i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es lc tust...

_............. ... ..., - •• i ^ . ;,_ , ---------- -r;-— ' - . : ■■ . ^ . . . . . . :yO ti.jU ^N O . 86. , ••■■•• • ■ ' ,. .................... TWIN IDAHO; ^ ^ ^ THURSDAY, FEBMARY 7,1918 « n . . .i'-. • i."- ' iSlntA'niiihiFfonI fli.> utm . - ~ ‘* . ' " . ' ' ' ' ' ■—-..i.-..— 16S A Tust ttH U N ( AGGRESSIVE IN Itt™ jiM in rm g sjru . nctBOPTO- ^ BD BT OVSBUAN STIM / roE? , .......... W ouli CbncentrSfc^l ’’ Pow er in P i^ident . Bftker on Stand Yesterday bnt Unable to Oo Today Owing to ti Ertra Work Following Sinking- ® __ »f TMcanla-rWheeler- Testfflw. ----- -g 118 -tactics the odmlalstratloB lodtiy ® boldly took th© oflonBlTO ogalMt lu ^ <riUcs tn congrosB. It yJcod’-powor _ “ 5\re«&ailoT6o. moro dnutfCtB&n .lEp. moat oxtromo coacopUoa ot tho bod- t aton irho h&vo booa.&UmorlaK (or a roconBtoictlOB'ot-tb«.w*rmi»kliiKima- . <>*<11111 to bring about higbor ottlcIoDCjr > a*d; cJoBor co-ordination, i • » 8 Tho OYonn»n btU Bpoiuwrcd by tho o »na{4ent hlnuoU, granUtrg the cblot •oxecnUTo'hl*nk«t powors .to rcorgan- !m tho «ntlr« war gOTomo^cnt, -mot . •with a Btorm ot oppoBltlon.: Ita paB«, f ■nuta ■ppaai»a~Jgit:^ag^ocnt(urag-thBl7 . pBM&gfl orthe war cabinet ana muni- „ ‘ tton« dictntor blUe. Doinoci*Uc^8en- J ■oton, iqclddlni;. Sonatsr . t t t ^ i n ..taajorlty lo^or. Jolnod j ^ senatorB.. Tthol' -*-d®ddod-«Wd^i4rtilnstLtafiLihdaaure.- Tboy doclftrod that thoy have propoB- -«d a specltle romodx',for,oonaiUon» whlloJ tHo now. adminlBtratlon- bill 'io proftdo tha'romody.' ' Prediction wbb mado. In Bomo quar- tofB th a t' tho moasuro would, novor. onorgo ’ from ' thb Bonato' Judiciary . commlttoo. At any rato, a prolonged aad filttor fight In tho commlttoo _B«mod_tnoTltiiblo.. . . . AdmlnUtni.tl6n aupportora today, laoncbed a well defined program bt Hpoooh maklng'to combat tho cam- paign of the' war' eabuiei baeken.' Seaator Kirby. ,of Arkanaaf. Benator ShloldB, of TonnoBBOe. Senator Thomaa of Colorado «ad'RopresQntatite\01aB8 ^f Virginia all deUTored tpeedhebr- Socrotary of War 5aker*cbanged hU plan to’ appear 'before tbe senate mill* tary affairs/committee for further - croBB examination,today, on account «f hiB dntlea at the- office' following the sinking of the Tu8canla..:'lnst«ad be Bont Qenoral Wheeler, acting chief of ordnonco..to give tbe commlttee the facta abont the'aiiBoiin!tlsn~Bltnatlonr later on ho probably w|n:oppoar for a final tussle <idth the. committee.^ The eommlttoe beard Genera! Wheeler in necret session to prorent.tho dJsclos- ure of lafonnatlon valuable to .the enemy. - Under a ': heavy . Jiombarilmont of 4|«osUona from hls congresBlonal flriUc«, ;8ccretaTy o£. War Baker on lh#-«taad-before' the-senate military - affairs coinmlttee yesterday afternoon stood nnyloldlngly a w ' hla prerlous | assoriba tbat America’s war maohine , had not broken down.. I; Ea* deelared - tbat American troopa ; ' U Fiance'on -Januarr 1 wera consld- ''erably ahead otaohadttle-and'he; de- clined to' w is e his prerlotts predlc- -TttosrthatTASMrlear>woaldHiav*-ltalt-«- ailHra* Tnen' !n • Trance' ••early; In Ur. Baker d^ia^'to'auwer sme- .qaestions In public‘^ecajse.'he* said; It would famiab infoifmatlon to •many. He offered'tO'tfve answers .In . . private, ^ '''•' t ^ - “Cone out loto the next room and, ~nrton-Ton.—n6TMiryhett ■ W ti}^ rllltchcddc-waatftlrtd'-knoiir-abottt-ihe- avaUablUty of'shipping'^. ti;aupotl and snpply s e r t i c a . ' ■ -r/.,; uneh wrangling, took, place thron^- ~ o S t lhe- hearlngr*:Admlntetratlonrt«B- ators. were j}Q..,tt)e..alail'to.-prDts|et Secretarr Baker and- fr^ttently trtM ' • -to force the.coBimltt«^lnt9 sew^.s^- •Blon. -As a ttatteK.oi^-fist.the.-^qnirl mittee had.extracted' very,TltUe.new «r..B«to-<ook . a m i Uia. ilMM tei iiiHterlfal H ob -(«, sf^ e ::ania 'Convoyed by ^truckby Toi The U-BoaF ORTY-TWO OF BRITISH GREW i LAMD; IttKBraUBVIVOBST W —AMERICANS EVEBYWHES FERVOR. BY. MEWfrr-BEUEI v-ORBSS-BE^AgB^^OBBTS . aREAT PATBIOnd DEMOI WILSON/ WHEN i b w s SPBE WASHINQTON, Feb. 7.—A con ack upon tho transport TuHcania, 'ranee, via’Qreat'BHtahi Iia« hccn t t will sot bo roado public, at this tii __ ItjH-underatood^-b/jwever.-tlittt anIa7 'ft“BritrsTr'vQseT'was TindcF' Uralty'Wbea^lortTabd was-undor^cc xceUeht wofk^of^thp dostroyore as t ponfliblc for thb cbmpamtivQly Bmal . . Naval offici^'reCiiscd.to comin “ ^hTsy^Ti‘d€i:lrp)$ljiriiowfevt^r ing at rest earlier reports that the . They also ^ai(l that they pljicod i Dg'mino and ndt'a sab'inarlno was r ol. Aaked directly about whether ifficialH would not-Toply holding ;th UBS the convoy,qneatlon in anjw a ,. .Up to 1:45 this aftomoon’th^-ar igures of tho_^sjjjEififtnJiiy.oaJ.6rft-- id' by cablo said thal'168 Amoridazi ?bQ official figure here i^ado tho n War .an'd^avy departmebt TOrrT0Ty~h5petolnlrffrthtrBritiHh- ind'that even this nntnbcr wouldlbi Mtvod'h»d Feported., >; - Oablegrtuns ioS^o.war'departn ;he BHtishvp^m^/iiftV0.-i^ed' and toVaffoM^btf^trt>6 iaB?from'-t^ mco and to furn*iafi^hem^with d o t >een dlspatcheS'frbV'IiiveS^'ool and [reland and Scotland where suryivo :oEo .for '^oi^' and.to list them imn }£ missing ca^bo compQcd. Tho Tudcatua,did nOt’-aink at c :eived this a^tern6 on^^ Sho remain ifter being struck.’ . That-thcro.’wer'e other'vessels r cd was indicated by later adviccs i 7he sea was rough off the Irii that-were pickod'up from ’open boa ly from exposure and nausea. The pooplo on tho .Ulster coast en i^boro did all in their power to n fortable:. The Red Cross gavo valu ' ; LONDON, Feb.7.—^wo hundn ing both Xmerieans and British s( Puscania was torpedoed on Tuesd known today,,the.admiralty, ajjnon ----- Those-8aved,-8ccording-,to~tbii • Officers,^Gj-racD, 1 0 3 5 office: of ship’s crew, 125; passengers, 3; There' were 2179 Americana o used'as a transport. ‘ , ' The f i ^ e s given out by the Bi American soldiers were misaing. - . , Tho admiralty atated that tho ' tain J. X; Hend<OTon. . . WASHINOTON/ Feb. .7.-^Identlty of the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and sunk . off' tho- eoast ot Ireland with a heavy'^loss ot American Uvcs, was bolng OBtabllshed today. The troops;'among whom lh» casualties are dlswbnted were na- WlscooBtn and regulars from Comp. KoArtbur,-Texas... • ! In'ttio'absence o(>any furthor offkr Ial figures.the dopartment. this'after- noon-actep%ed> tM ' Bi>Ittsli a:dmlhiltj> figures tbat only,198 ofUeers and men of the Amerlcaa f o ^ j»re-'mUflng. Haae. ti^cs. Ji93t«»r.Jtiw : ex- ;>OttlciaIs sUU were hopet^'that tUs Jist .wooW.be.rodneed when the.<jo»b- Amedeaeyiea^F^jmr^lnK aeas ior-posslWe.fiunrivor^, Thfl VW fact.|bat>^.tbe;mlBi|li» Ust w u r^n^ rMB.JB-MeAl^Wvtp IMS.W RaSacamOTt -^Sswhments Nos. 1 W eiii British rpedo-RouM '^^petatiom DROWNED—PEOPLE OF I R ^ I mO hASDUD' OOSIFd^Ti^LB ' i s SPURRED - TO ■WAB.UKX/ ^ P THAT ORXnCISMS IS dON> : I THAy p R O V ^ OF ApVANT- S^INOTON^bPXnCiSOB'^]^ • trSTRATION. TO PUSIDENT' 5ADS ON THE STREETS.' . ■ ' . ______ ^ 1 tnplete rcngrt-dealing with the at.- . , carrying Amorican troops .'to received ny tho riavy department', ime. . t thea-cport-shows-that'the Tub- < -the arreetion of tTirDrifish iffl' ’ onvoy-of-British'destroyorsr -.The: declared' to have been directly ro*.; ill casualty list. < lent on tlio loss of the Tuscaniu.' hat■■th■^f^ve58el■^^»"smlk7thnr't^ct^' ! ship was still ailoat. no reliance in rumors that a float- responsible for the loss of the ves- • the convoy was entirely British lat it would bo injudicious to dis- ly. ;' ■ . . ■■' rmy was still without any ppsiUvo •RririaK A^mimlty.rcportS-WOV^ a officers and men had. been.lost, lumber 231 if a cablo list of thirty )t included in the'original list pro* officials, howover, said that'thoy i-adraralty-flguK58~weY<ra'ceurat»: (o.forther reduced -when idl-of the nent from l^dpn-ted^ Mid.that instructions to' Scotland 'and Jre^ le Tuscania .everr possible assist* thing requirem ent TJEBceraTiove' 1 Glasgow and London to points in ors or jnsy be landed to nediaidy Ju*that the accurate IiHt onco, according to information'rc- led afloat for' two or three hours, nearby when the;liher w.atf-at'taek- f rom tho-north Irish coast.' ih’coast and neariy' Iifty surnvors its loBt'night were' suffering^ keen- ; cities where Americana were Wk- makc the survivors warm and com- lable assistance to the men. also. . ■ed and ten lives were lost (incliid- eamen). when tho British stedhicr ia^ off the Irish^.goast, so far as anfted. i9-.estimate,-7W^re -----------^ ------------- - sra-of Tuscama crew, 16; membors others, 32.-. m the Tuscania, which ;was being Iritish admiralty indicated that 168 Tuscania was commanded by Cap* and'2‘of the Tblrty-seoond division. . ntt)^-one officers unattached, en- route to. report In France. In^dditlon -tbere iraa .on board tbo headqoaHers dotachmont and Com- panita n.'H ao^rP o£-the.T?ir«aUeth onjrtnetya.,^.... . of the first batUllon of Mkblgan.en- gtoeers.----“ .-''=-- The-107th raiUtarsSpoUce waa made op fnim tlie' Fourth, and Sixth ;WIb- conBin'lbtanti7.':.V I' Air ot.t&e'feoatl^ents !oir'sboard, of tlie afuscahla were of ths .Thirty-sec- ond Qatlonal-goard dtrislon except'tbe T S « ^ “Ctngin«®ni_»nd.^^ squadrons.—^ -------- H—----- ----- v- i WiiBHWOTON. r«b. 7.—"Tk. .lok- Ifty py tn face. With the'lowoa ot. 'way. la ,IU most 'relentleia'form;^ declared Sec- retaxT.otWar,.arinrilirrfomaliUte< ftent todays .*tlt:ii a.'freah-«hallenge to . tka elTUlsed^vworUf by-JUI adrerS' ary 'Who-, has raltniM,' bnb-taada^iaore deadly.-the stMUb.:o{;Ui«iBaTage in irartare;'; v v.-.,; . ' *‘.We , must 1 ^ ' this war’-'and we wiUr^wlir Lossea like this oidtai'tbs’oouBtry ln. aympathy' with th^fltoiUlea -who. have, sat- (area-^lo^;. :anlMi'.« ;ai* make more dstenUned oar^pnrpese to S i,;£ uiJ5» i «1t ••'Ult .ot;»ir s s y^es L c D owi itroyers But^ Sea Favored tmm I THE OREGON TOQINTA RP.PRPity.TrrATi?g. : SAYS ATTACK HELPED MILrrARISTS j Weakened - I . 'It Is Chamber]^ Not the War j^l^pMtment—That-Hftd-Ceasrt to Function," Sajrs the Sarcas- • itia Congwsman. -■WASHINGTON. Fob. 7—Tho WUson idiplnlBtratlon dofondcd itself to d ^ igalnst the charges ot Sonator Cham- iMrtalo thBt~the~“mttttirr>’‘ estab'lleli- ra'ott of America, hod fallon down" nnd that there I b '‘Uiolficloncy in nv- erjr buroau and ovory Uoparicicm of lho goYommont.” _ RopjoBenUllvo_Carlw Glass of Vlr- gliila pu'E'finho'TamfnlstraQon tlc- fjjn.Be, whllo crowded gallorlea llsti-n- cd. Ho attacked .Senator ChttTOb«Tlaliv ^ItjKStlnglw earpjiBin.ivnd ropeateUl}' Aa .aajted. ."Wlmt are .tho'-jnotivcb of tbls:toan'who calls hlmsolf tho presi- dent’s friendr —GlaBy-'.tbrew.^back..tiie.charKO-that tho 'minuiry cstabliuhmont "had al- most stopped functioning;" Ratbor It was Sonator Chamberlain, he said, cd the blame for tho condition In. .(Contlnu«<i un Pace 10) on board ot tbo torpedoed transport TuBcanla. TelegramB wore alao dl- reetedt'sent to ail'-named next of kin announcing tho named reiaUve was oaibBaii}r"Thon,.as'fa8t as poBsIble, this tojegram will'.be ifollowed with another making plain wh'ethor the per- BOQ nainod Is saved or missing. - With tho Britlnh officors In com- mand It was explained - that ■thoy would, report a ir of the facts of tlfo attack to the British admiralty. The latter,'however, waa working In com- plete 'eo«peraUon wltb VIco Admiral Slmt.and- his aides and tbey wore kept .fully posted on all that was go- ing on. In connection with ibis '|t wa* understood tbat while all roports rocalved'.by the navy department deal- lnr':wlttt--tho -Tuscania -were- slgned,, as a matter of rootlno, by Vice Ad- miral Sims, th'ey wero not.sent for- ward by hlm-but byibla cblof assist - an t .The Tlce.admiral Is at present on a trip to consult with the Italian na- val authorltloa. - ' President Wilson was at the thea- tre witnesslDg the Hearst-Pntho pl^ tures ot eoldlers li^m uico whon the liews, reached:. WaftiiDgton. It wa^ kopl from him’until he rotumed to tho White Honso.tbough.ovorybody. on the stroeta knew It. ' As the president passod through tho crowd.on .route-to his waitlbg^uto- mobile, he was cheen'l with a patri- otic fervor that seemed a*en to amaxo hint.- -The .liftin g men and women irore cheetlilg'. ineir tribute 15 IW b/aVAioed who had lost their lives in the"wlniry iraters Of the 'Atlantld . another; flejaoostratfor of avalfflUar sort in the natioaai pr<^ elub,.,wh»r»-MaJor. Frederick Palmed, chief em ieK for General Pershing, and now In t!^'eonntry'ezplatn(bg'Ute manner' tn whlcb the'ITnlted States .i’aa-jnteriBdrntUriwaiprwU'rfpsaklE-g; -Pslner-w»» haaded-a-elli^-of- pa^r wJtli tb%.Btory of Uie disaster-as h« en*jl-hlB;lalk.-^ ... “'^<wUraennSiis iiTfiad ntiwaTvetj bad newB;” Ke 'then read tbe war do- p e ^ e ^ . ttntMnouneement. ^ •j«atnnad“'wiuj~tlaahln| eyea,?»i;b«rav'lft-a>regUlar -Amertcas anavXTra^^tooight, Thd’deathi of thesoiboya.'of -oarvm ll be avenged *.linaa^itIihea'.oyer.^ :,--p rJ; TBese\^o: IneidantS'aocarately 4M- cribes^ Itofr rtiM'r.naU'onal' caMtal -i» celved(tb'e’4 ^ .w ordt> Hi^Fa/ini ^yB,w&.hadrldsrtiWyUeaJlM hrlgbt aad.di^Sta)ild and'the should rstw . I L a st Waterworks 601 __________ _-PRE* Another landmark on the roa< Foils wns pnsacd last night when t to the Sidney Spitzer company, of by C. B.-Wooda, bond attorney, a nro now being printod in Donver, i proval is gone through, the mone: the city... ^featurc.-oLthe meetm tives of bond buyers present, bcfoi bids be “ ditchcd” ond the bonds tive of Palmer Bond & Mortgage the ground that it wna in violatioi Attorney John E. Davies ogreed proposals was that the bid of this i $16,675 below that of tho .highest 1 Tl^e engineers and their'atto plans for calling for bids for the co tibn-^witii -the- -eity- ntlorney.— $37,500 .from. tho..bond .buyers, .wi doubt.about the monoy being fortl the earliest practicable moment : spring. , .■;.,Thc.fnUMring-is-a-list.j)f-bidd Sidney Spitzer & Co., Toledi $5,775.00. ' .. Keeler Bros., Sw\;et C'nnsoy F( ium $5,137.00. Same firms, 5 1-2 per cent In John Nuveen & Co., Chicago, Jas N. Wright & Co., Denve Bosworth Chanute & Co.i Denver, < ‘"Above three firmsTS 1-2 peri John E. Price & Co., Seattle, ( ' Palmer Bond & Mortgage C eount $10,900.00. I POTATO CABS OllDERBD flHOULI>^ABRlTE 800BTLT ..Tite foUewlog self-explana* - tory telegram was' recelt^ la this eity yiHifjpitny to a request to Congresstiiu- : Smith to UHO hlB Influence to Be- suro pelato can to take eare of Washlo(rt«m D. C. Feb. 6 I). IL Denton, Twin Falls. Idaho. ' Federal eommlSBlon on car ser- vice has wired prlnelpal rail- ' roods operaUng in tbe west to- send refrigerator-eara~aa capld- .ly aa possible- to Idaho for snip- ment of excess poUto'eropB.' (’ars shoold be reaching yon prompUy. ADDISON T. 8Mi;nr. War'Risk Insurance Miut be Taken Sooi Time Expires ?!ebh»n 18-^BelairTe C r ^ To Cable Ken Eligible 0: .. The FronL - . ............. Boise, Idaho, Feb. C, l»li TIMES, ^ ^ l a FaUs, Idabo. Sight to take vrar risk Insaiaaee b goremmeaLJipoD men la servlee ei piren Febraary 18. Gire la year fln Issue premlneat p la ^ nrftag . thi matter that d e p u d ^ of Mliste nea may eable mea to bo lataTed* an reeelve aathorftatlOD frott-tfena-tlu faiaOkfl may tike, tasaraaee for thea DepartMBt at' Washlagtoa wflnar 1 aeeept cable aathertntfea. State < Idal^wfll pay for eablM ^a If ha niMi&« aot able. T U tb u refereai ia’aNa $aiy-wbo'haiT« been b I •prior to Feteaary IS. " - An fswrei'B of stale TO-a ito n alS CaBllle^ ef .fveh:BeB fa gettli , Qpiwoper.eable«faB* U S U tiraam , Bane to war eaeneaer tanonuiee dl obtatai^^ Tarfoas~Bed MBr«tept«!a.-T— ^ ^ AXtXASrOtS, ; Govemo Attesti-C. S. MOODT.' ........ - '■• ___ I er« even otidnilaBe'‘wb6'are-'too o] for war serrlee wera sanarod: . - It Pe rmany haa eatertalned tbe .^ • iief7^^^»^HUn«rtarrWw”a . xili stamp aat.the war. spirit la Aa erica.' a b O a a atteAy-^telled,.; U ti ; aaUpn-actcia-^ftiBg&iria^oiBg I day.. ,Aad/the!.!Waanlnftoa;']>opalai I today •Js;')t^tteMitat(vo of:<tha.iWn] r tnr aam b e ^ . aa ttt deei ta Jta <eb - -aopoU^jsatoka- people from, ovei , Beettta aiQMBd.bytho'work aad « - lnt.tkair.M t--„,i' I B o a o tm .^ the~Clrst survlTprs:i - r ad otflciala la tbe&'/bkfUf .tU t (M hen Mght IDSCOinND OF-NEARLY$ 60 ( 10- I to a good water systom in Twin 10 boud issue of $375,000 was sold Polcdo, 0-, contingent on approval a premium of $5775. - The bonds .nd as soon as tho formality of aj>* will be placcd at tho disposal of bhn-proposal=of=KBVornl = ^ m e g t i r ^ e the bida were handed in that the mctioncd. To this the ropresenta- company strenuously objected on ^C_thcJ.Qrma_Qf_tha call, and. City__ vith him. Tho funny part of this . irm was the lowest of any, and was idder. •noys will at once proceod on tha astruction of tho plant, in^conanlta-1. -thcrc-n8-on“ deposit"tho“fium""of "" 10 .aro .worth' mii^ons,. thore-is-no— coming. Bids will be called for. at md work Avill begin early in the' !«► ; --------; ---- ^ ^ > , Ohio, fi por i:cnt Int. Premiu* ster, Denver, C per cent Int., Prem- t.. Discount of $6,990.00. Gpet cent Int., Premium $3,825.00. *; E. H. Rollins & Sons, Chicago; : per cont Int., Premium ^,600.00. w i n n t ;, "Discounr^TiSOOTX). per cont Int. Premium $93.75. I., Salt Lake, 0 per cent Int.; Dia- ? 7. 0. WHEECON ARBIVEB FROM G arland, ^ah, TO TAKE OHARQE GeU Annual Salary of $7,000 : is Only BCan on Whom U. A. 0. Has Oonf«xT«d Degree of -neering—Praises the Twin iWIa ^ v Reclamation Pr^eet. I •• • r-r- - ' ■ ' The' Twin' PaUs; Canal' compaay'tt" now under the direction ot a \ maaager, J. C. 'Wbeeloa. of Garlaad, Utah, having aecepted Uie poaltSoa f and begnn work at a salary ot I7WM ; a year. Mr. Wheeloa..,eomea-, J U j ^ . t recommended. , Por twenty yMra be ; waa chief hytlrograpbez aad-eaatoMr i ter the . ptah-Idoho'-Sugar .>'oimte^ I aad has had a greif79fiord aa'afftt- t gldeer 'and.aa aa'. agrleBltatlat '‘^''R» k .la the only,niaa,-tipoa^boa'tb«;ac>- » rleultnral college, of lKahr'-lma*'b^ r atow^ ,the degr^ e f ^ M ^j^ id- < e :8tnee.arrlTlnglBtha^^Jfe^bae> a loa hta spent.moat'of bU'^tiaiA. tobk- Injr oyerihe aystenL'-a^ftlnf'tb'ra r reprewutaUve uf OiB r dhr. be said: "I- baivoialwaya‘ab&* It «idered-Ui»Twln''9WrTZ0)^OBr«r: : th9‘ greateatvMfatltarStoia^an^ X ene of. the iW tyt^Mttnjito ,ot r t e«' , i ^ T h a v e failed td'.Hdlaeofv aayT .. thlar which, woald make jaa ^ tem fei^th'a lei^VeoaiBaB^'dar^nfiv ’ S 3

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Page 1: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

_............. ... . . . , - •• i ^ . ;,_ , ----------— - r ; - — ' ■ • - . ■ • : ■■ . ^ . . . . . .

:y O t i . jU ^ N O . 86. , • • ■■• • • ■' ,. .................... TWIN IDAHO; THURSDAY, FEB M A RY 7,1918 «n . . . i ' - . • i."- ' iSlntA 'niiihiFfonI fli.> utm ■ . ■ - ■ ~‘* . ' " . ' ' ' ' ' ■—-..i.-..—

1 6 S AT u st


I t t ™j i M i n r m g s j r u . n c t B O P T O - ^

BD B T O V S B U A N S T IM / r o E ? , ..........

W o u l i C b n c e n t r S f c ^ l ’’ P o w e r i n P i ^ i d e n t

. Bftker on Stand Yesterday bnt Unable to Oo Today Owing to ti E r tra W ork Following Sinking- ®

__»f TMcanla-rWheeler- Testfflw.------g

118 -tactics the odmlalstratloB lodtiy ® boldly took th© oflonBlTO ogalMt l u ^ <riUcs tn congrosB. I t yJcod’-powor _

“ 5\re«&ailoT6o. moro dnutfCtB&n .lEp. moat oxtromo coacopUoa ot tho bod- t a to n irho h&vo booa.&UmorlaK (or aroconBtoictlOB'ot-tb«.w*rmi»kliiKima- .<>*<11111 to bring about higbor ottlcIoDCjr > a*d; cJoBor co-ordination, i • » 8

• Tho OYonn»n btU Bpoiuwrcd by tho o »na{4ent hlnuoU, granUtrg the cblot •oxecnUTo'hl*nk«t powors .to rcorgan- !m tho «ntlr« war gOTomo^cnt, -mot . •with a Btorm ot oppoBltlon.: Ita paB«, f ■nuta ■ppaai»a~Jgit:^ag^ocnt(urag-thBl7

. pBM&gfl orthe war cabinet ana muni- „ ‘ tton« dictntor blUe. Doinoci*Uc^8en- J ■oton, iqclddlni;. Sonatsr . t t t ^ i n

..taajorlty lo^or. Jolnod j senatorB.. T th o l'

-*-d®ddod-«Wd^i4rtilnstLtafiLihdaaure.- Tboy doclftrod that thoy have propoB-

-«d a specltle romodx',for,oonaiUon» whlloJ tHo now. adminlBtratlon- bill

'io proftdo tha'romody.'' Prediction w bb mado. In Bomo quar- tofB th at' tho moasuro would, novor. onorgo ’ from ' thb Bonato' Judiciary

. commlttoo. At any rato, a prolonged aad filttor fight In tho commlttoo

_B«mod_tnoTltiiblo.. . . . AdmlnUtni.tl6n aupportora today,

laoncbed a well defined program bt Hpoooh maklng'to combat tho cam­paign of the' war' eabuiei baeken.' Seaator Kirby. , of Arkanaaf. Benator ShloldB, of TonnoBBOe. Senator Thomaa of Colorado «ad'RopresQntatite\01aB8 ^ f Virginia all deUTored tpeedhebr-

Socrotary of War 5aker*cbanged hU plan to’ appear 'before tbe senate mill* tary affairs/committee for further

- croBB examination,today, on account «f hiB dntlea at the- office' following the sinking of the Tu8canla..:'lnst«ad be Bont Qenoral Wheeler, acting chief of ordnonco..to give tbe commlttee the facta abont the'aiiBoiin!tlsn~Bltnatlonr la te r on ho probably w|n:oppoar for a final tussle <idth the. committee. The eommlttoe beard Genera! Wheeler in necret session to prorent.tho dJsclos- ure of lafonnatlon valuable to .the enemy. -

Under a ': heavy . Jiombarilmont of 4|«osUona from hls congresBlonal flriUc«, ;8ccretaTy o£. War Baker on lh#-«taad-before' the-senate military

- affairs coinmlttee yesterday afternoon stood nnyloldlngly a w ' hla prerlous | assoriba tbat America’s war maohine , had not broken down.. ■ I;

Ea* deelared - tbat American troopa ; ' U Fiance'on -Januarr 1 wera consld- ''erably ahead otaohadttle-and'he; de­clined to' w is e his prerlotts predlc-

-TttosrthatTASMrlear>woaldHiav*-ltalt-«-ailHra* Tnen' !n • Trance' ••early; In

Ur. Baker d ^ ia ^ 'to 'a u w e r sme- .qaestions In public‘ ecajse.'he* said;It would famiab infoifmatlon to

•many. He offered'tO'tfve answers .In . . private, '''•' t - “Cone out loto the next room and, ~ n rto n -T o n .—n6TMiryhett ■ W ti} ^

rllltchcddc-waatftlrtd'-knoiir-abottt-ihe- avaUablUty of'sh ipping '^ . ti;aupotl and snpply s e r t i c a . ' ■ - r / ., ;

uneh wrangling, took, place thron^- ~oSt lhe- hearlngr*:Admlntetratlonrt«B-

ators. were j}Q..,tt)e..alail'to.-prDts|et Secretarr Baker and- fr^ttently trtM '

• -to force the.coBimltt«^lnt9 sew ^.s^- •Blon. -As a ttatteK.oi^-fist.the.-^qnirl mittee had.extracted' very,TltUe.new

« r ..B « to -< o o k

. a m i Uia. ilMM tei

iiiHterlfal Hob -(« ,

s f ^ e::ania'Convoyed by ^truckby Toi The U-BoaF


v -O R B S S -B E ^ A g B ^^ O B B T S


WASHINQTON, Feb. 7.—A con ack upon tho transport TuHcania, 'ranee, via’Qreat'BHtahi Iia« hccn t t will so t bo roado public, a t this tii__ ItjH-underatood^-b/jwever.-tlitttanIa7 'ft“BritrsTr'vQseT'was TindcF'Uralty'Wbea^lortTabd was-undor^cc xceUeht wofk^of^thp dostroyore as t ponfliblc for thb cbmpamtivQly Bmal . . Naval offici^'reCiiscd.to comin“ ^hT sy^T i‘d€i:lrp)$ljiriiowfevt^ring a t rest earlier reports that the

. They also ai(l th a t they pljicod i Dg'mino and nd t'a sab'inarlno was r ol. Aaked directly about whether ifficialH would not-Toply holding ;th UBS the convoy,qneatlon in a n jw a , . .Up to 1:45 this aftomoon’th^-ar

igures of tho_^sjjjEififtnJiiy.oaJ.6rft-- id' by cablo said thal'168 Amoridazi ?bQ official f ig u re here i^ado tho n

W ar .an'd^avy departmebt TOrrT0Ty~h5petolnlrffrthtrBritiHh- ind'that even this nntnbcr wouldlbi Mtvod'h»d Feported., >; -

Oablegrtuns ioS^o.war'departn ;he B H tis h v p ^ m ^ /i if tV 0 .- i^ e d ' and toVaffoM^btf^trt>6 iaB?from'-t mco and to furn*iafi^hem^with dot >een dlspatcheS'frbV'IiiveS 'ool and [reland and Scotland where suryivo :oEo .for '^oi^' and.to list them imn }£ missing ca^bo compQcd.

Tho Tudcatua,did nOt’-aink at c :eived this a^tern6 on^ Sho remain ifter being struck.’ .

That-thcro.’wer'e other'vessels r cd was indicated by la te r adviccs i

7he sea was rough off the I r i i that-were pickod'up from ’open boa ly from exposure and nausea.

The pooplo on tho .Ulster coast en i^boro did all in their power to n fortable:. The Red Cross gavo valu

' ; LONDON, Feb.7.—^wo hundn ing both Xmerieans and British s( Puscania was torpedoed on Tuesd known today,,the.admiralty, ajjnon----- Those-8aved,-8ccording-,to~tbii

• Officers,^Gj-racD, 1 0 3 5 office: of ship’s crew, 125; passengers, 3;

There' were 2179 Americana o used'as a transport. ‘ , '

The f i^ e s given out by the Bi American soldiers were misaing. - . , Tho admiralty atated that tho '

tain J. X; Hend<OTon. . .WASHINOTON/ Feb. .7.-^Identlty of

the- mlsBlng from the t r a n ^ o r t Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and sunk . o ff ' tho- eoast o t Ire land w ith a heavy'^loss o t A m erican Uvcs, w as bolng OBtabllshed today. The troops;'am ong whom lh » ca su a ltie s a re d lsw b n ted w ere n a -

WlscooBtn a n d regu lars from Comp. KoArtbur,-Texas... •! In 'ttio 'ab sen ce o(>any fu rth o r o ffk r Ial f ig u re s .th e dopartm ent. th is 'a f te r - noon-actep%ed> tM ' Bi>Ittsli a:dmlhiltj> figures tb a t on ly ,198 ofUeers and m en of th e Am erlcaa f o ^ j» re-'m U flng . H a a e . t i^ c s . J i 9 3 t « » r . J t i w : ex-

;>OttlciaIs sUU w ere h o p e t^ 'th a t tU s J ist .w ooW .be.rodneed w hen the.<jo»b-

A m e d e a e y ie a ^ F ^ jm r^ ln Kaeas ior-posslW e.fiunrivor^, Thfl V W fact.|bat>^.tbe;mlBi|li» Ust w u r ^ n ^ rM B .JB -M e A l^ W v tp IM S .W

RaSacamOTt -^S sw hm en ts Nos. 1

W e iiiBritish

rpedo-RouM'^^petatiomDROWNED—PEOPLE OF IR ^ I


. ■ ' .______ ^ 1

tnplete rcngrt-dealing with the at.- ., c a rry in g Amorican troops .'to received ny tho riavy department', ime. .t thea-cport-show s-that'the Tub- < -the arreetion o f tTirDrifish iffl' ’ onvoy-of-British'destroyorsr -.The: declared' to have been directly ro*.; ill casualty list. <lent on tlio loss of the Tuscaniu.' hat■■th■^f^ve58el■^^»"smlk7thnr't^ct^' ! ship was still ailoat. no reliance in rumors that a float- responsible for the loss of the ves- • the convoy was entirely British la t it would bo injudicious to dis- ly. ; ' ■ . . ■■ ■ ' ■ rmy was still without any ppsiUvo

•RririaK A^mimlty.rcportS-WOV^ a officers and men had. been.lost, lumber 231 if a cablo list of th irty ) t included in the'original list pro* officials, howover, said that'thoy

i-adraralty-flguK58~weY<ra'ceurat»: (o.forther reduced -when idl-of the

nent from l ^ d p n - t e d ^ M id.that instructions to ' Scotland 'and Jre^

le Tuscania .everr possible assist* thing requ irem en t TJEBceraTiove' 1 Glasgow and London to points in ors or jnsy be landed tonediaidy Ju*that the accurate IiHt

onco, according to information'rc- led afloat for' two or three hours,

nearby when the;liher w.atf-at'taek- f rom tho-north Irish coast.' ih ’coast and neariy' I ifty surnvors its loBt'night were' suffering^ keen-

; cities where Americana were Wk- makc the survivors warm and com- lable assistance to the men. also. .

■ed and ten lives were lost (incliid- eamen). when tho British stedhicr ia^ o ff the Irish^.goast, so far as anfted.i9 - .e s tim a te ,-7 W ^ re ----------- ------------- -sra-of Tuscama crew, 16; membors others, 32.-.

m the Tuscania, which ;was being

Iritish admiralty indicated that 168

Tuscania was commanded by Cap*

and '2‘of the Tblrty-seoond division.. ntt)^-one officers unattached, en­

route to. report In France.In^dditlon -tbere iraa . on board tbo

headqoaHers dotachmont and Com- panita n .'H ao^rP o£-the.T?ir«aUeth onjrtnetya., .... . •of the first batUllon of Mkblgan.en- gtoeers.----“ .-''=--

The-107th raiUtarsSpoUce waa made op fnim tlie' Fourth, and Sixth ;WIb- conBin'lbtanti7.':.V I'

Air ot.t&e'feoatl^ents !oir's board, of tlie afuscahla were of ths .Thirty-sec­ond Qatlonal-goard dtrislon except'tbe T S « ^ “ Ctngin«® ni_»nd.^^ squadrons.—^ -------- H—----- -----v-

i WiiBHWOTON. r« b . 7.—" T k . .lo k -Ifty py tnface. With the'lowoa ot. 'way. la ,IU most 'relentleia'form;^ declared Sec- retaxT.otWar,.arinrilirrfomaliUte< ftent todays . *tlt:ii a.'freah-«hallenge to. tka elTUlsed vworUf by-JUI adrerS' ary 'Who-, has raltniM,' bnb-taada^iaore deadly.-the stMUb.:o{;Ui«iBaTage in irartare;'; v v.-.,; .' *‘.We , must 1 ' this war’-'and we wiUr^wlir Lossea like thisoidtai'tbs’oouBtry ln. aympathy' with th^fltoiUlea -who. have, sat-(area-^lo^;. :anlMi'.« ;ai*make more dstenUned oar^pnrpese to

S i, ; £ uiJ 5 » i«1t ••'U lt .o t;» ir s s

y es Lc D o w iitroyers But Sea Favored




■ j Weakened -■ I .'I t Is Chamber]^ Not the Warj^l^pMtment—That-Hftd-Ceasrt

to Function," Sajrs the Sarcas- • itia Congwsman.

