i aj1evtuiu t tic - chronicling america...i t tic f mornifjoti1vies 1 fri ay co ler friday light to...

i t tIC f MORNIfJOTI1ViES 1 Fri ay co ler Friday light to 1 The News of All the World fresh VInQS t BeST SPORTING PAGE IN WASHINGTON I 2228 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1902 Price One ii1 iii i- aj1evtuiu tine Number wsnIGq Cent PARTY FRIENDS PLEAD I WITH MR HENDERSON Appealed to From Sides to Make Race for Congress TAXES REFUGE lIT HIS ROOM Practically Besieged at His Hotel STICKS BY ANNOUNCEMENT Latest Word From Inside Indicates No Disposition on His Part to Yield Telegrams From Chairman Babcock Senators Allison Spooner and Lodge rging Reconsideration Re ceived DUBUQUE Iowa Sept David B Henderson is in a state ot political He has been attacked on all sides in the attempt to induce him to reconsider his decision to quit the race for reelection to Congress The Speakers personal friends here entreated him at short range to change his mind His political friends allover the country havebombarded him at long telegrams making same plea The Speaker has however intrencred himself in his rooms at his hotel to which all but his intimate rds are barred and the last word- sm oJt tOday was that he intended o stick by his announcement Irlends Not Without Hope His friends here however are not yet without hope that Mr Henderson may yet be the Republican candidate for this the Third Iowa district They are figuring that the seeming lmprobabilty- of the convention being able to agree on the nominee in the Speakers place will result in a nnanimous demand that lie make the race and that time added to the tremendous party pressure brought on him and is likely to increase rather dirginish will com- pel him to alter his decision Besides the telegram from Roe velt H ndersOn has from Senator William B Yr H ndersonreflli to was In the ns4Ue ot- a mmtlDIC2tiOn hls I close friends here to whom he shoed It report it was a strong plea for a reconsideration for the sake of party I Telegram From Babcock Senators Aldrich Spooner and Lodge added to telegram signed primarily bY Congressman W Bab of the Republican Con gressionhl Committee It read In recetrtoi telegram signed by you saying that you have declined semi nation for COTJgres We cannot be lieve the teligram is genuIne Hep burn and Hull here and all enter protest against action of this kind by you Republican party that you have served io long and faith fully cannot part with your services now WURKMAN KILLED FALL FROM SCAFFOLD Thnas Foley an Untimely End on Rouse in When Accident Occurrer Died on Operating Table Thema F Foley fortyfive years eW bricklayer by trade and living at 1e24 Seventeenth Street northwest was killed this morning at 10 oclock by a fall from a hoase at the corner of 0 Street northwest near Thirtyfifth Foley was working on two brick Bon 1es belonging to Ellen Sullivan Foley was working on a scaffold and he accidentally lost his balance and fell to the pavement a distance of about thirty feet He struck on his head receiv- Ing a compound fracture of the skull and a fracture at be base of the brain also a fracture of the thigh bone The man was Immediately taken to the Georgetown Hos- pital while being operated upon by Dr Gwynn he died Coroner Nevltt was at onec notified and ordered the removed to the morgue It not as yet whether he will hold an Inquest Foley was a widower Xo children survive HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL OCTOBER 8 PITTSFIELD Mass Sept 1Tbe bearing c tb eases of motorman Mad den and Cooouctor Kelly charged with manslaughter In causing the deeth of Service Oieer William Craig In the accident that Jeapardized the the Septembr 3 Was again continued this morning The hearing Is now set for October 8 SHERIFF STRICKEN WITH HEART FAILURE BALLSTON x Y Sept sgrj Gill was stricken with heart failure caused by excitement over the strike of the Hudson Valley Railway employes cannot live the day All Speaker p Aldrich This Morning 18Speaker- F siege have rangewith the viily whicii than President Speaker also rece1oc Ah1aose giv euasit cunfi4entlal but thc theii names a J cock chstrmati I Am are our earnest The BY F Meets Was Working Georgetowfl the Mrs I inlured University and bod3 is known Secret ilfe- nf President on whn yesterday Compaays out = MR CANNON TALKS I OF HIS CANDIDACY Willing But Says Must Win Congress Before Electing Speaker DANVILLE Ill Sept 1SCongress man G Cannon has made the log statement regarding Speaker Hen dersons withdrawal The first duty of the Republican party I is to achIeve success in the coming election It Is to the best oats of all the people that we have a majority in the next HQuse ot Representatives I believe the majority of the peopl are in harmony with the I policies or the Republican party and the Administration The only danger is we may not pause Ions enough to record the sentiment of the people a the i box After we elect a majority or the I next House of the strongest possible organization of the I same should he and I believe wilt he made So far as my own candidacy Is con cerned I would be ratified if the con sensus of oulnion of the members should favor my nomlantion and election as Speaker But I say again all questions of organization await and are secondary to the securing Republican majority in the next House SCHOOL CHILDREN ASK ARREST OF Formed in Line and Marched to Police Court Charged That She Beat Them Black and Blue With Straps and Rulers Neb Sept 1SOne hundred pupils of the Lowell school in South Omaia held an indignation meeting at recess and instead of returning to the bell rang they formed in lIne and marched to the police court to demand the arrest of their prIncipal MIss Florence Moore They that Moore had beat en them wIth straps and rulers They displayed an assortment of and blue 1lses which they attributed te Ncafgaiton ue tr ttble siarted when MisS at chastise the boys and gnumbt of pupils came to their children range in age from ileen years Republihns J fdllow vital inter should that baio Republican ofa PRINCIPAL OMAHA school when stated Miss llack this cat tu dIeldsI that hrn tempted to two of ron cce Thu lire SOLDIERS STILL HOLD UP PANAMA TRAINS Situation on the Isthmus Continues Serious CABLEGRAM FROM me can Commander Reports That Communication Will Be Kept Open at All HazardsDetermined to tect Liberty and Property The Navy Department today received from Commander McLean or the Cin- cinnati a cable dispatch from Colon on the Isthmus of Panawa which shows that the situation continues to be seri and the government troops are still endeavoring to obstruct traffic across the isthmus Commander McLean as sures the department that he will take vigorous measures to insure traffic un der our treaty with Colombia and wlll protect American lives and interests He has already landed marines and has instructed the Ranger to assist in this duty Commander McLeans dispatch follows iraid to Panama went through with i Cincinnati guard or riflemen and rapid fire gun Freight traIn coming to Colon stqpped