hypothalamic obesity in humans

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  • 7/29/2019 Hypothalamic Obesity in Humans


    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734 27

    Hypothalamic obesity in humans: what do we knowand what can be done?

    Occurrence of hypothalamic obesity

    It has been recognized for over a century that structural

    lesions of the sellar region may give rise to obesity (1). The

    most common causes of hypothalamic damage are space-

    occupying lesions such as craniopharyngioma, other

    tumours and aneurysms, inflammatory and infiltrative dis-

    eases, and trauma (2) (Table 1). Affected individuals gain

    weight as a result of either the underlying disease or its treat-

    ment with surgery or radiotherapy, sometimes becoming

    markedly obese. In children and young adults, cranio-

    pharyngioma and/or its treatment is the single most

    common cause of acquired hypothalamic damage, although

    craniopharyngioma is still rare, with an estimated incidence

    in the USA of just 1.3 per million per year (3). Several reports

    provide data on the occurrence of obesity with cranio-

    pharyngioma. In a report from Finland, six of 22 children

    with craniopharyngioma were reported to be obese pre-

    operatively, but this rose to 13 out of 21 children 1 year

    post-operatively (4). Sklar also reported that obesity was

    obesity reviews

    University of Liverpool, Department of

    Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology

    Research Group, Clinical Sciences Centre,

    University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, UK

    Received 9 August 2001; revised 17

    September 2001; accepted 26 September


    Address reprint requests to: Dr J Pinkney,

    University of Liverpool, Department of

    Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology

    Research Group, Clinical Sciences Centre,

    University Hospital Aintree, Longmoor Lane,

    Liverpool L9 7AL, UK.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    J. Pinkney, J. Wilding, G. Williams and I. MacFarlane

    SummaryObesity is a common sequel to tumours of the hypothalamic region and their

    treatment with surgery and radiotherapy. The prevalence of hypothalamic obesity

    has been underestimated because it may take some years to develop, and the

    problem has been under-recognized by physicians. Weight gain results from

    damage to the ventromedial hypothalamus which leads, variously, to hyperpha-

    gia, a low metabolic rate, autonomic imbalance, growth hormone (GH) deficiency

    and various other problems that contribute to weight gain. However, with the

    exception of GH replacement, few clinical trials have evaluated significantnumbers of patients and so the roles of various behavioural, dietary, pharmaco-

    logical and obesity surgery approaches are controversial. Sufficient knowledge

    exists to identify those at high risk of hypothalamic obesity so that weight gain

    prevention approaches can be offered. In those who are already obese, we propose

    that the principal causal mechanisms in individual patients should be considered

    as a basis for guiding clinical management.

    Keywords: Craniopharyngioma, hypothalamus, obesity, pituitary.

    obesity reviews (2002) 3, 2734


    Remarkable advances in basic science are unravelling the

    neuroendocrine mechanisms through which the hypothala-

    mus controls energy balance. However, this knowledge has

    yet to be translated into therapeutic advances for patients

    with structural hypothalamic damage, for many of whom

    disordered eating and obesity are a nightmare. It has long

    been recognized that obesity complicates diseases of the

    hypothalamus and their treatment. Craniopharyngioma,

    and its treatment, is the commonest single structural cause

    of hypothalamic obesity, while PraderWilli syndrome has

    been considered the commonest genetic form of obesity to

    be associated with hypothalamic dysfunction. The difficulty

    confronting the clinician is that, with the exception of trials

    of growth hormone (GH) therapy, most of the literature on

    treatment is anecdotal. The purpose of this article therefore

    is to examine what is currently known about the patho-

    physiology of these forms of obesity in humans, and to eval-

    uate the available options for clinical management.

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    common after surgical treatment of craniopharyngioma (5).

    In a study from the UK (6), 90% of 63 patients with cran-

    iopharyngioma gained weight during follow-up, showing

    that this is an expected part of the natural history following

    surgical treatment. Villani and colleagues (7) reported long-

    term follow-up of 27 children treated surgically for cranio-

    pharyngioma; although the majority of patients were

    reported to have achieved normal long-term social adjust-

    ment, obesity was a common sequel. Although hypothala-

    mic damage is a rare cause of obesity, these data demonstrate

    that weight gain and obesity are common long-term prob-lems in patients with structural hypothalamic damage.