-■WASHINGTON. Fob. 7—Tho WUson idiplnlBtratlon dofondcd itself tod^ igalnst the charges ot Sonator Cham- iMrtalo thBt~the~“mttttirr>’‘ estab'lleli- ra'ott of America, hod fallon down" nnd that there Ib '‘Uiolficloncy in nv- erjr buroau and ovory Uoparicicm of lho goYommont.”_ RopjoBenUllvo_Carlw Glass of Vlr- gliila pu'E'finho'TamfnlstraQon tlc- fjjn.Be, whllo crowded gallorlea llsti-n- cd. Ho attacked .Senator ChttTOb«Tlaliv ^ItjKStlnglw earpjiBin.ivnd ropeateUl}' Aa .aajted. ."Wlmt are .tho'-jnotivcb of tbls:toan'who calls hlmsolf tho presi­dent’s friendr—GlaBy-'.tbrew.^back..tiie.charKO-that tho 'minuiry cstabliuhmont "had al­most stopped functioning;" Ratbor It was Sonator Chamberlain, he said,cd the blame for tho condition In.

.(Contlnu«<i un Pace 10)

on board ot tbo torpedoed transport TuBcanla. TelegramB wore alao dl- reetedt'sent to ail'-named next of kin announcing tho named reiaUve was oaibBaii}r"Thon,.as'fa8t as poBsIble, this tojegram will'.be ifollowed with another making plain wh'ethor the per- BOQ nainod Is saved or missing.- W ith tho B ritlnh officors In com­mand I t was explained - th a t ■ thoy would, repo rt a i r o f the facts of tlfo a ttack to the B ritish adm iralty. The la tte r,'how ever, waa w orking In com­plete 'eo«peraU on w ltb VIco Admiral S lm t.a n d - h is aides an d tbey wore kept .fully posted on a ll th a t was go­ing on. In connection w ith ib is ' | t wa* understood tb a t while a ll roports rocalved'.by th e navy departm ent deal- ln r':w lttt--tho -Tuscania -were- slgned,, as a m a tte r o f rootlno, by Vice Ad­m ira l Sim s, th'ey wero n o t.s e n t for­w ard by h lm -b u t by ib la cblof assist­a n t .T h e T lce.adm iral Is a t presen t on a tr ip to co nsu lt w ith th e Ita lian na­val au thorltloa. - '

P residen t W ilson was a t the thea­tre witnesslDg th e Hearst-Pntho p l^ tu re s o t eo ld lers l i^ m u ic o whon the liew s, reached:. WaftiiDgton. I t wa^ kopl from h im ’ until he rotum ed to tho W hite Honso.tbough.ovorybody. on the stroe ta knew It. '

A s the p residen t passod through tho c ro w d .o n . ro u te - to h is w a itlb g ^u to - mobile, he w as c h e e n 'l w ith a p a tri­o tic fe rv o r th a t seemed a*en to amaxo h int.- -Th e .li f t i n g m en a n d women

iro re cheetlilg '. in e ir trib u te 15 IW b/aVAioed who h ad lo s t the ir lives in th e"w ln iry ira te rs Of the 'A tlan tld . an o th e r; flejaoostratfor

of avalfflUar s o r t in th e natioaai p r< ^ elub,.,wh»r»-M aJor. F rederick Palmed, chief e m ie K fo r G eneral Pershing, and now In t! ^ 'e o n n try 'e z p la tn (b g 'U te m anner' tn w hlcb the 'IT nlted States

. i ’aa-jnteriBdrntUriwaiprwU 'rfpsaklE-g; -Psln e r - w»» h a a d ed -a -e lli^ -o f- p a ^ r wJtli tb%.Btory o f Uie d isa ste r-a s h« en*jl-hlB ;lalk.-^ ...

“ '^ < w U ra e n n S iis iiT fiad ntiwaTvetj bad newB;” K e 'then read tbe w ar do- p e ^ e ^ . t tn tM n o u n e e m e n t.

•j«atnnad“'w iu j~ tla a h ln |eyea,?»i;b«rav'lft-a>regU lar -Amertcas a n a v X T r a ^ ^ t o o i g h t , T hd’deathi of thesoiboya.'of -o a rv m ll be avenged *.linaa^itIihea'.oyer.^ : ,--p rJ;

T B ese \^ o : IneidantS 'aocarately 4M- cribes^ I to f r rtiM'r.naU'onal' caM tal - i » celved(tb'e’4 ^ . w o r d t > H i ^ F a / i n i

^ y B ,w & .h a d r ld s r t iW y U e a J lM

hrlgbt aad.di^Sta)ild and'the should

r s tw . I L a s tWaterworks 601___________ - P R E *

Another landmark on the roa< Foils wns pnsacd last night when t to the Sidney Spitzer company, of by C. B.-Wooda, bond attorney, a nro now being printod in Donver, i proval is gone through, the mone: the city...

^ f e a tu r c . - o L th e meetm tives of bond buyers present, bcfoi bids be “ ditchcd” ond the bonds tive of Palmer Bond & Mortgage the ground th at it wna in violatioi Attorney John E. Davies ogreed proposals was th at the bid of this i $16,675 below that of tho .highest 1

Tl^e engineers and their 'a tto plans for calling for bids for the co tibn-^ witii -the- -eity- ntlorney.— $37,500 .from. tho..bond .buyers, .wi doubt.about the monoy being fortl the earliest practicable moment : spring. ,.■;.,Thc.fnUMring-is-a-list.j)f-bidd

Sidney Spitzer & Co., Toledi $5,775.00. ' ..

Keeler Bros., Sw\;et C'nnsoy F( ium $5,137.00.

Same firms, 5 1-2 per cent In John Nuveen & Co., Chicago, Jas N. W right & Co., Denve

Bosworth Chanute & Co.i Denver, < ‘"Above three firmsTS 1-2 p e ri

John E. Price & Co., Seattle, ( ' Palmer Bond & Mortgage C

eount $10,900.00.


flHOULI>^ABRlTE 800BTLT ..T ite foUewlog self-explana*

- tory telegram w as' r e c e lt^ la this eity yiHifjpitnyto a request to Congresstiiu-

: Smith to UHO hlB Influence to Be- suro pelato c a n to take eare of

Washlo(rt«m D. C. Feb. 6 I). IL Denton,

Twin Falls. Idaho.' Federal eommlSBlon on car ser­vice has wired prlnelpal rail- ' roods operaUng in tbe west to- send refrigerator-eara~aa capld- .ly aa possible- to Idaho for snip- ment of excess poU to 'ero p B .' (’ars shoold be reaching yon prompUy.

ADDISON T. 8Mi;nr.

W ar'Risk Insurance M iut be Taken Sooi

Time Expires ?!ebh»n 18-^BelairTe C r ^ To Cable Ken Eligible 0:

.. The FronL - . .............

— Boise, Idaho, Feb. C, l»liTIMES,

^ ^ l a FaUs, Idabo.Sight to take vrar risk Insaiaaee b

goremmeaLJipoD men la servlee ei piren Febraary 18. Gire la year fln Issue premlneat p l a ^ n rftag . thi matter that d e p u d ^ o f Mliste n e a may eable mea to bo lataTed* an reeelve aathorftatlOD frott-tfena-tlu faiaOkfl may tike, tasaraaee fo r thea DepartMBt a t ' Washlagtoa w flna r 1 aeeept cable aa thertn tfea . State < Ida l^w fll pay for e a b lM ^ a If h a niMi&« ao t able. T U t b u refereai i a ’aN a $aiy-wbo'haiT« been b

I •prior to Feteaary IS. "- An fswrei'B of stale T O -a i t o n

alS CaBllle^ ef .fveh:BeB fa gettli, Qpiwoper.eable«faB* U S U tiraam , Bane to w ar e a e n e a e r tanonuiee dl

obtatai^^ Tarfoas~Bed M Br«tept«!a.-T— ^

^ AXtXASrOtS,; ‘ Govemo

A ttesti-C . S. MOODT.'■ ........- '■• ___

I er« even otidnilaBe'‘wb6'are-'too o] for war serrlee wera sanarod: .- I t P e rmany haa eatertalned tbe .^

• i ie f7 ^ ^ ^ » ^ H U n « r ta r rW w ” a . x i l i stamp aa t.the war. spirit l a Aa

erica.' a b O a a atteAy-^telled,.; U ti ; aaUpn-actcia-^ftiBg&iria^oiBg I day .. ,Aad/the!.!Waanlnftoa;']>opalai I today •Js;')t^tteMitat(vo of:<tha.iWn] r tn r a a m b e ^ . aa ttt deei ta J ta <eb- -aopoU ^jsatoka- people from, ovei , Beettta aiQMBd.bytho'work aad «- ln t.tk a ir .M t--„ ,i 'I B o a o t m .^ the~Clrst survlTprs:i


r ad otflciala la tbe&'/bkfUf . tU t (M

henM g h tIDSCOinND OF-NEARLY $60(10-I to a good water systom in Twin 10 boud issue of $375,000 was sold Polcdo, 0-, contingent on approval a premium of $5775. - The bonds

.nd as soon as tho formality of aj>* will be placcd a t tho disposal of

bhn-proposal=of=KBVornl = ^ m e g t i r ^ e the bida were handed in th at the mctioncd. To this the ropresenta- company strenuously objected on^C_thcJ.Qrma_Qf_tha call , and. City__vith him. Tho funny p art of this . irm was the lowest of any, and was idder.•noys will a t once proceod on tha astruction of tho plant, in^conanlta-1. -thcrc-n8-on“ deposit"tho“ fium""of "" 10 .aro .worth' mii^ons,. thore-is-no— coming. Bids will be called for. at md work Avill begin early in th e '

!«►;--------;----^ ^>, Ohio, fi por i:cnt Int. Prem iu*

ster, Denver, C per cent Int., Prem-

t.. Discount of $6,990.00.G pet cent Int., Premium $3,825.00.*; E. H. Rollins & Sons, Chicago;: per cont Int., Premium ^,600.00. w in n t;, "Discounr^TiSOOTX). per cont Int. Premium $93.75.

I., Salt Lake, 0 per cent Int.; Dia-


FROM Garland, ^ a h ,TO TAKE OHARQE

GeU Annual Salary of $7,000 :

is Only BCan on Whom U. A. 0. Has Oonf«xT«d Degree of -neering—Praises the Twin iWIa

v Reclamation Pr^eet.I ■ •• • r - r - - ' ■ '

The' Tw in' PaUs; Canal' com p aay 'tt" now under the direction o t a

\ maaager, J. C. 'Wbeeloa. of Garlaad, Utah, having aecepted Uie poaltSoa

f and begnn work a t a salary o t I7WM ; a year. Mr. Wheeloa..,eomea-, J U j ^ . t recommended. , Por twenty yM ra be ; waa chief hytlrograpbez aad-eaatoM r i te r the . ptah-Idoho'-Sugar .> 'oim te^I aad has had a greif79fiord a a 'a f f t t - t gldeer 'and .aa aa'. agrleB ltatlat '‘ ''R» k .la the on ly ,n iaa,-tipoa^boa'tb« ;ac> - » rleultnral college, of lKahr'-lm a*'b^ r atow^ ,the degr^ e f ^ M ^ j ^ id - <

e :8tnee.arrlTlnglB tha^^Jfe^bae> a loa hta spent.moat'of bU' tiaiA. tobk-

Injr oyerihe aystenL '-a^ftlnf'tb 'ra r reprewutaUve uf OiB r dhr. be said: "I- baivoialwaya‘ab&*It «idered-Ui»Twln''9WrTZ0)^OBr«r:: th9‘ g rea teatvM fatlta rS to ia^an^X ene of. the i W ty t^M ttn jito ,o t r t e«'

, i ^ T h a v e failed td'.Hdlaeofv aayT .. thlar which, woald make jaa

tem fei^th'a lei^V eo a iB aB ^ 'd a r^n fiv

’ S 3

Page 2: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

■ ■ f m i 2 ■ ' . ' ------------— *-— ........ . . ' TwinRA-W iak TWIN r*T.T.H TiMr.B, THqBg;. P5B.:.7i 1818,. ■ ^ — ------ ;----- '* ..............

A d u n u in f lr iit ,’fttd u iiilo r th o dl-fo e lio n a n d liiK t ru c l lo n 'o t D r. Cs U. t»

- S c o t t w -lll- in co t n t- tlie -B o y d V m iiiiltu I -wlP rld n y . K cl)ru ary 8, u t ,7 :3 0 . XJlaiiaon n In li^lciiictitiiry liyK icne, lionfc u i r c o ftlio s ic k iinil D iotellcB u ro beliiR fo rm - livcd. T h ey w ill buRln w o rk Jn a Bhort lhtln io und ll la a tro iiB ly urRciI tfiftt n il ta w lH liinR Jo e n ro ll In a n y o f Uum-Iuhk-CB w i n . <1(1 BO a l onco . D r..,K m nm Ai C roH sland w ill in k o churR o o f thocourBcii ill H urg lca l drenBliiKi'. : D lot- M:

• otk'H and lioinc caro of-lho Hick.— —W iT'w luil K>"B(iy tt> Xho "^ii'om'on o f 'A l

T w in FiillH t h a t w o a ro In-iicu il-o t loinoro w orko rn In th e BurRlcnl d rcso - fo

■ Ins (h'partnient, Thero Ib an abUn- Pi ilaiico of work find wo nppoal niOHt fo 1'urnenlly to you ' for help. Kvory ar woman In Twlu h'ullB can kIvo an In

—4iour-Qr-Lu’uLoLUiu_ltILvniooii or oven- AiInK nt loam on<rc ii weok lo TTITh wo'fit a<

~ T lH ‘“iriwluiiiiHf-rn' -nr 'ftif? surRlrnldrOflslnK unit Ik hI tho KIks hull, nvor A:lho Idcilio thcutro. Thu ronni In oDon diMonday, Tuouday, Wcdcosday uod on ytPrldfty ovonlnRB trom 7:30 niitll 10 p<o'olock. and TuoHdny, Wodnciidiiy, plThursday and Frlduy uflcrnoonii from k:2 o’clock until r. p. m. Tboro aro no yil&Tltallona, thla la a pntrlollc work inth a t you are callod upon to porforni. vi All aro wolcomo and If lliroo KroupH w

-"orTTiri56r^cacTKWomd=«‘ ^ "W tbo Twin FallH branch, InHlciid t i t yi flndlnu ItH work dlfficuU ’would ho Ic ahoad. Will you ho iiiio to como and n mnko an effort to brlnp Homoono U with you? If tho llto of ono AinrrI- n

ilbortlofl o t the pooploK o t Ibo world, h is aacrlflcci) In forolRn lanilH for Uin 11 ncoda of p roper HurKlcnl druuatngH p whon woundod. It hi a ropronch and. it Ii diaKracc.to tlic womanhood of Amorl- vl

-oa-nnd an uiinoooBHnry ono. -Tbo-mlU u llbnn of"AjiioHL‘an wOlUuli. IfthV y'w m l r can mako all tho Hurglcal droHStnKD d<

■ >‘o«T ulfcin ir^ ire^cfd~C rcfnn-to-tn»nr tt o a ro 'o f 'th o Amcrlcann In the tlRhtlnfr kc Uno. nnd mitlionn of American wom* m on throUKhout tb ls Innd aro ByBloni- hi atlcaUy J?lvlns their llmo for tlilH Hor- Oi

“ fjcu. “ 8urolj7^bO"'Womon"of*thlB*<ofn- m tially, knowing tho ne ed /o r tills re work ean arm nB O nn afternoon o r ta OToninR. dwllcntlnR tbe lr lim e to Ih la cc

‘ w ork and allow noth lns oUicr i in illncsB o r nbBonco from town t- torforc wllli tliltf, Im nortnnt ?nnnKi’- (£ ment. Como up the BlaJre, open si door and w alk In. Somo one will hc in tho room to aid thoBo ttnfamtllnr wllh Uio w ork . The droaBlnKu arc Hlmplo a n d onally mnde. It 1h nor- j .

-oaaaTT-to brl»B -u. Inriff .rJiign iiproi^ t •and head covering, tbo Htylc mid <nn- .e r doea not m atter. ,

A rthu r Quy Kmpey nays tbal one ol llio blgROBl facta 1b In wlnnlnK the

— w nr7 '"an 5 ~ g lrrD ch lim -th o -T m m -b e- -I bind lho gun." Arc you willing, lo do your p art?

Miss Mftxwoll. chairm an of tho lo­cal jun io r Rod CroBa. roporla Ibe fol- lowlDR w ork complolod by lho grado» ' since th e ir o rgan lta tlon InBt Octo- ^

__ l w r . _ T h l 9 _ 3 Y o r K < l ± f e c - *Uon o t MIbb I'orklna wltli 'an enroll- monl In Uio tlireo achools of ICIIG pu- pile. 67 iw oalora. 141 palfH wriat-

. lets. 90 w aah ^ J

sacqu’oa, 24 trin k e t bags, 4 Grotchon !otghnpa. fl aullw .' 4 rog rugn. 82 com- ,fort plllowa. , t

Tho high achool which orRanued in jOctober, w ith .a n enrollm ent of 491 ,papllB roporU lho following work ,a ln c o 'th a t tim e: 1 par pajamua, 2 ,

- pairs bod-nocktt.-ft-bod-B hirta. fl nap- , kina. 3 com fort plllowa. I convalcB- ,

• ro n l robo, 1* bandagoa. 4 liog ttcs. 2 . paira undorwonr. I com fort bag, su r- idcnl drcaalnga, 8 Hwontora. 3 pnlrB , eocke nnd 18 w riatlcta. Tbese jiro artic les mndo a t tlie homoB hy ntii-

•donta. Tho following werc> mmlcj In- th e clOBH room s under lh o dlrctU on'of

Mlaa CroHHland. the H ew ing te a c h e r :48 tray clotha, 30 uapklna. 7 comfort plllowH. 3r, pairs pajnmna. l!> bed sh irts. - .________ .

A rV L l, T » T l lk ('OI.OIIS VOK THK . J ' ; _ \ :N !T E lJ - .S T .m :S Ti:.VCJIKHS

(By Mnry C. C. nradforcl) frcB ldont -of tho NaUonal Education

A sii^ la U o n .

To tho Puhllc School TfUi-hrrH uf tlio Unltod S tales:

You aro boruby cnllod to tne (,oloni of lhe Amorlcan Acpublic. Tlio lenrh- Ing torco o t tho Unllod Statos Is sum ­moned to . aorvc a n e w In tho groat world crlBlB tb^rt la a t hand. Tho war to r iium an troodoiii cannot bc won un- ICBB Ulo nrmy o t soldlors of Uio roni- m on good—tho public achool a rm y -- glvcH thfl fulloHt moasuro of sKcrlilcc iuiU‘ sorvlco. -Still moro liuiiorinnt. n now and ta lro r civilisation will nol

-----take-the-pl6V6-ot-Uu»-ono-mnLliaiU)IQi. kon down undor tbo strcaa of Contlict,

untoBB Uio molderu of tho Houl-sluft• o t the w orld—teachora—dodlcc^lo Uicm- ■ Holvos afroBh to tho mighty task of

rebuilding tbo nallunul IniiiitutluiiH au oxproBBlon of the hlgheal idoal of hum anity.

Tho Bcliools. are Uio laboratory of . good cltlzenulilp. Thc cblldriin aro

— ^llltlo cUlioiis ond jnuH t bo guldod In-----rtUcirprnsent-oxpcrltnces-ftS’wlH-makw

certa in Uiolr fu ture dedication to Uio wolfaro o t tho Kopubllc.

Tho Ju n io r :\Iomhcr8hl& ot thc Ued CroBB, throuBh Uiu School Auxiliary otto rs an ' unaurpasaahle modium UirouRb which ibo patrloUc acUvltlCB

. o f Uio chlldron can mako themBolTca felt. Dcglnnlng with Lincoln's BlrUi-

•day and laatinp unlll Wn«lilnpton'' n irth ilay . a naUon-wlde effort Is to bo m ade In bohalt o t Incroasln j tho Jnn lo r M embership. This call to tho colors Sa to r your aorvlco‘‘in thlfl cam-

* *TlK> NaUonal Kdiicallon AnKoclatlmi- o ffers ovory ten rber In tho land tho

high prlTllORo of nartlclpntion In UiIh g roa t cam paign. The achool organlxa­tlon o t every ntnte noods your holp

-In th is form 'd t ch aracter oducaUon. The Proaldent o t tho UnUod Statoa has RiTon a now contonl to lho torm "Red CroBB” Thoroforo. you may conalder lh a l ho colls you to lho colors In the

llvo aervlco for Uio .children o t tho j | | irld.-Vou arcJio reby callod to tho Colors a ll Uio greot Ideals through which

(day IB acling on Tomorrow to tbo d tb a l Tomorrow mny sco-Uic Hun- 10 of 11 world llfo- dcdlcdtod lo raigbl UilnHlng. bard work, mlghly ^Ing.You uro callcd lo the Colors by' lho llrit o t Amorica, by' tho noeda ot lldhood, by Iho^Soul of Civilization. )uw, Ih Uio prlvllegi' of Bucrrlticlng, rving, and loving.I Hiiluto you upon your grout opiior- nlty. I thank yoo for Uio, wuy In = Ulch-yuu. aru cortain. to rise lo lls b Khest beightH. =Soldlcrn of thu Common Oood! Ro« s illdors of ClvlUtatlon! Moldora of S0 doaUny of Uio world! Your grcal S . Bk la ready. ABBumo It. s

n Appeal to lho High Hchool sDilldren of Ibc llnllcd Sfnlc-C =

y Doar Young Pooplo: EAh hoad of Ibo NuUonal. Education s isoclrttlon- I- am -m aktng- an appeal = - you to stra in ovory norvo In tlio ef- =

rl td mako your high scliool work a S •oparutloh for ‘llfo. Ah novor bo- = ru. tho nation iu looking to lho boya = id girls of high school ago for help =

iln groat task ot keeping unslQlnod = morlcun Idoaln. and ualng American — !UvItlaH'Tor-tho-BcnrlnE-of*thir-worhh *■ If tho oxpoclallonB ' of patrloUc = nierlca nro lo bo fulfilled .'you chll- S •oi\ m ust mako thc m ost of your = •ars o f higli Bchool life. Y’ou m ust = 3ur Into IhoH.e ycurs ovory atom ot = lyalral, mental, nnd spiritual oner- E ^ lh a l you.poaacBB. to .th o cud -Umt = }ur trnlnod .bodlos. and trn<ne.d minds = ay bo Uio Inntant and obedient Hor- = intB o t tho nation 's noods. Ah you s o rk during thoao cruc^iil youru. xo E liryenniVo'ItFOjo y o a fs 'to x o m o F ^ s ' £ DU th ink atralght, work hnrd, nnd s ivo mIghUly, uo will Uio nation Uilnk, ork and lovo. Aa your dovolopmcnl1 full, rich, and alrong. ao will lho aUonal dovolopmoDl become. - l-b o g ^ o u -n < rti- to = 4 » = p « r« u a d « l^ : >cego lho opportunltloa of high school to. Modom OducaUon la the Intor- rotaUon o t IUO in lorma o t truth, cauty. troodom. cftlcioncy. and aor- Ice. The country and Uio-world, as 6yeMK«for(*;-wl!litf«d--T0nELTl8lQnrQf ■ulll, y ou r recognition of beauiy. your = 3voUon to frocdoni, your domonatrn- = OTrof~pfflcieireyraini“ your' power of = ■rvlco. Mnko youraelt ready for' tho 5 j Uod'b call, by tra in ing honrt and = ind and brain and Boul to Uic end s int wbon tho sp irit o t Amorica nays— E -need—my—chHdrcn;‘*~yon~w til-be 5 ■udy w lU rihe anBw or—"bero are wo. = ke UH, UBO us," th a t Amorica mny s intlnuo to tench tho world tho mean- E g of rea l civilization. E

Vory Slncoroly, E Signod) MARY C. DRADrORD, i{ito Suporlntondont of Public In-, Htructlon and President N'nlional ITducailon Association.

* r e l i m i n a r y D e b a t e .

m t h e H i g h - S c h o o l

r<«(rtj^-t<*-Hnforc« Peace Thc Subject Vor UiKCURHlon—n . Il,.T cam Plays iiojrbnm Friday.

The prcliuilnni7 dobiitc wnji hold on rhuraday ovoning for the purpoao of = ihooB lng alx flludenla lo roproaent tbo = ichool In - th e - IntcracholasUn-dohato s Lgnlnat Boiso. Fourtoen boys tried s )ut and lho following six-worn chos- s in: Wm. Buck. W alter Kranglo, =i’lml McKinley. Waldcmar----- E m L 5Vllchael Thomolz and Elmor Wylnnd. = MIchaol -Thomolz is tho only etudent = >vho han dobnlod boforo. having boon : I •member of lho loams Umt defeated UoIbo la s t yotir. The question for lobato thla year la: "Reaolvod. Uial iflor Uio . proaont w ar tho Unltod Stntos should so fa r depart from hor im dltionnl pollrlns-nB- to -J trtn - ln;- loaguo of naUona to cntorco ponce.” Pho date for thc dcbate-hns not boon Hot b u t It Is oxpoctod to be somotlmo In tho firs t p a rt of April.

Tho high achool baakel bull team retu rned Saturday from a two duy trip up th e 'lln o playing lh o 'R upert. Hoyhurn and Oukloy schools. Thc team waa unablo to ororcomo ndvorso floor and otfloiaUng condlUons, moot­ing dotoat by R uport. 39-27,. and by Hoyburn 27-18. but w inning from tho Oakloy team 35-20. Tho boys.ropo rt thut tho Hoyburn hnd R upori toama uhowcd groat Improvomont ovor thoir foolbull training ot la s t fall, football lacUcs were roaortod to alm ost cn- llroly. Twill Falls will moet Uic Hoy- burh flvo on lho blgh .school floor I-'riday night* and Intond to return good fo r evil and domonatrntn to ' vlnltorK who really hna Uie bout team.A compolonl roforoo la being brought In nnd wllh tho aid of a good umpire a faat. cloan gamo-Ja anUclpatod. Tho Ru|i6rt, Hoyburn and Tw in Pallfi team s aro pracUcally tbo samo na Jast year and somo good gamos will 1 . playod to determ ine Uio leadership of soulhorn Idaho.

Tho Twin I'allB boys mnklng Ur trip wore Olnsgow, Nowman, I^aveii- dor. M. Strong, I. Strong. Modgea, and

.Carter- --------------------------------------Tbo gnmen-BChoduled for thd noxl

fow weeks a re : Hoyburn a t Twin FallB Fcburay 8; Ruport a t . 'I^ in FalW Fobruary 14; Buhl a l Twin FallB Fohruary_22..

Cla^o baakot ball IntoroBt conlinuos unabated, tho clnAsca all haTlng ono or moro tcama In lho flold. Tbo Soph­omores Booin’ to bo In the load at preflonl. having tho. odgo on Uio aon- lors-and-Junlors;--------------------------------

Tlio high school aludents mourn the ileath of ono of the ir host triends. Mra. F» A,-Sm utr. Mrs. Smutz had alwnys taken' an ac'Uvo IntorcBt In the social affairs o f thc achool and huil many friends In* tho atudont body Tha -faculty and mnny atudonla af- tended tbe tunoral Monday .aflem oon. Flom l offorlngs bnve hoon ordered bv tbo fanully nnd tho atiidont bodv tr bo sont to Mnnhnttan, Kanans. wbero tho body has boon takon by Mr. Smutx.

FOR 8ALF3—flood 7-room houac. conlrnlly localod- • A well-located roRldonce Int. Will tnko good nuto on olthor of them. Address P. 0 . Box H4^_______________________

T hrift la tbe onliT oM bo flay; «so- nnmlcol food rcdnes • n ro -p r in lM ‘Ir 'he Pnro Food noctton orory Tuesday. Road tbom In tho TIMES wllh profli

m id £S E i lG

I '

E n t i r eC h

i ■' . -1

i Sale S ta rts I

/. „ T h i » , i » t h e e v e n t - y o u hB

I t o r y w e ^ l n d m a n y . C r <

r e n t e d o u t a n d ; w i l l h

s o r t e d o u t b r o l c e n l o t s

d a y s o f s a c r i f i c e .

[ -WOMEN^SDREs A large nnd complete tksaortmi = cloth tops to match with co\ 5 with' wliilo and gray leathsr" 5 lace or buttoirr' All new lato fj

to $9.00, ull .sizes and widths, nity to HUve u t................ ' . . . . . .

WOMEN'S e o iWc carry a-very complctc sto c Hnoes,'lacc and button. Cusbio 2 1-2 t o 9, high or low shoes, give special T c d u c t io n s .

MEN’S DRESiSh*-t lots and broken lines c 'uea whieh sold up to $5.00. W

• fe tita qwck-clearancc.- Going


E ~

CHILDREN’S SBeing an exclusive shoe ston stock pf-^jopular pri(;ed sohool

S — iill^olid-lcathcr'school- shoes;■X ,E Cbild’s.sizcs 5 to 8, regular $! E Mi.sae8 6i2ca ,8 1-2 to 11, fegu I feirlfl siies 11 1-2 to 2, rognla

I BOYS’ SCHE Good durable sIioch for boys,E button, all sizes. ’s Littlo Gent’s sizes 9 to 13 1*E Youths sizes 1 fo' 2, closing f<I Boys sizes ff'1-2 to 6, closing

I BLACK CAIMiiiyiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuii

) c k o f M( i l d r e n 's S h> j f T \ - - T n 1

H W HJ C C L U S i # 5 k < ^

"riday, F eb . I lays of f te a l L Most WelconMv e b e e n j K a i t i i ^ ^ r ^ lEen lots, short lines anc e-placed on sale a i p ria Blit every shoe in the h(


This bargain table is .loaded viUi women’s dress shoes which iold regularly f rom $3.50 to pu-.0(^^Vii^hort lots. Sizes” from 2 1-2 to 4 1-2 only. Low md-mediuni heels. Wliilo they^

\ T ................ ' . * . $ 1 . 9 5 ■

3S SHOES $5.85:^----nt; Ivory gray and tan vamps, ered heels, laco; black vamps opu; mid~mi miii»k siioi*!!, .Kra; r 11 numbers. Values from .$7.00

A real opportu- $ 5 . 8 . 5

/IFORT SHOESk of -women’s low-heel comfort a soles, rubber hcels^ sizes from During these 14 days we will

i SHOES $3.15>nstitutc this assortment. Val- 6st all sizes, to of-. Q O 4 fS -fo r................■.

DRESS SHOES\Ve aro thc cscl'nsivo ogenta for J Walk-Over Dress Shoo. A ‘ge and complete stock—all tho w late English *toes, d a r k '^ ^ d black, values from $5.00 to .50>- .During theso fifteen tla>‘s ly thoy wiir-b(> offgrg^_nt apop- , reductions. |

CHOOL SHOESI -we can show you thc largest slices in tho city, “ iron-shod”

!.45, n o w . . $2,10lar $2.85, uow.............. ..';.52.40,•$3.25, how................. ......5 2 .7 0

OOL SHOESheavy soles, full vamps, lace or

J,-closing fo r'..................... '.$2.1Si r . . : . . ................. ............. $2.68f o r : ......................................:$2.98

- t " ■ . ----------


e n ’s, W o i c o e s R e d u c


^ rE n d sS a tu n V alue Givinfi‘ Aimouncemenlr e a l o p p o r tu n i tv ^ t< v e c o t

[ d i s c o n t i n u e d n u m b e r s . !» f a r b e l o w . f a c t o ^ c o s i i i s e V i l l B e r e d u c e d " 3

WOMEN’S LOW HIThis bargain table is full of lo' dark tan, eolorod tops, and plaii jUI arc short lots but uzcs run u They m il not last long a t ..........

WOMEN’S MILITA- Our demand- for -a medium -heol

now wc carry a complete line.wi of brown, black kid, calf, and Eeignskin Cloth and Nu*bnck. shipments (^nd will be good sell only at a diseount^^________

\ (T ^ \. '

O p ' '

MEN’S^WORKAll solid leather, dependable w to $5.00. Now is tho time to bt for spring. A limited number

MEN’S woDuring these 14 days of seUing of. work shoea a t special priet from $4.00 to $7.00. G«t our ;

E PU C A TO R 1Educator Welts, foot shape, no calf, kid, gray and white tops, widths.

t/hild's 8izc3_5__to_8...xegui^-4 ' Misses sizes 8* 1-2 to 11, regul

Girls sizes 11 1-2 to 2, regular

. ' • E .C. SKUF, Flexible E. C. Skuffer play sl

calf, bluchor or button.

. Sizes 5 to 8, Special. Sices 8 1-2 to 11, Spot Sizes 11 1-2 lo 2, Spet

DR THE WH(... ........................ .

le n ’s a n d ed

E C O . ^lay , Feb. 23 - 1 4

These have bran seg- t. . Not only have .we if ihg these fourteen .

;EL SHOES $3.65r and Military heol shoes, -in ' black, lace and button. Most

..... $3.65 :

^ H E ^ S H O E Sshoe has been increasing until' - Jl, Military heels. Twoshadea gray kid,: also white shoes in These arc iall :from late fall

:rs for spring. These 14 days

rs SHOES --------- -—

'he doors- are thrown wide pen on our entire stock of igh-grade,. shoes, button or j ICO in-black kid,' brown kid, i'hite kid or calf, taupe kid.;ray and ivory kid, etc. ^Val- les from $9.50 to $12 all sizes, vidths from AA to D. Thfs in- ludes our best colors for • pring. Dnring. tbo 14 days a t his reduction.

SHOES $3.65)rk shoes. All sizes, values up y that work shoo Q g g g

RK SHOESwe will offer our entire stock

8. Nothing reserved. Values )rico before you buy.

VELT SHOESbetter shoe made. Patent, dollInco or button. A, B. C. and D.

2,65,--now/ . .T . : \ . -.7 .7 .7 .^ ^ " ^ir $3.-00, now.............. ; . . ,$2.7{5$3.50, now .. . ; .......... . : . | 3 ^ 5

:ER SHOES — | -0 0 8 , d ilU c a lf , t a n a n d sm o k e d =

....... .......... J1.96 , Iw ' . . . . ' - ...................... 3 3 6 =

.......... . = .■ I

)LE FAMILY IN llt l l t lH liu u n n H i iu • - " s s

Page 3: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

.1.____-'.-i:____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ i _ ........ .....- .... '~'“ 'V . . ' T.wiuigA wjiigg- Twaf .FAxiiB .TiMEg, t huhb: peb: 7. 1'g ia.....- ' ' .................. . "Pageg;.

, i n


THE HUNDEED MHA morsel of food, bd

oach, of our couutry's 1 / wuflte that much, ju st ci

n , cent sarcd hy each mci jn Dopofiit orea tho small t n ...... ancoanl’hcre. E v try 'li

_ - ^ T w i r T F s n i \ TRUSTO

W atch fc

" i' C r e d i t w h e r e .x

I i s d u e - i s t h e ; \ I t h a t MAKES/\F


WS have been given on store where onr staU are u true as the f

„ 1 B E ra O L D S IIM 8e«« 4 ,A t?? 'M :8 » n U i ' “

■' ■ -• - ■ ••___ L __

..., WHBNI YOU*"*! . YQtJf.NATUB.


