing bis hold while sus-

pended by the feetThe performance concluded with the

local burlesque, entitled "Our Navy."It jyas. a take-of- f on the Hawaiian navy,and a very good one too. " The first actwas a scene on the deck of the Kaimiloa,showing the sailors at work in charge ofSam Maikafi, who was personated byHarry von Holt. The latter was the lifeand soul of the piece, and his witty say

FIRST DAY, JUNE 10, 1887.--

races to commence at 12 noon.A new lot of imported embroideredsuits and lace flouncings just opened atSachs', 104 Fort street.


.4 4 Nniiauti Street.

Hon. H. A. Widemann, whose birthdayanniversary it was. About fifty invitedguests were present, and dancing was in-

dulged in to the strains of the HawaiianBand. Wo tfTuv fi-- C2i 1rt of tin 1 we ntot-L-o- f rorna . u full tfrwlr gt tliA mribf favrkrit

1st. Honolulu Plate, $30Running Race; V mile dash; for Hawaiian-bre- d


3d. Reciprocity Plate, 8100Running Race; :v4 mile dash; tree for all.

3t. Oceanic l'urse, SlOOMile heats; best 3 in 5; to harness; freefor all. .

f tb.-Waik- apu Cup, $100 addedRunning Race; mile dash; free for all;winner to bat the record of "May D,"l:19.

5th. Breeder's Mate, $75Running Race; mile dash; for all

., . , s.'6th. Hawaiian I'late, 75

Running Race; mile dash; free for all. .

Tcel iu Port rrora Foreign lort.Am missionary steam bktne Morning Star, H" Turner, from tbe tsouth Hea IslandsAm bktne Makab, tt A Tbompeou, from Svd

ney, X S WHaw bark Kalakaua, C H Henderson, from Val-

paraisoBol bk Guillermo, Sandmann. from PortTownsend, WTGerman bark Hercules, Bless, from GlasgowAm bark Charles B. Keuney, Dahler. from

Newcastle. NSWAm bktne Planter, W 15 Perriman, from San

FranciscoAm bktne Hattie N Bangs, E Bangs, fromHongkongNor bark P C Peterson, Cbaa Snndt, from

San FranciscoBrit bk Scottish Lassie, W Singer, from Liver-

poolBrit bk Glengaber, Kolleston, from San

FranciscoAm ship Timonr, Johnson, from BostonAm bk C O Whltmore, T Thompson, from De-

parture Bay

levels fc.xeetet rruiu Foreign jporisBrit bark Cerates, from Liverpool, due May


Haw schr General Siegel, Sanders, fromFrench Frigate Shoals, due Nov 20- -i

Am bark St Lacie, sailed from New York March2o, due September 0

Am bktne John Worster, from Nauaiino, B C,due May 2u-3-0

Am bk James S Stone, Bars tow, sailed fromBoston March 12. due July 5o-- 3l

Am bktne Mary Winkelman, Blake, from SanFrancisco, due May 1G-2- 4

Ger bark Gyda, from Newcastle, N 8 W, dueMay 10-3-0

Ger bk Peter Goddefroy, , sailed fromLiverpool May 3rd, due Mept

Am ok Saranac, D B Shaw, from 9au Irancisco,due May 24-3- 0.

Haw tern Ke Au Hon, Brownell, from FrenchFrigate Shoals, due July 10-3- 1.

Haw S 8 Australia. ilG Houdlette, from 8anCisco, due May il.

Haw i S Zealandia. R Van Oterendorp. frfctnSan Francisco, enroute to Coiouies. due June 10.

RMS 5 Alameda (Am U Alorse, from theColonies, enroute to Kan Franoisco, due Jane 8.

Supposed to be lost.

brands of

Ales, Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Etc., Etc.1. O. Hex Out.373Telephones Mo. 46.

Just received, ex barkentine H. N.Bangs, large quantities of Silks, Em-broidered Silk Handkerchiefs with ini-tials ; an assortment of Scarfs andShawls, Grass Cloth, and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs.