    In contrast to structural lesions, a series of genetic

    syndromes are associated with hypothalamic dysfunction

    (Table 1). PraderWilli Syndrome (PWS) was considered to

    be the commonest genetic form of obesity associated with

    overt hypothalamic dysfunction, although recent data

    suggest that melanocortin-4 receptor mutations, present in

    some 4% of morbidly obese patients, might be commoner.

    Features of PWS include short stature, GH deficiency,

    hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, complex behavioural

    disorders and learning difficulties. PWS will be considered

    separately from acquired structural hypothalamic lesions.

    The recently described cases of human obesity caused by

    mutations in the genes for leptin, its receptor, melanocortin-

    4 receptors and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) (Table 1),

    will not be discussed further in this article.

    Mechanisms giving rise to hypothalamicobesity

    The hypothalamus controls energy balance by integrating

    neuroendocrine signals from other brain areas and the

    periphery, controlling the endocrine milieu and the organ-

    28 Hypothalamic obesity in humans J. Pinkneyet al. obesity reviews

    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734

    isms behaviour through the anterior pituitary, descending

    autonomic pathways and other brain regions. Experimen-

    tally, lesions of the medial hypothalamus induce obesity,

    whereas lateral hypothalamic lesions cause wasting (8).

    These observations gave rise to the dual-centre hypothe-

    sis of weight regulation. The medial hypothalamus contains

    distinct nuclear groups that control the energy balance (9).

    Damage to these areas (Fig. 1), as a result of either the

    disease or its treatment, leads to hypothalamic obesity.

    In a follow-up study of 63 survivors of childhood cran-

    iopharyngioma treated surgically between 1973 and 1994,

    in which patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging

    (MRI) 1.919.2 years post-operatively, it was observed that

    more extensive hypothalamic damage was present in those

    who had experienced the most marked weight gain (6). It

    was suggested that MRI can give sufficient resolution

    to identify at least some of those at high risk of post-

    operative weight gain. A variety of specific neuroendocrine

    mechanisms account for hypothalamic obesity, and the rela-tive contribution of different mechanisms seems to vary

    from one patient to another depending upon the distribution

    and extent of hypothalamic damage.


    One pattern of behaviour described after surgical treatment

    of craniopharyngioma is severe hyperphagia and obsessive

    food-seeking behaviour (10). This is also observed in indi-

    viduals with PWS (11). In its most extreme form, this behav-

    iour can be highly anti-social and disruptive, with constant

    foraging for food and even theft of food and money. Hyper-

    phagia of this magnitude resembles that described with

    deficiency of leptin (12) or its receptor (13), and probably

    involves, at least in part, disruption of the arcuate nucleus

    function. Thus, damage to medial hypothalamic structures

    probably contributes to hyperphagia in craniopharyn-

    gioma, with the arcuate nucleus being situated in an ana-

    tomically vulnerable position close to the midline in the

    infundibular region. Consistent with this notion, in one

    report 11 patients who had undergone excision of suprasel-

    lar craniopharyngiomas were found to have elevated leptin

    concentrations, as compared to three patients with intrasel-

    lar tumours, suggesting that perhaps suprasellar cranio-

    pharyngiomas disrupt the hypothalamic circuitry engagedby leptin (14). However, overt hyperphagia is conspicuously

    absent in other patients with hypothalamic obesity, in

    keeping with the observation that hypothalamic obesity in

    animals can also occur in the absence of hyperphagia (15).

    Autonomic dysfunction

    Vagally mediated hyperinsulinaemia

    Bray & Gallagher (2) observed increased fasting insulin

    concentrations in four patients with hypothalamic obesity

    Table 1 Causes of hypothalamic obesity in humans

    Structural damage to the hypothalamus


    Pituitary macroadenoma with suprasellar extension



    TeratomaGerm cell tumour





    Genetic syndromes of obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction

    PraderWilli syndrome (41)

    Leptin deficiency (12)

    Leptin receptor deficiency (13)

    Proopiomelanocortin mutation (61)

    Melanocortin-4 receptor mutations (62)

    References are shown in parenthesis.

