i · legjsla'rive council. our readers will n.gr.se wilh us, we nre sure, in thihkin,..;·...

LEGJSLA'riVE COUNCIL. Our r eaders will n.gr.se wiLh us, we nre sure, in thiHkin,..;· in the .se stirring time2, we ::re not justif:iea U1 locking up our column:; by \ he tion of long detaileli reoorts of the deilate• m tile Le·rislative Council. \Vere that body in realit.y it pretends to be, a of. the representatives ofthe peo 1 Jle, it would be entttled to the pri·dlege accorr]c d to such bodies, of reported in full. While it contin.ues as it no, ·v ls. a ridiculous mockery it has right to expect any such compliment. and we ther·dhre limit our reportB of tb.e prooeef lings to a carefully IJ I'cpal'etl Hnnmary of what ia done, ac· companied occa•innally hy remarks of the most able and infiuential members. Tlwrsiay , 281·.d .December. The Spe •ker took the ch air at ten min u tes o•st four o'cl ock. Pr<'scnt. :-The Colonial Secr.otltry, the Attorn-..y-General an d the \;a.mpbt>Jl, A ·,dcr- "on, Nicholson, Muq>by, l' hotnson. RLttlr dge , vVll kms m, :\Lil ler, 1\lyles, West· g a1 th, Fawkner, and Stmch a11. l\Ir H.U t Ll!:DGE moved that. the motion standing ic1 his u:lme fur Fdday next, with reference to tho Bill which provided fo r the salary of the Litut enant -Govcll'Iier, should be poatponed until next. The motion carri ed. l\Ir ])'A.'ll l\NEH. m oved that the sPcond rca.:iing of th e l\lelhourne Building Act Amenument Bill, wh kh stood on the noti ce p ap er as the Hrst order of the dny fo r Tues- day , instant, be postponed unti l We,I n esrlay, the 29th. · The CULO IA L SECRET ,\ RY l aid upon the ta ,Jie certain moved for by 1\i r O'Shan3ssy O t. the 24th of August lust, being the reply to Addreos No 3.'i. Upon the motion of the Colonial Secretary, the r etu rns were ordererl to he printed. l\Ir FAWKNER lip the report of the Select Committee ap j•oiuterl on the 11th of N ovem bar last to inquire i nto the peti tion of l\Ir Upon the motion of Mr Fawkner tlw iol! was to Ul ' I printed tlU•l mto conoHL rat10n on 'l'llllrS lav ll C'.X.t. Mr WE ,' l'GARTH moved th"t his noti:e of motion with respect to printing p e- titi.m og a.inst the Increaas of StatC' AJ1l to 1 which he prl's ente I to tlw on \Ve.in esclav last, be allowerl to t. kc of the her orders of the day. 1 Tnis being ranie.J, ! :i\Ir WESTG:Alt'l'Il move I" that the p (' ti- ' tion prese nted by him on 22n_u. in· t, against the increase ot state tu d to rohg10n be 'l'lte m otion W liS r•:•rrierl, Upon th e motiou of t'le A TTOll:>; ". Y- Q ,( N RAL. the ado ption of the re port upon · the Hegululions Bill was postponed unt.H next Friday weel.-. I '£h e House then wmt into commi ttee upon the StP.am Nn,·i g,.t ion Laws Arne thnent ]Jill. 'l'ho Chu.irmm h 'lvin<j pro- "'IWS upon the motion <•f the AT'rvRN tt,Y- , l:iE::-l,EH.AL, it wos ordCJ·e,! th 1t the third reading of tile l3i 1 be made an order ot the d a y fur ned. Up n t he muti oo of the A !'TOR 'ltEY- GEKEllA L. the a•loption ol th e upou the De .. ths un•l .l\ohniages B1ll w as po•tp •n<'d until m·xt Frirlay w eek . U pon t he tuotion of tlu ATTOR'-;EY- GEN i£H -i. L the eonsi of the 4th :wu G t.l or .. ers of d ay, viz, third of the SJ9.h awl Catarrh in SheepPeventiuu I3ill. afirl th e V .. graney Pr ·vt ntivll Bill wore P">L· pone•1 u11til o.ftt: I' th3 t;,tim .t •. s fur 8ii3 Lad had consi· ·ered. The llutl'e I' <'St>lvecl it• lf iu to com- mittd } Oil the f'qJ' l."i 53. 1 '1 illl gum <•f ;;oot f.,r tl1tl .ai .u-y of a c'• r ·· t<J th•• htJn · hand c •I>tiugt•ueies a t Floo ling CnH k be;ng pi'•>JlO>· ·d, D1· I' AL \lEU 1 for inform of ion r•' - he prese..tt ]J of this dis tii c t. r.tr RUl'LEDGii: cnn•i .lrrc l the ropul tio 1 requi re d th e 11pp •illtJUeut of <1. cl , rk t' ben• h at t Jii, phc ·. . . . . :Mr O'.:lHAN ..;.6-'Y des ·nbel 1t; p ootliC>n in nlaciun to •·thcr pb,·c¥ when: Petty Wtfll hoi l. I '!'no ID•>tion w. s then p Upon a :.imiiH t!lllu beiu ;.:: for a rl t·rK to th• bench and cuntmgt ncl<s ,.t De di' s RivPr, I .Mr 1 UTLEDGE f, lt assllr2d tlHt th re '"' Pft) mQuy pl .cc .• th ., t r eqnin d a derk to ' th t.· bt>nch more th 2n t hia loc·· lity. The A'l'TIJH\'Lf-Gf<J NEH 1..L sniJ t\ t the re was ('umillluablc population ' th f•IC . ' Dr PALMER wns of opinion th Rt the esti- mated were so large, au 1 chi! u1 yet so thiuly settle.!, it •huu ld be omitted .. l A d.vi.ion then took place, With tlte following result:- .Ayes 7. Noe• 7. Tht uJitor-General l!r Wilkha•on 1 Colonial :U:r ltidd cl l l'trochan I AnJerwn Smith 0'.--,hailauy Sno,lgrus l'alm ·r 1 Tbe Aitomey-General Rutledge ('J'&llor). · The nnm' ; rs being qu al, th e f;Lairnnn gctve the castin;; vote .,g. iu>t t h<J m tio11, which w • ot'"' q .otltly '"s t. 1 The following items were then paased :-. Si\lary of tt.e to th" Bench, and c1ntingcn cies ot Uenall:> . £300 0 0 S.:h rv of t.te Cle rk to tho B <" nch, 1 end at .'\00 .,o 0 Upon the qu 6iwn b •· mg put. t .'·at o ue vot.:J fur th e and ofth u Ci erk to th e Bench, B.>rrow'li Inn, Cam· aside, I hfr R U !LEDGE [lct.l Dr op- pose d til,, as u nne tss,ary. '! A div ,i 111 t .. , n too k pitt:<' , which was at- t cn <l <' <.l with tho· f.Jl lowing r es ult: -- Aye• 6. Noes 8. The ;\ ttonH''r Mr \Vi kinson I < olonial-::leoretary l!ylea !Ir Riddt ll ., nder.son 'FE\.,.·k•ier Snodjlr:>ss 0'' h,m... ey The A uditvt·-Gcneral l'mitb I (teller] Palmer Rlltle<lgc (teller) rhe A UD1TOll-GEN EH- ti, sa.i tl , that with reg< lrd to LllPpstliWP, tlh' I'C would he a , I'Jerk of th e pC>,tr.e 11t t 'l'1t place. conse- qur nt1y thero would be no C lerk of the f )tn H . .' h Til " foltow! ng i tenn werl" th en p:tsserl. l n du.-nta l . cxpc·mcs for Cht•p- stowll . .. 50 0 0 L 11.k.; Cnl .c. '1'!1 e s. me 2s .f0r Cn ep,t.owo .. . ... 