hypnotic whispers

Hypnotic Whispers: An Enchantress’s Guide To Creating Intimacy By: Kristina Marchant

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Hypnotic Whispers:

An Enchantress’s Guide To Creating Intimacy


Kristina Marchant

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Chapter One

Intimacy Is About Exposing Your WHOLE Self To A Man!

An enchantress is not a mystery to a man. This is the most important thing

an enchantress-in-training must understand when creating intimacy.

An enchantress doesn’t play off a man’s fantasy of his dream woman. She

never acts elusive, hiding her true self from a man in order to trap him.

She knows that when she acts like a mysterious, fantasy woman, a man may

have obsessive thoughts about her until he conquers her, but his feelings will

never be love.

Acting like an elusive siren, who is attractive and sexy but never opens up

enough for him to see her real sparkle, will work for about half a minute.

A man may transfer fantasies onto an elusive woman, believing that she

holds the key to his happiness, but he will not fall in love with this woman

because he will not really know her.

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This happens a lot. Women do it, too. It’s called love addiction and it’s

where one person thinks they are ‘in love’ with another person that is

emotionally unattainable. When he or she conquers that person, he or she

moves on to the next conquest.

The love addict doesn’t know how to deal with a real relationship and really

knowing another person on a deeply close level; he can only handle the

chase. So he absorbs himself in the high of love.

The only way to conquer this love addiction thing that many people have

these days, is to be 100% authentic with a man to the point where you

completely WAKE HIM UP to the value of true love and human connection.

You have to magnetize him with your deep vulnerability.

An enchantress knows how to do this. She reveals her ENTIRE self to a man

in a way that not only deepens his love for her but also makes her so

hypnotic, she becomes like the oxygen he needs to breathe.

See, once you open a man up to sharing himself with you in a way he never

did before, he will feel beyond lonely when you are gone.

Hiding your true feelings and flaws to act the part of a fantasy woman also

doesn’t enchant a man because it keeps you feeling lonely and afraid of your

true self. This fear and loneliness will eventually kill your love.

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When you deny yourself the chance to open up and ‘be seen’ by a man—

telling him how you truly feel inside and sharing who you truly are inside—

you are killing your Female Fire and telling yourself that the essence of you is

not good enough for love. Your insecurities will eat away at the relationship

and either you or he will leave.

An enchantress is 100% honest with a man about who she is and the true

extent of all her feelings and her needs. This is essential for a happy love


In Red Rose Woman, I discussed how to share your feelings with a man in a

way that can bring you both closer. In this book, I’m going to talk about

finding your true voice so that you can share the person you are inside with

him and avoid letting your fears and insecurities sabotage your intimacy. I

will also talk about finding the trust and confidence inside you to be able to

handle a man’s feelings and needs as he opens up to you.

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Chapter Two

My Story

If you are even reading this book, you most probably want to build an

everlasting, deep, emotional connection with a man more than just be his

fantasy and snag him for a few months.

You probably really want to get to a place where you two can share your

feelings with one another in a safe environment, cry together at emotional

moments, be sensitive to when feelings are hurt, share your dreams and

goals with one another and feel you know each other better than anyone.

This is possible.

(And if the idea of this is scary, you need to work through this to ever have a

deeply connected relationship. You will crave one but will not be able to

tolerate one when it comes your way unless you embrace this idea of


So, even though we think of men as mollusks, clamming-up when we try to

peak inside, most are actually very capable of deep emotional intimacy.

Many just need the guidance of a woman to get there.

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Today you are going to learn how to be the emotional seductress in your

relationship and guide a man to his more vulnerable, soft, heartfelt side so

that you can create an emotional bond so close, he will feel you are his

emotional life savior.

Let us start with my journey toward emotional intimacy:

Two years ago, I got divorced. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go

through in my somewhat short life. My mom got divorced after 36 years of

marriage and also survived breast cancer. She said divorce was the harder

of the two to handle emotionally. I don’t know if that would be true for

everyone, but I can believe it when she says it because it was really tough

for me.

I went crazy in my head and acted crazy for a little while after my divorce. I

felt so scared and dark inside. I was basically a mess of tangled emotions for

a year or so: a blob of emotional goo that was just trying to stay congealed.

I jumped into the arms of some very emotionally shutdown men. They

treated me very badly. I can’t blame them. I allowed it and I’m sure I was

no picnic to date either.

The only thing that was almost as bad as going through a divorce was being

a wife during the last years of my marriage. Living with my husband toward

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the end of our marriage was like living with a cold-shouldered stranger. He

had once been so loving and so tender with me, laughing with me about so

many things and confessing his love for me often. Somewhere along the

way, it all ended.