• ISUStBEJi^W i_sit :b.,Uv’.v_._._

V WB AEBBUri ____ CTsa ro B . T

nOUBKOZ B- - . that:.w -« i '


; WeEuniisiiHaa»iFree; ^

r T in»- r t l l 8 , IDAHO


■ P I


I articlc of clothing, a ,. |’ifling-rt^^you;—But i£ ‘>>------W Ppi-tiundrod millioD poople ^ llculato the results. One V \ns ouo luillio.u- dollars. . i imounts-iu your savings ttic hclpa.


i r the K g I

S P l R I T ' P ^ M p

xlit for-conducting ft ftdr.aqoare Bnenjft regarding, onr nieroliandlse teel in onr hardwa^.'

JRaXHERST . - v - .... --------------...____flione.SM ,

r th e F u tureBUILD A 'H Q V ^ " ' ' ^ Y . WANT IT. gA-OOODMANY '

k m ~ r — ~PMBOa^'E^OTf* ; ^

J>1N0 OUB BUSI.BY;. - • • :,

p A o n o i r j B ^ ^ " “ —lY U S. _

W e s Ii

Pfo'cMdin ' dftiie Colinty Com- missionets of Twin falls

County, IdalioIlcK ulnr O ctober B«Hnlon.

T w in KiiUn, Irtnlio. J f tn u u n - irn l , 1918.

T ho boiird o f c o u n ty com m U iitonen m a t Ul thiH tim e, p iirounnt to. recoin.

-■W h e f f l u ^ ^ jh e foilow inV-pW M eoinjn*'**T ho *l«>iird*at' Uiln tim e proceeded 10 th e conHjdom tlon o f th e e ln lm s ucAlnnt th e c u rr im t •xponNO fund , n f te r w hich rcccMH wiiji tnkon un til , 10 n. m . Junu tiry 3rd. 1B18. ^ CAULPON.

Chnlrm an.A tte s t:

)i. J . KINCH, C terk.T w in - l^ l tn . M aho. ‘

------ ------------------ IU n u lS ^ tK e ^ * B « M ln n ]T h e liimrd o f ' c o u n ty commlnnlonera

m e t n t th la tlm o p u m u ttn t to reeesti. P r tx n n t ; A ll meml>orB nnd th o ctcrk.

AVhereupon th e follow inR proceedlngn w ero h^d to -w ll:I n th e m a tte r o f th e app rova l o f M oth-

ern Tennlonn:In th lu m a tte r an o rd e r h a v ln c heen

flle ir by tho p robato juelBo aUowlnR Mm. M a ttte Johnnon.(C penHlon In th e tunounlflf-»lfi:«fr-T)cr-monthr^ho-bo»ptf-b«lnii-ful.ly advlnftd. o rdered nuch a llow ance a p ­proved.

X he board thon proceednd to the fur< th o r oonnldoratlon o f th e claim * niealnel th e c u rre n t expenne fund, nnd no t hnv- Intr eom plotod RAme n t the hou r o f t p . m . recens .w a s ta k e n u n til 10 n. m Ja n u a ry <lh. 191S. -

O. E . C A n i.80N .Chalrm .in

A tte s t:E, J . P IN C ir. CTerk. ___

Ja n u a ry 4th. lOlX- Reirulivr O ctober Scanlon

T h e honrd o f c o u n ty comm lnirtoner m e t n t thin tim e pu rn u an t to recefl* T’renont: O. 12. CarlHon, chairm an . T E . \foo r^ . W . K. n re w e r , and E . J . P inch Clork.

_ W h erfu p o n th e foU ow lnr rroceertlng

A tto r cnnclu»loii o f tho connlilerftttoi o f clalm ii nRalnni th e c u rren t expenn

r fund , w nrm n tn w ero ordered draw n I; f- t]i« folluw lm r-nm ountH ;----------------- -------I -------------------gis^az-----------------L Carnoii, M ra. H e t t n . - p e n s i o n . . 58,0 k Bow en, CInrenco, d e p u te olerl<..„ UO.O

\ “’f t - v " “h c r l f l J l . 12B.0► • S; commiBBloner i:c .O

f e l ' f !Si► » 5?* ‘‘• p u ty reco rdo r... flc.n

........liS ”

[ N elson, N lnu, j.V c l e r k " ‘ ^C.O► ^ P e rln tum lon fn o ffice . » OrmHbv^'v“ t i ’®**‘' ‘’' U -cM urerZ :: 1 2 0 t

♦ “ '■'“ onu irt. county*' Bupor: ‘

I - S

pension-...... 25A ' * fr"- Pen«lon...... 25.i

^ ! 8 S ,* '? 3 8 ^ r f S 3 S ^ = ^ • }«N elson , A da C., pension -'n'i

■*•• pension.;..... 10.1R om es, ,JirB. N o n n a , pension ■ "B 1jShlf.o"n *{r*' ' l i ''^ 1' P*""'® "...... . icitiS ^ S : ...

A lb rec h t, O tto , w ltneas fee .......... r.lA m ericnn K lectric com pnny. sup-— D U er -.,-.:.;.v......................... ............ ; «.(

.A ik e n . O ro. !>.. nuppUea....'............ Sfl.iBorlnR , C. D. D ru ir compnny.

s tr y c h n ln o - ......................... ............ lOJ.:B ow les, C- P .. w o rk in trea su r-• o r’s o ffloo ..................................... ^ 1.;B u h l L iv e ry , a u to liv e ry ....... S.iBrosH U u, *BdK<ir. w ltnesa fee ....... 3.:B lnck. OeorKo. wifcnesn fee .......... a.:B slW llle, B ro s .. Ju ro ra e e r l..... - . . . , 2 .-Bebk, Jo h n M.. expensesJ.-------- -18.B ooth M e rc an tile qom pany, sup«-• p ile s ..................... ................ r !.i

’’ 'i h f f i ' . 's r ” ..,“ ” S L r . ' : . . . .S » m ftn i;_ a eo .rso _ IJ ._ & com pany, „

puny, supp llen ............................... S,B ra w e r..W , P ., expenaea................ i t .S yiM s. J a s . A i rec o ri lln s p in t, e tc IS. ChU drens' Hoiiie.1''ln<ltni; and A id • - .. • o d e t x . donM ton .....w —- ........ l&O.CoRflns.v 'H .. assficned accounln

— -nnd - ekpenscfi .;__ -U --............ .. 160.. Cloai: B o o k .'B to t^ 'tn e ro h an d lse - .... 40.

C i ty S e rv ice ' BtAtlon, a u to sup-

C ax ton T M nt«» ,* ’iiupp il«a’\.^p r i s o n , O. £>.; e x p e n se .. .- , . . ....... 29.C ottonw ood R a^ph eom pany. tnx ^

C. W . . f t , iS ^ « m p i n ^ 7 s u p p n e s :: ,

\ ' lDLunond H a rd w a ro ■ com pany,

'^ A J ^ a S S S P ? iis= z ‘S:» *K lo t* . C W y le ^ w lw ess^ fees„ ..___6.

Bdw W r ___D overy , T hom aa. p r lr ttln c ———

........1X E r a c t o n . R . a . d le U t la r .^ o h iM c o m pany ............... . . 1.irt»h^hTVF«i> gftmpa n r . soppHita . ' 1

N a t^ n a l ..kM^kT asaiRned* ;' ‘*5fttli5**8ljfilns7 J ti iirT 'o e H Z I l 'l l .S B P Inob . R. J . . m s h advanoM L ....... . C.T H t> . ' Lenm, e w lnaig«nta ...;j,. MB. XacweUi o « o rc e . w ltn e sa o e rt^ . 1 O r a h M ^ - T C - A ; r ^ t i > m . |e a - J n : 11. a y o u r ^ l l l t p t <w ttii« r/r<a* :u5^.:. T.

s S s ti iZ f i^ K is E E y Ia ^ « . _ _ R l ^ n * C *r. aom pany i t iu is e n H arca n 'tila company.- sup*

5 S S i r ^ i ^ 5 n ^ « T l ? B n c r f « S * ^ bIH a rp e r t-M . a . w itn e s s oe* .xft.. S.

" u■ f t „ S

Jd«he^8aah f t D oor eon p ftn y . u i i t - ^

- exponntii - uluCtlOn Ind. School Him, No. a .'o ie iitio ti

«Xpoii>..-« ............................................... 3,60irw lp Uoilnon eonipiiiiy. aujipllt-H l.<i Idtiho l>'-jmrtniciil Htoru. t<utiiilli'ii . Ji.nc Jennen. Jinm. ropiilrlnK ».hi>i-n..,, l.flS JohnBDtj A uto Siilcii company.

e lectldi. ron t .......................*......,! . 7.S(Joalyn , 1,. l-;.. elec tion pxpenao.......Ovi-iJonoa, Ciin«, M. clorlc trounurur’K

offlc .' . •......................................... ino.nnJarm nii. A. It., coul n u r w y ....... H.ficJackauii.. fl. bourd o f hbuUh UC.A:K ohr, J . \V.. t« x re fu n d ................ :r ..0(K enaail. M yrtlo. m a tro n ............. 21.01K enditll. I-'mnk M.. bc^nrd [irlHo-

JiAmb, i i r n i At.. M nt-for'TndlK ^ -n'oi L eljfhton. n . ' I i . la b o r trennurer-s

o fflco ............... 4........................ 13J[£L lnd^ lliirdw iiro & A uto com pany ^

L illy . Lonnie, liopuiy ' iiiii-riff.'l". 13.1(Lonitk-y, C. L.. Ju ro r '................... 2.21M ountain .StnK.H TclL-|ihon« com- -

pnny. aprvli-.i .................. ............. iJO.DiL araen. .Mah'nux. w atorm nB tnr..... fir..3Mom), \V, R . c lcrlcn l w ork .......... SD.OiM arshall. F. j . . wati-rmiiNtor....... r..jM ullln rr. A. K.. u u to rci»air«____i--U.niH oon. H A., nuppllea .................... H.21

— D o n a ld ,'-« o an ty .n im iii--------sftliiry un<l MUlipllvH .................. 171.3;

M lnnerly. 1-:m., llv o ry ....................... 0.6MOunre. llu , w ltnonn focn.............. 2.2Mounco. A-i.lli?, w linM H -fe .-a ........ 2.:Moore. T. E.. expenao ..................... 3B.4N orrlii. Ivory, w ltnesn fees ........ 2,2N orth . (MmH.. d opu ty co tin ty n t-

ta rn c y .............. ................................ «R.oNelBoii, iNliia J . , expenae ........- ...... 6.0Oolmti<lcr *• com puny. duppllen •J3.3

’rlddy. W .''j.V 'auV o"r«pny t7 r.’.V.'.''.'. r-:.’.Penny. .1. M., d e p u ty nnaenBor...-- . n" '’n liic j (?ar<-. mcniH fop ju ro m ...... 14.0'errln .- Ciifc. mcalK fo r Jurorri. H.2

Peck. c . K. & com pany, Bupnlleafo r hidlKflntn ....... n.O

Pape, M. H-. cnb lno t w ork .... ....... C,DP m tcr . K. l-r. mnrchiincllHO............ 4n.lROAcmon M orcnntU r com pany,

moPChnndImt ................;...............____ 3fi.1■Rfty>p-Hobmr^-ta x - .r tifu n rt.—,,;.... .- g7.tSm ith . I„ c .. a « io h ire....:............... 23.:Salnday H urtlw are com pany, mer*

chnndiBH .....;........... .......................... noSm ith . I 'uul. w itnean foe_______ 3.:SchwnlKrr, (looriro. wltncnii fe e ... .12.^Sm ith . W. J.. Juatlco feoM.............. I5,r

' StriiiiM fl G lauber, nutipllvB IndlR-

Secord. W m ..' ju ro 'ro ' M r'C !!™ ™ a!:

I S chnefrr. Mr». Ja cob . wltncBB, fee ....................................................... a,;

Sohncfxr, Jacob , w itnean fcu,,.,,.. 3.:- Swnn, J ,- H;,-rent-•hoBpltat.T..-..-r;:.: "SO.i- Hhencbcnn-r - r .- .l .-: ] urortrTccn-T :----- 3'

Scott. W. J l.. KUard d u ty ................ llO.i> SnvnKi'. J. C-, ro n t o f penl houm -'I houm- ................................................. 24.(, DiBallowod .....................................Ifi.OO. Soott. CliDB.-R., Innnnlty exnml-: 'n fttio ti ....:;.......•• - - • — ~ - • 5,1* T uokcr. J .- M .; r « n t - tn d 1i:ent;.--..:;. - x.i> T w in F a lla B a n k & T ru a t com*) |H\ny, uxKlKncd hccountn ....... 4A.) om.<-rt. I i B .. Ju ro m feo....... J4G.90,T W nll. .Mnry M.. Ju ro rs fee.... 2.2T.

T w in l-'allB N«>WB, p r jn t ln £ ^ „ ..^ l j i6,;; Thompndn. WT G.. expem ib....... .. 4.{ T w in Fnlln T ltl i ' & A biilrnc t cnm- J pany, p rem ium on bondn.......... 77.> T o lbe rt. Kd., w ltnonn fue ............ 2..) T lm en I ’rlntln<r A P ab llah lnR com- -D pany , p H n tln s ------------------------ 87.] i>lKOIowe<l ..................... ......... ......17.26

T ay lo r, S tu a r t H ., bond prem ium 79. J T w in I-'allri C oun ty T ux Collector

nnrlnltUnic tu x ............................... 21.D U tah O ffice & Scliool Bupply0 com panv, B U p o lle a ................... 21.a U pdegm ff, D . W ., Ju ron i cert.,.. 2. [( V incen t K uraJtu re com pany, m er-

ohnmlljio .......................................... 20.;) W lllnmn, L ee. expenne....................... U,0 W Icox, Oeo. W ., rxpriiBfl......32.0 w i i t f c n r n : K . wttnTuin-fBCT.r,'::.::r.‘~ - ; .

W hite , Belle. Ju ro m c e r t.............. 2,0 W nn. Joaoph. Ju ro n i fees .......... 2.0 W eaver, C. D., Innnn lty exnm lnn-0 t l o u __................ .... ........................... 5.

Wolf)-, I l r ltto m a r t. expenne.......,.. 2 .0 WeKti-rn U nion T eletcraph com ­

pnny. te le s ru p h aorvlco ............ ^

3 P - . . . (C on tinued on P age 6)

1 P u; _ A t „ B l a i n e ; E

: of

i T uesday,", ... .Acre.ranc;• ’. n n l i l ' f200 an ai

w ill.no t li)o • .. . :

t M u l e s , H o r s e S ;

10 I 8 h e a d f i n e y o u n j

's h o t s f e s a n d m a r e s ,

: 1 2 h e s i d o f g o o d y e ;

I” ' , p i g i n M a r c h ; d o

j j - ^ p o u n d s ; 1 - p u r e b r (

IS „ e n s ; 3 t u r k e y s .

“ V". " , Fan10 ------\ \ ‘' - 'A n o t t h i s m a c h i n e r y , h

11 1 2 s e t a o f f l P s t ^ l a s t

\ l ;• - 2 - g a n g . p l o w , 1 4 i i i c h , 6 ir o w . 2 D e e r i n j ' n n d 1- J

Jfl — d i s c - g a n g - h a r r o . w r - 2 - s b - fr< iH n o '’ » e r« p o rH .' 4 - s e c t l

M r j l i n u n t a i n J n ig B y . '— 2 - h a j

\ l ( liT P io Jc - S o i n o h d u s e h o ;

•"■'•r—— --------- ■■tB ' — r - : ------------ •- ' —

C5 1 2 0 6 b i i 8 h e l s o f f h i '

»o 8 0 0 b i i 8 h e )B o f b a r l e y . J

a n y t i m e f r o m i M * t l i a t . i H p u t u p w i l l g c

10 T B l l M 6 : r ~ | 1 0 > a n d u n d

JO p e r c c Q t o f f f o j c a s h . ‘

■; I EDES STATE BAIrtC,si ■. »,11

IPUBLK' On Thursdi;; At the W. E. Lewis ranch 3-4 •y . 61 - 4 miles east of Twin Falls,

14—HEAD C) B uy innrc , G y e a r s o ld , w eiffl

■y'euin o ld , w i 'ip H n iiS O ; l i la c k ' g c ld ih g , 5 yenrH o ld , w e ig iit ■ w e ig h t IfiOO.; b la c k goliUnK 9 3 ing , 5 ycarH o ld , w oiK ht 17 0 0 ; r_ 1400; b luck g e ld in g , 1} y o u rs j youra o ld , w e ig h t 11 0 0 ; y e a r l i

l in g m ure c o l t ; tw o w i'iiiiliu g“ --------------------- ---- — — ..........

“ Thro 'o-ycar-o ld Jor.siry*j;ow,~;< 0 h o rn cow , oxoc llo tit n ii lk i i r ; 3 r! lin g H o ls te in hn'ifor cni f ; y o a rg I

Six b ro o d sow s w ith p ig s h y 0 fihoatK, 100 to 12.5 p o iu u ls ; T s 100 T lio ro u g h b rc d l iu r r e d B~ ------------- ■;--------------------MAO

l- l- in (ih W in o n a w n g o n ; f r, D eere fo o t- l if t su lk e y p lo w ^ ro lle r , :M -2 - fo o t d ru tn s j eo r0 le v e le r ; 2-hor8e p o ta to '’c u l t i \ If, 2 d e r r ic k fo r k s ; O vcrH bot s t

b e e t b e d ; a lrrias t new s u r re y [ff “ f tW sT donB le 's 'e l" Im ck liurni;l *' Set d r iv in g h a rn e s s ; s in g le rc

re l. fe e d c o o k e r ; h a lf in te re i s h e lle r ; b a r r e l o f lim e a n d i 1000 fc o t o f g o o d lu m b e r ; w ire fe n c c s t r e te h e r ; p o le s t

h .A lfa lfa l in y ; 2T> to n a g o o d -d < e r coal o il s to v e , w itli o v e n

5IJ som e ch a irs .50 :i__i&.<ie_LraichiatL'N<«>n;i& BO TERMS:—^All satnK under $ ,0 nt 8 per cent; 5 per cent off

W. E, LEWIS and I ?,® - - H. B. Lue,-Anctioner. - -‘ .

■----------------- ;--------------------------------— ---------------- -------------

IDAHO S i« . . .Twin ]70


1 — s e r v ig e -t :]26.00

- T h e T i m e s I s H e a d q u

ergu&on.Ranchi a Mile South of

fell. IZ tli,F B E E LU NCH AT NO OI

h,. the bcatJniprovGd on ibc Mil :rc, 18000 cash, r e s t on easy pc u jt- lo n g .-- - . ............... .........

, C o w s , Sheep, H' m u l e s , g o o d ' w o r k s t u

w t ; f r o m 1500 t o 18Q0 a r l i n g s h e e p ; 8 h e a d e x <

h e a d ' o f d i o a % w e i g h t

3 d m a l e : ^ d , h o g , _ w i t h . i

n h n p l e m e n t a a n d F

amess etc., ie practicallj^ew.J heavy work h an iess. B uggy : 3barea: ,Johh D e ^ . w alking pj< ohn Bcero B in d e rs .. Lowt Clovi icl:corrngatorer~Johif7DBere*~f< oi), heavy steel d ra g hiotow ; (

rack - frameB.-^8;gpodTilip^'2B Id gA'odir-and r.

e Dicklow wheats' suitable for JO tons of flno^li^ crtp alfalfi30W v n til date o t saSe « n d ‘look ) to the h lg b ^ t b ld d ^ , biicanBC

sr, cash ; balance December 1, 1

■ ic je r i t :

CSALEly, Feb. 14thmilea.wiMt of Bank of Kimberly, • tho following property :F HOBSES-14t 1500, bred ; Iron ^ c y ir ure, 5..' liiTife, 12 ycars'old,'weight 1000; ~ GOO; lilaok guiding, years old,,'curH olli, weight 1400; bay geld- l)uy gi'ldiiig. K yearH old, weight

■)ld, weigiit 15r)0; buy gelding, .i, lg mare eoh. weight 1100; wean- horse coUh.TTLE~^ 'ir^y-fiirte; ThoroHghl7feirShort: od PnUod cow. fresh soon; j’cur- ling IIolHtciii steer calf.OOSlido or will furrow kooh; 15 bend lioroughbrcd Duroc .Jersey honr;)ck ChiekcnK; G gcesc.a iN K »y---- -r-------- _____________irjn-truck, with hny ruck; .lohn

I4;inch walking plow; lO-foot nigntoi-; .mnnure spreader; disc; a tor; 1-horse, 5-tooth eulliifator; iekcr; buck rake; 3 slings; slip; .; 3 doublo setB heuVy_veQrk har-.__K; cna*gdte'groM seeder;'double w bcnn-drill; wool sacker; 5-bnr- t in cider mill; hog crate; corn ulphur; numerous smnller tools; , >00 feet of cull lumber; wooven nd fuel; 15 tons of Timothy andvcr-stcq.w.; hcflting-stavc ;;.3.burD»__; bed and springs; folding hed;.

de'St&rtszIamediatel y A h^ .......-,0. cash; over $10, 9 monthB’ tinj^ for'cnsh.E ^ y SIEVEES,, Owners .................... W. -H. Turner, Olerk

TATE BANK falls Idaho

L $50,000.00


a r t e r s F o r . 6 n t t e r w r a i > p e r !

' ' ' ■

f e t e


1 0 a. m.aer-S egregation ,-to -be-8o ld jtt— rms. This is a good .bay a n d "

ogs a n d ChickeiisH ; . 9 h e a d o f ' y b u n g .l ; :; 2 colts; 2 milk cowsr ielleht brood ,sow^ to, ” bel^een-60 ' ‘and' l O O r ,

apers; 100 good:chick-

t i r n i l ^ e ■K otblng over two years in use. 7 ' l a r t ! ^ Jo h n D e ^ foot l if t w . , 8-section'ispring-tooth har? •; ir L eaf m an u re spreader; o n i f t dum p rake . - JJ 6’f'oot 'T lodd 8 i-4'inch Tra^iu r '.HMf^S < o o t - m a r t r < i r ,R 5 r S ^

seed.' 600 ’ bushels -giod'' oatWivr I. ■ r - . \th is s tu ff 0 |ver. B w y tW iiR . I I ain , moving to I&18„ af^'8 p e r ' cen t 1 h t « r ^ 5|^ I

Page 4: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

y . .


- - L as^S ho i


baby Mari« 0»born«, Patho 8ia


W O K D ^ m AmWAT. A


T i l B l A i i s Times :--------- fti

_ . ... . . . . . ■. _______________ ^_ ^ b lla b « d . T aeidoys and T lin n d a ;*

■ n m s P E B T is a * p n B u s i ib to “ C O M PA irr.lT D .

C. L.-'U)NOLBYi 0 « n c riil.M a iiu w $2.00 P E R VEIAR IN ADVANCB ‘

:■ ■(BnU red fti tho Twlu Polls postoZ*

Oco OS second c lass m attor as a twloo^ - ^ ^ M m b llc a l te t t r O c to b e r - W r lM tW •«<

-R otleo—Dlseoiitlniuineei Many sub - e* M ritM n pro tor no l to bhvo th e u r l n b sc r tp tlo n s intorruptod In coAC'thej w ta il to rem it boforo oxplmiion. N w w ttbstandlDs U>l0 rS C '1s ''n o t a u n m o d th a t contlDuous sonrlce is doslrod; ■till, svbscribors are oxpoctcd to no - la tlty us w ith roasonsblo prom plnots to Ui atop If tha pftper Is 8 0 langttr desired.

TH E 8 U «A n MEETING_ 1 ___ “ J

Tho TIMES (JoslrcB lo conRralulnto PrcBldcnl W. K. Alworth of the atuto organization of farm bureau proal- denlB, fo r.h ls atand on ihc quosliou of ■ugar producUon th is year, undor ihc rogolallon oslablishcd. Nol only hn* lhe price beon matorlally IncroaaeU. but-promlHOf! hovo been rocclved tb a l lho IfrltalinB RriovoncCB nu oticn jua l- Ijr complolnod of rolallvu to unload* mg nnd tho like will be remedied. ^ Moreover, nH*uranco Ib Rlvon tha t lho farm buroau rcprcflohtatlvca. who apoak for .th e govornmont uo Iuhb than for-iho farm ors of Uiq Indlvldaal county "organliatloDB which soloct them, w ill bo pormlttod to boo to U Ihot all arrangem onta arc carricd out,

Tho TIMES has stood by tho fa r- m cra In thli? figh t with tlio companloR from the day llm t tho ohl boot grow- ^ ora’ asBoclatlon was formed up to the

. prosont pday. I l bollovi<d ilint ihorc ^ wore real gricvanceH to remedy and ”

c cvc u t pilccn p oc ^n o t as high na thoy should hav« been, ^ m alting due allowanco for tho very coQsldoc&blo degree of exaggeration

. ;th » t alwaya creopB into charges mado In tho hea t o f b a tt le .' Tho facts an<) ^

„-Clgnrea'iA; lho-caso-8U«Uili>-that—po* y: a ltio i! ' .. _ r’ I t ’ls' quite willing to agree with the j BpokesmaiL.of tho iluparim cpi of ac- v r lcu ltu ro u a l on iSeal atate han nul n

- y e t been a rrived at. But «chllo thla r Is 'tbe cnao ,,ll m uat also b 'c 'adm liud o t b i t n'~ condUlon of artatra Imu houi; \ 'b roagb t obout both aa to dellvory and I to prlcoa th a t ti year ogo woa iookcJ | upon na practically unattnliiablo In r IK) a tim e. A year ago. while rt h m voguo ta lk about a "G0-r.0‘ r

' sp il t of proflta. thu thing aoni^hc jntid 1 n o t a tta ined ) waa an price, tiot 3 c W prlco- a

Undor thcno circum stancea. w hen »o c n u c h b a^ ^ o cn securcd, and whon ar* f tn a l occotnpllahmont la Itse lf an cvi- c doocc 4f good faith and a a iirety .thn t forllifltJ grlovonces 'wll] bo. remodlcd e a a a ion os practical, tho TIM ES hss i n o doubt of tho anawor tb a t w ill lie 1


w n g -W jk

. — 5--------------------

and 'f. A 7 -p arl


l o m s 'D O Q S T E M T IT T .f.D ■i a p a n j ; " - A ----------


ven by tho farm ora to tho plen of th rosJdcnt A lw orth to ralao moro nug- th ’ beeta In thla try ing time of nutlon* pi

nood. 0)■Ketntivf^io-lhe-ciuoutiou .o t-ltuU iu ua) patrtaiiHm of tho nugar nmkerK. lO TIM ES haa .no doubt on the quoa- '=* on nnd novor hns bnd. P atrlo tlam la porBonol t r a i t The talk about, thla * ar being n •'rich m'an'a v,^r' and n jo'r ni'on'a fight,V la a pro-Oorman ilHchoQii. TJio Hoha' of tlio rich aud10 aons of thc poor a re fighting wllh

itodnosa.on the flolda of Ehiropo. Thc ch havo subacribod In accordanco Ith tho lr m oana to every c a ll ' for uida .for_rollof. JuBt.oa the poor_hovo ^ lhe,- JuBt na thc men of m oderato . cans have done. On thla B corethcrn u boon no dlfforonce. . EW licn. the..w ar_broke o u t:n b ro n d .J l .. aa a n inconcelvubly dIfflcuU tnsk to iply p a tr lo t la m I n ' a practical w ay bi I bualnoBs opern tlona.' T here .a rc ro theorlea- of modem Indlvldui** tl tic econom ics: one, thc tl|oory of> •gulnted monopoly and thc o thor thc a> leory of regulated cnmpetlUon. "F either • provalled bofdrc tho w or. c ther In law o r in fact. W hllo Icbb ni ig*handIod undor Uic lanvH onactcd uior the W ilaon a d m ln lB trn l lo n thnn ; any tim e fo r m oro Uian half a con- *>' iry before, we atlll had In exiatonce great deal o t unrogiilatod, lop-atddd

)mpotUlon, and a co rta ln .am oun t of- nrealralned monopoly, banod la rge ly P 1 I b i s ' ' biased com petition'.' S till. ^ ilngB wero w orking along o n -a fair- ' doflnlto baala. and gave people a fiaiice to calcu late will) some ilcgrco [ accuracy. .. tlTho declaration of w ar by tho Uni- ^

.‘d S tatea uccuutualcd a tendency wnffested <n business from tho iie- ^ Inning o t th c w ^r In Europe. The ormni rogulatlona of compolltlon. ac* ‘ vn o r po tential, wero removed. To ^ iko I u plnco ^-ogulnllon waa noodod. nd thiB regulaltop . to aocuro bonoflc-11 rcflu lu , o r even resu lts n o t posl- ively harm ful, m ust bo studied out ^ l lh tho groateat cnre. Even thon ” ilBtakea nnd ovoralghtB lw crc_lncvl-. ' iiiio. UnUl Bucb regulntlon camo to epiaco tho o rd inary propa of compcr Itlon and to stnke the ground from J 'llinll land-m arka hnd beon awopt wny, the only Uilng tha t cach bual- IM8 could do to protoct Itaolt from.11 o th e r aorta o f Industrial actlyltlea, f raa to ru sh Iii' and got all' It could, luqliiean p ro tty largely did tb ls, no CRB as a m a tto r of grood than an a nattor o t Bolf-protoctlon. Tho hual- icsn which contomprated voluntarily cstra ln ing lU acqulalUvo quallltua, md tio aBBumnco th a t rIvalH In Its r )wn Hue, o r In pam llcl lines, would \ Iio w llko continence.' Honce, Uio In- j :cnUvo to g rab wan ovorywhoro mnni- c ost undor peculiarly un restra ined londltlons. J

W ithout excusing anything tlia t th e c lugar men m ay havo dono o r tailed to * Iff In Uiolr bUBlncas relaUons with th e J ’armerB, and thore are some IhingH

f an xlM J^

“F U A N C tt Production Accompanied by


^ 3 h T p p o d______* * C l R C U i T



ha t It would bo d ifficult to .cxcusc, a tie TIMES subm its thc above Indls- utnblo faclH to r conaldoration, aa nn |' xplnnatlon of nny seem ing contrn- Jcllp_n _ botweon tho n c la o t Uip^or- j ;anir.aU(^B during an unusuolly. d ftn^ u lt porlod o f buHlncsn dleturbknce, ° ,nd the patriotism of tho IndlWfluala ° vho controUod auch Inleresta, o i hut tmo. I t wnnlB to point o u t tlwt^' 1)10 ' inBatlfltactory condUlon no 'longor i i - fllB. It wanta lo Buggoat th a t wbllo he farmont ahould stand, through jiefr tarm burnaua^Q P-U in-aarrtfinB— lUt o t nil c o n co f lB lo n s 'tb the letter; h e y r ^ o u ld n o t.. hork bock to old iriqrancoB a t thla porlod. a tlo r Uiey iro olthor at>ollflhed, o r a re In the vay o fb c ln g apccdlly abollBhed'.


■■Everybody and h la llo g ," mny not iC naUaflcd wIUi tbo dcclaion nf hov- im or A lexander to re tra in trom call- ho-lcglBlaturc together, but the,word 'amen*' cchoes from mnny cornera md from adverse elem ents. The State ^CdoraUon of A gricu lture a t ItK re- :ont mooUng doclarod Uml "th" nd* nInlBtratlon." proposed . to cnll tho eg lsla turo In ^p ec la l session, ami do* louncd tlio proposition, no It ourIiI to >0 hftppy. The DolBO Statoamnn. Joins n the chorus of commendation. The riM ES iB lncllnod to do likewise. Tbo oglflloturc whose torm la Btlli imex* )lred la, all th ings consldere'd, the )ost UiQ atat« ever hod, and there ore h lngs tb a t ough t to provido for tho :a rry ln g 'o u t of Uio s ta te end nt tho ig rlcu ltum i fedoratlon’a aiiRK'Htlon h a t Uio electrical power hot yet dls- >oaed of be Jiandlcd by tho aiate. rhlB, howovor, w ith tho prohibitory imondmont and needed bulld[ng» can 30 taken up lo te r. The bucpprh of he amondmont w ill not bo ondnngor- ' ?d by walUng until n e x t' winter.f*robttbty, i t"Wflina-aB~tltr¥Tgh i t liln g f “ lu t Uiere la olwaya a poaalbitliy thot I leg isla ture callcd togotbor In a hu r­ry m ay attom pt to do thlnga th a t might w olf be lo ft undone. Pcrhapa H la well th a t th is ono w as not Klvon the opportunity.

John L. Sullivan'Is Laid to Rest

O rM t T h rn n ^ A tle n d The Fnncral offirent - 'P u * n i« t- - J a k f - Kllmhi One0 ( the Poll D«ar«ni. .

BOSTON. Peb . C -Jo h n U SiiUlvon • lho ■'Old Gladiator", groateat flRliter o t .Uiem all, wna laid to roBt lodny. 1

One o t tho g rea te st and moHt ro- m arkable th rongs th a t evor iiHocmbl- od a t a funeral In Boston golliored- fo r Vio final sorWco today nt fit. P a u l’fl church In Roxbury. IIIrIi m ass ‘ o f requiem w as celebrated by iho R ot. F. j . AUchln.

Puglllsta. m aay of them old tiniora, ' tho gonoral sporUng Cm'ternliy. city offlclolo, potlccmen, flrbmon an<| clv. Illa rv i'w oro roproBonted among tbo funorni moumerB nnd on the lint 0 ' floral irlbutCB.

Many women and ehlldren wore

[ J 3 | j l l

' im s t i ik: J N A IULechirer Prof. Elliott Lippim


R O M F - . ^" -M



nong IhOBO a t th e c h u r ^ ■ <T here woro 7C automobilca In Uie m oral cortege to Old Calvary cemo* ' iry In W eat Hoxbury . ^Noticeable ozoorig tho mournerB war I

I year old. W lU lap Kelloy, th e lad I r. Suulvan adopted a n d 'w h o knew l ly klndnoaa from the sterii old horo r Uie *'8Quarod clrclo.".* . ' — "Jako" Kllroln-, whom Sullivan 1

uA ith Olll withoat

Here, is a' way to m ak e l i gh t , delicious muffins without using ex­pensive butter:

Instead of thc ; usual lump of but­

ter which you melt and stir into your muffins, melt a sm a l l l u m p of wholesome Cotto­lene—one-thirU /cm than you would use of butter.

Use the recipe given below and see how these light

■ . a... - . Yesi ScofMmiMl C o M te ^ 1,

_ rior for *11 trying snd lor «U cake-

1 - - -

V -

ranee” j ~W I

P atrio t”^ “ e n o u g hMY OF KIDS >WN FRIDAY

TOM BRAlV ' humorous n

^ - “The H


whipped. In one o t tho groateat bat­tles of rin g history, waa a pa ll bear- jr.

Jamcti J . Corbett, whose dofoat of Sullivan waa an ever groator ovont In ristic annala, aen t a stand of roacs; ,

PIANO l^ B O N S r-O lre n to t« c b u aera by U ln U s le Vamey. 406 Btalo

Cottolene muffins rise—to any occa- ■ y sion. Just take:

ubtcspoons m dtcd ^C otto lene ' V

1 (ablctpobnTsuEar ^

1 cups

I c EE ■ q

3 cups silted flour : ' • il 3 'tcaspcKjns baking ’ d

powder ' a

1 xam teaspoon saltYb

N o w o f co u rse th is e: ■ rec ip e* — save8"‘" y o ir i '" ' n

h o u se k ee p in g m o n ey . \ b B u t w h a t y o u w an t to d k n o w m o st is this: p

■ottoleniNattxrcd Shoripnit '

M O k E E G G ^

o r jD h J c k ^ ^P H O n Ie 2 3 i


bow ing L.I . - ' .

<T FORD, t h e ~l im ic , f e a t u r i n g

i m a n . J a z z ” ______ i r i ____



E ditors: Wo expec t.U st o f nam es of thoso o n Tuecnnla Tory‘shortly . W o will c a rry Ulla ia fnll. We w in b*aD able-to-earry .aiiy .la t» 'nark«t*rt**^-----a ay ." iA ny ' c llea ta 'd ea lriiig a n y spec- ' ' lal m a rk e t can h a fe w n e oii oalald* wlro to lla fo lle c t—I. N. 8.

— T T T T T — ^

m- W i l L C o t t o l e n e g iv e j u r m u f f i n s t h e flavor .. la t r e a l m u f f i n s ca g it I h a v e !