Also, a great variety of Japanese TeaSets, Vases, Bronze Sleeve Buttons,Lacquered Ware, etc.

Dealers in Chinese Fancy Goods, Satin,Crape, Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise-shel- l

Card Case, Paper Cutter, Fans andJewelry Cases, Matting, etc.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting withtiger claws, cateyes and amber.

Inspection invited.

A Fatal Accident.On Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock,

a young man named Akahi was movingcorrugated' iron at Mr. J. T. Water-house- 's

Queen street store, when severalbundles tell on his head, which wasfrightfully mangled. He was carried tothe Station House and Dr. John McGrewsent for. The latter , found that thetemple bones on the right side .had beendriven on to the brain, and on the leftside of the head the scalp was almosttorn off, leaving the bone bare. The doctorgave no hope of his recovery. The "


fortunate young man lingered only ashort time after the doctor had seenhim.

(D DAY, JUNE 11, 1887.

Races to commence at 10:30 a. m. sharp.


Q-roceii- es IProvisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO 8TRKET8.

New Ooods received by every pacaet from the Eastern States and Europe. rsh Calif orntaProduce by every steamer. All orders fnithfully attended to, and Ooods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflce Box No. liTelephone No. 92 6&aplmmmtmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam'mammmmm


Mr. W. S. Bartlett, manager of theHawaiian Hotel, has decided to .set outa cold lunch each evening in the billiardroom, and patrons of this leading resortfound something refreshing laist evening,the occasion of the inauguration of thisnew feature. .

A Want Supplied.

Win. (J. Irwin & Co B. P. EHLEES & CO.

99 Fort Street,Havejust opened a. new consignment of

3STEW and SEASONABLE GOODS,. Inspection Invited.-!r7- 7


From Hilo and way ports, per Kinau, May 28tnMrs Gillon, Miss Low, Arthur Jounstoae, C H

Lebmaun, J Canarlo, Cbas Lawson, Mrs GeoAndrews. D L Ah Ptart, I Kubenstein, J Lyons,J Franklin, C B Makee. Mr K Jone, Ber J toSilver, K Kutsara, Dc geya and C8 deck passen-gers.

From Maul and Molokal. per steamer Likelike,May 2Stb Hon 3 B Lole, Dr N B fctuerson, LrMouritz, G Alo, Mrs Weight, ' Varney. M W

Balshaw, H Morrison, Mia- - L M Ingersoll, M D,Miss Back with. Miss Abbie, W Veu Line, 6 Chi-nese, 1 prisoner and 77 deck passengers.

From Waianae, per s. earner Waimanalo. May23th Miss FllleLro n and 4.5 deck i8senger.

From Kauai, per steamer Mikabala, May 29ihCol Z S Spalding, Z K Meyers, R A Macne, Jf, JJ Williams, Mra Wilson, Mrs Keakaailaa. W K 11

Deverill, W fecbuhze, Mr Pedlar, wife and child,F W Glade. R W T Purvis, Mrs ti lsenberg. MissBerger, W Rowell, J Brigsiock, 8 Ehrlicb, MissMary Ann Lovell aud 'J'J dck passeugers.


1st. The Queen's Plate, 975Running Race; mile dash; free for all.

2d,-Uaniha- mebn Plate, $lGORunning Race; 2 mile dash; free for all.

3d. Kalakaua lurae, $150" Trotting Race; mile heats; best 2 in 3; to

harness; free for all.

4th. Ills MHjesty'a ( up, $100 addedRunning Race; I mile dash; for Hawaiianbred horses owned by members of the JockeyClub.

5tb. Itosila Challenge Cup, $100 addedRunning Race; mile Uasn: wiener to beatthe record of "Angle A.," lAahn, made June

. 12, 1886. Cup to be run for annually, and tobe held by the winner until his time is beat-en at a meeting of the Jockey Club. Freefor all.

6th The King's Plate, $100Trotting Race; for Hawaiian-bre- d horsesonly; mile heats; best two in three; to har-ness.