He slowly distanced himself from me emotionally, like driftwood floating out

to sea. He stopped laughing with me, talking much to me at all, and started

spending less and less time at home.

I tried so hard to open him up, to bring him back to me. I worked my tail off

to be whatever I thought he needed me to be for him—his therapist, his

mother, his best friend, and his hot, sexy wife.

I coddled his feelings and pushed mine to the back burner, thinking he didn’t

have time and energy for my feelings. It tried to make emotional intimacy all

about him sharing instead of us both doing so.

It didn’t bring him any closer, but at the time I figured that he could barely

stand me when I was trying to laugh and smile so why share my tears and

anger and risk really sending him over the edge?

And in the end, my tears and anger did just that. I was expending so much

energy on pushing my feelings down that sometimes I didn’t have it in me to

pretend a minute longer. My negative feelings would boil up like a pressure-

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cooker and they would eventually, at times, bust out of the depths of me and

spew out.

See, we can only act like a fantasy for so long!

I would demand connection and compassion. I’d scream, throw things,

blame him, go cold, withdraw, and then I would beg, plead, cry for him to

forgive my outbursts or my cold-shoulders. After one of these occasional

tantrums, my husband left.

I was so angry when he left. I blamed him for being emotionally unavailable.

I read a book about emotionally unavailable men and it said that some of

these men will still get married but will fall out of love after a while. I told

myself (and him on a few drunken occasions) that he was a one of these

men, a coward-- afraid of knowing the real me and of being there for all my

needs and all my feelings, especially the dark, ugly ones.

I went on feeling angry for a while. I hated men and thought they were all

lacking empathy for a woman’s feelings-- insensitive jerks that just used

women for sex, housekeeping and meal cooking.

Secretly, though, deep inside me, I didn’t blame men as much as I blamed


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I thought I was just too much for men. I felt that all my needs and feelings

were going to scare any and every man away—except maybe the martyrs. I

hated them, too, for being so masochistic. Interesting huh? That I thought

a man who would actually want to take me on was just up for some self-


My desire for an emotional connection with a man was so strong that I felt

my loneliness was ruling my life.

I couldn’t take it anymore and I soon searched for answers. I went to

therapy, read a whole lot of books and had some strange experiences that I’ll

discuss in this book.

It was a transformational journal and it opened my eyes to myself and to the

real meaning of emotional intimacy in a relationship.

See, men weren’t the problem. I was. My husband wasn’t entirely the

problem, I also was. I didn’t hate men and I didn’t think that my husband

was a selfish jerk for not wanting to deal with my feelings and share a bond

with me. The truth was, I hated myself and I secretly thought I was a selfish

jerk because I didn’t want to deal with Kristina and MY own dark feelings. I

didn’t want a bond with myself. I wanted to make my emotional pain

something for a man to fix and/or be blamed for.

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I didn’t want to look at myself. I didn’t want to understand myself better. I

knew I was devastated that my husband left, but I didn’t realize that I was

assisting in his “goodbye”. I had helped push him away. I had blamed him

for his behavior in the marriage, but I didn’t know WHY his behavior

wounded me at times and WHAT I needed from him feel better in those


During the marriage, I had concentrated on his poor treatment of me, on his

lack of emotional support and empathy, instead of BELIEVING that he had

loved me and had wanted to bond with me but just didn’t know how to be

the husband I needed him to be in intimate moments.

In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he did always

ask for guidance during an argument, even if his tone was harsh, he was

seeking assistance; “What do you want me to do about it?” “Tell me what I

did wrong and why it hurt you so much!” The answers at the time of his

questioning seemed obvious. “Be more understanding.” “Listen to what I’m

telling you.” “Do I REALLY have to tell you why I’m upset?!”

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn’t really know

WHY I was so upset and I didn’t know why his actions had hurt me so much.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to console me when I was down; it was what it

meant to me that he didn’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t compliment my body

when I was naked; it was what it meant to me that he didn’t do that. It

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wasn’t that he didn’t like crawling into a hot bath with me and listening to my

day, it was what it meant to me that he didn’t want to do that.

So instead of telling him why it all was so important to me, in a way that he

could hear, I made it about his poor treatment of me.

It took a long time to realize that half the time that I was angry, sad,

unfulfilled was because of something that had much more to do with who I

was deep down than who he was in the relationship.

Once I started understanding this and started putting a flashlight to my

deep, dark feelings and fears, I got to know myself in a very deep, powerful


See, people can easily assume they know themselves well because they are

living in their own body and mind, but most people, especially women, don’t

know who they are deep down. They prefer to tend to other people’s

problems than to take care of their own selves and feel their own raw, painful


Once I started knowing myself better and started having a very intimate,

forgiving, accepting relationship with myself, I started having more intimate,

forgiving, accepting relationships with men. The more I faced my dark side,

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the more I accepted myself and risked sharing with men who I was inside

and what I really needed from them.