50 0 0 The di-to , <' itto 5,J 0 0 I:IorH 1 uuo, d itto, ditto 50 0 0 U pn n ih c• motionb ing put .. th t £6•0 l_e voH d fu r th' .,_ Hr_v Sti;> u iary .i\hg is - tr tc nnd Con:m i s,ione r c . Crow,, L. nds for the c·nn ntv < f Ho. u rke , ;\1 .. <'ppo, · r1 t he i 'e m, n' S ·i ! h\! Wt •Ui POt VOt " f :Ll' .hill .!: tO W<Il't{ p .ying any Crown Coinllt ',•i_o ner to a t. .. , a wa. gi>t ra te u II ; '' ll'rtll ll I l' •' l' e- nu e was pi 4eed un 'r th e control of the bo ll '<'. l\Ir SMlTH I or e t e, timony to tha "' le m nmrr in whi ch th gent !. m .;.u who h hi tlw <•fnce now un <1 n cothirl .,. ti n had ds - cb.:rge\l li nt.i s s Tha TJDITOX-G E:0iERAL said th e he m. nl· mbcr fJ!' T . . d)(·t r<-f-=·Jred n1 a n - , nc in w hi < h 1 h< · g< r tl cmn n who fi kd th_e offwc un de r C<•ll 'i<lt:I'<ltir.n rlis·,. h rg"<l !lie d ut at Geelong-. He b (• liev cd t hat no cleci,ion be h nd at Geelocg h ad b een eV" I' r, V erRf' d. l\I c·srs' RUTL EDGE r. n ci RTDD J, s np- pOit•·rl the itt•m, a nd snp-$'eBt ed t! wt it _ sh o';Jld be witb dr,twn, with a vww to Its bcmg m - creased to £800. Un the' being put, the motion was carrird, an •i th e item p issed . Th t• followh>g ite ms wer e also p :: ssnd :- ContiPgcndcs. £ s. d. and stor es !10 0 0 Inci dent •t l expenses 10 0 0 ' VESTE RN PO.ItT. S t.ip\"n di l\Iagis tr ate an J Com- ruiss.oner of Crown Lln ds • • 600 0 0 Provisions, stores, &c 110 0 0 Unon a simil ar s uru be ing propose l for a Tll•gi, tra te and of """ll J.•u.trl• for p, rtl un I B y Gntnt. 1\'lr nU'1 1 L I':DOI!: thia a ppoint - n' ' nt 2 n nne. Dr p ,, waft of opinion thH this · is- trict was of wffi cient impert nee to Wlrr nt the nppr inimPnt. '' 1\lr STH.\CIIAN this pl n • f n"t giv1 ng to tlw House •t mor(' <'Oncise a - :ount of dnti·" whi h had to be p , _ t'oi nl e d t.>y th e ojllc• rs tlwy were now p '-r pointii'g. He thought were a lrea.tly snlfici<·ut of CI 'OWil Lau 11 appoiuted, Mr O'o:;IL\NASSY briefly opposed t(1e il\IL1tron .. . n1oLion . - 1 .. . lllr \illKNEH, wished t > know 8eidor turnkly, at 15s per diem duties St.i penriiary .Magistrute would I Eight turnkeys , at l 2s each , per have to J i;;chnrge ? diem .. . .. . ... ... The 11 UDiTOn. GE '4ERAL saitl, that he ' turnkey, at 5s per diem woull be> statiened at the Le igh , hut his Mcsseng ·r .. • , d uties would eKtend br ge tro.ct of the I Conti ngen cies- colony. Provisions and stores (A) 11-lr RUTLEDGE '' vowed his intention of Inc idental expenses voting aga:ust the n10tion if the Stipendiary Portl an d. !\'Iagistrate and Commissi o!1e r of Crown Salaries- Lunds 1 vere placer\ at the Lei gh . He Rhould Gaole r . 5ll 0 u 200 0 2;3 15 0 1752 0 0 91 6 0 100 0 0 1 665 0 0 2(,0 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 "npport the motion we re it the intentio n to Mntron ... .. . st.ttion J. im at the ; whi c_h t he Four turn keys, at 12s each per honourable gent! man eon tcntled w.ts a cen- diem ... .. . ... ... 876 0 0 ,r, tl point wbere fo ur i mportant m ails united, at 5s, p er and. nuny allotments •Jf l aod h ad also been r ll em ... 91 0 0 "old there at vr.ry good prices. Contingenc ies- Tne AUDI ' l'OU-GE:\EltAJ, would not P rovi.;ions and stores ( A) 1 170 0 0 oppose t he Stip cndhry Magistrate and Com· l nei 1i ental expcn&cS ... 50 0 0 llli:siOIIOr of Crown r,auds being &t .. tioned at Upon SU!l l of £2487 5s b eing pr opo sed the Grange, esp cially if it were in to be appropriated for gaol P:x.pcnses Dnd the judgment of the Ro use the deSII'al.ll e contingencies at Belfast, wme discussion sp•lt. ensuerl , dur ing which The COLONIAL SECRETARY consi de r ed D1· P ALlVIER r emar ked that he did not it impossi ble to come to a h asty C ?nclusion.as conside r the p opulation suffici ently settled to to which would be the most d cs1rable point fix ilpon th e mo,t desir able pl aces with cer - of for this m agistrat e. tai r.ty fur the establis hm e nt of pu blic g aols. !llr S'I'R3.CH AN WUS in favor of th e sta- He was of \ pinion th at the t ime would come tion being at the Grangl' . when labom would be obt ai ned at a cheaper Upon lhe qu estion bein g put, a division mte, and when it would be well for the took pL1ce, whi ch was atte n ded with the fol· Govern ment to be in a posi tion to employ lowing remit :- t he surplus l abour th at might be t hrown Ayes 13. Noes 6, upon the colony. The Attomey-General Mr Wilkinson The that Colonialllecretart this a rich agri cultu ral l und, the town Mr and por t of which wou ld , he had no doubt, Riddell F<Hvkner become an importan t cn e, and he thought P.msell O'.Silan11ssy, Teller, th nt a proper gaol 5houlrl be erec ted t here. The item then passed . Palmer '!'he following i tems we: e also passed:- Snodgrass CASTLEMA!NE, Rutledge Westg>rth · The A udiLot ·-General, Tell er. The motion was consequent ly carrie'!. ap- proprittting f"r PORTLAND BAY AND GRANT, Gaol Fxpen11es .. ... . .. .. .... .. . Provisions, btorea, an1 I nci- dental Expen ses .... . .... ... .. KYNl!TON, £ 8 d 1267 6 0 1220 0 0 £ s d Expenses ..... . .. .. .. . .. .... . 1267 6 0 Salary of Stipendiary M• •gi, t rnte Storts, and Ind- and of t-rown dt ·ntul ExpcnseR .. ..... . . , ... . .. 1220 0 0 Lands 600 0 0 'l'heAUDl'l'OR- GENERAL proposedt hat the sum of 750l be appropriated to the ool a1 y Pr..,visions St .. rcs, &c 110 0 0 of tho Superi nte n dent of Penal Est ablish- Upon the question be ing put t hat £6.J0 be men ts. voted fo r the s l n·y of a stipendi ary magis- Dr PALMER was of opinion that the gaol tr .. t, , at Gipp's Lanli, regulat.ions should be so constituted as to Mr O' SrJANAS::iY moved as an amcnrl- prucure, if possible, sufficient l abor from e ach thn.t the ite lll b e stru ·k out .. prisoner to pay the expense of h is i mprison- l\Ir l<'.A. W Elt secont1ed t he am end- m ent ; and was in favor of p:isoners being mc nt. punish ed, if they failed to furnish a fi x ed D1· P ;, LMER supported th e item. amount of work done. Mr WE oTG:AllTH thought some etipeThe was in fa· <! iory m ••f iott-.ltes neces;;.:ry, but thought th"' vor of th is plan, which. said , h ad been, Govt!rurueno h -i.<i too of thc!ll. He as far as prac ticable, 6dopted, In or der tl) shu u1•J the Item . I pu uish those of p riSOI_:Ie i:s would not 'r thJug!lt 1f the I <:odorm to the pr i son d1sc1pl me, Pnd those m mber fur :i\lclboumc (i.