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    Librairie Internationale de la ,, Pensee Nouvelle**Rue da Louvre, 15, PARIS

    Ouvrages de G. A. MANNhe D^veloppement de la Volonte par TEntraine-ment de la Pensee, 3^ edition, un volume


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    Dr. H. BARADUC "^^^


    G. A. MANN, Editeur, Rue du Louvre, 15 1913

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    Copyright 19 12


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    CHAPTER IPreface

    The physical manifestations of the soul. The vast worldof the Invisible. Solar light and visible objects. The dif-ference of study between the here-below and the hereafter.How the fluidic invisible manifests itself. The means em-ployed to record the manifestation. Second plane of life.The two divisions of this work.


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    PREFACEto manifest the colour and the form of thevisible material bodies.

    In the immense region of the invisiblewhich I hope to open up to-day to experi-mental science, from the little I have beenable to observe, one can distinctly remarkthe difference, which exists between theobjects and means of study ofthe here-afterand the objects and means of study of thehere-below. Instead of being material, thatis to say tangible ; instead of being visible,that is to say, of revealing itself by meansof an extrinsic solar or artificial light, thefluidic invisible is manifested through itsown intimate luminous and intrinsic force.A degree of more or less marked sponta-neous determinism on its part is necessaryto obtain it. One is no longer, in fact, inthe presence of purely mechanical forces.As to the means, these are methods which

    I have discovered, in which the exteriorluminous ray of the here-below is replacedby the electric breeze, projecting theemanated vibration of our soul, as well asthe psychic force proceeding from our


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    THE HUMAN SOULthought or attracting the invisible object^vhich tends to manifest itself sympneu-matically.For this end, it allo^vs itself to be magne-

    tised, to be drawn by our living force : onemust, in a v^ord, knov^ how to induct thepsycho-odo-fluidic current v^hich the platerecords on its passage.Further, darkness is necessary to collect

    the intimate vibration of a living being,for in daylight it is immerged in the intens-ity of the exterior solar light. Electricityis not always necessary.

    Is it ancient magic, which comes fromthe dark sanctuary, where it was adored,and comes, in its time, to bow down beforehuman science and unveil itself in itsturn ? Perhaps ..


    I have, however, found a method to showthe existence of the ftuidic Invisible, as themicroscope shows the infinitely small mat-erial particles, and beyond a doubt, I haveexperimentally opened up the path to thesecond plane, that of integral life andspontaneous determinism in movement.


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    PREFACEWhatever may be the consequences ofmy

    discovery, this step forward tow^ards truth,taken opportunely and vs^ith ponderationcan only enlighten humanity, make itregret the colossal error of the negation oflife in the hereafter, and assure it of itstransformation in the super-terrestrialplanes.

    This w^ork consists of two parts. In thefirst, the Biometer show^s the movementsof the soul acting on the needle, whichrecords them and thus gives the formulaof the vital temperament.In the second, Iconography show^s the

    luminous vibration of the soul, which isgraphed on a sensitive plate, and thecreation of fluidico-vital images by thespirit modulating the vital animistic force(psychicones).Each of these chapters might compose a

    book in itself : others will write them ; to-day I am simply opening up a new routetowards truth.

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    CHAPTER IIMovements of the human vital Soul

    The author's triple point of view. The registration of amovement of the soul. How these were verified and clas-sified. The element of life. The biometer and how itrecords the state of soul. The realisation of ProfessorLodge's desideratum. First law of the vital fluidic body.What constitutes our fluidic body. The interpretation ofthe obtained formulae. The behaviour of the needle of thebiometer. The formula of the normal state. How neur-asthenia is betrayed. The oscillatory movement of thehysterical. The double r61e of the soul. Nature of thephenomenon. Definition of vital force. Its test of actionacross a vacuum. Further experiments. The proof thatthis force is not electricity. What the biometrical formulaexpresses.



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    iviovements of the human vital soul^interpreted by the biometer. Natureof the movements of the soul.

    In this chapter where it is a question ofthe interpretation of the different move-ments of the vital soul by the biometer,the author takes up the triple point ofview of the fact, of the interpretationof the phenomenon, and of its nature. (1)

    I'' THE FACT is represented by aneedle hanging from the end of a cocoonthread not twisted, w^hich, from a distance,without contact with the hand, presents,at the approach of this latter, movements

    (1) Biometer, stem Greek : Bios, life : metron, measure. 17 --

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    THE HUMAN SOULof attraction or of repulsion, which recordthe direction and the behaviour of anintimate movement in us, a movement ofthe soul.Repeated observation has allowed the

    direction of this movement of life to beinterpreted, so well that, with due regardto its constancy, it has been able to beexpressed in exact formulae. As verificat-ion, the doctor reproduced, at will, theseformulae, by suggesting to hypnotisedpeople the state of soul corresponding tothe formula, which he had previouslyinterpreted.When we show, presently, that the

    movements of the needle are dueneither to heat nor electricity, it will beproved by that, that life is not thechemical function of an organ, but theresultant of an intelligent element, andpossessor of its own movement. And bybiometrically recording the movements oflife, the state of soul and the vitalforce, it is remarked in a person of well-poised mind as well in a neurasthenic,


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    MOVEMENTS OF THE HUMAN VITAL SOULnervous or hysteric subject, in such amanner, that the biometer, wich seemsonly to be one with the biometrifiedperson, gives a different formula foreach of them.This registration by the needle, from

    henceforth, makes the vital force enterthe domains of physics. Thus the desi-deratum of Professor Lodge is realised,when he said : '* Life is not energy. Itis a directing element, which has notyet found its place in the domain ofphysics. " No, cosmic life is not energy,it is neither heat, nor electricity, norlight, but it can give birth to them.Soul or fluidic vital body. From

    the whole of more than a thousand ob-servations, arises a first law : Halfof the right fluidic body attracts thecosmic lifCy whilst half of the leftbody repels. The proportion is 3 to.l.There thus remains two unities of vitalforce in us, since three enter and one isexteriorised. These two unities consti-tute our fluidic double, that is to say.

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    THE HUMAN SOULan ethereal fluidic body, an exact doublethe socius of the material body.The vital cosmic force, also called odic

    fluid Od, a particular natural force,Tvhich extends over the w^hole Universe,and differs from all the known forces, saturates the organism of living beingsand constitutes our fluidic boay, vs^hichmay be divided into four vital centresor animistic powers, namely : cerebralcentre, cardio-pulmonary centre, gastriccentre and genital centre. Our organismis therefore divided into a cerebral seg-ment, a pulmonary segment, a gastricsegment, a genital segment, which havea radio-activity, a zone of vibrationwhich is particular to each of them.The fluidic body, or astral body is theintermediary of the material body andthe spiritual soul. One might say, withthe Pythagoreans, that the body is thechariot, the fluidic or astral body, thehorse, and the soul the driver.T THE INTERPRETATION OF THEFORMULA. When the vital body is


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    MOVEMENTS OF THE HUMAN VITAL SOULin a state or in movement it deter-mines in the apparatus a similar stateor movement by means of the needle.

    I recall to mind, that it was by mul-tiplied observations ; by statistics andsuggestive reproduction of states of soulexactly repeating my formulae that I cameto interpret them. The right side of thevital attractive body is in communicationvs^ith cosmic life, and expresses the phys-ical vitality, whilst the left side is incommunication v^ith the spirit and ex-presses the psychical vitality.The behaviour of the needle of the

    biometer interprets that of our intimatemovements, of which it reproduces theamplitude, the slowness, the rapidity,the oscillation, etc. This behaviour isremarkable in the states of neurasthenicdouble attraction, of expansive doublerepulsion.

    In a normal state, the vital soulreveals its equality and its good vitality,by the equilibrium between the rightattraction and the left repulsion. The


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    THE HUMAN SOULtype of formula : Attraction^ Repul-sion^ is that of the well poised body inits material and moral manifestations.The formula Attraction (Attraction indic-

    ating the weakness of the material vital-ity, that is to say, of blood, of nutrit-ion, of the digestive tube, as well asthe weakness of the psychical vitality)betrays the cerebral spinal neurastheniawith predominance in one or the otherof its forms.From the moral point of view, Att./att.

    means sadness, fear, contrition.Repulsion/Repulsion indicates the ani-

    mistic exterioration in the great move-ments of soul, just as joy, anger orexuberance of life.The formula 0/0 gives the equilibriumbetween the tension of vital force in usand of universal force. From the moralpoint of view, it signifies calmness, cold-ness, indifference.