Instead of harping on a man about how he’d never share his feelings, I

started sharing mine and doing it in a way that was inviting men to really

SEE me and my vulnerable, soft, needful side.

I stopped jumping to defend myself around men and started revealing to

them how much I really cared for them and how I was extremely susceptible

to their wounding of me, intentional or not.

I stopped getting angry at their reactions to my feelings and marinating in

my anger, and started guiding men toward comforting me in a way that felt

good and created intimacy.

I did so without needing any validation that my feelings were acceptable. I

knew they were acceptable. Everyone’s feelings are always acceptable.

Feelings are young and irrational. And it’s okay to feel them and to express

them to ANYONE, especially to the man you love.

Once I realized that men weren’t going to run because I had bucket-loads of

feelings, I was able to share my feelings more. And guess what happened?

Men started sharing their feelings back. I had freed myself up to be a

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REVEALER and EXPOSER instead of a whiner, a begrudger and a puller. I

started bringing men emotionally closer to me.

I had once whined to other men I dated after my marriage about how they

didn’t tend to my feelings the “right way” and thus, didn’t care about me. I

now expressed myself to men I dated and didn’t focus on their reactions.

Sharing my feelings was about getting something out in the air, not about

forcing a connection.

Where I had once stayed mum and secretly resented my husband for not

caring enough and taking care of my feelings enough, I started expressing

my feelings all the time and focused on sharing my feelings over needing him

to make me feel better.

As a result, men came closer to me, wanting to comfort me and wanting to

learn HOW to comfort me better.

And where I had once struggled to PULL connection out of my husband by

DEMANDING he talk to me about his feelings and needs, I began to trust that

men would open up to me if I created a safe place for them to do so by

making them MY safe place first.

As a result, men were telling me things about themselves they had never

told anyone before. I had men crying to me, calling me months after our

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relationship had ended and pining for the emotional connections we had


I’m going to expose you to your dark side where your fears and ugly feelings

exist. I’m going to help you accept yourself in your entirety so that you can

love a man unconditionally too. I’ll also show you how to trust your man so

that he can be honest with you about his feelings without you “punishing”

him for it.

I’ll help make you the woman he NEEDS in his life in order to feel like he can

go out into the world and be the best man he can be. Women need to feel a

deep emotional connection, a cushion of emotional security, and men need to

feel that a woman soothes their insecurities and puts them out into the world

as more capable, most confident men.

If you get him to this place, he will never leave and will share an emotional

connection with you that will probably be the deepest one he’s had with

anyone in his life.

Let’s begin.

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Chapter Three

Finding Your Fire’s Voice

Every enchantress not only embraces all her negative feelings, she knows for

the most part, what triggers them.

If you want to be close to a man and draw him in, you are going to have to

have a better relationship with yourself and know all your triggers. Knowing

your triggers can prevent you from blowing things out of proportion, walling

yourself up to a man’s emotional advances or acting out to avoid intimacy.

You can only be as close to someone as you are to yourself! Remember this.

It’s critical. If you don’t know yourself well and don’t have a very intimate

relationship with yourself, you won’t allow yourself to get intimate with

someone else.

When you reject aspects of yourself (dark feelings, shameful truths,

vulnerable needs for tenderness and touch, etc.), you will subconsciously

reject these aspects in a man. And your man (same goes for most every

man AND woman) never wants to feel rejected when he opens up to you.

When he feels like he can’t expose his whole self to you or can’t have a

tender connection with you, he stops feelings safe in the relationship and

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insecurities brew; “What if she discovers THIS about me?” Or “What if I told

her all my crazy thoughts and she couldn’t take it all?” Or “What is it about

my intimacy that turns her off?”

Your man probably will never admit that he thinks about this stuff, but I

assure you that he really wants to be accepted in his entirety and not feel

faced with abandonment.

Because he wants acceptance and closeness, your man doesn’t want to feel

like the woman he loves is hiding behind a wall and won’t let him emotionally

or physically near her. He doesn’t want to think you are fun and sexy but

not emotionally sound and accepting of his darkest truths and scariest, most

shameful feelings.

Not having a good relationship with yourself, that evolves over time, will lead

to the same thing in your relationship with him—a stunted connection that

has a glass ceiling on it. In order for men to stay committed without getting

bored, they need to be in an evolving relationship. Without a connection that

is always deepening, he will begin to feel lonely in the relationship and he’ll

drift away from you over time.

