i- f'tgpttffr- rss wv loolltll if - university of hawaii...83 ly pioneer shirt factory 104 fort...

""WSHI wnypf iip"iun"iwpy "WPWjpiBPpg 8 fevyAsyv sBso -- . - M"V I- -s ry f'TgpTTffr- '- S5KSSE5ffi A Tfc 1 WV rss ts V ..rtl i lOOLltlL if mtKMLOJgilUVJ arTrw Mr--- .t ja iijji iwifitrmm vvj','j-nc?KxruKrnuvaazuiu.nmj4.iii- i: 'Uwuwijwii t OTuwyiiirj3JUjrAJgifwMiTOWBi f? imnt tir-f- ry II. I.. MONDAY MA IK J I IS'10. QUDBORIPTION Vol. 2CrV.No 1M08. HONOLULU, EVENJND, 10, 60 OtNTB HCn MONTH -- f t ' t J ,r "T THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed and published at this ofilce, Queon atri-ct- , Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO cents per Month Addtcs 'til Communications IMir.v Uuu.Rrirr. Advertisements, to unsure insertion, thmild I io li nulcd in before one o'clock r. m. WAXTCft HILL. Sdiior anil Propriolor Bulletin Steam Printing Ofilca. Newspaper, Hook and .lob Printing of nil kinds done op tlie moat favorable terms. Hell Telephone No. 511 Mutual Telephone Mo. 25(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An Intel citing ami comprehensive publication, eotitiltis 1M columns of leading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu ind Island Now. It ntlie best paper published in the Kingdom 'o send to lilends uhroid. SiiliKi'i'iiiliini : Island : : : f I )) jcar Foreign : : : fi 00 " Commission Moruiiants. ' c S OUN T. "WATaKHODSE, t Impoiter and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen Bt., Honolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealeia in Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Hulhllng Materials of every l.lud, cor. Fort and Queen sta., Honolulu. 1 UljtiB Hprcclicis. Win. O. Irwin. XT a. ihwin Ss company, ?V Sugat Factors ami Caiiuissiou A.g;nu, Honolulu. 1 rf. N. Castle.-.- !. B. Atlieiton-- G. 1. Custle il COOKE, CASTLK Shipping and Commission Merchants. Impurtels and Dealers In Ueucrat Mcieuaudisc, No. 0 Kiiij et., Honolulu. I It. Lowera, F. J. Lowioy O. M. Uoolic. Si COOKE, LBWEHS to Luwers & Dickson,) importers and Dealers in Lumbi-- r and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu I JF HONOLULU IKON WORKS, jtBBtcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coulcris; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cuted at short notic e. 1 1 j" IIA-OICITICL- &; Co., Geaeral Commission Agents. Honolulu O. "W. MACFAELANli & Co. nU'OKTISlW AND COMMISSION MKKU1IAHT8, Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. 1013 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wiuo Merchants licaver Iilock, Honolulu. & COMPANY, CBKEWER (Limited) OBNKllAIi MKUOANTILK AND COUMISSIOK AaKNTa LIST ov ovvkibub: T. O. Jonks, Jr. .. .President & Mauagcr J. U. UAiii'itii. . . ..Treasuier & Secretary uiukctous: Hon. C. it. Bishop. S. C. Au.xh, II. Watkuiiousk. 83 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform the public of these Islands that ho is makiug Hliirta by MonNiircmcut ! Directions forsolf.mcastircmeut will be given on application. White Shirts, Overshlrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a samplo Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telcphono 410 r.ftly A. M. Jir.JiMN. ' H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN MY and GRAIN, 81 King Btreet, opposito the Old Station House. Mutiuilr.L,eIcliouo ISo. . til It ..M IJrol'033loual8. JU. MONSAKItAT, ut Law & Notary Public 111) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If ALFRED MAOOON, J Alloiney at ii Notary I'ubllo 17 42 Meichmitbtrcct, Honolulu., ly 3, E. BROWN, old C.i pit ol IJiilldliiK. Agent to tako Acknovrlcdgmant to Co- ntracts for Labor In the nistik'l of Honolulu. mil of O.ibu. Oavid Dayton Vill practice in tlio lower courts of the Kingdom a3 attorney, attend to collect ing in all lis briiuchci, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him Office Dl Kini; Street Upstair). Feb vWhor1W STEAM GAM FACTOR! A.JV 1 U V. HOltN, l'rnctical Confectioner, 1'astiy Cook ami linker. 71 Hotel St. "i;- - Telephone 74. California : Lands car Apply to A. SOItOFF, ISStf iL'Meiehant M., Honolulu. WENNER & CO. JlunuIliPtiii'Ins Jewel lerw, jvo. a wj'itxjja'x'. Constantly on Innd a largo iissorlnien of every (lc"ci!ptiouof Jewelry, Watches Qold and Silver Plated Ware, &C. J5S ly Thomas Lindsay, iS Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclnnaker Kukui Jewelry a Specially. HiiiS SI reel, Honolulu, El. I. Nel door to Hie HnwiiWu Tram, way Company's Olllre. COT" Particular attention paid to all kinds of lepntrs. jui.lOtiD Kustacefe Robertson, DKAYMKK. A LLordeis for Cartago promptly at-I- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing1 & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest prlcos. Olllce, uetdoor to .las. F. Morgan's auction room. 032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. Hopp&Co., 74 King St. 74 King st Imporleia of Rattan & Rccd Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid, CORNICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. npr.lOtJS I. O. Ilox .t.'.l. ii- - Itell Tele. 7-- Hawaiian Business Agency Corner Fort & Merchant Sticets, Honolulu, 11. 1. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Aecoiciiuuis & Colh'eforx Kou Tin: Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department l'OH THE "ftSupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special atten- tion and return) piomptly m.xde. Ileal Estalo bought, told mid leaded. Taxes Paid and propeily safely Incited Houses, Collages, Itooms and Offices, leaded and tented, nnd rents collected. Firo and Lilo Insurance ( llected in tlrst. class liisuriince Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty ISerords searched and coircot Abslructs ol Title fuinishcd. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carelully diawiv uud 1m nil . Boinely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in geneial use in this Kingdom. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli cited for publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on fnvoi able terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot- tages in desirable localities at reasonable rentals. Several Valuable Properties in and around the city now for sale and lease on easy terms. 8A11 business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful atten- tion nt moderate charges Feb BniiiLocul lives The umh i signed having been appointed agents lot the Hawaiian lhhiuds For tlio Colebratcd Baldwin -:- - Locomotives From the woiks of Burnhain, Parry, Williams & Co., XMilIsKlclplilii. I'Ollll.. Aio now lepnieil to give estimate nnd receive oiileis for I hem engines, of any sie and stjlc. The Baidwin I.ocoMonvr. Woiiks are now inaniifactiiilug a style of Loonno. tfve p.iiiiuultirly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been leeeived at tlievo Islamh, and wo will lnve plenurc in furnishing plantation agents and managers with p.miculais o same. The supeiiority of these Locomotives ovet all of her inaUes is not only known heie but is acknowledged throughout tlio United states. Win. G. IKAVIN & Co., Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 402d.l31 w.ly COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS.! i'or. lueen Ac Xuiinuu M(m. tW Goods of nil deseripllons sold on commiesiou. Mutual Telephone CM. fell fj 00 A. II. KASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ncM.8S.ly O. MULLER & CO., PRACTICAL OUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Blcck," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rates. Sewing Machines and repairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. Household Sew iug Machines for sale. decl4 8!i O LUSO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to commuiii ' ALL witli the Poittiguese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, tervants or any other helps, will Mud It ihomost profitable way to advertise In the T.uio Jlawaiwno, tlio new organ of the Poitugiieso colony, which is pub. I lulled on Hotel street, and ouly charge' reasonable talcs for lulvcitiflcineuts. LARGE BMSFORTATBOEU OF EMBROIDERIES and LACES ! NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 104 Fort Strottt, Honolulu. TS . SACHy, - - Proprietor. Embroideries Embroideries Direct Importation From Europe ! SWI.SS and HAMBURG EDGEIXGS In all widths nnd qualities. HEMMED STITCH EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES Tins is llio latent. Wo li.no si good ussoitiiietil ut U'ty low piice. ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES In KwNs nnd Lawn. SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES In Skill nnd Holoku Length-- . LACES, LACES, LACES, ImnicnbO Asfcoilinonl! Come and Examine Our Stock I Tlio Prices Tell their Own Stoiyl ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCES In Cream, White nnd Eeiu. VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCES Skill Length nnd Edgeing to Mutch. Black Mill? mill Spiisl Lace Flounces ! DON'T FORGEl1 BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR BC3? 3Eiiilvoileiiew As Hiiiees ! 'SrS Cull and examine our stock, and loam our prices. JtCt CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS, JOHN G1JACE, : : Proprietor. SOLE MANUFACTURERS of "THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER" SARSAPAEILLA and IRON WATER, Ginger Alo, Sarsaparilln, nr- - C'JlA.aiXA.CJJ3 ALSO ALL AERATED WATERS dt Mutual Telephone 3 30 -- a o Island oiders to. uoii ".riiiN f af" HAWAIIAN lliM Lemon, Cream Plain Soda. Cn13It.- - ICIINGi pioinplly attended No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY IMPORTED Our PEDRO IS will be wold AT fflliirliiWf "- - & -- - GUAKANTEED !3'JL'l.tl31X S-- t 6r Telephone Miifuiii avuiiinio, :ti WINE 60. KINGDOM. JIMENEZ " SUBLIME. LOWEST RATES FRANK BROWN, EACH AND EVERY K'IND OF CALIFORNIA-WIN- ES INTO " SIMPLY gjtr Wliioh PURE Jfi Bell 298 THIS by BEAFERSALOOH The Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at 111 Hours The Finest Brand of PiroQ Jm& T .Vlwiiyn on ii'.iiui. II. .1. NOSrK, Propriclor. 'pi 1 . Metropolitan' Wfl Meat Company 81 KINO STKEKT, G. J. WALLER; - - Manager Wholesale & Rotail Butchers a:;d NAVY CONTIIACT011S. 1717 ly PLANING MILL, H Ylakca, nuar Jiiooii SI. Telephone No. 5iS. I WALKER & RBDWARD, Coiitraetoi'M te HulUlors. Rilek, Stone and Wooden Buildings; given, .lobbing promptly at- tended to. 10 King htreet. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, dm and Builder, m iMMfflrS Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jhspla nnde, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pinn- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Oiders promptly attunded to and work guaranteed. Orileis from the other solicited WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, . - J J. -- s. .Wf& Carriage Builders, Ship's Biacksmithing, Drays, Carls It Wagon Guilding as specially. Every descilption of woik in the above lines pcilormed in n llrst.clasi iinnner and exicuted at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t3?" Orders from the other islands solicited. Will bo plc-is- cd to ceo all our old customers as well as new pnes. Mutuil Telephone No .Tiu. apr.10.SU W.W. Wright & Son J 79 & 81 Bell Tele. e':.. cxiuy ci di.riu LNo. 381. (The Rose Premises) All orders for wheel vehicles of every de ciiption filled with promptness. First-clas- s incchaiiics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TitAnr (lAits, om.iiii)ssi:h, Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts, Made to order, altcicd or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, l.'lC, HI 0., l.TC, l.TC. Our HORSESHOEING Departmont Is under the management of R. Cay-fol- who will collect ami receipts all bills due that branch of our business. (Signed): ocuiri llin W. W. WHIG HT A: SON. VETERINARY. Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, coinei Hotel and Rlchaul btiei'ls. Scientific treatment in ail dis. easts of domestic animals. Orders for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone :t!ii, P. o. Box :):'G. mh.is.sy PUBLIC NOTICE. riUIK undersigned having been np. A pointed ngent for H M. Queen KaploUni, uoticu is licreby given that nil tenants, by lease or otherwise, are ordered to make all payments to me, ho other receipt being valid. Olllce at the Palace Bungalow. Hours from 11 a. m, loir. m. II. C. ULUKOC, 11,0 tf Agent for II. M. the Queen. Prussian National Insurance ComD'v l ir.Mii.Ktirn IH4'5. Capital... 9,000,000 Reichsmarks ''piIK undcrsli:ne 1, agent of the nbovo X Company for the Hawaiian Island;, h prepared to nccept rik?, ngaiiHt lire, on Building1), Fiiniituie, Merch'indle, Produce, Sugar Mills, Blc, on the most favorable term?. Losses Promptly Adjusted nnd Payable in Honolulu. C ItOIJVIC, (ly 87 ly For II. Rieincnsclincider. Union, Fire & Marino Insurance Co., L'd, Ol Xcw Zcnlnnil. Capital - - - $10,000,000 Fire rliKs taken on Dwelling", Stores, Slnreliouics mid ContenW. Alo, Sugar and Rice Mill", Miichincry, Etc., htc. iMiliiii(t IiiKiiitlll(' On llulli, Cargoes and Freights. I.ns piid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. jui.O-JI- CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents ! AC.K.Mb I OK: Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co., OK IIOSTO.V. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UMON Insurance Company, Flro & Marine. 01' SN KIIANCISCO, CAI.U'OKXIA. Jan a m NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, $95,000,000.00 "Facts aro Stubborn Things." At cvory age, on every premium table, and in every year, the AC- TUAL KERULTS of Tontine Policies of tlio New Yoik Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTIIKR COMPANY issuing himihir policies. gjSF For particular)) apply to C O. JtKK(iF.K, Gen'l Agent llnw.iiiuu Islands. 283 tf FIllE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartfoid Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,C00 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire ami Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 CO. BERG ER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & C00KE, I.lIlOltTi:itH, w Hardware, Shipping ' AND Commission Merchants, iii:am:hs i.v- - Ceneral Merchandise ! Phntation Anents, y i .,!, ,.,.., Life, Firo & Mtiriuo M T, ladles' has nurse, T,ml1 11 uMiioied to No. :t. Kukui ii,i,o. Agen U. .1 '2l7t Managoi. Feb-ll-S- Jun-ri- J HONOLULU, 11. I. M81.U I