    If Attr. 5/0 is a formula of vital refect-ion, Attr. 30/0 is a formula of realnervous affection and of hypocondriasis,


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    MOVEMENTS OF THE HUMAN VITAL SOULfluidic diseases by default of ponderat-ion.Such is the interpretation of some form-

    ulae and their import : but it is furthernecessary to consider the behaviour ofthe needle, which moves gently, ponder-ably in ponderated natures or rapidlyby jerks vrith the hysterical. The extreme-ly nervous attract very rapidly from40" to 50" by the right hand, the leftgiving nothing.The hysterical type shows great oscil-

    lations, attracting and repelling in thesame unity of time and on the sameside.The more the material body is lack-

    ing in force, the more the vital bodymakes attractive appeals to the cosmiclife which surrounds it and with whichit establishes an intimate and harmon-ious exchange.The double role of the soul, its media-

    tion between our body and our spirit,reveals a foresight and a wisdom, which


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    THE HUMAN SOULformerly made the vital force to be con-sidered as a mother. It was also onthe curative action of good MotherNature that the expectant school ofHippocrates relied ; it was through her,that Hippocrates awaited the return tohealth.

    All these considerations bring intoprominence the final aim of the Geniusof life, which is in us, the Genius charg-ed with the refection of the body andwith the manifestation of the spirit.There exists therefore in us a realphysical and super-material soul, fluidicdouble of the human body, the intimatemovement of which may be recordedby the displacement of a needle at adistance.

    3** NATURE OF THE PHENOMENON, What is the nature of the needle ?A series of experiments has allowed

    me to reject the action of heat and of elec-tricity, and to bring to light a special


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    THE HUMAN SOULthickness of 1/2 millimetre of alum wasproduced. Now in spite of this isolatingcarapace, and as if it did not exist, the

    needle had the same movements ofattraction and of repulsion.One can then eliminate heat as a

    moving agent of the needle. 26

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    MOVEMENTS OF THE HUMAN VITAL SOULElectricity remained. To make a con-

    clusive experiment, in order to eliminateelectricity, I enveloped the apparatusvv^ith a covering of mica, an adia-electricbody, and the needle did not ceased tobe influenced 'by the two hands.

    It w^as then, definitely fixed, that thedoctor constituted his biometer with adouble adiathermic shield of alum, steep-ed in collodion, which did not let theheat pass, and with a adiaelectric cover-ing of mica, v^hich did not let the elec-tricity pass, the whole covered with silk.To confirm the character of the vital

    force with certainty, as a force indepen-dent of heat and electricity, the doctortook his own biometrical formula withthe double-coated apparatus and thatduring ninety days. Then, he noted howhis biometrital formula varied with hisstate of soul and bodily condition.This justified him in saying that the

    movement of the needle is not producedby the climateric conditions but theobserved formula was the expression of


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    THE HUMAN SOULthe degree and of the nature of hispersonal vitality. As conclusion, it clearlyfollows from these experiments, that itis neither the climateric conditions, northe calorific and electric phenomena ofour material body which disturb theneedle, but our own animistic move-ments, those of the soul in its physicaland psychical manifestations.These fair experiments carried on for

    three months on his own vital soul, bya living observer by the side of hisapparatus, is a real page of the psycho-physionomy of the soul ; it reveals hisstates corresponding to the formulaetaken. The biometrical formula by itssign and its interpretation, therefore,expresses the behaviour, the movement,the polarisation, even the direction of thehuman soul.

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    Technical and theoretical statement oft

    iconography.The capital phenomenon

    consists in how the sensitiveplate, which is thought notto receive any impression inthe dark, is impressed.The silver salts are con-

    verted, not only by what wecall exterior solar light andby electric fulguration, butalso by the intimate light ofthe soul.

    Dr, H. Baraduc.Iconography, that is to say the fixation

    by the image of the invisible vibrations,has nothing in common with solar photo-graphs, in which the light of the sunproduces the forms and the reversedoutlines of an object on a plate put beyondthe focus of the lense.

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    THE HUMAN SOULIn Iconography, I have not studied the

    solar light, reflected by photographedobjects, as an impressing agent of theplate; on the contrary, I have alwaysattempted to affect this same plate bywaves, by emanations, by the intimatevibrations of the invisible or visible objectsin more or less obscurity.

    I have especially sought to obtain thesignatures of hidden forces, vital andpsychical forces ^ refused up to thepresent.Iconography, such as I believe to havecreated and exposed, is based on the directaction of the human soul acting throughthe hand on the plate. Since 1893 myexperiments have taken place withoutany intermediary lense, reversing theimage. Solar light is refracted in inflect-ed foci, whilst the animistic glimmeringof man, or the force of universal life,penetrates straight into the bodies, oremerges without deviation and tracesitself in its very form.The interpretation of the seen forms is

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    STATEMENT OF ICONOGRAPHYsubject to discussion, as every interpretat-ion, but in any case, the plate is impressedin circumstances unusual to ordinaryphotography, and for a quite differentuse, than for which it was destined. Itshould not be impressed, and never-theless it is.

    It was destined to reproduce the exteriorlight of an object, instantaneously, indaylight, or to retrace its form, the revers-ed projections and shadows.In iconography, the plate receives, very

    slowly, no longer by the solar ray, but byan electro-vital current (wind, breeze) orsimply by a direct emission, no longer,the exterior light of the object, but whatis called its internal light, its intimatesoul, which it records. To produce thisimage, the condensing apparatus, thelense is not necessary. Iconography isthen not governed by laws of refractionand inflected foci ; it is a law peculiar tothis vital force, to our soul of life, ofdirectly graphing itselfwithout undergoingtransposition by the fact of its passage from

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    THE HUMAN SOULa dense surrounding into a surroundingless dense, and such as it is in form.To obtain this internal light, this obscure

    fire of vitality, the whole consists in plac-ing one's self in certain conditions. In anycase, here is a new chapter of higherphysics \vrested from the occult andopening out to man a new world, that ofunkno^vn forces, belonging to the domainof the invisible, Avhere nothing is lost,where everything is transformed; and ifthe terrestrial dust of beings, having onceexisted, is refound at the present time, onecould also discover the shadows of those,who have passed, leaving in the words ofOvid, ,, the body to the earth, the shadowto the tomb and the spirit to the heavens. "One may at this very moment payhomage to the great occultists of formertimes, who have expressed by symbolsthe forms and vibrations of these forces,which they kept carefully hidden.Since they had no photographic platesat their disposal to reveal these forces byfixing them, one is logically led to consider


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    them as inspired or prophetic. Perhapsthey also possessed means of registrationsince lost, like so many other things.

    In the study of the production of theimages or icones, we must consider fourfactors :

    1. The operator^ with his vital andpsychic power

    2. The electric fluids and the intermed-iate cosmic space between him and theplate

    3. The sensitive plate , a receptiveorgan, the fixative body of the producedcurrent

    4. The invisible, which does not fallunder our senses. It is this invisiblewhich is drawn by the human will,forcing, the appeal and creating the attract-ed current of ambient forces, belonging tovitality or to universal intelligence.The human spirit will be able likewise

    to project its own fluidic psychic body, andthe plate to collect it. The whole consistsin being able to create the current ; there isno need of a lense of any kind.

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    THE HUMAN SOULIn conclusion ; to succeed in these exper-

    iments, one must kno^v how to create thisattractive current of animation, whichconbines the hierarchy of the known withthe unknown different forces, and forms anintermediary ladder between our visibleworld and the invisible world : in a word,to elevate and lead our spirit so as to beable to put ourselves in relationship withthe conscious forces, to act on the semi-conscious forces, or to re-act on them incase of need.Kunrath has found the formula, which

    shows the best state of soul to possess inorder to obtain a result.