by soldiers standing on sides of track continuously poInting loaded muskets at engineer and hands and demanding opening ot the locked box cars for an nsne ion Conductor had I no key and could not went to find some responsible also sent man to flag fol lowing passenger train Menace freight came in with passenget train Will vigorously protect life of American and other peaceable employes and maIntain unobstructed Instructed Ranger to assist In this duty McLEAN COAL FROM WALES AT SIX DOLlARS A TON- Md 18A move meat Is on foot in this city among the coal dealers and consumers to order a shipload or anthracite coal from CardltI- It is estimated that after the tariff the coal will cost from 5 to g per ton- RESIGNATIONS OF TWO LIEUTENANTS ACCEPTED The r r5t3Lt son jr United States ot his cOinI misSIon as an officer in the ArtflIery Corps The resignation of First Lleut Albert Lang Philippine Scouts has also accepted MLEAN Pro Life 0lS train remov- ed lib- erty transit Have ANNAPOLIS Sept Wales pay- Ing President has aceted theres- natioii of uaratter Army beet EXPLORER LANDS AT NORTH SYDNEY ARCTIC PEA RY Failed to Reach Pole Made Important Discoveries A SUCCESSFUL EXPEDITION Lieutenant in Excellent Health and Satisfied With Peary Dr on the Relief Ship Windward and Coming some N S Sept Lieutenant Peary arrived here from the frozen North on board the Windward at 815 this mornthg Dr Dedericks WASHINGTON BANKERS ON A TWO nAYS JAUNT Will Be Entertained at the Blue Mountain House A score of local bankers left WAS- hIngton this afternoon on the 261 ex press Pennsylvania Railroad for I to become the guests of their I brethren or the City on a two days jaunt to the Blue Mountain House Md At the latter place will be held the annual meeting of the Maryland Bankers Association or which Yr Charles C Homer is president and Robert Shriver of Cumberland chairmen ot the committee cf adminis- tration TIle local bankers on the trIp are Fox Columbia Bank Swope Washington Loan and Trust Company Moore West End National Bank Louis J Davis and W A Mearns ot Louis Johnson Co A K Parris of Crane Parris Co Charles S Bradley Union Trust J Bell of the Amer- ican Security and Treat Company F H Smith UnIon gevings Bank Church ot CitIzens National Bank S Theodore Brown Farmers and Bank Arthur Brice Riggs National Bank Bradley Davidson National Safe Deposit Company John E Herrell Na tional Capital Bank C F Sorment Central National Bank J B Wilon Lincoln National Bask O G Staples Washiugtou Savings Bank and N H Shea Citizens National Bank A num of gentleman accom- panied by their Lewis J Davis of this city read a Ute couveaSios on Early Bunking in the District ot Co the History or the Tenders But TripMrs fll Dedericks NORTH SYDNEY 18 was Balti- more professIonal Monumental Mr teeers Compsny Mr Meban- lcs bar these were wives Mr wili paper st lutnbla and Legal also aboard the Windward Peary did the but on his last dash he made important discoveries As Lieutenant Peazy stepped ashore from the Windward he said to the wait ng newspaper men Ulloly last dash for the Pole was a most succeSsful expedition I was further North than myprevious record Peary is in remarkably good health Peary who went North on the Windward to greet her husband was ill for a fortnight but Is now well on the road to recovery Dr Dedericks whose row with Lieuteu ant Peary resulted in his leaving Peary- a year ago since which time he has been living with the Eskimos Is apparent ly in good health He was pIcked up at Etah by the Windward In accordance with an arrangement made vben he left Peary CORNERSTONE TO BE ACCEPTED UCTOBER 9 Arrangements Perfected Proposed Arrangements were perfected this ernoon by James F McHugh gen- eral secretary ani treasureror the In ternational Order or Stone cutters and the omcers of the encamp- ment committees for the formal acccpt- ance or the for the proposed Memorial Bridge on the aftsnonn of October 9 j The stone will he at the same dedicated with appropriate ceremonies participated In by General Torrance I ommanderInchlet of the G A R Rev Dr Stafford pastor of St Patricks Church Col Henry Watterson Louis vFlle and Gen Joseph Wheeler Mr Mc I and others SHEPHERD MEMORIAL FUND GAINS STEADILY Received Bring the Total Amount Up to Nearly aooo The fund for the erection ot me morial to the late Coy Alexander R Shepherd this afternoon reached a total or 1OO7 The days subecription3 included 200 in by the District having by them In equal sums from Mr A Wlllard and Mr W P Van Wickle Another sub srlptlon received was that 5 from Charles S Johnson 0 J tot discover Pole 8327 Mrs fdi Memorial all Mr Journeymen cornerstone Thursday Itme ot Hugh Subscriptions sent Commisslonera been received two Hethy of GONGER TELLS UP NEW BOXER UPRISING May B a Repetition of the 5 cf 1900 DUE TQEXTORTIONATE TAXES Demanded by I Protest of the United I StatesJmpose Burdens on the People China is on the verge or another Box er uprising which may equal that of 1900 to mail advices received at the State Department from Minister Conger dated last month The troubles appear to arise prIncipally from extor tionate taxation combined with resent- ment against the presence of mission aries andthus is justified the judgment of the Department of State which point ed out to the powers that the demand for ext slve indemnities would result troubles in China office officials promised Conger an restoration order according to recent cable dis patchei subsequent to the date of Conger report the situation has not Szechuan Chentu being hesiege by an antiforeign organization Boxers fat1ve Murdered Mr ciJngers first advice bears date of August 6 from Pekin and he reports seriousanlIforeign riots near Chentu in the of Szeclfuan in which a of native Christians had been and chapels destroyed Gouger appears to have acted WIth energy upon tqlegraphic complaints from Dr an AmerIcan medi- cal missionary at Chentu not only the Chinese foreign OmCCbY letter but calling there In person to upon the officials the ot and action and finally succeeding in causing the ot the local Chinese officials who had Ialled to repress the rIots and life and property Under date or June 20 from Chentu- D telegraphed Mr Conger Jzechusn repeating nineteen hundred Chapel burned ten Christians killed Boxers mUltiplying four months off- icials taxed immediately telegraphed Dr eamrlght to demand adequate lro thctqis rmlssionarIes and the uative Christ nsfrom the local officials He also i ressed a note to Prince Ching I Edict an Imperial edict which IS in part as follows Some time ago a local outlaws bonded together In the distrIct of Tzeyang and made trouble where upon I dispatched troops to disperse them The leading criminal LI Rang and others were arrested and exe- cuted but noW the magistrate of place Ma Chengchl reports that at In his district outlaws over lOO strong suddenly xnadea night attack and destroyed a church which the BrItish or American society had built The preacher Chuchengwei and church members were also killed they also burned some house and kIll ed