7th. Novelty Race, $100, 1 mile dash; running; 1st quarter, $25

Si mile, f254 mile, S-- 'S

1 mile, $25Open to all Hawaiian-bre- d horses.

8th. Jockey Club lost Itfatch. Sweepstakes, 20, and $50 added.

Trotting or Pacing Race; best 2 in 3; free forall horses that have not a record of 3 min-- .utes or better. To be driven bymembers ofthe Jockey Club.

9th. Pony Race, S73Running Race; 1 mile dash; fiee for allHawaiian-bre- d horses not over 14 hands,and over 3 years old; catch weight.


In Barrels,Half Barrels, '

And Boxes.CUBE

fa Half BarreisAnd Boxes'

i'OWDKRKDIn 30-pou- Boxes.

OLlF.K C. COFFKE"In Half Barrels

ings in Hawaiian were much enjoyed bythose who understood the language.Morse was the Captain and appeared infulldress. His orders were not generallyobeyed. There wras an abundance ofgin on board. One amusing feature was"the Curio," better known round townas "Holy Moses," who was on hand to"appraise" the cargo. The make-u- p

was perfect. The music was taken fromPinafore and would have been more en-

joyable if the clarionet player had beenat the top of Punchbowk His instru-ment was much out of tune. ;

The second act found the ship in thetropics, the men playing at cards withthe Captain. A Minister Plenipoten-tiary visited the ship and presented theCaptain with a corkscrew. "Moses"was thrown overboard and then fishedout again.

In the third act the audience foundthe ofn.cers and crew short of clothes,the vessel having been wrecked on adesert island. The first lieutenant, how-

ever, managed to preserve his spurs, aknowledge of cavalry tactics being essen-tial on shipboard. They were hungryand thirsty too. However, some ginwas found and they soon recovered theirwanted "spirits."

The piece was very well got up andthe large audience went away Yery muchsatisfied with the performance. Theorchestra consisted of: PianoMr. M.H. Jones ; violins, Messrs. Yarndley andBerger, and flute and clarionet playedby two band boys. The Amateur Min-

strels will give another performance onThursday evening next with changes ofprogramme. .


The "Elele" book, job and newspaperoffice, corner of Queen and li streets, op-

posite office of the Board of Health, have,in connection with their already extensiveprinting establishment, just received . perS. S. Australia, through Messrs. Palmer &

Bey, of San Francisco, direct from themanufactory, New York City, a GORDONJOB PRINTING PRESS, one of the finestand best m the world, and ot the largestsize made. There is nothing in this coun-try to compare with it. To examine thisfine piece of workmanship is woith a visitto the "Elele' office. It excels in doing thefinest kind of work in the shortest possibletime.

Merchants and others requiring printingof any KIND done at short notice, and atreasonable rates,will do well to give the"Elele" office a call. Telephone No.544.

CI?s-T- . Gut Jet, .Notary Public






All entries to close at 12 o'clock noon on Monday.June C, 1887, at the office of tbe Secretary, and allentrance fees to be 10 per cent unless otherwisespecified. All races to be run or trotted underthe rules of the Hawaiian Jockey Club.

Admission...".. . ........ 1 .50 cents eachTo Grand Stand, extra 50 cents and 91

Carriages iuside of Course 2 50 eachQuarter Stretch Badges : $5 00 each

C O. BERGER, Secretary II. J. C.G53may24td


Records searched. Abstract of Titlefurnished, and conveyances drawn on

short notice.COLLECTION AGENCY Mr. John

Good, Jr., authorized collector.


Marcos, special agent.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENCY

No. 33 Merchant street.Bell Telephone 348. P. O. Box 415.

The Standard of Excellence !

Cases Corned Beef.

13A"VIS & WILDERElour. CLUB HOUSEDining Kooms,


Under New Management.

Cs Medium' Bread. 52 Fort .'Street. Honolulu.Oils.



Lime and Cement, P. O. Box 905. 513tf jOolh Telephones, ISO

From June 1st prices for board by tbe weekand for meals will be lowered. Call and makeyour arrangements.