    ,, Laborando, perseverando, orando. '*,, By working, by persevering, by pray-

    ing. -


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    CHAPTER IVL^i^hts of the vital soul. Seven luminousmovements unveiled by iconographyThe soul as light. The experimental proof of its existence Self-consciousness of the Spirit. First Light. How

    the od arrives on the human body. The formation of theindividualised cosmic life. The exteriorisation of sensibil-ity. The hypnogenous points. Second Light. Theshower of life and of light. The fluidic lymph of our organ-ic cellules. Definition of the Somod. Its subordinationto the soul. Its relation to the cosmic forces. The finalmanifestation of the vital cosmic force. The rudiments ofthe first vitality. Their composition. The proof thatthey are extra-electric. The form assumed by the exterior-ised soul. Third Light. The meaning of the term "humansoul". The soul intelligence germ and the spiritual soul. Of what the particular soul is a part. The centre of thesoul-circle. Existence of soul germ after material-fluidicdeath. Fourth Light. The embryogeny of the Invisible. The fertilization of the soul germ. How the materialbody is formed around this union. The moral atmosphereafter corporeal death. The ascension of the soul germ. Fifth Light, The complete adept. The utilisation of thesurrounding materials. The evolution of the human minp

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    How our fluidic forms are modulated. The condensationof life around the spiritual soul. The free-will of thehuman soul. The power of the resolute spirit. Ameans of obtaining the first two lights. The projections ofa mental image onto a plate. What this luminous vibra-tions is. How to aid the exteriorisation of the image. The three necessary conditions for the expression of thespirit. Hand as agent of transmission. The movementof the soul without contact. Sixth Light. The luminousemanations of the soul. When fluidic exteriorisation isremarked. The reciprocal attraction of the projected sco-riae. The inconscious perspiration of the Somod. 5^-venth Light The vital quintessence. How the spiritin prayer luminously expressed. The ascension of thespirit. The demonstrable existence of the soul. Relationbetween the spirit and its manifestations. The seven statesof the soul.


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    Lights of the vital soul : Seven luminousmovements unveiled by iconography.

    If the biometer has already sho^vn us thatthe soul was movements we shall see in thischapter that the soul is equally light. Invis-ible to the human eye under ordinary con-ditions, this light possesses photo-chemicalaction powerful enough to be objectivifiedon a sensitive plate.The human soul, luminous vibration and

    intelligentified movement, therefore entersthe domain of physics, by giving us its ownfiguration, the figuration of its form. Italso adds, by itself, the experimental proof


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    THE HUMAN SOULof its existence, similarly to that alreadyfurnished by philosophy, logic and psy-chology.The spirit is only manifested by the soul,

    because the soul is the luminous form, thecovering of the spirit. Not only has thespirit the knowledge of what surroundsit by the exterior means of the senses, butit also has the notion of its essence. Thespirit knows itself, compares itself, feelsitself one and eternal, as Leibnitz expressesit : ,, We know, we feel we are eternal. "It is w^hy he rectified the aphorism : thatnothing comes to the spirit itself : ,, Nihilest in intellectu, quod non prius fuerit insensu, nisi ipse intellectus. " Intelligenceperceives nothing apart from the senses, ifit is not the spirit itself.


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    FIRST LIGHTOd, polarised thread of life, being indi-

    vidualised in luminous peas. Monopolar-ised OD being unified with a shower ofliving light.

    One may compare the Od to a webhaving a ellipsoidal direction; its arrivalon the human body takes place accordingto the needs, in columns of cohesive forceand by rounded segmentation in forms ofdrops, luminous peas, animistic fragmentsof the attractive cosmic force.

    Plate IV. presents in a very clear mannerthese peas and drops, which represent thevital cosmic force instinctively dividingitself to constitute particular vitalities.The individual soul is a part of the univers-al soul ; its separation from the wholemakes of it a special individualised form,a particular centre, which is in communicat-ion with the universal cosmic life in sucha manner that the vibrations or re-actions

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    THE HUMAN SOULof the Cosmos or those of our cellularvitality affect each other as if the cutaneoussurface were only a fictitious limit betweenthe universal force of life and the individualforce of life.Thus is explained the presentiment of

    atmospheric perturbations by the instinct-ive soul, before the consecutive phenomen-on, rain, sno^w or storm is produced.The exteriorisation of sensibility, of

    which M. de Rochas has made a classicalchapter of vital physiology, finds in thegraphy of this sensitive soul, which theskin does not limit, its logical demonstration.The single fact of making a prick felt from adistance, v^hen the skin remains insensible,shows, not only the outw^ard movementof the invisible sensitive soul, but dismissesall possibility of being interpreted bysuggestion, since the graphy of the sensit-ive soul is taken at the point in space,where the prick has been received.

    This plate shows two bright spots: oneunder the nostril, the other under the righteye ; these are the hypnogenous points.


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    SECOND LIGHTSomod, a complete animistic fluidic

    body, a soul formed bij the architecturalreunion of the web of life, of the lines offorce, of peas, of odic showers, of life-animules.This human light is a fluidic, malleable

    lymph of life,which the spirit willmodulate;it is the living substance, the sign of theforms, which reveal the spirit. Thisshower of life and of light depends on theodic or somod-human body. It lends itselfto the needs of the creative spirit and assu-mes the forms desired by our spiritual soul.This fluidic bond, by its ribbons and

    columns of force between the differentfluido-material systems and organs, issimilar to that cellular net, which servesas frame, as support and as grouping to thecellules of the whole body. This fluidicweb is the vital bond between the small life-souls imbibed with and nourished upon odicclouds; it isa fluidic lymphs which maintainsthe existence of these milliards of life-anim-


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    THE HUMAN SOULules, souls of our organic cellules, as serum"nourishes the leucocytes born of the cell-ular tissue. It would seem that the skel-eton of man was the very materialisationof the reticulate tissue of the fiuido-odicbody of the somod.The somod is that fluidic spectre, which

    is the intermediate agent of cosmic life andlife personified in one existence ; it is theliving luminous double of the materialbody, w^hich it possesses and maintains.The somod is itself subordinate to the soul,whether this has or has not reached thespiritualised phase.The somod is that universal soul of life

    in us, which respires that is to say,aspires, draws the cosmic forces of theuniversal Od, as it repels, expires theemanations of its Ob and accompanies theprojections of the will (Psychob) or thoseof the spirit (Psychecstasis). The somodis therefore the instrument of the spirit,but especially the vital force which assuresthe double movement of material assimil-ation and of disassimilation.

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    ELECTRO-VITAL- PARTICLESThe more we advance, the more the

    vital cosmic force abandons its generalcharacter to be divided and individualis-ed. We thus arrive at a luminous mani-festation, w^hich is incorporated, is indi-vidualised and gives us a type of the well-defined living unity, the electro-vital fluidicglobule, small creation of man.These electro-vital particles, animistic

    libellules, have an intimate interior life, inequilibrium from the centre to the peri-phery, from the periphery to the centre.The study of these electro-vital particles

    offers a particular interest, if one considersthat these small instinctive existences arerudiments of the first vitality, the atomsof magic, the spirits of the elements, themicrobes of the constellations, in thewords of Marius Decrespe.With the magnifying glass, their peripher-

    ic shell is seen occupied by a vital pea 45 ~


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    THE HUMAN SOULof second light, which sometinies seemsto present a small form.Contrary to the opinion of certain oppon-

    ents, who pretend that these electro-vitalparticles are purely electric, Docteur Bara-duc affirms that the globular form is indeedthe form of the dynamic electro-vitalcellule of this small rudimentary soul ofthe first plane. If the doctor could assertthat this cellule was nothing else but theincorporated vital force, it ^vas becausehe had the direct proof of its nature andof its formation by photography and notby electrography, that is to say in theabsence of any electricity. And these par-ticles, no longer electro-vital but vital,photographed no longer in the dark, butin semi-daylight, with an apparatus, with-out any electric instrument, are the mosttangible proof of the extra-electric naturewhich they present.They are the luminous cosmic peas pf

    the force of individualised Universal Lifelike the fragments of our human vital soul(ob) being exteriorised extra cutem (beyond


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULthe skin) ; which on contact with an elec-tro-static tension assume a fluido-electriccovering, incorporate themselves and con-stitute the electro-vital particles composedof the universal od or of the human obenveloped in electricity.


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    THIRD LIGHTSoul germ horn of the web of cosmic

    life, intelligentified in man.

    Once for all let it be said the expressionhuman soul must be taken in its true phys-ical sense, not in the religious or philo-sophic acceptation. Its point of departuremust be brought back to the phenomenon\vhich human science can record and ^vhicheverybody may agree to define as a lumin-ous and invisible form of the spirit ; theintelligence soul germ is movement andlight. ^^jHere is then a object defined in its phys-ical conditions 61 movement, of glimmer,

    of life, that is to say, by the light which isin every soul and in every man, more orless developed ; only one must distinguishbetween the soul intelligence germ andthe spiritual soul.The particular soul is a particle of the

    original universal soul ; it is instinctive, and-48-

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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULdeparting, it remains in intimate relation,by its instinctive side, with universal life,w^hich is called integral life.Every soul before its incarnation is a

    wheel, then a circle, the hidden spirit ofwhich is the centre, the intellectual germof its future evolution, hence the name soulintelligence germ, which must be given itat its human birth.