  • 7/29/2019 Hypothalamic Obesity in Humans


    compared with age- and weight-matched controls. While

    fasting led to a fall in plasma insulin levels in control obese

    patients, this was not seen in those with hypothalamic

    obesity. Oral glucose tolerance tests on children with

    suprasellar craniopharyngioma were found to result in a

    significantly greater insulin response than that exhibited by

    children with intrasellar tumours, although those children

    also had a significantly greater BMI (16). The hypothesis

    that autonomic imbalance contributes to hypothalamic

    obesity was formulated by Inoue & Bray (17). Subse-

    quently, it has been interesting to note that autonomic

    imbalance is a consistent feature of most known forms of

    obesity, suggesting that it may play a pivotal role (18). In

    keeping with the hypothesis that increased autonomic activ-

    ity consequent to medial hypothalamic damage (and pre-

    sumably mediated by increased insulin secretion) is essential

    for the development of obesity, it was observed that subdi-

    aphragmatic vagotomy prevented the onset of obesity after

    bilateral parasagittal knife cuts in rats (19). A series of

    experiments by Bray et al. (20) confirmed that lesions in the

    obesity reviews Hypothalamic obesity in humans J. Pinkneyet al. 29

    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    (e) (f)

    (g) (h)





    Optic chiasm

    3rd ventricle



    Figure 1 Magnetic resonance images. (a)

    Coronal brain section showing the normal

    human hypothalamus at the level of the optic

    chiasm and (b) line drawing of the principal

    structures. (c) Sagittal section through normal

    pituitary gland and hypothalamus and (d) line

    drawing of the principal structures. (e) Coronal

    section demonstrating suprasellar mass lesion

    (glioma) with invasion of the mediobasal

    hypothalamus and distortion of the 3rd ventricle

    and (f) line drawing of the principal structures.

    (g) Sagittal image showing upward expansion

    of glioma into medial hypothalamus and (h) line

    drawing of the principal structures.

  • 7/29/2019 Hypothalamic Obesity in Humans


    region of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus led to

    reduced sympathetic nervous system activity and enhanced

    glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and furthermore

    showed that the latter was reduced by the administration of

    adrenaline and atropine. Dual-lesioning experiments sug-

    gested that these effects were independent of the lateral

    hypothalamus and presumably mediated by autonomic

    pathways descending from the hypothalamus into the

    spinal cord. In similar experiments, King & Frohman (21)

    suggested that vagally mediated hyperinsulinaemia may

    explain 40% of the observed increase in fat content,

    consistent with the concept that multiple mechanisms

    contribute to weight gain, both in different experimental

    paradigms and in different patients with hypothalamic

    damage. Autonomic imbalance probably develops in

    patients with damage to the vulnerably situated ventrome-

    dial hypothalamic nuclei, which give rise to descending

    autonomic projections. To our knowledge there are no data

    on this subject in patients with PWS.

    Impaired energy expenditure and thermoregulation

    Another aspect of autonomic dysfunction is impaired

    energy expenditure. Many factors impair energy expendi-

    ture in patients with hypothalamic disease and contribute

    to obesity. Several regions of the hypothalamus specifically

    influence energy expenditure and/or arousal mechanisms.

    An exhaustive review of these fields is beyond the scope of

    this article. However, the pre-optic anterior hypothalamus

    is an important site of thermoregulatory control (22), and

    the ventromedial nuclei are also important in giving rise to

    descending sympathetic pathways which, when activated,lead to increases in the metabolic rate (23). The medial

    hypothalamic pathways engaged by leptin also clearly play

    a role in the control of energy expenditure, because leptin

    administration to homozygous leptin-deficient (lep-/lep-)