Board per Week, downstairs, - $5 00

Board per "Week, upstairs, - 6 00

Meals downstairs 25c, or 21 tickets

Clnb House Dlnlnar Room.Frequenters of this well kept resort

will have noticed a marked improve-

ment in the arrangements Bince the newproprietor, Mr. F. Hilder, has takenpossession. Not only has the place beenswept and garnished, but one-ha- lf of

the partitions have been removed, giv-

ing it a general air of coolness, which isenhanced by the spotless white linen ofgome half dozen little circular diningtables, which meet the eye upon enter-

ing. The cutlery and other table ap-

pointments have been renewed and thepremises and all they contain are with-

out spot or blemish. A better luncheonfor two-bi- ts than is to be got at theClub House is not to be found in thecity

5 00for

The steamer Kinau brought last Saturday fromwindward ports 0,500 bags suar, 180 hides, i4bags ginger and 110 packages sundries. She willsail again for Mai uand Hawaii.

The steamer Waimanalo brought 3,000 water-

melons, 100 bags taro and 25 passengers fiomWaianae and Waialua, Oabu, May aath. S?e

leaves again this morning for the same places.

The steamer Surprise arrived from Kuan,Maui, May 29tb, with 3,956 bags sugar. Reportsfine weather. She will sail for Laupa-hoebo- e,

Hawaii .

The schooner Moi Wabine, Captain M. Staples,arrived from Hamakua, Hawaii, May 28th , afteran absence of 4 days, with 2,000 bags suar,which were placed on board tbe bark Glengabcr.She sails again to-d- ay for Hamakua.

The steamer C. R. Bishop arrived from KauaiMay 28tb, with 2,681 bags sugar and 65 bagsrice.

The steamer Likelike arrived from Maul, May

28th, with 058 bags sugar, 150 bags potatoes and28 bags taro. 8be will leave again for Maul to-

morrow afternoon.Tbe schooner Haleakala arrived from Pepee-ke- o,

Hawaii, May 28th, with 1,235 bags sugar,which were put into the Oceanic Company'swarehouse. .

The steamer Likelike towed out to sea from theport of Kahului, Maul. May 27th, the Americanbark Ferris S. Thompson loaded with sugar forSan Francisco.

The steamer J. A. Cummins brought 1,20 bags

suar from Waimanalo, Oabu, May 28tb, and willsail again to-d- ay for tbe same plaoe. The sugarwas put on board tbe barkentine Makab.

The steamer Hokollf arrived from Molokal lastSaturday with 300 bags sugai, 6 pigs and 16 headcattle from Molokal, and 170 sheep from Lanal.She will leave again ow tor Molokal andLanal.

Captain Thompson of the bark C. O. Whltmorereports that the American barkentine JohnWoreter, Captain Fisher, commenced loadingcoal for Messrs. Wilder It Co. April 28th. Tu

Bolivian bark Don Nicola had taken In 800 wnicoal for Messrs. W. G. Irwin & Co., aud had been

moved to another landing to take lumber onboard. ' ?

The Hawaiian schooner Mary has been pur-

chased by Mr. Jos. Parks, nd will be fitted upfor a cruise to the South Sea Islands.

The American bark C. O. Wbitmore, which ar-

rived from Naualmo, B.C., May 27th,, brought1,400 tons coal for Messrs. Allen "Robinson.Captain T. Thompson reports as follows: Sailed

from Departure Bay April 28th and passed Cape

Flattery'on the 30tb. Experienced cotinuoushead winds from S.S.E to' 8. W. till ii N. OnMay 8th, and during a heavy gale, the tiller-sto- p

of the rudder was carried away- - Thence bad

liKht northeast winds to port. The C. O. Whit-

more, on her last trip from Ba FancUco to

Royal Roads, B. C made the distance la daysand J hours, which ie the bes time on record.

The AmeriM-- barkentine Hatti N. Baog 1

expected to sail witn Chinese passen-

gers for Hongkong. -

Tue steamer Mikabala arrived yesterday teomKauai with 4,182 bags sugar for Messrs. H. Hack-fel- d

& Co., 11 hides, SO aheep andcattle.