    It has been calculated that in order tosupport ourselves, ^ve absorb during ourlife, what a goods train could carry.And who will estimate the amount ofvital force breathed in and out during thesame period of time TAfter material and fluidic death, the

    dissipated cloud of life, the soul germ alonepersists,continuing its own existence, guard-ian of its personality, of its conscience,capable of progressing morally or readyfor a new descent into corporeal life.


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    FOURTH LIGHTSpiritual soul. The four rayed pearl,transpierced by the divine radiation.

    The sphere expresses thesoul germ. The four rayedcircle with a central pointexpresses the spiritualisedsoul.

    Dr. H. B.

    The fiuido-vital forms of what might becalled the embryongeny of the invisible,in the act of procreation of souls and offuture beings, are identical with materialforms, with the incorporations of thevisible and anatomical embryo.The germinative vesicule is represented

    by the soul, which presents the samedimensions, those of a little pea similarto the luminous peas and to the electro-vital particles. And just as the malespermato-zoon penetrates the female ovuleto be broken there and to fertilize it, byamalgamating its active substance with the


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULpassive substance of the germinative point,so the subtile ray of the spirit fertilizesthe soul germ by its entrance into theanimistic particle of the universal soul,specially divided in luminous peas.The particular soul, spiritualised by the

    subtile ray of the Father, condenses itsfluidic body, its Somod, by drawing fromthe general Cosmos, from the universalsoul, the cloud of its hypersensitive sub-stance. This instinctive and cohesive forcetends to coagulate into a frozen fluid,v^hich the spirit will modulate in form.This almost gelatinous form at a precisemoment progressively transforms itselfinto flesh by the attraction of alimentaryproducts during the foetal life, until birthplaces on the visible plane a human soul,already born to the fluidic life, beforebeing born to the terrestrial plane by themoan and the pain.At the carnal death, this soul intelligencegerm remains surrounded by a more or

    less condensed atmosphere and polarisedby astral light which it has made its own


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    THE HUMAN SOULduring life by its fiuidic respiration andwhich, after death, constitutes its moralatmosphere.

    After its elevation, deprived of this vitalatmosphere, it is constituted by a simplecircle, the spirit or central intelligence ofwhich has been developed enough to occupythe Tv^hole area of the circle, and theanimistic circumference of which isreduced more and more in proportion asthe spirit ascends.


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    FIFTH LIGHTPsychicone. Spirit involving the fornix

    the imagey the sign.

    The complete adept is a centre ofradiation, from whence comes powers,potentialities, which, from correlations tocorrelations, plunge even up to the cyclesof time to come.

    Here is the key of the mystery of theproperty which the human brain has ofprojecting and making sensitive in thevisible world, the forms which its power-ful conception has engendered and hascalled forth from the elements of the invis-ible world. The adept creates nothingnew, but he utilises, works the materials,which nature has amassed around him,and which during eternities, have clothedevery possible form.

    He has only to choose what he needsand to give his thought objective existence.


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    THE HUMAN SOULIn its invisible evolution, every humanmind passes into the state of which physicalorder is the reverse and becomes an activeentity by associating itself, by unifyingitself w^ith a particular element, with one ofthe semi-intellectual forces of the kingdomof life; this mind survives as an activeintelligence, as a creature born of the spirit,during a period of longer or shorter durat-ion and proportional to the intensity ofcerebral action, which has generated it...

    Kast hoorni Sal Sing, Jewish mission.Saint-Yves d'Alveydre.

    This extract, which I owe to the kindnessof my friend, Dr. Maurice Adam, expressesscientifically and with great clearness, whatI myself would have stated in a less precisemanner. Objectivity, that is to say, thevision for the eye of liquid forms, is a fact,which I myselfhave several times been ableto verify. These fluidic forms, called halluc-inatory or real, are animistic creationsv^hich our spirit modulates or which wereceive entirely modulated by a suggestion


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULof the here-below or by a pneumo-fluidiccommunion with the hereafter.

    Life in us is a cloud of force and of light,which it is a question of knowing how tokeep condensed and grouped around theradiation of the central spiritual soul.

    Bipolarised, the human soul has its upperand lower part ; the right corresponds tothe bottom, the left corresponds to the top,for the form is double. It is therefore byits free-will, well aware of the white andthe black, of the subtile and the coarse, ofthe force of life and of light, the force ofdeath and of darkness, the being and thenon-being ; in such a way that conscious ofits position, it can polarise itself in onedirection or the other ; and takes as wellthe form, the appearance of it, and thusthe good or bad face, indicated by arelativity of light, may be explained.

    It is before all a question of the trainingof the will and the sensitive soul. One isastonished at the endurance of the materi-al body ; one must not therefore be sur-prised at the results which the resolute


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    THE HUMAN SOULSpirit may obtain by modulating the vitalforce of our body, the Somod, that is tosay the Ody the cosmic force, enclosed inus.To obtain the first two lights, the

    chemical affinity and the electro-caloricvitality must be diminished, the materialbody dematerialised, in such a way thatthe fluidic body has more room for expans-ion; the expiration must be done accord-ing to the Yogui manner, as seldom aspossible, so as to condense in one's self thelargest amount of cosmic fluid. (1)

    It is then that with or without electricity,one may project on a plate in the dark animage, well visualised, modulated by thespirit. This latter must therefore mentally

    (1) According to Colonel Olcott, from -whom Dr. Baraduc obtainedthese details, the Yog\^is isolate themselves, lying on a specialherb, soma-conya, fall into deep meditation, give themselves up toprayer or to menthrams, divine names AUM, protective spirits,whose cadence then surrounds them with invisible and elementaryforces, which obey them. They also draw the semi-consciousforces of nature, v^^hich permit them toproduce astounding phenom-ena, "the training consists in the Yogui respiration, that is to say,with long intervals betw^een; at first every minute, afterw^ardsstill more seldom. Certain Yoguis are said to make an interval ofa quarter of an hour betw^een each breath.


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    THE HUMAN SOULelectric, electroneuric forces, and Avhichcan be obtained independently of them.Recapitulation ; The spirit frames an

    image, modulates it with human vitalforce, veils itself with a form, whichexpresses it, and is exteriorised in this form,which is graphed on the plate.

    Therefore three things are necessary,namely :

    1. A special state of soul, a particularintimate interior vibration

    2. The spontaneous outlet, or aided byelectricity, of this visualised form

    3. Its reception on a plate in order thatthe phenomenon of these images of thespirit (Psychicones), these projections ofthe state of the soul, may take place.Everybody knows that the visible cor-

    poreal image produced by photography, isformed beyond the inflected foci of thelense, hut it is reversed. On the otherhand, for the invisible fluido-psychic imageno lense or apparatus is necessary, the imagecrosses it, without being reversed, such asit was conceived in form.


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULThe psychicone is therefore directlyemitted, such as it has been conceived by

    the thought and transmitted by the hand,considered at all times as the most perfectorgan after the brain. The hand is theagent of touch, of prehension, of contact,of signature, it is the extension of thebrain.This relationship between the brain, the

    hand and the plate to produce animage with-out a lense, astonishes physicists, who havealways need of points of support to prod-uce a mechanical movement. And never-theless the biometric formulae daily provethe movements from a distance withoutcontact. The movement of the humansoul begets them without undergoing anydeviation at the rounded face of thebiometer, which it penetrates; in the sameway the light of the living soul, modulatedin a projected image, passes from thefingers without being reversed ; it is thesoul itself which acts vs^ith its glimmering.


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    SIXTH LIGHTOhy emanatioiiy exhalation ; psychob.