I t w i l l . J u s t t r y o n e . - 'I t c h o f m u f f i n s w i th , h o l e s o m e C o t t o l e n ei d 's e e ! ------------- ------------------------ ' " '

Y o u m a y b e s u r - • i s e d a t t h e im a ll j a n t i t y o f C o t t o l e n e I t h e ; r e c i p e . B u t j n ’t ' b e . Y o i i s h o u l d '•wap u s e o m -th irJu o f C o l t q l e r i e t h a n )U o r d i n a r i l y u s e o f

a t t e r . o r o t h e r ' s h o r t -l i n g s . N o t d o n e f o r __________luUins but fof flaky scuits and perfectly sliciotis cakes and ^ . s , j i 8 . w e l l . _ ___________________ ^

At f n ea t In tioa ■ ■ ■ W c o h re i^ t tireB ' ' '

Page 5: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

■ : • ..TW 10E-A .W Iffig TWIK FAIAB TIMES, THURS^^ -----------. . , — ------ ----- —

■_______ • f<

------ ft|U>Uu4ib-lAlii. a^Frt^^ 'wIll p h n M ^a t Aaconslon Episcopal c liu rd t noxl (

' Snndax m ornlns a t 'elovon 'o 'c lock . i Subjoct of.BOrmon by tho rcctor, Rov. \ L. B. - Frnnck. "Keoping tlic^ iro ih c ' • F ln u Burning'.'!^ I.«anols fo r UilR Bvr- vico v lU bo found In the pows. - f

___ Mii4:J>J>itJlcportcd-=-Ajniv<l ..doK..rfl.*.. I- p o r t , .^ i i rocolVoO thlBiwcok from tbo J

fan n of W ill U ncoln , whoro It wna a l- . lo K ^ to havn b itten a num bor of hoKi* nnd pno vroman. Thb huMl ,was aont d to Bolao for exam ination. Doputy t Jackaon has gono o u t to investigate. ):-------- ----- . t

, Jffarrlcd—Raymond ' Todd, of th is t-_clty.-aniLUi8ft_QDnr.'W innn8,_of_B«lil. .

woro m arriod by 'WaUer E. -Hrtrman,o fflclatlpg m lnlstor, a t his rosldonco <a t 202, 'Addlaon avonuo east, Satiirdajr. <W altor H ulot and MIbb B thol G raham , "of F iler, and d lon .Show altor, of B uhl. •woro In. the ctty attondlog tho wed- I

.ding. <

Home Weddlnjr—MIbs Amy Rautx, i daughter of Mr. and M rs. J . D. Kaulz, ^

• WOB m arriod Tuesday a t tho .homo of ° / 'T in rb r td e * 6 -n sn m ts-T it^ ii-e iith - iiT 0 ^ ^

jiue <iast,'(o ' Dr. O liver ' l ^ r j to d , o f , th is c ity In tho proaeneo of re la tives }

, and a fow -friends by Roy. C. U B o n t ; Tho houao waa taaUly ^ocdratod w ith ! ifloworB and fomfl, th o color Bchom o *

= J» lns-p ln lt.-and_ jilU proB on t called It *. " aJjcautlful woddlng."' ----- =

R ailroad Suita—Tho cabo of-A. j\ L . HoughUsUng, aga inst tho Oregon j

'S h o r t Llno for 13000, fo r dam ages |eufforod through allogod negllgenco ,o t tbo company. In loayJng ItB ahoop <yard s In such ahapo JJ ia t dogs could ,

o f ,J20M fo r th o p l a ln t l f f T T h o c a a o o f ] th c S o u th e rn Id a lio P ro d u c o rs ’, a s s o - ■elation a g a in s t thO Bnmo c o m p a n y f o ra lle g e d d iro ra lo n o f th r e e c a r lo a d ^ o f ,

. 8 p u d B .w n 8 .th o a ,c a ll« l . T b o iJ r a L n a ia - ,cd c M O j r t l l ho appo^alod.. _ ,

IA ct in rc g a r t to aaloB o^nd bbo of food- ,stofffl,. woro rocelvod. by County Food < A dm inistration , ch a irm an ,' C. E. Mun*

M jh 6 jr iM |!S _ w . ' p ress and too Iat« fo r publication In

full, (ta deflnlto roatrictlonB aro ,m any, and can be understood m- oi> ,tiro ty only by tho tox t o f the ordor. ,w blcli w ill appear In tho n ex t TWO ,Isshea of tho TIMES. I t covora p u r- |chaso o r ^ s se s s lo n . ospoclally .o f ,f lou r; also onforcomont, o f whoatlosa |and porklosa dOTs: tho ceroala th o t ,m ust go with flour, bought or usod, , •tc ., etc., '

.U f lu r Arralffned—Mr. A. L. Rlssor; o f thla city, arroated on a chargo flN .

"©a~^*Ws'‘^1I5“anoglng In flao ll^ ' anS ■■ ' 'nam ing"M ra. M argaxbt G ran t aa 'co- '

respondent;', was. a r ^ g n o a yosterdAy beforo Probato Judge O. P. Davall. B eing w ithout counaol.'he askod tho s ta tu to ry Umo wlUiln w hich to p lead

/ lo-ordor that-he mlght-cbnsalt a law- ' yer, but InUmatod that he wonld plead .nflt_*uIUy.—This U-the aftonnathior tbe dlstroaaljig. Ipcal. .occurronco.. o( las t 8otaf|dA7..iaonUng, tb which, tlio TIMES only aliudea from a stem' sense'of the duty o f a newspaper in a mattor that has alroady gone to the

. public ia an hundrod'moro.oi: loss dla- torted and oxa^orated forms.' Going

m orning, Mr. H. R. G ran t found h ls

\ wlfo la tho houso o t and alono w ith Mr. A. Ii. R lssor—th is house being pBl7 a few rods d is tan t-from and in tho' aame yard w ith hla own. Angered to .fren ty , Mr. Q roa t f i f e d ^ . s e v e ^ shqta from a rev o lT er..w ith o u t'o th er re su lt than ao a larm ing thejnelgtafaorB th a t tho aherlff w aa 'phoned for” and arrived on the scone within a fow m inutes. I t Is fa ir to say th a t tho partie s sthm nously d c o l^ everything save' Imprtjdenco;. b u t Mm. G ran t s ta rted for th e .h o m e o f ;h o r p a n n t f In th e eaat o n 'S a n d a y m o rn ing ,'and

. U r. R lsser flndB b lm self l a 'th e altoa^ Uon above Indicated 'ehU rely 'a t .th e Instance o t his own wife,, who w as visiting h er p aren ts lii Bolso,. b u t camo here . apparonUy, fo r th a t purpose.

• Later: Rlssor eateredMplei o f '^ Q l• •~gonty^ 'and 'hIa~cise w in come u p for

hea rin g nex t Uonday.

i • • o-n '-i:vdo^Jff — — — --------------- ^

{Conserve jT>ur, tir<»—not by lay: “ — — -... ...............

'^ i r e 'c ia n s e rv a tio n __ jPoing- tha t.wQttld . 'nity and to the'taatiQ^* .

• B a t’^ fw /c o n s o f ta t io n 'f d ^ c ^ W tirai<5e and last, M dVhero mUeageVcoat is down to-1

‘ "^W e^avc m^Hy"— .-irire8hav’egi¥en.,tboigjiw«lv^to

^ h a t i« why wc say—«qaip your i4re8-<tbe tires';^ai/V<^Ve can biileago-coBt’tiim*-.-''^,.^ -

. I' T ibes k N Tlre'^*

W n d y Glen Baneb 8 o Id -T h o Windy V len ranch on tho northsldoKras-Beld. I ‘uoflday by F . Terhuno to John DoedB, I Br JSS.OOO. ■

No Goods on Chlckerlhg-^Thoro bo- ng ,nn nyidflOCP connecting C. D. Jh lckorltg w ith Uw poBaoaBroir^f »; loozp by .Q co r^ Richardson, ho was ■oloaBod yoatorday.

Opens OfflccA-^Dr. J. R. J^IcMillDn, o r .Uio paa l fo u r yooTH, a prucUclng )hyalclan of osteopathy in Doa dolnoii^:Iowa..haa.opcncil..Qfflcca..at .20 Main ovonuo iiortli.

Weir Bnck—T. A.-Woir, the chlmnoy . woop. Ia buck to Uio city to swab out ho soot a f te r spending six months K tho -Borvlco of tho Utah-Idaho Bloc- ric cotiipany. His hoadQUartors lu n t hu Diamond Hardw are company Btoro.

•Roa4BalldInpPrOV»'ffh«PH—TlTocOii-^ itrucUon of tho now 'rond toward the lUgar factory Is going nliood rapidly, rhroo-fourtha of Uib way tho gi'avcl s on and whoo th is in graded ovorMt . >romlBeB to be ono of,tho finont plcccs )f highw ay In Uio .county ... ,

Should Btn^y Metric Systom—Jamos Iran i Is. calling attonUon" tiTUio“ no- onslty for'ovorycno la tho-sorvico of hfl_lInUeiL-Btatca_iuipoclally...ln th n _ •rUllory, lo study tho m etric Byatom, n ordor lo know the oxact calib re of ho big guns so they can' f i t on tho Ight B ort of packolB and make shullu It when they capture cannon from ho bochos. -

FrocWlc'ii“ Brothm'''8a1<^inJ0Rlnnlng rifto r a froo lunch a t 11:30'o’clock, on IVfonday. Feb ruary 18, Colonoi H., B. ILuo will conduct a sale for Prochllch • irothora, h a lf a m llo Boiith o t HnnBon;I t which w in be offered Bovon horscn,’nurtoon catUo and a lot of macliin- '3ty. houBohold goods arfd alfalfa' hny. ' L( Is a Cloning out uaio, [uilowing lliotalo of t h d r farm. '

Fell U nder T railer—U ttlo Noll Kln> ' [loy , was Bovoroly hurlocd yontoriloy , iftom oon wlicn sho fell under die A-hoel8..of.,a tra iler, wlilch ran over ’ i e r hoad. H or Injuries dro rio f'sc rl- '- )ua._TJloJUUojgl_rl w as'playing noar * ie r homo a t 381 Tfilfd avonno woat,' I ffhon th e machine camo along. Sho f tried to hang on.behind bul hor hold gUpped nnd sbe foil undor tho ^heols.

S t YAl'enilne’a Sale—W. E.~ Lewis, w d 'HaBry gUvem , who Urn 'tb raBi - lu a r te rs o f a mllo w est'o f lho Dank 3f K im berly and flvo and a quartor miles onst o f Twin Falla aro offorlng to r ' sale, following a free lunch a t aoon, on Thursday-Fchruary 14, four­teen head of horses, flvo head of cat- >7 Uo, twenty-two hogs, JOO chlckonB, six giiOBO and a largo asaortm ont of m achinery. H. B. Luo will conductth c aalq^ ' ________________ ■

S ale y n s b ln gtonM Birthday — Mrs.

auctlon,-at ho r farm on tho B U te\lgh> | way, a m ile nnd a ha lt east df Kimber­ly and the Bamo distance w est of H ansen, a t which will be e f f o r t sev­en head o t horsos. three head o f cat- Ue,. a lo t ’of farm m achlnory and a ] seven paaaehgelr Hudson 'Snpor Six. I h o .s a le w ni begin-Im m edlately^fter •- a free lunch at-noon and will bo con­ducted b y - H T B r W ie r - ^ " ^ ............

k:Leg>rolUn9 a t Jerom e—O n o 'o f lho. biggest InlUaUoDs.and log-rolIlngs in Lhe blBtory, o f southom . Idaho, w ill bo lio^d'in'Joromo, Febniai7 22,'a t' >vhich timo tho Twin P alls te am -w ill 'b.v > ipecial InvltAUonrofflclato.—Fifty a re c B xpected-to-go fro m .h e re .w ith lho j te am .. NaUonal A adltor Tate, of Rock r [alaad, 111..' and SU U Deputy W^ H. i Pyer w ill bo p resent. ' Tho Jw ln ' i,

Its A om bdrablp to.jQlh In. ... ij■ . — :-------------------- J

Changed BuslneHS—Dr. C. A. Emus c baa sold b is balf IntercBt In tho un­dertaking firm of Grossman & Emcn 1 t« ':J i'B ;lD 6W ltt. lho tran sfer taking r place M arch 16. Dr. Emea will a t- t teodj.t^e Polyclinic In Chicago, for a { post graduate course In medicine. In 1 wblch«pro^esBlon he was a practlUon- i e r fo r sixteen yoars. Ho w ill then t ta k o .a poat’sp id u a te course of m rg - t ory from th e Mayos, a ftar which ho c oxpocls.,t(^ p resen t .hlmsolt for arm y i o x ^ lQ Q U & _at.K anaaa..C ity ; ...I,iator he: w ill pracUco medicine a t a placo 1 yet to be .determined. i . 1

■';'f i___ »

i i i i y i-K ' 1

m g up*7 -b u t h y g iv in g y o u r c a r I—r— -r"- W -r- J

. .- . - - . - • • - v .'ii, 4 '. ‘ro iy o u to nae y o u r ciT; less. J ^d u f iji t-y ^ o r 'car - to > tl^ .c o m m ut— j

'■ ; ’ ; 1

t ^ r a r id i i ig 'o n .tirM t h a f H a y e <. k e o p oiiL''l8a1^g,<--to Ttio p o ih i- ]m m in im om . * _ y . j

U n ite d ~ S t a t ^ y j

:c a p 'f f i th { a ^ , t '|0 f ;U n it0 d S t a t ^ ' . ] i e d ^ o ^ ' ^ a U t i o n . u ^ o | l 9 W j

^ i a g A c e l '


• ~ “

“ 2 5 B lU E ^U R ffE'TKflydcfPfomisf* § . ',.1


Ono of thoso Btorlos which go n tralgb t to th e h eart, awaken a now approclatloh of Amorlcnn manhood, ■and provo-beyon d -th e pef adventure— of a doubl th u t nuccoss Ib won only by conslBlont effort, 'is ‘‘IJla Moth­e r’s Doy.” In which Charlos Ray will Btar fo r Param ount. ThU Thomaa H. la co production is to bo roleaaod uoon. and waa made undor



Meetingf-at High'School Auditorium'

Everybody Invited to.H ear a Pa- - triotic Program Oonsirting of

Mnsic'-by the Butler Ohoir and prohestra and Brief Talks on the Oreat American.

: Upon renuoat preferrod by Dan Mc- Cook"Postr 0 :“ A.- R .;-th«m gh- I ta -ad - • ju tan t. C a p t Ja s . ff. Blco, tho County Council of Dofoo^^. a t lta .sosB lonJasl Tuosday night, resolved lo call a mooUng oC tho clUzons of th is cotn- n iu n lfy 'la commditioraUon o f 'th o one hundred and nin th anniversary , .of Abraham Lincoln, which w ill transp ire on noxt Tuesday. Fobruary 12.

A ir details woro by moUon, placed In tho hands o t a commlttoo of ar* rangom onU nam ed from tho council by ItB chairm an conslsUng of U ayor F. F . Bracken, dhalrm aa; C. L. lx>ng> loy. W. R. P rlebe and W. P . Edwards. Aa the tim e w as short, th la commit­tee m ot a t t h r ’Dioyor'a offlco WocT- nesday mor^iing. ouUlnod a program an d secured * the parUclpaUon of aponkora, etc.'•' Tho p ro p o sed -m U O ttn g ^ ll bo held In th e h igh school auditorium on U o n d ay 'ev en in g ,-F eb n iary 12. begin­n in g prom ptly a t 8 otclook. May5^r Braclcoa w ill preside.- O rder of exer­cises w ill be aubstanU ally a s follows:: Music b y tho o rch estra ; invocaUon

by Rev. O rvls T . A nderson r sh o rt talks O B 'tbe d ta ra e le r o t'U n co ln :.L ln eo ln , th e Law yer, by Ju d g e Jam ee.R . BoUi- w ell; LiDcoIil. tJie.S tatbsm an. by Hon. S d w ard A. W a ite d : .Lincoln, the Pa- t to t^ A y. c ^ l i . Longley; L incoln. Uio Q hdetfen.- b y -R ev . Asher. H . Brand. MbKi^Ciul U a rtan i. h aa consented to M ^ ' l t a e o l n ' s g re a t G ettysburg' ad- drelpi;,'imd tb e 'en U re program w ill be inteB tperaed . w ith appropriate music

dlroetlnn o t M?. Chas. R ut- Ier,',w^o w ill command tb e as8 ls^noe d f th e g ^ ' d M. EL . ^ o l r a n d orohestro." TViB'looal post ot'the G r ^ A m y ot

the RepubUo,. nnder whose- auspices

b o ^ S ^ -% U . asaemble:at: the.:isebi>ol house a t 7:80-to attetid 'in s body— thej.Conndl ^C.Dtfuiso^also;voted to do. Invltatiens to attend in this'.same manner are. and will more lormally be e x t^ e d '. to Um.' Ladlee bf ttha o ; JL R.. the Daoghter* of the Amerlean Revnlation, and a\1 a a e itp a tr ip U o J tf

'^t-In tlm m ilke the-present, the mem« ^ . o l t h * ' j ^ war^piMldent of.the l ^ t ' i b o u U ' i a n l s r h i B ^ p t ' i r e e a i ^ 'B i t is hoped and, believed th a t our pe»> p li: ceneraUy Nril! 'honor 'th is meQU in s 'a n d th» memory' of htm l’Mdm'. ii nommemoratea with-their wllUar and Interested'presenb<-..;-L,.:.-';-',.;V,;::'’

The ,

.a matropoUtan-reputaUon 1ft t h ^ l S £ In f th<iatr«i of the M unliT>,la,Irvltt Berlln'a in tsm ationkl'sjrx ico^t^ knS. o*H, ’"W af^ .Y obr.8t«p,:> |7htoh .nui^

AT IDAHO IN■1^. *• ____________ '


...... ..................... ..............

th a -p e rflo n a l.. Buporvlalon of Wr. Inco, unil dlroctod by 'Vlclor L. ' Schcrtzlngor, Tho atory Ii; a pic- lurlzatlon by ISlIa S tuart CarB'On of R uperl IIURhcH' Btory. "When Ufo 14 Marhod Down.” '

II. Inco roccntly Jolnod the Para-- inount (ofCGB..js..Poon to nppcnr in. "Lovo Lcttors." Thiil Is a thrilling fltory by Shannon 'F lto of tho fltruR- glo of n 'w om nn to llvo down nn early lovo a ffair, to regain somo in-

l ^ h e c o r n e r - s to r

)0 so6n a t tho Lavorlng theatre on rhursdny. Fobn iary 21,wlthUioenUrc irlg lnal producUon as witnosaod for Ilx montbfl In New York, threo months &-dhleago.-three-H»OPthB-ln~Boaton,- .hroo'm onths ln_PhUadolphla. with en- {agemotits o f aoveral weeks In Baltl- so re , W ashington and S t Louis.

I t . l p soldom th a t an a ttrac tio n , of JilB m kgnliudo Is proaonted outaldo of tho'.T^Vjr.largoat clUoB, but. a fte r por- Mslent offorts o u r local managomont l a s ’seihired~*'Wfttch T our Stop" fo r a ;irosen(aUon in th is city.

No m aslcal p lay prodnced for many leasons p a s t haa boon ao widely talk- !d about and nb mualo has been more vldoly sung o r Is more fam iliar to ivoryono In th is country than Uioao iollghtful ayncopatod molodlea of ■Wntch Y our S te p ." , .

Tho play_ia In th ree acU and flvo rcenoa; th e ac'c'nofy all now 'aad biilU in U tf,J[frban Idea, and I t la only irasoniA lo 'to p resum o 'tha t'a s ' "Watch fo u r S top" has been th e ta lk of thc Jieatre^going ..publle-o t th ls -c ltr^ fo r


Owing.to the short a we are left with a la

CoatSj SlDresses

Which will be on sal< ; months ______


|~ X » IE -T O IR D

LU tist " H a a iq r Ooato

_ ----- ^ r ;

We have jiist receive Dresses, Waists and



A T E E P O E M O N T H S - E Z Q l ------m -O A N A D IA N -E O O K IE S -A l

“ T H E L A N D O R P R O M IS E , B illie B u rk e tCf bo re lo n sed b y P u r dificlosM .tlio p iq u n iit y o u n g stiti* Hfo lins liacl n il th e ro in n n ce a n d u n til she rc n c h c s " ‘T lic I jiukI o f P r ed alyout w liero a ll h o r droiiinH M iiu^linn , th e a u th o r , nlio.sc C an ai d e r th o s p a rk l in g surfadC o f th c p c ach in d iv id u a l huH n “ L itttd o f F a n d t h a t h a p p in c a s licH w a it in g fc

...... Jo s e p h 'K n u fm a n V w lto d irei:l.Tone.q,” f l ta r r in g G corgo M . C ohau la te s t P a ra m o u n t production,__^‘1

H E L L U N D and J A T O U E ('omcdy. Hinging, RiTncIng and


illKCrijcl lovo lettorH she hnd w rit- ' tun. and to unve hor hunbnntl'B at- foctlon. Thc cxcollont cnnt In- oludcM Wllllnm Conklin, Thurnton, Hnll, and othor well known pln^- flrs. ''Lovo LettorB” wnii produCccf undor U io ' personal 'illrocllon of TliomnB H. Inco,

Thonin«.H. Inco hns onRnKccl tho notod actor, Mclbourno MncDowull, for two yciitH to appear In P a ra ­m ount nnil A rtcraft proiluctlonB lh Hupport of BUch popular Inco BtnrH

ton. Chnrlen Rny and Knid Bonnott.Mr. MacDowoll haa nchlovcd a ro-

mnrkalilo buccqbb In hlH p lcturoi. In "Tho Flame of tho Yukon." with MIbh Dalton, ho gave a characterl- taUon th a t brought him naUon-wIdo

le o f OUT b u s in e s s is tau J n d a tio n q f ~ Q m b l ^ F i .

' ^ h e ^ i s b e e - S tu d io ,

some Umo thn t tho tlioatro w ill bo crowdod when It rocclves Itfl flra t p ro­ducUon In th is city.


Patrona of Param o'unt p ictures will havo a chanco to sco ThoB. H. Inco'a popular young s ta r, Charles Ray, In h ls nowoBl offering. "H is Mothor’s Boy," a t Uio Idaho; commencing oaKfc)haay.‘ ........

Ray Is a youag m an who Is taught to roly upon h l | m other fo r evory noed. HIb fathor Is dead, and when a num ber of the townspeople who have beon. Induced to buy atock In a Toaa oil company on tho rccommon- datloa of hla la te paro 'n t denounced the laU cr's good nam e and intenUons, tho aon doolaroa. ho w ill mako good nny Iobbos sustalnod by reason of his fathbr's!f(Llth in the oil company.

How th o y o u n g fo llo w g o e s to Tox- a r t o - w o r l r I n - th e - o l l - fleldB,- h o w l u r l iv e s up to h ls p ro m lso to tho p ooplo o t h ls ho m e to w n , a n d h o w he a c h ie v e s


ruary iice Saleind mild winter season, rge stock of winter '

lits, Serge an d P urs

i for the balaftce of'this.


T O O N E ^H A L F

„• ■ 's i f e iB ^ .D r e im " u p to |8 d .6 0 ,

--A re -A U ^^ B ^ e e d -^ a f------■ B E M W .OOST~. ,

id a large shipment of i Skrife ■ Call and let us

Fashion•' ' v ■ ■.■.


’ IK ano ther p roduc tion s ta rr in g tinoiuit P ic tu res C orpora tion andas a jo u n g K ng lish '.g irl wj^OBe......:hiirni of a mumray's.' That ia-^ jtiMHo”—thc land she had dr^am- vouUl I'oine true. 'NV. SorawBefr ll lo roprcKeiit this land, but wt- lotoplay, one ia made to sec t ^ t ronijHc” in hia or her own he*rt> r us at our very, doors.- ed the well known “ Broadway is”lhc dirciilnr for Billie BiirfcsVi

he Land of Promise.”


Clever Songs I

populiirlty. nml OHtnbllBhod him aa (jno {If tho m ost b r il l ia n t of con-. tc'inpornncouH Hcrccn players. ^

Diuio Coolldgo, a u th o r of "Rlm - rook JoncH” w hich la W allace Itolil'H uvw est Param oun t p icture, is ono of th e 'b e s t known au thorltiea on woBtern l ife , and h as w ritten

. :il)out a dozen novels, a ll doollBc with woKtorn characterB. "RlmTVck Joncn 111 n s to n ’ of nn A rizona ml»- or and Ih founded on a roal loci- ilont which camo to Mr. Coolldg&'a

Htnto gnthorlng m nterla l U>r fltorlea nnd nrtlclCB. - Tho cas t Includes Ann Littlo. E rncB t' Joy. Charlea Oglo, Guy Ollvor and E dna U ae Cooper, anil tho production waa d>- rcctcd by Donald CflBp.

i u p o n th e s u r e^ t - ------------------- — -----------

BUCCOSB against all aorta of obstacles and eventually w ins lho love o f a boauUfnl young girl, combine tom ahe "HU MoUier'a Boy*’.one of the mMt IntsraiirB g 'pholtfp layB 'U iaf b av eo o o e from tho Thoa- H. Inco a tudio.__

ADjnms'riU'nON aoobbsscti:(ConUnuod F ro m P a c e 1)

m illion a nd a 4 a l f m ea ln-rrano*.«axl:F~ avaUablo fo r ah lp m ea t’ d o r ln s . tS is . . th is yoar and would h a v e 'l ,600,000 me*y ea r................. ............ V'.' --------------:—

"N ot in th e leaaf* so ld S e c r a t s r Baker. "Como o u t in to tbo nex t i o n w ith m e and I 'l l toU you l a th roe se»^ toncoB."

" I t Is not a fac t th a t th e ahlpplB« facto r la vory Im portan t?" asked Be*> a to r H itchcock.

•"Vory im portan t, th e co n tro lling b e -to r," aald. S ecretary B aker. . “ rd „ H I« __to say, hore th a t w hen I m ade iw prevlouB stalemoHt abou t_ the w m h T

no t dopondlng *fio lly npon A m eri- -

F t i n l P t n l

g j l L U r -

O H g.H A U T O IO R :.l ^

Spnng C o a t s ^ S u i t s ^ ^ .

3 h a w t h e m t g y o u .


t w i g S t o A i S g M

Page 6: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

P,ge6 ■___________ . : • TV^0E-A-WEEK T te - F A I J .8 T ^ f t THUBS, gEB/.7r ^

r J tO C E E D IN G O P T U E COUNTY >1 t'O U aU B S IO .N E ilS ’t ) F T W IN

F A L 1 8 C0J7N TY , ID A H O . i

(Conllnucil From I'ftiro 3) ^V b ite S ta r anrnRo, niito ouiujllen 26:;:. }.'W««W>unft-I.. O., Jurom ccrt....... f-'i.OO ‘W««v«r. Iloy, usBlKnct iicoounl..,. llO.Uci '

^...W «ver,.,J...Ii.,-Kuar(l-duly_llI0.CM 3_., .2■willo. - Jolm* wuiifHM ccrl............. ,3.50 .WJloon, An.ly. tiix rctuml.:........... 30.»io 'W klte. J . li.. premium on bond C5.00 '-w«iTOr. c.- !>.. "Hlnry coumy , ‘. pbr*>cliui ...................... ............... 15.00 ,WUklHi.011. y. W., Juror« 2.26 '

lUwBB wita tl>orftiij>on tAk«ii until lo■ i nT ^unuury 6, Ifl/s.' ‘ ffl-........ .. "

• O. I i CAIILSON.Clmlrniim. .

M..J. VJSCU. Cle»k. ^

Twill P'alln. Iduho.10 >i'. m. Jntiuury 6. t9ix.

■ KoKuJrir Octobtr .SCHKlon.T b«’ l>uur>l of . county commlH«loiicrn

♦ l i CarlMOii. T. Ii. Mnorn. ^— w.—*r~iJrnw'/T. iiTi.l-B. -j.- rirtcb ; •clfiru. "

Wberoupon tli« folluwlni; iirocac<llil(;iibiul.- lo-v li: .............. ‘

Tbo lMj»rcl vrocrcOpil to th«? coiiNlcli-r- ” atkon of (Ilr clnlmn nculiint tho U.uO Fttiul, and havlnK completcti bucIi cor.- •U en tlo n wnrrnnta woro ordered drixwn ta tho following nmountn: n Itarttlnw, Wm.. KnidlnK roudti....|2S2I.l.n '»Ayouv. Lfon a . Inbor ............... 13.16Ilofate I'nyettr I.iin>b«r rotnj^ny. J'‘ tnny, inerchnndl/10 ................... . iK.jfi *IMU'lor. M. II,. labor....--'.................. 13.00litthl Hnrdwnrc compimy. mer-

— Vf. ' vo ~lO uu. Jobn II., labor.................... 130.60 ,n a r lu r . Normnn.—nimlCTCfl" 'j j l '”' f

J. C. oViiiiVinii. labor.................130,00 '««iwor. W. K., «!Xj)oniicn ............... rj.iO ‘‘IMekendon, Krcd. ,Inbor.................. 7.00 JI>onton. D. M„ nppmlnltiK/road.... 10.00 J;IWUm, WIlHon. Inbor.................... B6.S0 fVn«r Hftrdwaro company, mer-F lm t NaUotiarVniuVk;....nilfiisnPd ” '

accounti) ...................................... 238.50 "Charllo BImmti. liiticir. ......... » n./r,Oncnr Diirbln. labor ... s.7r, 'W. H. Hnyil'tr. Inl»>r . . 2f*n,tin «. J . R; Oummlnn, labor .- 21.00

Krambllnir. C. O. H-, labor........... 12.00F lm t Nntlonni Hank of Pllor. ' J

suwliTneil nccounlH ............... 26B.IO J,Clkudo Urown. labor.............t 34.-jr. ‘Normnn !luPk«r. Inbor........... IJS.nn "----- - -0 .—pmnnrnn-mir.... ' ' ictti— »

Wto*. A. 1C., cnitlnoorlntr ncrvlce 141.06 ,« r lf f lth . Je«M A., inbor............. U.60 '

StAlQ I.umber company. 'morchnndlso.................................. 4fi,2.'; '

OIII, Wm. A., blnckHmtthlnK....... <1.00 'lU nlln . Wlllnrd, labor.................. 4.00 'llarOer, II. K.. drill iitrel........... I4.SUHolllfiter Ilnrdn-iiro compnny. '. I irD ! '" l! :? ‘S;^er«;.crHowo, poorgr, li.lmr ................... 18.00

— IfoithCT*- T.umlw-r compnny.-lum..............*b«r ................................................ . 302,P5 I

l«2sho Unrdwun- Implimcni *eotnpnny. moriihamllHe. ........... n nn '

Htnte Hnnk, labor....... ....... 100.76 ,__I<ilchlltcr..J.t«. .lalwr------- ------------- l.OO J

L«Rsn. W. A., labor...................... 10,60Moneley, It. R. Inbor........... ..... 70.i:iJflnnorly, IW.. nuto lilr.v J : ., :c.<ii)

•Mort. It. W., lubor............. ........ 7.C0 'UUnllowcl .................................. $1.60 '

Uoore. T. l i . fK|>cnno.................. lo,no ‘Ortwru. V. I'., Inbor ..............;.... 12,60 ’OwetM, Cnlvln. road o\'rn«.-<<r. etc IIS,*6 ‘< M nndor X.uinber compiitiy, nivr- ■ ’

ehandlao ...................................... r,n.)o Il*»trlck. O, W.. Inbor................. :i..i ■l ‘«toraon. Oiicnc. labor ............... 4t,l>i '••rtamon, 11. A., Inbor.,.,.............. 70.i;r. ‘■ 'racer. LowIh, Inbor.................... 12 3ci ’n u o r . C. U„ lubor..................... . 27.0(i 'Itrdalcb, C. J„ Inbor................... 70,U0

.. Wh—Uir-A;-0,i-latiQr.7.-.T:;.~,,.:.it';.. sd oo '‘«:iS ■-_Twia.FtLU«..CannI company, pow- '

• WUlU Mntio*, Inbor............... 16,50Upton. C U.. labor...,.............L„... 13.U0

, Voobunc. Oeo. n ., Inbor......... ....... nfi.00WhUo 8 U r OaraK#, nvery......... 26.J6WtekerBham^ Tho», Ubor............. ' 7,00

---- W<yt»-Br»>.r->abor.;........... : b,00 'Thoroupon rceevn wnji taken until ju

». re.. Janunry 7, 131H, •______ ■ _______ O, l i CAItl..^ON.

AUOit:U. J. I-'IKCH. Glcrk. .

Twin ,KaIIii. Idiilio, in n. m. Jnnunry 7. IDIH.

__ nojfulnr Octobcr SejiHloii.'Tlie bonril nf county cominlKslonom

m«t a t thlB tlmo nuniunnt to reccHH.Prenent. O, II Cnrlnon. Clialrniam T.

»t Moore. V/.. i \ Urower, and U. J Finch, clerk.

•Whereupon the followlnK proccodlnK"M>OIB BM. to-wlt: .... ,■*.rt<rUojiru tti lliln time proo'iMliul tn

th e conaldcratlon of the clulmn ncalnnt Uie HoMpltuI Fund and hnvlnK com- : ptclea aucb conHldemtlon or.Icrcd w tr- n n t> i^n^wn In tbo lanon’lni; nniouiiiN'

Hoapltai m tsdUoy«], Kflrmnn. labor.................. } jo.ooU o r t B ort,. labor. ,2 00■t«l(le, Kmiik, Inbor ............ o«C ity of Twin >'«II«, water roiu; _C*W. &"M:‘c.V»uii lie?»6Wy. H. U,. labor; j j ,KOdai. Wllnoit. labo r............... fi6 60F lm t National Huni

•counlH ................................. S3J. R. Cummlim. labor t i io uUert Lloyd, lubor..... i.i r.it

Wntnrfl, Inbor .K. A. Cnncon. Intior . 17',K. C. Norton, Inbor iiU. II Colcmnn, labor.............. 10.r.O

Xoholn. DomlnKo. latiop.................... asisoStttw-Supiily company, flxtnrun 27s2.onSam lon Siorrln Co.. fixturoK..... (,vi inAaUodny Hurdwiiru coniiuny .^ le rch n iK lh e ................................23GO.OOT sm er. I i U. luinU-nol acrount.'i 3 60

llarvoy Sadler, iabor .. (] 7rlHenry Wusncr. labor . . | 7r,

•*wln i-'nllH lliir.Iwarr ronn.ll.iv■terchuiidluc ................ ' r,

'■Swberir Trnnnfur company,

s » 9 i i , . ' a F : S s ; i F ; = iJjW'PUni....................... ................ 5020.00The l>oard tlmn prorretl.-d to tin-

' nonaldBratlon of the clalmn ajcaliiNt tbo AcrlcuUurol i-'nlr l-'und, und lutvlnr «<mpleted nueh conNldcmtloii <»nlorcil wamintH drawn In th r followlnK ^knounu;.AwJori.un. F. C.. nnt.pIleH . t i 7-, Anchor Uay, Oroln Jk Kce.l com-X m anr’'?",“ 'iabor~;;; i : ...............Hoetn Xc iinmmrr<iultit. mrrolmn-

dfae .................................... S'. 'I'lEtofaM Tent * Awnlni: compnny^

■ " I ;R ahl Heralil. ndvertli.lni; if, .-o

■ Uook ^ o r r . HuppllvK - <.«y'■ Ore*il, 6rvllir.” nhor’, . l y " ' " ' ifl'nn

Coateilo, MrH. C, K.. <-xprn^.. r.u 76Ooairrlff. C. P„ imlntinir............... 163 "xO tteena Electric Hupply com-

pnny ..... ......................... ........ ...... 2<2 -.-jI 'i f in e r . Mutual Telephone com-

. - D«ay,. . s e r v ic e _______ ___ 3C06K I l ^ Department 8torc. me^^

ehandlae ............. .................. . 16 6(1,Vll*r Aulo compnny, «or,vlc«. .»s. ssilio Kner'inevntoi^ company.- fnrrchnn-lllier* Joar'iw'irntfvert|»inir 2g;ooF iilr Publliihlnfr, oompnny, «up-

P»C" .............................................. 103.10li^h e r , nrlnu >*•. IftBor ................. 14.00

,F ir s t National Uank, caab adtTBnced ............. - ____________2107,00

Ooodlnir Leader, ndvertlalnf..... 12.00•riateii, J . c.. e*i>en»e.................... :.r.,i>ii

. <3Hek. J. Jl„ police work............... u h oKimberly Nur«crkn. irrri............. mn.ot)K inney, Fmnk. Nlsn ptklnilni.* . 44 n.'.