The American full-rig- s MP Tlmour. Cap-

tain Johnson, arrived May 2Stb. 153 daye fromBoston, with .full cargo of general merchan-dise, consigned to Messrs. O. Brewer & Co., andwas anchored In the stream.

Tbe bark Glengaber will receive sugar fromtbe coasting steamers to-d- y.

The barkentine Makab has been hauled nearft'ilder's wharf te take in sugar.

The schooners Canute, Kaulilua, Waiehu andHeeia arrived last evening.

The steamer Lehua brought about 2.5C0 bagssugar from Hakalau, Hawaii, yesterday.

Tbe steamer James Makee arrived yesterdayfrom Koolaa, Oabu, with i63 bag ugr, 66iDagt rice, 180 ba&a riee bran, 29 bags wa ad 125

-- barrtle molasses. -

Meals upstairs 40c, or 21 ticketsfor - - - - 0 00

G alvanized Iron Boofing,6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10-fo- ot lengths.

RlDGrllSTGr- -

Sugar -- Bags.. , Sizes 22x36, 20x34, 20x32.

CIGrARClub House Dining Booms,


, P. S. The best board in ton can only beobtained at the Club House Dining Rooms.


A large party went up to the Pali yester-day. .

The next issue of the " Bulletin " sum-mary 'will be ready to-da- y.

The Y. M. C. A. bookkespinig class meetsat 7 o'clock this evening.

A race will take placeon Thursday, Friday and Saturday even-ings in a tent.

The Royal Mail steamer Alameda is dueon Friday from the Colonies en route toSan Francisco.

We regret to learn that the health ofMrs. Dominis has been far from satisfac-tory the past few days.

Large congregations were present at theRoman Catholic Cathedral yesterday, theoccasion being the testival of Whitsunday.

On Thursday next, at 2 p. m., Mr. LewisJ. Levey will hold a very important sale ofdiamonds and jewelry. Particulars inanadvertisement elsewhere.

The lecture by Professor L. L. Van Slvkeon " The Chemistry of Life and Death," atthe Y. M. C. A. Hall, was well attendedand exceedingly interesting.

The "Honolulu Almanac and Directory"for 1887 is now on sale at J. II. Soper'sand A. M; Hewett's hews depots, and atthis office. Price, 50 cents.

Dr. Goto is shortly to leave for Englandto further prosecute, his medical studies.He will be absent about two years. Dr.'lwai takes hi place at Kakaako, t

Every Sunda3' afternoon at 3 o'clockthere will be a religious service in Englishfor the benefit of English-speakin- g Ha-

waiian?, at the Queen Emma Hall.Extensive preparation, are being made

by"Manager Bartlett," "at the HawaiianHotel, lor the accommodation of theMasonic excursion party expected by the

C"'" -the Australia.Until November 1st Dr. F. L. Miner will

be found at the office of Dr. J. Brodie,Beretania street. He will then take pos-session of the Malcee residence," which herecently purchased. ; .

' "

The Blue . Ribbon entertainment onSaturday evening atlhe;Y. M. C A.Hallwa3 Very vrell attended "The differentnumbers on the programme were accept-ably rendered. - i

Two Chinese were confirmed at St. An-drew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon bythe Bishop. ThChinese service held every

Corilage.Manila and Siual, Banana Twine, 'Whale Line.

Kebool for Portugese.Mr. A. Marques has donated a piece

of land near his residence, and built on

it, at his own expense, a school-hous- e

which will accommodate between sixtyand seventy pupils. It will be free to

children, and the Govern

If you want a fine CIGAR, try eorae of Straiten A Storm's, which have justarrived at

ment is to have the appointing of &l-- VI a t t I

Reed's Felt Steam Pipei and Boiler i Covering HOLLISTER & C0.S,

A Superior Opportunity!



teacher. Mr. - Howelia will iae cuarge

of the school on next Wednesday. Yes-

terday the school was formally openedby the Right Reverend the Bishop of

01 ba and tbe Portuguese CommissionerSenhor A. de Souza Canavarro. The

French Chancellor Mons. Bouliech was

present, and also a large number of Por-

tuguese. Only English will be taught in

25 "A TENTS, (suitable for camplng and surveying parties.)