three Christians I sent troops mall haste and deputed besides an official with rank or TaoTai to proceed with braves to attend to this matter Suchfierce and lawless outbreaks should certaInly be quickly put down They must on no account be allowed to spread command Kewlchun to strictly order the troops to disperse the rebels and their followers to seize the ringleaders and to punish accord- Ing to the rigor of the law and so nip the rebelllon In the bud to take special precautirns so as to get rid or bad char acters and to encourage the law bidlng people They must give real protection to the chapels and missionaries wIthout the least remissness Several Hundred Boxers Killed Mr Conger again addressed the for eign office on July 30 more effec tive measures The foreign office re plied that it had received a telegram from the viceroy stating that the rebel I1siung Chinghe of Jenshouhslen made his appearance suddenly at the head of a crowd and burned a chapel and some thirtyodd houses early in that moon and also killed the Chris tians The dispatched troops to the scene killed some twenty more people The leader of the riot was also cap tured and orders were given to have him and his exposed The rebels at other points were also at tacked Three or four hundred ot them were killed the judge ot the province reports that there was no need for the missionaries to seek temporary reruge KILLED A EURGLAR AFTER BEING SHOT Telegraph Operator Refused to Throw Up Hands PITTSBURG Pa Sept lSA report has just reached Plttsburg that last night two robbers entered the Alle- gheny Valley Railroad office at Ford City and ordered the telegraph opera tor to hold up his hands The operator made a reach for his gun and was shot by one or the thieves He got lila revolver however and re turned the fire killing one of the thieves The other escaped GERMAN CROWN PRINCE AT CORONATION JUBILEE India Sept ISIt is reported that the German crown prince n ac company the Duke of Connanghtto the coronation dUbar which is to take place In January Horrors Immense Indemnity the Powers Against Resentment Against Missionaries according in serI hsinternal The foreign Minister early of Lpt Mr improvI in similart tbe Christians province nuthber massacred Mr ad- dressing impress import- ance Immediate effcctve re- moval pre- serve Camright Mz Conger f The Imperial In his answer Prince Chirg inclosc a- c py of number of chung the Tiqnkuchiao fbur We them urging viceroy or behdnded head SI2JLA BANKING COMPANY FORCED TO GLOSE An Old Institution of Syra- cuse in Bad MET WITH HEAVY LOSSES State Places Concern in the Hands of an ExaminerPresident- Bonta Says the Will Get Evexy DueEstbl shed in 1853 SYRACUSE N Y Sept 18The doors or the New York State Banking Company did not open this morning Upon the glass door of the rooms upon the second floor of the Wieting Block was posted this ThIs bank has recently met with a heavy loss and for that reason is closed by order of th superintendent of banks Leonard chIef engineer of banking depatment is in charge pending an examination WIthin there was no business in the hallways were depositors discussing the situation and the clerks and bookkeep ers were in charge of Examiner Leon ard who already begun investiga tion pacinc the floog was the president or the bank Rassla A Bonta1 almost upon the of tears and ut terly heartbroken You can say he replied to representative the depositors will receive every their deposits Its all here rm sure of it For forty years re been with this bank and not a dol- 1ar has been taken from The capital of the New York State Banking Company is and its ad vertlsem nts state that the surplus is SoOOO The New York State Banking Company was organized under the general bank lag laws of the State ot York Its business was established In 1863 It was first known as the Old Burnett Bank FUNERAL SERVICES OF BANKER NICHOLAS FISH NEW 18The funeral or Nicholas Fish was held today from SL Church Second and Tenth Street The body was removM from the house 48 Irving Place shortly before 10 oclock The services at the church were sImple The edifice was crowded bythe relativ06 and friends of tie boOker and by outsIders who were attracted by curiosity and business roncerns with which Fish was identified were present in bad lea The largest delegations were from the New York State Society of the Cia clnnati ot which Mr was presidexit and the Fraternity or Delta Psi Arter the services the body was placed on special train and taken to Garrison N Y for interment Shape Superintendent Depositors Cent aign George S the bad Nervously verge your that sent of it flOO000 New YORE Sept Marks Avenue Rapresefltstires oTfkrious soe1 2lr Fish a Will Protect Against Bad Debtors and Benefit Good Payers MANY DEALERS IN SCHEME A Branch of National Association Card Issued to Prompt Customers Entitling Them to Credit on Presen tationMembers oi Committee At a mtting or the local branch of the National Retail Grocers Protective Association held last evening at 719 Sixth Street northwest a comprehensive system of protecting dealers from loss through bad debtS and extending general credit to trustworthy customers was adoted The Lleeting was presided over by Yr P B tterbach and there were about 200 members or the association present The local society was organized last and now Includes between iOi and 600 grocers The basis the credit system is a ErIILY SHEA ASKS FOR LIMITED DIVORCE Husband Is Secretary to ex Senator Shea today filed suit for a lImited divorce from her husband James Shea private secretary to ex Senator Wolcott- It Is stated that the parties were mar- ried In this city June 2 Mrs Shea alleges that her husband is addicted to ilrink and has neglected her and their child In Feuruary last she states that he deserted her and with the exception of sent at differ ent times has not otherwise contributed to her support She asks the court to divorcing her from the bed and ci I her and to compel hint to her and her child Walter S John 1 son is named as counsel for the com- plaInant a May retall of FIRS Wolcott Mrs Emily W 1897 lSb pass a decree board husband sup- port ITINERARY OF THE I PRESIDENTS TOUR RUMORED MERGER OF EXPRESS COMPANIES President and to Hold in New York Sept 1SDlrector Homer S King and Acting Dudley Evans or Wells Fargo Co have been summoned to York to attend an important of ex- press leaders It Is that the proposed con solidation of the Wells Fargo Company wIth another express corporation Is to be discussed Mr King left for the East last evening IIAYAA3 GREAT NAVAL DOCK BREAKS IN TWO Collapsed Lifting Ves- sel for Repairs Estimated at the Navy Department That It 100006 to Make Ncessary Repairs HAVANA Sept 18Tne great naval dock has coilapsed Weakness sudden- ly developed while it was lifting sel being docked for repairs One ot the boilers blew tP Injuring the en gineer in chargc Opinion is divided as to whether the accident was bad construction ot criminal care12sness on the part of those in char e The Secretary of the Navy this morn lug a cablegram from LIente