. IL«ve, C. A., merchandlnp............... 63.1*;Modem I>ruir Store, nuppllen...... t0,unM wce, W. A., drllllnit wi’ll....... ii-fi.'McCieary. Cbnn. H,, drayaxe........ C,3tV erchanta I>ubUahlnR company,

merchnndlnr ........ ........................ sc,74;^orth 8ldo .Sewn, advrrtlalnir..... Si.oo«>«ktey Homlil. ailvnrtlnlnr.......... 7.oo

. Itaynolda Motor company, nervlee 3fi.ir> Itupert Democrat, advertlalnff....' 16.00

-•niuloy, K. n., natilrned account 137.iuK. P. Carnon, Inbor...............»1J7,60

Kpencer Delivery company, de-Uverlnr- —.................................... 4.00Slmffner, Mrn. Dom. board .... «,S0

&liorllnr Dnlry I'roducta com-

any. huiiUnK nliowcnne................. 5.00tiycler urdwnro coini>nny, mur- ‘win Kull* Ciironlcio. udvurtln-'witi Kalin 'TimVn. aiiverlinl^^ 37T'.76 K •will Knlln Ncw», advortlnlllc,-.. ,112.60 Il.lilli.’ c, H-, nollclllnh' exlilbltn 3it.«i w •liL- Vull.'y I'rcnn, n.lv,-rU»l>i»:.. .. in.6f I.Orlcht M ."li, nuriiery »tock..... 30.00V. iidfll J^rrlKatloii^M. lidvortia-\-t"ri':n.VN,iW.;ii.rv.;ri^ hVIlMOii. li. H.. labor...................... ,U4.iO r,:VliudH. H.. ................ 16,00 NValtor, l i o.. rx|.on»o...........-...... CC.f.O l„Vhlto. l i Jt., Kiilary & .:*i>ciin.i 600.00. u

IHiO.'HM wn« tlmroupon takcii unii. 't, m, ■’''••''■■'•J' d

Cliulrimin. a.UfHt; It

K. .1. FINCII, Clerk.

Twill Kalin, .Iduho,10 a. m, January S, IUIH, ;1 UoKulnr Octoljer Sennlon, |

Thr board of county coinmlunlonern “ not ul tbln tlmo purnuasit to roctux, ‘‘.ouVd''of"comml»i'linor«*o^ KlUndiile IlKhwiiy. dbitrlcL -X'rcKnil, O. i i Curl-. " o.V, cimtrmiin: T. l i Moore, W. K Irrwer of tbe Twin Fnlln county com- nliiulonert* and A. U, nice, of the Hllhi-"t" il nd K. J. Flncli, dnrk. uWbrrculHjii the. followhlK pruc<iedlHK'< e:

n 'tbu''mnttur of eniurliiK Into nn nRrno- cimuiil Wltb tb<i MUllund llrUlKn com- Hpany to dnnli;n n nunpeiinlon hrlibrv, KiiiuiiM Imlni; for a brUlKn acronii Kiuikc n

-rivrr-rtt-tbTnTnTiBon-»rldRft-HlVd:------ ttIn thlu 'inattiT n ropre«ontailv<r of

bv Mldlnml HrldKo comiuiny boliiK tiiminiit and"bnvtnK-roprenentod tbut It b can Jitiw jionnlblo to obtuin <]UOtatlonnin cablr. nnd tlml bln compnny f.ilt Hliat thi-y would bo ablo to ilenlKii j tiirupi-r brldKe, Uio cont Of which would C'ome within tbe tnrnnii of th r rounty <:,nd hlKliwny illiitrloU Tlm board huv- i;iii: InuvvHtlKated nucli reprenuiifatlonH, til-rmlnK ibemnolven fully advlned. nn.i Vuuh nctlon to bo for the public Rood. * iiianlmounly Tiiiprovod tliu followlnK .Kr<!i'm<int wblcn In In wurdn and flK-''^Tlll»^^K^ccmcl'u, cntcrcU.Into thlu Stb lay of January, 1918, botweon Tho Mid- «and HrldKo compnny, juiriy of tho firnt ' .art, and the county comiiilnnloiicr.i of { i-wln Falln counly, nnd thu coinmln- 1 ilunun of HIIlHdale lIlKbwny Dlntrict, f'w,riy-vf-tlM»-H*ooiul-iMVrt,i--------------------- ^

Wltnc««ctb: That for conalderntton [iirreafter mentioned,. Tbe Midland "irldKu company, hereby aRrcen to fur- fil»h a dcnlKii nnd npeolflciilloni. for ii “luniienHlun brldfm over the Knakr rlvei ‘u'ur ilanncii. and a t tbc nlio ln<llcutod 'ly prnflh! of. dusirn furnlahud by tlie ’!oo>l Ilottdn Dri.nrltiiont of WunbbiRton J''tik ' rofidw'ay of thin bridge to be U c

'vet clear nnd to bo flKurcd for u unl- " 'urmly dlHlrltmtod lond of. CO .puiindn ^icr Hiiuaro foot. The concentruted lomi '* iliall bu 10 toim and I'*actor of Hafety I in Floor SyHl.-m 4 to 1.

For furnlnlilliK thin denlsn nnd nprcI'ln-by aKreen to puy to tho luvrty of jlie firnt purt »600.00 provldlnic a con- }ni.-t iH nwnrdeil on (fenlwi furnlnbril, '’rovlded. however that there In to b t H10 compelinatlon unlrnn blilH aro n - " ;elved within the nieunn nvallnble: nnd r ruriher, nhould Tho Midlnnd UrldKe ‘ ;ompany be tbo nuccennful bidder, tlinro o .ball bn no compennatlon—lhe denlKn ‘ ■pIiir furnbibed a t tbe expense of nald f Midland UrUlKo compnny. However, [ .110 pnrty of tbo Hccond parU uiireeii to idverlino for bldn U|von belnu annurcd J, lint tbey wlll bo nblo to contract for ' .lilH brldh'o witbln their meana. ,

KiKned tbln Stb dny o t January, 191K, I U Twin Fallu, Idnbo.

O. I i CAnLSON, Chiakmian Twin Falln county com-

mli..ilon(‘rn, x : a ............... )Chalnnnn lIlllHdnlo HlKhway Dinlrlet.

T>n: MIDLAND UUtDUB CO., I 'arty of Ibo Firnt I'art,

Uy D. J. CcvvnnuRh, Agont. ,\Vhor«il|K>n reuoHH wnn tnk«n until 10

a. III. January 9. 1918.. . ___, — O. U. CAULSON.

......................................................f:iialrinaii. 'Attent:

■ E. J. FINCII, Clork, ^ ]

---------- ------------' Twin hilllli, Uliilin:---------10 .1. m. Janunry 5. ID1 .

neRulur October .St-m.lrtn, ., ' The bourd of county commliinloiu-rn ,""l‘rc«ent! O, li"caX 'on?\:hiU rn’urnT'T ]11 Mbore. W. F. llrewvr. an.l I i J. Klncb. ■ clorlc 'Wbereui*on tlie followlnK prcceedlnKH iWrrn hml to-wlt: <In tho mnttor of llie. i«tltlon of W, L. .

Howaril re.iupiilInK ciincellntlon of tnx innle ccrtlflcnloi__ . , , .iin tbln mutter, n petition bnvhiK bnnli

filed by yv. L Howard, wild, under onth, 1rl.prennntn thut hr. In tbn owner of Ihe ;W 1-2 of 8B l-4 ,T s 'n IH SB 1-4 ftbU SW ’ NB 1-4, Section 2S. iitxd tUe K t-1 NW 1-4 NR 1-4. Hec. 23. and the K 1-3 NWnil In Townnhip 10 Houth. Itnnco 17 I i . 1n. M., and Hint ho did not maKe final .l>roof upon nald lundn until ISIS un .Hbown by the recordn In-the tnx nn- 'nensom offlcc. Howover. nuch landn wor.‘ :annenaed for the yenrn 1912 nnd 1913 by i error, Tbc board after InvenllRatlon ofbr'* \rue ' orderod thiit''Cerllflc:tte« Non. 122S-9-30-1-2-3-4-6 for the year 1012. nnd 1706-C-7-H un.l 171«.17-I8-19 for lhe y.rar 1313 bn conceited.In thr inntter of tbo petition of Wm,

O. Andrews requeatlnir tax refund on account of Holdlern exemption;

bu bl un old aoldler nnit> therefore en- ! titled to nn cxempl»oa-on 11000 wilua- , lion upon property annennei). whlcb wan , not Kr-anled to blm for tbe.yeur 1917, an.l »ucb RtntMnent beliiR nupported by un nfflduvli from tho county naneanor. tlin boanl hnvbiR determined lhe tru th .)f nuch iitatement ordered tbat b refun(> bo uninted to thn petlUoner In tb.- amouni of }3l,00, wbleh In Iho amoun' of luxfft paid upon JlOOO ex.-niiit propiIiV \b.' m atter of tho petition, nf Kua-

annab Honirll requentlnR tnx ^re.I.imp-

‘AV' bln 'nm lt.-r'iin i.m.lavU li.ivlii.'•{’. : r ’.-x?i;:liti‘;.riIn ll NOldler'n willow nnd th>- nw"-- Lol 6. Hlock I. Ool.lrn Itu lr A.ldltlon ol tlir unnen.ied valuation of <90 anil i.b.: Imn no o lb rr property, Thr boar.l hr. Ins fully advlned of tbc truth of bor..f ri.li.yH _nnJ_havUlK—aJto«rl.tln<>l—th.ii-no rxrmplloil bnd been nllowed for tb vrur 151". «7«leTn'l lUat Mn, HuRs,utt;ib Itonxrll b r Kmnted ft refund In tn. nmount of »4.H wblch amount wnni.al.; by Mrn, Uoni-ll an evidenced by tax n -ln''tlio m atter of tbe petlllon' of S -

l i W alter re«uentlnif widow’n exemp- tlon: / ''• In Ibln m atter uporj tbe renrenenta-

flnn of Annrnjior OeorRe W. Wlloox tbul .Samb A. Wnlter In » renldrnt widow.

nbu bnd not been granted an exemption for the year' 1917, Tlfce board havlnR lnventlKnt/d the tru th of auch ntiite- ment |ind deomlnK themaelvea fu lly ’nd- vlne.l ord ^ red that S a : ^ I i W alter be Rninted it lux rotund In the nmount 'of $31.no wlUch la the amount o t laxun paid on valuation o t 11000 aa nbown liy till collector'n receipt No. 7762.Ill tbo m atter of the pntltlon of tbe

Irtnbo-l’ower -Compnny- re.]ue«l)nK »» rompromlne tux neltlement:In IhlH m atter It appenrlnit from a

petlllon, verified by the record#. tb;it the Idnlio I'owrr com|inny In the owner of Lol 17. Iilock SC. Twin Falln, nnd that name wun nnnrxne.l by the county rupicnnor: un.l It further nppearlnR by •nffldavit from tbo nu te board of eijunl- Ualloii lhat numo properly wnn nnnenn- eil by till' J.tui0 l>«;ir.|, of i-nunllinUon na op.irntlnK property. Tb" board belnK fully ndvlned orrterrd tlmt a compro- mlne nritlnmnni b. mndo In the amount of 11.76, nald amount belnit apeclal nprlnkllnir tax.

Tberrupnn rco.nn wan taken unlll 10 u. m. Jilnuary ID. 1918.

O. J i CARLSON.^'Attf.-<l:

1 . J, FINCH, Clerk.______ V.Twin FallH, Idaho,

10 a. in. January 10, 1913,

, , Ji«Kuiar,wctoi3ar BenKlon- Th" bonrd of >.cotuil>'..ci)nuniHal<>nrrn L

net, a t Ihlji Unie purnmint to rec-n".J’rirncnt. O. I--. .Carlnon, clialrman: T.

i Moor.', W. F. Urewer, nnd l i J. " -'inch, clerk. 1 .

Wberuupon tbe followlnK procetHiinRii vero had, to-wlt: III the m atter o f addlnjr jUpaoi) noliool dlntrlctn lo o th er.d la trllta : It uiipoarInK upon recommendntloii or

irTtlomnrt Wolfo t*ha? Soh'wM. D |«!'’no: ' ,7 bna lupned, alao th a t «ohooI Dint.<io. SO hna lapaed, therefore the boar.l . K'lnK ^ llm r tv la e d In tho premUei*, und i|iuii the rccommendnllon of thn - nt.indeijt of nehools ordered tlial lhe ollowlnir-terrUonr cmbrftced'TS^clioot 1 nir ct No, 67 be altnehed to noliwil'

(>w»- ' deacribed «u< fol-HeKlnnlnK nt lhe NW corner of H.-c r

• Ion 3-M H. 13 E. a M. Ihence eant f I ons the townahip line to the Balmon , •Iver: tlience south nIons the Halnion ' ■Ivnr to Ihe townahip Hwr. bet * ;owt1«hlpn 14 H nnd 1C &s thence went iIoiiK nnld townnhip Uno to.aouthwenl ' jprner Bcctlon 34-14 A . « :bl°"b M, ’i ' r a a .

Atuich to D la trlc t-51 tlie*StnftinlnB ,

: i o V i « " g . r* T T l t K S ^i l o n ^ i e lownnhin line to Salmon r lv ,

:.Vu,‘.:'%’S:inry“Vfn?!‘’'IRefSiTeaI*'al'on‘K »"2? "£C»on Uno between i4rctlPlin 27 and 2K. Townn ilu IS Soutb. r

fbuiKo 1.3 Bnnl. Holne Merltjlan-,. iht“iee [ iTBKlmiTliK^^^ n*-*o-polnt-of

£ » ro‘,5 ]

corner o t Twin Fulin : -ouiK}. Ibencn wcnl nlonK county line •0 ninKo linn between 17 K nnd IX i; '

1 :UIC ailil 151, ,</itil property wnn rr-

Im'd'for t»ie"?on?" 1916.® OTdS'i'ifi' • ^ Ivitd tnxen on olhor nroitm v t

V.,i . 1 *-‘»'cli nmount in-cliidcd llie taxeM „„o Intnrenriea"-,K->r ~III the m atter o f It. T. MacNamnn. rr- ;

5 r r l . " ’.fn.'l‘ .. ........... •

from the county annennor nnd lax col.

th.- pnrnonal properly roll conntltiitliiK .

f „ ? b ir,E ro ;," 'in ';r '’„ ,;!!5 ,,w ik% 7 “ ram ';'" ;:

ri|ui>ln the total umuunl of taxea iml.i erroneounly. ‘ .In tbo matter of tbr recjuent of KHny r

n cancellation .'.fDemujucncy Certificate for the yt-arIn thin mnlter, tV bonrd uoon In-

voadKatloik of tbe recordn, doturlinni-iiM'- of Section a-IO-lK. tbut hiul b...-ii

I,™i. mca',. nn,i

ri'corda that lloitcccu' leDouRa f*'l'n lhe rei-or.l owner, of l^it 12. Hlo.'k lOy,^ ' ’‘•^brJ.n'jr'nT^lJo^^li.^^'a^lTvJe.’i:’’/.'

d»iit widow, wltb prnperty nn| In 'ixcen.i o t SSOOO and therefore entltle.l to nn nxemptlon. Ibo bonrd bclnR fully-advln- n<l ordered (hat exemption be mado and

Fnlln. be rnncelled.Ill tbn .m nttrx o f the,or.1.T ot tin- L'ro- -bale--Court- rcducliiK'- ceriubr inothVrV

KtlHloilS’.thlfl m nttrr. nn order of tb r Pro-

bate- Court belnK flled with tli., cb-. orderlnK th e ' reduction of the prnnlonn of Mnry Pendleton, from 116.00 i.i |io!- 00 per month, and Klla Moreliin.l from $16.00 to *10,00 per month, tlir board a fter due connldemllon ordered nameap- nroved.In Ihe mnlter o t the petition of Frank

W. Haber, requentl^nK , lax i-oinpro- mine:In thla m nlter ll nppearlnK from the

1917. the Twin Palla Land nnd ^V^tar compnny owned said Inndn wbleh were nanenaed on a.vnluntlon oC J600.00; for the year 191fi SOOO.OO. I t wnn furthor determlued by. lH«^eorda-tbnt.tb« wat­er rlKbla had been'cancolled for tievenU yenrn prior," and tha t the purcha*# price for nnld land won SIOO.OO without wnier rlRhl. Tho bonrd belni; fully ad* vlned und deemInK auch valuollon . ex- cennlve, ordered that comprombie bo mude on the biiala o t a valutitloir^ of {200,00 which would l>« IS.6S fo r .th e yeur 1916. with Inureat t£ereon at!s\; sJ..'D=«'hIn fhe^malter of the approval nt Km-

111 tlilA nmllJr'thi:..boar.l brIiiK-lullv. nilvlnrd or.lcre.l tbc followliiR InltbO pr.'iiiium to April 1. I9lb b.- i>al.l: ..yoni 'Jan ito r ................................................ »TTlIO l^robaUon Offlcorn anil nlierlffn.;..JSM.i- Clrrloul .................................... ........ 5U41U Matron; .'.leputy unaennoro.............JCO I" Itoad ovnrnrrrn und ' liil>or.Tn.;..-....J

J^3^lCiiKlncerlnK .. . ..................... ........... 7»


111 the m atter of tbo .ipproviil of the jo in t.quarterly report of the uudltor und treaaurer for tbe quarter ondlnff

..OclQbet 0, 1917:In tbla m alter the board hnvlnifln-

ventlRated Bflld r tp o n and nneertalneil name lo b i correct, orderod tbu report approved.In the rmatter of the approval of the

auretybond o r e . 11. Mull:In thla m ailer, Chaa. H. Mull bavlnr

contracted tor tiio erecilon of ihrM -ntcel bridges, and belnu requri.teil tv Rive bond for the fulthful iJrf.irmanM o t name, nuch bond wiia tiled w lth-Cr IL 'M ull tui prtnclpul-and th.i .National Surely company lu aurety. each ln ,th - Mnal num of 17800.00. The bo.-ird be* W fully advlsod ordered autno npproY-

n. 'm ’'junu?i%’ n ' " " ^ i ’' takftn-urfUI ‘i r d, J i CAIII.SON.

Alien.: Chalrm.in.-l i J, PLNCIl. Clerk,

- -Twin, Fnlln, Muho. . 10 a. m. Jnnunry 1| tgig , . Iterulnr October .Seaalon. Tbe bourd of .county commli.«ionert

met nt thla time purnUant to rrceas "

After the iranjnotlon .-of tumb bunt- ill''- l.oar.l, receng™ .« k .„ ...U l lti ...

O. n. CARI.SON, Atteat: • . ^ Chalman.

.- l i J, FlNClt, Clerk, •, .

.-Tw in Fallt, Tdaho,10 a. m. JannuY IS, iuiK,v '

^ noKular Oolobijr'Sennlon The board o t county commtaalonera <ii a t ilibi Umo pursuant -to receaa. I'reaeiit, O. H. cVrlaon, vhitlrmani- T.

. Moore, W. F - Urewer; and 13. J. Inch, clerk.Whereupon thu follmviiiir proceodlnRs ' eru had, to-wll:Aftvr the imniuicllon of Hucli bunl-

cmi-au-camo-betote—ih e-b o ard r-rw ee . ■O. J i CAULSON, ,

• Ohairman.lU-ai; ,.

K, J. FJNCir, Clerk.

------ : “ '~ T * iiF rA iin r i< T a K ''’ ''.10 a. m. January 14, lOJfl. negular January Seaalon.

T he-board ^ot county oommlMlotMra

Moore, W. F. U reter, .and B. J, Inch,, clerk.Whoreuiwn the tollowJar proccedinga ere hod to>wlt:n the m atter o f _xhe. .aeleotinir - the namea^of 160 jurora to serve fo r the^n'thla m itta r tha bottfd'proceedWYo

lu neleotlon of^ names from tho varb un voUnK preclncia a s provtdail bj iw; Upon complotlon o t aame tli< lerk wan ordered to record the nnmea n followa;L. C. Lelach W., p . Uearsrank Hownman ’ H ow ard'ltam ea . A. liavlH J, A. FeltonI. Ii. Fuller Joe KamlUonima_McMaiiier---- ----- WlllU-HampMn----, McCoy J i A. MonnI, H. Pnrkor Otlo Uattey;, F. Ulasonnelte Jnck Crttir V. T. Sheldon H. I \ Larsont.tve Urnmor. ' (}eorice D. Crockett , T, UalnbrldRe W. 8. BUur

W. Ilardln. II. W. MundW II. Jonen U. F. Hayatarry H am m er-. Frank. SwcorinKen quint/ A rlhur Ja rm an -

larence Durr T. M. BaJrdVllllam J. Kunkle H. C. Krlcaon I. ■A.-limeg J. M, Pierce.. R ' lTolmtiulHt' Fred W. Bergor '. D, }ii>.rnhnrt John Dudley V. H. Pntten Jack Umtton>. 11. Churohlll Frank Craven'.-J ; 't lo T d ....... - ........John L; Peters:. I. Jonlnn W. C. I l l t tohn Abbl- J. E. Pobtman';hna. Slack W. ll. MoMlllimt, 0. Bhori John Vf. Lanfftord:, H. Proolor- . 11. S. Goldaworthy Vm, Fochl -• <-J- «• BeymourI. C. Oetterl 1»‘ F. McPherfonV. I i Lunie ' A. I’aralQWl.” C, TiloreV------------LuwlK-MurtlCy;.. D. noberU .>2. D. HlckaI, 11, KollmeyerV. A. OlnaROw •'• Baurer

I L.' Norrla . ' ^ S. Arms:. O. Mamhnll <-'• A- VlnlnR •leo Oould lirnoat D exur^ 11. Taylor • F . A.VMltumea WlneKnr C, A. Emea[, A, Hownr.1 J-'*®!*!V. H, ChnmberlnJn Johnaon

II i>ayiie KIrkmuii-i A. Itunuotl P«cklurt Schwarl* David A. Sennian•untnve Kumo To'berti T, Saiidmey^r ' WulklnKton[. ,\V, llenneti «- AH«n>, H. Urown *’• **• SmithII. \V. Jt,hnnoii. H. Hompleman i I . Vun Ulper ' PnrKa,V. L, Spence Urnni MillerK. W. Hunted h . Hobblnail. L. Pm tor K. VT. WllklnwoiiDon Lymnn r . a, Wllnon'» J ______ 'J._T. FullerII. C. Vnnnundeiii j. t . WIndleli A. Moon u F. Clarkil. J. Vo-uiiRM n. T, HuntM. a . Ripley \vm. Ornhami™ _ iIcM lllan . n Lucai.M. t i Jennliioii ].), j.’, UcNow ' “J. S. Sanford • u«„ry Peternnon Hiaffor.1 p. Patrick ';-i<orKr Uall.:.» I,, Jtoffetlr\. lludolph Albert PutxlerI. H. ainiidrr. „ „ rry gmock L. L. CowlcM w . H .-D y sv l

J. UyiiK^ ,j. T..Hudrow

\. Mnttaon < ohna PlckeU__ Atkinnon -_ _ jV ;n ..i* c aJ ra ______1

II, F. Jain J. H. Morehouae I. l i StelnourIn liie m ailer o f tbe uppllcntlon for

free trunni>ortatlon to r the county aheriff; , '

In thla matter, the board beln« tully tdvlaed. and deemlnR auch n c ilpn .fo r Lho publlo Rood, unanlmoualy orasred lhat a request b« made to the publlo utlllllcfl commlsalon for tree tronapor- Lation over the Oreson Short Line lUill- rond company, Blue Lakea Tol] brldse, »nd the Shosfione Falla ferry, fo r tlie iherift o t Twin Falla county.

Tho board, aftor conaldetatlon of tbe slalmb utralDst tha Current Expense Fund. r«cessed until 10 a. m. January

o. k. « V lson.Cbairmrfn.

m e a t: ' ......... " ........................ —l i J. F INCH, Clerk.

Twin FaUa, Idaho,- 10 a. m. Jahilary 1C, 1918,

IleRuIar January session. The board oC county commlaslDnera

met a l thla lime, jn irau an t to recMa.Preaent, O, E. Carlaon, chalrmart; T.

IS. Moore, W. F. Urewer, .and E. J. FJneh, clerk.W hereupo^^he followlngr proceedlnira

The bm rd proceeded to ' the further conalderation of the claims airalnst the Current Expense fund, and havlnc comr pteled auch, C9iiBld»roUon ordered war»

nnua 1 67C,38 I .66 f 4.S0nnua 7020.00 3.00 210.00anua 3S27.13 .07 1.64anunl ' 1284.41 . .46 . . .90nnun 3420.4b 2.10 71.84amia ' 260,00 1.00_____________«.00

1294.80oUcy F te .................... ................ ...y t.'iO _

it» i.eo

mntx drawn In the followlnit amoutils; Anderson & Case, Inaurnnco prem- .lum •............ .............. ..;...|1#2.<)0Boyd H oapllnl,.honpltal aervloea 104.36 Uapner Cbemlcnl company, hoa-_0>l«»1 auppllen ........ . 78«.00UayWlter, J , F., aalary M d cx-BA«S3-a! Qeb7ij;' & To'rTiTppTF^^^^

!.o.DeLenc. C. L., Jurors fees— ..... 2.26Fincb, E. J., expenses for quarter 169.68 ■Oeori^ .8r-'lA.--llnt--certtfteates;;:.: "8.40 Hopkins, .R D.. nso lin tt.__ ____ .90

'? " ■ 1..70 Idabo Sash -A Door cbmpany, re-

pairs ..... l.Bli•KoiWimanj—M,r-meniar-«te..x;r-:.....8*6!Keel, J . S., Insurance premium.... lOH.OCLaraen, Verna, tax refund.--.... ... is.ocJoslvn, L. t l , election espensea.. C,0(

-MoMlllan Paper A Sch. Supply- oompuny, merchnndlae ___ __ 28;7<Morehouae A Uim. Inauranee___ 1S6.0(Moon, E. A., material and labor.... 11,2cMatlock, O. W., wltneas fee......... 2:2{O. S. U lUllroad company. In-. dIrent expenao ...... ...... ......... 8.MP M pna A CogRlna, Insurance on -

SoSpllal — ........... ........ .............. 166,01Peck, O. K. A company, auppllea

r^ATrrn-R-ciock:::: M i;Bwlm. A. L., premium on Insur­ance ----------------------------------- 16D.0(

Spencer, Fred, lurors feo-..-._._,._. - 2,2i TeMler, aeorirlann, tax refund. .. 6H,it(Willlama A Shankel, coai______ 3.7(

Itaceaa waa thereupon taken until 1. 0,. tn. January IB. 1318.

O. a CATtLHON, ■J. F.NOH. Cl.rk.

., Twin Falla. Idaho, :• • 10 a. m. January 10.-1918,... JleKular Jnnuary Sesalon.

. ,T he %oard « f oounty commlaslonern met a t th is time pursuant to recenn.. •Preaent,- O. B. Carlaon, cbairman: T,P in cb ^ la rlc .^ '

Whereupon the followlnit proceedliiKn were had, to<wit: •

Tiie.tw ard a t thla time proceeded to 4be-ooii»lde«itlor»-of—••ueb-bunliiona-^u* came bofore thq board until tho hour

fu % .'”jair«\*?y%T“l“» lT ''O. E CAUIIhON,

Attest: ' • ■' Chairman,15. J. FINCH, Clerk.

' ■ . ■ Twin Fnll/.; Idalio,10 a ..m . January 17, lOlH, Ueirular January Besalon,

• The bonrd o t . county cominlnsloners nlet a t lhla time purauant to recess.

Preaent, nil members nnd the clerk. Whereupon tho followlnc prvceedlnRa

were had, to-wlt:The board a t tb ls time proceeded to

the conalderation of such bunineaa nn cnme before tbe board until the hour of 6 p. m. when receaa was ttken unlll 10 a. m. Janunry 18,............ ................ -' O.- B. •CAniiSON; -A tteat: • ' Chairman.

I i J. FINCII, a e rk .

Twin Fallfl, Idaho.10 a. m. January 18, 1918

Ilegular January Seaalon. The board of county AommlBalonera

.Preaent, O. E SarJaon, chnlrman; T. R . Moore, .W . F . Urewer. and E J. F l^ h ; clerk.wero had.'to*w lt:

The m inutes of the last quarter, vere read and alw ^vcd . .

The board Itien proceeded to the con sideration o f aucb bualnenn nn cam*' bofore the board until ihn hour of 6 p. m. when recenn wnu taken unlll 1 u. m. January 19, 191H. _

O, E ' CAIllJiON. . Altent: Chnlrpian.

, E, J. FINCH, Clerk.

‘ Twin •Fnlls, Idaho,- 10 a. m. January 19, 1918

lletrular January Session, The board of county commlaaionera

Finch, cterk.Whereupon the following proceedinjra

were had, to-wlt:In ' the tnM ier of ihe- approval of tb»

^ p o n ^ to ^ ^ n d of the Farrners 4' In"*thla”m atter the bcnd liavlng beet

filed w ith the FnrmerK & Mercliniiti Bank, os prlndim l In the nmount oi 11000.00, w ith the Nationnl Surely Co os.surety , die board a fte r examination, ordered sucn bond approved.In tho m atte r o f the appolotment ol a board of truotees for tno couniy hon

- pIUU'In ihld m atH fr'tK o-W ni'lie lnp full)

adlvsed and deemlnc such action for tbi

There U ln ir no fu rther buslnosa tc come before the l>oard, receos was tak ea until February I . l«U ,

O. I I CAULSON, Attest: ■ Chairmun

R. J. FINCH, Clerk.____________

Soo .our U8i!d Cars and got oui prlcofl boforo buying,—Luiibontialn Motor SaloB.

1 ST(From Vfvrncy's caiuly store

• man's bicycic, 3 bar.fram e, i for rea r -wheel, mud guard on on fron t wheel, .$5,00 i-owiird of the thief. ‘ ^


- t u i j p

c m A\ t o vI Bu

fo il b f fi as a pi{

irsThe B toasted;

■ ' delicious

o f - bi-ea m same vr.

____________ 6

l l* J

} o n Cuai^anfeed

W inter, th e Be»t >

T im e of the Year.!

— -Kor-BtndyinfTTOur-probieHis— and layiuK plans for SQin-

, mer. . '

j -Not a siuglc ' improvomwt ! should be inode on tho l a m

without study beforehand.

Thifi applies partieulurly t* liiKcablo bulldinga. '

It pays handaomcly to in- vestigatc what,j>Uior8 hava (j0 Q0_ t 0 detefmino definite­ly just.w hat is best suited t»

...... .yjourjiecdk_______^

“ OnstomerB-Aid''' is yovn '' for the a s ld ^ .

^ Jt.c an show you,how othjrt^^ ~ in this section arc Bolnog

th'cir problems—this witk . such other a^fltanco os y are ready to'cbntTibutcTwiir' help solve .yours.

GEM STATE LUMBER CO.. . . . J .. ...... . . M ............... •

' ■ H: t; AUSTIN, «»»»nr.....T>riiiFi]li,ld

P Q l i l N O W -Send us th e price , o f a y c e r 't subscriprion if you arc in arrean.

We Need the Money

)LEN ____ ISunday night, Pej^ruary 3rd, a t ad-oolor, left .pedal gone,.aland- ♦ 'ear wheel bcnt on top, no. guard Z. or information lead b g to aweat 2


iR jE T ti E

’L L enjoy this real ■loy cigarette. It’s avor—just' as good « . 1

TOASTEDarley tobacco is

makes the testa '. , You know how i^ r o v e s the flavor it • And it’s the th tobacco exactly.

Page 7: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

: J » ^H O W I WEN


H ; ^ ^ V « » Mri.'Ha4Ml Qartetw«ntr*two.: wiioto :

, ( ■ ^ ■ ^ ■ ■ 1 ' o f tho TJnliMl BUt«t i B ^ B ^ ^ B I H r ' P«r*)>tns expsdUion.

, H B h B I h H D eU m ln ed to nocl E ^ B D i a f l B l form and 1«U In ni IW W l M M m l days » t . a u on tlia

.... . W m B ^ S S S i - - ' - « h K n o « . - j a u r - U i » iy 5 .-.;, • aho WBI nturn»d ht

I t la » atory ot rOmance.*ilrBinatlo In' li •tui I« of rsal newa valuo. *«lnc« Mrs. Carte voyage* ajid.safe arrlvftl nrat band—on* tha t


CHAPTER VI. H...Home Again, b'unTot'Gl'ad "of I t; “

^ < ^ T O W ,n l l thot tro o p s w e re n slio rc .- I jaiiiiul m o s t o f llio (Im o u ilow ed <

7 UIO on dcclJ d a l ly fo r csorcI«o , I'■w atclilng a u d b op liii; f u r u s lim p ao o f Imy* tiuabaiid , cycH Kluud '■w lic rc I Itncw tlio c iin ip to bo. T lio Ib o y s m ua t buve been k e p t p r e t ty clone. -i bccnusG 1 ( lld .iio t uec tb e u i ueu lu -

M y litiflbiuid Im d p ro m ise d Iio w ouldV do;cvcr>’tlilin j lu - lils p o w c r to c r t - t l i e i n <

N o p e ru i l t m e ’l ^ l u i i d . . l ju i e w . lie .w o u ld Ikccp -lila wonV. l l j n j r i i o p t 'd tliey w o i iu r '

' r e le n t n n d 1 c o u ld ku n u d Jo in tb e R ed 'C roa?. e v e n if I <iouUl u o t Im ci roKUlur i

• so ld ier. l-E v e ry Unio ii b o n t |iu t o u t f ro m tlic

p ie r I bold m y . b re n tb n u d p n iy e d itw n s Gomo one b rliic iuK KOod n e w s fo r 'm e . T licn w licu It d id n ' t I j 'n H bo ills- ^

~ o p p q b ile d " i 'w o u ld " '8 l n r t c ry lu g a l l ' 'f re s li u g a ln . '

M oybo you c n a to n B in o J u s t how 1 ' — ra lt ,— T lio ro -w a B - tlio elio rc. o u ly n

Btouo’s th ro w u w n y . I bud b m v e d a ll k ln d a o f linrduUlpH u n d d n iis e rn to rencli IL 'M y tiuuband , tlio tn ic B t n u d b est

tbere. And bcro 1 wns n prisoner.A bundrod tlm es.n t niglit 1 walked to

tbo portbolo und w atcbcd tbb lii;btfl tw inktfns lu tbo tow u. It seemed closcr somo wny a t niglit. One even- lu e tbo olUecr of tbe'H lilp wna wollc lug by wilb a soldier. My light wub out, and tboy coaid n o t see inc. Uo waa nppurontly ciucatlonlng- tbo pri­vate. I ,d id not rociignize tbu sllhou- cftc. 80 'I took'him fo r a ronldo.

“Cnrter said hc tried to get her td back, bu t she wonldn’t do It." «uld the

—oQlcer—L'Sba'sJmc-ot-lbu3U.babIC!uwJio 'alwuyfl tinvotlio lrow n wdy. I wishnhe

' bnd been uiy w ifb fo r uboul a minuto. _,W bnt be should have dono wns to

■" knocl: tier cold, cfcU an tttnbulonco tm d' take her to the bosp’ltnl. M aybe a f ta r

y£btit sho'd listen to rcoBon." f “ Yea? After tha t tliero would bayo

been two of.ua lu the busfiltal.” 1 collod — tbrougb Uio - iwrtlmle. “ A n d -U n d o

Sam would bnvc been m inus ono per*' fectly Biiod Holdior fo r Dwhlle.’:

_ T b o o lU cet^ . w h ee le d n ro u n d . H o looked an If ho w o u ld sc Jl,lilu isc ir fo r a plUBged p o n n y .' U o s ta r te d to b e g m y

- p a i t lo n , b u t I ducU od bnck In to tb o- fita teroo in iu tb o d D rk -a iid - lc f t b lm (Inc.-

S. M y h iisb iu id w o n t a s h orb o n . Mon-

^ be bad been bnck ou board Ibt^day— bcfore.'“ b n t“ tho 'c a p tn iir hnd refuBcd"

' blm permission to sco mc.Thnt nlKhl 1 kept m y eyes on tbo

sailors on wii^cb. If ouo of tbem bad fallen asleep or gono Inside a fte r somc- tbh ig I mnde .up. my miiid l..woiild.so_ over, tnke n cbniii-o nud swim for IL I t .1 bad to w ail fo r ouo o f ' Ibcm to weakeu l would dio of old nge. You've got to band it to them for t lin t

Soldiers Get O nat W e lc o ^ .Tbey told me tt i j boys were bavlng

..O .gTcnt 'tim o.asboro. Tbo people had• gtVon them ibo .keys of tho 'fowu'ftnfl-

wcro doliiB notUlu« b u t' »Uowltis tbo Soramlcfl around. I 'rnnco .wns turning Itself upsldo down to welcomo tbem. Tbc> Krcncb girls w ere t>ombardlng tbom witb p isse s and good tblaga to eat. and Uio .m en wcro sbipplog tbom on tbo back and culling them comrado ond moro In rren cb a s best they could.wblch w as nono too good. ‘ ___

•‘Don’t It got your g o a t to '^ l i ik may- bb'ono of tbcm -rren cb dollj Is plant- log a kiss on your old m an'B brow?"