    Life considered up to the present inits organic manifestations has only beenviewed as a phenomenon of materialassimilation and disassimilation of chem-ical substances.Now, we have seen by the Biometer

    that the soul had a double movement ofappeal to the hereafter, of contractionover itself and of expansion of rejectionin the invisible. Further, Iconographyhas shown the phenomena of odic con-densation and of penetration to feed thesoul, the Somod. We are now going tostudy the luminous phenomena of anim-mistic emanation, under the name of Ob,a movement of expiration of the soul,which the plate records, simple obic expir-ation, projection of the icones visualisedand modulated by thought.When the hand is put in front of a


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULplate, the sensitive side, the movementof the needle of the biometer is seenat the end of a certain time, and afterthe development of the plate the signa-ture of the obic emanation.The needle being repelled 5**, one notes

    phenomena of fluidic exterioration, simi-lar to those I obtained on a plate ofMajor Darcet ; but I remarked further,that though the needle was not set inmotion, the plate nevertheles receivedan impression.The soul, by its exhalation, projects

    fragments, scorise still living and lumin-ous, the reciprocal attraction of whichis powerful enough, indistinctly to repeatthe form, the appearance of the physic-al sensitive soul, wich it constituted.The strength of vital association, offormative affinity of this soul, is sogreat, that these rejected particles tendto keep and reproduce the animistic formfrom which they emanate, as well asthe state of soul itself.The fluidic expiration of the material


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    THE HUMAN SOULsoul, an emission similar to urinationcompared to liquids, to^ air exhaled bythe lungs, is still a little of the livedlife of the being to whom it belonged.The perspiration of the soul unconscious-ly accomplished, must therefore be com-pared to the pulmonary expiration, andinstinctively reproducing the form ofthe being who has just cast it out.We have seen the emanation graphedrelatively to physical man, we shall soonsee it in regard to intellectual man.



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    SEVENTH LIGHTPsychecstasis

    Physical man, moral man, intellect-ual man is really and truly containedin the least particle of this vital quint-essence, which not onl}^ is attached toall the objects touched by an individual,but also to all those v^hich have beenin his sphere of action " (Delaage).When the vs^ill is expressed in prayer,the spirit, the subtile psyche occupies thewhole of the area of the small luminousprojection, whilst the glimmering of theanimistic circumference is reduced to asimple flange. In prayer, the spiritualmovement in us predominates, and theform of the soul is attenuated in propor-tion as the spirit rises, at the point ofleaving its fluidic body.Man then, by his spiritual light, projects

    the pearls of his prayer towards theinfinite God. The divine spirit of man


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    THE HUMAN SOULby his ecstasic projections, tends to risein spiritual particles towards the centreof all spirituality : his light goes to theLight, and his spirit to the Spirit. Theecstasic orison joins the earth to theHeavens.The present study attempts the demonstr-

    ation of the fluidic existence of thesoul, considered as eternal movementand light, by its photo-chemical actionon silver salts. It is demonstrable, notonly in its existence, in its substance,but still more in its relative value, reveal-ed by the perfection of the form, theglimmering of the sign and the grandeurof the manifestation.The human spirit to manifest itselfassumes a form; this flluidic form is the

    soul, the luminous movement, the natureof which is more or less materialised,more or less spiritualised, accordingvrhether it descends towards matter, orwhether it rises tovs^ards the universalSpirit. But it none the less presents,from the physical point of view, a series


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    LIGHTS OF THE VITAL SOULof luminous manifestations, in relationto the series of animistic vitalities or ofa more or less elevated state of soul.

    It is therefore possible to attempt aclassification; which amounts to sayingthat our spirit one, is veiled in a cloakof animistic light, which presents sevendifferent luminous manifestations, corres-ponding to seven states of soul, to sevenpersonalities in a single conscience, toseven ecfos in a single self.


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    Science of L.i^ht and of Life

    Present definition of light. Calculations of the vibrations. The scope of perception of the eye. Its insufficiency asstandard. The range of receptivity of the sensitive plate. How^ the different lights may be classified. The meta-physical light now become objective. The invisible reveal-ed. The luminosity of all movement. The four planes oflight. Their demonstration by the plate. The criterionof the movement of life. The conception of the Spirit byits flash. First Light. Visible. The property of solarlight. Roentgen rays. For w^hat means these are employed. The illumination of the intimate light of the fluidic body. The link between physical and vital experiments. Howvibratory movement is propagated. The amplitude andvibrations of sound, heat, light, invisible light. Refractionand reflection. Second Light, Invisible. Visibledemonstration of human electricity. The experiments oflodko. Third Light. Iconographable occult invisible lights.The unknown element which fills space. Modern scienceand this element. The deduction from the totality ofknown facts. The primordial subtances Force. The twomanifestations of movement. The role of the third factor.


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    The constitution of creative light. How the data ofattraction and expansion of movement are furnished. Thecoagulating and dissolving poles. The demonstration ofthe two opposed forces. Substance-Force. Vital forcebefore esoterism. The Web of the Universe. The inter-pretation of the hidden light. The creator of all things. The theory of the Cabalists. The manifestation of the uni-versal fluid. Its various names. How this current offluid may be influenced. The secret of the human omnipot-ence. The double polarity of this force. The expressionsemployed by the alchemists. The genesis of matter andforms. The astral light of Eliphas-Levi. The universalmagnetizing agent. The true meaning of the term " illu-minatti ". The polarisation of light to produce a livingbeing. Light, the instrument of the spirit. The perpetualmovement of the forces. The two snakes at thecradle of Hercules. How to become master of theseforces. What movement and life is. The exteriorform of the spirit. The invisible chain of souls. Thefluidic spectres and their mysteries. The acquaintance ofthe ancients with them. The abortions of vital light.Theelementary demons. The first problem of the createdspirit. What becomes of the non-emancipated spirits. The struggle of terrestrial and celestial life elements. The final goal of man. The single necessity of adetermined will. Fourth Light. Vital cosmic force,invisible, instinctive vital force, od. The fourth planes ofvisible and invisible phenomena. The exterior formof the spirit. How universal vital force presents itselfon a plate. The dust of lived life. The immortalityand evolution of the spirit. Cosmic vital forceintelligentified and morphogenised. Law of animisticform. Law of adaptation of the human soul tothe universal soul. Law of Polarisation. Schemas


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    of invisible life. Enchiridon of Pope Leo III. Theemblem of movement of the universal soul. The directionof the breath of life. Formula of vital movement. Assim-ilation and disassimilation. The direction of force in usfor evolutive and involutive movement. Formulae of thesetwo movements. The deductions therefrom. The medic-ation for the soul. Fifth Light. Life word, vita verhum,psychod. The living luminous veil. The revelation ofthe hidden light. The glimmering of the cosmic lights. The two poles of moral life. The emanation of thought. When the word is replaced by love. What the seventhsense is. The revelation of this new sense. The religiousredemption of the soul. Manifestation of one Being. Theproperty of the soul-germ. To whom the word of lifemanifests itself. The shadow of God. Sixth Light. Universal Spirit. The signature of prayer. True creation. The encompassing providence. The human pessimism. The power of prayer. Seventh Light. Divine radia-tion. Psychic, projection Divine attraction. Providential trans-formism. Interpretation of the iconographs. The twopoles of the Infinite. Indivisibility of spirit and matter. The chain of universal life. The effect of desire. Aspir-ation of souls. The expression of the sign Vau. A criter-ion for positive science. The three planes for the humanspirit. The passage of thought. Of what Iconographyhas given the signature. The sudden appearence of theIdea. The rehabilitation of ancient wisdom. The capitalconsequences of this work on the human soul. Secondand third planes of the hierarchy. The mystery of the OneBeing.


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    Science of Li^ht and of ft^ife

    The life was in the word, andthe life was the light of men.The light was in the world,

    and the world was made by itbut the world knew it not.

    St. John.

    Light and movement before Science.What is light.

    Such as it is understood in the presentdefinition of physics, light is the perceptionby the eye of a special vibratory movement.The vibration has been calculated in itsamplitude varying from a 60 to an 80 thou-sandth of a millimetre, of a contractive and

    -71 -

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    THE HUMAN SOULexpansive movement, occuring 500 to 800trillions times a second.Below and above these formidable

    figures, the eye no longer perceives light, butbrightness none the less exists.However magnificent this receptive organ

    in man may be, it cannot be considered,nevertheless, as the standard of mensura-tion of light.Can a definite standard be found? We

    believe so as physical experiments provethat the sensitive plate records, for itproduces luminous vibratory phenomenawhich escape the eye. The plates alsoreceive the light of movement in an explos-ion of powder, light vs^hich we might calllight of sound, that only vibrates, at themaximum, 75.000 times a second, in anamplitude of 5 metres to 5 millimetres.The plate records, before all, the vibrat-

    ions, called photo-chemical, of 800 to 1600trillions times a second.

    Until a luminous standard other than theeye is found, it is perhaps well, in thepresent day researches, to consider the plate


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEas offering a wider scale in the domain ofthe luminous.Now what does the plate do ?