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Page 1: I- f'TgpTTffr- rss WV lOOLltlL if - University of Hawaii...83 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform the public of these Islands that ho is

""WSHIwnypf iip"iun"iwpy "WPWjpiBPpg

8 fevyAsyv sBso-- . -M"V I- -s ry f'TgpTTffr- '-

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t OTuwyiiirj3JUjrAJgifwMiTOWBi f?imnt tir-f- ry


-- f

t' tJ




is printed and published at this ofilce,

Queon atri-ct- , Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, SO cents per Month

Addtcs 'til Communications IMir.vUuu.Rrirr.

Advertisements, to unsure insertion,thmild I io li nulcd in before one o'clockr. m.

WAXTCft HILL. Sdiior anil Propriolor

Bulletin Steam Printing Ofilca.

Newspaper, Hook and .lob Printing ofnil kinds done op tlie moat favorableterms.Hell Telephone No. 511

Mutual Telephone Mo. 25(1


Weekly Summary.

An Intel citing ami comprehensivepublication, eotitiltis 1M columns ofleading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu ind IslandNow. It ntlie best paper publishedin the Kingdom 'o send to lilendsuhroid.

SiiliKi'i'iiiliini :

Island : : : f I )) jcarForeign : : : fi 00 "

Commission Moruiiants.'c

S OUN T. "WATaKHODSE,t Impoiter and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen Bt., Honolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealeia in Lumber, Taints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Hulhllng Materialsof every l.lud, cor. Fort and Queen sta.,Honolulu. 1

UljtiB Hprcclicis. Win. O. Irwin.

XT a. ihwin Ss company,?V Sugat Factors ami Caiiuissiou

A.g;nu, Honolulu. 1

rf. N. Castle.-.- !. B. Atlieiton-- G. 1. Custle

il COOKE,CASTLK Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Impurtels and Dealers In

Ueucrat Mcieuaudisc, No. 0 Kiiij et.,Honolulu. I

It. Lowera, F. J. Lowioy O. M. Uoolic.

Si COOKE,LBWEHS to Luwers & Dickson,)importers and Dealers in Lumbi-- r and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu I

JF HONOLULU IKON WORKS,jtBBtcam engines, sugar mills, boil-

ers, coulcris; iron, brass and lead cast-

ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exccuted at short notic e. 1

1 j" IIA-OICITICL- &; Co.,

Geaeral Commission Agents.


O. "W. MACFAELANli & Co.


Queen street, Honolulu. II. I.1013


Wholesale Grocers & Wiuo Merchants

licaver Iilock, Honolulu.



LIST ov ovvkibub:T. O. Jonks, Jr. . . .President & MauagcrJ. U. UAiii'itii. . . ..Treasuier & Secretary

uiukctous:Hon. C. it. Bishop. S. C. Au.xh,

II. Watkuiiousk.83 ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is makiug

Hliirta by MonNiircmcut !

Directions forsolf.mcastircmeut willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Overshlrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a samploShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telcphono 410

r.ftly A. M. Jir.JiMN.'



81 King Btreet, opposito the Old StationHouse.

Mutiuilr.L,eIcliouo ISo. .til It



JU. MONSAKItAT,ut Law & Notary Public

111) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

ALFRED MAOOON,J Alloiney at ii Notary I'ubllo17 42 Meichmitbtrcct, Honolulu., ly

3, E. BROWN,old C.i pit ol IJiilldliiK.

Agent to tako Acknovrlcdgmant to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In the nistik'l of Honolulu. mil ofO.ibu.

Oavid DaytonVill practice in tlio lower courts of theKingdom a3 attorney, attend to collecting in all lis briiuchci, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him

Office Dl Kini; Street Upstair).Feb



V. HOltN, l'rnctical Confectioner,1'astiy Cook ami linker.

71 Hotel St. "i;- - Telephone 74.

California : Lands

car Apply to

A. SOItOFF,ISStf iL'Meiehant M., Honolulu.

WENNER & CO.JlunuIliPtiii'Ins Jewel lerw,

jvo. a wj'itxjja'x'.Constantly on Innd a largo iissorlnien

of every (lc"ci!ptiouof Jewelry, WatchesQold and Silver Plated Ware, &C.

J5S ly

Thomas Lindsay,iS

Manufacturing Jeweler & Yatclnnaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specially.

HiiiS SI reel, Honolulu, El. I.Nel door to Hie HnwiiWu Tram,

way Company's Olllre.

COT" Particular attention paid to allkinds of lepntrs. jui.lOtiD

Kustacefe Robertson,

DKAYMKK.A LLordeis for Cartago promptly at-I-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing1 & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit nt lowest prlcos.

Olllce, uetdoor to .las. F. Morgan'sauction room.032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


74 King St. 74 King st

Imporleia of

Rattan & Rccd Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


I. O. Ilox .t.'.l. ii- - Itell Tele. 7--

Hawaiian Business Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Sticets,Honolulu, 11. 1.


GENERAL AGENTS.Aecoiciiuuis & Colh'eforx

Kou Tin:

Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising Departmentl'OH THE

"ftSupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special atten-tion and return) piomptly m.xde.

Ileal Estalo bought, told mid leaded.Taxes Paid and propeily safely IncitedHouses, Collages, Itooms and Offices,

leaded and tented, nnd rents collected.Firo and Lilo Insurance ( llected in tlrst.

class liisuriince Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty ISerords

searched and coircot Abslructs ol Titlefuinishcd.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carelully diawiv uud 1m nil .

Boinely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages

in geneial use in this Kingdom.Custom House Business transacted with

accuracy and dispatch.Loans negotiated at favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

cited for publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on fnvoi

able termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leaseon easy terms.

8A11 business entrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful atten-tion nt moderate charges Feb

BniiiLocul lives

The umh i signed having been appointedagents lot the Hawaiian lhhiuds

For tlio Colebratcd

Baldwin -:- - Locomotives

From the woiks of

Burnhain, Parry, Williams & Co.,

XMilIsKlclplilii. I'Ollll..Aio now lepnieil to give estimate nndreceive oiileis for I hem engines, of anysie and stjlc.

The Baidwin I.ocoMonvr. Woiiks arenow inaniifactiiilug a style of Loonno.tfve p.iiiiuultirly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenleeeived at tlievo Islamh, and wo willlnve plenurc in furnishing plantationagents and managers with p.miculaiso same.

The supeiiority of these Locomotivesovet all of her inaUes is not only knownheie but is acknowledged throughouttlio United states.

Win. G. IKAVIN & Co.,Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

402d.l31 w.ly


i'or. lueen Ac Xuiinuu M(m.

tW Goods of nil deseripllons sold oncommiesiou.

Mutual Telephone CM. fell fj 00

A. II. KASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ncM.8S.ly


Bethel Street, "Damon's Blcck,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates. SewingMachines and repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepaired. Household Sew iug Machinesfor sale. decl4 8!i


persons who want to commuiii '

ALL witli the Poittiguese, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,tervants or any other helps, will Mud Itihomost profitable way to advertise Inthe T.uio Jlawaiwno, tlio new organ ofthe Poitugiieso colony, which is pub.I lulled on Hotel street, and ouly charge'reasonable talcs for lulvcitiflcineuts.




POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,104 Fort Strottt, Honolulu.

TS . SACHy, - - Proprietor.

Embroideries EmbroideriesDirect Importation From Europe !

SWI.SS and HAMBURG EDGEIXGS In all widths nnd qualities.

HEMMED STITCH EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES Tins is llio latent.Wo li.no si good ussoitiiietil ut U'ty low piice.


SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES In Skill nnd Holoku Length-- .

LACES, LACES, LACES,ImnicnbO Asfcoilinonl! Come and Examine Our Stock I Tlio Prices

Tell their Own Stoiyl

ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCES In Cream, White nnd Eeiu.

VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCES Skill Length nnd Edgeing toMutch.

Black Mill? mill Spiisl Lace Flounces !


BC3? 3Eiiilvoileiiew As Hiiiees ! 'SrSCull and examine our stock, and loam our prices. JtCt


JOHN G1JACE, : : Proprietor.



Ginger Alo, Sarsaparilln,nr- - C'JlA.aiXA.CJJ3



dtMutual Telephone 3 30 -- a o

Island oiders to.

uoii ".riiiN f af"



Lemon, Cream Plain Soda.Cn13It.- -


pioinplly attended

No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.





will be wold AT

fflliirliiWf "--

&-- -


!3'JL'l.tl31X S-- t

6r Telephone

Miifuiii avuiiinio, :ti

WINE 60.











gjtr Wliioh

PURE JfiBell 298



BEAFERSALOOHThe Boat Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffeo at 111 Hours

The Finest Brand of

PiroQ Jm& T

.Vlwiiyn on ii'.iiui.II. .1. NOSrK, Propriclor.

'pi 1.

Metropolitan' Wfl

Meat Company81 KINO STKEKT,

G. J. WALLER; - - Manager

Wholesale & Rotail Butchers



PLANING MILL,H Ylakca, nuar Jiiooii SI.

Telephone No. 5iS. I


Coiitraetoi'M te HulUlors.Rilek, Stone and Wooden Buildings;

given, .lobbing promptly at-

tended to. 10 King htreet. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y

GEORGE LUCAS, dmand Builder, m iMMfflrS

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jhsplannde, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Oiders promptly attunded to and workguaranteed. Orileis from the other


WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

.- J J. -- s.


Carriage Builders,Ship's Biacksmithing, Drays, Carls It

Wagon Guilding as specially.

Every descilption of woik in theabove lines pcilormed in n llrst.clasiiinnner and exicuted at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t3?" Orders from the other islands

solicited. Will bo plc-is-cd to ceo allour old customers as well as new pnes.Mutuil Telephone No .Tiu.


W.W. Wright & SonJ

79 & 81 Bell Tele.e':..cxiuy cidi.riu LNo. 381.

(The Rose Premises)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everyde ciiption filled with promptness.

First-clas- s incchaiiics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TitAnr (lAits, om.iiii)ssi:h,Plantation Wagons, Mulo & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altcicd or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,l.'lC, HI 0., l.TC, l.TC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmontIs under the management of R. Cay-fol-

who will collect ami receipts allbills due that branch of our business.

(Signed):ocuiri llin W. W. WHIG HT A: SON.


Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, coinei Hotel and Rlchaulbtiei'ls. Scientific treatment in ail dis.easts of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone :t!ii,P. o. Box :):'G. mh.is.sy


riUIK undersigned having been np.A pointed ngent for H M. QueenKaploUni, uoticu is licreby given thatnil tenants, by lease or otherwise, areordered to make all payments to me, hoother receipt being valid. Olllce at thePalace Bungalow. Hours from 11 a. m,loir. m. II. C. ULUKOC,11,0 tf Agent for II. M. the Queen.