\Ir. whn would not work. the hu lks, whi ch had the IHture of the Oiotnct of liiPP• been previously alluded to, had been pro- Lalld, and th at ct times of tile ye_ar Jt was , pos <!cl . As it wa; impossible the prisoners not P•l.ssab e, he would ss.e the. dlSirableness I could be l.e>pt in solitary in the of i.laVllll{ a 1e,I<:eut ma g l6trate ill the 1 it was that in these hulks t.lr TL1 RNBOLL a smula.r they lllig ht be so pun>shed. opiu i on. :iYir 'V ESTG AltrH ng,·eed wi th the r!"- l\lr HU rLEDGE SL I J'p<wle<l the item. m rks of Dr Palmer, an·l was gl-ad to have .. 'l'he a'l' lORN o. Y-GE:SER .-._ L th at a_s an opportunity of decladng hiill sclf in G:1pp> L..1ud was a pb·. c wh i ·h 1t was llltpossl- nf bU h a vi ew of th'' sul>j<l ct. He d1d not I.Jie t.1 rc •a·h at pe riodo vf the it w:.te think the present phns could be altered at th :.tt there , ,, onl .t be a poli <!e 11111- once. gis•ntt., to "' Mr. O'SIIAN \ SSY mentioned, that <me Mr baid, if the methorl of punishing crime in Unit.ed pmpt•se.u t ·J l>u ><J · P•i ntc_d coul J Stdt es of Am. ri c, t, w•.s to deprive th •. sc who tile v .. nuud ul rnngiotrJ L<'blll 1 ]1ad been cou• ' i<' . tc ll of' ft!lony of the Lan •1 , he should no . hav" bcei• 1 he this regulation, together t l•e itl'm, but as '" ,t.tcu tlut <l unng s1x · with th at of s nlit a ry confiutment of those who mo :, t•>b o t' the y ar, thu I' tt of th tl cvun- r t:f us t: d to labo ur try wh re he; woul tl be 't..tioncd would l.o j Jll r FA ER condemned the pl al\ cut oJf fruw th" rest of the di.tri •! t, he should 1 a dopt<'d in some diotl'ict• of s tt.ing prisoners "JlP•»" the: it om. ' t.o I<OI'k <m the public roads; the number of Aftct' a f.,w w9rds from RU3SELL in those who w.- re paid to guarcl t hose who su pp•llt of th<J 1telll, a LliVI;Ion took workml, put the J<'OYelnment to an eaor mous upuit tlw qucstiou, whi ch wus utten11ed w1tll cxpeuse. lie h <1 no doubt th ut means might t11e fvllowiug result:- h11 arlopteJ to make the la bour of prisoner• Ayes 1 2. NoM 7. pay the cxpcme of their imprisonmeut. The Col onial ry llr Mr HUT LEDGE was of opinion that the Attorney-Gcuar•l S)'gte m caused mGre crime than any .llr ltutletlgc " .!:'liner Wi1ki ll oon <>L er of pri son discipline that had ueeu l tri ed. 11 Wcst"lll'th, Tuller. I l.; pon the motion of Mr STRACHAJ'{, the Ch4i nn;ul progresq. and obta ined .A'. •ckett .,leave to sit ng 'in on \Vedncsdar next. limit.it 'i he House th en r esumt cl. Sliodgraes U I . f l ATTORNEY Tile .• uuitor-Gen2raJ, Teller 1 pou t 1e motiOn o t 1e . r. Th , , 1 " ueutly earried 8 p• ; GLN ERA L, the Honse mt ;o committee .c w 8 ' 0 l ' 1 n pon the S c-a b and Cotarrh m S neep PrQven- proprta wg 10 1' I . . . ·G L - tioa ll.1l. J he vanous cl•:uslils h .v mg b een , . D . • gone and slight ly alte red, the At- Sal:l ry of :t ;:,t1p M agis- t omoy-Geueral moved that t he r eport be tr.tti', Comim>stoner of 1 odopt L'd and the 13ill reed a thi rd time. C1owu £li00 0 0 j The mdtion w•s carried, and the Bill w..s CuutiiJji'Cilcle•, . I then rea<l a third time a nd pu,sed. St?rcu, and Inctllen- '!' he House went tal Exp cm es ... ... 110 0 0: up 0 n the Vngran ey PreventiOn Bill. The U 1 ;on ''like bUm h lVing I.J eeu p;·oposed to !'. various havin g been gone through, be uppropri,•teci for VVimm cra, th" Ch airma n rPported progress. n nJ, upon Afte r a , Jightdis.;u-;sion th e ilou se dil'itlcd, I the mot.it•n of tllll ral, the when th0 fvllowmg wa1 tl u: ruoult: Ayes 11, Re port was adopted, a nd the Bill r ead a 2-l u<'S 7, .-- thir .l timu and pass e d. The motion ....-as cons t'qucutly caniecl , ap- 'l'he IIouse ad joumed at twe nty minutEs prop riating for to eleven o'clock until W ed nesday n'cxt. WumERA. Sal ary of a Stip <' nliiary Jll agis .. tr<>.to, UrSO IJoU1 11t io··iOUI: I' of Lm •· u L. n ds ... ContiugeucieH. titon.s, aud Inci d en- £600 0 0 t.rlExp ense s .. 110 0 , 0 '!'he next i tem wa!l a eimilar sum for !Hurray. Mr r; \ wish ed to know why all th e s:tlariBs of the we re not put down un J;:r h ea<i 111 t'te Estitn a tes, as, by sueh a ·co•.u·oe nut being pursued, we re rnisl erl. The 'A L said, th nt 'rhcn t he of th:c otht:r were votc-.1, h<> had s a ted tJat he proposed to posttJone the conoidcr:"tion of the di stnct lYl>' g t, t rares , whose s ... h.: :es were now __ bc10g cvH>illerc<i, an·t thord., r r: th" l\Iagi .t r; t ',s not all I.J eing pl •ced und.: r the same heao, h aJ nut auv hou. nle tui.> H rt:. .A fter sowe (.i scu osion , a division took jl •c0, atten de d with th e following l' dll lt :- Ayes, II. The :>ecrctary al Au Iitot·-General llr A' fo:nodgrass Pal 1uer Hu,sdl In<idcll Noes, 7. Mr Fawkuer 1Jyles 0'6hana<sy West· ,arth Nich8lt on, Tdler hutle . !ge, Teller Tnu ""'Lo n w,,s <.onscqucntly C liTic u, ap- prvpria ti t'g tiJ r T fr.g " 11 ni'IAY. ::; l 11v ,,f Stip· u >' '''Y J\l.1, is- · bo Cunlffi l:s:, io n ...: r of C ro w11 L nds Ut'ntingt' ll <"ifls- stores, iuciclcnt J ex penses •• '1' hc following sai Hico, passe d- Sa l a.ries- G1ol<:r . .. .\i at.ron . .• 0.\ 0J,S . M e llJOul'll e. Two one rt 3001. nnu GOO 0 0 110 0 0 "ere 600 0 0 100 0 0 ou c at lG Ol per a nnum 450 0 0 Over> <lCI ' of lubuur, z.t 15s per di em ... 2'i3 1 .) 0 Two se ni or turnkeys, at I us each per rli ·m ... ... 647 10 0 Ei g ht,•eu tmnk eys, at 12.> eadt diem 0 0 Contingencies.- P.ov isnnsnn clStorcs.(.A) 6175 0 0 Cost of l•'xecntions JOO 0 0 Incidental Ex pens s ... ... 20u 0 9 (WF. S'TEliN). salaties.- Gao lPr .. 3"0 0 0 Six _Turnlr.eye, a t 12s ea\:11, p er di•m .. , 1314 0 0 ·";ConLingenries- Pi·ovisions a nd st.ores (A) luci Jcntal exp( nsetl . . .. . .MELBOmcm (E.i.STERN. ) S \ lo ri es- GMl er , 1430 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 1'1'0 i'i>lt 1ab ·turnla ye, at 5s. ea1'h, per , ji om 18.2 10 0 Con• in ge nt ies-- "nd stores (A) · ru :id.ntal GEELONG. SaiHler,-. Qaoler ,,. .''' 575 50 0 0 0 0 800 0 0 :·) 1:

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Page 1: I · LEGJSLA'riVE COUNCIL. Our readers will n.gr.se wiLh us, we nre sure, in thiHkin,..;· th~~t in the.se stirring time2, we ::re not justif:iea U1 locking up our column:; by \ …


Our readers will n.gr.se wiLh us, we nre sure, in thiHkin,..;· th~~t in the.se stirring time2, we ::re not justif:iea U1 locking up our column:; by \ he pu.Olic:~ · tion of long detaileli reoorts of the deilate• m tile Le·rislative Council. \Vere that body in realit.y wh~:.t it pretends to be, a le~islative as~rnbly of. the representatives ofthe peo1Jle, it would be entttled to the pri·dlege u~5ua.lty accorr]cd to such bodies, of bdn~ reported in full. While it contin.ues as it no,·v ls. a ridiculous mockery ofrepresent~tion. i t has 11~ right to expect any such compliment. and we ther·dhre limit our reportB of tb.e prooeeflings to a carefully IJI'cpal'etl Hnnmary of what ia done, ac· companied occa•innally hy tl~e remarks of the most able and infiuential members.

Tlwrsiay, 281·.d .December.

The Spe•ker took the chair at ten min utes o•st four o'clock. Pr<'scnt. :-The Colonial Secr.otltry, the Attorn-..y-General and the Aurlitor-Gcn~ral; .:'ri•·,~r.; \;a.mpbt>Jl, A ·,dcr­"on, Nicholson, Muq>by, l' hotnson. RLttlrdge , O'>:ban~s,l·, vVllkms m, :\Liller, 1\lyles, West· ga1 th, Fawkner, and Stmch a11.

l\Ir H.U t Ll!:DGE moved that. the motion standing i c1 his u:lme fur Fdday next, with r eference to tho Bill which provided fo r the salary of the Litutenant -Govcll'Iier, should be poatponed until \Verlne~d:~y next .