And if you don’t begin to know your triggers, you may sabotage relationship

and not understand why. When you don’t know yourself, you risk not

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knowing why you do things to push him away or even that you are doing

them! You risk avoiding closeness and the vulnerability that intimacy brings

up inside you.

There are ways that you can begin to take that journey toward your true self

and I will share these ways now; however, I also advise therapy.

Therapy is a wonderful way to know get to know yourself better. Most

people have this idea that therapy is for people with emotional and mental

troubles—crazies who are damaged goods to others. That’s entirely not true.

A good therapist is simply a tour guide. She/he knows how to read the maps

and use the compass so that you can take a better, safer, deeper, journey to

your core. Sometimes we need the outside perspective so that we have the

clearest sense of reality and of whom we are inside.

But to start your journey, get a journal.

Journal writing is a very helpful way of getting to know yourself better, and

just so that you don’t get overwhelmed, I’ll give you some structure on how

to write.

First, take a few weeks and dedicate yourself to stopping every few

hours out of every day to jot down your thoughts and feelings and

possible triggers for those thoughts and feelings.

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Sometimes when we keep track of our thoughts and feelings, we see themes.

Do you think a lot about what people think about you? Do you worry a lot

about the way you look? Do you feel angry at the slightest insult? Etc.

When you read over the journaling after the time period is over, you may

notice some patterns in your thoughts and feelings.

You may see that you are a negative person or you may see that you are

more positive than you realize. You may see things about yourself that loved

ones have tried to tell you about (you worry too much, you are too insecure,

you are controlling).

Don’t beat yourself up, just be a witness and have an unbiased view of

yourself. Imagine that you are looking at this journaling like you are reading

the private thoughts of another woman. What would you say about her from

a neutral perspective? Does she worry too much? Is she high-strung? Does

she play victim? Is she a courageous woman?

What are the aspects about her that may keep her from having closeness

with a man? What are her positive traits that she needs to embrace and

celebrate more?

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Be very observant about what triggers both positive AND negative thought

patterns and feelings. Do you get overjoyed when your family acknowledges

your accomplishment? Do you have the best days ever when you take the

time to meditate in the morning?

Or, reversely, do set yourself up for bad days by doing certain things that

hurt you over and over again, hoping for a different outcome each time?

For example, do you keep setting yourself up for rejection from certain

people you know you can’t trust? Do you burn mental energy on trying to

control people’s reactions when you know that’s impossible? Do you keep

self-sabotaging by breaking diets or personal goals?

When you can know your triggers, you can start to see how you contribute to

your own unhappiness. You can take that knowledge into your relationship,

share that knowledge with your man and ask him to help you see yourself


For example:

I have a hard time allowing myself to be happy. I actually get anxious about

happiness. Every time something good happens in my life, I feel like

something bad is going to happen.

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Well, you can see how I may take that into my relationships with men, and

once I realized that I have trouble accepting happiness, I started watching

my actions with my man to make sure that when things were going smoothly

for us, I didn’t start doing something to sabotage our bliss.

Telling him about this pattern of mine makes him feel honored that I’m that

honest with him, and it helps him to keep me in check when I try to sabotage

the relationship. It also allows him to understand me better as a partner.

Another example:

I have a pattern of trying to fix problems and people. I always take it upon

myself to be the person in a room who resolves a conflict between others. If

someone across a crowded room spills a drink, I have a hard time not

running over and cleaning it up for them.

Well, you can see how that can harm me in relationships. I always look for

men that need saving. I love to be the woman who comes into a relationship

and fixes everything about the other person—resolving all their inner

conflicts. It’s not a good way to be because most men that need saving are

pretty immature, incapable of intimacy, and committed for the most part to

drowning in their misery.

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After making it a habit to journal my thoughts and feelings, I know when a

man’s actions are triggering that savior side of me. I can step back and allow

him to help himself-- intimacy sometimes means letting the other person

have the freedom to not feel managed or ‘fixed’ by you.

So, journal your thoughts and feelings and make note of possible triggers for

them. You may discover some patterns that can help you find ways in which

you keep yourself worked up and focused on the wrong things, which don’t

serve your happiness. This can keep you disconnected from your man or

from having a good relationship.

The second way you can journal to find your voice is to write about

your ideal, fantasy relationship and then about your worst nightmare


What would each look like? How would your man treat you in your fantasy

and in your nightmare relationship? What would he say in moments of

comfort or celebrating? How would he touch you? Etc.