Prussian NationalInsurance ComD'v

l ir.Mii.Ktirn IH4'5.

Capital... 9,000,000 Reichsmarks

''piIK undcrsli:ne 1, agent of the nbovoX Company for the Hawaiian Island;,

h prepared to nccept rik?, ngaiiHt lire,on Building1), Fiiniituie, Merch'indle,Produce, Sugar Mills, Blc, on the mostfavorable term?.

Losses Promptly Adjusted nnd Payablein Honolulu.

C ItOIJVIC,(ly 87 ly For II. Rieincnsclincider.

Union, Fire & Marino

Insurance Co., L'd,Ol Xcw Zcnlnnil.

Capital - - - $10,000,000

Fire rliKs taken on Dwelling", Stores,Slnreliouics mid ContenW. Alo, Sugarand Rice Mill", Miichincry, Etc., htc.

iMiliiii(t IiiKiiitlll('On llulli, Cargoes and Freights. I.nspiid here.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.



Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !


Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company,Flro & Marine.



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $95,000,000.00

"Facts aro Stubborn Things."

At cvory age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL KERULTS of Tontine Policiesof tlio New Yoik Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTIIKR COMPANY issuinghimihir policies.

gjSF For particular)) apply to

C O. JtKK(iF.K,Gen'l Agent llnw.iiiuu Islands.

283 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartfoid Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,C00Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire ami Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & C00KE,I.lIlOltTi:itH, w

Hardware, Shipping '


Commission Merchants,iii:am:hs i.v- -

Ceneral Merchandise !

Phntation Anents,



.,!, ,.,.., Life, Firo & Mtiriuo MT, ladles' hasnurse, T,ml111 uMiioied to No. :t. Kukui ii,i,o. Agen U. .1'2l7t Managoi. Feb-ll-S- Jun-ri- J HONOLULU, 11. I. M81.U I

Page 2: I- f'TgpTTffr- rss WV lOOLltlL if - University of Hawaii...83 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform the public of these Islands that ho is



'jm.1 mfU'flip11' W "BW "" ' "WSJIP" "f 's9W il'4u.mijvi)ll l,.lllliB,.l.illl.i.!PP(ii

. mi 'ii ifcimliw. .

X II 13

I'ttdftd to uetthcr Sect nor 1'iiity,lint eUablithed for the benefit of alt.

MONDAY, MAIL 10, 1890.

Klin; Mtilletoa of Samoa lias,

oiileteil the colu-,io- u ot Ihiwnihinsfiom Ins tcnlnt. All the particularsnt hand will bo given In a budget ofSaiuoun news crowded out to-d-

Tho Ililo Itccoid advocates tele-

phone extension on Hawaii, to makecomplete connections with the cable

system. Tins is what the enteipiis- -

in;; people of Maui have done on1 heir island.

The Senate has adopted the lio-sidunl- 's

suggestion to imitc His Ma-

jesty King KabUaua to send a dele-

gation to the Con-gies-

UepicscntatheHiltof Illinois

failed in an endcaor to secuie una-

nimous consent in the House for the

Senate's resolution. This failure,howccr, only detracts so much horn

the compliment, as a simple major-

ity is all that is necessary .

One of the most interesting if not

altogether unexpected items by theAmeiican mail is the selection of

Chicago as the site for the Woild'bFair of 1802. It tool; eight ballots

to make a choice, as St. I.ntiis andWashington diided with New Yoik

the opposition to be oxeicome by

the metropolis of the West. Thelirst ballot stood: Chicago ll.,New York 72, St. Louis 80, Wash-

ington ."; and the deciding one:Chicago l."7, New Yoik 107, St.Louis 2."), Washington 18 necessary

to a choice, lot, out of :07 otes



S.in Francisco papeis in their so-

ciety columns ghe ihteicsting ic-po-

of the mairiagc of Mr. II. F.Wichman, jeweler, of Honolulu,and Miss flattie Woik of Oakland.Jt was solemnied at thu HiookljnPresbyterian Chinch, Oakland,Thursday aftcinoou, Feb. 20, in thepresence ol friends ol both the con-

tracting parties. According to thudescriptions tho decorations weieespecially beautiful, having beenan utical'ly arranged by the biidc'sfellow-membe- rs of the society knownas the King's Daughtcis.

The ceremony took place at 2

o'clock and at the appointed hourMendelssohn' maich was played byMis .Minnie Weeks, who presidedat the oigan. J'he odluiiiling clergy-man, Uev. E. S. Chapman, I). D.,look his place, and the biidal partymade its appearance. The ushers,MesMS. W. S. Watson and ThomasMealcy, the groom and the bestman, Mr. John .1. F.gan of Hono-lulu, advanced down the light aisle.The biidesmaids, Miss Mcllie Lewisof San Fiancisco and Miss Henri-

etta Miller of Fast Oakland, ledthe way in the left aisle, followedby the maid of honor, Miss llattieLeweis of Honolulu. Then camethe bride leaning upon the arm ofher uncle, Mr. Thomas Stealey ofSan Francisco,

After the ceremony a receptionwas held at the home' of the bride,12J10 Seventh avenue, Oakland, atwhich none but the relatives of thefamily were present. In the eveningl lie newly mairied couple departedtor Del Monte for a short stay.On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-- d

ly of the following week, Mr. andMrs. Wichman were to receive at theWork residence, 12 JO Seventh ave-

nue.They will probably arrive in theii

ttitint home by the steamer Zealan-di- a

diic on Saturdav.


Ana Ililo, lcmauded from the 7th,was lined S20. Costs 8.".

Wan Sai Yon, remanded liom the8lh, continued.

M. Figueira, obstructing andpencrling thecouise of justice, settor

Oeorge Patterson, for fiuiousriming, was lined 820 and S!J costs.The same individual, for being furi-ously drunk, was lined 20 with 81

costs,, Ah Mo, larceny of coin, remandedto Mai eh 12.

Kim Lee found it woith a line ofS.'iO and 8." costs to have unlawfulpossession of opium, and All Quaiituri Tai Hung weie nolle pros'd ons.une charge.

Six inrihiiluals chose to pay $0for admission of drunkenness latherlhau fight the case.

Moke, McCai thy and MeCloy weioso obviously drunk as to be lined 8--

and assessee &1 costs each.Poai did and Nahuina did not

commit larceny of a watch, piopertyof E. P. Smith.

Kalci (w) and Doctor Edmunddisturbed the quiet of the night8fi.:i() and SI wortli respectively.

Kalua guilty of battery on LokeKaluu (w).


Haimony Lodge, I. O. O. F.::io.Hand concert at Emma Square,

at 7:110.Meeting Staff and Line OHlccrs

Honolulu Killcs, 7:110.

fauMtafe i.M .3- - . ' JUlt( '

mtm i ma mm

Lis Fortaiws

tin 'fHht'i'sin, l. 28, per .S'. 5.Aunt nil in.

I MI'DIlI III. wai: ll I in: TIM SI.

The Ameiican Sugar Kclinory,San Kiuiici-e- o, was closul under thejudgment of .lurigc Wallace againstthe Oust. Palticl. l'cildj was ap-

pointed receiver. HaenipyerElder, representing the trust, ob-

tained a stay of proceedings on the2f)lh, bv filing a petition to the Su-pie-

Coutt, praying for an injunc-tion lcquiring .lurigc Wallace andReceiver I.eririy to show cause whythey should not he adjudged guiltyof contempt of court in lefuMngloobey the (Joint's wiit of prohibit ionissued on Feb. 18.

The Court, after hearing tho peti-

tion, issued an order restraining thereceiver from iuteifering with thopetitioners' alleged right to controland woil. the relinerv until 10 a, m.of Match :, when Judge Wallacemust appeal and show cause whythe writ should not be made abso-lute, and he anil the receiver bepunished for contempt.

The closing of the lellnery causedmuch excitement in differentbranches of the sugar tiade. TheChronicle teports charge the California Hellneiy (spreckels') withbovcotting groceis who had beencustomers of the American.

A London despatch, 27th, lepnrtsMaster Abiaham Lincoln, thoughtto be dying tho pi e ions night, hadrallied. He received great telicffrom the lancing of the abscess fromwhich he was suffering.

Ilerr Edouard Stiauss signed anengagement at Vienna with an Am-

eiican impressario for a threemonths' tour with his lomplele

in the Initeri Stales duringthe coming season.

At Cincinnati the liver was ol feetaboe low watci and still lising onthe 27th, but theio were no a'ppie-hensio-

of devastating Hoods likethose of 1 SS:. and 1SSI, when thewater reached 71 feet.

The l'. S. S. EntPipiisearrivcdalNew York from the European sta-

tion, 27th, liiinging the body ofGeo. II. Pendleton, late Ministerat Ilerlin. Chief Engineer Entwistleand Ensign Kline were under st

to be Hied by court maitial.The chief engineer is accused of im-

pudence to the commander and theensign of sleeping at his post. Com-

mander McCalla, who had his lii.tduty in this commission of the Entei-pris- e,

is a very stiict disciplinaiian,and life on board is s.iiri to havebeen veiy unhappy for olllcers andmen.

The Pacilic Mail Steamship Co. ata meeting in New York" disetiseri anew China line, to run from Ta-com- a,

Wash., in connection with theNorthern Pacilic Railroad. PiesidentGeo. Gould said after the. meetingthat it Tacoma would give adequateterminal facilities the project wouldpiobably be carded thioiigh.

I'.ntori:Two thousand dock laboieis are

on strike in Lhcipool.The Duke of Seville has been pai-rion-

by the Queen of Spain. Hewas banished in 1S8I! for speakinginsultingly of the Queen becauseshe had refused him an audience.

Feiguson denied in the House ofCommons that the HehiingSca ques-tion was settled. Negotiations w etcstill piocecding.

The Swiss Government has issuedthe programme of discussions at theP.erne labor congress. It com-

prises Sunday work, employment ofwomen and eliildicn, maximum day'swork for men and women, methodsof enfoicing stale icgulations oflabor, and the question of periodicallabor conferences.

Emperor William will open Hielabor confeience called by him inpei son. Spain and Poitugal aie in-



Dom Pedro, in an intciview witha Huenos Ayres editor, said the

will bo able to govern thecountry because the Ura.ilians are apatriotic people. He would con-

tinue lo serve them in Eiuope as athome, and would respond to a callto return. He would not, however,do an thing to cause strife amongthe people. There is a leport fromllia.il that Dom Pedio will be offei-e- ri

the presidency. Some uneasi-ness is felt at I'io" Janeiro over theriepaituie of large numbers ot

Arthur W. Banctt, secretary ofthe P. S. legation at Caracas, Ven-e,uel- a,

has been forced to lice thecountry for fear of being murdeicd.He published a letter criticisingVenezuelan politics, politicians andmanners.


The Royal Hawaiian Hand willplay this evening at Emma Squ.uucommencing at 7:.10 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is the programme:I'AHl i.

MiiiiIi Vienna SclilldOm line Italian In Aljjicr ItoselnlMlseieie II Tim.Unit WilliSelection Mm tint I'lotow.Mlklol, 1iiii Oliiilu, t'a IliM no me A'u.

1'Ain ii.Selection The Giuud Duihcs

tllfeiili.u Ii

Dho I'iece Ku lle.ia llll.n....lleigerliilliiil-I- .ii fiilomu KiwisWall .My Queen ( 'noic

J law all I'oiml,



Mr. K. J'otloyu, who illumed bytho Atislrall.1, is inputted in a SanFrancisco paper to have been as-

saulted and robbed on Market stteet,San Fiancisco, one night.

Mr. II. W. Schmidt lias icluinedafter many mouths' absence in Ger-many. He will start a wholesalegeneial merchandise business heie,for which huge stocks aie on theway. Mr. Schmidt is looking ingood health and spiills.

Hon. E. V. Macfarlane is backfrom his almost filing liip to SanFrancisco looking as lull of animation as ever.

Mr. W. A. Whiting, banister, ishome again fiom a lengthy jaunt tothe Coast, lie is accompanied byhis sister.

Mr. II. Lose i eturned on Saturdayfrom a to his native land, Ger-many, weaiing all Iheappeaiancc ofhaving had a healthliil and pleasantexcursion twice oei two seas andtwo continents.