The motion wa~ carried. l\Ir ])'A.'ll l\NEH. m oved that the sPcond

r ca.:iing of th e l\lelhourne Building Act Amenument Bill , whkh stood on the notice pap er as the Hrst order of the dny for Tues­day, ~13th instant, be postponed until We,I nesrlay, the 29th. ·

The CULO IA L SECRET ,\ RY laid upon the ta ,Jie certain return~ moved for by 1\ir O'Shan3ssy O t. the 24th of August lust, being the reply to Addreos No 3.'i. Upon the motion of the Colonial Secretary, t h e retu rns were ordererl to he printed.

l\Ir FAWKNER brou~ht lip the report of the Select Committee ap j•oiuterl on t h e 11th of N ovem bar last to inquire into the petition of l\Ir Ho~hfort. Upon the motion of Mr Fawkner tlw p~tit iol! was o r~~rerl. to Ul'

I printed tlU•l tak~·n mto conoHL rat10n on 'l'llllrS lav ll C'.X.t.

Mr WE ,'l'GARTH moved th"t his noti:e of motion with respect to printing th~ p e­titi.m oga.inst the Increaas of StatC' AJ1l to

1 n.~lighu, which he prl'sente I to tlw ll ou~e on \Ve.inesclav last, be allowerl to t . kc pr~re•lcnee of the o· her orders of the day.

1 Tnis m~tinn being ranie.J, ! :i\Ir WESTG:Alt'l'Il m ove I" that the p('ti-' tion presented by him on .t.h•~ 22n_u. in· t,

against the increase ot state tu d to rohg10n be pl'int~ cl."

'l'lte m otion W liS r•:•rrierl, Upon the motiou of t 'l e A TTOll:>; ".Y­

Q ,(N RAL. the adoption of the report upon · the Custom~ Hegululions Bill was postponed

unt.H next Friday weel.-.

I '£he House then wmt into committee upon

the StP.am Nn,·ig,.tion Laws Arne thnent ]Jill. 'l'ho Chu.irmm h 'lvin<j r~portcrl pro­"'IWS upon the motion <•f the AT'rvRN tt,Y­

, l:iE::-l,EH.AL, it wos ordCJ·e,! th 1t the third reading of tile l3i 1 be made an order ot the d a y fur 'Vedne~<lay ned.

Up n t he mut ioo of the A !'TOR 'ltEY­GEKEllA L. the a•loption ol the rcpt>~( upou the Biith~. De .. ths un•l .l\ohniages B1ll was po•tp •n<'d until m·xt Frirlay week.

U pon the tuotion of tlu ATTOR'-;EY­GEN i£H -i.L the eonsi IN~tion of the 4th :wu Gt.l or .. ers of day, viz, t~e third nad:ngo~ of the SJ9.h awl Catarrh in SheepP,·eventiuu I3ill. afirl the V .. graney Pr ·vt ntivll Bill wore P">L· pone•1 u11til o.ftt: I' th3 t;,tim . t •. s fur 8ii3 Lad had b~tn consi· ·ered.

The llutl'e th~n I'<'St>lvecl it• l f iu to com­mittd} Oil the l'~timab·~ f'qJ' l."i53.

1 '1 illl gum <•f ;;oot f.,r t l1tl .ai.u-y of a c'• r ·· t<J th•• htJn · hand c •I>tiugt•ueies a t Floo ling CnH k be;ng pi'•>JlO>··d,

D1· I' AL \lEU a~k<· 1 for inform of ion r•'­~pect:ng he prese..tt ]J ·ptll~tiou of this dis tii ct.

r.tr RUl'LEDGii: cnn•i.lrrc l the ropul tio 1 requi red the 11pp •illtJUeut of <1. cl, rk t ' tl1 ~ ben• h at t Jii, phc ·. . . . .

:Mr O'.:lHAN ..;.6-'Y des ·nbel 1t; pootliC>n in nlaciun to •·thcr pb,·c¥ when: Petty Se.~ioih Wtfll hoi l.

I '!'no ID•>tion w. s then p .~ a ed. Upon a :.imiiH t!lllu beiu;.:: p:oposr~ for a

rlt·rK to th• b ench and cuntmgt ncl<s ,. t Dedi's RivPr,

I .Mr 1 UTLEDGE f, lt assllr2d tlHt th re '"'Pft) mQuy pl .cc.• th .,t reqnin d a derk to

' th t.· bt>nch more th2n t hia loc·· lity. The A'l'TIJH\'Lf-Gf<JNEH 1..L sniJ t\ t

there was ~'- ('umillluablc dig~ing population ' th f•IC . ' Dr PALMER wns of opinion th Rt the esti-

mated were so large, au 1 chi! pl<~.ce u1 yet so thiuly settle.!, th ~t it •huuld b e omitted .. l A d.vi.ion then took place, att~nded With tlte following result:-

.Ayes 7. Noe• 7. Tht • uJitor-General l!r Wilkha•on

1 Colonial i::~Cr!ltary M)"!e~ :U:r ltiddcl l l'trochan

I AnJerwn ~·>twkller Smith 0'.--,hailauy Sno,lgrus l'alm ·r

1 Tbe Aitomey-General Rutledge (T~U,lr). ('J'&llor). ·

The nnm'; rs being • qual , th e f;Lairnnn gctve the castin;; vote .,g. iu>t t h<J m tio11, which w • ot'"' q .otltly '"st.

1 The following items were then p aased :-. Si\lary of tt.e Ci~rk to th" Bench,

and c1ntingcn cies ot Uenall:> . £300 0 0 S.:hrv of t.te Cle rk to tho B <" nch,

1 end ""nting~nci_cs at <;J'i~IIOI'IIe . .'\00 .,o 0 Upon the qu 6iwn b •·mg put. t.'·at £e~t o ue

vot.:J fur the ,~l<ry and contingPn,i~;" ofthu Cierk to the Bench, ~t B.>rrow'li Inn, Camp ·

· aside, I hfr R U !LEDGE [lct.l Dr rAL~liER op­posed til ,, 1\I ~>t :oa as u nn e tss,ary.