When you fantasize, you get a clear picture of your likes and your dislikes in

love. You may get a clearer picture of what you do and don’t like about your

current relationship. Sometimes we have a feeling inside about a man who

we are dating-- good or bad-- but we don’t know why he makes us feel that


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For example:

I didn’t have a good sex life in one of my relationships. It was terrible. I

craved sex with someone else so badly and at the time I didn’t even know

why I had stayed with him for the months that I did. I beat myself up about

staying, thinking that I had been too scared of being alone to just leave.

However, now when I think of my fantasy relationship, I always see myself in

a relationship that allows me to be vulnerable, soft, emotional and deeply

loved by a man who makes me feel emotionally safe. Because of this deep

need to feel like I can surrender my feminine side to a man, I now realize

that I hated sex with my ex because I felt like he stifled my soft, loving,

vulnerable side. I felt like he was a brute who screamed a lot and deep down

I didn’t want him near my body-- so during sex I shut down.

If I had known that then, I could have talked about my feelings more directly

and maybe if he was willing to stop being so verbally aggressive, I would

have connected better physically with him.

I also see now why I stayed. As much as he screamed, he was a very

committed person in a relationship. He never looked at other women, he

never made me feel like he wanted another woman or even thought about it.

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I liked that a lot and I didn’t realize how much I needed that until I

fantasized about my nightmare relationship. In my nightmare relationship I

was with a man who never could commit to closeness (physical and/or

emotional). My nightmare man was a sex addict and porn addict who could

never stop cheating.

My ex’s commitment to monogamy was strong. When I realized this, it made

me stop beating myself up about why I stayed with him. Maybe if I had

spoke to him about his temper by introducing the conversation with this

positive aspect that I loved about him, he would have felt appreciated

enough to listen and try to adapt to me more.

(Side note: Adapting for each other’s needs is so important. You should

never feel like you have to be someone you aren’t in a relationship, but you

have to work on treating someone a certain way so that they feel loved by

you. Love isn’t just about doing for the person the way you want them to do

for you, but about doing for him in the ways he needs of you.)

When you are clear about your likes and dislikes, you can communicate them

clearly and give your man a chance to know you and your needs better.

The third thing you can write about in your journal is your feelings

specifically about the dynamic of your relationship.

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Write A LOT about your relationship. I know you probably burn a lot of

energy thinking about your relationship, so now it’s time to write those

thoughts down.

What do you spend the most time thinking about: The future with your

man? The past? All the things you want him to change about himself? All

the hurtful things he says to you? All the ways you can ‘fix’ yourself to be

better for him?

When you take the time to write on exactly how you burn your mental

energy on your man, you begin to realize things about your role in the


Are you too focused on getting him to change various aspects of his

personality? Are you very sensitive to his moods and think a lot about how

he hurts you? Are you the only one of the two of you who tries to work

things out?

When you see the issues in the relationship that worry you, you can:

*Bring them up with him to come to a solution together.


*You can find ways to deal with these fears and needs on your own, while

still being honest and expressing them to him.

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You may even realize that you spend a lot of time trying to hook him or snag

him but don’t actually enjoy him and the moments you spend together.

I dated this guy who was a dreamboat. He was so cute and fun. But he

wasn’t that into me. He really enjoyed my friendship and sex but wasn’t

committed in his heart.

I spent so much energy working to gain his love—being nicer and hotter and

funnier, etc.…

But when I started writing about my feelings surrounding the relationship, I

realized that I felt very uncomfortable around him all the time. Even when

he was really classy and sweet, I felt like I just wanted to leave his place, go

home, take off my make-up and binding mini skirts, open some ice cream

and act like my goofy self again.

I couldn’t feel comfortable just being myself around him. And when I

realized this, I was able to easily leave the relationship.

Besides journaling your feelings and thoughts so that you can know

yourself better, I recommend constantly asking yourself the

question, “What do I want to do right now?”

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If you are invited out with your man, do you really want to go? If your

husband acts like a jerk one night, do you really want to shut up and take his

crapola again or do you want to get up, leave him alone with his hostility and

go in the next room and read a book? If he wants sex, do you really want to

give it to him?

Taking the time to ask yourself what you want to do in a given situation, you

may realize that you often do things you don’t want to do to please a man.

Now, you don’t have to take the next step, which would be to always do what

you do want, I just want you to always ask yourself what you’d rather do

so that you can start showing your inner voice-- your Female Fire side-- that

it has power and that you listen to it.

Sometimes when you ask yourself that question, you may be surprised at the

degree of the emotional reaction your inner voice will have; “What do I really

want to do? Kill him! Jump off a building! Scream at the top of my lungs!

Sit here and cry for an hour!”

When this happens, acknowledge the powerful feelings by breathing deep

and letting them pass through. This is important, because if we don’t honor

powerful feelings and judge ourselves for having them, we are causing our

relationships and ourselves a lot of stress.