V. said tbo guard wbo bc'U gbt mo tho ^ x io w * . I knew bo wos try ing to tcaso ^ mo. I

' " O o a t notbtng." ] laugbed. '•Let 'them go lo i t A eoldlor ocscrTos ni. tbo kisses bo can collects"

T bo 'flftb dny -aflcr"! aald goodby to m y bosband 1 w as up ots deck watcb* lag . AS usual, fo r any sign of some one coming to get m c wboo a tnuDsport

V .f a r tb c r along Uio llno 'of sblps began to IS qvo out;- In a.rcw.miDUtcs I t woa fol-

-flowed by QDotber. T b a t incant wo wcro about to s ta r t ou r voyage back. My beart sank-Into my abocs- I woold not soc iby busba&d agolo.’ I w as not to go

■ with* tbe 'CroM 'a n d ta k e caw -o f- tbo boys wbctr tboy w ere wouuded. Coming over tbo ocean d id not Bocm bo Wjd*. Now t t looked llk o -a mllUoti'miles across to roo. _____

"q o r orUcro a rc takO you to your quartom and keep you thero until we a re sa fo ' outside.” u id . one of my guards.' 1 don't rcm em bor bow I got tboro. I.gocss they half led m e and

- b a lf cnrrled me. I beord a bogie blQW lag Bomewbore over In tbt>; tow n.

' wos m anned by on Atncilcap. Every ao lo camo clear acrosa tbo wator; ^ b o . noxt tblng 1 know .1 w as oa coy berth ' w itb my. flngom stuck tigbtly In n y oars and i^ ..(o e b burled In a pQlow. Tbo boat waa.mpTlng out. , ,

Oa tbo W p OTOr 1 w aa not afra id bf . ^ ‘ •nbm arloci. N ow l^ r Ihe.-^rft Uidft I


AZEL "c a r t e rr ot D«UKloii, Arts., ta • younc woaan. . founs huabaad. Corporal John J. Carlar I army, waa ordarad to Pranc* wllh tba

ompany him, aba obtalnad a aoldler'a uni- a prlvato on hU dapartur#. 8h« waa nv#

traniport' bafora dlacovared throush a trrlval et th* tAmoua-dlvbUoa-la.-Zrmnea )mo asRlnst har wlah«a.Ul quiilltlea, tulT «t tha aoldt«r color and r la tha nrat to r«lata tha d«U|U »/ thM mftda hlitorr. ’ „ '


vQfi tiervuns about them. Tbo sbip pcDicd deserted ..-l-p u flo d -t lie -d c e I t '- fo r-b o u r» -a t-a - itrotch. My Kuard wns alwuys with ;uc. Ihe sailor on ono aide and tho sol- Her on tho other. I certainly lookod Ike a popuinr lady. Mnny a Klr| back mine would hnve cnvjed ino Oils cfl •ort from’ botb brnnchcs of tbe servico. ['BtieHs 1 nlmost walked tbe poor scn- tricN to Uonlh. Once, nftec n long bike.I hcnril.thc aallor coranl«imlns:. _ .

“ i f be don’t put on tho brakes my lopH nre lo-be wom off rlgb t tip tq_tbo anUlc. J .Jo lo o d tho navy-bocauflox; wulkiii’ never nppealed to mc. -Tbo wuy I'm goln' now I might ns well buvo signed up wltU tbo Infantry." I w asBtlll r hc" lo tb o J a c k ie ...................................

One nnilor In the gnn crew on tho wuy bnck kept coniplnrnlng nil tho . Ilmc bccnuso we d id not meet up w itb D German uni). Ue wns n nice boy. tbo nnc who bud picked me ourQ 's 'a ' wb- niun on tho way over when be saNv me ttplng to roll R,clknrcU«,.b\it k ept I t to himself.- Wo got vory friendly.

"W by do you w nut lo seo a D boot?"I nskcd him. "A ren 't you sntlfalled w itb tbo Hurfneo of tbe sea?" /■"Wfl’d jtlny-on-tb iuU ljlB bt-w ltb-tbat- - bnby wo've got .to shoot." ho replied. "All wo w an t Is Ju s t n look nt one. You know the gun crew Hint sinks n aubmnrliic rcIs $3,000 from thc govern­ment to bo divided among nine men. 1 gucs^ jny sbnPo of th a t wonldn’t look Bood to mo nnd my folks back in lowo. besides tho fun of nlcltlng one."

Tbnt boy typKied the spirit of tho Unlled S tatcs navy—afraid of nothing. . (llled with supreme confldcnco In lho nblllty of thc men to Khoot quick and Htralgbt,

After I Iniidcd I snw bim In Hobo- kcn, and bo w as having a- romnnco.

" i'vo got to go up tho street lo meet my girl," bo announced, proudly stall-Ing. ■ ........

"Wlicro is flbo?" I asked him."Sbo works up l;cro n t thtf vaudevUib

theater," hb answcreij. "Sbo gets through now p re tty jJopn.”

I thought bo had dono. pretty _woll,. crabMnR an actress.

"Thcy'lLbo calling you a singe door Johnny tho flrat Uilug you know." i•Wt«d7-He-WUBlHH»;--------------------- ^

“Oh, she don 't comc ont llie stage door," ho defended. "She’s an >U8her. uud 'she's got my w rist wntcb. 1 only, met her a't 10"o'cfbcli tlils morning, but.Uol-het^weftr-it-todfty:"---------------"

J'you’re a fnst worker." 1 Buinesled.._.:;Ob,-w&'v6 go t 1,0 l» t ' j e n'av.y,'’ be-ans'w ered p ro u d ly , ■’w lic tbo r It’s glrlM or submnrlnea. Wo snllors d o n l slay. In ono p lace Ipng e n o u g h to bo 8low\"

l ie w 'cnt o(T u p tbo s t r e e t Bm lllng-' Une boy, ty p ic a l o f tho Unlled Staten fiBvy,-ck*ftnand w holesom o. •• Thc sen tries were not supposed to talk wJtb me. but tbey wcro good fol­lows and d idn 't m ind breakbig a rule or two wben It wasn’t burting a;iy- thlng to nnbuttOD tbolr facos and.’ loosen np a bit. My dougbboy outflt

'K*8 begbinlng to sliow the strain'.' I had . wnm iL all tbo tim e slm-e .wc. loftj Douglas. I t w ai cold. too. gobig bark I mcntlODi^ foollns co’d lo one of tbo Bailors. Ho offered me an extra sailor suit bo bad. I t w as warm er tbop the soldlor’s uniform: 1 put it on. I t flt as thougb It bad been modo for me. Tbey told m a 1 modo an oven bettor jQckio tbon I did a Sammlo.- Ail tho wbUo I kept begging th a

guards to tell me wby I bad not beot^ allowed t o ' land. Thoy always aa- swered, “1 don 't know,” and . tben changed tbo su b je c t Finally, a fte r wa wero out a couple of days, ooe ot tbom came across.

"I don 't know for ouro." bo said, "bot -l-hea rd -lr-W T O -Q tjaon il 'P b r s M n g ^ w ' d e n . Ho .said It would so t a ^ a d ex­am ple."’ " / - ................

” I heard tha t,' too,” roluntccred my otber cscort, "bu t I also got a rum or It* was tbo ITrcnch aatborltles wbo tonie<i you down. Ono o f tbo boys told mo- tboy put I t up to tbo general so stronff bo jlnally agreed to 'l ^ t y o u 'a place in the Rod Cross, b o t: tho- Frcncblos couldn’t SCO ik Tbpy got'tnoro .women than, they can o u o v e r 'th e re nbw.r•What.thoy:ra.ahy o n J la j n c a ^ _______

“Aw, wba't'4 ea tla ’ tb e m r gromhled tho flrst ^ a r d . “Sbo'a more of a tban aome.ttf 'em back bonio who can 't f o l aw ay to ^ ' t o w ar bocaose'tbay • g o t^ o '» p p im - t l l6 ir T » lf 6 T \ f f ic W F i5 f r ond cooaln 'O r 'th an s o m e ; o f ; ' t h ^ Beared roolcles’ we took o v A 'w Ith 'iu - 1 botcba i t Bhe over got a bead oa<* bocbe, blooey fo r hlm t Bh, O ortoS -tr - 1 moan Mra. Carter?’' .* 1 ' ■‘ r p - t o th e t lm a ^ w o 'le f t th e .,be j» ssborodld oot know where tbey.'WQtMd bo u n t o r bow aoon. All tbo j told wflj tboy. woold not be inp tlto tha front g r i ^ . -WbeQ- they did tfO;

,would, know tho .gam e from flobib, P ersb lB gw aa 'U k lbgobcbaacw on loilng ft ehigle ioian' t h r b a g b - i |^ n t& ea 'o t Q isx iQ tM ^ o u . H«r» th a t

W mE s

Yo u heor a great about tho auto

,, Dess.

JuBt write this (low

. Thc scrviQO car— practical utility—lias fear from llipsc oxo The nature of denmn

, ■ 0(1 but demand goes c

Buyers- want ecoju

The car that mee is not suffering for 1

The economical u t “ carry on” as long try carries on—me

■ , • about.

"■ Unthinking people every pnMcngcr aut

__ ■ plcaauro car do not, "pleasure elevator” i

urc trolley.”

When tho utility ( country -will stop. ’’ back to old methods, and tUcro aro not c

In Evory Thrift aiTest Hold the Fnu

llshod a Bc

Perhaps bo^atfsd't is a comparatively n

. is tho reason why T . s tandw d of milca^ip ]

olinc or tires has bcc-------- " T T s 0 porhapi

th at motorists ai'o i ' in low operating, and



n n d o f a aoldlcr—looks out for bia boya all-tbo time.

.W e wero ton. full days com bg back. Tbo trlp .w aa q ^ e t I was under guard r i l tbo way. A fter tbb Qftb day o u t I abbok myBcU Op ond made up my mind, to m ako ,tbo best o f I t Tbo otDcera •en tapbonograpb In to m y room. Ig a ro concert*,every afternoon.

The tr. S. A. Onoe Hore.; I V * Bh>d to soo tbo tall boUdlngi.j: know as tboao oJ New York loom

'flad -aad -aercy r—It-inade-'m c-thloiC T^ bow different i t w as going out,’ the Bhlp- like a booblve full o f our iioys. Now It was em pty. Tbey. wefb “over there." As w o passed tbe sta tno of Llborty a Bontry camo to a ttention and aaloted. \ -

"OreoUnga, o l* g ir l ," h e aald, “l a e a yoQ’re Btm d o ii^ bna laeaa .a t tbo old atand. . By th a t t tm ii« to- ma,*twbat a ra tbey going to do w ith yoar*; .^How do.1 k n o w r I-replied.- ■

it!a th(».saAnlhoaBaioi:.TOi>.:: -bo aaid. “1 board they were gobig to ju c y o u '." 'J ,M ; '•5 “Prison win « l t me Hae." I . aai-' awered.. -"M^bo by tho time 1 coma

-onrtbeT)$6T6airxroi-wmkrTm9ilif aa well in JAll.aa anywhere else, or coarse if they’ let me ba'Ta my fboico l.ptaTor to Jotn th«<'Be4 JCroaa and try to go over and'maybe aee my boab- tha commandlns officer be the Carttrfamiiy?’; . ' ' v{l.waa kept.Oft tbe ahlp for aday-and

-4 nigbt '; fieportera'from the nowapa* pora were the tlfit to flod mo.', J don’t know.wbat a alaga ia llka.'^bot-tbo gor* •m m esL^ld i^ko notaiitak»;r thV' :Ut all M tvportera to 'manning alege :tdas. They’d neTor atop (mtU tbey got

OieyWillldeal of tnlk I t remains n fn nobilo biisi-^ if ,

as lhe Franklin,.

• , . olinc would deliv 1 for a fnct.

• 1 typical average' (

tJiC_cuii-o£-------m ilea .—T-It—wouU]nothing to more miles, as

:ting daily make a gali has chnng- -.

” ' ‘ I t is als9 dcrta

jjiy were os efficienta set of tires W(

a conditions ably bettor tha luyers. The nat

Franklin owners lity car will , • 'M the com.. period and OT.ni a mnst get reports slio'

the sot.

who refer to . p o r, every fin< >mobile ns a ns effieiont as ti speak of tlie fin» mntnr. tr the "pleas- scientifically eoi

lific light 'weigh

lar stops, thc TowardVc cannot go ' _. i.fimco IncreastFeed i.s high

, , olino alougli horses.

id Efflcionoy To gel Pr, iklin EBtob., ijicMB doing n«

line-consuming • ~ System and a

lb dulombbilo !AIR COOLXNG, invention,

no tuUversal This means 1 or either gas- tho 177 comp g adopted by ; plumbing that it is figured as in the IVank

ot interested nothing to over! mainteii’atico ' " "ncrisc ' th a t fc


m ~ mBuhl

uno ol.ttom camo up to mo on dock lo Q big hnrry.

"Where's-tbo woman wbo went to Franco 00 tbls transport with you?” ,

"I'm It,* I aald. I was still wearing my dougbboy uniform. Bo^Iooked me over a minute, acratcbod bia head and .exploded:. • , .

"Well, r u be d -d l"Flnnlly the omccra of thb ablp tele­

phoned iho pollco in iloboken. Tboj camo down in a patrol wagon to gel mo. A matran waa witb'thcm. Thej

JllHecmjid-tQ.hft.nnilftns to da any tblng for ma they could.>I bad a freo ride tn tbe pollco taxicat

to tho JAIL Tbo 'ibatron loaned m< elolhea ap 1 conld go cut in tbe garb oi a woman aod boy aomo of m y own. 1 crledHi little wben I pooled off my aol dler. uniform, tlilnVlng how boppy ] bad been tQ'lt—p m of tb^tlme. Bklrti felt awfol^fanny'and awkward to me Tbat nnlfoim ia gobg to bo locke< away in a. cheat and' troasnrcd all mj life. * ru hand It down to the yotoj

/■Cortera—U'there-arcr-aro -anyr---------Tbo ofDceri told me tbo govenusen<

would takajp.'ic'tlon agalnstiae. Tha] had demoted my husbi^ad' coxp n r« t tn ‘ fw'/^ M ntthirds of ona monU'a pay. aad tiuc thooght that-««a enough. I coaldn*

'eonTlDcv tham be wasn't in on it orig Inatly, although 1 tried'hard :enoagh.. What laui^rlaed me waa that-peopii

aoemed to tiiink 1 iiad dono aometblni wondortnL .,! ha re r looked a t it tha woy a t alL. Moving pictttto concemi pbotograpben,,TaadOTllle agoota on< newspapers'm'lno to-rae’w lth’all aort of offera.; I^noTer bad any-experlenci in btislntiss.'.ruved on a j ^ c h dowi in Atlwoa wbeh'I- wasn’t a t u y a n ^ po«t,>od I M aldat'oaderataad w h a t: had dono tb bring myaelf kb m o d i't

s Are SeiM i i ^ i•ct however, th at - To get F.vcre as efficient and Frank

a gallon of gas- fino motorer more than the adopt Franl

of six’ to eleven tion; its ligh

[■"go'^tAycnty or full elliptitFranklin owners Franklin prlon go. friction and

. ■with excessin that if aU cars liammering ; as tho Franklin,Duld do consider- ' ‘ The \iseQ 0000 or 7000 "-ould bo B

, ■ has to do tcional roileago oflong lifo of

, over a five-year . ,' . - study usedliled from owners ^

iva 10,203 miles to torist if he

..... - when eonsii•. now car.

e motor cor to bo 10 Franklin, e v e ^ Oonatructiowould-ha\;o-to-be—-------Motorirtinstructcd a scion, t car.

^ - WhenevcFranklin Oars , ,'(iVhy he is

id OoBts of aaa. ' : „„„ven,alio nd Tires. Huo <md n

anlditt efficiency Hq need;ay with thc gaso- constmctlo ' "Water, Cooling

•dopting 'BIRECT...........Then krFranklin Scientific-]

;ho elimination of '. tion. .- licated parts of . ' hold water—then ‘ Theso n: Iin there would bo pounds o: ficat. And..the, ox»_. ’ Franklia-a lUmxa—would be—— him—a~F i

• dia^ely.

i l iTwin Falls

the lim eligh t 1 can ropo a s t ^ wii I tho best o f tbem . bot wbon tbia Ne

Tork bnnch b egan to mill I was. sun 1 w as alone berc, knew nobody. Oi

) o f the noWtfpoper men suggested tbI I t 1 w anted to get money »o I cou

Join- tb e Red Cross and go back ought to accopt sotno-'of the offei

. T ba t docided me. Tbe monoy 1 mai , from theso artic les In tb e Amerlct : nowspapera wUl be used fo r th a t pu , poso- Tbey wltl g iro Dnclo Sam •_ nwl Cross nurse. paBsago to' “som

*whero la France.** preferably near R , Tato'jnow) John C arter, prepaid..) Kow I'm going bock, to Dongbu ( seo th e folks. I’ll Btop io Eontucky, i [ my husband ordered, and toll his mot . e r all ab o n f w b a t a flno Bammle sl [ baa fo r a aoo. Uy' own m other will I I. w a i ^ g fo r m e . ' She never knew 1 wi

«)hig-tm til 1 bod le f t I didn’t wa I b w to worry. Now she wrltea: f . “I f yon w an ted 'to be a aoldier. ai f flgbt w ith y on r m an i t w u all rig- -wltb-«fr~>W*’r*-pro tid -bC -|bu ...;oo’ i an honor t o 'th o blood, and th a t h f been 'flgbtittg blood a iticb 'bero re 't]. dT ilw ar,'* ................ -

_3LAoJiIt-l5no.w..towJ«ni-tblijr«r. rl going to last, b n t i f i t g iraa tqe balf t chance I ’ll be “over th e n ;’ w ith a cro . .on m y a rm looking fo r PM rate 'Jol

Carter, G, a . L <I b o t« h e 'a -« capta f theos'be’a g o t t t in tilffl), ahd lobUi I -obt fo r t o .and tb a boya.. ; ; ■ t T^er^beaomt^onatlse'S'Ubaloo

lo g 'fo r to o - tb » ’Hvokie" w ho taiki 1 ^ m ach a nd tipped oio oO.• ■ - ' -»u'5 The T w la T U la /T tm a i.-h a r a U l . latwit nawB » ,to;‘M^' ttaxa :o t cd I to pi»Ba~.fraab t r d » th a loaaad wJ w hioh^e& pibT^ilnow on?^,....


i# a fW

•anklin tire mileage in long-life, every car would have- to

Iin flexible construc-1: unsprung weight; its ___

springs—thc basic • > nciplcs th at minimize

drag and do away ive a n d , unnecessary

3n tho tires.

I car problem too =lived. All a motorist ” ascertain the relative fino motor cars is to car advertising:, and

lotcd. I t tells the mo- , ; is alert, what to avoid Icring the purchase of

a of Motor Oars Shows -W hether'Economy' '

IB Posaible

r a motorist wonders ; nnable to join in the [1 of the nation's gaso- bber—

ionly -to examine the ;

a of his car.

ow, the fac t a b o u t ’ Basic Principles of light-'Wcight Construe- 1

incinlea anA fhn 1000 -' ___tho Light "Weight ;

rc Tcry iikoly to- m ake...... - ' - -anklin Dwner—immc^ 7

r a i r. B i u r l e y

b TEACHEBS EXA3IlNAT10?f» 1-N o tIce is horoby. g iven th a t theroc. w ill bo a: Spoclal Bxamln&Uon fo r all0 g rades o t CerUficates, bo tb Slnto and ,t County, ^ n re b n ia ry 21, 22 a i i d '2a. ri All teaah e ra teaching o n p e rm lu . o r J who doairo pn Idaho C ortlU cato, w ill * appear a t th is time.

. -BRITTOUART WOLFB.A County Snporlntondonr.,n — ■^ B u tto r w rapper beadqtiartera is a* a the TD dBS otfics. w b^ro tbey w ill be

lr M>y 0 0 > ^ joh . ■■ • •;

.For ■


“ ^\^GASTLE-;4ATiEiil

s :

Page 8: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and


We believe in Quality value from a less quai

C I T Y M A R Kl3 5 l^ A I N AVETEr "

M O D E R N P /Oonier Sfaoslione at

Phonti’W S ^ _ KegnUr I


M 1 0 Often tlio houaowlfo lias W i S ca ll for Bwect droom. T l I je hor o r w on't call ogaln I s . BUcU ’ aaoB romombor y

. _. . | s v ; . comnB M lho STBRbTN' 1 1 Tho prlco Ib enough low I f c iroublo ot coming aflor

Whipping Creain.._., Cream .........

8TEHLU<« Ul’ Near AnorkAi

— Office, o

T rade ,a t “The Luck 'War^Savings Stamps

_,sav,«i.Give us a trial order.

TH E LUCK'S“W here Y our $ I

610 North M ain

[ O U R S

Quick, Excel Reasonable.


- ^ Irnw m m MHERD’S A STRAIGTfllto our advise and buy on! can 't afford to talce a cbancc

’ sako of a lew pennies.Our canncd goodH are of tiic arc low.Saf'cty First 1

Z S O T H P A R K jE n d o fS l

Sjmitery MILK -is healthful milk. Ours is both, and you’ll enjoy it.


. ■— — M]

> D i M P R T C ^ ^

II CO• to

to mt

■-You get more food “ ntity. , ......... »k


E T I N G C O . s------- ^ P H O N E ^ aO -CX

• . ,'• " '.7 ; 1 , 7~' Ul----- al'



one o f o u r ro u s ta o n tlio ta* jyb le Js a t r e a t a u d a lso a ' tem p* tuta t io n . J u t i t to ta s to i t is to ac

'k n o w t l i o 'r e a l jo y o f e a t in g ^a n d to lo n g foi- m ore . B e e f , ollum b , p o r k o r v e a l, th e r e s u l t ao is a h v u y s nhSHrcd. T ry onef o r ^ K t - - S i n i d a y ’8 d in n e r , „(,

-^T ind -you-ll wi.sli i t w as Sviii- old a y e v e ry d a y . Jx


L C K I N G C O . «id Second Sonlh * ?J:)ellTorr T w in FaUSi Idaho ^........................................... ....................


n 7 T T 7 ; 7 7 % ^ — in


I U A lID R ll i "— , m

tt BuJilen uncxpcctoU w A * lo 10 mUtanan can’t Bupply beforo Btio noeilB It. Ju 'Q \ j,j.

3u can nlways got It Iiy B t r C^-^UPTOWN^ STATION.- " O " 'ta or to m ake up for tbo j S ^

' ' 0 1? ...........p e r p in t g j .

TO^>'N STATION fB Expre'sB Com- ' n Sboithonc SL

fc' f(

__________ ,iaV 'I I i f i B W l ll

rn { [tm n s^ -M **^.... .........JJ


y” and you can buy I vrtth the money you J

V■ . t'

It won’t be yow last. “a

r GROCERY ■las M ore Cents” "

Phone 246 ? ■' i:1 ^ __


lent, Sanitary, H ! rry us and see. H ;

E C A F E I ;i-’HL/A.c; -Cj.i

>HT T IP! . Ily r e lia b le c a n n e d goods. Y o u ' w ith q u e s tio n a b le s to c k f o r tb o

h ig h e s t (in iilify , a n d th e p r ic c s

C A S i r G R O C E R rlioahone W .

A safe route to fol­low is “a quart of milk a day for each child.”



By Mrs. C liristlno.Frodtirlck.: fonnd- r o r tho ApplGcroft HouBokooptnK

--------B iporim eot-S tatloat)— — -------Tho houHokcopor Is faced wlUi a Bor-

lUH Bhortago In ono of h o r daily ' tie* I QflHltlufl, namoly bu tto r. T b ls Jb duo ' >■ tbo sonor&l sb o rta so of cftttlo nndI tho fac t th a t m any sm all d a iry far- lorn a ro abuttlng down, ow ing to tho Igh coHl of grains, How can Bhe muut 10 Bhorlngo? JuBt as in o tbo r cavt ft /boro a food product In h ig h .in pricc, lio wJIJ havo to « a d a sab a tJ lu to 'f lr ' lu lvalont a t a lowor prlco . Amori- ana, .iDcldontally, consumo xnorobut- ir por cap ita than tho pooplo o t any Lhor nation, and I t w ltl n o t bo a nrdohlp to oxorcleo a . l i t t l e ' BOlt-dc* la l eapoclally when thoro la so m anytc tu cn t_ bu ttc r_ (jau lin lcn ta i___________In tho firnt placo, bu ttor m ay bo on- rclyHtaiicn-BCtrwith-lir-cooWngr-K- -II thoao who now uso b u tto r In cook- ig Would UHQ othor fats, th a t would iilcaBo' a largo output fo r tabTd uso a iy nnd causo a corrospondingly - )Wor prico. In alm ost ovory .caHo li 'horo b u tte r la used In cooWng oquni- f >' good resu lts could b»-obtained by - uo UHO of othor fa ts. Indood from elonllfic otudlcti mado, tho ro Is no rea l difference-ln-tbo-CompOBitlon o( ti u lto r and other ord inary fa ts uiul « ila. Tho cblel reason th a t b u tto r In l 0 popular is bocauso o t Its superior v lavor, odor and toxturo.Whon an anim al fu t liko b u tto r Is

ciirco it is easy to tu rn to vogotablo llu, sim ilar in fa t valuo, and oqual- i f Gxcellont In cooking. Thoso aro y llvo oil, peanut oil, cocoanut o il nnd b orn oil. Any ono of thoso Is p refer- f blo :.io ._buttor.-for_cooklng_beduiao i Soy havo u Jowor "artioklDg point" 0 ml aro moro dltricu lt to . b u m than v u tlo r. In othor countrios oUvo oil v nd cocoanut” oil aro to r tho-nbovo q oasoD alw ays uaed fo f fry ing ; And t< ow tho corn and peanut, aa w ell as p ottonHocd oil, p u t up In ou r own p larkots, aro fur superio r to b u tte r c i-nnv_klnd flf-CQoklng^ „ ,pF o r Instanco, ono common form ot j)

s ing bu tter Is cooking ia la m aking s w hite aaucc." B ut: an oven m ore do- -

clous smooth re su lt m ay bo obtaln- d by using a tablospoonful o f .any no of tho vogotablo oils m entioned t rlth a tablespoonful ot b u tto r and h ifxlDg w llh tho liquid a s uauaL r M any bouaokeoporB also th ing It la t<

iipoBBlblo to m ako good cafte w llh- r u t b u tte r, b u t It h a s Veon provod th a t i ogotabio oila m ake equally good l hortening. Tho aamo Ib truo o t pas- i ry, w hich Is moro ligh t and flaky, j laffo" w ith d ■vdg'ctalild o il t h ^ With i; Ultor. Indeed, "P u ff P asto" la bot­o r mado w ith olive or cottonBOod oil ban w ith tho trad itional h u llo r, evon . f both woro equally .cheap. (

I t is possible to render ou r evory j icrap o t fa t on oithor ra w o r cookod c neats, and uUlizo In sho rten ing jind ( ry lng purposes. Tho usu a l method t s to cu t in am all plccos and hea t In < in open sklliot. T his m clhod reau lts t ifton In burnod and coarse tasting at, and creates too m uch odor In tho 'oom. A much betto r w ay Is a s fol- owa: Romovo th e fa t from raw j neats anci run through tbo coarao cu t- i o r o f tho njoat choppor. P laco In tho 1 :omparlmont ot a doublo boiler un til | noU cdrB traln-w hlle-hot-throngh-B ev- 1 ira l ^ o lds ot chcoaocioth. \

UlarRylng la tho procQUB'ol m a k ln r i ;lcar and aweol flavored tho various , ’a(s from cooked meatfl. Tho beat < notliod ot c larifying Is: Chop o r cu t i [ileccs flnoly: plnco In double boilor ’ with Bour m ilk in the proportion ot 1 :wo pounda fa t to one cup mlik. H oat ' iintil molted, s t ir woll and stra in . This wdl keep tho m ilk curd on the cloth m d allow some o t tho m ilk flavor lo iwoQton tho f a t

V ery strong odors m ay be rom orad . M'ith charcoal, adding about ten small plccos of hardwood charcoal to ono [)ound ot chopped unrcndorod fa t In a doublo boiler- H eat, s t i r and allow Lho charcoal to rom aln In lho fa t about- Lwo -hours.— S tra in - th ro u g h coarso-flannol. P ou r each k i n d o f ' fnt Koparatoly Into B m all eartbcnw aro ]ars and keep Xtgbtly covorcd.

Thoroforo tbo o rd inary bousowifo need buy no cooking shorten ing it caro is taken in saving a a d ronderlng m oat fats. II has boon estlm alod th a t every fam ily who now UBOs a a aver­age o t threo pounds o t b u tto r week­ly can UBO o iac tiy ono-balf th a t am ount w ithout any hardsh ip .

Tested Cobking Recipes

(By Mory Loa Swann. P r in c ip a l Dept. of Household A rts, Scudder School)

jjraised i ’o w l' W ltBD yfilcrs ' ■ ■■ ' DrcRs^ntul tru e s fowl as fo r roast­

ing. Spread slices of s a l t pork over brcnBt. P lace In' an carthon boklDK ditih w llh ono cup o t finely allced vcg- oUibles, using onions, ca rro ts , parBloy and colory. Add ono cup o t hoitfhroth or w ater. Covor fowl w ith another cup of Bllced vogotablos. Covor bak­ing xlleh and cook slow ly u n til (owl ta top jur. Sorvo with n flniirn mBHtt. as follows: P ou r ono cup bt w ater ovor oho p la t o t oyators, rinse j b e

•oystora in tho w ater, romovo a lfsh e ll , s tra in w ater th rough double tbicknot* of cbeesoclotb. Bring liquid to boll- ,ibg point, add the oystora and shako' dn tll plump. Drnlq o tf broth, keep­ing oysters vory Jrot. . Molt o R d^uar- to r c ip b u tto r ln o -a n d .b le n d -w lth - lt. four/tab lcspoonfu ls flou r sltled w ith ono-nalt leaspoonful B a lt Add oyster b ro th and chicken broth. S tir In tw o woll boaton ogg yolks and tour tab le - spoonfuls crcam . S tir in hot oy«t«r* and pour ovor fowl, w h ic ^ ^ o u ld bo very lender.

Cbostnnt C ro^no ties.. Mix w itb one cup maahod F rench

choBtnuls, tw o tablospooim ' th ick crcam , the yolks o t two egf^s, ono tea - apoQn sugar and last o f a ll ono-foarth toaspoon vanilla . Shapo In balli« d ip

u i w . H . F ; SCHAlj>ACH F o w Food E d ito r

I crumba, eggs and orumbB again, y in doop f a t and drain .

■ B aked Saoasb A oovel aod atCrocUro m y o f serv- iR- BQuaflh-iS 'bftkediHn'tbo'shollrAB' low n’ in tho accom panying lllastra> on. It m akes a vory pleasing dlah hen garn ished w ith atutfod ollvee.

Canncd Fcach Shortcakes' rMlx and s if t tw o cups flo u r,-fo u r mapoona baking 'pow dor and ono toa- iioon s a l t W ork lh th ree tabloapoona lorten lng w ith tlpB o t.fingers o r two >rks. Mix to a so ft dough w ith iroo -fou rth s-oup-w ater-o r m llkj -toaa a floured board, pa t gooUy and rdli; 'bon one-fourth inch thick, cu t out llh biscu it cu ttor. Bako in ra th o r uick oven.-'W hon. w ell browned pull ip c ru a t' oU, p laco lowort cm s t on lato and covor w ith sliced canned sachcB, adding a littlo of the syrup, ovor w ith top c ruat, place another Icco-oL trult-'on-thIa..cruflLjmd..coni-_ loto tbe cako w ith a tablespoon of #cotonod, whlppod orcom.

Baked Apple Fod^’ng S ift ono-QUartor cnp com m eal Into

vo cups o t scalded m ilk, s tirrin g coa- jin lly . Cook ovor h o t w ater forty- ve m inutes. F lavo r w ith one-half laapoon Balt, o n e h a lt . toaapoonful Inger and ono-quartor cup molaasos. Our into greased bak ing d ish and ak i'ono hour in a Blow oven, B tlrrlng -oqucntly. S tir ono th in ly sliced ap- lo In ta .pudd lng . a nd .co n tin u o cook- ig u n til applo la' tender.

D ato C ostard •Scald th roe-fourlhs cup stoned and

hopped da tes w ith two cupe milk, .dd throo slightly boaton oggs and no-fourth toaspoonful salt, tak ing aro th a t tho bot m ilk doos n o t cook Iio ogg. P o u r Into greased custard taps,' so t In pan o f -b o t w ater, and ako gently u n til custa rd Is Urm.

Com Meal Scrapple Romovo m arrow from shinbone of

rpf nntl w ith lLaaHla.ono tlnQly-slloed- inion. Add sliced m eat an d - bono rom ono asd ono-half pounds shin o t oot. B row a m eat sligh tly and cover rith"tw o q n a r ts 'o f cold w a te r,' Cook n tll m eat is tondor. Cool and ro- novo—fa t-a n d -b o n e .— ^ H av o -o t-I« u t >no q u a rt o t liquid in p o t' Add ono up sifted com m oal to bolUog Uquld, tirrin g constantly . Cook ono hour. ?urn Into mold, cool, c a t In sllQoa nd fry in pork ta t u n til brown. Serve vlth gravy.

Eden News. ■ I ■ . . - .................................

J. B ..Burgoyno la baling hay on thu :I111 fa rm th is week.

Tbo Edon school board was In Ru- yortJoBt: M onday’ o a b u f l l n e ^ . . . . ^ ; - "M'r. D ontler and Mr. Beabont aro in [luport thla ' week' on ju ry aorvlco.

Jam es Davis led tho young pooplos soo ting a t tlio c h u rc h 'la s t Sunday svenlng, ob Miss Colbtirt was In R u­p e rt

B ob Holmes- and R ay B aker w ont to R upert la s t weok to take the oxamtna- Uon fo r tho army.

Mlsa Sutton, ono of Russoll Lane’s toacherB, wbo was called to Bolso by tho illness-O f h e r bro ther, returned la s t T hursday and resum ed her dutloa.

Bob Holm es bos Just completod a flno new bouse fo r Mr. TJtt

Andy and Lii. Andorson aro doing tho insido finishing a t tbe' new garago.

M rs. Ed. Colburt la-taking muBlc los- flons-on-tho-plana-tron)-M r8.-J«ffrtea.-

Tho school gavo a patrlo tlo enter* ta inm ont a t th o -ch u rch la s t Friday evoa lng ... B lain F u g orson 'w on t'to Jerom e last week and rp tum od w ith a new F^rd touring car.

Tony Colburt Is bDlJdlog two more room s to his house.

Two carloads of young peoplo mo­tored to C unnlnys nond loat Sunday 'nnrglFOai m e a ite roM n aH u n g ,

■ Mrs. P iolstlck iB 'clorUng la .theO oI- dea Rulo aton d s r ln g Mr. H ask la’i absence.

B ort Cocoran ro tum od from ■'Cali­fo rn ia ]a s t Wodneaday. Ho says thc w eather Is flno and Callfom la Is t dandy p laca {to got rid ot.- youi jn o n o y .) . i l r s . Cocorao will s tay th en •forrM V oral-m ontha-la .hopa th a t the clim ato w ill Improve h e r health.

J obs Osborn h as purchased thi bu tcher shop from 'N ew bry & H arding H e oxpocts to movo his fam ily w hen Mr. Russol's-lived and ron t the hoo n they aro In now.

The danco a t Ed()n la s t Tuesda] ovoi^ng w as w ell attended and a ll re­p o rt a good timO' >. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. ^ k l n and lltUi

daughtor w ont to K ansas ta s t Wodoes- day to v isit Mr. E ak ln 's m other, wh( Is qu ite 111. •

Mra. Ida Sullivan, county auperin

tK E Ttondont o f schools, TJsltod the school I t R ussell Lano a n d Hllladale, and Bden, la s t Thursday . , .