'-' 22 f ;-- 109 Eort Street,


T. J. BASS & GO.Importers or ana Dealers in

9 jVLaterials,.ArtistsPaints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Turpentine.

-- . I'or'a" course of Eight Lnftouit,' i i ' x'

Sufficient to get tbe pupil to reading and writinPlsSnography, $6.

For a Complete Elementary Connie,Of twenty-fou- r lessons, $18.

For tlie Reporting Coarse;A sufficient number f lessons to make the pupilwith ptoper on fcls part, a practicalreporter f75j or, , reporting lessons may be tak-en in courses of twenty-fou- r lessons, "for fl3

Manufacturers 01 Aiouicungs, nciuxoFrames, etc., etc., etc.

,14 ami IB Elll Street(near market,. SAN FRANCISCO, CAt. :

f: s: 634rnayl4tf . ; 3 r; ;r

Only House maklnj a ipeclalty of line Groceries and TablV Dallcacles. Kaw KotsIUm alwaysnlvlng. .HERRMANN 3. SADLER, 1 ESTABLISHED 1800


Fancy and Staple; Oroeerie,Correspondence Solicited.. sftn Fmncleo, CiI V S. A.' -- ' ' i. . 'SOLE .AGENTS i'OR. . " - :

Gordon t Dllworth's fine Preserved Fruits and Jellies In (rlasa; Richardson tt Bobhina' Cannsd,Potted or Defiled Meats, Curried Oysters, Fowl, Plum Pudding; Tbos. J. Meyer k Co.'t Oytters,Vegetables, etc. ; H. O. Wilbur & Sons' Chocolate, Cocoatheta, ete.; E.J Lamibee's sine Crackersand Biscuits; Wilion ft Caas Co., CrysUl Soda Wafers; Franco-America- n French Botips.'ln glsand tins; Windsor Manor Pickles; Shrewsbury Tomato Ketchup; Mac Crquarht's only genuineimported Worcestershire Sauce; Dandlcolle ft Gaudin's French Mushrooms, Vegetables, etc., inglj&ss; J, Mottet & Cie., prize medal pure Olive Oil; GUtbert b Tesaier's Frenib Maccarotl, Ver-micelli and Pastes; Adams pure Maple SYrup; Mattonl's Giesahnblar (Karlsbad) Empress cf TableWaters; A. B. Cleveland Co. (Limited) new process Split Peas; Merritt's Busset Cider: RobertNorton's Pineapple Cheese; Julius J. Wood Starch Co.; Yosemlte Fruit Packing Co., f!n Franclwo,California, - ' - - 4f)6auglt

the school.


Saturday, May 28th.Two German sailors were each fined

$5 and $1 costs for drunkenness.F. Schifer, for assault and battery, was

found guilty and fined $5, costs $1 30.

Mrs. Schifer, "wife of the above, fordisturbing the quiet of the night, wasreprimanded by HU Honor and thendischarged, r '


per course. Three courses, or seventy-tw- o les-ions, Will generally suffice.- 'Thlslnsf ruction may be taken by mall.

For full particulars inquire at the office of thisttAVtrr J-

-X'i " "f.'f 649 mar!8d4wtf

HARDWAIiE,Iron, Steel, Pipe, Mill and Mining Supplies.'

Ill to IIS California St., San Frnnciseo.- "-- r M auglO . - Y T T "

Page 4: I mm I .Av m A. 1 nknty - University of Hawaiʻi...HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality



PAdiMC doMMEROIA ApVliMlSM, MAY 30, 188?,

IOWSEADI.fin - fbnv18871887 . Tourtli Year of Publication.