Mr. Jam's Ciunnilng is going,lie is going lo South Allien wherediamonds are thirkci than Honolulumosquitoes. The Mi i i.i.nv will befoi warded lo his address on the roceipt of a gem, say two inches indiameter.

Mr. Alfieri Fowler, of the greatengineering linn of John Fowler ACo., of England, wa9 a passenger bthe steamer Australia. Mr. Fowleris on a journey round the world andwill i emalii here a few weeks to isitthe volcano and some of the sugarestates in which his firm is intoicfitcil.Next week he will probably visit thenew Kauai eslate, in which his bro-

ther, Mr. U. II. Fowler (who isitedthe islands some yeais since), invested, with Mr. Watson, a halfmillion dolhus. ."Sir. Fowler is atpresent the guest of Col. Macfailaneat Waikiki,

Altoiney-Genei- al C. W. Ashfordhasuluined much rclieshcri fromabioari, with a ladiaut countenancebetokening a lie.nl for any fate.


It has heen laining heio for twoweeks and the loads aie impassalilefor anything hut riiiesliiaiis. To-

day (Maich 7th) tlicie has heenlie.uy lain from the south all dayand it is a galef i om the same direction. We aiein for an old time koua and peopleaie ptepaiing aicordlngly.

Tliere is sonic little excitementheie among a certain few over aminor that there arc to he some ar-

rests made for illegal practices atthe late elections, hut who the pai-tie- s

aie, and what were the illegalpiactices, rumor sayclh not.

The mills are still grinding al-

though the weather is so had thatthe output of sugar cannot hehauled away. It is all hut impossi-ble for bullocks to diaw empty callsthiougli the mud, and that being theonly means of transpoitation to theraiiioad terminus, it has to be storedin the mills lo await better weather.

X.Maui, Marcli 7.

W. IJ. ISowwr, V. S h fullpowoi of attorney to Paul Ninboig,ji., to not foi linn in his iilivoin.0 I'mnithe kingdom.


Hawaii n Voi.irn.Ks. i

lloiioliilu, Mnichf,. It(). fto onkr fiom

lkiul(juiirter- - .mil hi eon.lotmilv willi the Milit'iry Artft of IPls, tin-- ComiiiW-loii- ul Oillcm of the Hiiwniiini Vnliinlciinio lieiehy oiduriil lo icpoil ati iliu Itilles Armoiv. in fatigueL'Mifnim.on MONDAY, Mmoli10. IbilO. lit 7:!10 l'. m slmrp, lor

the purpose of m:il.ini; a furtlier noini-intio- u

nr Ci loiul lor l lie ensuing twoe.us. liyotilu

ILK. lir.MBAItl),41 'it Ml"r.C'om lsilt.it II nl.


of tin- - Moolvlioli!or oftho Iteriprocity Snjjni Co. will lie

held at llie rMleo of Hon W. It Castle,nt 13 o'clock nonii, on WEDNESDAY,March 1?, for Hie election of olllecisanil traii'-iiotioi- i of otlior linnnrrtntImdness. K- - I. SI'ALDIMLAr, !)r ticrUiny.

noticeTIJAl'L IST:Xl.i:KG, .Ik., hohU full

of lUlorney lo lid lor meilurlnc my ahsct'oo fiom tlin Kinuiloiu.

W. It KOWAT, V.S.I!nnoliihl. MmcIi7, !i0 I'.M ill


DHAI'TXo. IL'S, di.iwu hCo. l'eli. in, l Mill.

for :i'.'0 lias been lot oi stolen. Allp.u Iliu ae heieli w allied agiiusiiioKotlalliig siiine. I'.- '- 1 in

.1UST ItEOElVI-:!- )

7U0M tho foist a eliolco lot ofCluirs, Clsniilles anil loliirco",

winch will he sold at verv lew in iojiians im:'ilhsi:n,

t!)0ini No. 87 Klntc blii-- t I.


Steamship Comp'y

FOK SAN FKANC1HCO,The Al SlLjiiifchlp

"AUSTRALIA,"Will liiwc Honolulu foi tliuaho

poit on

Friday, March 14,AT NOON.

Foi I'lts-tne- , appl) to

WM. 0. IK WIN & CO., Afjcr.ti.1'ib lw

Auction Sales by fames P, Morgan,

Household FurnitureAT AUCTION.

On WEDNESDAY, Mnr. 1 2,AT 10 U'CI.Ot'll A. 11.,

At tin1 ulilenrc of Mn THANK(JUNHA.SiliiinlHtKct, on Kw:i ridu ofih-- i l!rl(l;c, 1 will fell nt I'liHlc Aliotlon, the

Household -i- - FurnitureCoinpi King

BlacK Walnut Parlor Sat,JllltllU Ci'iilei' TtilL,

1)( council (Innlii Lamp.,l'lilurrs, Viise,


finclictv iV (llisswate,Me.il Hnfe,

Westwood Stovo & Utensils,r.to., i:ic, j:io, r.to.

JAN. V. MOKUAX,ttIS Ul Aui'liomor.

rrusiiiu National Iuhuv-itne- e


Dl'lMN'G Mr.I lt.ill iilleml lit llie hu.-no- 's

of alioo Couipiuy heio, ami I amnow io.iiI, lowiile In-- ni nice on faoi-alil- e

loiuis,m.i iw c. iioi.ti:.

NOT 101?

UAVINtl soM din my inloicl In lluK Mmo.Vsfo in .1 N. S.

Willi im1-- , all piTfnns imlililiil to xul'lUna 'ire leipiircil to piy the iimoinilmiflit! i 'nili'litulmsj m nio, .mil all Inn in nlrrniiu's iil' ilusl siul 11 in will piu'iniiliom loini-f-- pi mi nt at llieoillieof

. More & Co.Tiio,. !. LUCAS.

Ponnhi'ii, l'el'. 1, 182 1m


,4 Tlho lognl.ii timiiinl niceliiigof the1 JtoMil Hawaii in Holel Co. heldheio lo-il- a, the fiillowiug nllleeis wnoappointed foi the ciMiIng ,ear:

(I. Y. Mnefailane I'le-iilen- l,

V.. ('. M.ief.ul nio..W. M. (ii.ihain Tieiiiinu.M. Cat'oii Seeiotan .

H. CAT TON.reoiel.ilV It. II. II. Co.

Honolulu, I'd) (!. lspil. Ml Ii


AT llie annual meeting of llie stoeK-liolde- is

of Hie Intor-l'-lan- il SteamNavlgitloii Co, (L'd), held this d iv,thu following ollleei- - wen- - eleiled foillie 1'imiIiiu; o.u :

W. I!. (Jodfie.i I'le-i.len- l.

.1. Km i

.1. L. McLean Si cielan ,

W. II. Mol.etn Tiea-iu.'- i.

T. . Hohion mllloi-- .

nilil.i i lt- -:

W. II. C.odftex. Ii. X. Wileov, .1.I'.M. i ami 'M. P. Itnlibi-o- ii

.1. L. Mcl.HAN,fceeielui v I. I. .S. '. Co.

Honoliihi. Mnuli I,'1S!KI. 411.1 Iw


AT llieaiiiiuil uncling of the stockholileis of the O iliu ltlllwin A

LmdCo held IliM llie lolowii,olllceu who i'l"i idl lo'- - llie cntulti-- j

year:.1. II. liiy. I'll" ulcnl,.1 I Dow -- ill ..Kl t,

V. C. Wihloi. Vhc.J'ieaiduii,IS Ltwers . .. . tin 'ii e I'lLshli 1 1,W. O Alile . Sc lelaiv,C V I.tuke.i.. Tunslllei,

V F. Alius.. il litoi.nun

.1 li.Cis.tle, S C Allin, T. H. Walku,.1 0. neiuil

W. (!. AhllLHY,Sn-i- niy.

Honolulu. IMi. 'Ji!, IS'.O. I!ll! Iw

Union Iron Works Co.

"VrOTIOH - heicliy gien tli.it ai a

ll iiieelilig nl llie snivel tliei lo llieof the ahoc u.inied Coiu-i,i- m

held in Honolulu, 11. I., Match;. lS'.lO, II :is voted to m eept IliuChatter of Coipoiatiou dat d Man Ii 1.18110. for the lei in of llflj ,eai, gi.iuleil1V the HawaiiiiiilioM'iiiuieut. 'I lie 11.

of llio is llnilled lothe 'amount due and unpaid on thechare-- , held. 'J'he following ollli ( hweio elei ted for llu' eii'iling ji ai :

.I.N. S. William- - Pie-ltle-

It. Mine M'lietiiij A; '1'ieaMiiei,A . .1 . Oa I tw l Iglit Auditoi .

The idioxo n lined ollleei s al-- o constl-lut- e

a Itu.iid of DhoetoH.it. mohi:,

llMilin Seeietai. tt'lici-me- r.


for i idu at Hawiiiinu17llti:VOOn Saleiinoni", loinci olQurcn tiiul Nuuiinu MrielB. Urt If

Departure Bay


ion -- m.i: in

S3. TVS". lyVl$rJB:S.OJU,I'll Xn. M! hilif;scel. liw


BBiiarture Bay Coal!

L lliil, "C. (). Whltmnie."

inn sM.I' AT

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Kill Xn, UHJiueiiMiool. flm


Is issuing a new form of insuinnce which provides, in the ccnl of death, for a let urn of all ptoniiims paid in ad-dition to the amount of Hie policy, or, should the insured survive n given number of yeni 3, Hie Company willleluin all the premiums paid with Inleiest; or, Instead of accepting tho poller mid prolits in cash the leuul holderliny, WITIIOUTMEDlCALEXAMIXATIONaudWITHOUTFEKTHEK PAVMENTOF I'KEMIUMS, lake inlieu thereof Hie amount of policy and piolils in FULLY PAID UP insuiaiice, paiticipating annually in dividends.

Hcinomber, this coutiaot is issued Ity the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United Slatea, and thu Largest Financial Institution in the Woiltl, Its assets exceeding Due Hundred anil Twenty-S- k Millions of Dolhus.

JCuT For full particular call on or

Dcc-'- J UP!)

Fresh Cakes,J

Pies.Mill; Uio.ul,

(ii.ili.im liio.nl,ltyo

Fienoli Uioinl,I'nmily It lead,


ii mil Saloott Broad,gS2 Anil will he of CHAHOL to any

Colleo, Tea, Clioool.ito & Milk,Sou


Pipe ; Citfiiri'Ho Tobaciio,Open fiom .'I.IIO A. si. until

Mutual I'elephniie 211. Tost Olileo

iBBflki,R.mm uu








IMpes, Cigar & Olgiirotio cms, Cold Drinks!,ShliO i. m. SiCtimlay uiglil, open all nighl. Hell Telephone 2S2.

Ho 178. KS7 ,


asLa HSa Vl lea




Ginger Ale, Hon Ale, liwel Waters, Etc,

297.7P- -;

s&" All coinniuiih'atloits iiiul orders should be addrosHOd to

SMITH:W0 1 --ALjyents.

66T M U D :xsaa

mmmggm"VTOW tint the rainy senson is upon

i n, i eri Loily w.ints n door matlliatwi'l lie mi oniiuieil nt the lionliloor, mill ill thoioiiglily ilo iliu worki(ipiilel ol it The

HaitaSieelirireMit!Ir itc-- t tl e Ihln. It I'll notsouKeil h tain, iih 1h III eiM- - willi lilieimil-!- , mill H iiiways ueeiwdtan Ik'ilik'liinilu of (iihiiuieil lie

They Cannoi RustAbiIo iniiuy of tin) wlic miiU now inice. The arj f.u hiipuloi to mill finino-- e thiti lll'ir oi ('.inhe hail or tfltul Wire at

Ilawaiiiin Hardware Co.,Oppisite ypiceUel's.V C.i'h II ink,

432 If FoitMucl, Honolitlll.



AI Vc-s- el will lie ilosp iteheil foiAN Iliniohilii lo p.ill fiom XowYoikIn nil Hid monlli of Apiil. Oi dels for

to lie fhlppeil by tlll- - M'-vi- O

should ho foiw.udctl as c.nly as po-l-h- le

lo bisiiie -- liipinent For filltlieip.u Hi iil.ii - llKiube of the Afi'mK

OAbTMIiV: COOKE.Honoliihi. II. 1.

Or, W. II.CROSSMAXA. HRO.,77 iV 7il Uio.ul slieet.