Mr. Spaar camo fron> Jerom o last Thorsday to finish th e well bo is dig­ging tor J. J . Oroy on tho S lricklcrpltuai— _______;__, Mrs. Tony C olburt and M iss Olga Molodoy a re tak ing lossons 011 tho vlo Iln from M rs. Thom pson.

Mrs. F ran k Wobb arrived homo laa Taosday. Sho says Mr. Wobb's health IS Im proving and ho w ill bo homo In about ton days'.

Edgar, W ashburn liaa rotum od from his v isit la W ashington, and will holt his fatlior-ln-law on Uio ranch .thie sam m or.

Mrs.. Schylor A dam s folurned to BoUe -for m odical trca tm o iit lnst Wed­nesday.

Tho Oltorson boys bavo purchased n Une now piano from the Denver' Mu- sio Co.

■An Advt n t m in is te r has boon holdins servlcoB in tho I. 6 .^ 0 . r . t ia l in n nwo’ik 'a iT d 'p a r t o f lo a t w eek .------ --

Come and h e a r tho lecture, "Thc Torrlblo T urk ," by Rov. Rabblog, a t tlu church n ex t Sunday ovonfag..

Wosloy Burgoyno w o at to Ruperl la s t M onday to tako tho examlQatloii f y th e MTmy,_aB. ho la Itt-Claaa one. .


'S E B lA T N O T o iO T M "......... .NOTICE FOB riTOLlCATION

D epartm ont o f tlie Intorlor. U. S Land Ottlco a t Hoiloy, Ida., J a n . 28 1Q18.

Notlco Is hereby glvon th a t Qoorgr H. Mc'Vay, of RogorBon, Idaho, who on 'Docombor 14, lOlE, made Home­stead on try Sorlal No. 0189C4, fo r thi 8 % ,. Soetlon .1 ,, Township. 10 South R o n g o -l6-E o 8 t.-B olB 9 -M erldlaa,--hai filed notlco of in ten tio n to m aku fina! th ree-year proof, to oBtabliBh' claim lc tho land abovo described, botoro C. C Slgglns,' Unltod S ta to s commlsHlonor a t Twin FaJla. Idabo , on tho 2811: day b t U arcli, 1918.

C laim ant nam es an wltncsBon: A lm a Joff, F ra n k A. Purdy. Alma 8

X cd,^riU ur_F .JK o0U D y,_ftiL o .f_R Pi orson, Idaho.

BBN R. ORAy,- .. ................. - ...................Roglstcr.-1-81: 2-B-7-12-14-1B--21-20-28.

W E' tako' DD chanccs with thc

health of our cowb. Y ou . t&ko.no chanccs in using our .

m iB f.

Shaw ’s D airy


~ ~ ^ R a M F r



Wo mako a specialty of Cakci day and W edding Cakes. Gii port bakers surprise you.

H O M E'■Watch Ol

132 Shoshone W est

■ - J 0 fi

I - —

Ii f S ^ i Always, thti ^I Pricii—thoi

- and i t ’a tl* why you> ■\

r '


P - A G tTry a TIMBS w an t Ad—T hey pay- Subacrlbo for tno Tim es and . gat

111 tbo latoat news.

K ll>is *•'


■I bought I't a t the

GRAND ilON TEA CO. : ■123 ShoBhone Phone 192 '

See Our Premiums

^ 3 1 1 ilSH g r o c e r yD E U V E IW ----------- r ------- --

. PHONE 311


of all kinds particularly Birth- 0 ua your order and Jet our ex-

Ba k e r yIT Windows”

* ’ Twin FaUs •

■ ■ ; % ,

Best Quality ist Eeasonable*8 our motto— ■ •0 main reason .should trade

rHEATMWKET ' W» West Fbone les .

Page 9: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

^ ^^^TW roE-A-W :m g.TWlM,?AIiLa TMEB, THTOBVf EB; 7, ^ . :■ ■ • "P .ir .« .


k. — A -e o n T « iile » tiy -e la s8 lO e d -D lre e » — . — 1. .^iorT;o£..relC5ir!wple.l.TThe £

. w ill •pprecto l* . T »nr .

• : f f i t bSu i I iicUob:

BAXE8^TW lO£*A/>irEEE •1 Month. p«r. .U ae .-------------Me

i t f o r th l i DlreetoVj. T H E TIMES----------loUdtK o n l j . Uie ..ftflM d to g ;-

inento of p«raM iently «8Ub- Usbed buBlptoli , • “ <

C'osBlonBl people- I t U w k . , qoot«a no r th e r ra te s for

' - Ito d irec to ry tb»n ‘tbo,»« fln »mOBtbly batilH. J

■ ’ V ' —


TrBlB L«aT<s T w in F«H#i Q o ln f fE u t

No 1B8___________________ ;- ; -7 *r.No. 8 4 _________— -------------Pt n w .-

, Going W estNO. 83____________ :----------- 12:10 p. m. iNo. ISB — ..................... - . ■■4;05 p. m. i,

E ogw 8o5TR 5fich~ rfo r8 8 r(M cep t~ B ttB dB iy )::ii2 ;30T »^~ |

' A tTO B K EY S J

W. p . G nlhrio • A. M. Bowon i, • J a m e i R. B o thw o ll' ______

^-SnTH RIBTBO W BN 'fi'BO TTtiW BLLO ttice; ShOBlioae Balldlng ^ ‘

SWBIBL.KY-=------- - =•Otflces; F lra t N a U o i^ B ank Building

A S H S a B. WILSON V . P ra c tic e In aU courta ^ f to o a 14 F lr« t NaUonia B ank Building

J. H . WISH, O m c B ROOMS 6 AND 7. •w in FalU B an k A T ru a t Co. Blflg.


_____ ___ _ C H E jO ST "

. • B .nftTD O oLB 'i. A* Mr- — ~ana ljU ca l O hem lB t-^B ipo ft-W ork -in

Toilco logy and.B acteriologr.


J . a p o r t b b f i e l dCMI, H jdrauU o and M lnlng.B pglneer., T w in 'F a lU . . ■ Phone IM J-

E lJP E & r A C C O tJM T ^T / J

________^^JOHN WOLFENDENex p e rt £ c6 > im taB trA n d lu > rr-S F iit^ - lU er. Rooms 7-8 P ow er Bldg. Pbon*m . ■> , _______________■


DR. J . R . M6MILLBN Oateopath -. p rtlc e 120 M ain-N .

. BEW TriroraaaS lngor Sewing

akt^htnn otflce."~'~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' '

F K E D B T O M a

ANCHOR H A Y ,. GRAIN & FEED OuniMmr* W holaw le and RoUUl deal- •TB.'baled b a r . a lfa lfa m o a L jr a ta M d

i Mflda enitosx. ztlndlng*’ 249-861 Sixth , • T O t i r ^ t * ^ l e p b o n e 28. . Jo h n j - TInke, P ro p rta tp r. . .


tBd and 4tH T hnradaya, a t Mooae HjUl, Ja k e Sonflloth. Consul. P aul Smith, Clerk. Telephone 809 J-_______ •


Right now ifl tbe time -to • invortiBatb this proiiosition.•We are taking, buycra over twico each week. I t ’s a good ', ono. 'Writ© to onr Bobe of­fico for an explanation of it.We. wiU send Utera'ture an d . information on roqncst.

H A E ^ ^ 1 .Shaw Bl^^'BolBe7iaahbBee 0 . A ^ 0 IU a 5 N W A J .T . .

1 ^ 0

Investment O ppprtum ^

.^ - a c U T O - Sa lt. L ak e m anufac- ,• -tarln*-j»rjM )raU on :nped» a d « ; , ;

• tiona! cap ita l. A Ilm ltod.am oaB tf tre a su ry j to c k < to < bo ;*pld a i ; \

t t i a tim e to en la rge th U -g ra y - : ing Inddatry ; An © epedi^jrcellent o p pdrton lty fo r one In- j. t ^ ^ r w ho woiMd ,to , a f- J

jv m ia te 'irtU i"fije c o m p w W an |r aeUye'iBiay aa.'W ell.as-tlnanclaL . T T n l l paitTculars upon appUca- '; U oiL,,,Ad4rM 8^ “ tatenm tlooB lfrf ■

! - 1

V h 1

'■ T io TfinM‘'»HBtB‘ bnttBh«*apper# ,

W A I ^ SM JOMAHT^Di nol ttlophono TH

A n a w e w in c a r e o f T H E T lB I l


RATES' \ / "i:

— ----------------- i n : ---------- :----------------- .d1 loH ertluii. p e r n o r d ...............S c KM inim um to ta l d in r g e to b e n o t

leva th n n

, ................ a;

B cnd f o a r a d Ib e f i r s t U m o It a p p e a rs ., a n d notlfjr n a lm n e d > la to l ; lf :n ii e r r o r a p p e a r* . ■ p:

. C all p r m a il y o o r r e a n i r e m e n U ! . ^ o r p h o n e 88

< ■■■■, , ■ ---------------- a

• f O B H A L E _____________ • !

-FOR 8 A L B - 1 6 P n c rc s i r r ig a te da n d fivo inlloa n o r th w eB t o t P o c a to l- "D, 1 3-4 m Jlea f ro m r a l t r o o d ; ' HO ^T rcB~lrotH J7- g D O d - w o l ln o f t—w a te r : “ T X jd^-room -houaoT T ill foncod , n e a r lyovoi. P r lc o }Q0 p o r ncro- f 5000 c a sh . ],a lan c o , to rm s a t 8 p e r c a n t lutorcBt> „LddroHB J . M. B lsU ino , P o c a to ilo , Id a - .lO__________________' , , .

“ T O E ~ S A L B - W i n d .h lo l a « , h m J - 1 iR lits dnil w in d o w g lo sa . I’hon o '2i. i o on 'a Shop, n o a r ip o a t o ffico . •_______ j

SA LB— 67 ao ro s , c loao In »200 \ ic r a c ro . T o rm a . B- A . M oon.______

YO UR C H A N C B ^ B v e ry a c ro o tlo a d o w v a lio y la n d fa rm o d tb la y o a r frHl prodUOo' nfcfrO i;U inB th e c o a t firlcfl. Por'. in fo rm a tio n a n d g u a m n - • 00, w rl tb A. B . L u c a s , N ow M ondow a.dabo . __________ '

FO R SA L E — L o t 11, m o c h 4 3 . M ain '' tro o t, T w ln .F a llf l .Jd n b o ,.? Z 3 0 0 .. . A a-, “ l r« iio -o w ii« r ,-W ^ II .-K & llo n b o rn ,-C a ia r... rolJ, Idaho .

------------------- bFO R s a l e :— Ca s tlo O ato lu m p o n d g

K g 'c o a l a t H om o L u m b o r & C o a l Co. - 'h o n o 31 ________ ■ • • • '

FO R SA L B —40 a c rc a 3-4 m llo w o a t - tf B a n k o f K lm b d rly . A ll In h ig hItate o f c u ltiv a tio n . -P r lc o O S S -pa r F icro. P a r i c aa u ;' ro a l” oo fly 'to rin fl. AT "r . N ear. ___________________________ J,

F O R SA L E — P u r e b re d B o rk a lilro \T O o rr -p iio n o 683 I t 14; ' 'w : L . <j3row n. •» '

F O R SALK O R T R A D B ~ V lm t r u c k - lor a m allo r c a r . A lso c h lc k o n co o p g 'o r sa lo . In q u lro 460 E ig h th a v e n u o , )ast.____________ _________________________

TO R SA LB O R T R A D B -4 3 o n tlo j laddio .a n d d r iv in g m a ro , cow a a n d { lo g s . Phm te.JO g j_ . T

VOR SALE—80 ac res SHi mllOHionth and e a s t o t K imberly, 18 ocrofl rilfo lf^ 14 acrc«. e lo rer, balance a ll fCall plowed^ & room plaHtorcd houRc, ■ 'argv banemone. good oniu«ot wallMTtu Foageaaion M arch 1. T bls tproperty m ost be ao ld .os ttae ow ner ilias been drafted and n n iit go to' ffgbt <'or yon and tne. Prlc® *280 p e r acre . 'S7&00 cash, baU nce eofty torma. C. g9. Thomaa, a g e n t . I

SALE— 411 a c re a , a fl In c u lt iv a - «J od , ono h a l f In h a y , b o u so . b a m . ^!ru lt a n d s h a d o t r e e s . B o a t' w a to r . rig h t, good w oll. 2V4 m ilca fro mD w n. G ravel ro ad . .. P r ic e (IG & 'P 'cr iic ro ._ J Ja a y _ to rm fl . . .-A d d rc a a . O w n er. (Box 918, O oodlng. Id ah o . _ (

F O R SA LB— H igl) g rad o p ian o . C an So"aooh (»l UrOT81Hatt"«:“^ b R r t f r T 2 ir Sccond 'avunuo o a s t. P r ic e 1173. U e- | sponalble p a r ty c an p a y a l l n o x t f a ll . * ' I In to rea tod w rl to H . P -.C Im ffoc, n s A SouUi JoluiBon a tro c t. I.,oa .A ngoloa. } C a lifo rn ia . •

F O R SA LB— S ln g lo co in b W hito L o g b o m B IO BOQO UONBD. W ON ' T H B D LUB RIB B O N o v orj-w hore show n.. C o c k ere ls 1 3 ..< 6, $7.60, a n d HO. T h o A llis o n ^ H o n n c ry , -Bdon, Idaho. _________________________

FO R SALBr-M ulOB. 4 y c a ra o ld . w ell b rb k o : a tso goo d te a m y o n n g h o rse s .1 m lle -w e a t-d e p o t.^ 8 . S .-N e h e r . .

FO R SA L E —F o u r U o r^ a , tone ' n/agon. ono 1 4 -ln cb 'w a lk in g p lo w , o n e , le t o f h 'a rab ia '. " W o 3 I» Inch ' c o l la f s ; ' >no m a le bog. Soo P la in P r ic e S to ro .

' F O R BALE—6 *'room h o n a e . f u m la h - Bd O ru iD fnm lB bed . A d d reaa “ W . K.*' w o TIm oa.

'F O R BALB O R .T R A D B — Soydn p a s - Bonger, e l fA tc y l lD d s tc a r . 'P h o n o C. K.- D o n y . 788 o r -7 3 W L :

: S A L B -i-M a M ^ Il & W endOlI^ p la ao — p ra c tic a lly n e w , b a rg a in fo r C A a h .it^ tak o n . Im m e d ia te ly , o n a t727 '^ y a d d aTenue" aonth:_____________

lo a r ly n e w . A d d re as " D " c a ro Chn s.......... ; --------- --------^■FOR S A L B r ^ h e a i ^ A D o d » e 'to n r - n g c a r In g ood r u m i n g ortlio r. H a s Ip B t'b ee n o v e rb a o le d ; P o la n d C h in a i^o6d bow s’ im d g i l t s : 'a l a o so m o 6-

j s v y u iy a n fli r y. F O R S A k u - ^ o i ^ M . ^ o ' a ^ i t c i ty Hi£lt8 .’'S h ? '% ta te h lg h w a 7 .*~X. M, C ady , Rpiite := ;8 ;.7 .;,.. ...- . '. ' ,

* 7 p i r 8 A li» :£ S r n W r o e r r r lO O •A cc ea labt o nd. 2 ' bUlea t t e m tow n. ..W ell aiProTPd. . fU ^ d o e tr aeU. w ell b a i i t iP>..PA p7..'m te£ed;^prIce...,t276. p e r tcre.—“Owner** care Tlmya. ■]

^ I V i ^ I 2 ^ - C h o l o e Carm en Seed' >oU t6ea^A . HT,,Btrala, 8 m iles Klm-' >toly :w ad^S l^n fc 864 J 2. C . | .

H om e* 'i t ^ . E n t r i e s e lo ie i n ^ . t h e T w in rallB T ra o t See ua foi‘ location a n d

?oii.. 'Roato No.'8,Jn b l, Id ah o .’ ’. I ’

I r m r n n - r m i m l i t w c »»!><■ D a rtm n U f o r l i g h t b o n iA e e p lo K

'W o r a rpoma.- I t s U aJB aT O tine n o r th . . j

" I . v S E I L * B E N T t B U I ,^ E Z C H lM G E t S E C U B E . V J H E L P , F O B IT 10N 8.-E T C > J

CB T I M E S o f f i c e in * r e g a r d 't o 't h e B o . E S m i M t b e w r i t t e n a n d m a i l e d o r 1

TOU K E N T — A good 40 a c ro a on lu lr a o n . t r a c t , houao a n d c is to rn / I n - • lUlro a l orictj. R . B . S tog lo . 302 F i f th .venuo n o r th .

FO U R E N T — S o v o ra l fa rm a , b u t5lcaatt_du_U Q L_sallJjcrot!)_Eo.>)rnary.5. Ifldw lii D iim m an , 205 S cvon tli a v o n u o i lo r tir .--- ------ ------------------- ;---------------------------------V

F O R ' R E N T — S m all fo u r- ro o m fu r - ^llahed houao . tS jr p a r tic u lu ru ‘p liono Ii l 8 R 1.___________ _________ ;____________^

FO R ■•RENT— 80 acrqfl, 66 a c ro s j)loWcil, 16 u c ro a ’ o lfn lfa ; c aa h ro n t. \VddrcBa “ T ." c a r e . T lm ea.______________t

FOR ■ R B N T 3 -ro o m fu rn lah o d j ip a r lm o n t , 'B to a m 'h o a t , h o l a n d -c o ldw ate r . P h o n o .64. _______ .________^

FO R R U N T — A .gpoil 40 a c r e s on Snlm oii t r a c t , houau um l ciH torn. I n ­a u lro a t onco . U. E . S lug lo , 302 FlfU i I iY o n u o jio r ll i .___________ _______________ ( i

KOU n iiN T — F o u r ro o m , rao ilon i liouHu. In q u ire 450 ClKhUi n v enuo I ttoat. '

F O R .R E N T r j- F u r n la h ^ .f ro n t ro o m . * 4 i2 h 'o u r th a v o n u o n o r tli.

FO R R B N T — P lo a a a n t. co m fo r ta b lo | J c o p l n E J M m a ^ m . f 2 .60 .por.w pek-.uPr = (28 M a in 'a v b n u o 'n o r th . T h e O x fo rd . ' ,


W A N TBD —G ir l o r o ld w ly w om an ] f o r B oncm l h o u a o w o rk . A'*ftood jilaco ' i fo r th u r lg l i t p e rso n ; C all P h o n o 636. i

W A N T E D — E v e ry liouROWlfo, f a r - ,'a jc r .u n d bualnoBH m un to c n ll nm l bco ,lh o W o n d erfu l DomcBlle O aa rM nkor ; do in o n a iru ted a t ^3:! S o u th M ain,

- W A N T E D —G ir l a t H o rb a t & R a m b o j.

■W A N T B D rrPoaltfon a s h o u a ek e ep o r ; l)y m ld d lo -a g o d la d y . A ddroaa M. C.3, cn ro T im oa.__________________________

W A N TBD — T r ia l O rd o r F n n c y H a n d : L au n d ry . 'P h o n e 644 J . ;

W A N T B D —T o r o n t a ty p o w rllo r . P h o n e 74 j- W . 143 B lm S t.____________

W A N T B D — F b u r , flvo o r a lx ' room ; h o u so f o r looao o t s ix m o n lh a o r ye a r . W o u ld . D ro ff ir„ fu rn lsh c d houflo ._-A d* - d rc a s ••BLK'* C a re T lm ca._____________

W A N T E D —W o rk on ra n c h by ox- p c flo n c cd f a r m e r . 628 S ix th av en u o Bast._____________________________________

W A N T B D — M oro p e o p le lo aovo a - sh o v e l f u ll o f c o a l o a ch duy . Y ou c an do It. i f y o u w lll uao C aatlo G ate. H om e L u m b e r & Coul c om pany .P hono .-M -.____ :___ ___

W A N T E D T O R B N T — 40 o r 80 oc roa m o a tly g r a in g ro u n d . B xpo rloncod fa r m e r . P . O . D ox 624.________

W A N T B D ^ B u y o r f o r a l l o r h a lf In­to ro a t in . m ^ ICO a c ro ra n c h , a lso a to c k a n d to o ls I f n e ed e d . P U c e lo ­c a te d 1 8 '4 m lloa f ro m C a s tle fo rd . T w in P o l ls c o u n ty . V, \m l lo f ro m a choo l. B a a i ly W atorod . w a to r ta k o n f ro m c a n a l o n t^ ac e . W ill- ra ia o ^ a n y t i r o t ^ th a t ' I s r a is e d un tia>;L r»lw«t 8170.00 p e r a c r e . F o r p a r t l c u la ra ad > d r o s B "A . B ." c a r e Tlmoa^ offlco .

W A N T E D —O ood la d y a o llc l to r , a a l- a r y a n d com m iaaion fo r tb o W hite C ro 8.s .H e a lth J o o d .com pany . Pbono 696 'w . ______________________ ,

W A N TBD —C lo v o r aeed a l l tb e y e a r •m u n a ." TWO" Al b u r t D lck ln aon Oe n - p a n y . P h o n o 106, T w in F a lla , Idaho .

W A N T E D — W o rk on F a rm by m a n , w lfo u n d g ro w n aon— ex p crlcn c cd . Soo B.~A. C la rk e , 430, 3 rd Avo. E a a t .


TO T R A D E — 80 A tro a W ell Im - p ro ro d I .jind W m » o n o r th o f A roator- d a m . Id iiho , o n S a lm o n t r a c t fo r 8100.00. W ill c o n a ld e r t rn d o fo r re a i- d o n t p r o p e r ty . In T w in .F a l la . N otify o r c a l l S e a l A u to Co.

FO R T R A D E — F o u r room houao a n d v a c a n t lo ta In T w in F a l l s fo r la r -

-g e r .h o u a C j o r w ill t r a d e fo r one o r tw o o c re a . H avdT 's 'om o x a a h .- i n ­a u lro 346 F o u r th a v e n u e e aa t, T w tn F a lla . ■ .______________________ ~

F O R TRADE}—A fow p u r e b red w h lto L e g h o rn c o c k e re ls . •W. E . W a l­laco , ^ m llo a o u th : ^ m llo o a s t of ao u th c a s t c o r n e r o f T w in F a lla .

■ L U S T A W P FOUyn

• L O ST — B a b y 'e ' 'g o l d '- 'b r a c o l e t . . on s tr e o ta S u n d a y . F in d e r p l e a io ' re - tu r n to B . D . H o p k in s , T r o y L a u n d ry .

L O S T —Y o u n g CoIU e do g . ye llow , to u r .w h ite fo o t, w h ite , o n b r e a s t . Re- w an L J . R . M u n u . B o x SSfl.

LO ST — B la c k S h e p h e rd D og; tw o m o n th a o ld ; . 8 5 .0 0 -c a w a id ;fo r .:h la . re* t u r n to P Ju m n S ln g h ^ .R te . N o. 1.

M 1S C E U .A T T B 0P 8

T h e o l^ ea p est ‘f u e l k n o w n to p r a c ­t ic a l a c le n c e . la m a n u fa c tu re d , b y th o •fauw u s - D b m ea tlc .O a B MkkUf (o u t . o r com 'm oi& 'coal o fl) t» h lc h c a s bo In ­s ta l le d iO T a ^ o o o k ln g s to v e q r - r a n g e .

STRIiaS- V BTIU. ON -IN PAPEiR MILLS .'Bt :Cam aa. W aahtsgton. tint r iian lax B m oothly'aad wlUibnt trouble. A irM B S lde 'p d i l t t o h l ^ w n r ~ m i B d n ^ OTer.;700 n w '. .o n -p a y roll. Can. uae 2S I d e t i ^ o r a & l l l e ^ o r k 'b n ' eohitra'c- tlon and in yard. . 83.10 fo r 9 hoara- P e rm an d it '^ tfrl^ - 'H a rr lM men- w ith famlliea V>*)lmnd. '‘ ^ o M '6 p p o r t ^ alBca TBcandeB on inside' w ork a re f m e d , i f w , Q » l ^ . > , c r , w j ; . ^ b b e r a h o ^ u d ra in coata Bupplied to palp h a a d . l i r ^ '‘t B - ^ e t ^ t h e r . ’ ’0 bbu18: 0 d m AlnI1tne'oti8.fP.-;ftl& rallrbad.«bout MfpiUBB fn u a /P o rtlaD d -ao d a b o a t '36

h o a r -ek r Jk « T n » ’i^ o o o A r ': i o r jP o « . land. Two' boa t lines O a u ^ to Port-, lan d : 'O N '^ tf^ ^ n r . 'S S e B a tfM o th a r 60 oentB.'^' O u t'o if t Ih U - "adV '-tnd apply

V^ANTSj^ds. No information cnn bo givtin. I e ft at .TIlKTBIES office. ■

I.K (iA l. P U B L IC A T IO N S ,

o r la l No, Oir.190, 1KOTICK FO U P i :» I J C A T IO S

D o p n rtm em of tlio , In te r io r , U. S. 4in d Orrico at' H iilioy, Iih ilio , Junfcnry ,e r io i r ; , ------------'- • ]

N otii'o III lio reby K lvon th a t Ailalna*I D . S a r tw e li r iif H oB orB oii, lilalibT 'h o , on Mny 2. 1914, m u d o H om oatead , In try , S orla l No. 016190, fo r EV4 SW i , S E !4 . SWVi' N B i i , S e c tio n G, SWI SW >4, Scc tlon 6, T o w n ah ip 14 1 o u th , U nago 17 E a s t, B olao M erld lnn . ' a s filed no tlco o f I n te n t io n to m ako ' in a l . th reo y e u r p ro o f, to oa tab llah ' la lm to tlio la n d a b o v e d oacrlbod , bo- ! 3r C. C. SlRginfl, U. S . C om m iaalonor,t T w in l-’a lia , Id ah o : on th o 21at day t M arch , 1918.-'

C la lm n n t-n u m o a a a w ltnoaaon;B e ry l S. K unko l, J o h n C. S m ith , Al-

h u a G reene, a n d C la ib o rn o M. A cuff, 'II o f Uoifor^'on, Idnho.-------------------------- B B N -IT -G irA Y ;-----------

nc B la to r. . -29-31; 2.r.-7-12.14-19-21-20.

o rlf ti No, 021232.- _ :N O T « 'K FO R PU B L IC A T IO N -

D e p a rtm e n t of th e I n te r io r . U. S. .a n d O tficc at" H a iley , Id aho , Ja n u -XX_23U?JIJL___________

N otR o iB 'h 'orbby g iv o n I h n n io r b o r t !. M ason, of E«len, Id a h o , w ho, on )ocom bvr 11, 1016, m a d e Homenteurl S n try , S orln l No. 021232. fo r S B ^ IB »4 . S tx ilo n 30, T o w n a h ip 9 Soutti, l a n g e 1!) E aa t, U olao M orld lan , haa Hod n o tic e o f in te n tio n to m a k o Com* n u ta tio n p ro o f, to ca tA bllah c la im lo ho la n il above d o a c r lb o d , bo fo ro A.;. D c M nry, U. S. C om m iaalono r, al I n p e r t , Idaho , on th o 29th duy of ■larch. 1018.

C la lm n n t naiuica aa w ilnoaaoa : ■ ''A nr.'X 'IIu6L tlg .j)w lgh t.'T o rry .~Jo l> an robanaon a n d J n m e a C. K n o tt, a l i of Cdon, Idaho .

B B N R, GRAY,R ogiatiir.

-2‘9-31; 2-6-7-12-14-19-21-2C.

Serial No. 015914.N O TICE F O B R E -P U B L IC A T IO N

- D e p n r tm c n t -T j f - th o - !n to r lo r r . -y r - S ; .jvnd O ffice, a i H a llo y . Id ah o , J a n - lo r y 16. 1918.—N o tlc e 'ls h o r o b y g lv o n " th a t ’ C harloa Capolt, o f F llo r , Id n h o , w ho , on A ug- i s t 21. 1914, m ado H o m e stea d E n try . Jo r la l No. 016914, f o r N W ^ . SecUon !0. T o w n ah ip 14 S o u th . R a n g e 16 E aa t, 3o iso M erid ian , h a a f ile d n o tlc o o f In- e n t lo n to m a k o f in a l th re e -y e a r ) ro o f , .to CBtabllsh c la im to th o land ibove. dcRcrlbed, bo fo ro C. C. S lgg in s, J . S . C om m laaloner, n t T w in F a lla , Idaho , on th o 7 th d a y o f M arch , 1918... Claimant namoa. oa^wltposae?:. , _ .

O corgo W a a h lh g to n T '^ d C hilrlos 3 n n , liolh o f T w in F a lla , Id a h o ; riiom nH L a rk , o f F i le r , Id a h o ; a n d Q uy F . W altley , of B o lao , Id aho .

B E N R , ORAY,• , U ogia ter.

1-22-24-29-31; 2-6-7-12-14-10.


D cp a r tm f>nt o f thw I n t r r t n r, TI g L and O ffice a t jH a ll e y , Id a h o , J a n u a r y ), 1918.-

N otlco I s h e re b y g iv e n U ia t Donlol B. A dam a, o f I le l l la tc r , Id a lio , w ho . on M arch 2, 1916, m o d e H om oR tead B n- Lry, N o. 016946. f o r N W % . S ecU on 8, ro w n a h lp 13 S o u th , R a n g e 10 B oat, Bolao M orldlan> h a a f ile d no tic o o t In- Lontlon to m oko f in a l th re o y e a r prfirtfj t/\ ->r». ^he landabove d e ac rib o d , b e fo ro M aurlco G}1- tieen . U . S . C o m m la alo n e r, a t H o llla - to r, Id ah o , on t h e ’9 th d a y of M arcb , 1918.

C la im a n t n am ca a t w ltnoaaca':J a m e a A . P a lm o r , B d w a rd H . Loney,

H a r lo y N. B u tlo r a n d ~W. C. M o rao ,'a ll I or H o ll ia to n Id ah o . ;

, B E N R . GRAY,R egfator.

I-ir.-17-22*24-29-31; 2 -6 -7 -lg :__________

S e r ia l N o. 018867. 5- - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION

D o p a r tm e n t o f th o I n te r io r , U . S. L n n d O ffice a t H a iIe y T T d a b o 7 7 a« y n rjr8 ,1 6 1 8 .— :----------------------------------------------

N otice la ' h e re b y g iv e n th a t T h o m as

SW lQ l^ersham , o t R o g o rso n , Idabo , ho , o n N o v em h o r '4 , 1916," m ade H o m o ste ad E n tr y . S o r la l No. 018367,

f o r n t r a c t o f 168-64 a c r c s w itb ln th e M ln idokaW N ationa l F o r e s t I n 'u n s u r - veyod s e c tio n 10, T o w n sh ip 16 Soutb , R a n g e 1 ^ B a s t, B o iso M orld lan , em ­b ra c e d In H . B. S . N o . 411, U a t iN o . 4-1712, d e sc r ib o d h y m otoa and b o u n d s 'B S 'fo U o w s:* B e g in n in g a t co r­n e r No. 1 , Id en U ca l w ith th e com tfr com m on to S e c tio n s 9 . 10, 15 a n d 16, T o w n sh ip 16 S o n tb , R a n g e 18 E a s t, B o lso M e rid ia n : theneo '*T Jo rth 0 do­g re o s 06 m ln q te s w e s t , 40.01 c h a in s to c o h ie r N o. 2 ; th o n c o B a n t 40 c h a in s c r g g r g g r T w r g t~ tw t ic a -sagca • 3?.wc h a in s to c o r n e r N o. 4 ; th o n c o W est 39.86 c h a ib a 'to c o r n e r N o. 1 , Uie placo o t b o g ln o ln g , h a s f ile d noU ce o f In ­tenU on td m a k a f lo a l th r e e y e a r prooCr to e a ta b lia h c la im to he> la n d -a b o v e d o acribed . b e fo re M a u ric e G ubeeh , U- a , O om m lim tBH iir-«.t -WhlHaMr. IdahO- on t h e 8th d a y o f M a rc h . 1918. • •

C la im a n t .n a m e a a t w ltn e aa es :H u g h W ill la . 'o f - .T w in - F a ll s , Id aho ,

a n d B o r t 0 . , S t r ic k la n d , P e r ry Rcib- ortfl, a n d H e n r y W lllls . a l l o t R oger- Bon, Id ah o .- j . - ta

-------B B N R; ORAY;.RegisU r.

l - l f i - 17-12-84-89781; 2-6-7-12._________

S e r ia l Noik 016460-017460.N O T IC E F O B S ^ P U B L IC A T IO N

D e p a r tn ie n t o f th e i n t i r l o r . U . s ; L an d o f ttc a a t -K afley , Id a b o . .J a n u a ry 5 ,1918 .' . .. ,

N oU oa lB .,,herebyS (laen th a t .B e r t 0 . 8 r t l c k l a n i - : ’o t .B o ) llB t« r . . Id a h o , w no pn J a n 3. 18241 n ^ e H o m w ta a d JStt- t r y . S e r i a l n W .O lM fiA .'fo rU ie SW U S eo tloh a a d : w h o b a D ec em b er IK. m 6< -m ad t- a d d it io n a l h o m e sU B d ^ n -: t f y « '8 « l a l .N o . ,0 W 4 W .: f o r th a .N W V S e c tio n .» ;i.T D W iiB h lpa« '8 oaU h R ange, 18 B u t , B o lB K M a rU k B .' h a s f lle d n o ­t ic e o t In tB B ttoa to :iD B k« O bbI th ree - y e a r p ro o f,, t o e a U b U a h c la im to tlte

land -a b o v e .d o sc r ib c d , . b e fo re C. - C - S igg lna, 'U, S . C om m laB lbhor.^D t T w in FalW, Id ah o , on th e 8Ui d a y of M arcii, 1918.'

C la im a n t-n a m e a a s w ltnesB ca: .T h o m a a C. W lch o ra lin m , a n d Jo h n F .

l;o w o r* b o th —o f —R o g c ra o n , I d a h o ;—A R o b e rta , a n d H u g h W lllla , bo th o f r w in F a lla , Id aho .

BRN It. GUAY,RcglBtor.

M O -lG -17-22-24-29-31; 2-6-7.

Sorlul No. 014840- iN O T IC E F O B .R E P IIB L IC A T IO N !

D o p n rtm e n t o ( th o In te r io r , U . S [.nnd- O ffico a l -H n llo y ,M « h o ,- J a n u a ry 7. 1918.—M o U co .la -b o fo b y . g iv e n .U u t-R o llo - L i SulllH on, o f R o g o ra o n , Id a h o , w ho, on M nrch 27, IO H , m a d o H om ofllond E n ­lry , S e r ia l No, 014840, fo r NBVi. Soc- Lion 9. T o w n ah ip 16 bouU i, R a n g o lb E aa t, Bolao M o rld la n , h a a file d noU ce 3f -in lon tion to m a k e f in a l U irod-yenr p roof, to CR lablliih c ln lm to U te -la n d uhovo dOHcrlbod, b o fo ro C. C. S ig g in s. U. S, C om m iBB loner, n t T w in - F n lla , Id aho , on th o 7 th d a y o f M arch , 1918:

C la im a n t n^Anos .a t w itn e a a e a / H o n ry C. P a r lr e r , A lb e rt R o b e r ta .

H ugh WilllB, a n il G eo rgo ' H an a en . u ll of T w in PnllH. Idnho-

BEN n - GR^\Y,---------_______________________ n ociBlc r,M O -15 -17-22-24-29-31; 2-Ti.7,

^ N O T IC E

N O TICE O F _ T IM B . A N D - P L A C f: W H E N AND W H E R E , A L L NA ­T IV E S , C IT IZ E N S , D E N IZ E N S O R .SU B JE C T S O F T H E E M P E R O R O F

^ E I IM A K Y ^ O K -T H E -B M P E R O R -O i:. A U S T U I A - l i U N O A U Y . IIBINO' M A L E S O F T H E A O E O F FO U R ­T E E N Y E A R S AND U PW A R D S.