    obese mice increases oxygen consumption and peripheral

    uncoupling protein expression (24). All of these regions of

    the hypothalamus are vulnerably situated, being readily

    disrupted by midline lesions in the suprasellar region or in

    the course of surgery. Those patients who are somnolent

    may additionally be predisposed to gain weight through

    reduced voluntary energy expenditure, providing that ade-

    quate food intake is also maintained and/or insulin hyper-

    secretion co-exists. The pathophysiology of hypothalamic

    somnolence and the role of hypothalamic regions in the

    control of arousal and sleep is not well characterized, and

    in the experimental setting lesions to both posterior and

    lateral hypothalamus implicate both areas in these phe-

    nomena. A full review of these fields is also beyond the

    scope of this article. However, reduced expression of

    orexins was demonstrated recently in the brains of patients

    with narcolepsy (25), which may represent one mechanism

    through which lateral hypothalamic damage might con-

    tribute to somnolence. Also confirming the role of the

    30 Hypothalamic obesity in humans J. Pinkneyet al. obesity reviews

    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734

    hypothalamus in the control of arousal and thermoregula-

    tion in humans are case reports of transient cataplexy fol-

    lowing surgical removal of a craniopharyngioma (26), andreports of hypothermia secondary to structural hypothala-

    mic lesions (2731). Finally, it is probable that reduced

    physical activity associated with prolonged periods of

    medical treatment and its sequelae will have an impact on

    body weight. Patients with damage to the optic chiasma

    may suffer visual impairment and find that this reduces

    their opportunities for exercise. Table 2 summarizes the

    principal mechanisms that contribute to obesity in patients

    with hypothalamic disease.

    Obesity in the PraderWilli syndrome

    In the case of PWS, the proposal that hypothalamic and

    pituitary dysfunction is the cause of the obesity is sup-

    ported by pituitary hypoplasia on MRI scan (32), the pres-

    ence of GH and insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency

    (33,34), hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (34) and

    reduced volumes of the hypothalamic paraventricular

    nuclei (35). Reduced lean body mass also contributes to

    a decreased metabolic rate (36). Severe hyperphagia, with

    foraging for food and food theft, is a well-recognized

    part of the syndrome (11,37) and is probably the main

    cause of the obesity. Feeding studies demonstrate markedly

    impaired satiety in PWS patients compared to control

    subjects (38,39), with a preference for sweet food (40).

    Against this backdrop, hypogonadism and GH deficiency

    further aggravate an unfavourable body composition.

    Severe obesity is often the result. Despite recent advances

    in understanding the genetics of PWS (41), however, the

    cause of the neuroendocrine abnormalities is currently


    In conclusion, a variety of mechanisms probably con-

    tribute to weight gain, particularly in the post-operative

    setting, in patients with hypothalamic damage. The contri-

    bution of individual mechanisms presumably varies from

    Table 2 Factors contributing to weight gain and/or increased body fat

    mass in patients with hypothalamic damage

    Increased energy Hyperphagia


    Decreased energy Low resting metabolic rate (autonomic imbalance)

    expenditure Somnolence

    Reduced mobility

    Visual failure

    Enhanced fuel storage Hyperinsulinaemia (autonomic imbalance)

    Hormone deficiencies Growth hormone deficiency

    Thyrotrophin deficiency

    Gonadotrophin deficiency

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    one patient to another depending upon the distribution and

    extent of hypothalamic damage. This suggests, in theory,

    that identification of a predominant defect might guide

    medical therapy. Similarly, obesity in PWS is likely to be

    multifactorial. Besides hyperphagia, GH deficiency and a

    low metabolic rate are probably contributing factors. Can

    this information be used to assist clinical practice?

    Clinical management

    Different strategies might best ameliorate hypothalamic

    obesity, depending upon the major contributing mecha-

    nisms. Frank hyperphagia and physical inactivity are often

    immediately apparent from the individuals history. There

    are, however, no established criteria for the diagnosis of

    hyperphagia, autonomic dysfunction, hyperinsulinaemia or

    impaired energy expenditure in this situation, and such cri-

    teria would be difficult to establish given the considerable

    interindividual variation in these parameters. Notwith-standing these difficulties, several suggestions can be made

    regarding possible approaches to treatment.

    The mild-to-moderately obese hypothalamicpatient

    In the absence of overt hyperphagia and food-seeking, in

    the case of the mild-to-moderately overweight patient

    (BMI < 35) whose weight is stable and whose pituitary

    function is intact or fully replaced, it makes sense first to

    approach the question of overweight by expert review of

    diet and lifestyle, as this is the usual cornerstone of effec-tive obesity treatment. Whilst these measures may not

    achieve ideal body weight, they will probably at least limit

    weight gain. For children with hypothalamic damage or

    PWS, this approach will require full participation by family

    members in order to make the home and school environ-

    ments more conducive to weight loss. However, there are

    relatively few data on the efficacy of this approach. The

    possibility of drug treatment is discussed below.