For the Year of Our Lord 1887, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r1mmMais wmmzsm


Official and Business Directory of HonoluluA CALIFOEMA PEODUCTIOIiTOGETHER WITH

-- :o.Eull Statistical and General Information, ILStATIXIG TO TES HAW'H ISLAIIDS.

Great pains and expense Lave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac,and DiRBGTORYthe mast useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu-tnc- s.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articled of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in

their condition aai prospect abroad; H H ;) , '

Send in your orders for copies early.

Tlie Fine Exliibit Made at the Fair by

the Fredericksburg Brewing Co.:o:

One'of the most novel and unique exhibits of the Mechanics Fair was that of theFredericksburg Lager Brewing Co. It was in the form of a bower, thereof being formedof hop vines, while around the sides were arranged the various packages of the famousFrederi ckaLurgbeer. This company was the pioneer in the manufacture of lager on theCoast. After overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded in prodacing an export

JLager Nat SurpassedBy any other made in the United Stales. A proof of this h seen in the fact that theirgoods are sold as far East as Chicago, despite Eastern competition. How can. they dothis after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it may bo asked. In th first placehops are better and cheaper, here than in' the East; again, California'barley is the bestgrown in the United States; but the chief reason is the superior quality of the brew. Asthey use only the finest artesian water and the very beat material, and have all the bestand latest machinery, they are able to produce an article thai

DEFIES COMPETITION.Their Export Lager is so perfect that it will kep any number or years in any climate,and is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Island,' South America, and in shortthroughout the Western Heminphere. In three years their output has quadrupled; lastyear it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this year will exceed that amount.

, Since writing the above we learn that the Fredericksburg Brewing Co. was awardedthe first prize, a silver medal, " for' the best Export Lajer," also, the tirst prize, anothersilvermedal, for the " best Kg Lager Beer." Journal of Commerce, San Francisco.

If Tj

d A'1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN. 1886. DCI 31 ILDER, EXTRA; 33 Y75 and. 77 Kiiipr Street, - - - - Honolulu

j2ell Telephone 275., .... 65 .... . SXutual Telephone No. C5.CHaving been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands for the above

celebrated Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill. allx orders for. the trade andfamily consumption at bedrock figures.i


23 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.market the, ECLIPSE CUVEES of1879 and 1880, which for dryness4

P. O. BOX-50- 4. BOTH TELEPHONES No. 46.f369 drc23Lumlber and. Coal,. r . -

;-- ,

Doors, 8ash and Blinds. All kind of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, Matting

Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and cost but UtU PACIFIC HARDWARE CO, I'd,more.


and bouquet are unsurpassed, and are pleased to in-

form you that our efforts in producing a Champagne

competing with the best Foreign Wines, have been

appreciated, dispelling, in a great measure, the pre-

judice against pure native wines. The ECLIPSE will

not only be found in every city in the Union, buthas also found a market in the Republic of Mexico

and on the Continent of Europe, where it is much

appreciated by connoisseurs for its purity, lightness

of alcoholic strength and exquisite bouquet andflavor.


Port Street Honolulu:o:- -

-- :o:-The undersigned, F. HORN, Proprietor of thei

, Ir






Respectfully informs the public that from this day on he is fully prepared to receiveorders for n IP DILLINGHAM PLOVVSE iLunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,


" And guarantees in ail dases the fullest satisfaction, as given in former years, not onlyabroad, but also in Honolulu. Having references dating as far back as the year

- 18 6 3 - - -

Tn TTnnnlnln. haVTnff catered' "on alf "state "occasions as"als6 for seTect parties given by'II


...... ..AND '

, GENERAL MERCHANDISE.A very full and fresh stock, at lowest' market prices.

M. W. McCHESNEY &:S0KS,their late Majesties Kamehameha IV., Kamehameha V. and LuIilo and haying thehonor of supplying the present Jttoyai iousenora wun tue aencauies pruuuueu. iu uij

having over 40 years'-practic- al experience in this line of business.

i;:M.r . -- EC OJRNv ,:

Tuactlcal Confectioner Pastry Cook and OrriainenterIN HONOLULU.