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Ignoring those kinds of powerful feelings usually makes us end up feeling

guilty for having those feelings and we go against them, doing the very thing

we didn’t want to do in the first place. This is an intimacy KILLER.

For example:

Your husband wants sex. You ask yourself if that’s what you want to do and

realize that you’d rather string him up to a tree and skin him naked than let

him touch you. This may make you ashamed of such anger and resentment-

- he is only trying to have sex with his wife, after all. Normally, these

feelings would make you feel so ashamed that you might have sex with him

just to not feel bad.

But if you consistently acknowledge your true desire to avoid sex, you are

much more likely to start opening up about your feelings with him over time.

This will get you back to a healthy, honest relationship.

When you acknowledge your true voice, you are always happiest and most

confident; you are more likely to invite intimacy with a man when you are

happy and confident.

What will eventually happen when you listen to your inner voice is that you

will begin to automatically do what you want to do without guilt or anxiety.

Sometimes we get upset with men because we think they are making us do

things for them and the relationship that we don’t want to do. We feel like

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they are putting us on the spot and that we will feel too guilty or ‘bad’ if we

don’t do something for them. Or we feel terrified that not doing something

will make them leave us.

However, a man doesn’t want you to do things out of guilt. He doesn’t want

you to resent him or be tense around him. And he doesn’t want you to avoid

being yourself out of a fear of losing him.

Don’t expect him to know that he shouldn’t be asking certain things of you or

taking you for granted in certain ways. You take care of you and start having

the kind of relationship with yourself where you are aware of how things

make you feel, so that you can begin to only do the things you want to do.

When you follow your inner voice, you don’t have resentments and you bring

less hostility to the relationship. You make room for both of you to know

each other’s needs and limits, moods and reactions, and you both ultimately

build more closeness in a safe, healthy way that’s void of hostile feelings like


Remember Rule #2 to giving and doing for a man: You have to enjoy the

giving and doing, too! Asking yourself “What do I really want to do?” will

help you eventually get to this place.

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Chapter Four

Expressing Your Voice

Once you are writing about your feelings, thoughts and triggers, and you are

constantly asking your Female Fire side what it wants to do in any given

situation, you should start taking time to be honest with your man about

your feelings.

Whenever you are feeling upset, happy, lonely, misunderstood,

disconnected, connected, happy, safe, overwhelmed, etc., take a

chance to comment on your feelings!

Simply say aloud in his presence, “I’m feeling disconnected” or “When

someone ignores me, I feel awful!” And then do nothing but stay still in your

feelings. Don’t get upset if your man rolls his eyes and don’t say something

snooty. Don’t run out of the room and hide in your pillow. Just sit in your

feelings—not running to him or away from him.

Simply voice your feelings, feel them, and let them pass through. Treat his

ears like the pages of your journal. An enchantress never clings to a man to

solve an issue and she never runs from a conflict. She just states how she

feels without apology. She is fearless and always expresses herself.

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Now, a good man will usually try to help comfort you. He will try to make

you feel better, if you are feeling upset or down. He will be there to help you

talk it through it. Even if he doesn’t take responsibility for hurting you, he

still may hold your hand, listen and say, “I don’t want you to feel that way.”

He may not give you all the reassurance and the things you need, but he will

be open and understanding.

Even men, whom aren’t initially understanding of your need to express your

feelings, will start to open up more and more over time. They will listen

better and get less defensive when you mention your feelings. They will

start to trust that you aren’t going to start screaming and yelling about all

their faults just because you mention that you are feeling something


Once you feel comfortable sharing your feelings more, something funny will

happen inside you: you won’t need to comment on your feelings as much

anymore. You will start to feel closer and more connected even in moments

when you don’t share. The intimacy in your relationship will be strong even

in quiet moments when you aren’t on the same page.

The sharing of your feelings aloud just helps to create a safe place for you to

feel and experience the comforts of unconditional ‘there-ness’—that the

person is unconditionally there to love you no matter what you feel inside.

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Sharing your feelings allows for trust to build inside you. When you feel safe

in ‘unconditional there-ness’, you start to trust your man. Your trust builds

his trust in you and your love.

See, an enchantress knows that a man may find a woman who brings up her

feelings a lot to be annoying, but actually, it’s bringing him closer to her.

Why do you think men love ‘crazy’ women-- women who are hyper emotional

and create drama all the time? A lot of this is about the man having a

chance to feel something. These women are upping the volume and creating

such intensely emotional scenarios, that the men are able to feel something,

rather than remain rational and logical all the time. The emotional highs and

lows let them feel.