ant Commander Ihr U S X in cliarg of the bIg steel dry dock at Havana which states that while raIsing one or the end pontoons or the dock the big structure broke in the middle at the gangway Roar Admtml EndIcott ChIef ot the Bureau of Yards and Docks says that what happened was that the dock lsickIed It will cost in the neigh borhood of 100000 to repair the dam- age Admiral Endicott thInks the dock was weak In the center and not capable bearing any strain dry dock was built for the nary atBtIstPI dur lag the Cuban Insurrection just priqr to the war Remarkable as it may iowe the way across tbe Atlantic Havana used by Spain shortly after Its ar rival the war with the United declared The dock was bought for 195000 It be in view of the break which has just occurred that the dock wIll not be repaired and that it will be a complete loss to United States Directors con- ference SAN FRANCISCO President New conference understood While Will Cost a yes due to received of The steel Spanish England seem the Iar structure was all frOm Bristol to It was never as States wan may the ADOPT A LOCALGROCERS GENERAL CREDIT PLAN credit card issued by any is a member of the association to his customer coitlfyilOg that the latter is entitled to credit In any store in the United States and to all the benefits that can be conferred by the association The holder ot the card Is entitled to credit in any association store on the presentation his card He must sign an article thereon stating that he does owe member or the association and the grocer giving the card must countersign it certifying that he believes this state- ment to be correct the Committee The or the credit committee of the association adopted last makes it imperative that all members the association furnish the with the names occupations and ad dresses or all delinquent known to him and the amount in debtedness immediately upon of the customer to pay his account This is to enable the secretary to Keep a record of delinqUents Upon of the account the customer becomes once more a customer in good standing The members of the committes on credits end collections are as follows A H Gregory James Denty J T L Cavanaugh J F Schneider Tippett Huntt NELSON AG AIN SEEKING TO REGAIN lifTS LIBERTY Alleged Incendi ary Before attorneys of John C whO will up for a second trlll on Sep 22 for the arson of houses Jackson City July H last made formal application for Ue of their client on bail befere Judge Nicoll at the Alexandria county court house this afternoon Nelson was represented by Attorneys Joseph ShlUhlgton and Charles helm of Washington Commonwealth Attorney James E Clements assisted by Yr Edmund Burke ot this oppose the release of the prisoner on bonds JUDGE PENNYPAOKERS SUCCESSOR APPOINTED HARRISBURG Pn Sept lSGoer nor Stone today appointed Morrs S Barrett to succeed Judge Pennypacker- as orphans court Judge Philadelphia grocer who associatiOn simply on prnted not niy Report of report evening of secretary customers of the refusal payment M White Cunsel for Judge Nicoll The Nelson come iember alleged the at release Bend ciy at Will Start From Jersey City for the West Tomorrow TO BE AWAY DAYS To Honor TvoSpanish War Veterans Conventions DETROIT AND INDIANAPOLIS Minnesota Dakota Ne braska Kansas and lllincisMake Many CitiesInfluence of Speaker Hendersons Withdrawal Return on October 7 The final artangements for President Roosevelts trip through the West whIch owing to retirement of Speaker Henderson will in aU probabll ill be fraught with incidents or unusual importance were completed trday Ac cording to the revised itinerary the trip will eighteen daysfrom Sep tember to October 7 It will begin at Jersey City and end In Washington The train leave the Jersey CIty depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad tomorrow at 21t oclock and a flying journey wilt be made directly through to Cincinnati be at 10 oclock Sat urday morning The President will be tendered an in luncheon at noon by the general committee appointed to receive him and durin the afternoon Win be shown over the big worlds exposition grounds he win be greeted by the of the city Dinner will then served in a leading hotel and the Presi dent escorted to the Music First Speech at Cincinnati Mr Roosevelt will there make the first address to the people at large or the trip Immediately after he will take the train for Detroit Pr sident wIll Detroit at S SundaY morning In com- p Secretary wlll- go of in the general the lat ters drive will durIng the by the PresI dent and such members ot his party as may care to go The Spanish War Veterans be also spent in Detroit At lLoclock in the address the convention of the spanish War Veterans after which he will take a twohour a river steamer In afternoon he will ye view race of the veterans and in the vet r ns b n- Quet At 2 a m Tuesday mornIng the Presidents train wlll him to Logansport led At this point the speechmaking to small toWns along the line or the railWay An ad on Sixth PAge NKARLY DEAD OF GAS IN lpY Have Been Accident or Attempted Husband of Mrs Ftilldner of An Company Locked in Room in Mrs Sousas Place Considerable mystery surrounds an no cident which occurred in the theatrical Sousa 5OS and 510 Thirteenth Street northwest shortly after 7 oclock last night when a young man who is alleged is of Marjorie Ful1dner a young actress playing with Antoinette this week at the New National Theater was either accidentally over come gas turned it on With suicIdal intentions of the landlady Miss Souta denIes emphatically It an while anlber party In the house that the as phyxiation grew out ot a trifling quar rei between her hus- band Sousaa ot the land lady said this morning The to turn the gas and in tact even when we reached him he was not and was able leave the house a short time afterward We did not even have H send for a pbysl ian On the other hand another person in the house asserts that the landlady her self had to break open the door Iftt stated that Mlss Fulldner was sttlpgon the after 7 anll when her husband came down asked him to go and get her mall He made no re ply And she some remark to him which the speaker was unable to in terpret It was only a short tine after this he claims that the man was found unconscious on the bed H remained in that condition It is for some little time and Fulldner dId not atteJfd last nights performance at the theater for that reasog EIGHTEEN SOuth iwa Speeches in Will the occupy 19 Prtsldents will afternoon which will reached fornial where business- men be EhIl The arrive nt iclock anyIth Cortelyon he to the residence of Geuaral Alge- rfmsEbretnry cFar and corn penT with attend church An InfOrmal he- tateu afternoon Monday ilI the morning Presi- dent will trip on the the the evening attend convey will begin Continued ATOII8 LOBBING HOUSE Suicide My toinettC boarding house of Mrs it the husband the My corn pany by or The daughter that was attempted suicide claims Mrs Fulldner and 3llss daughter young man forgot off unconscious tO steps shortly oclock made claimed Mrs