    The management of hyperphagia

    Obesity of greater severity, resulting from frank hyperpha-

    gia, is typically refractory to simple advice on diet and exer-

    cise, current anorectic drugs and gastric surgery (although

    there are few data on gastric surgery and this option holds

    little appeal in children and may be abortive or even

    dangerous in the face of determined hyperphagia). Close

    behavioural supervision is usually necessary to minimize

    consumption of unsuitable foods and restrict food-seeking

    behaviour, including modifications of both personal and

    family behaviour as well as the home environment.

    In PWS, hyperphagia usually presents an even greater

    challenge because of concurrent learning difficulties. In this

    situation dietary advice alone may not be fully effective.

    However, behavioural approaches have been helpful in

    treating hyperphagia in PWS (4244). Obesity surgery has

    also occasionally been employed in patients with PWS.

    Case reports of biliopancreatic diversion in PWS report

    both successes (45,46) and failures (47). In another report,

    vertical band gastroplasty was ineffective in a patient with

    PWS (48). However, such data are fragmentary.

    Anorectic drugs (which enhance serotonergic and nora-

    drenergic transmission) may work mainly through hypo-

    thalamic actions, as does recombinant leptin, and so it is

    possible that these drugs would not act to full effect in

    the presence of hypothalamic damage. Lipase inhibitors

    require dietary adherence and are therefore unlikely to have

    a useful role in the presence of hyperphagia or behavioural

    disturbance, unless the patient is under constant supervi-

    sion. Further research will be needed to determine whether

    melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonists, neuropeptide-Y

    (NPY) or galanin antagonists, and perhaps cytokine ago-nists, are effective. It is possible, however, that anorectic

    agents targeted at other brain areas might offer more hope

    of blocking hyperphagia in the presence of medial hypo-

    thalamic damage. One such set of targets could include the

    systems involved in reward, including the dopaminergic

    system of the nucleus accumbens and the endogenous

    opioid system. In PWS, fenfluramine has been used with

    partial success (49), although this drug is not now avail-

    able. This might, however, provide a rationale for using

    other drugs which enhance serotonergic transmission. Flu-

    oxetine was reported to assist weight loss in one patient

    with PWS (50). Thus, the available data for drug therapyare fragmentary, short-term and provide little help with

    clinical management. Finally, although lesioning other

    feeding centres (such as the lateral hypothalamus) could be

    another approach in the management of hyperphagia, this

    may risk additional complications such as somnolence.

    The management of autonomic dysfunction

    The combination of sympathomimetic and anti-cholinergic

    agents, or any other drugs that similarly reduce pancreatic

    nerve activity, may offset the putative vagally mediated

    hyperinsulinaemia that contributes to obesity in a subset

    of patients. Lustig and colleagues investigated the use of

    octreotide for this purpose. In a small uncontrolled study of

    six months duration, octreotide was found to result in sig-

    nificant weight loss in children with intractable hypothala-

    mic obesity, and this was accompanied with a decreased

    insulin response to oral glucose and decreased recalled

    calorie intake (51). These observations support the concept

    that autonomically mediated hyperinsulinaemia contributes

    to weight gain in some patients with hypothalamic damage.

    However, it is clear that further research is required to deter-

    mine the patients who would benefit and to ascertain

    obesity reviews Hypothalamic obesity in humans J. Pinkneyet al. 31

    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734

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    whether this expensive treatment has long-term benefits

    together with an acceptable side-effect profile. Additional

    possible means to the same end, yet to be explored, could

    include the use of low-carbohydrate diets to reduce insulin

    secretion, as well as selective pancreatic vagotomy.

    Management of decreased energy expenditure

    Where the history suggests that a sedentary lifestyle con-

    tributes to weight gain, this should be addressed. Volun-

    tary energy expenditure is the component of energy

    expenditure that can be increased most, and with greatest

    ease. In contrast, the smaller thermic effect of food (TEF)

    may be optimized by the consumption of regular meals,

    and is highest with high-protein meals and lowest with

    high-fat meals. Therefore, meal patterns and content are

    important factors to consider in dietary management.

