i invasive spartina in west coast estuariesnsgl.gso.uri.edu/masgc/masgco05001/vol 21_no.2_27.pdf ·...

I INVASIVE SPARTINA IN WEST COAST ESTUARIES I ESTUARINE WATERS SUSTAIN A LARGE COMMUNITY OF CONSUMERS, from single-cell plankton, worms, crabs, oysters, fish, and birds to humans. They are highly productive, critical habitat for migratory wildfowl and endangered and threatened species of fish. They also support multi-million dollar shellfish industries. Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States, a perennial, deep-rooted saltmarsh grass called smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) dominates the harsh intertidal habitat of the low salt-marsh community, where it has a major role in physical and biological estuarine processes. Another native Spartina species, (S. patens) salt meadow cordgrass, is found in the higher salt-marsh community. These two grass species form the ecological backbone of east coast tidal marshes (see Figure 1). Outside its native range, however, smooth cordgrass is particularly well adapted at colonizing the open intertidal mudflats of geologically young estuaries like those on the west coast of North America (see Figure 2 on page 28). It transforms the wide expansive mudflats into emergent monotypic marshes (see Figure 3 on page 28). As a consequence, many of the Pacific coast's most valued estuaries hang in a precarious ecological balance due to the invasion ofSpartina. Invasive Spartina species are a problem in many other estuaries of the world. It is listed among the 100 World's Worst Invasive Alien Species (visit: http://www.issg.org/ booklet.pdf). Besides S. a/temif/ora, several other Spartina species are problematic. S. ang/ica has invaded estuaries in Puget Sound, Washington, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. A hybrid of S. a/temiflora with the California native S. fo/iosa has become the dominant Spartina species in San Francisco Bay. These hybrid swarms (S. a/temiflora and S. fo/iosa) are morevigorous and reproductively fitthan either of the parents. S. densiflora and S. patens areminor problems in several west coast estuaries. Willapa Bay, Washington,currently has over 15,000 acres of tideflats infested with invasive Spartina. San Francisco Bay, California and Puget Sound, Washington, both have several thousand acres of Spartina-infested tidelands. These infestations pale compared to more than 200,000 acres of invasive Spartina in the estuaries of China. The ability of this species to accumulate large volumes of tidal sediments as a pioneer species has led to its deliberate introduction in several parts of the world (Northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and China) for land reclamation. In fact, most of the initial infestation of invasive Spartina has occurred as a consequence of intentional planting for the purpose of stabilizing mudflats, reducing source areas for channel silting, protecting coastlines from erosion, and for livestock feed. Other invasion pathways to new locations include seeds contained within ship ballast water, and on water currents dispersing float mats containing seeds. Erosion and re-establishment of the rhizome root mat have been noted to be a source for its establishment in lower intertidal zones where tidal energy would normally have occluded seedlings from establishing. The Spartina originally introduced in 1894 to Willapa Bay, Washington, occurred as discarded packing material in shipments of eastern oysters (Crassostera virginica). It wasn't Figure 1. East coast salt marsh with Spartina altern if/ora (for shorej and s. patens (near shorej. AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES

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ESTUARINE WATERS SUSTAIN A LARGE COMMUNITY OF CONSUMERS, fromsingle-cell plankton, worms, crabs, oysters, fish, and birds to humans. They are highly productive, criticalhabitat for migratory wildfowl and endangered and threatened species of fish. They also support multi-milliondollar shellfish industries. Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States, a perennial, deep-rootedsaltmarsh grass called smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) dominates the harsh intertidal habitat of thelow salt-marsh community, where it has a major role in physical and biological estuarine processes. Anothernative Spartina species, (S. patens) salt meadow cordgrass, is found in the higher salt-marsh community. Thesetwo grass species form the ecological backbone of east coast tidal marshes (see Figure 1). Outside its native range,however, smooth cordgrass is particularly well adapted at colonizing the open intertidal mudflats of geologicallyyoung estuaries like those on the west coast of North America (see Figure 2 on page 28). It transforms the wideexpansive mudflats into emergent monotypic marshes (see Figure 3 on page 28). As a consequence, many of thePacific coast's most valued estuaries hang in a precarious ecological balance due to the invasion ofSpartina.

Invasive Spartina species are a problem in many otherestuaries of the world. It is listed among the 100 World'sWorst Invasive Alien Species (visit: http://www.issg.org/booklet.pdf). Besides S. a/temif/ora, several other Spartinaspecies are problematic. S. ang/ica has invaded estuariesin Puget Sound, Washington, Europe, Australia, and NewZealand. A hybrid of S. a/temiflora with the California nativeS. fo/iosa has become the dominant Spartina species inSan Francisco Bay. These hybrid swarms (S. a/temiflora andS. fo/iosa) are more vigorous and reproductively fit thaneither of the parents. S. densiflora and S. patens are minorproblems in several west coast estuaries.