P),1-Ji- New Yoik Oily.



-- ion sau: iiy 'i in:


1 ING up Sid Telephoim torOtlorle'B K.M'aviillnu. m If

SiiSmeXU&i JtL.M. AtfAlt.l4Ch..T'. -

OTS 3VE3W '033,1

addicss s.Geneial

reih aa - mr t tm








llDoughnuts, Rolls,

Ci.icKci-'- ,

Cnicker.a,Oiahiiin Ouiol.ei

Shoolly Cruckeif,

Buns.Foila C'raekei",






HILLl'ig'u Ham,

Spiced Tongue, Spiced Hoof, Salad,


Told E(.



nth PLAIN: SODA,Sole Proprietors IRON

Grenafline, Mrnjm, Sarsaparilla,





(lur.llile nililiel.



Water Tanks!




REMNANT S.TI3Om (licit Aiind.il Koinn.uit Sale,

for the


om ctiHtomeid

COMMENCES THIS SATURDAYAnd will mii pass any that hat ever taken place at this oi any oilier


We must Fell our Jteninants and you will be ulud to buy theni at low pricesat which they aie ofleicd. J5o sine to be on hand Satiudiiy.

.V. It. All 4oiIm .llu i'k ed it Itli IMuIn I'kuith unit Mold Only

Chas. J. FSSHELS,The Leading Millinery House, Coiner Foil &. Hotel sts.






mw m i

Omekei-.- ,


'- JfYilri,




CofTus Catas, Elc, Etc.t of the city. j3


which is so eagerly looked foi by



10th will closo this Sale. JVo

mItloclc, No. 77


French, Euili'aml Americau Dry aid Fancy Goods,

CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.Haw just' loeoiwil by last AtiHti.ilin n line line of

Cotton Challis at 15 cents per Yard !

.lust llio ni.ileiinl for Spiinp and Summer Wear.nov.27-8- 0









rrill February l;Mi, Only.124 pair of Undressed Kid Gloves 1

( and 8 llulloim in peifect ouler at a pail Oieat UainaiiiH.

All my DRESS OINtlllAMS about 110 pieces to Foleet fiom aio odeied ntCost l'licc, A Miutll lino of

Scotch GiHiams at a Great Reduction !

HEAD THIS A largo aHsmtment of HEAD THIS

WHITE IXOHJSSS OOOOS,Such an l'iqiics, Eniltroiduicd SwIse-ck- , India Linen, Plain Swiss, Nainsook

inuny othor lilies of White Goods, I will at Mich nprice that ovciybody will buy ilium.

g0 licmenibei, Kobiuary


.'itSMMiAw'Ujitiw.. ,'..,

EIIRLICII,Corner Holl & Fori. Hirpolg.

r imM & ; '9 .vv



Page 3: I- f'TgpTTffr- rss WV lOOLltlL if - University of Hawaii...83 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform the public of these Islands that ho is

Wm mRx T'MnKraHnMMv;sll4l)pv '"'Iffil1'

tlz' I






" -


M- -


!i$ .' fI rtiiu w,i nuvnw3 MP '

MOiN'DAY, MAK. 10, 1800.



urmi.u: Tin in.-.-

.. .m. v. M.Leave Honolulu ninn :;:iii)

Airlvo Mauana '.MIS a: IS

l.eae Mihiiiii: 11:U iMiii

Arrive lliniiiliil Ilrll IslS


A.M. 1". M. 1'. M.

Lcavn Honolulu... ii::il) liM.M :i:iniArrive. Mamma ...10:18 1:18 .l'.IMLeave .Miiimim.... ll:0ii 1:1.1 I tor.

An lvi Honolulu... II: 18 2:111 IrMI PL'


Simr Mikuliiila from KniiniStinr Llkellko from MaulSrlii Mary K I'o-I- it from ICaiialSiinrlwainni from lliinrd.unSimr Kilaue.i llou from llninakiiii

Match lmr

Wulalealis from Kll.ittca mill Hami- -Icl

Hclir Knwallunl from ICuolauSIMM' HllWilll flOIII HawaiiSt mr Moknlll from MoloUalAm lik P.nneh Tolhert fiom l'li't



.Minr WO Hall for Lnlintua, Maalioa,Ivnnn. Kun ami the Volcano at 10

o'clock a inSclir Mllle Morris for Koolau .Sluir C K P.ishnp for Walanae, Wliiulua

ami Koolau al '.) a m.Sclir Moi Walilnc for llamal.uaMiinr.l A Cummins for Koolau al 0 a in

I. uka lor KolialaSimr Kaala for Kilaue.i anil llt'tialel at

ii p m


Stun- - Klnau for llllo ami way ports nt2 in

Slnif Walalcalc for Nnwlllwill amiHaii.iiuaulu air p m

Stinr Mikahala for Kauai. p m

Stinr I.lkcllkc for Maul at 5 p mKawallaul for Koolau

Simr Klliuca Hon for llouoinii ami IV- -peckeo at " p m

J clir Moi Walilnc for ICnbolaldeSimr .las Makt-- for Knpsisi at fi p m


Protu Maul per stinr I.lki'llkc. Mar !

I'JVck, All Kcoliokalole and wife.A (ironliiKer, S (iililiaul and wife, II SDickson, K D lcniiL'v, H I) Walhrlde,.Miss 1$ l'arke, I) l'or-le- r, V O Haruliarl,I' X .Makee and wife. Mis Alapal, MisKjjerlon, Youiij' Younj;, Mis Kakalaul,Mrs Kahauiinui, A Dcvcrell.

Prom Jllio and way ports, per tmrKlnau, Mareli S-- HDavlesTUDavie.-- , A Yoiin-j- , U I. N lhl. K (!Hitchcock, .1 II Smiling, K W 1) I.ee, .1

K Slaples, .1 II Cuniining-- , M K Iloliue-- ,Andrew Mooic, .las Hriht, 0 lv Still-ma- n.

K llol-tcl- Miss V, Kauuliaku,US Kynner.-le-v, C Ikrlowlt.. .1 II JNInc-kcn.- le,

T V Uay, Jtevt! TomMay, wife, and child, .1 Uushliighani,wile ami !l children, and 7!) deck.

Prom San Pranc-e- pel S S Austra-lia, March 81 .MUillif?, wife and J ser-

vants, Mrs Oilllg, Aii.-- s Croueli. FrankUtijjer, Geo V NaRle. His P.x O V

.1 F Merrill, wife, and children,II (Joodwiii and wife, F S Dod;j;e. wifeand "J children, Mrs P. I vers, A .1 Ivors,O W Crocker, II V Schmidt, wife andliuild, A Fowler, Capt II H 1C11N, MissFUN, F. C Macfarlane, MUsSwuet, MisAmy 1'owler, Mrs Jt MoKenIe and I

children, C K York, K II Ca.stlen, .las AKennedy, Miss G K Stiles, Mi-- s 1 JtStilus Mrs Andrews, Mrs II V. Alexan-der. Kwald Kleluan, 11 l.o-- e, IC Podeyn,.) llolinsr, Mr AV F Do Forest. Mrs A

I.usk, Thos K Wall, K Sliaw. MUs U A

Caller, U 11 lMn, K H Slackahle. T K

Mooiu. juh Itoheits, .1 1' Uavlil. WItlclianlson. Ants I, A Whltln-'- , V A

Whllii T A Ca.-di- , K W IVlurion, n,

M .1 11 L'riee, Captains Cogau,A l Simmons u A i w it1. O Owen, Whltehlilcs. Laphain, WHowland, J G linker, K G i'onnlnianand U 11 Foley and 111 steerage.

From Kauai pur stinr Walalcalc, Mar10-H- ous G N and A S Wilcox.

From Kauai per stinr .Mlkaliala. Mar!) K M Wal-- h, Hon H 1' llaldwln, Wlllai'-dcl- l, Mr Hunter, C A Peacock, AIVlltc, wife and child. Ciipttdn andciew of schooner I.eahl, and 'J." deck.

For San Fiauel-c- o per It M S.S Ala-

meda, Mar U- -A A Pond, .1 C Shaftcr,A llioe-sea- u, l)r Derr, wife ami child,MNs Mahel llliodes, Mi.s Coiugton,.ludgu Deady ami wife, C H Plait, wifeand child, M V Holme., K Spilug, .1 HJticker, ii J I.cvcy, Miss McComher, CJt Snevd-Kviineisl- ey and wife, CaptainWoliluioulli, A Mooic. Mls Kuimeluth,Mrs K Macfurlane, Mrs Kenuey, U M V

Forsler, Mrs JlcCailney and 8 steerage,passengers and lil eahln and :i steuraguin transit.

Fiom tlic Colonics per S S Alameda,Mur 711 I) Warne and wife, Mr andMrs Kcley and son, .las Morris F ltay-luou-

A Garnln, and 01 cahlu ami litjteeragu passengers lu (ruH-.lt- .

Foi"Uaul and Hawaii per W G Hall,m,u. ioMr lliiekholt. ami wife, MrHarris A A Todd, . I K Xahale, G

Mrs Taylor and daughter, ColSXonls, KG Illicheoek. A Mllhiins, .1

W Suiilli, Jlcv O P Kineifon and fttl deck.


The I.lkcllkc brought ll:w bagsMtgni,l'j'.i hides and IIS pkgs Mimliics,

The. Kiuau's cargo was as follows : 1)011

hags sugar, )2."i bags squid?, ." horses andluo pkgs sundries,

'lliu American topsail fcchrItosalhiil, Captiiiu l.i' ItallMcr, was ly

wrecked .Ian --'Dili, ! miles abovelloguo Jtlver.

q'liu Prcnoh hark Delphlno Melinite,which was here last year, was iccentlywrecked at Tacmu-liaii- e, on the IilsliCoast.

The steamers Hawaii, Kllnuea,brought lillll.ii.'iiMl. HUl.iind

loill bugs sugar icspectlvuly from lla-

makiia. 'lliu Hawaii landed 100 headcattle at Kalaupapa from Kawiilhae.

Tim Oceanlo Steamship Alameda, IIt! Morse, commander, sailed yesterdaymorning tor San Francisco with the fol-

lowing cargo from this port: II A u,

:I5(W hags sugar; 10S bunchesbananas; domestic value was 21,8Uii.

She had also cargo in tianit from theColonies.

11 M S Penguin, composite sloop, 7

gnus, 11.10 tons, 1110 h. p., lias beeneoinniKsloned for survejing In thuSouth Paclllc. It Is understood thu ves-

sel will hu employed surveying thu pro-

posed ciiblu route.Newcastle, N S W culled for Hono-

lulu, Dec '.'3, bkt m' Ibiele .lohu; .bin

jtrnm" . ""I' mihhmjw w injwywipiii jiJMiiPJePPp JSPWPH.u.iimww' ijuuhijuihhmw

"rTrfrv-iTi- c ?xvrw!K"iriF '"

DAfTA' BTJTiLETINj JIONOUJr.U, Jl. I., MARCJII 10, 181)0.' lgjwrfrW-&q-

2.', simnjlobcil. tfnaile: I, lutkCalbari "I I'obO. bktiiti ilolin Wordier.In poi t .f tin 'll, cclir Oeuuim Vutiuct Hi"llUlllllli


Anlvcd l'eb 20. simr Pole. Suiltii.nlir Kiilniuunu, ltotli frr.m Honolulu.

March I. simr Kluiiii fiom Honolulu.Miueh 7, liiir Klnau from llllo ami

wiiv pmtsMilled Pol 27, stinr Pelii for Kukul-haclcii-

way poll, sclir Kulamanu forllamakiia.

March I, stiur Klnau for llllo anilwiiv poiK

March 7, elinr Klnau for Honoluluami way noil".


2()lh. Ilcnr.v V. Wichmun,of Ilonuiuhl, to Mls llatllc Woik,of Oakland.


DAMON' lu Honolulu, March mlr. toof lll Excellency S. .M.

Damon, n sou.


MTLHlt-- At Pa'iiih.iu, Hawaii, Feb.12 It li, Mr-"- , llaltlc llullcr, iicil iiiJ

veais. wire or 11. Ii. llllllcr, loim-iul- y

of SprcckoUvlllc. Maul.ItOYD Al (Icncva, Ontailo y., X. V..

on Kchruarv IU, IS'.iii. Kcv. .lamesII. llovtl, I). 1)., falhcrof Mrs..). II.I'rall 'of Alli.inv. X. Y..aml or Mrs.A. F. .Iiuld of Honolulu.

iK.r At St. Andrcishcrt,'. Ourmany,on .laimarv tit!, 1S!M. Mr. (Il-oi- II(Iran, Ir'IovciI fatlu;r or Miss I..Orau. Iluualcl. Kiiiial,aud Mr. (ico.K. (Iran, Honolulu.