These relationships are toxic for many reasons and don’t last. You can get a

man to feel more of himself without this. When you can make him feel his

feelings in a safe environment, you have created the perfect breeding ground

for deep loving feelings to grow.

(Side note: Don’t forget to voice your positive feelings too! It takes a lot of

vulnerability to admit when someone touches our hearts and makes us

happy. But allowing that vulnerability to be expressed deepens your bond

like you wouldn’t believe.)

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Chapter Five

What to Do When He Opens Up!

Listen up! Here comes the tricky part…

Once you start knowing yourself better and opening up and mentioning how

you feel, your man may start to do the same. He probably won’t say, “I feel

___” but he will try in his way to talk about what he is thinking or feeling.

If he does open up, you have to listen and not attack him. This is really

hard. When a man says, “I feel disenchanted by this relationship” or “I feel

unhappy” while in your presence, you probably are going to want to have a

‘freak out’.

That’s okay. Have an INTERNAL freak out. Feel everything but don’t put the

freak out on him—don’t blame, attack, beg, plead, etc. Tell him how you feel

back, whether his words hurt, etc. And then do nothing. Don’t yell at him,

cry to him for reassurance, etc. This is really hard to do—feel and expose

feeling without REACHING for reassurance. Again I repeat—it’s hard.

But if you can make it a safe place for him to reveal his feelings about the

relationship and about you, he will do so more often. Then constructive

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dialogues begin to take place—he explains why he feels a certain way and

possibly what you can do together as a couple to fix the issue.

No woman wants to hear something like, “I’m not attracted to you anymore”

or “I don’t like our time together like I used to” but enchantresses are

solution-oriented and confident.

Enchantresses know that if a man brings up his feelings to her it’s because

he wants to still be with her, he just needs her to help him feel reconnected.

She also knows that if she doesn’t listen or makes it all about how she hurts

because of his feelings, he will feel unheard and leave her!

You have to be open to hearing the needs of your man and you have to work

to give him those needs. He also has to do this for you! You BOTH need to

be invested in your relationship on a deep level!

The trust that it takes to tend to his needs, hoping he appreciates your

efforts and starts to show up to the relationship better and more fully, is

immense. That’s why an enchantress has to be in a committed relationship

before she can start to work for her relationship.

An enchantress never works for love—she only works to deepen love with her

man when he is available to do that work with her, next to her.

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Until you get to a strong level of commitment with a man, you only share

your feelings, listen to his, do whatever you can for yourself and your

happiness and trust that he will come around. You do NOT break your back

to earn his love. You do for him when you can and if it feels good, but not

for any specific reaction from him.

If he’s not on board 100% then you can’t be either. If he comes around

great, if not, you move on.

Emotional intimacy between a man and a woman is a delicate silk thread that

is easily broken. Resentment, bitterness, loneliness can seep in and split

that thread so fast, it’s scary. You have to stay on top of keeping that

connection safe and secure and eventually you will get to a place where you

have to both do it together, and a commitment becomes necessary.

An enchantress leads the way, hoping that her man will dive in and give her

a commitment. She never asks for it nor does she do more for him than he

does for her. She only works at revealing her WHOLE self to a man—her

insecurities, her fears, her needs—and then gives him the room he needs to

see how amazing she is and how precious she is in his life. If he can’t realize

this, she can’t be there.

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How long does this take? You have to decide. Follow all the enchantress

secrets in Red Rose and the tips in this book, and when you feel like you

have put your best foot forward for love, you’ll know when to give up.

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Chapter Six

Some Tips To Boost Your Intimacy Quotient

Intimacy is all about the small moments. It happens in the passing moments

of life—a hug before work, a childhood confession after sex, a kiss before

bed, a laugh in the car coming home from a date, a chat about mutual

dreams over wine and bad cheese…

It’s important to make the best of these small moments. It’s the small

moments that add up in his mind and make him feel safe enough to come

closer to you. Physical closeness in these moments make him feel

passionate enough about you to desire your sex and body for life.

Before I conclude, I want to offer some simple ways to make you feel and act

like the kind of woman who effortlessly invites deep intimacy in the small

moments of a relationship.

First way to bring him in: Open your heart.

In Inspire His Love For You (http://www.inspirehisloveforyou.com), my other

e-program for women, Sarah Jeanette and I talk at length about having an

open heart. I strongly recommend this program for that simple reason


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But for now I will say that having positive and loving thoughts running

through your head about your man will produce a loving feeling inside you

for him. Intimacy can be DESTROYED at the drop of a hat. One nasty

remark, one eye roll, one missed phone call and the love can go from tender

to tense to nonexistent.

You have to take moments when you are about to see him or are in his

presence (especially moments when you are feeling disconnected or

unappreciated), and you have to change your thoughts so that you don’t

make choices from a place of distrust.