Willapa Bay, Washington, currently has over 15,000 acresof tideflats infested with invasive Spartina. San FranciscoBay, California and Puget Sound, Washington, both haveseveral thousand acres of Spartina-infested tidelands. Theseinfestations pale compared to more than 200,000 acres ofinvasive Spartina in the estuaries of China.

The ability of this species to accumulate large volumes oftidal sediments as a pioneer species has led to its deliberateintroduction in several parts of the world (Northern Europe,Australia, New Zealand, and China) for land reclamation. Infact, most of the initial infestation of invasive Spartina hasoccurred as a consequence of intentional planting for thepurpose of stabilizing mudflats, reducing source areas forchannel silting, protecting coastlines from erosion, and forlivestock feed. Other invasion pathways to new locationsinclude seeds contained within ship ballast water, and onwater currents dispersing float mats containing seeds. Erosionand re-establishment of the rhizome root mat have been

noted to be a source for its establishment in lower intertidalzones where tidal energy would normally have occludedseedlings from establishing.

The Spartina originally introduced in 1894 to Willapa Bay,Washington, occurred as discarded packing material inshipments of eastern oysters (Crassostera virginica). It wasn't

Figure 1. East coast salt marsh with Spartina altern if/ora (for shorej ands. patens (near shorej.


Figure 2. A section of Willopa Boy, showing the typical flat expansive mudflat.This is on empty niche ready for on opportunistic species to invade.

for another 60 to 70 years that it was recognized as an alienplant and potentially harmful, and as is typical with manyinvasive plant species, few efforts were made to control it untilits exponential expansion became obvious. This wasn't until100 years after its initial invasion.

Once established, Sportino spreads c10nallyfrom undergroundrhizomes. As rhizomes intermingle, circular clonal patches(see Figure 4) coalesce to form large dense meadows,often reaching 6 to 7 feet in height. In fertile substrate, therhizomatous rate of spread is up to a 30 percent increase peryear. Sportino can flower and set seed within the second yearof growth. Seeds are set in late summer/fall and germinatelater in the winter and spring. Most seeds drop within a shortdistance of the mother plant, but they may float for extendedperiods either by themselves or within floating wracks ofSportino stems. Greatest seed production occurs in largeswards of Sportino, where flowers have a better chance ofreceiving the wind-borne pollen. Seeds are short-lived and arenot reported to be viable beyond the first year. After a longtime of colonization has elapsed, higher fecundity tends tooccur as the species reaches critical mass for wind pollinationand as it becomes genetically adapted to the environment(earlier flowering for example). The most rapid and successfulseeding recruitment usually takes place in sites fairly closeto the mother plants, in areas with softer sediment and lowtidal energy, or where the seeds are trapped by any type ofvegetative stubble on tide flats. The ability of invasive Spartinato undergo rapid evolution, hybridize, and undergo genomeduplication (polyploidy) has lead to its tremendous successas an invader .

• Trapping of sediment by Spartina stems dramaticallyincreases sediment accretion rates. This increased accretionchanges estuarine bathymetry resulting in modified watercirculation and reduced tidal flows, altering marsh hydrologyand increasing flooding during heavy tides. This increasein tidal height ultimately changes the entire habitat andstructure of the estuary.

• By covering bare mudflats with a thick canopy and denseroot mat, Spartina displaces epi-benthic macroalgae and

Figure 3. A former mudflat and oyster nursery bed in Willapa Boy, which hasconverted into a Spar/ina meadow.

eelgrass (see Figure 5 on page 29) and changes theprimary productivity of mudflats. The thick canopy androot mass (see Figures 6a and 6b on page 29) preventsaccess to benthic prey from shorebirds and the thick rootmat inhibits the extraction of shellfish for commercial andrecreational purposes.

• Hybridization with native Sportino species in San FranciscoBay and hybrid swamping of pollen will likely result in regionalextinction of native S. folioso by genetic assimilation. This islikely to become the first naturally dominant plant speciesto go extinct in its own ecosystem since the passage of theEndangered Species Act of 1973.

• Loss of mudflat habitat to Sportino invasion will seriouslyimpact shorebirds on the Pacific Flyway route. Not only isthere a change in prey abundance and value, but accessto prey through the dense canopy is impossible. Evenif Sportino is controlled, the change in habitat (such astideflat elevation and benthic infauna) is so significant thatshorebirds fail to return to utilize the affected tideland. TheAudubon Society has called the loss of shorebird habitatin Willapa Bay due to invasive Sportino one of the mostserious threats to shorebird habitat in North America.