    Although resting metabolic rate (RMR) and perhaps spon-

    taneous motor activity may be augmented in humans bysympathomimetic agents, currently available drugs to date

    remain untested in patients with hypothalamic obesity.

    Sibutramine is one possibility, but we are not aware of any

    data on its use in hypothalamic obesity. b3-adrenergic ago-

    nists are another possibility, having lipolytic, anorectic

    and thermogenic effects. In the presence of hypothalamic

    damage, agents that promote energy expenditure through

    actions at other sites might offer the best hope for drug


    GH replacement

    The role played by deficiencies of anterior pituitary hor-

    mones in the development of weight gain after hypothala-

    mic damage is open to debate. Although relative increases

    in body fat may occur in secondary hypothyroidism and

    hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, pure pituitary lesions

    (excluding chronic untreated panhypopituirarism) are not

    characteristically associated with the same degree of weight

    gain as with hypothalamic damage. However, a substantial

    body of data now suggests that GH deficiency significantly

    increases body fat and diminishes muscle mass. Patients

    with hypothalamic and pituitary disorders and GH defi-

    ciency have an 5% higher BMI and more central fat dis-

    tribution than control subjects (52). When GH-deficient

    adults received GH replacement for different lengths of

    time, fat mass decreased by 1012% and lean body mass

    concomitantly rose by 510% (5355). Withdrawal of

    GH replacement leads to the reversal of these changes (56).

    In one report, intra-abdominal fat, as assessed by comput-

    erized tomography (CT) scanning, increased by as much as

    48% after 12 months of GH withdrawal (57). GH replace-

    ment in children with GH deficiency or with PWS also

    improves lean body and muscle mass by similar degrees

    (5860). Although it is doubtful whether GH deficiency is

    32 Hypothalamic obesity in humans J. Pinkneyet al. obesity reviews

    2002 The International Association for the Study of Obesity. obesity reviews 3, 2734

    a major factor contributing to frank obesity in those with

    primary hypothalamic lesions, it seems to make some con-

    tribution to weight gain and an unfavourable reduction in

    lean body mass, at least in patients in whom GH deficiency

    has been demonstrated. A sense of full well-being, adequate

    muscle mass and strength are essential to optimize both

    resting and exercise-induced thermogenesis, and this under-

    lines the importance of screening for, and treating, GH



    Patients and parents of children with hypothalamic obesity

    secondary to diseases such as craniopharyngioma, or its

    treatment, are unprepared for the development of obesity.

    Frequently, little education or support are available.

    However, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the

    nature of hypothalamic obesity. First, weight gain is

    common with structural hypothalamic disease, and aftersurgery the majority of patients experience some degree

    of weight gain. For a significant minority of patients the

    problem is severe and disabling. The neuroanatomical and

    neuroendocrine basis for hypothalamic obesity is emerging,

    but multiple mechanisms are involved, varying from one

    patient to another depending on the extent and distribu-

    tion of hypothalamic damage. The extent of damage as

    assessed by MRI scan may correlate with the chances of

    long-term weight problems, and this may forewarn patients

    and families. To be alert to the possibility of hyperphagia

    may allow active management to start before severe obesity

    has developed. Where frank hyperphagia exists, includingPWS, personal and family behavioural management may

    be the best approach.

    The identification and treatment of GH deficiency is an

    important aspect of management. Currently available anti-

    obesity drugs and surgical procedures look to have rela-

    tively little role for most hypothalamic obesity sufferers,

    although the literature is scant and more research is cer-

    tainly required, particularly with regard to drugs that

    alleviate autonomic defects such as low metabolic rate

    and hyperinsulinaemia. In time, anti-obesity drugs that are

    currently in development may offer new hope.

    Meanwhile, we propose that a careful analysis of the

    causes and factors contributing to weight gain in hypo-

    thalamic obesity is worthwhile, and could identify poten-

    tially treatable factors. Many patients continue to seek help

    and support for this problem and a neglected area of

    endocrinology calls for greater attention.


    We wish to acknowledge Dr T. Nixon, Walton Centre for

    Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool, for kindly allow-

    ing reproduction of the MRI images.

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