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Page 1: i aj1evtuiu t tIC - Chronicling America...i t tIC f MORNIfJOTI1ViES 1 Fri ay co ler Friday light to 1 The News of All the World fresh VInQS t BeST SPORTING PAGE IN WASHINGTON I 2228


1Fri ay co ler Friday light to 1 The News of All the Worldfresh VInQS t BeST SPORTING PAGE IN WASHINGTON


2228 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1902 Price One

ii1 iii i-

aj1evtuiu tineNumber wsnIGq Cent



Sides to Make Race

for Congress


Practically Besiegedat His Hotel


Latest Word From Inside Indicates No

Disposition on His Part to YieldTelegrams From Chairman BabcockSenators Allison Spooner

and Lodge rging Reconsideration Re


DUBUQUE Iowa SeptDavid B Henderson is in a state otpolitical He has been attackedon all sides in the attempt to induce himto reconsider his decision to quit therace for reelection to Congress

The Speakers personal friends hereentreated him at short range to

change his mind His political friendsallover the country havebombarded himat long telegrams makingsame plea The Speaker has howeverintrencred himself in his rooms at hishotel to which all but his intimate

rds are barred and the last word-s m oJt tOday was that he intended

o stick by his announcementIrlends Not Without Hope

His friends here however are not yetwithout hope that Mr Henderson mayyet be the Republican candidate forthis the Third Iowa district They arefiguring that the seeming lmprobabilty-of the convention being able to agreeon the nominee in the Speakers placewill result in a nnanimous demand thatlie make the race and that time addedto the tremendous party pressurebrought on him and is likely toincrease rather dirginish will com-pel him to alter his decision

Besides the telegram fromRoe velt H ndersOn has

from Senator William BYr H ndersonreflli

to was In the ns4Ue ot-a mmtlDIC2tiOn hls

Iclose friends here to whom he shoedIt report it was a strong plea for areconsideration for the sake ofparty I

Telegram From BabcockSenators Aldrich Spooner and Lodge

added to telegram signedprimarily bY Congressman W Bab

of the Republican Congressionhl Committee It read

In recetrtoi telegram signed byyou saying that you have declined semination for COTJgres We cannot believe the teligram is genuIne Hepburn and Hull here and all enter

protest against action ofthis kind by you Republican partythat you have served io long and faithfully cannot part with your servicesnow



Thnas Foley anUntimely End

on Rouse inWhen Accident Occurrer Died on

Operating Table

Thema F Foley fortyfive years eWbricklayer by trade and living at 1e24

Seventeenth Street northwest waskilled this morning at 10 oclock by afall from a hoase at the corner of 0Street northwest near Thirtyfifth

Foley was working on two brick Bon 1esbelonging to Ellen Sullivan

Foley was working on a scaffold andhe accidentally lost his balance and fellto the pavement a distance of aboutthirty feet He struck on his head receiv-Ing a compound fracture of the skulland a fracture at be base of the brainalso a fracture of the thigh bone

The man was Immediatelytaken to the Georgetown Hos-pital while being operated upon byDr Gwynn he died

Coroner Nevltt was at onec notifiedand ordered the removed to themorgue It not as yet whetherhe will hold an Inquest

Foley was a widower Xo childrensurvive


PITTSFIELD Mass Sept 1Tbebearing c tb eases of motorman Madden and Cooouctor Kelly charged withmanslaughter In causing the deeth of

Service Oieer William Craig Inthe accident that Jeapardized the

the Septembr 3 Wasagain continued this morning Thehearing Is now set for October 8


BALLSTON x Y Sept sgrjGill was stricken with heart failure

caused by excitement over thestrike of the Hudson Valley Railway

employes cannot live the day



p Aldrich

This Morning




rangewith the



PresidentSpeaker also

rece1ocAh1aosegiv euasitcunfi4entlal but


theii names aJ

cock chstrmati

I Am

areour earnest



F Meets

Was Working Georgetowfl



I inluredUniversity


bod3is known


nf President on






Willing But Says MustWin Congress Before Electing


DANVILLE Ill Sept 1SCongressman G Cannon has made thelog statement regarding Speaker Hendersons withdrawal

The first duty of the Republican party Iis to achIeve success in the comingelection It Is to the bestoats of all the people that wehave a majority in the next HQuse otRepresentatives I believe the majorityof the peopl are in harmony with the


policies or the Republican party and theAdministration The only danger iswe may not pause Ions enough to recordthe sentiment of the people a the ibox After we elect a majority or the

Inext House of thestrongest possible organization of the I

same should he and I believe wilt hemade

So far as my own candidacy Is concerned I would be ratified if the consensus of oulnion of themembers should favor my nomlantionand election as Speaker But I sayagain all questions of organizationawait and are secondary to the securing

Republican majority in the nextHouse



Formed in Line and Marchedto Police Court

Charged That She Beat Them Blackand Blue With Straps and


Neb Sept 1SOne hundredpupils of the Lowell school in SouthOmaia held an indignation meeting atrecess and instead of returning to

the bell rang they formedin lIne and marched to the police courtto demand the arrest of their prIncipalMIss Florence Moore

They that Moore had beaten them wIth straps and rulers Theydisplayed an assortment of andblue 1lses which they attributed te