I1ATKS '" San Pranclsco. I'chiuaryl!:id, at tlio of her

Mis. cr It. Hales, mother ofMrs. Theodoic Smith, Morr's,Mar-'hal- l and Mary Hale-- , aj;ed 70years and -' moiil li.

(SinVl-'I- On hoard tlic S. S. Austra-lia, out-ld- c ot Honolulu harh r,March 7lli, al - p in., .lohu (iillllu,iUalleim.istcr nil that a

1'iluee Kdwiinl Nland, a.


Tin: AtiKtialiu will n.s peron Friday, March Mth.

Tin: l'.icilic Haniw.iro Co. haw

nnolhi'i lot of llaittiiaun doormatu.

Iah. V. Morunii will sell fiiiiiiluiuof Krank (iiinhii, Weilni'MLiy, ltlii lis t.

l'l'KSKit .Sutton of lliu Alamedalias our llianks for Aii.Mialian papersand other news favoi.s.

DksI'ITIMIic latu scvi-i- kIoiiii tlioIraiiiH on tin' Oaliu Kailw.iy & LandCo.'t- - track hip running lejjulaily.

Tnui:i:au(l u lialf inches of rainfell in four hours at Halfway house,Niiuaiut valley, Fiiday. That nihtHid wind at tlic tiaini! placo Idew o()

miles an hour.

Piior.Jf Donaldson will ho at theM .Villi! Cluh hoat house al cix o'clockthis evening to meet Mich iiicuihcrsas aio desiioiiK of forming a.clay.s insparling. Mi'inher.s only of lliuclub are invited to attend.

Tin: reef gentry arc engaged insmoothing tlio l'uiichhowl highwaycoirugated to fcoino extent by tlio de-

parture of largo iimntities of slick-en- s,

lu u Minrt time it will lie readyfor newspaper commendations'.

Sam ICawebiwa, a native boy, wasthrown under the wheels of a Hawai-ian Tramways Co. water sprinkler,which passed over bis light leg.Death lesulted at the (Jueeu's Hos-pital at 1 :!i0 o'clock. An inquest willbe held

Tin; Oaliu Railway & Land Co. hasgiven a conduct to .1. A. Dower loconstruct a lloating bridge for theprojected wharf. Uy it cars ladenwith bananas will be urn on bo.udlightens, (.o as to bo placed beside Hiesui p without in toi mediate handling ofthe fruit.

A I'osTrAiin from Koloa, Kauai,8th, says: "March 5 at noon anotherHood. In the evening at 10 o'clockthe second Hood. March 7 al six intho morning the tliiid Hood. Damagesnot. known yet. At pietent heavywinds, changing from southeast tosouth and southwest and west."

Mh. F. M. Walsh, manager of thenew Mnkiiwcli plantation, on Kauai,in lived yesterday morning on thoMikahala. Uo repoits progiess ofwoik on the dileh and says about100 acres of eano aru planted. Tliocountry about Koloa has suH'ercdgieat damage and the I.iliuo damhas again been swept away.

Mkssii.h. II.' W. .Schmidt and 11.Lost; kindly renicnibcicd tlio ISn.i.r.-'- i

i n when far away, saving Londonpapers ami Aiueiican papeis allalong the lino for its benelit. Thebudget makes a Hue collection, in-

cluding some of llio iiianiniolh Sun-

day editions of the gieat Anieiicandailies. The gentlemen have ourcordial llianks.

Tin; bark Allien llcsso had aelrango cxpeiienco with a slunk onher latest voyage bunco to San Fran-cisco. A shall: !50 feet long swallowedtho brass log, and Capt. Howard or-

dered all bands on deck. The logwas tint :()() feet and the shark washauled up lo within twenty feel ofthe ship, when of a sudden thu linogave way, and the ciew were downmi the deck in aheap. The slunkhad bitten tlio ropo in two.

A rrriZKN on Hurolania stieol wasdistuibed Sunday morning at 1:1")o'clock by a noise outside. Gii.iugout of the window bo witnessed anaH'ray between tbreo men, on thotwo to ono principle, Tho battlepiogri'8sed with great vigor for a fewmoments when an abrupt withdrawalof forces took place. They beuincdto bu white men. The iiU'uir seemslint to havo atliactcd Ihe attentionof the police.


(iti'iinltla Account tit'llns Stvenw V,ii nr tho llltoltrocW MiotliciM

oil the Votcatio iSoail.

On Krlilny of lust week, tlic Klicr-lll- ',

K. O. llltclicouk, lmvltig businesstibtuit moving the Jail on the Voleano Hoad, leftlown with his bro-

ther, I J. II. Illtuhi'ock, who was Inhave charge, during the alueitee ofthe Sheriff on his quaitcrly touraiounil the island, early that fore-

noon. As I buy drove out in theirbuggy, with a span of horses attach-ed, ihey found no water on the road,but after doing their work, on theirway home, when Ihey came to thelirM. hollow thU side of the woods,they found a sea of water over the.

roadway. They, however, drovecautiously in, "ami succeeded in

closing that safely, although thewater cune into the buggy box.On turning this next corner In Hie

road, Ihey beheld another sea aheadof them, but supposing it to bo no

.deeper than this llrst, again tried tocross. Un gelling aiiout naiiwayover they found that Ihe water wasso deep," that the horses would haveto swim. Just al that time, notknowing exactly when: the roadwaywas, Ihey drove too near Ihe edge,and soon all were alloat in waterabout nine feet deep. The buggysnagged on a bush, only about tenfeet from a large ohia tree. Here,they went to work to cut. the horsesloose, mid while the Sheriff wascutting one of the horsos loose, hisbrother held their heads out of wa-

ter, both being all the time on theswim. After getting one horseloose, the oilier lloundercd aboutaud got his head drawn under thewater and was soon drowned. Thebrothers, being well nigh exhaustedwilli their labors, rented awhile onthe buggy top, which was justabove water, and then the Sheriffstarted to get his hat, which wasHunting a little distance off, and hisbrother, not feeling able to swimacross the pond, went for the ohiatrees, and had just reached oneabout tired iiil wilh his swim, whenhe heard his brother cry out, "Dave,I'm ilrowning." hooking back hesaw his brother was pilikia, and bo-in- g

unable lo reach him, unless sup-norte- d.

nianaired to net hold of asmall log and pushing it out beforehim got to the drowning man be-

fore it was too late, and after aslow swim back Ihey reached thetrees, completely used up. AfterrestiHg a while, with the aid of thetrees, they readied the shore, andsoon the Sheriff lost consciousness.After coming to, the one barehead-ed and the other barefooted com-

menced a three mile walk, to Ship-man- 's

innch. It rained heavily allthe time and they were thoroughlychilled. On iiearing Shipnian'sranch, a kanaka rode up and theygot him to go back and get from theranch some conveyance to take tlicnilo town. Not long after a brakedrove up, and getting in the almo-- t

drowned men reached their homes.At the present time they do notseem to be much the worse for theiraccident, but it was a very narrow-escap- e

for them both. fllilo He-cor- d,

Mar. I.


A Japanese at l'apaikou, theother day, was ordered inlo town tosee the doctor, as he was complain-ing of feeling unwell. This it seemshe didn't want to do, and preferredto try hanging, but was found intime to cut down and save.

Tho past week has been one ofvery heavy rains, accompanied withmuch thunder and lightning. Thismorning is cleai, and the mountainsshow a vor heavy coat of newsno.v.

The party of "Raymond tourists"that landed in our little town lastweek for a day's run, cxpiessedthemselves delighted wilh their viewof the Volcano and were loud intheir praises of the volcano road,through our woods. 'When finishedthe drive itself to the Volcano willbe an added attraction to touristscoming here. Give us a good wharfand a good road to thu Volcano and,within a few years, there will bo asteady stream ol visitors here. Whycannot the Oceanic Co. steamersthen touch here on their way downand back? The inter-islan- d travel,on our rolling boats, is a greatdrawback now and deters manyfrom coming to our islands, whowould otherwise come.

We trope the coining Legislaturewill see the necessity of putting upa llrst class wharf here, alongside ofwhich thu largest steamer can safelytie, Thcru h no doubt that if thuwharf is built within the next yearthe llilo aud Ilamakua raihoad willsoon after bu staitcd. We arupleased to know that Mr. Davies,who has lately visited us, is decid-edly in favor of the immediate com-

mencement of the railroad. And itis bound lo come in a short while.

fllilo Uecord, Mar. 1.


The schooner I.eahi returningfrom Js'awiliwili to Iloiioluut en-

countered a sudden squall and seaswell from the southeast and wasdriven with such violence againstthe rocky coast at the entrance toNawillwili Hay as to completelyshatter its hull. The Captain,labia, aud ten hands fortunatelyescaped and wuro rescued by tlioMikahala. Thu vessel belonged tothe licet of Allen & Robinson, Thoschooner and cargo a,re totally lost.

PiMiHint Keil of the Austialia hasour thanks for San FrnncWcn papeisand other news favors,

mu warn.Moiled ClabiiM r.ir iter jJiMslan

Slit; O.uiien to Nuimc tlin ,Vtclt.

A trim figure neatly attired in I

black sitting on thu upper verandahof tlio Dudoit Cottage responded tothe salutation of the lln.i.r.riN re-

presentative this morning. So man'accounts of the personal appearanceof Sister Rose (.lertrudu have beenpublished tiiat further similar men-tion is unnecessary. In a quietmanner, at limes eloquent wilh reli-

gious animation and enthusiasm, (hesister told her story. Shu is greatlydisturbed by the notoriety which at-

tends the consecia'Iou of her life tothis work. Long ago thu noble ex-

ample of Father Damien had liliedher with a desire lo devote her lifeto thu alleviation of s lll'ering. Aboutseven years since she formed thuresolution to conic to Hawaii in thucapacity of nurse. Accordinglyshe went through a course of pre-

paration to lit her for her duties.In reply lo a few questions con-

cerning her religions convictions andprofessions, the sister staled thatshe is a Roman Catholic. She is amember of the Third Order of theOrder of St. Dominic. This doesnot constitute her a member of thesisterhood as generally understood.Shu is neither restiicted lo a cloisternor restrained in the matter ofcostume. Her obligations do notimpose retirement from the world.She is still of the world though con-

secrated to a particular work. Sheis at liberty to mingle socially withothers so that her design is not lostsight of. All the religious observ-ances imposed bv Ihe church applyto her. Shu is not limited in hermode of travel as sisters are and hascommitted no breach of i tiles andobligations in traveling without theescort of sisters. Her mission hasthe sanction and blessing of thechurch.

Sister Rose Gertrude is exces-sively annoyed at the sensationalprominunce given to her mission byKnglish and American papers. Sheattributes it to the kind recognitionof the Prince of Wales. She hasnot come wilh the design of makingscientific tests and experiments.Shu is engaged by thu Hoard ofHealth as a nurse, and will maku noexperiments and introduce no inno-vations unless under medical direc-tion. She has made a study ofPasteur's theories to lit her morelully for the duties of nurse and notfor thu purpose of inaugurating freshmethods of dealing with thu scourgeof leprosy.

In regard to whether she wouldlocate at Kalihi or Kalawao thesister said she is at the dispositionof the Hoard. She came with theexpectation of being assigned toKalawao and has no desire to Hindifrom the ordeal in store. Shu hasfully counted the cost of separationfrom the world and the lonely lifeat the leper settlement has no terrorsfor her. She requested the lluu.i:-ti- x

to deny the Advertiser's state-ment that she is accompanied by alady correspondent lo report her in-

stallation. Her installation is aquiet matter of business with theHoard of Heath and the lady inquestion simply represents a news-paper. Her arrival at thu sainutime with the sister is simply a coin-

cidence and has no other signifi-cance.