Think about him and come up with at least three things you love about him.

Cloud your head with love so that you don’t start feeling distrust.

Distrust makes us stiff, anxious, brittle, cranky and walled-up. It makes

men unable to feel our femaleness and melt into us. We become off-putting

to men and seem cold and less sweet.

Men love warm, sweet women who authentically FEEL warm and sweet

inside. Opening your heart by changing your thoughts will change the way

FEEL inside. This shift in your feelings will make you touch him, look at him,

laugh with him, joke with him, all from a place of deep love and trust. It will

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make you sexy and more inviting. Sexiness is often times just about being

more open to love!

Enchantresses are masters of this. They know how to look at a man and

immediately see all his goodness, all his vulnerability! This changes the way

she acts with him and as a result, he feels weak in the knees and full of a

desire to please her.

Ever meet a woman who made you feel like you were so valuable to her that

she never hesitated to hug you or talk with you like you were the most

important woman in the room? She looked at you with love in her eyes as

you spoke and touched you often to show you she was connected to you.

She was enchanting you with her love and open heart!

The second way to bring him in: Touch him.

Your touch is so important to your man. Touch him often and with lots of

love in your heart.

Caress him lightly, like his skin is something your fingers are curious about.

Touch him like you are acknowledging the beautiful, sensitive soul that

resides under his skin.

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Don’t touch him to claim him or to own him. Touch him only to show him

that you are there, seeing his essence, his light, his goodness, etc. Touch

him to show him that he is safe with you and that you are a place for him to

feel comfortable being himself and taking down his guard. He has to take off

his armor with you at his own pace and at his own will, but your touch just

shows him that you are available to “hold his truths” when he is ready.

The third way to bring him in: Your affirming words.

An enchantress never misses the opportunity to tell a man how manly he is.

She knows that he needs to feel like a great knight and therefore, she never

misses an opportunity to flatter his status in her eyes.

She says things like, “You are a great man!” Or “The way you _____ is

incredible” or “You really know how to make me happy, baby!”

He needs this. He needs to feel like he is important to you because he is so

capable as a man to make you happy and make you admire him.

This is the key to seducing a man! If you want him to act like a knight in

shining armor, you have to LET him be your knight and you have to give him

encouragement by telling him how great he is at doing it.

Fourth way to bring him in: Your sensuality!

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Just like you have to change your thoughts to open your heart, you have to

change your body language to open up the space between you and a man

and make room for intimacy to grow.

When you are fully in your senses as a woman, you are feeling your body.

When you can taste, smell, touch, hear and see things acutely and with deep

sensitivity, you are living in your body as a woman.

Men need a woman who can slow down and live in her body. Men live in

their heads—thinking all the time, processing their thoughts to come up with

a rational solution. Their overworked minds need to take a break and a

woman who can draw a man out of his thoughts and into his senses with her

own sensuality is a seductress.

When you quiet your mind and live in the moment, really allowing your

senses to fill up with the sensory objects and sounds around you, you

become so inviting for a man.

When you can sit with him at dinner and talk about how good the food is and

how much you love the art on the walls, he’ll feel connected to you in a

romantic way. Romance happens over talks about things that open your

senses—poetry, music, breath-taking scenery, etc. It doesn’t happen over

chats about taxes and daily to-do lists.

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When you are in your senses, your body loosens up, your mind goes calm

and your intimacy-quotient rises. Your intimacy quotient is how intimate

your energy feels to a man—whether he wants to get close with you or not

by the way you move and talk…

You walk different after a hot bath and a douse in perfume oil than you do

when you take a quick shower and slather on some cheap body lotion.

You listen more during a conversation when you introduce classical music

into your life more often and can be genuinely moved by the nuances in the


A man can notice small shifts like these, even if they are just about

something as subtle as the way you walk into a room or how long you can

deeply listen without interrupting him in a conversation. These shifts in your

sensuality lead to more moments of intimacy and a willingness on his part to

know you better.

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Book’s Summary Points

• Don’t try to be someone you aren’t to play the part of a man’s fantasy


• Always strive to reveal your whole self to a man.

• Know yourself through journaling your thought patterns, your needs

and your relationship issues.

• Always ask yourself what you want to do!

• Open a man up by revealing all your feelings as they happen.

• Don’t reach to him for comfort or pull reassurance from him, but allow

him come to you in his own time and in his own way.

• Share your positive feelings with him, too.

• Listen to his needs without getting defensive

• Only settle for a relationship with an INVESTED man.

• Have an open heart, a giving touch, a supportive dialogue and a

sensual outlook on life to further magnetize his heart!