    It records not only solar light, but alsothe lights, to which we must refer, andwhich we shall classify under visible light,invisible light, iconographable lights.Besides the visible physical light, if it

    may be thus expressed, there is a light,considered up to the present as metaphysic-al, but which ceases to be so, since fromsubjective it may become objective andiconographable


    The plate noAV records what the spiritalone conceived and affirmed.Hence it must be concluded that it is no

    longer permissible to believe only vs^hatone sees, since things exist, which are notseen and yet exist : lastly, on the other hand,one cannot deny that what is, althoughinvisible, is not luminous, since the plate, asensitive standard, reveals it.The existence of the visible and of the

    invisible is therefore linked with luminousphenomena, visible or invisible for the eye.

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    THE HUMAN SOULIn short, light is..., shadow is not.Shadow does not exist in itself; shadow

    is only a comparison between the less brightand the more bright.How can one henceforward object, sinceit is no longer a question of external ocularlight, but of a intimate vibratory movement,invisible, occult, which is, however, light,and acts as such: vital light, intelligentlights moral light.The plate has proved degrees of luminos-

    ity unknown to the eye, and has shoT\^n usexperimentally that light exists on the fourplanes of the creation.

    Since visual light is vibratory movementperceived by the retina and since all move-ment is light, one understands ^vhy bythe flash of a vibration, one may judge themovement of this vibration. Now, as lifeis before all a rupture of immobility, itsmovement will have its light, and its lightwill be the criterion of its movement.Just as one can conceive the presiding

    invisible intelligence of a movement, so onewill conceive the veiled spirit of light in its


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEflash and in its form. The intensity of theinvisible light as well as the purity of itsdesign will permit the deducement of thesum of intelligence, which this light veils orof morality, of which it consists.Does not one say of a very intelligentperson, he is very enlightened, without

    considering whether the sun enlightens himor not? There is therefore an invisiblelight. Moreover, in nature everything islight in different degrees of vibrations, someof which are compatible and others incom-patible to our visual faculty. But how re-cognise them, if a classification is not at-tempted by taking the eye and the plate asstandards ; one for the invisible luminousmovements, and the other for the invisibleluminous movements ?


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    FIRST LIGHTVisible

    The predominant type of visible light isthe solar light, then finally come the dif-ferent artificial lights. The light of the sunbrightens, warms, burns the bodies, isdecomposed by the prism and possesses athermo-chemical action compatible withthe evolution of the material v^orld, aidingits compositions and its decompositions.It has also an invisible brightness.

    Electricity is another visual light, whichacts electro-chemically on material bodiesit is electric fulguration.

    Since THE HUMAN SOUL was put inthe hand of the printers, the experiments ofRoentgen on invisible lighthave been publish-ed. The Roentgen rays , called cathodic rays,penetrate the bodies, whose density is vreak.A sheet of tin, for example, is not penetra-ted, ^vhile a large volume is completelycrossed. The advantages surgery has drawn


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    THE HUMAN SOULexperiments and those of a more elevatedorder, which this book has undertaken tomake public.

    Note extracted from the Book ofBarleton vibratory movement,

    Vibratory movement passes outwardsin waves, being spread at rate of 64 to73,000 a second, and with an amplitude of5 metres to 5 millimetres.

    5 m. to 5 mm. \ Sound200 to 500 trillion

    amplitude 60 thousandth of a milli-metre maximum.


    500 to 800 trillion \amplitude 60 to 80 thousandth of a [ Light

    millimetre. ;OAA J. ^eAA^ 11 \ Photo-chemical800 to 1600 trillions [ ^ ^ /> i ^ v ,

    ) eiiect of photography The vibrations grow fainter as they

    pass further away from the centre ; therays thus constituted are straight withoutbends, or ellipses.

    If they meet a body denser than their~78-

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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEcentre of origin, they are reflected orrefracted on coming in contact with it.

    If we have quoted this extract of thedescription of movement, it is that allmovement having its special light, a lumin-ous classification will one day be made ofthe modes of the vibrations of movementbelonging to the first plane if the physicalworld.


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    SECOND LIGHTInvisible, sometimes visible, electric

    fluid visible in the dark.

    We here give, as means of distinction, thesignature of the vital and electric fluids, notonly in its modes furnished by a staticmachine or the coil of Ruhmkorff, but alsoin its fusion with the vitalhuman fluid, underthe signature of fine obic strokes or underthat of the electro-vital odic particles ; andlastly, when a third psychic factor intervenesand produces a kind of luminous star whereattraction and expansion are held in equili-brium by the interior psychic force.

    Electro -human light of lodko,visible in the dark.

    I undertake, said Dr. Baraduc, to givethis experiment here, because my friendlodko completely succeeded when with mefor the first time. It establishes, in my


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEOpinion, a link between artificial electricityand vital force ; it is further, the visibledemonstration oihuman electricity: electro-human light.

    In a dark room about a dozen peoplev^ere present during the fine experiments ofthe Russian savant. The preparations arethose vv^hich are made for the light ofRoentgen.lodko places in my left hand his condenser

    and in my right a large tube of Crookes,having the shape of a pear, and in whichthe air is well exhausted. The positivepole is formed by a rod having a platinumreflector on it. I feel nothing in my righthand which is holding^the tube.As soon as a person approaches, the pear

    is lighted up, although there is no commun-ication with the pole which remained free,nor with the other since my left handwithholds it. Whenever the foreign fingertouches the pear, flames of light escapefrom the hand, penetrate the glass, and dieaw^ay on contact with mine.The flames * are milky with a yellow


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    THE HUMAN SOULgolden centre. They do not present thegreen shades of the ordinary cathodic raysthey are pearly and appear more brillantas the person seems stronger, more full oflife.

    On the withdrawal of the person's handthe tube is extinguished and only againbecomes opalescent at the approach of athird person, ^vhen it is lighted up oncontact with his finger.Conclusion : In a dark and over-electrified

    milieu, the two wires of a coil being lost, itis sufficient for a person charged with adifferent electric potential to place his handnear a tube held by a third person, for theelectro-human fluorescence to take place.

    This experiment of lodko \vas done forthe first time, in Paris, March 2nd. 1896.


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    Iconographahle occult invisible lightsOf the substance Force

    The very learned physicist Hirn, in hisbook, entitled ,, The Constitution of theCelestial Space " expresses himself thus : Must we, as is the general tendency ofminds to-day, consider this some thing, thisindispensable agent of relationship (inter-sideral), as ponderable matter in a state ofdiffuse gas, so rare that one could attributeevery relationship, whatever they may be,from stars to stars, to this material surround-ing ; or must we consider what necessarilyfills space as one or several elements absol-utely different in nature from matter,properly so called?

    The most scrupulous analysis of thedifferent facts, disclosed by science to-day,shows that it is not diffuse matter which


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEpure physics, movement, Tsrhich proceedsthe creation of all which exists, must betaken in these two primordial manifestat-ions, expansion and attraction, thosewhich for the soul we have noted on thefirst pages of this book. The plate recordsthese movements and gives a graphy foreach of them.A true meduim between these two forces

    is therefore necessary, and this medium isan intermediary third factor ; it is the pon-derating spirit between the two, and caus-ing through vibration a reasoned progres-sion of contractions and expansions.The point of departure of the creative

    seriatim would be in the respective proport-ion of the three factors, attraction, expan-sion, spirit.Their union constitutes this triune pri-

    mordial substance, creative light, web ofthe world, where the spirit occupies a pon-derative position between attraction andexpansion.The data are furnished not only by

    attractive or repulsive action exercised- 85 -

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    THE HUMAN SOULover a needle by the soul of a person, butalso by an experimental physical fact, bythe method of reduction and of volatilisat-ion of the silver salts. The reduction is pro-duced by cohesive attraction, it is the coag-ulating pole, w^hilst the volatilisation of thesesame silver salts is produced by the subtil-ising expansive force, the dissolving pole.The form, the icone, the image, thereforereaches us the same vs^hether it be producedby the coagulative attractive force or vrheth-er by the dissolvent force of the substance.The fact is observed on the plate itself. Ifthis fact be simple or complex, that is tosay, if the plate be all or in part positive ornegative, in the first case it will express theinvisible things of the hereafter, while inthe second it reveals the things of the here-below.Thus follows from the precise fact of

    chemical reduction or volatilisation of thesilver salts, the demonstration of the twoopposed forces, the one expansive, the otherattractive, forces determined by a differentdirection.