Ncafgaiton uetr ttble siarted when MisS at

chastise the boys andgnumbt of pupils came to their

children range in age fromileen years


J fdllow

vital intershould







school when

stated Miss

llackthis cat

tu dIeldsI thathrn

tempted to two ofron

cce Thulire



Situation on the IsthmusContinues Serious


me can Commander Reports ThatCommunication Will Be Kept Open

at All HazardsDetermined to

tect Liberty and Property

The Navy Department today receivedfrom Commander McLean or the Cin-

cinnati a cable dispatch from Colon onthe Isthmus of Panawa which showsthat the situation continues to be seri

and the government troops are stillendeavoring to obstruct traffic acrossthe isthmus Commander McLean assures the department that he will takevigorous measures to insure traffic under our treaty with Colombia and wlllprotect American lives and interestsHe has already landed marines and hasinstructed the Ranger to assist in thisduty Commander McLeans dispatchfollows

iraid to Panama went through with iCincinnati guard or riflemen and rapidfire gun Freight traIn coming to Colonstqpped by soldiers standing on sidesof track continuously poInting loadedmuskets at engineer and handsand demanding opening ot the locked boxcars for an nsne ion Conductor had

Ino key and could not went to find someresponsible also sent man to flag following passenger train Menace

freight came in with passengettrain Will vigorously protect life

of American and other peaceableemployes and maIntain unobstructed

Instructed Ranger to assist Inthis duty McLEAN



Md 18A movemeat Is on foot in this city among thecoal dealers and consumers to order ashipload or anthracite coal from CardltI-

It is estimated that afterthe tariff the coal will cost from 5

to g per ton-


Ther r5t3Ltson jr United States ot his cOinImisSIon as an officer in the ArtflIeryCorps The resignation of First LleutAlbert Lang Philippine Scouts has also










Wales pay-Ing

President has aceted theres-natioii of uaratter





Failed to Reach PoleMade Important



Lieutenant in Excellent Health andSatisfied With PearyDr on the Relief ShipWindward and Coming some

N S SeptLieutenant Peary arrived here from thefrozen North on board the Windward at815 this mornthg Dr Dedericks



Will Be Entertained at theBlue Mountain House

A score of local bankers left WAS-hIngton this afternoon on the 261 express Pennsylvania Railroad for

I to become the guests of their


brethren or theCity on a two days jaunt to the BlueMountain House Md At the latterplace will be held the annual meeting ofthe Maryland Bankers Association orwhich Yr Charles C Homer is presidentand Robert Shriver of Cumberlandchairmen ot the committee cf adminis-tration

TIle local bankers on the trIp areFox Columbia Bank Swope

Washington Loan and Trust CompanyMoore West End National Bank LouisJ Davis and W A Mearns ot LouisJohnson Co A K Parris of CraneParris Co Charles S Bradley UnionTrust J Bell of the Amer-ican Security and Treat Company FH Smith UnIon gevings BankChurch ot CitIzens National Bank STheodore Brown Farmers and

Bank Arthur Brice Riggs NationalBank Bradley Davidson National SafeDeposit Company John E Herrell National Capital Bank C F SormentCentral National Bank J B WilonLincoln National Bask O G StaplesWashiugtou Savings Bank and N HShea Citizens National Bank A num

of gentleman accom-panied by their

Lewis J Davis of this cityread a Ute couveaSios on

Early Bunking in the District ot Cothe History or the



TripMrs fllDedericks



Balti-moreprofessIonal Monumental






bar these werewives

Mr wilipaper st

lutnbla and Legal

also aboard the Windward Peary didthe but on his last

dash he made important discoveriesAs Lieutenant Peazy stepped ashore

from the Windward he said to the waitng newspaper men

Ulloly last dash for the Pole was a mostsucceSsful expedition I was furtherNorth than myprevious record

Peary is in remarkably good healthPeary who went North on the

Windward to greet her husband was illfor a fortnight but Is now well on theroad to recovery

Dr Dedericks whose row with Lieuteuant Peary resulted in his leaving Peary-a year ago since which time he has beenliving with the Eskimos Is apparently in good health He was pIcked up atEtah by the Windward In accordancewith an arrangement made vben he leftPeary



Arrangements PerfectedProposed

Arrangements were perfected thisernoon by James F McHugh gen-eral secretary ani treasureror the International Order or Stonecutters and the omcers of the encamp-ment committees for the formal acccpt-ance or the for the proposedMemorial Bridge on the aftsnonn of

October 9 jThe stone will he at the same

dedicated with appropriate ceremoniesparticipated In by General Torrance


ommanderInchlet of the G A R RevDr Stafford pastor of St PatricksChurch Col Henry Watterson LouisvFlle and Gen Joseph Wheeler Mr Mc

Iand others


Received Bring the TotalAmount Up to Nearly aooo

The fund for the erection ot memorial to the late Coy Alexander RShepherd this afternoon reached a totalor 1OO7

The days subecription3 included 200in by the District

having by them Inequal sums from Mr A Wlllardand Mr W P Van Wickle Another subsrlptlon received was that 5 fromCharles S Johnson



tot discover Pole












sent Commisslonerabeen received two





May B a Repetition of the5

cf 1900


Demanded byI

Protest of the United I

StatesJmpose Burdens on the People

China is on the verge or another Boxer uprising which may equal that of1900 to mail advices receivedat the State Department from MinisterConger dated last month The troublesappear to arise prIncipally from extortionate taxation combined with resent-ment against the presence of missionaries andthus is justified the judgmentof the Department of State which pointed out to the powers that the demandfor ext slve indemnities would result

troubles in Chinaoffice officials promised

Conger an restorationorder according to recent cable dispatchei subsequent to the date ofConger report the situation has not

Szechuan Chentu beinghesiege by an antiforeign organization

Boxersfat1ve Murdered

Mr ciJngers first advice bears date ofAugust 6 from Pekin and he reportsseriousanlIforeign riots near Chentu inthe of Szeclfuan in which a

of native Christians had beenand chapels destroyed

Gouger appears to have acted WIthenergy upon tqlegraphic complaintsfrom Dr an AmerIcan medi-cal missionary at Chentu not only

the Chinese foreign OmCCbYletter but calling there In person to

upon the officials theot and action

and finally succeeding in causing theot the local Chinese officials who

had Ialled to repress the rIots andlife and property

Under date or June 20 from Chentu-D telegraphed Mr CongerJzechusn repeating nineteen hundred