'! A div , i 111 t .. , n too k pitt:<' , which was at-t cn<l<' <.l with tho· f.Jl lowing result: --

Aye• 6. Noes 8. The ;\ ttonH''r Gencr·~l Mr \Vi k inson

I < olonial-::leoretary l!ylea

!Ir Riddt ll ~tra.cban ., nder.son 'FE\.,.·k•ier

Snodjlr:>ss 0'' h,m ... ey The A uditvt·-Gcneral l'mitb

I (teller] Palmer Rlltle<lgc (teller)

rhe A UD1TOll-GEN EH-ti, sa.itl , that with reg<lrd to LllPpstliWP, tlh' I'C would he a

, I'Jerk of the pC>,tr.e 11t t 'l'1t place. conse-qur nt1y thero would be no Clerk of th e f )tn H . .' h requir~\1.

Til" foltow!ng itenn werl" th en p:tsse rl. l ndu.-ntal .cxpc·mcs for Cht•p-

stowll . .. 50 0 0 L 11.k .; Cnl .c. '1'!1e s . me 2s .f0r

Cn ep,t.owo .. . .. . 50 0 0 The Grxng~, di-to , <' itto 5,J 0 0 I:IorH1uuo, d itto, ditto 50 0 0

U pnn ih c• motionb r·in g put .. th t £6•0 l_e voH d fur th' .,_ Hr_v ofth~ Sti;> u iary .i\hg is­tr •tc nnd Con:mis,ioner c . Crow,, L . nds for the c·nn ntv < f Ho.u rke,

;\1 .. v'.~\\'i\ KEH <'ppo, · r1 t he i 'em, n ' S · i ! h\! W t •Ui POt VOt " 'lilt.~ f :Ll' .hill .!: tO W<Il't{

p .ying any Crown L>t~ll Coinllt ',•i_o ner to a t . .. , a wa.gi>t rate u II ; ' ' ~ ll'rtll ll I l'•'l' e-nue was pi4eed un ' r th e control of the b o ll '<'.

l\Ir SMlTH I ore te, timony to tha "' le m nmrr in which th gent!. m .;.u who h h i tlw <•fnce now u n <1 n coth irl .,. ti n h ad ds­cb.:rge\l h i~ li nt.i s ~ s Jnn g:!'t~·o-•t.l.) .

Tha TJDITOX-G E:0iERAL said the h em. nl· mbcr fJ!' T . . d)(·t ~~ (.11 r<-f-=·Jred toth ~~ n1a n ­

, nc:· in w hi< h 1 h<· g< r tl cmn n who fi k d th_e offwc under C<•ll ' i<lt:I'<ltir.n h :~ tl rlis·,.h rg"<l !lie dut i~s at Geelong-. He b(•lievcd t hat no cleci,ion be h nd ~,ivcn a t Geelocg h ad b een eV"I' r , V erRf'd.

l\Ic·srs' RUTL EDGE r. n ci RTDD J, snp­pOit•·rl the itt•m, and snp-$'eBt ed t! wt it _sho';Jld be witb dr,twn, with a vww to Its bcmg m ­creased to £800.

Un the' qnes~ ion being put, the motion was carrir d, an •i the item p issed .

Th t• followh>g items were also p :: ssnd :-ContiPgcndcs. £ s. d.

Prod~icns and stores !10 0 0 Incident•tl expenses 10 0 0

' VEST ERN PO.ItT. St.ip\"n di ~ ry l\Iagistrate an J Com-

ruiss.oner of Crown Llnds • • 600 0 0 Conti•-'g~uci es .

Provisions, stores, &c 110 0 0 Unon a similar suru be ing propose l for a

Stip;>nrliar~· Tll•gi,trate and l'ommis~ioner of . ~ """ll J.•u.trl• for p, rtlun I B y ~nd Gntnt.

1\'lr nU'11L I':DOI!: conside~ cd thia appoint­n' ' nt 2 n "<"' f" !"~ '\ t·y nne.

Dr p ,, L ~J.EH, waft of opinion thH this · is­tric t was of wfficient impert nee to Wlrr nt the npprinimPnt. ''1\lr STH.\CIIAN ~ondcmne ' this pl n • f

n"t giv1ng to tlw House •t mor(' <'Oncise a -:ount of th ~ dnti·" whi h had to be p , _ t'oi nl ed t.>y th e ojllc• rs tlwy were now p

'-r pointii'g. He thought ther~ were alrea.tly snlfici<·ut CowLUi~i;\lll<;l'& of CI'OWil Lau 11 appoiuted,

Mr O'o:;IL\NASSY briefly opposed t(1e il\IL1tron .. . n1oLion. - 1 Clf' r ~ .. .

lllr F.~ \illKNEH, wished t > know whC~t 8eidor turnkly, at 15s per diem duties th~ir St.i penriiary .Magistrute would I Eight turnkeys, at l 2s each, per have to J i;;chnrge ? diem .. . .. . ... ...

The 11 UDiTOn. GE '4ERAL saitl, that he ' Fem~le turnkey, at 5s per diem woull be> statiened at the Leigh , hut his Mcsseng ·r . . • , duties would eKtend ~>vera b rge tro.ct of the I Contingencies-colony. Provisions an d stor es (A )

11-lr RUTLEDGE '' vowed his intention of Inc idental exp enses voting aga:ust the n10tion if the Stipendiary P ortlan d. !\'Iagistrate and Commissio!1er of Crown Salaries-Lunds 1vere placer\ at the Leigh . He Rhould Gaoler

. 5ll 0 u

200 0 2;3 15 0

1752 0 0 9 1 6 0

100 0 0

1665 0 0 2(,0 0 0

250 0 0 50 0 0 "npport the motion we re it the intention to Mntron .. . ...

st.ttion J. im at t he Gr~nge ; whic_h t he Four turnk ey s, a t 12s each per honourable gent! man eontcntled w.ts a cen- diem .. . .. . . .. ... 876 0 0 ,r ,tl point wbere four important m ails united, Fen~•lc turnk~y, at 5s, p er and. nuny allotments •Jf laod h ad also been rllem .. . 91 0 0 "old there at vr.ry good prices. Con tingenc ies-

Tne AUDI'l'OU-GE:\EltAJ, woul d not P rovi.;ions and stores ( A) 1 170 0 0 oppose the Stipcndhry Magistrate and Com· l nei1iental expcn&cS ... 50 0 0 llli:siOIIOr of Crown r,auds being &t .. t ioned at Upon th~ SU!ll of £2487 5s b eing proposed the Grange, esp cial ly if i t were dee~ed in to be appropriated for gaol P:x.pcnses Dnd the judgment of th e Rouse the mo~t deSII'al.ll e contingencies at Belfast, w m e discussion sp•lt. ensuerl, during which

The COLONIAL SECRETARY consider ed D1· P ALlVIER remarked that he did not it impossi ble to come to a h asty C?nclusion.as consider the p opulation sufficiently settled to to which would be the most d cs1rable point fix ilpon th e mo,t desirable pl aces with cer­of r~sid ~nce for this m agistrat e. tair.ty fur the establishment of pu blic g aols.