• Commercial shellfish production is seriously impaired.Manila clam habitat in the upper tidal land becomesunusable. Eventually, the deeper intertidal oyster bedsbecome invaded. With reduced tidal flows, impaired accessand changed bathymetry, these shellfish beds becomeunusable (see Figure 7 on page 30).

Figure 4. Circular clonal patches of Spar/ina, seedlings and young plants.These will coalesce into a meadow within a few years.


Often by the time regulatory permission for control is granted, what was onlya few hundred acres of Spartina has turned into many thousands of acres.

Figure 5 Ileft). Sparlina choking out native eelgrass-a valuable habitat for fish and waterfowl. Figured 60 (middle) and 6b Iright). Impenetrable canopy and rootmat of Sparlina that prevent access and utilization by shorebirds.

Numerous endangered species are directly affected bySpartina. Examples include S. patens directly competing forspace with the federally-listed marsh plant (Cordylanthusmollis sp. mollis) Spartina chokes tidal channels which theendangered California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris) usesto forage. Spartina patens and S. densiflora colonize middleand upper marsh, displacing native pickleweed marsh,habitat of the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse.

• Spartina has caused failure of numerous estuary restorationprojects by undermining efforts to recover native speciesand habitat. Some current recommendations suggest thatrestoration of tidal areas in highly infested areas of anestuary be postponed until exotic cordgrass is removed.

The problem of invasive Spartina is best summarized in thepermanent laws (Revised Code of Washington (RCW)) of theState of Washington that were recently enacted to deal withthe Spartina issue (RCW 17.26). This law states that the Stateof Washington "... is facing an environmental disaster thatwill affect other states as well as other nations. The spreadof Spartina threatens to permanently convert and displacenative freshwater and saltwater wetlands and intertidal zones,including critical habitat for migratory birds, many fish species,bivalves, invertebrates, marine mammals, and other animals.The continued spread of Spartina will permanently reducethe diversity and the quantity of these species and will havea significant negative environmental impact. Spartina posesa significant hydrological threat. Clumps and meadows ofSpartina are dense environments that bind sediments andlift the intertidal gradient up out of the intertidal zone throughtime. This process reduces flows during flood conditions,raises flood levels, and significantly alters the hydrologicalregime of estuarine areas. Spartina removal shall includerestoration to return intertidal land and other infested lands tothe condition found on adjacent unaffected lands in the sametidal elevation."

In estuaries where Spartina is currently not established,frequent inspection and rapid removal is critical. Onceestablished, Spartina control becomes a costly and long-termproblem. Efforts to manage, control, or eradicate invasiveSpartina in west coast estuaries have been fraught withecological and political contentiousness based on conflictingvalues in habitat and land/resource stewardship. Stateregulatory agencies have required very cautious managementstrategies to assure that the fragile estuarine ecology orendangered or threatened species are not damaged by any ofthe control approaches. For example, the possible use of theSpartina canopy by juvenile salmon ids for predator avoidanceduring out-migration or nesting of clapper rails within Spartinahas restricted the timeframe when control efforts can occur inWashington and San Francisco Bay, respectively.

Potential collateral damage to the fragile estuarine environmentthat may occur with Spartina control treatment has been amajor concern of many environment groups and regulatoryagencies. Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) andEnvironmental Assessments (EA) are usually required priorto any control effort being launched. Several examples of thetypes of documents can be found at http://www.Spartina.org/project.htm. Often by the time regulatory permissionfor control is granted, what was only a few hundred acresof Spartina has turned into many thousands of acres. Somecountries, like New Zealand, have realized it is more prudentto immediately eradicate an invasive species than to firstengage in lengthy reviews of all possible ecological concerns.They are willing to assume the short-term risk resultingfrom the control effort, rather than allowing the species togeometrically increase beyond what can be eradicated orcost-effectively controlled.

Most short-term risk aversion has focused on concerns withchemical control. A risk assessment of the herbicides used forSpartina control indicated that the herbicide residue found in


Figure 7. Commercial oyster beds invaded by Spartina. This photograph wastaken during the winter and shows the residue dead stubble.

the sediment and water was well below the range consideredharmful (8,000- to 1,000,000-fold below the concentrationrequired to kill 50 percent of the population's most sensitiveaquatic invertebrates and fish species).

Management strategies implemented for Sportino haveincluded biological, mechanical, and chemical controls. Acomplete set of management tools is listed in Table 1below. For biological control of Sportino in Willapa Bay,

Figure 8. Digging to remove Spartina is limited to small plants. Care must betaken to remove all the rhizomes to prevent re-growth.

the planthopper (Prokelisio morginoto) has been the mostpromising natural enemy because of its known potencyagainst Sportino and its narrow host range. To date, plantdeath has been limited to greenhouse conditions, while fieldwork has shown reduced seed set and plant growth.