Chapel burned ten Christians killedBoxers mUltiplying four months off-icials taxed

immediately telegraphedDr eamrlght to demand adequate lrothctqis rmlssionarIes and the uativeChrist nsfrom the local officials Healso i ressed a note to Prince Ching


an Imperial edict which IS inpart as follows

Some time ago a localoutlaws bonded together In the distrIctof Tzeyang and made trouble whereupon I dispatched troops to dispersethem The leading criminal LI Rang

and others were arrested and exe-cuted but noW the magistrate ofplace Ma Chengchl reports that at

In his district outlawsover lOO strong suddenly xnadea nightattack and destroyed a church whichthe BrItish or American society hadbuilt The preacher Chuchengwei and

church members were also killedthey also burned some house and kIlled three Christians I sent troops mallhaste and deputed besides an officialwith rank or TaoTai to proceed withbraves to attend to this matter

Suchfierce and lawless outbreaksshould certaInly be quickly put downThey must on no account be allowed tospread command Kewlchun tostrictly order the troops to disperse therebels and their followers to seize theringleaders and to punish accord-Ing to the rigor of the law and so nipthe rebelllon In the bud to take specialprecautirns so as to get rid or bad characters and to encourage the law bidlngpeople They must give real protectionto the chapels and missionaries wIthoutthe least remissness

Several Hundred Boxers KilledMr Conger again addressed the for

eign office on July 30 more effective measures The foreign office replied that it had received a telegramfrom the viceroy stating that the rebelI1siung Chinghe of Jenshouhslenmade his appearance suddenly at thehead of a crowd and burned a chapeland some thirtyodd houses early inthat moon and also killed the Christians The dispatched troops tothe scene killed some twentymore people

The leader of the riot was also captured and orders were given to have him

and his exposed Therebels at other points were also attacked Three or four hundred ot themwere killed the judge ot the provincereports that there was no need for themissionaries to seek temporary reruge



Telegraph Operator Refusedto Throw Up Hands

PITTSBURG Pa Sept lSA reporthas just reached Plttsburg that lastnight two robbers entered the Alle-

gheny Valley Railroad office at FordCity and ordered the telegraph operator to hold up his hands

The operator made a reach for hisgun and was shot by one or the thieves

He got lila revolver however and returned the fire killing one of thethieves The other escaped


India Sept ISIt is reportedthat the German crown prince n accompany the Duke of Connanghtto thecoronation dUbar which is to take placeIn January


Immense Indemnity thePowers Against

Resentment Against Missionaries


in serI hsinternalThe foreign

Minister early ofLpt


improvI insimilart tbe





impress import-ance Immediate effcctve




Mz Conger


The ImperialIn his answer Prince Chirg inclosc a-

c py of

number of








behdnded head




An Old Institution of Syra-

cuse in Bad


State Places Concern inthe Hands of an ExaminerPresident-Bonta Says the Will GetEvexy DueEstbl shed in 1853

SYRACUSE N Y Sept 18Thedoors or the New York State BankingCompany did not open this morningUpon the glass door of the rooms uponthe second floor of the Wieting Blockwas posted this

ThIs bank has recently met with aheavy loss and for that reason is closedby order of th superintendent of banks

Leonard chIef engineer ofbanking depatment is in charge

pending an examinationWIthin there was no business in the

hallways were depositors discussing thesituation and the clerks and bookkeepers were in charge of Examiner Leonard who already begun investigation

pacinc the floog was thepresident or the bank Rassla A Bonta1almost upon the of tears and utterly heartbroken

You can say he replied torepresentative the depositors willreceive every their deposits Itsall here rm sure of it For forty yearsre been with this bank and not a dol-1ar has been taken from

The capital of the New York StateBanking Company is and its advertlsem nts state that the surplus is


The New York State Banking Companywas organized under the general banklag laws of the State ot York Itsbusiness was established In 1863 It wasfirst known as the Old Burnett Bank


NEW 18The funeral orNicholas Fish was held today from SL

Church Second andTenth Street The body was removMfrom the house 48 Irving Place shortlybefore 10 oclock The services at thechurch were sImple The edifice wascrowded bythe relativ06 and friends oftie boOker and by outsIders who wereattracted by curiosity

and business roncerns with whichFish was identified were present in badlea The largest delegations were fromthe New York State Society of the Ciaclnnati ot which Mr was presidexitand the Fraternity or Delta Psi Arterthe services the body was placed onspecial train and taken to Garrison NY for interment





George S






sent of




Marks Avenue

Rapresefltstires oTfkrious soe12lr



Will Protect Against Bad

Debtors and BenefitGood Payers


A Branch of National AssociationCard Issued to Prompt CustomersEntitling Them to Credit on PresentationMembers oi Committee

At a mtting or the local branch ofthe National Retail Grocers ProtectiveAssociation held last evening at 719

Sixth Street northwest a comprehensivesystem of protecting dealers from lossthrough bad debtS and extending generalcredit to trustworthy customers wasadoted

The Lleeting was presided over by YrP B tterbach and there were about200 members or the association presentThe local society was organized last

and now Includes between iOi and600 grocers

The basis the credit system is a



Husband Is Secretary to exSenator

Shea today filed suit fora lImited divorce from her husbandJames Shea private secretary to ex

Senator Wolcott-It Is stated that the parties were mar-

ried In this city June 2

Mrs Shea alleges that her husband isaddicted to ilrink and has neglectedher and their child In Feuruary lastshe states that he deserted her andwith the exception of sent at different times has not otherwise contributedto her support

She asks the court todivorcing her from the bed and ci

I her and to compel hint toher and her child Walter S John

1son is named as counsel for the com-







Mrs Emily




pass a decreeboard

husband sup-




President and to Holdin New York

Sept 1SDlrectorHomer S King and ActingDudley Evans or Wells Fargo Cohave been summoned to York toattend an important of ex-

press leadersIt Is that the proposed con

solidation of the Wells Fargo CompanywIth another express corporation Is tobe discussed Mr King left for the Eastlast evening



Collapsed Lifting Ves-

sel for Repairs

Estimated at the Navy Department

That It 100006 to MakeNcessary Repairs

HAVANA Sept 18Tne great navaldock has coilapsed Weakness sudden-ly developed while it was liftingsel being docked for repairs One otthe boilers blew tP Injuring the engineer in chargc