The sister has in her possessionmany presents for the lepers fromwealthy people in England. Thereis a widespread feeling of interestin that country on the subject ofleprosy which engages nobility "andmiddle class alike. According toHie Kxaminer liberal responses to theappeals of Sister Rose Gertrude weremade by Amciicans at New York,the donations ranging through everyform of clothing and even includingsums of money. The arrival ofMiss Fowler naturally recalls theoffer of Miss Nellie Slavin to devoteher life to the sainu work. MissSlavin offered her services to FatherDamien direct, who referred tlic mat-ter with his warm endorsement lothe llishop of Olba. The HawaiianGovernment declined the proposilion pending arrangements for acolony of the sisterhood on Molokai.Nothing daunted Miss Slavin em-

barked from' Liverpool with thu in-

tention of becoming a member ofthe Franciscan Order at Syracuse,New York. Her age proved to bea bar to her candidacy and she gaveup the design of exile and devotedherself to lectin ing on Kalhcr Da-

mien.rur. srsrr.u Assmxcn.

From the President of the Hoardof Health it is learned Hint SisterRose Gertrude has been assigned toassist Dr. Lutz in Hie prosecution ofhis researches and experiments intho treatment of leprosy at the Ka-

lihi Receiving Hospital. A neatcollage will be erected for her occu-

pancy on thu suspect side of tliogrounds. Sister Rose will distributea portion of tho prosents resultingfrom foreign generosity at the Ka-

lihi hospital and will forward theremainder to thu Mother SuperiorMarianne at Kalawao for her judi-cious apportioning. The board willmake all reasonable provisions forthe sister's comfort and a horse will

be allowed for her use.In this connection it is proper to

.statu that the accommodations forconfirmed lepers are exhausted a,tthe Receiving Hospital. Tho boardby a. regulation forbids the viumbor

f absolute lepers at tho hospital toexceed twenty. As thu fill) quotais now receiving treatment, suchcases as fidt under Ihe board's atten-tion will bo at once forwarded, to.



Wl hereafter utiilit n npeclnltyof ihe

Crockery, Cblnawarc, Glassware and

!illlip Ull-iH!S--

Show rooms ovir the li.iiihvaru departriiuut, ( i'let ii street.

JUr A lnrgu mid (omp'ele stock Im-

pelled till eel from the iiiaiiiihicliiri'riand now lo hand bv iccoiit arilv.ds.An inqi'Ttlnn is solicited. I'.Ki lv.

Orniioalu ol'4 Itcist rationof Trmlo "AS ark.

Di'.imiitmuxt or Tin: Imt.uiok,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

KNOW all Men by the-- e Pic-ent- -,

lu accordance with the pro-visions ot Section ', Chapter IV of theSession Law of 18S4, Halt - Companyhae tiled hi the OUIco of the Mlnl-Mc-

of thu Interior an application for thetcgitmtinii of a Trade .Mark whereof

the following Is an evict copy:

Till' I'2llt! ! Cl'i'Ulll I'll cloc-- tnml t 'nail y I'iicIoi'.v .


Which said application is accompaniedh the Oath o .lames Slelner, a mem-ber of "aid linn of Hart .V Co., thaithey are the Mile and original propiie-tor- s

of the lee Cieain, Candy ami Con-fectionery for which such Trade Mrukis to be iM'd.

Now. therefore, this .Certificate is logrant unto the said Hart & CompanyIhe exclusive Use,' of the aid TradeMink tlnoughout the Hawaiian King-dom for ihe term of Twenty Ye.ir fiomthe dale hereof.

lu witness whereof, I havecaused this Ceilillcale to be

"' '.. ls-n- al IHonolulu, HawaiianI Islands, this Sixth Day of'u' f March. A. I). IMIII. and Ihe

,J Seal of tthe Henartineut ofthe Interior to hu heretoalllKcd.

L. A.TIiritSTON,'.Hi lw MliiMci' of the Interior.

SITUATION WANTEDu Married Man at outside ceiieralJ")Y labor and by his wife to do Ik.ihc.

work. Apply at "No. H.1 Fort Mi cut..ii :t,"

FOtt SAIKPINK NoimaiiA Stallion, well

Imiki u to carriage oidray. (iirnaiilcedsound; a hirgaiu

For paiticiilars impiirc olItlltf Uait. CLUNKY.


DRAFT IIOKSHa. Jet A for baggage wagon; Island Mock pro-leric- d.

Apply at lidsiilllce. 1ST !

WANTEDriM) rent for 1 iro'ilh n Large

L Hi om (r II i.l, citherground Hour or upstairs, must

be centrally M'.imteil. '105 tf


ON Yiuiiiir street, oppositeIce Works, a Small

ColtiiKO coiitiiinini: 1 lot'iiH;huge Mahli! and ynrd, artesian waterluiil on; very dcslr.ible for hack orilraybusiiies. Applv to

Ann. FFJlNANniy..l'O tf At K. u. Hall it miii.

Ileal Estsite For Salo.

rI"VVO Houses and Lots onX Jtobclln l.une, Pallium.

Convenient to sleam mid traincira. Very healthy locality. J.ot oiKing street, ne ir HiiniaitkiiV Iiiie. Forparticulars apply to

.IOIIN F. HOWIiEH.OrClms.T. Oulick. ino'im

ColltM'lor Wanted.

AN active Amviiean, Knlhhiuaii or(iermaii, of good luiliits and char

acter, who also speaks Hawaiian, anilcan furnish tlrs'-chis- s iclciences, rimyobtain a pcniuineiit situation as Col.lector, by addressing P. (). Hox No.:i."il, Honolulu.


AIjAKUB 2 Story House,in cveiy res.

ncct, with nil nucessarv out.Imildliigs, tine luvii, shade tiees, Mowerbed.-i- , elo, very desirably located within10 minutes' walk of the Post Olllce, willhu leased for one or more years, at areasonable rental to a helecl privatelaiuilv, Apply at


Fiiriiislied House To Let;

AT Wnikiki, a two storylloiihe, cout.iining sl

rooms nieelv furnished, wilhkiicheu. lanai. hath and servant's rooms,stable, etc , to let for a luw mouths al ti

reasonable rate. Or rooms will he letbinuly wilh liood tulile hoard.


ValuailaFropert y For SaleJSiiuiuui Avenue, aON newly furnished --'.Mory

House contiilnliii! 8 tyo'Tis,kitchen, ti.illiiomu, closets, carrliniohouse, p table, henery, o"c. (Iioiiudscontain 2 2 10 nnes, well laid out inluwii?, (.Initio mid fruit Irccs, lloweis,do. Will bo hold low, wilh or withoutfurniture, borces, carriages, livo stock,nml all thu appointments needed in allrst-cins- s leslilence, as the owner in.lends li'iivlni' tlicfo IrIiiiuK


I Hi and Views.LARGE assortment ol PhotographsA ami .Stereoscopic Vluws of the.

most attractive, tceiieiv, buildings, etc.,In these Islands, for salo at reasonable

'"HAWAIIAN 1HJSINKSS AOKNOY.Corner Foil and Meicliaul Mieels.

4.08 U


Equitable Life

Society of the

j'j-v,,.- , JLO

Extract From Annual Circular to Agents.

"We purpose placing In your hands to offer to the public an Indem-nity l'.ond. Many will bu attracted by thu fact that you are selling theboiids of a life insurance society with asscsls over S 10."), 000,000.00, andwill not fail upon examination lo see its intrinsic merits.

"This, with our various forms of Tontine Policies will, (as you arcnow able to quote the results of twenty year Tontines) give you great,advantages over others, as no other company will for a number of years,be able to show actual results on .similar Policies.

"1IKNRY Ii. 1IVDK,"President."

V3T Send for illuslralive pamphlets, or call in person on Hie under-signed.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands, Kquitablc Life Assurance .Society

of the l S. Jan-l-'J- O




Hi:sm:v. President(ioiirur.V I.kown,



United States.

& CO.,

Ioiin' F.xa,Cecil. ISiunvx, Auditor.

Tf"tmi,iwaEr TyyTi


Colgate (JaY Celebrated Perfumes iS Toilet Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.

-- EEEB U H A C H- F-


Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

V.. It. A; Manager.Secretary & Treasurer.


0i. Sii'!t'Iul.s It:ink, : Fort Strret, Honolulu.I.MPOKTFH.S arrd DEALERS IN

Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Genuine Havilaud China, plain and decorated; and Wedgcwcml

Ware,Piano, Library St Stand Lamps, Chandeliers it Electoliorn,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds, A coiupleto assoitni't of Drills St Files,


Tho "(l.i.ello" Ridine; Plow it Equalizer,liliiebeaid lijee Plow, Planters' Steel .t Cloosenecked Hose,


P.iiiiln, VaiiiUliCH St. Hrushes, Manila St. Sisal Rope,HANDLES OF ALL KINDS,

Hose, Hose, Hose,UUP.P.ER, T1 of supoiior quality, St. STEAM,

Apito Hon Wine, Silver Plated Wain, Table it l'oekel Cutlery,Powder, Shut it Caps, Tho Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartiiiltfen,

AGKJi 'X'ff XO ItHint's Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipo it Holt Threailine;,

IliirlmauV Slcel Wiio Fonco it Steel Wiro Main,Win. U. Fislier'rt WrouyliO Steel Rangex,

(Jalo City Slone Filleif,"New Process" Twist Drills,

iiov-2!)-S- !) Neal's Carriage. Paints.


Shipping & Commission Merchants,


-- iii:ai,i:i!S i.v- -

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


C.irpcnteis', ltlae.kMiiilhs', .MauhiuisU' St. Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Ulensils, l'.iiuls, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods and

GSeaicritl 3Vffeveln.iiclie.

Mike's Sleam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, ' '

Wilcox & Ulb'js, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines..l.in-Il'.H- )

'iL. : . r. ..... , i. .i . . iT.. 'ifiato!-.'.t- ? ' i .:. .A. a- - ' Ail ' .'. Jj.,Al3iAlil1'l.s.i,'iB5,tC-'- i. ,'Ark" JiW . J7lBHBraMnMmiWTiii itrwiiflniiVi''TlT.TTi!ift itcMflakjSt, axuaw i

Page 4: I- f'TgpTTffr- rss WV lOOLltlL if - University of Hawaii...83 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlio uudcrsigned beps to inform the public of these Islands that ho is





L&- -(3"'


iPPWy" lanpipiwpwutyui ymMWm.fimt!qiQiHim )tmi,i nii"Hl Hll'OV-- i

, .. . .4T


-- . uu


r.a. -

f U riHA nl) wMLAi mmwim mas.rt a HHWi flu, II Mis k (Id,P ni;im nil I L U m VlbJ kUVUu I'UIW i

1 WW V waj t teili:&& t


Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,

A xiiw ixnoice OF

Glassware & Cutlery, Just at Hand;Clalvanied Fence Wire, Black Stool Fence Win', Uulvniiiml Staple!

Black Similes, Special (Jinlity Kmco Staples.


In nil lines liy late nuivaK Agents fm

Kubber Garden Hose, Wire lSouml Hose, Stoniu lioso,01' VKUY HIM'I'.IIIOU (Jl'AMIY.

PACIFIC H Alt DWARF. CO., (LV),15. Ft DlU.t.NOHA.M, J. 0. SlT.Nl'RU, F. L. Wi.smi,

jamO-D- President. Manager it Scoielniy. TicuMiicr.


irfc f KAVtf Jjitf-


Great Bargains ! Great Bargains !


All Goods Solfl at Greatly Reduced Prices!0

Dressmaking DepartmentCLARK.

Chas. Hustace,

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"Kits Alaska Sea Ti out, Kits Mackerel, Kits Salmon Hollies, Kith Tongue;,iiikI Sounds, Cases Vienna Sausage, Hani Sausage, Salmon in I and 2 Hi.tins, Hams, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Maekeiel, Boiled Mackoiel in To-

mato Sauce, Top O'Can Brand Butler, Honed Chicken and Tm key, TwinHi others' Yeast Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Cci.ilinc Flakes, (icimca, Hreakfnsl Gem, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oat.--,

Diied Apiiecits, Dned Peaches, l'uincs, Tahle Fi uiK Dale-- ', Figs, KidgcVFood, Gelatine, Saldino, Wheat, ()at, Hum, Potatoes, Onions, and a

(Jeneial Atsoitment of Clioeencsat Popul.ii piices.

Leave youi oidei, or ling up

H. E.

240.- -

under the of MISS

No. 110.

oar -- P. O. Box 297




New Ooods received hy every Packet from the Eastern Slates and Europe,Kresh Calif oruia Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended te.ami Clouds delivered to any part of the city fnc of charge. Island orders ol.oiled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Olflco Hoi 145. Telephone No. 02 riiov.4.8r

'telephone --



tor - ON

King Street,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,



SUMfciaiO-JL'- .