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFESubstance-Force, vital force before

    esoterism.Veil of life, the web (Blavatsky Theo-

    sophy).The Father-Mother spreads out a cobweb,

    the upper end of which is attached to thespirit, and the lower end to the dark extrem-ity, matter. And this web is the Universewhich is unrolled between two substancescontained in one.Let us see how^ esoterism, occultism,

    science of the hidden light have interpretedthis light, and if the facts correspond totheir data.The science of occult light is well establish-

    ed in a masterly page of a distinguishedoccultist, Stanislas de Guai'ta. Here it isw^ord for word :

    Light according to the Cabalists, is thatunique substance, mediator of eternal move-ment, which has begot all things and tovrhich all returns, in due time, as well asthe receptacle of life and of fluidic death,where, amongst the remains of yesterday,

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    THE HUMAN SOULarises the embryo ofto-morrow correspond-ing to the Word (divine light), to thought(intellectual light). It is at the same timein the phenomenal vs^orld the sperm ofmatter and the matrix of forms, it is thehermaphrodite agent of the eternal tobecome. It constitutes that imponderableuniversal fluid, the four manifestations ofwhich are called heat, brightness, electric-ity, magnetism.

    It is the Akasa of the Hindus, the Aorof the Hebrews, the fluid of which Zoroasterspeaks, the Telesm of Mercury, the Azothof the alchemists, the astral light of Pascal-is Martinez and of Eliphas Levi, the spectr-al light of Passavant, the psychic force ofthe illustrious chemist Crookes, the vitalforce of Dr. Baraduc.

    Here is the central point of the greatmagic synthesis. Invisible or made per-ceptible to the eye by heat, light forms thisdouble fluidic current, of which the modeof cirpulation mathematically determin-able, may be influenced by him who hascalculated it.


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFE Such is the supreme agent of the worksof magnetism and of theurgy, this multi-

    form being personified by the serpents ofthe Bible. To know the law of the fluidictides and of the universal currents, is asEliphas L^vi has said, to possess the secretof human omnipotence, it is to have dis-covered the practical formula of the incom-municable arcanum.

    This light is androgynous, the adeptssay, its double movement is effected un-ceasingly, determined by its double polarity.AOD is the positive current or current ofprojection ; AOB is the negative current orcurrent of absorption.

    At a given point in its evolution strictlyinvariable, the astral light is condensed,and from fluidic becomes corporeal ; it iscoagulated compound matter.

    Other are the expressions of the alchem-ists, they call the Aod their sulphur ordry, hot, ignated, fervour. Aob, theiruniversal, dissolvent mercury, or radicalhumidity; their coagulated compound istheir salt in red earth.


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    THE HUMAN SOUL It is known that whatever may be thevariation of terminology, the doctrine

    remains identical and all being born oflight, one may say that the science of thisprimordial agent unveils the absolute genes-is and ofmatter forms.

    Astral light of Eliphas Levi,

    All these marvels are wrought by themeans of a single agent, which the Hebrewscalled Ody which we call astral light likethe School of Martinez Pascalis, whichM. de Mirville calls the devil, which theancient alchemists named Azoth. It is thevital element w^hich is manifested by thephenomena of heat, of light, of electricity,and of magnetism; which magnetizes allterrestrial globes and all living beings. Inthis same agent, is manifested the proofs ofthe Cabalistic doctrine of equilibrium andof movement by the double polarity, one


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    THE HUMAN SOULand because it expresses the nature of thesecret more completely and perfectly. It istruly the fluid and potable gold of themasters in alchemy ; the word aurum (gold)comes from the Hebrew Aoizr which meanslight. What do you desire, was demandedof the new members of every initiation ?To see the light, they had to reply.

    The name of illuminati which is gener-ally given to the adepts was then in thegreater number of cases ill chosen, when itwas given a mysterious sense, as if it meantmen, whose intelligence was enlightened bymiraculous daylight. Illuminati simplymeans knowers and possessors of the light,whether by the science of the great magicagent or by the rational ontological notionof the absolute.

    This universal agent is the vital forcesubordinated to intelligence. Abandonedto itself, it rapidly devours, like Moloch,all it gives birth to and turns into a vastwaste the superabundance^ of life. It isthen the infernal serpent of the ancient


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEmyths, the Typhon of the Egyptians, andthe Moloch of Phoenica ; but if wisdom, themother of the Eloim puts her foot on itshead, she exhausts all the tlames which itvomits and sheds on the earth, abundantly,a quickening light. Light is the efficient agent of the formsof life, because it is both movement andheat. When it succeeds in becoming fixedand polarised around a centre, it producesa living being, then it attracts all the necess-ary plastic substance to perfect and preserveit. This plastic substance, formed ofearthand water, has with reason been calledclay in the Bible .

    But light is not spirit, as the Indianhierophants and all the schools of Goetiabelieve ; light is only the instrument of thespirit. Itisnotthe body ofthe photoplastes,of which the theurgists of the AlexandrianSchool spoke ; it is the first physical mani-festation of the divine breath.

    God created it for eternity, and man, inthe image of God, modifies and seems tomultiply it.

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    THE HUMAN SOUL Astral light, named Od by the Hebrewswhen it is active. Oh when it is passive, and

    Aour when it is in equilibrium; The two serpents of Mercury, one blue

    and the other red, which are entwinedround a sceptre of silver with a gold knob

    These forces are the perpetual move-ment of the clock of centuries ; when one ofthe serpents contract, the other relaxes.

    The forces break those who do notknow how to direct them. They are thetwo snakes of the cradle of Hercules.

    The child takes one in each hand, thered in the right hand, and the blue in theleft. Then they die and their strength passes

    into the arms of Hercules. To make one's self master of these two

    serpents, they must be united around thecaduceus of Mercury or separated with thestrength of Hercules.

    In the soul of the world there is a cur-rent of love and a current of anger (ourobo-ros, girdle of Isis).


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    THE HUMAN SOULTheurgy evoked them and the Cabalakne^v them under the name of elementary

    spirits. They were not spirits, however, forthey were mortal.They were fluidic coagulations which

    could be destroyed by being divided.Persons possessedby spectres were gener-ally exalted by a too rigorous celibacy orby debauchery.The fluidic phantoms are abortions of

    vital light ; they are plastic mediators with-out body and without spirit, born of theexcesses of the spirit and of the profligacyof the body.These wandering mediators may be

    drawn by certain ill people who are fatallysympathetic to them and who lend them attheir expense, a more or less durable arti-ficial existence. They then serve as supple-mentary instruments to the instinctivewill of these ill people, never once to curethem, but always to lead them astray anddelude them.


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    The elementary demons,

    The created spirits called to emancipa-tion, through trial and tribulation areplaced from their birth bet^veen these fourforces, two positive and two negative, andare enabled to affirm or to deny the good,to choose life or death.To find the finite point, that is to say the

    moral centre of the cross, is the first pro-blem which is given them to be solved ; thefirst conquest must be that of their ownliberty. As long as they are not free, theycannot become otherwise than incarnate inanimal forms. These non-emancipated spir-its, slaves of the four elements, are thosewhich the Cabal ists call elementary de-mons, and they people the elements.Sylphs, undines, gnomes and salamandersreally exist, some wandering and seekingto become incarnate ; others incarnatewander over the earth, they are the viciousand imperfect men. These citations show the knowledge that

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    THE HUMAN SOULoccult sciencehad ofthose forcesunknown toor disregardedby offiqial science. Terrestrialmagnetism, this Nahas Dragon of the thres-hold of mystery, is the desire of the beingcalled earth, whose material body only wewish to know, but ^whose soul is revealedto us by the magnetic meridian and bythe meridian of force and strength causingthe peoples and the races to evolve every500 years.The terrestrial life element is in struggle

    with the celestial life element, as attrac-tion is with repulsion.The opposition of material life, the ele-

    ment of this world, with the spiritual life,the element of the other, has always exist-ed. Scepticism has not failed to recogniseit, and man, by his double nature, ac-quainted with both, is obliged to returntowards his terrestrial Mother or to ascendtowards his celestial Father.One must have a firm and determined

    will ; all the rest is only illusion. Peace beto the men of good-will, who place theirfoot on the head of their own fluidic


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    FOURTH LIGHTVital cosmic force, invisible, instinctive

    vital force, Od,

    Double ( ^^^ spirit of death (Life aspires,movement of 1 I>issolvent agent jDeath expires.

    universal j ^he spirit of life (Death aspires,transformism f Coagulating agent JLife expires.The human soul jLife aspires.(Life expires.