Opinion is divided as to whether theaccident was bad construction otcriminal care12sness on the part ofthose in char e

The Secretary of the Navy this mornlug a cablegram from LIenteant Commander Ihr U S X in cliargof the bIg steel dry dock at Havanawhich states that while raIsing one orthe end pontoons or the dock the bigstructure broke in the middle at thegangway

Roar Admtml EndIcott ChIef ot theBureau of Yards and Docks says thatwhat happened was that the docklsickIed It will cost in the neigh

borhood of 100000 to repair the dam-age Admiral Endicott thInks the dockwas weak In the center and not capable

bearing any straindry dock was built for the

nary atBtIstPI durlag the Cuban Insurrection just priqr tothe war Remarkableas it mayiowe the way across tbe Atlantic

Havanaused by Spain shortly after Its arrival the war with the Uniteddeclared

The dock was bought for 195000 Itbe in view of the break which has

just occurred that the dock wIll not berepaired and that it will be a completeloss to United States

Directors con-






Will Cost

a yes

due to


ofThe steel

Spanish England

seem the Iar structure wasall

frOm Bristol to It was neveras

States wan





credit card issued by anyis a member of the association to hiscustomer coitlfyilOg that the latter isentitled to credit In anystore in the United States and to all thebenefits that can be conferred by theassociation The holder ot the card Isentitled to credit in any associationstore on the presentation hiscard He must sign an articlethereon stating that he does owe

member or the association and thegrocer giving the card must countersignit certifying that he believes this state-ment to be correct

the CommitteeThe or the credit committee of

the association adopted lastmakes it imperative that all members

the association furnish thewith the names occupations and addresses or all delinquentknown to him and the amount indebtedness immediately uponof the customer to pay his account Thisis to enable the secretary to Keep arecord of delinqUents Uponof the account the customer becomesonce more a customer in good standing

The members of the committes oncredits end collections are as followsA H Gregory James Denty J T

L Cavanaugh J F SchneiderTippett Huntt



Alleged Incendiary Before

attorneys of John C whOwill up for a second trlll on Sep

22 for the arson ofhouses Jackson City July H lastmade formal application for Ueof their client on bail befere JudgeNicoll at the Alexandria county courthouse this afternoon

Nelson was represented by AttorneysJoseph ShlUhlgton and Charleshelm of Washington CommonwealthAttorney James E Clements assisted byYr Edmund Burke ot this opposethe release of the prisoner on bonds


HARRISBURG Pn Sept lSGoernor Stone today appointed Morrs SBarrett to succeed Judge Pennypacker-as orphans court Judge Philadelphia

grocer who


simply onprnted


Report ofreport


of secretary


the refusal




Cunsel forJudge Nicoll

The Nelsoncome

iember alleged theat





Will Start From JerseyCity for the West



To Honor TvoSpanish WarVeterans Conventions


Minnesota Dakota Nebraska Kansas and lllincisMake

Many CitiesInfluenceof Speaker Hendersons Withdrawal

Return on October 7

The final artangements for PresidentRoosevelts trip through the WestwhIch owing to retirement ofSpeaker Henderson will in aU probabllill be fraught with incidents or unusualimportance were completed trday According to the revised itinerary the tripwill eighteen daysfrom September to October 7 It will begin atJersey City and end In Washington

The train leave theJersey CIty depot of the PennsylvaniaRailroad tomorrow at 21toclock and a flying journey wilt bemade directly through to Cincinnati

be at 10 oclock Saturday morning

The President will be tendered an inluncheon at noon by the general

committee appointed to receive him anddurin the afternoon Win be shown overthe big worlds exposition grounds

he win be greeted by theof the city Dinner will then

served in a leading hotel and the President escorted to the Music

First Speech at CincinnatiMr Roosevelt will there make the

first address to the people at large orthe trip Immediately after he will takethe train for Detroit

Pr sident wIll Detroitat S SundaY morning In com-

p Secretary wlll-go

of inthe general the lat

ters drive willdurIng the by the PresI

dent and such members ot his party asmay care to go

The Spanish War Veteransbe also spent in Detroit

At lLoclock in theaddress the convention of the

spanish War Veterans after which hewill take a twohour a riversteamer In afternoon he will yeview race of the veterans and in

the vet r ns b n-

QuetAt 2 a m Tuesday mornIng the

Presidents train wlll him toLogansport led At this point thespeechmaking to small toWns along theline or the railWay An ad

on Sixth PAge


lpY Have Been Accident orAttempted

Husband of Mrs Ftilldner of AnCompany Locked in Room

in Mrs Sousas Place

Considerable mystery surrounds an nocident which occurred in the theatrical

Sousa 5OS and510 Thirteenth Street northwest shortlyafter 7 oclock last night when a youngman who is alleged isof Marjorie Ful1dner a young actressplaying with Antoinette

this week at the New NationalTheater was either accidentally overcome gas turned it on With

suicIdal intentionsof the landlady Miss

Souta denIes emphatically Itan while anlberparty In the house that the asphyxiation grew out ot a trifling quar

rei between her hus-

bandSousaa ot the land

lady said this morningThe to turn the

gas and in tact even when we reachedhim he was not and wasable leave the house a short timeafterward We did not even have H

send for a pbysl ianOn the other hand another person in

the house asserts that the landlady herself had to break open the door Ifttstated that Mlss Fulldner was sttlpgonthe after 7 anllwhen her husband came down asked himto go and get her mall He made no reply And she some remark to himwhich the speaker was unable to interpret It was only a short tine afterthis he claims that the man was foundunconscious on the bed H remainedin that condition It is for somelittle time and Fulldner dId notatteJfd last nights performance at thetheater for that reasog


SOuth iwa

Speeches in




Prtsldents will


which will reached


where business-men be


The arrive nticlock

anyIth Cortelyon heto the residence of Geuaral Alge-

rfmsEbretnry cFar and cornpenT with attend

church An InfOrmal he-

tateu afternoon

Monday ilIthe morning Presi-

dent will

trip onthe

thethe evening attend


will begin





boarding house of Mrs

it the husband

the My cornpany

by or

The daughterthat was

attempted suicideclaims

Mrs Fulldner and

3llss daughter

young man forgot off


steps shortly oclock