ICE -- g

Hy each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresli Gala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala. Fruits,

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottler Goods

Always on hind. Also, just received a fresli line of

4riiuui l'ates & Vottctl lleni Sl ICoKIod i'roservoil I'iiiUh,Lewis & Co. 'a Maltese Hrand Sugar Cured Hams & Uacon,

New Hreakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheal Flakes,Sicily Lemons fc Cala. Riverside Oranges,

Oregon Uurliauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-l- G Satiwfaotioii 87


oCalifornia Hay, Oats, Bran,

Oil Cake M;al, Linseed Meal,larlv, .Rolled IJarley,

Middling Ground Uarley,Wheat and Corn Flour.

FLOUR iAlla, Golden Gate & Salinas" FLOURTelephonoB, No. 175.



Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


Si toiffini ' :, i, ..w- -


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.


Thc--e Fillers me eistly cleansed,and NEVER liccome CltACKEI) orCRAZED h) change of teinpciiituie ofllic water.

The nttei lug Medium 1? a XATVR A I,STONE, mined f i om llic colli. Ill"inillUe any other stone.

It Doca Not Abfiorb . suulBecome Foul I

impi'iuties iicxei penetrateIt, lint He on tin' sin hies, and Intel unllythe stone leiiiahis as pine and whiteafter e.iis of me as when taken fionithe mine.

The rinte City Mnnc Filter Is a per-fect siiccc". It only leal tiller I

lime eer een. 1 would nut lie withoutone fm am consldeialloii. II couveilsuiir lake wntei Into the hi'st thinkingwater hi the woild.

lll'.Mn .M. I.MAN, M. I)..

tW For Sale hy


Op O'lle Hpteckdi k Co.' Hiuk,1 !l tl Fort stieel, Honolulu.

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor & Builder.

Estimates Riven on Biick, Iron. Slonc &

Wooilm Buildings. JobbingAttended To.

M.rt's i on .sai.i:

Brick, Lime, Cement, Plastor of Paris,

Maihle Dut, Wiie Lath.

California North Beach & Santa Crnz

MA.NI).(iiaiiv'lile(5(i led. white mid liltie,Mluto'n, Pl.itlc and Ktifiiu-tl- o llles In

ai ions p.ittcin-i- , all Muds of Diaiu.ieWaic.

BQr On icr SiiiithonM (orncr Ala-ke- a

and Queen tieel.Mulll.il "aTELEPHONES-Bel- l 351

mil l.JiO-I- j

VOLCANO STABLESWalanueiiue Sheet.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

Also, Saddle Horses,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes' or Carts,


l'iopiictoi', 1 Ho, UaiMiii.' Oldcli ieecicd b Telephone "'3



TISS3IIT1I and PLUMRER,Comer of Kinp and Alakca slieils

Honolulu, II. I.

Tiajiiai'iioNJi::Worksliop-Mu- t 261 Residence--Mu- t 23G

UQf" Estimates fin nishcd on all clanfeiof phiiuliin and tinsmilhiu; woik.Piut ehisi workninnsiiip and matuiulKtiaiauticd in all the ahou hinneliesot my business at reasonable rates.

4(11 Urn



Just tlie Thing for the Holidays

-- AT T1I- K-

Pacific Hardware Co.4:tif


"VfOTIOE is lieiehy jclveu lodeposltoiJLi In the Sin ln Hank Depaitiucutof Clans SpicekeK & Co. that, fiom andafter thu 1st day of Apiil, lS'.lO, the

allowed on deposits will hine-duee- rt

to four (I) per cent per anniini.Depoitois will he allowed to withdiawtliclrdenosils up to Ihrtt date withoutjjhhitf the usual notice, but, If allowedlo remain after Apill l.--t. wild depolswill Imeonshleied n subject lo theiulesand iculatlous puhllslied In the PasIJook-- .



HAVING liouglit out Mr. AV. II.In the "Honolulu Caiiiae

Manufactory," at 128 Foit btreet, lataprepared to continuu the above huslncsRmiller the old name of Honolulu Car-riage Manufactory, and beinj; tin oldexperienced carriage buildci I tolicitthe niitioimt,'!! of my old 1 lends and thunubile In genoial, and with my thoroughknowledge of the business mid with e.nciienred workmen and using only thelicbt material I guariiuteo general satis,faction. Please call and see mo beforegoing elsewhere.

(Higned): OIDKON AVKST.Honolulu, Oct. 28, ItJSU. !t!i) tf

m i?oU4owmw

l OMtt - 3

?4vfri- -

7 a 4 Ati' vj A

irH(h4tMrMm i



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CO co




f Wf

Per "Deanfleld131 Days fiom Liverpool.

In nihlllion to o'ir reijulur Impor-tations of




Lie., Lie, Kir., Ltc.

We hive ncelvcd special lots of


Croikerywaie,Fine Widgewoodwatc,

Fancy Umbrella Standf,Fancy Flower Pots,

Fine Glassware,

Gut TumblersCut Wlno Classes,

("ill Dicaiitcrp,Fnnci' Vases,

flasket Trunk in all ilres,

in New Design & Iilcit Pattern.



American andPortuguese



Dressing Cases,

Dress Goods,IHIrrorw,

13iir1iMH Mu11Icm,


Fine Itihhniii,

Kinliioidere.l l)rcsep,



rX,3illo J-iJi-oii,

A Pine fie'eetion.



Lawn Tennis Shoes,


Nets & Rackets,CKOQUr.T HETS.



Pedigrees of All


Tl.e followliuj Fine AnlmaN willsliuil foi eilie at the iamb, Wnhilac:

Well-hie- d Stallion"MARIN."

Xoiimm Klalllou

"CAPTAIN GROWL."'Ihoroughbicd .Stalllnii

"MIDNIGHT."Two Xatlve Stalllon

"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."A Well-hie- d


4!it-i:ill- tf PAUL

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Reading Room Association,

Cor. lEolel & Alnkca Strcctn.Open every Day and Evcnmjr.

The Library conststs at the picscn'time of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Heading lioom is supplied withubout fifty of the leading newspapersand pciiodleuls.

A I'arlor Is piovhlcd for convet Rationud games.Terms of mcnibeishlp, fifty cents a

aionth, payable qiiailerly in advance.No formality leqtihed In joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tbo other islands aie wel-come to the rooms at nil times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, It is cxpectpd that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its ptlvileges, and nil who feelan lntci eat in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contiibutors.

A. J. OARTWKIGIIT, Pics.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAKMKLKE, Sccietary,A. L.SMITH, Treasmer,0. T. ltODQEKS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library t.'ommltfefl

Oceanic mm Coin.

TMIK TAltLK:From San Francisco.

Leave Due atS. F. Honolulu

Xcalandin Mar 8 Mar 15Alameda Apr ." Apr 12Maiiposa May It ....May 10Zealandia May HI ..Juno 7Alamcdii Juno 28 ... . July fi

Mariposa July, 20. . . . Aug 2Zealandia Aug 23 Aug 30Alameda Sep. 20. . . .Sept 27Maiiposa Oct' 18 Oct 2fi

Zealandia Nov l.'i Nov 22Alameda Deo J3 Dec 20

For San Francisco.Leajc Duo at

Svdiiey HonoluluMaiipoa. . ..Marl!).. ..Apt 5Zealandia Apr 10. . . .May .'1

Alameda May ..May .'11

Mariposa June 11 .Juno 28Zealandia Ittly '.... July 20Alameda Aug (i . ..Aug 2.3

Maiiposa Sept 3. . . .Sept 20Zealandia .. . .Oct 1.. ..Oct 18Alameda Oct 29. ... Nov 15MniipoM Nov '20 . . . .Dec 13Zealandia Dee 21.... Jim 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

Leave 8. F. Leave Honolulu.Fiiday. . .Feb 28 Fiiday.. ..Mar HFi iday. . .Mm- - 28 Fnilay. . . Apr 11Fiiday.. .Apr 25" Friday.. .May .)

Fiiday . ..May 2! Kiidny. . Juno 0Fiiday. .Juno 20 Fiiday.. . July 4Friday ..July 18 Fiiday.. . Aug 1

Friday ..Aug 15 .Fiiday.. . Aug 2iFiidav . Sept 12 Friday . . Sept 20Friday. ..Oct 10 Fiiday.. .Oct 24Friday. ..Nov 7 Fiiday... Nov 21Fiidav. ..Dec fi Fiiday. ..Dec 18

Australian Ml Servics,

FOtt MAN FKANOISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

" Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Bteamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu lrora Hydneyand Auckland'ou or ubout

March 8, 1 890.... - .

And will lcavo for tbo above piort withmalls and passengers on or abiout thatuaie.

For freight or passage, having BU.PEHIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agent.

For Sydney and' Auckland.

The new and fine Al steel stcMcshlp

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SanFrauciscd on or about

March 15, 1890.i

And will have, prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers for the above porta

For freight or passage, having BUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, appljto37 WM, Q, IBWIN & CO., Agents

Hofgcs kept


i oi: i.m.i.:

Hl.illioimof miiIoum bleed".Miiiei with or without foil.Hoi ms for nn. puipo'e.


A Skilful llicaker and Tialuer U ed

on the laneh.BS?" Sntlfiit'tlnu Is guaianiecd hi

hie.il.ln and training lmi

Continental and Colonial

ACEWCY.36 Ruo do Dunkorquo, - - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attbo best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two aud.a.Half per ccui.All Trado and Cash Discounts nliowcdto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orPurls Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping document?; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andBalls, for Homo ami Colonial Finns.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Habcidaahcry,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-war- Clocks, Watches,Jcwcllry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical In stui incuts,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrms, Tojs.Perfumery, Wines, ic.,Oilman's Stores, Book ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Cliromo , Machinery, Ac, &c.

: Jv 8.


Paauitau Plantation, )

Hawaii, March !, 1888. J

ItlMtlon Iron &. Locomotive Wot'kHNun Frniielsoo.

Gr.ntli:mi:n: We have used tuooyour Filter Presses thisseason. They aie convenient, easilyhandled ami aicwoikliigcntiiulv to onsatisfaction. 1 can leeoinineml no litpiovemciitou them.

Veiy respectfully your,(Signed) A- - MOORE,

Manager Paauhaii Plantation

Hkkia, Sept. 28, 18SD.Mil. John Dvr.it, Agent Kisdon Iron

Works, Honolulu.Dkah Sin: Please ship us one of j our

30 Compartment Filter Presses, 240 equal ufeet surface, same as the onu suppliedus last season, which I nin pleased tosay has given us entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,Gko. R. EWART,

Manager Ileeia Agricultural Co.

Thf o Presses aie made exlra heavyfor high picssuics, occupy u lloorspace Jl feet by 4 feet, and pie&ent aliltciiug surface of 240 squaro tect.

A limited number In stock in Hono-lulu ami aie sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Fianeico.

liST For paiticular.s cnqulic ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. 3 Spieckcls' Block.2250 tf W. G. Irwin & Co.. Agent.

Anderson &Lundy,XeiLtits.

Artitlcial Teeth from one to nn cntiroset inserted on gold, silver, nlluininumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irritation to llic mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestmprovements in dental science Teeth

Extracted without pain by tbo use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

larOfflco at Old Trcgloan ResidenceHotel street. Fcb-20-S-


MBS. OSBORNE is now pioparcd toinstt notions in Fancy Woik

at "Tbo Ailingtou," Room (J. Cla'.sI.csons: Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays. Pilvato lessons hy hpeclalarrangement. Stamping and ordeispromptly attended to. feb2l-l- y


Returned on the Australia and has re-

sumed practice at his former ofllec, USHotel street. 40(1 tf

CHANGE of RESIDENCE.Dr. oi-ivr.-

Has removed from Fort street to Bo.bello Lane, Palama.

Office Hou as: y a. m. to 12 m. andv. m. to 0 1. M.

Mutual 47G410 tf

A Cure for Influenza !


DIAL,DR. one of the best lcmedlestver prepared for coughs, asthma, lungmid chest trouble, and a great reliefto whoopine cough nnd throat nllection.Ask tor Or. Lozier's Hawaiian Cherry Cor-

dial sold utHOLLISTER & CO.,


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