    Dr. H. B.

    By means of experiments, the invisibleand visible luminous phenomena may bereceived on a sensitive plate, in the fourplanes : material, animistic or vital, intel-lectual and moral, and the volatilising orreductive effects noted, w^hich the silversalts undergo by reason of expansion or ofattraction. , .This goes to prove that all lies in the

    value, in the virtue of the spirit veiled by 100

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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEthe form, itself represented by expansive orattractive^ dissolvent or reductive pheno-mena on the sensitive plate.Intermediate to these two semi-conscious

    and instinctive forces, the voluntary andconscious spirit composes the form v^hichrepresents it. Its light is its life and itsform depends on the force of its will, aswell as on the loftiness of its morality.The universal vital force presents itself

    in the form of black and white openworktexturCy according as the reduction of thesilver salts has or has not taken place.

    Life has its shadow, death, which is adeformed existence, a dynamic dust inentreaty for revitalisation. The iconogra-phy of the dead and formless fluid, madeat the same time as that of the universalvital fluid, shows the signature of the scor-iae of the fluidic world; it recalls some-what to mind the human Ob and containsseveral soul germs. It is the dust of livedlife, it is the inferos, the'abyss, the dread.

    After all. Life and Death are relativeterms, the incomplete expressions of a


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    THE HUMAN SOULstate: existencer permanence in transform-ation, evolution. In metaphorical style,material life would be animistic death toa much more marked degree. Alone, thespirit remains and evolves in the midst ofthe transformations of its soul and of itsbody, transformations slowly and intim-ately undergone, for what we call Life, orabruptly and totally effected, for what wecall Death. The error arises through whatwe ascribe to our senses and not to ouressence; and the eye mistakes us for thetwo-faced phenon^enon, the Life-Death,also for the light-darkness. We believe indeath as well as in the shades, where thereonly is life, light and progressive trans-formation.Cosmic vital force progressively intelli-

    gentified and morphogenised (taking aform) in conformity to the state of soul ofthe aspirant.Here are three laws resulting from pers-onal observations, and from those made

    by others, which have been constantly re-peated.


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFELaw of animistic form. 1. Form is the

    animo-fluidic expression of the spirit whichit veils. Such as the sigiij the form., theobject is, so is the subject, of which it isthe signature, the spirit which it covers.Law of adaptation of the human soul to

    the universal soul. 2. The state of thehuman soul induces, evokes, aspires asimilar universal state of soul. The univer-sal web is by the purity of its form inharmonious relation with that of the hu-man soul, which inhales it, appeals to itit cannot be otherwise if the adaptationis to take place. The inhalation and exha-lation of the human soul are in relationwith its state of purity and constitute whatis called the fluidic and moral atmosphereof a person.Law ofPolarisation. 3. The vital force

    is polarised in an ellipsiodal line of force,alternately making a white speck and ablack speck on the negative (Plates no 33& 34).


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    Schemas of invisible lifeThis schema, drawn from the Enchiridon

    of pope Leo III to Charlemagne, is reallythe emblem of the movement of the univers-al soul, of the spirit of life, surrounding our^oul germ represented by a central circle,in the middle of the cross uniting the fourbreezes of the universal spirit.The angels have only two heads, one

    above and one below, and two feet. Theyform, how^ever, four angels, walking andflying, the foot on the wing.

    1. From bottom to top S. N. 3. FromOrient to Occident : Or. Occ.

    2. From top to bottom N. S. 4. FromOccident to Orient : Occ. Or.In short, the breath of life for the evolut-

    ive head, comes from the South to theNorth, from the East to the West ; for theinvolutive head, from the North to theSouth, or from the West to the East.Movement takes place from top to bottom

    as well as from bottom to top. It is the 104

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    THE HUMAN SOULmotion, the rippling of essential life readyto concrete the matter of the body or toliberate the intelligence germ projected inthe moving veil of the material body, whichimprisoned it.

    It is the double movement of life whichpermits the entry of new assimilated sub-stances and the outlet of used cells; in otherterms, assimilation and disassimilation.We knoT^ that force is transversally carr-ied from the right of man to the left ofman ; from the under-umbilical to the over-umbilical man, in the liberating evolutivemovement of the universal spirit in us. Itis carried from left to right of the over-umbilical part to the under-umbilical partin the involution, the spirit being incorpor-ated.The formula att. 5/rep. 10 will indicate a

    movement of universal soul in us, evolutivethat is to say, from right to left and frombottom to top, from the under-umbilical tothe over-umbilical, and a movement of oursoul, of the corporeality towards spiritual-ity, the angel ascends in us towards the


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFESpirit; whilst the formula rep. 10/att. 5 Tvillindicate an inverse movement from left toright, from top to bottom, it is the angelw^hich descends in us towards the animal.The practical side of these biometrical

    formulae, is to be able to specify the stateof soul, the vital temperature with its thera-peutic deducements, applicable to thelife-element, the soul and the body beingsubject to movement and to variations.In equilibrium can replace equilibrium,disease health.There is therefore a medication of theelectro-fiuido-psychic soul as well as a mat-erial aero-hydro-chemical medication forthe body.


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    FIFTH LIGHTLife Word, vita verbum, psychod.

    The life was in the wordand the life ivas the lightof men. St. John,

    In the beginning, before the manifestationof all things, the Word was, and in thisWord was this tissue veil of love, of intell-igence and of light which covered itsglory.The luminous veil was living, because the

    life was in the Word and the life was thelight of men.This light has remained invisible to their

    bodily eye, incapable of perceiving it, whichmade it all the more unheeded, although itwas proclaimed by the initiated and belong-ed to the pure and to the strong.But all coming at its appointed time, it

    could not for ever remain beyond experi-mental phenomenonism ; now that the evo-


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFElution of the human spirit permits it, itshour has come. The web of life is nowbeing lifted ; it can no longer be rejected asa dream, it is a fact.The life of the Word, this universal love

    net of light, whence all comes and whereall returns, is manifested and becomesaccessible, thanks to an organ so sensitiveas the photographic plate.

    In attempting a classification of cosmiclights, that is to say extra-human bj call-ing it Lux and Vita, I believe that I amasserting a truth and proving a fact.The glimmering is so subtile, that itescapes our fifth sense. Very different fromthe solar light, the so vivid expansion ofwhich blinds all when shining, burns allwhen heating, and presides over the organo-chemical vitality, this gentle brightness is afreshness which comforts, vivifies and illum-ines, it is made of love and of intellig-ence ; it is a similar state of soul developedin us, which makes itself manifested out-wardly on the plate, communicated sensi-tively.


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    THE HUMAN SOULMoral life has two poles, the individual

    the collective^ the plastic immutability, thefunctional instinct, the individual egoism,the hate of non-self; it is the preservativelife of the incorporated individual.The fluido-pneumic life is the other pole

    it is the gaseous expansion, the flashingsvriftness of electricity, the soul-form, theUniversal soul of the Universal, the char-ity and the final issue.

    Life, said Lacuria, is unity, infinity ; everyform, that expresses and encloses unity orinfinity must be a living form. It is necess-ary to add

    All life manifested by the involutive formof the spirit, w^hether invisible or icono-graphable, or visible limited in a materialbody, is alvrays the emanation, the more orless obscured radiation of the universalcreative imagination, of this ultimate andsupreme Though t which projects and aspiresin turns, legions of evolving beings ondifferent grades, having the body, thesoul-form, the spirit hierarchically dis-pensed and severallyand jointedly constitut-


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    SCIENCE OF LIGHT AND LIFEed, whatever be their state of self-con-sciousness and that of the surroundings,witness of their evolutive existence. Theseven stages are for them to travel progress-ively, by efforts. At the sixth sense, theWord is replaced in us by love, we are onew^ith it, as it is one with the Father. At theseventh sense, the Holy Spirit disclosedthe Father of goodness to us by the sense ofthe Divine then acquired.

    Life commences to allow itself be exper-imentally penetrated; v^e are able to seethe form of this veil of light, of intelligenceand of love, of which antiquity spoke : theveil of Isis, the kind Goddess ; the web ofPersephone ; the net of life where each jointis a fluidic being ; cloak of Tanith ; coveringof light of the saints, the cloak of glory ofthe elect (Isaiah).

    Life in its element higher than the visiblephenomenon, commences to reveal its trace,disclose its universal tissue, its perpetualmovement, its lines of force, its nodes ofspecialised life in personal existences, insoul-germs, which are one day corporeal-