Mechanical control efforts, like digging (see Figure 8), tilling,compacting, or disking, have been implemented in severalsites with control ranging from poor to good depending


Mechanical- TillingGood efficacy, but requires expensive start-up for large amphibious tiller(-$250,000) is slow «0.5 ac/hr) and expensive (>$1000/ac).

Good efficacy in very soft sediment where growing points are pushed 10 to 20

Mechanical: Crushing or Compactingcm below the mudline. Poor efficacy on firm terrain. Requires multiple years oftreatment to achieve control. Implementation is slow @-2-6 ac/hr, and requiresexpensive amphibious tracked vehicles ($40,000 to $80,000).

Mechanical: MowingNo control other than preventing seed production if done multiple times duringthe growing season.

Only useful for small seedlings before extensive rhizome growth has occurred.Mechanical: Digging Removal of all rhizomes on small clones «3 feet in diameter) requires massive

amounts of effort and time.

Mechanical: Weed MatsMowing to mud line followed by weed mats well beyond the root-line works wellin areas infested with only a few clones.

Glyphosate has been used extensively for Sportino control over the past 10 years.

Herbicide: Glyphosate (Rodeo,Efficacy has been highly variable in the field, ranging from none to excellent. Mostconsistent control is achieved at the highest label rate, a canopy that is free of any

Aquamaster, AquaNeat) sediment, and a dry time before tidal inundation of the canopy of more than 12hours.

Imazapyr has only recently received aquatic registration. It has been very effectiveat low rates (6 pt of product/ac) under a range of estuary conditions, including

Herbicide: Imazapyr (Habitat) short dry time. It is proving to be the control method of choice for most resourcesmanagers. Imazapyr can be applied aerially over several hundred acres per day at-$300/ac.

Efforts are still in the research phase with a leaf hopper. Field data indicate someBiological Control reduction in plant growth and seed production. Other insect herbivores from the

native host range specializing on Sportino are being considered/evaluated.


Figure 9. Herbicide application for Spartina, using an amphibious trackvehicle equipped with GPS tracking, GIS mapping, and smart spray nozzlesthat only operate when they detect chlorophyll.

on the method, timing, and substrate. Mowing as a controltool by itself, however, has not been successful and is notwidely used. Herbicides have been the most cost-effectivemeans of control and continue to be the most viablemanagement alternative available to resource agencies. Whenused under recommended conditions, herbicides providelong-term control of Spartina. Because most treated areaswill have some minor amounts of vegetative regrowth andre-infestation with new seedlings, several years of spraying arerequired to thoroughly rid a site of all Spartina.

Precision agriculture technology, such as smart sensor spraynozzles that only spray when they detect chlorophyll, hasbeen incorporated into the chemical control efforts to greatlyimprove accuracy and reduce non-target applications (seeFigure 9.). These sprayer units are equipped with GPStracking

systems and GIS mapping systems that accurately recordexact spray locations and spray rates by the second.

Accurately mapping the location and spread of Spartinaover time has been a critical major focus for stakeholdersinvolved in Spartina management. Orthorectified aerial infra-red photographs (see Figure lOa) are frequently used forthis purpose. They can accurately (one meter) providedata needed to map progress in the control effort, rate ofvegetative growth, and areas of new infestations. Theirexpense and the time delay in obtaining orthorectificationcan limit their usefulness. Results can also be confounded(false negatives) when control efforts only provide temporaryknockdown of Spartina. On-the-ground mapping techniquesusing GPSand GIS have been very useful to help define outerranges and locations of meadows and clone fields. Othermapping techniques include the use of infra-red airbornelaser LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) to detect subtledifferences in tideflat elevations. This information can becombined with tide charts, Spartina locations, and plantheights, to provide a predictive model for canopy exposure(see Figure lOb). This allows the resource manager tooptimize his/her spray timing to assure maximum dry tide ofthe herbicide on the plant canopy before tidal inundation.

In Willapa Bay alone, over $10 million were spent in the pastdecade on Spartina. This program still has a long way to gobefore it can achieve the ultimate goal of eradication. BecauseSpartina seeds have viability for less than one year, continualeffort to control all outliers and prevent new infestationsfrom occurring for the next five to ten years should result ineradication. This is in sharp contrast to many other aquaticinvasive species where longevity of propagules makes asuccessful eradication effort unlikely.

Willapa Bay TidelandExposure Prediction

For 7/7/2004@ plant height of 4.5'

Spartina exposure time(dry time)>10 hours

• >18 hours_ Exposed all of-neap tide series

Figure 100 (left) and lOb (right). Aerial infrared photographs and map showing predictive Spar/ina exposure times above the tide, based on mudflat elevations,plant height, and tides. Long dry time exposures are ideal for achieving herbicide efficacy.