, : , . Factory, Store ,and Ice Cream Parlor:. . - -

No. 71 Hotel Street, between Fort and Nuuaiiu Streets.

42 and 41 Queen St.,HONOLULU.

4, Clay Street,SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

Importers and W holesale Grocers.'' 'A FULL LINE OF ' '


Honolulu, 11. I.626mayl0tfBoth Telephones X. 74.

As absolutely pure, and they are par excellence the SPARKLING JUICE OF THE GRAPE. Theyare produced precisely as the high-grad-e French Champagnes, by fermentation in the bottle, REQUIR-ING TWO YEARS' CURE AND RACKING TO PERFECT, Tmt differing from their foreign com-

petitors in being neither strengthened with spirit nor flavored in any manner. We claim, and can sub-

stantiate our claim, that our Champagnes are the purest Sparkling Wines in the world, and quote fromthe report to a comparative analysis . made by the U. S. Department of Agriculture: "Of 200 samplesof wines analyzed, nothing -- has been found on this continent equal to the ECLIPSE. Containing onlythe normal percentage jof alcoholic strength in dry wines 10 per cent.,and only 6.51 of Saccharine, andno fictitious flavorings." As a stimulant the ECLIPSE bears the highest recommendation of the leadingfaculty of the United States, and wherever exhibited for competition with any other Champagnes, eitherforeign or native, its merits are attested by the highest awards.

We caution you against the impositions of parties East and on the Coast, who are foisting on the mar-ket a "gas" or charged wine, under the name of California Champagne. Remember, none are genu-ine except those bearing our name and brand, on both cork and label, and which are sold with theguarantee of absolute purity.

s HONOLULU, May 7, 1887.HAMILTON JOHNSON, Honolulu:

: Dear Sir I have made a chemical examination ofthe wmple of Haraszthy "Eclipse" Champagne takenby vie frovi your itore, and find that this wine containsno adulteration whatever, the acid presentbeing the nat-ural acid of the grape, while the ''bouquet" and gaspresent are such as would result from, the natural fer-mentation of the wines. .. Yours very truly,



: ; Of Benson, Smith & Co., liruggiet.


f. r

I 1


Ilnve completed and offer for sale the followins: Boilers, Tlx:


1 Combiiiatiqn Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft, x 4 ft.-s Apply to Th.e Honoliilu Iron "Works Co. '

Plantation Stores, Salmon, Eeef, Pork, Flour. Beans,Bread, etc.

Freeh arrivals by every steamer and Failing veegel. Special inducements offeredto Portuguese Traders, in a variety of Fresh Goods eejiecially

- J t suited to their wants. ,



I 1

' i'

t ' 'r

N & GO.& A: 42 and 44 Qnpen f(r"pf, Iloiiolnln.y i' 'w

f. i

Corner of Fort and PJ?erchant Streets,CONSISTING OF,

Table and Zinfandel Clarets,! Hoclis, Riesling, Gutedel,Gerlie, Surgundies, Ports, Slierries, Madeira, Elns-cate- l,

Angelicas and Pure Grape Srandies--IMPORTERS OF--

4 "f

- .1

"5 Vlien's and Boys Fine Cnstom-maueriott- if ng-- , Fnmlshlncr Goods,

HxVTS and: CAPS, -

TBUNXS, VAllSzgl' Eltmalahd brdeis solicited and promptly attendea naTii-ed- .7" if


I l ..... .... ,.- - .(

LEMIS fcWi "?t" ' Cf"'i'j - Jll Fori Street.-Importers'an- d Dealers in T 1.;-- ....... raple arid. Fancy Groceries. LTOI


lOiS alia

:o:- - 9'

4 . Stoves, Ranges and Ilouselieeplns GvoiiR,- FEESH GOODS - i SoleAgent Hawaiian Islands,oil tt;

Bj ievery'Bteamer.froia California, and altfays on tand, a full and complete line o

; - Provisions, Etc. Etc. I

1 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone JJo". 240. P. O. Box No. 297.Plumbing, Tin, Copper aiuT Sheet i Jioc t cxt