!llr S'I'R3.CH AN WUS in favor of the sta- He was of \ pinion that t he time would come tion being at the Grangl'. when labom would be obt ained at a cheaper

Upon lhe qu estion being put , a d ivision mte, an d wh en it would be well for the took pL1ce, which was atten ded with the fol· Govern ment to be in a position to employ lowing remit :- t he surplus l abour that might be t hrown

Ayes 13. Noes 6, upon the colony. The Attomey-General Mr Wilkinson The ATTOlt~EY-GENER ~L ,s~id that

Colonialllecretart Nichol~o~ this w~s a rich agricultu ral lund, t he town Mr ;:~~~;.~tn ~{.~~'\.an and port of wh ich would , he had no doub t ,

Riddell F<Hvkner become an important cn e, and he thought P.msell O'.Silan11ssy, Teller, thnt a proper gaol 5houlrl be erected t here . ·~~;i~~ull T he item w~s then passed . Palmer '!'he following items we: e also passed:-Snodgrass CASTLEMA!NE, Rutledge Westg>rth ·

The A udiLot·-General, Teller. The motion was consequently carrie•'!. ap­

proprittting f"r PORTLAND BAY AND GRANT,

Gaol Fxpen11es ..... . .. .. .... .. . Provisions, btorea, an1 I nci-dental Expen ses .... . .... ... ..


£ 8 d 1267 6 0

1220 0 0

£ s d G~ol Expenses..... . .. . . .. . .. .... . 1267 6 0 Salary of Stipendiary M••gi,t rnte Provi~iou~. Storts, and Ind-

and Cou1mi~•ioner of t-rown dt·ntul ExpcnseR .. ...... . , ... ... 1220 0 0 Lands 600 0 0 'l'heAUDl'l'OR-GENERAL proposedth at

Lonting~ncits. the sum of 750l be appropriat ed to the oola1 y Pr..,visions St .. rcs, &c 110 0 0 of t ho Superintendent of Penal Establish-

Upon the question being put t hat £6.J0 be men ts. voted for the s l n·y of a stipendiary magis- Dr PALMER was of opinion th at the gaol tr .. t,, at Gipp's Lanli, reg ulat.ions should be so constituted as to

Mr O'SrJANAS::iY moved as an amcnrl- prucure, if possible, sufficient labor from e ach m~nt, thn.t the ite lll be stru ·k out.. prisoner to pay the expense of h is imprison-

l\Ir l<'.A. W K~ Elt secont1ed the am end- m ent ; and was in favor of p:isoners being m cnt. punish ed, if they failed to furnish a fixed

D1· P ;, LMER supported the item. amount of work done. Mr WE oTG:AllTH thought some etipen· The AT'l'OH~EY-GENER~L was in fa·

<! iory m ••f iott-.ltes neces;;.:ry, but thought th"' vor of th is plan, which. ht~ said, h ad been, Govt!rurueno h -i.<i too wt<~y of thc!ll. He as far as practicable, 6dopted, In order tl) shuu1•J ~ppoP the ~r,eeeut Item . I puuish those of th~ priSOI_:Iei:s ~·ho would not

' r S.\ODCHAt;::~ th•Jug!lt 1f the hot~ I <:odorm to the prison d1sc1pl me, Pnd those m mber fur :i\lclboumc (i.\Ir. Wcotg.~rth ~ whn would not work. th e hulks, which had kn~w the IHture of the Oiotnct of liiPP• been previously alluded to, had been pro­Lalld, and that ct times of tile ye_ar Jt was , pos<!cl . As it wa; impossible the prisoners not P•l.ssab e, he would ss.e the. dlSirableness I could be l.e>pt in solitary confinem~nt in the of i.laVllll{ a 1 e,I<:eut magl6trate ill the lo~al.'ty. 1 gaol~, it was int,•nd~d that in these hulks

t.lr TL1RNBOLL expres~ed a smula.r they lllig ht be so pun>shed . opiuion. :iYir 'V ESTG AltrH ng,·eed with the r!"-

l\lr HU rLEDGE SLIJ'p<wle<l the item . m rks of Dr Palmer, an·l was gl-ad to have .. 'l'he a'l' lORN o.Y-GE:SER .-._L sai~ that a_s an opportunity of decladng hiillsclf in ~avour

G:1pp> L..1ud was a pb·.c wh i ·h 1t was llltpossl- nf bU h a vi ew of th'' sul>j<lct . He d1d not I.Jie t.1 rc•a·h at periodo vf the y~ar, it w:.te t hink the present phns could be a ltered at uc~irabll• th :.tt there , ,,onl .t be a poli<!e 11111- once. gis•ntt ., to "' mioiste,· jn ~t iee. Mr. O'SIIAN \ SSY mentioned, that <me

Mr O'bHA i.\A~b): baid, if th e mllgi~t~· •te m ethorl of punishing crime in th~ Unit.ed pmpt•se.u t ·J l>u ><J ·P•intc_d coul J hav~ VIo ~tr;t1 1 Stdt es of Am. ric,t, w•.s to deprive th•.sc who tile v .. nuud brn che~ ul rnngiotrJL<'blll ~1pps 1 ]1ad been cou•' i<'.tc ll of' ft!lony of the franchi~e; Lan •1 , he should no. hav" bcei• s •oppo~<Ht ~o 1 he con1 met1d~ rl this r egulation, together t l•e itl'm, but as W·'" , t . t cu tlut <l unng s1x · with th at of snlitary confiutment of those who mo:,t•>b o t' the y ar, thu I' •tt of thtl cvun- r t:fust:d to labour try wh re he; woul tl be 't..tioncd would l.o j Jllr FA \VK~~ ER condemned the plal\ cut oJf fruw th" rest of the di.tri•! t , he should 1 a dopt<'d in some diotl'ict• of s tt.ing prisoners "JlP•»" the: it om. ' t.o I<OI'k <m the public roads; the number of

Aftct' a f.,w w9rds from .1\~r. RU3SELL in those who w.-re paid to guarcl t hose who su pp•llt of th<J 1te lll, a LliVI;Ion took pl~ctJ workml, put the J<'OYelnment to an eaormous upuit tlw qucstiou, which wus utten11ed w1tll cxpeuse. lie h <1 no doubt thut means m ight t11e fvllowiug result:- h11 arlopteJ to make the la bour of prisoner•

Ayes 12. NoM 7. pay the cxpcme of their imprisonmeut. The Colonial ::reore~ ry llr ~:~,~~~~~sy Mr HUT LEDGE was of opinion that the

Attorney-Gcuar•l ~tt·actian stodwd~ S)'gtem caused mGre crime than any .llr ltutletlgc " .!:'• liner Wi1killoon <>L e r pl~n of prison discipline that had ueeu Ji~~r:1s1on ~f~~~Iton l tried.