' W HO S H A L L B E W IT H IN THJ-> C IT Y O F T W IN FA L L S, ID A H O . A ND N OT A C T U A L N A T U R A L IZ E D C IT IZ E N S O F T H B U N I T E D ST A T E S , M U ST I tE O IS T E R . 'K o tlco In h o ro h y g lvon th a t a l l n a -

livoa , c ltlzcnB , do n iz o n a o r s u b je c ta o f lho E m p o ro r o f G o rm a n y o r th o E m ­p e ro r o f A u a t r la -H u n g a ry . be in g m alcB o f - th o . ago _of fo u rto o n y e a r s a n d u p - w ard S r-w h o -a h aH h o w ith in th e CUy Of T w in FhllB . I d a h o , a n d n o t a c tu a l ly n a tu ra l iz e d c lU ze n s of th o U n itnd S ta to a , a re r e tiu lro d to bo rc g la lo ro d ; lh a t I w ill bo p rc a o n t a t th o o fflco ot llio C i ty C l e r k 'o f th o C ity o f T w in F a l ls , Id ah o , in Uio P e r r ln o H o to l. o ti S h o sh o n o s t r e e t In th e s a id c ity , b e ­tw e en th e h o u r s o f a lx o ’c lo ck a- m . a nd_cighL Q !cIock .p ._m ._o l_< !(if ;h_dny , be tw ee n th e 4 th d a y o f F e b r u a r y a n d th o flth d n y o f F o b r u a ry , 1918, b o th ln c lu a lv o ,-a t- w h lc l i . p la co -a n d U m e w ill r e g is te r a l l p e ra o n a o f th o c lo a s h o r e tn M fo r e ' m cnU onod-

I m p o r U n t . A tte n d .D o ted a t T w in F a l ls , Id ah o , th lu

23rd day o f J n n u a ry , 1918-W M . TA YIX )U ,

C h ief R e g la trn r o f th o C lly -o f T w Uj F a lla , Ida lio .l-24-27-29*31;..2-3-6-7.__________________

S o ria l No, 013176r.-N O T IG E rJ;'O B ..B E -C U B U C A 3;iO N ■

D o p a r tm o n t o f th e I n te r io r , , t J . S L n n d O fflco n t H a i le y , Id a h o , J a n u n r j 18, 1918.

N oU co la h o ro b y g iv e n th a t T h o m a i P . W a rn e r , c f T w in F a lla , Id a h o , w bo

:o n M ay 6, 1913, m odo D o se rU la o i 'E n t r y , S e r io l N o. 013176, f o r N » N I

SocU on 18, T o n -n sb lp 12 S o o th R a n g e 17 E a s t . B o ise M e rid ian , b a i f llo d noU co o f lq .tenU on to m a k e fl n o l p ro o f- to p a ^ h llah f ln lm tn - th « la n d a b o v e d e sc r ib e d , b e fo re C . C S ig g ln a , U. S. C o m m la a lo n e r, a t T w in FallB , Id o b o , o n th o 14 th d a y o f M arch 1918.

C la im a n t n a m e s a s w ltn o a ao s :C . A'. M c M aste r a n d N ick Sm lU i

b o th o f T w in FallB ;— ld n h o T ~ H r ~ - J S w a lm a n d W illia m K in g , boUi o f H o l lia to r , Idaho .

.......................r ^ T '-P E N R , GRA Y , _

l-2 2 -2 4 -2 9 ;5 1 > r^ -7 -1 2 -1 4 -1 9 . ■_________

S e r ia l N o: 017440.N O T IC E F O B B E -F U B L IC A T IO N

D o p a r tm e n t o f th p In te r io r , U . S L a n d O fflco a t i l a l l e y , Id a h o , J o n n a r j 18, 1918 .

Notice Is* h o ro b y g iv e n U iot H atU i M ay F le tc h e r , o t H a n s e n , Id a b o , w ho on M ay 11. 1916, m a d e H o m o a tead B n try ; S e r ia l N o. 017440, f o r N W U S B U SW- SB «4. S e feU o n -1, T o w n sh ip IJ S o u th . R a n e e 18 E a s t ; L o t 1 , Sec U on 7 ; L o t 7 , S e c U b a 6, .T o w n sh ip i: -S o a th rR o n g e-lJh E le atrB o lB o -M o T id ia n h a s a ie d - n o U c a ■ o £ .ln tc n t io a .to jn a k < f in a l th r e e - y e a r p rp o f. to . e s U b l l i l c la im to th o la n d a b o v e d e sc r ib e d , bo fo fe 'O ^ ’-C. S lg g in s , U . S.-Com mlBHlon e r . ' a t T w in F a l l s , I d a h o , on th e 14tl d a y o f M a rc b , 1918.

C la im a n t n a m e s a s w itn o sa o s : J o h n E . T o lb y . S ? a r le M. B a rk b a l

te r . H e n ry W it t a n d P e te r U n k . a l o f H a n so n , I d a h o . ^ - — — -

B B N I t, O RA Y ........................... ....................... R e g lsU i

i-22-24-29-31; 2-6-7-12-14-19.

S e r io l No. 016161. ‘N O T IC E F O B R E -P U B L IC A T IO N

D e p a r tm e n t o f th e I n te r io r , U.’ £

14. 1918. '— N o tlc o - iB 'h e r e b y - g iv e n th a t A rohli S tu a r t , o f . R o g e rs o n . Id o h o , w h o oj F e b r u a r y 23, 1916, m a d e H o m e stea i E n t r y . S e r ia l N o . 016161, fo r 8«4 N W ^ N U S W K . SocU on 10, T o w n sh ip ll

^ a J l l ^ a M l i ^ i n t a n t l o n to Jtto lp f in a l tb re o - jr a a r p ro o f, to ;o sU b lts l c la im to th e . la s d - a b o y e d o a c r ib e d ,.b f f o re C C. S lg g in s . U . S . CommlsHlOn' e r , a t T w in F a l l s , Idoho , on th e U d a y o f .M a r c h , ; i> 1 8 .- C l a im a n tn a m c a a a .w l tn e a s e a i

X -. a B a n m » n d . w c b a n t . ^ n o f T w in r a l l s i Id a h o , O t t p ' a i > e n g ood t o d ' 'JoB siph "« .• W e e c h .- b o a > o

.B B N R , G R A Y . ' : ■ReglBter

l - t t , i 4 - t H > ; 3 - M -M -U - 1 9 . . r,;:

S e r i a l 'N o i ’ 0 l5 7 6 M « l8 2 B r '' ' ‘ N O T IC E F Q R R B .p ra L lC A T lO N D e p tm m e n t o t t i l e . in t e r io r . 'U ...S

r.ADd O ffice X r » U l e r . v U a h ^ J a a a a n

N oU ce la hO T B^^^glW n’l h i r ' J i l b h i i W ieke rahaB i; oC B o f f e n e a . Idaho.- 'w ho e a J a l y 17, U M . t r y , S e r ia lU on 8. a o d i r h o o n U a ^ U . U 1 7 . ,n a d

sa c u o n 7. Townahfp 'iC -----18 ^ t , Boleo Meridlon, hoa filed Uce o f Intcntfon to m ake f in a l t i o m . . year proof to estab lish clojm to tk « '

^ m , Idaho ,- on th o 1 4 th day-'oT-M arcIi,—

C la im a n t n a m o a .a fl w itneaaea*H u g lf - i : . R eed , M a ry R e e d . H t i r s «

nr..") tl, a i tA Y . ,

f’V rlnl N o. 0i7P33,___SOTICK W)It I-UIIIICAtToS--------

_ D o n n r(m c iit o f Uio I n l o r l n r ^ t t a .

NoU co Ifl h e re b y gfven U iu t' E x tm n«.‘n ih h y .,o f M u r ta u g h , I</aJ,o, wfto o n M ay 21. 191G. m a d o H o m c B lc id S t o S e r ln l No, 0I7M.’?, f o r b 4 N W t t ^ n u S W % , so c tlo a :iJ, T o w n V p i l ’s K

file d n o tic e of In lo n tlo n lo r o a k o f l e a ! U iroo -ycar p roo f, lo oam b llah c la im t o Uio la n d ftbovo «l08crlbo(}, b fifo ro a a

i ' ^ '«™ m I««lonor. u l T w U i

aa/tnauc namcF /«? n-ltnestics-A - r th u r - H n tc h lm io n r - R a y - P c ii i i f t} ,* __

J o h n R , O lm alcad . a n d A ^ H ? t ^ . ' ~ non. n il o f M uruo iffh . Id a h o ,

B E N r ' g r a t .

1-29--H ; 2-B-7-12/l4-10-21-2G.

- APPl.K.S & VEOKTABLES • ‘ ^^=7ifn|iT«inid^n^<!itr:or?atrD<ipot=:=— -

JoimtJmn Ren »aT t«, SOc;W n lo r Uunano, York Im perlaL t i t HItiCKni), Kmlta W inter, Home

l l c r l s c a r r o t tn , 0 ib g . f o r S& e. ■ uO Um. fo r 90c. 100 lh a f o r tlvG O : F a n . n ip s , 0 lh a fo r 2Sc, M) lb.it fo r 9 J, Joo O n S.r'’ (Hmnll) 10 lb». f « r-5c, iJO )I;n for 80c, 100 Ibn. fo r tU i t~

® ‘’’" J o r SSc, CO IbH fo r $ « £ 100 lbs, fo r (S ; N ary beons «• ia l? for 25c 50 Ibx for W .O . lo5 l U l £5 ^ "h llc , netted Gem r~ fB tliii 76c. to l lJW per- 1 0 0 - lb « .. ^ S 5 K _ (none b c t t c r ) - 4 0 c - r e i - g s l - I f t r n S i l —la lk Itfc, i^ w M t- t 'J d e r . SOa m t

ig a L r a t e on (lonnU ty . * ^ ^.. « foH blooded WhJfo W jju i- dotle ehlckcnii, choice o r #i& An csfra good brood sow. ab?” " ^ town lo ts. T erm s r e s s w -

f'REU T niE E L E B t42-W nlnnt-8b----- -— r - P h o n e -< M -ir~ -

Step Lively! Corns Quit wifjii^‘fi6 ts-ll"

T h e G reat C on i-Iooseaer o f O * Age. H e re r f a ila . Fainleca.

W atch my etopT 'What'o lho n r r *1 rro a long " r ig h t s id e vp w jtb m i t core, oven wUh coma, b«cauBe I iwe -Qota.U", lho pulnlea., o(t.U k«i-B .b«- nAnft-peel rorn . rtmover. i trIM

Jua w ith tw o d ro p a o r

f s r s * « ! f• tio k r u p « u ^ i 2 S 2a n y c o m ’. c1« a r a n d elawk. 1* a v ln r

;s“ .*a■ ft bo tU a ). o r a « n t on r«c«tt>t o f p rl«>

by ^ L»wni>c» * Co. 'Sold In T w in p i l l # tmd rnnnmmii»iT. i«

■a . J ” : .

L oB ber aad Conl. Twla

Page 10: i^.;, , ----------— -r;-— ' • - . • : . ^ y^es Lc Tust ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE... · the- mlsBlng from the tran^ort Tus> ftyntii, torpedood’ and

LET US ALL HELP MAKK' T N m ^ J ^ Q A ^ -------------- ---------

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t B fetPayii ofTTlrit r f UUllTOUn Ilc lp C onS lry—S c T e 'i i r im p ro T c m c m

V » d e r W oy. .

Jirbld«o. Novatla.—Thl» camp Im ,, . Um vory qulot this winter; wc hnv

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meal. Send for b

— ;PER CW T. $2.25


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bocn son 'tifng o u r boHl youtiB m e n Ji Uid ( r o n l ; w u Im vc tr lo d to do o u r bo;i

» fo r o vo ry R ed CroHu c a l l ; tn tlio m t^ n tim o d oT clopm ciit w o rk hna beon bU q d lly K olng o n u p o n a (cw o f this mliiort o m L -w o rk Ju m .l»con .p ro ()esu |«d . on now w ag o n ro o d a l l w in to r , fav o ro d b a n opon* w in te r a n d c le a r mlli] w uatlio i

ThiB l it t lo c o m m u n ity , w ith le s s ttm : ^ COO in h a b lta u lii , ban u lru n d y fu rn lah c i 0 th i r ty - th r e e o f th o p ic k of o u r youni

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM '

e best and Cheapest- -offered-this-winter.3s and cottonseed oolilet.

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j l T Y S u u you ovor hovo Tony P S T ’ .th e d a y w hon

y o u r . BowlHR m a c h in e w o u ld p r a c t lc a n y ru n It­

i t a n d g iv o - y o u r (o o t a n d b a c k a Nt? T h a t d a y la h a ro . T h o W ost- Q iS lo c t r l ^ S o w in g m a c h ln c han a istU ng I ltt lo m o to r th a t doe.i th c r d w o rk . Y ou m o ro ly h a v o to KHido 0 flew ing . C a n you Im a s tn ? any* - • Inf; oaaio r.

H . L . m n lo l a c k f l r , M gr.________ __

n e ’s C o m i n g

ary 14" ^e r a t h i a y e a r , oh u s u a l . P a y l a k e y o u r s e l w t i o n s p f V a l c n -

: g e a n d b e a u t i f u l a s s o r t i i i c n t .

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store this week and in-~ tock of Curtain Scrims lave a wide variety of hite designed scrims to iperies. See bur Win- g designs a t from 2P

VARIETYSTOREsit M ain •........

your contractor as you w ould your building «ite.

I. REEDIg. Phone 642

^ i c ePHONE 24

N & EMES'takinge 110. B«8. Phone 296 . ' .


lo inon , w h v 'it ro now tra ln lh i^ i t t uom o c ^ t th<v CQinpa o r oJruady “ SoinQ w hero i n - P r n n c o '" - O u r llc d C roas b rnncll ha B- a mcmboTHlilp o f o v e r 300 o d u lta nn 4; thu . J u n io r I tcd Crusn h a s tw onty-(Iv!•;, fncm bor« ._______ ■■ ___:!_______jy O u r U od C ro ss b ran c h -haa s e n t I If. to th e ch ftp tp r a t E lk o , to d n te :i a ) ' F o r m om borah ipu .......... .M0C.-15

K or W a r C ounc il........ CD,10Hf: ' F\>r T o b ac co I-'und...-..'... C3.;i0 T,- - b 'o r U evolv lng h 'und ...... 2^5.38

T o ta l Bont to do to.;„;|8<0.23, -r l tco -C rO B B -m e o tln B ff-h a '^ b cc ii hel tw io e tt m o n th and Imvo bgotx w ell ul te n d ed . \ '

A b u ild in g In 'tb o c o n te r o f tlio tow w d s d o n a te d fo r th c R ed .Cfosu w orh r o o m : . I t wiia equipped • w ith sew ln m a c h ln c a , w o rk ta b les , e tc .. and fire w ood d o n a te d . T ho la d lo s Tncot tw a tto r iio o n o a w cok a l tf ie w o rk ro o n bv^ ldQ a.tak lng m u c h 'o f th o w ork hom to co m p le te . U p to d a to th o fo llow lnn r t lc lc B -h a re - b e e n -s e n t- f t r :-------------- -

:>6 po iru o p tira tln g BtocltlnRx. 2 c a p s , 18 Iiolm ctu, 14 H hlrta, .27 pn jam s u i t s , IOC t r ia n g u la r b a n d ag e s . R-i s ldoa th e ro a r e m any b a n d ag e s , opoi u t ln g HtbcklngB, b<^ sh lr tf l a n d k n itto g a rm e n ts on J ia n d ren d y to bo Hent I so o n .= . ^ i e JarbiilK C-nQ ll of H h nn r rn n tn ln th o fo llo w in g na m o s:

A rU iu r N . (S h o r ty ) R obo rta , E r n e s t & C larouB ,.N ornm n C. L eo n a rd . A . M. Pc to ra o n , 'W . A. Q roune, J o u o a Oaca H ay ea, P e re n Jo hnaon (M llllonair K id ) , 'E d w a r d W. Jo linaoD . L cxllc \ P a n K b u rn ; F ro d R o d g o rs , H o n ry ^ C ham Jiors, R a lp h W . R e y n o ld s . Clyd M. M lllo r, R e g in a ld L e o n a rd , A lbe t

/ W a lte ra , L eo Jonue . A lfre d M atU ilesor- F r a n k M cC ollor, C hn rloa W . A rn o k I C a lv in S t ro n g .^ Jo se p h .T n y lp r. W lllla r- T a y lb r , .A U ro d -L o w o ,_ W .-M ^ I> o n n <

J a c k F letchor-F JtxJiug)!, R . L . .VcMn h a n . C h a r lo a lU eli. R oy L encli.'C bnrlo ;0 W in te r . F r e d B u llo r. R ic h a rd B a r n e t t . F r a n k X ^onnrd, W a r re n H udson . . M ay th e y bo p rese rv e d a n d r e tu n

to U ie lr friondH !T h o la rg o m ill o f .th o E ]k o ro com pa

t iy la n o a rln R com plo tlon n n d m ill w a y s a ro bo ln g opened In Uio m in e fois t o p p l n r ^ i r D r o r — T in n r a w r n i i f o “ ri a o t (in la h o d , ow in g to th o la c k o f m on a n d Ihlu m a y do lay th e a ta rU n g o f Uum i l l - ( o r a a b o r t Umo. .. ....................

T h c Ja rb ld g C 'B u h l co m p an y li w o rk in g o n . th o A ltitu d e m lne:.lfl th< F i r s t C r a to r j th o face o f tu n n o l Is nov a llo w in g good o re .

T lie A n d o rso n IntorcfltH a re w ork ln r o n th o A ia * a i - t h o h e a d o f B o n a n u g u jc n , a n d o n th o M orn ing S ta r , a t Uu h e a d o f S now alldo gu lhc .

T lio new^ w ag o n ro ad do w n th e rivoi la b u i l t to th o Id ah o s ta te linu . a n i c o n a ld o re t jle ^ w o rk haa V ebn ' doon or th o IdalM) s id e . T ho w c a th o r hns heer r e m a r k a b ly good a ll w in te r (or* Uiii ro n d w o r k . .

1 CHURCHES ~~]S t . E d w a rd V C a tho lic

C o m o r o t Second n v onuo a n d F i f th H tree t e a s t ; R ov . N. p . H a h n , ro c to r . S u n d a y ' m a sac a a t 8 . a n d 10 a . .m , E v o o in g e o rv lc o s a t 7 :30 o 'c lo ck a n d ,w «ok d a y m asB a t 8 o 'c lo c k a . m . O n th e th ir d S u n d n y o t e ac h ' m o n th . Int® m a s s Is c e le b ra te d a t B nh l.

............... H c tb o d lH EplH copa! ■S u n d a y ach o o l a t 10 a . m . - , n P u b l ic w o rs h ip ‘a t 11 a . in. nnd 7:.10

p tn M n rt'In g .tlin m n "T’nfiadC B OfF a 1 th ;~ -e v o n ln g th em e; ••Cliosen” T o S o rvo ."

E p w o rth L e a g u e n t 0 :30 p. m. M idw eek eorv lco W cdncHtlay a t 7 :46

p . m . ...................... C. I.. UENT,


C hriH tlan C hurch . " T h o R c n c h e s of F a ith " will bo th c

m o m la g so rm o n them e a l ttie C h ris - tU m c h u re h Qoxt L o rd 's day. M lsa M a ttie C o a te s w ill Bing n solo.■ • 'C h a m o to r S tb d lb s In tho Old T os- ta m o n tr -J o B o p b " w ill bo Uu; even ing s e rm o n tho toe . a t 7:S0.- .£ I (ld e n c y ^ b lb Io ..B c h o o l^ < lO a. m.

Y. P . S . C. E . a l6 :3 0 p 7 m . :Y o u w ill- f in d a wolcomi. « t t h i

C h r isU a n c h u rc h .

B a p U s T H n r c l i .9 :4 5 a . m . S u n d a y school,I t B. m . T V o sddrMHf'fl hy tw o

p r o m in e n t la jm o n . n l.'tvyvi.r n n d n b u a ln o sa ro a n : M r. W. II. \V itiy o f I’n- c n lo llo a n d M r. OriMmwood of A m e ri­c a n F a lls , T h e y w ill ta lk on th o cnll n n d th c o p p o r tu n U j of Inyin. u In t h t k in g d o m o f G od.

2 :3 0 p. m . M eeU ng (o r m en on ly , o d d re s so d b y Uie tw q Inynien w hc s p o a k a t th o m o rn in g aervlc

U :3 0 p. m . B.. Y. P . U ,. k d b y th*

7 :3 0 p. in . S e rm on , "T hu M a a te r 'iC a l l - to th o C om m on M an." --------^ -

I n a l l th e a o m eoU ngs wc p rom ise y o n a c o rd ia l w olcom o and he lp fu ] a o rr lc e a ._________ ______ ^

P l r a t C h n rc h of C h r ia t 8 < len tl» t ' 320 T h ir d a v en u e e as t.S o rv lc ea e a c h Sunday a t l l a., m . -

. S u n d a y sc h o o l a t 10 a . m.B u b jo c t o ( le sso n se rm o n : " e p l r i t* W e d n e sd a y c ra n in g m c c tln g i . mr«

h o ld a t 8 o ’c lo ck , w horo tcBilmoBlM o; C h r la tlf tn :S c le n c o h e a lin g a ra . |d T e i l

■ A r o a d ln g ro o m , where* a l l au thorized ; ( C h r ls U ^ S c ie n ce l i te r a tu re m a r ^

r o a d o r p u rc h a se d , Is opon I n th i • c h n rc h tu l i d ln g b e tw een Uia b o n ra o

2 :3 0 to 4 :8 0 ovory a fto m o o n « xcep S u n d a y s a n d ho lidays. A c lrcnU U ni l lb m r y u m a in ta in ed in c o n sM tlm w ith th e re a d in g room w here C h r l i t i a n S c ie n c e l i t e r a tu re m ny b a b o r r o w e d . T h e p u b lic Is w olcom e to t b s e rv ic e ^ S o d t o u se tb o re a d in g r o o n

P r e a b T t t r b u C h n reh ;M orn ing

O rg a n p ro la / le , " A lleg re tto P a a to r ia l e " ' --------------_________ -._ _ C k m n b e l

A n th e m , ' ‘C h riaU an , T h o Morti B re ilc' S w e o U y C O 'e r T hoe._.......... g h a l lir

O ffe r to ry O r t a n In te r ln d u , “ l ^ r f o

■ p i

LS. IDAHO / ~ ~ ~

J ( ro m ’N ow W o rd S y m p h o n y " D v o n1 S o lo , ae lttc tod ..........;.......„...M r. M lkests O rg a n ,P o s U u d e , ''C o n c lu d in g Y o ltm -1 • .ta ry " . ....................................... Dunne® - B in n in g_ Q C c a n ^ r i i lu d o . . ( a ) ^ r a n d -C h o e u r .» i n A " ' ......... ................................. ..Sa lon_ ( b ) ''E Y cnh ig P r a y e r ” ...............flm a

A n th o m ; "T h o ae A ro T liey " ........ ..S taO f ( 6 r tb r y Q rg a n 'S o lo , " F o r e s t V es-

p o rs " ............. .......................... .....JohnacD u e t , " B u t F o r B M o m o n f,;;.S to b b li

M rs . C. -J. M cC orm ick n n d Mlas H e lo n e A llm e n d in g o r

J O rg n n P p tU u d e , " F r p h i S ix th , Bon-. ■ a t* ! ’. ..p*.,.;..,......;..........,.^ .M «pdelasol;

■' C h o i r r o h w r s a l Ifr ld a y e v e n in g 7 :! 1 , . •• ,

: GlASS-GlMElEfiflN‘ (ConU nuod tr o m p a g e on<>)3 ■■■ ----5 w h lcIi^ Uie w a r d o p n r tm o n t (o und 1

J c o n g re s s . ....................... ......................I O no b y .o n e h e to o k up th o .c h a rg i• m o d e by th e O rogon n o n a to r a n d I:• q u o U n g (riftn S e c ro ta ry B a k o r 'a te s t t m o n y a n d f ro m o th o r o ffic ia l rec o rt 1 a o u g h t to r e f u te them .

, A lm o s t a l th o v e ry Umo von B e r t 1 Jn g -))a d ta p p o tn te d - to -a ta te ~ h is - te rm a

t im o w hon lu to m n l d o u b t a n d d|i ■ troBS r e a c h in g o u t f o r p oaco wei• th r e a te n in g to to p p lo th r o n e s a n d ( >* b a n is h dynaa^Jes, M r. C hnm borla l > w lU io u t w a rn in g o f n n y d oecrlp tlo• p r o je c ts th ia n s to u n d ln g a tiito m o n t c• lh o g o v e rn m e n t o f h la c o u n try .• " T h o m il i ta ry e s ta b l la h m o n t.'• t

a a ld , " w a s a myUi— It w a a non>oxli• t o n t f - T h n t ’s-w hnt-R tiT O T U ow -and Tli• p l tz h a d boen to a ch ln g . T l ia t’s tli ‘ d o c tr in e w ith w h ich s c o rn fu l m nsto i ' '<jr*tlT<rfnn'mftn‘T)Copio~ha(i-t)con'B olni ’ in g U ie lr d is c o n te n t a n d q u ie tin g Uiol ‘ fo a m o f ^ Is a a to r . • "

" H o w o b liged - to M r. C liam borla l •nnd h is k in d re d a 'p lr its w U l bo th k n ln e r fo r th iis p u b l i c ‘co n n rm ln 'g h i e n tlm n lo o f A m e ric an w illin g n e s s an A m o rlcn n c a p a c ity to f ig h t f p r Am orl c a n froodom . B y th la sppoch declln

- In g -m o ra le -o f-X Je fm a B -d tlse n -a n d -ab l d lo r w ill b e re tr ie v e d . W ho ' c an ( o n te l l Uid so n u o l o f th ls 7 T h o u sa n d s o A m c rlc o n boya .w h o _ jn lg h L .h a T o .os c ap o d m a y b e . m a im e d In - ba tU e o lh o r th o u sa n d s w ho m lg h l h a v e a u t v iv e d m ny fin d th e i r la n t r e s t in g plnc In th o p la in s o f P la n d o ra .”

T h o f i r s t o f C h a m b e rla in 's c h a rg o U ikon u p by \31ass ;wns t h a t F m n c h n d to s u p p ly A m o rlca n I ro o p a wltl g u n s n n d 'a m m u n i tio n . T h is w a s (n e t. ho ndded . " B u t w h a t m om bor o f c o n g roBs docs n o t verj^ do fln ito l Itn o w v h e ^ a s f t e d r " th a t ‘ F m ifco ^ an ffiT n ls l i in g th c A m orlcan a rm y w ith gun* n o t b c cauno w e a o u g h t to doD loto-ho 'm o n g e r s to r e s ' b u t b e c a u so h e r chos cn a m b n ea ad o rs a sk e d th o p r iv ile g o f a rm in g o u r ’ e x p e d itio n a ry fo re fro m h o r o v e r su p p ly n ra o n a ls ."

H e rev e n lo d th a t M a rsh a l J o f f r o hai " w a r n e d n g a ln a t th o fo lly o f .h u rried ly n t te m p tln g - to th r o w ln to F ra n c e ni ^ iT n y o f u n tra in e d n n d u n te s te d Am o r lc a n tro o p s ." Jo f f ro su g g c a te d th n h u t o n e d iv is io n o f th o b o a t tra lo o ( t ro o p a o f tlm r e g u la r ( irm y bo a o n t t< F r a n c o fo r I ta •m o ra l c ffoct,• "W D on i t w a s a u g g ea ted to Jftffr.i t h n t w o hnd n o Im m cd la to eq u lo m en t .' ho a a ld , " I t w n s p ro m p tly re p l ie d th n F m n c o T it t f a n o v e r a V uhdnnce.” '

• " I s I t b e c a u se o f Ig n o ra n c e o t Ihbai f a c ts C h a m b e rla in a o u g h t to h a v e thi

Ilshm ont w as a m yth r* G la s s d e m an d Pd.- * 'I hope It la Ig n o ra n c o bocauai I would n o t l ik e to bolloTO t h a t an ; adversary o f th e g o v e rn m o n t Ib roal e v o la n t e n o u g h p e rv ti r te ly t o . em plo; th o sy m p a th y ( o r F r a n o o In a n a s Bault' b n . 't h e A tiie r lc a h ' g o v e ra m o n t" , G la a s s ta u n c h ly d e fe n d ed G en e ra C r o z le r In h is c o n d u c t o f tb o a f f a i r o f t h e ordnanco'Tdopartm ont A s (o th o m achino gon 'ControvorBy ho sali th o r o w as a h u n d s n t p ro o f U ia t C ro r lo r w a s Ju sU fled in r e je c U n g th o L ew Is a n d s e le c t in g th o B r o w n in g g u n fo u s e a b ro a d . G o n o ra l P e r s h in g , h c a s s o r te d , h e s e n t w o rd t h a t th o Lowi; g u n c o u ld n o t b e u se d o n h ls ( ro n■fbr“ ia rfa - n ih t in g .- — --------------------

T h o A m o rlca n a rm y . G ta s s Inaistoil h a a th o b e a t r i f le In th o w o rld . G laa c h a l le n s o d th o a a s e r t lo n t h a t "an; h a l( . w il le d A m e ric an c o u ld h nvo foro lo ld o u r o n tra n c o In to th o w a r .” H n o ln te d o u t th a t W o o d ro w W ilso n w a r o -o lo c te d b e ca u se b o h a d b eon wla n n d b ra v o enoQigh to k o e p u a on o f w a r a n d co u ld c o n f id e n tly b e ire llo i u p o n to do a l l th n t a n y m o r t a l c o n l r e a s o n a b ly c x p e c t to a v e r t t h a t te i r ih le a fn ic t lo n . F o r th la r e a s o n b s a id , th o o rd n a n c e b n r e a n c t^nld nc

^ A X - P I N K

- S d e e . P d t a T P u r s , T a U o w ' W e p a y h i g h e s t p i a r k e t

p r i c e sS e n d f o r o o r s h i p p i n g . t a g s

S t h A v e n u e W e s t- -

FORSALE' . -**

: T w o 6 - r o o m h v h g t io v n ,: l a r g e o e o e i i t b w e m e n ta ,

I m o d e r n , w i t h f n n i s o e . Y l r e p l a o e t n d h a r d w o o d f lo o r s ; L o t s 6 0 x 1 2 5 . I n E a s t L f tw n : A d d i t i o n : P h o n e .6 2 (^ W .


ik h n v o k n o w n th e u r g o n t n e ce ss ity ill .p re p a ra t io n .

C o m in g do w n to Uio " re a l .ro a a i itt f o r u n p ro b a re d r ic sa ,” a ra s s decla i

t h a t C lm m b o rla ln w a a In a la rg o m— a u ro - rc a p o n s lb le .- - '— ; - - - ---------^10 ^ " T h o m o n w ho now a ffo c t p c t J tn a w lo d g D -o tJu tu ra .e v o n tB ,d Id n o t. I r c re d ao by . o n o d o lla r .'f h c a a ld , “

: - 'tr if lin g a p p ro p r la U o n fo r s m a ll a n >n b u t red u c o d I t f ro m th c p roced 18 y o a r by f l( ty p o r c en t.

W o e C ro z lo r. to .b la m e fo r th a t? p ro lo s t , i t {)) n o t - j u s t : . (o r Gono

- C ro z lo r d id n o t kn o w th o t r u th . 1 >n .p reB ld o n t.d Id .n o t.k n o w .U ic t r u t h . .8

ro tn r y o f W a r G a rr iso n , T a rd l L lo y d -G o o rg o , S c o tt. B liss , Perah: — n o n o o f th e s e kn o w th e t r u th . O: tli la w o rld w lso O rogon c riU c kn Uio t r u th , a n d a t«U ic c r i t ic a l mom< fa llo d tb (unction.**

G la s s B overoly c riU clzod Clinm b ~ la in ( o r ; " t r e a a u r ln g ( o r th re e wooks11 hlB b r e a s t _pQckc t.!l:-Jh o _ B cn 6 aU o i

f i l e r s . h e r e a d J o th o s e n a te "w h n e v o r w o re b ro u g h t to th o nttont: o f th o w a r d o o a rtm o n t (o r InvesUj

*y t lo n a n d p u n it iv e acU on.'* "A a th o f a th e r o f ao n s v^hQ w ea r I" u n ifo rm o ( . th a l r c o u n try . I- p ro t

a g a ln a t th e ( la u n U n g o f th la h ldet 1* n ig h tm a re b e fo re m y firea ldo a n d ® th e = T Jftta6 -b r^ th o “ nB tIon^T -Tiinnl-

ftvU, a u g g ea tlo n c o n ta in e d t a th is - *0 to n n d ln g a a s a u l t uno n th e m lllt: ^ n rm o f g o v e rn m e n t,’* ho added, in . ■

” IfiBAMEMCIIN Li^LOST10 . . .J. (C o n tin u e d tro m pngo ono)r- — ------------ -----------------------to o f k e e p in g o n U ro ly s e c r e t a l l p lan a•B a-m U ltary;4>ature.-"— -----------------:- — S 0 7 m to r r- - iin d — r e p r 0B0BtatIv«B.i lr n re a a e d tf ioT oo 'pC B fao rrow to d a y oi

tb o I d s t f 'o f th o T u sc a n la . B n t t> li B o rro w w n s tem p ered ., w llh th o i 0 to r m ln n t lo n to c o n tin u e to p u sh I a w a r - to 'i t l i c u tm d i t l im i t . - ^ n d u r d Q e rro n n y Is c o m p le te ly dofonted.1- ■ ',J't w n a a h a rd b low , th e v d c c ln i !• b u t n o o n o c an c a ll I t a d la n s te r

k. OftlciaJs everyw here wero anti if p a tin g th a t ono Immedlnte resu lt L-. .th .O *«i8lcr_ ■would-bo.a ruB hJo oni ;■ Of mon boyond Uio d ra ft age who hn

been holding.back, c . •—— '

F O R S A L E C H E A P — S ix h u n d r fl p o u n d s se c o n d h a n d c a n v a s , su lta l0 f o r c o v e r in g la m h ln g a h ed s . C6J1 h R o o m 17. B a n k & T r u s t b u ild in g n P h o n o 946.a ~ i- i I i ____y ___ I I I ,1 I ___ —

!• T h e t im e la b e r e t Y ou ne ed r - P p w o r . a to o d y N orvea,- -G ood

h e a l th . T h o S c lcnU fIc M aaeagos ® .w i l l g iv e yo li a l l th i s a n d m a k o o' l l fo w o r t h th o liv in g —d o o s n o t

in lo r f e r o w llh y o u r p h y s ic ia n ,1 i i u t hoIpB h im . Com o bo r o ­

llovod . L a d l e s ‘a n d G on tlom en .1 --------

• M M E. M. J . TODD) „ VosMure * Dermatologist , Cottillion halt Phone 317-J

t *" * . ' " ■

: | f f l D E S -- T ^F alU H ideC o.: Pelts,I Wool and Tallow ‘r 248 4 th Avenue S.: Phone 98

B ‘

i ^

i V k t i i m t(>'»ISOO d i i v n a n d

0 . yon wiU p a j for yottr h(>me 0 Pay ren t and a t tl

\ T H E H A W U. 1 3 7 Shoshone

It - ■ ....................................


c :■ T H E S I. “Just a O

; Conf(

'w Come to Tl DELICIt

2 6 0 Main Ave. Sou

U A K B T W i N P A l i ^ A VBBT4 T ^ P L A C E - , i n ' W H IC H TO

_____ _ UVB.'. • ■ ^


IRresent Day M an - 1 na ' - W ithout Countryod , ; ■■■,'* . ' ~ .....

, T h e b ig p a tr io U c m e e tin g In th e ua- —dlibriabnJirtBBHtoQiDdiBr-cliinxh' - '5 ' n ig h t p ro m la e# : t o b e o n e d f th e W g

g a th o r in g B -o f- j tb e -y e a r ir— * h e ••Tho P re se n t- 'D a y . 'M an , W ith o u t a IB, C o u n t r y '" ia th o a u b je c t b f th o ad - ng d ro s s to b o g iv e n b y tb e R e v . S am tie l

O ra n a to n B e n so n , w hoao le c tu ro a t th e I h ig h a cb o o l a u d ito r iu m la a t w « k on

■nl Uio a u b jtfc t "B ttc k F ^ i lo l l . '? f ro n t - h e ly a U rro d t h i la rg o *odIonca.^proBont. IC- . .T h e a d d ro a s to n lg U L w U l.b b p n c e d * IU, ed a n d fo llo w e d b y pa trloU < f m u s ic by n'g th o b ig M o th o d la t c h o ir a n d o rc h e a tru lly u n d e r th e d iro c ^ io n -o f C h a s . U. B u t- 3W le r . .a o d jCfr> R . A . P a m i t t ,

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