11 Wcst"lll'th, Tuller. I l.; pon the motion of Mr STRACHAJ'{, the ~~:.~tuu ~:~ Ch4inn;ul r~ported progresq. and obtained .A'. •ckett .,leave to sit ng 'in on \Vedncsdar next. limit.it 'i he House then resumt cl. Sliodgraes U I . f l ATTORNEY Tile .• uuitor-Gen2raJ, Teller 1 pou t 1e motiOn o t 1e . r . •

Th , , 1 " n~ec ueutly earried 8 p• ; GLN ERA L, the Honse w~n~ mt;o committee .c t'~10 ·'~ 1 w 8

'0 l ' 1 n pon the Sc-ab and Cotarrh m Sneep PrQven-

proprta wg 10 1' I . . . ·G L - tioa ll.1l. J he vanous cl•:uslils h .vmg been , ~ . ~t:r• A~ D . • gone throu~h and slightly altered, the At-

Sal:l ry of :t ;:,t1p n"w~·y . M agis- tomoy-Geueral m oved that t he r eport be tr.tti' , al~o Comim>stoner of 1 odopt L'd and the 13ill reed a third time. C1owu !,au(~S : .. £li00 0 0 j The mdtion w•s carried, and the B ill w..s

CuutiiJji'Cilcle•, . I then rea<l a third time and pu,sed. Provislo~~: St?rcu, and Inctllen- '!'he House th~n went i~t.o C~mmittee

tal Expcm es ... ... 110 0 0 : up0 n the Vngraney PreventiOn Bill. The U 1;on ''like bUm h lVing I.J eeu p;·oposed to !'. various clause~ having been gone through ,

be uppropri,•teci for VVimm cra, th" Chairman rPported progress. nnJ, upon After a , Jightdis.;u-;sion th e ilou se dil'itlcd, I the mot.it•n of tllll A~torney-Gc~· r al, the

when th0 fvllowmg wa1 t lu: ruoult: Ayes 11, R eport was adopted, and the Bill read a 2-l u<'S 7, .-- • thir.l timu and passed.

The motion ....-as const'qucutly caniecl , ap- 'l'he IIouse adjoumed at twenty minutEs propriating for to eleven o'clock until W ednesday n'cxt.


Salary of a Stip <'nliiary Jllagis .. tr<>.to, UrSO IJoU111tio··iOUI:I' of Lm•· u L. nds ...

ContiugeucieH. Provio .or~>, titon.s, aud Incid en-

£600 0 0

t .rlExpenses .. 110 0 , 0 '!'he next item wa!l a eimilar sum for

!Hurray. Mr r; ICll~'LS0 \ wish ed to know why all

th e s:tlariBs of the hl.agistr<~.tcs were not put down un J;:r on~ h ea<i 111 t 'te Estitnates, as, by sueh a·co•.u·oe nut being pursued, member~ were rnisl erl.

The AUDlTOH-GEhl'~ 'A L said, thnt 'rhcn the Halari~s of th:c otht:r Magi~trates were votc-.1, h<> h ad s a t ed tJat he proposed to posttJone the conoidcr:"tion of the distnct lYl>'g t,trares, whose s ... h.: :es were now __ bc10g cvH>illerc<i, an·t thord., rr: th" l\Iagi.tr; t',s not all I.Jeing pl •ced und.: r the sam e heao, haJ nut wi~t ed au v hou. nletui.>Hrt:.

.A fter sowe fiirLh~r (.iscuosion , a division took jl •c0, attended wi th the following l'dll lt :-

Ayes, II. The Colo11;~t :>ecrctary

Attoruey~Geu e; a l Au Iitot·-General

llr A' B~c·kett ~nd t h fo:nodgrass Pal1uer Hu,sdl And~r~on In<idcll

Noes, 7. Mr Fawkuer

~1rn1 cha.n Wilkin~on 1Jyles 0'6hana<sy West·,arth Nich8lton, Tdler

hutle.!ge, Teller Tnu ""'Lon w,,s <.onscqucntly CliTicu, ap­

prvpriatit'g tiJr T fr.g " 11 ni'IAY.

::; l 11v ,,f St ip· u >' '''Y J\l.1, is­t . · . i. ~· , ·bo Cunlffil:s:,ion ...:r of C row11 L nds Ut'ntingt' ll <"ifls-

rrn,·i~"-ions , stores, ~lnd iuciclcnt J ex penses • • '1'hc following saiHico, &~,

passed -

Sala.ries­G1ol<:r . .. .\i at.ron . .•

0.\ 0J,S .

M ellJOul'lle.

Two Cl<m.~, one r t 3001. nnu

GOO 0 0

110 0 0 "ere th~n

600 0 0 100 0 0

ouc at l GOl per a nnum 450 0 0 Over><lCI' of lubuur, z.t 15s per

diem ... 2'i3 1 .) 0 Two senior turnkeys, at Ius

each per rli ·m ... ... 647 10 0 Eight,•eu tmnkeys, at 12.> eadt v~·· diem 39~2 0 0 Contingen cies.-

P.ovisnnsnnclStorcs.(.A) 6175 0 0 Cost of l•'xecn tions JOO 0 0 Incidental Ex pens s ... ... 20u 0 9


salat ies.-Gao l Pr .. ~ 3"0 0 0 Six _Turnlr.eye, a t 12s ea\:11, per

di• m .. , 1314 0 0 ·";ConLingenries-Pi·ovisions and st.ores ( A) luci Jcntal exp( nsetl . . .. .

.MELBOmcm (E.i.STE RN.) S \ lories-

GMler ,

1430 0 0 50 0 0

250 0 0 '£ 1'1'0 i'i>lt1ab ·turnla ye, at 5s.

ea1'h, per ,ji om 18.2 10 0 Con• in gent ies- -

P.c.iv i ,ion~ "nd stores (A) ·ru :id.ntal "xp~nses

GEELONG. SaiHler,-.

Qaoler ,,. .'''

575 50

0 0 0 0

800 0 0

:·) 1:
