htergroup maste.agenda ima - pinellas county intergroup ... · htergroup maste.agenda form ima v2.1...

Phellas County htergroup Office htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: September 17,2007 3. Welcome New Repsi 5. Readlnq ofthe previous ninutes 6, Clialrhan's Repoitl 7. T€asurea5 Reporti 3. Centrar oftce Ma..ger Report: 9. Unitv Meerinq Repor.: 11. Wher€ &When Report: 14. AnnveEary Dinn€r: 17. Drstri.t Liaisdn Repo',r: 13. Ac.ePVD*rine All Repod: OLD BUSINESS 24. Close with The Lor! s prayer 19. New accounting Firm NEW EUSINESS 20. s.cretary's Postion va.anr

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Page 1: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

Phellas County htergroup Office

htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1

D.t€: September 17,2007

3. Welcome New Repsi

5. Readlnq ofthe previous ninutes

6, Clialrhan's Repoitl

7. T€asurea5 Reporti

3. Centrar oftce Ma..ger Report:

9. Unitv Meerinq Repor.:

11. Wher€ &When Report:

14. AnnveEary Dinn€r:

17. Drstri.t Liaisdn Repo',r:

13. Ac.ePVD*rine All Repod:


24. Close with The Lor! s prayer

19. New accounting Firm


20. s.cretary's Postion va.anr

Page 2: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe



The meetingwas called to orderdT:07 Pfvl, wiih a momenlolsilencefolowed by the Seranty P€yar.

Ofr@E pesent Scotl M . Cheiman;Woodie S , Vice Cha( Tofr 8., T€asuEr.

OffceG absenr Bryan T Secfetary.

Steering @mmiftee MembeF p.eent:

Pa rl S . Cell al O'ice l,lelagea Aoele S , Unrty ChalSusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. P'cn'c CharDam L., Wnee & When Chair JPM Gotitde Dinrer Chan

Chis L.. Help Line Chani,larttu H Anniversary DinnerVce Chan

Steedng Cmmittee Mefrbers.bent lynn C.. Anniveery Dinner Chan.




John A iN*Nodn)made a molon lo aceplihe Intergroup M€eting minllesGres R (Oldsnrar) Seconded the moion

All in Favor the motjon p6*d.


S6fl rr,i., Pinellas Counly lnte€roup Channancontact 9hai!o!4@@pi!elles qlqGave an o|al presenlationNo repo( attached lo thls nronths Steer ng Commttee M nutes


Page 3: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

Ton B. Treasurer presenied the reportContacr [email protected] anach€d lo Hns month s Slenng @mmiie Mrnutes


Paui S , C€ntraL Offie Manager preseni€d the reponContact 9C4llqlofi€@aaoi.ellas on: phore (727) 530-0415Repon attaohed to this morti s Steedng Commit€ llinutes.


Adele S., Unily Meeling ChaiQeMn pressnld the reponContact u.itvmeelino@aaoinellas oro; phone (727) 4663217.Repon atached to lhis monlh's SteerinE Committee Minules


Susan A.. Plain & St'aighl ChaiDeMn pres€nled lhe €podContact [email protected] atlsched ioth6 monlhs Steering Committee M nutes


Oaw. L., Where & lMren ChaiDe6d prs.enled the reportContact whe|eand*t'[email protected] atlached to rhis monlh s Steering commitiee ft4inutes


Chris. L., Helpline Charpelso. peented lh€.eportcontact Chrs @ (727)78s-1096orcentralofirce@aaoinetras oro - phoie (727)530 0415Repori attached to ihis month s Steenng Commiti€e Minutes


Ed G , Web Site Chaieelson presenled the.eport.Coniactr w€bnaster@aapir6llas orsRepod anached 10 this month s St@riDq commhtee irinutes.

!r9!EBryana W, P cnic charpeBon pfesent€d th€ report.Contacl [email protected] anached to this month s Stennq Commitre Minules

Page 4: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

BrvanaW.. Picnic chaiDeFon Drese.ted the


Manha H.. Annive6ary Dinn€rCo Chairperson pres€nted the €portContactanniversarydinnezaaoinellas.ors.Reporl at[ached to this monlh s Sterinq Committee Minutes.


J. P M.. Gralitude Dinner chairDerson presented the repori.conlacti oEtl! lled nner@aqpllqltas o.o.Report aflached to this month s Sieenns Commiflee Minutes


Co.tact liason@aap ne iaqqt!


Sleve C . r heep t Sinp,e, nade a mouol to accepr he €ponsLlke (Blind Pass)*conded the motronAll in favor - the mot on passed.



Stevec, (Keep ll Simple) made a motion lo adjolrn1he meeting.Tina K. {san [4arlin) secondedthe motion.All in favor - the motion passed

The meeting was adjourned a18:OSpm.

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We hav€ a fc{ chtuges happ€ning. alier looking at o( optionslhal we reccived w havc hiftd a

ou secrelart ha eetped dom for pesonal rcsons. we *isbhopc thal tr fururd firds hin sell. It is alsays ny b€lief rha! weoulselyes l" e thal rc nat be ahlc lo help olhes.

I have also asked lhal ey Policics & Prccedues that bave not bcen conpleGd 6 of,ris lime sel conpletcd N soon a possible

We e quickly coning uaon our snual ev€nls dd I musr say rhlt for the firs1 tinclnal I ce rencnbo. all €venls aE ahead of $hedule. Hars on b the chairpeNons ofrlr

I do rely linle in the emd picturc: il is the oder menbeE of the Slering cdhhirewho kep lhe vheels turni.B. A1l roo olten !e jur kle ir lor smrcd rhar eve.]lhing wiUeel done dd foryet *hd n Etes for then ro successiirlly do wlal r]rey do. I sdl ro |!kethis oppornniq b acknoNl€dsc thcn aor all the hdd work md dcdicarcd sfvice the),have given siDce they weie elccted.

Wc havc also bc.odo a$& .l the fact that irere is .o ral wal, for aeople ro contlc!thc Offr.ers Mlcss tnet sce uJ at lnieryroup or the Steerilc Comnitee Meding. I havespoke slth lne vice Chair about Lhis dd we hare decided to add a spor on the eebsite $that ary ncDb$ cm se.d us m email viih their conccm or ldoat. We ffi here for youmd r.t nods rhai we.ecd io be available norc thdjlstonce or rwie a Donth. wcshodd ha!. il on $e websile soon.

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TREASURER'S REPORTSieering Commiltee lveeling - Seplember 1 1 2007

Reporl tor ALgust, 2007

. We had a smal lossthis monih, bul yearbnate isstilinlhe bbck

. We rcceived 2 wriiten and 2 ve.bal a@unting bids, only to discover ihatihese lims @uld not come close io the Erin Ray Prcposal. This wasdiscussed and submitied to lhe Stee ng commitlee which voted to a@eptErin Rayasthe new accounlant. WoodieS. and Tom a. absiained duelolheir posiiions in thls ma(ef

. The curent accounlins tm will be repla@d in lhe next few reeks.

. Pau has been wod( ns with Ein Rayiorawhile we expect a smooth

Thls change over to lhe new accountanl hopetully will be viewed by allas amajor slep fotuard ior Pinellas Coonty Intergbup. The porpo* oi this change islo assu.e iinancia conlinu ty no matler who is running CentEl Oftice or whoho ds lhe Treasus Position. This s clearly one ot lhose llmes when we a€usng a'specialworke/ lor the good oi AA

Conlributions are average forthis ume oi year, bul we'e showing a smalllossthis month dueto itbeing a 5-week payrollmonlh. This cawes ourpay@llexpenses to bea little higherthan nomal.

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9ln.lla. county Intorgep, Inc,Balance Shat

As olAugust 31 2007




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Ph.rr.s counly Int tgbup! hc_





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3!1 66ui.mdoy rfl(sui )3e FdlEruFnprry. t' (FUt^)

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Ph.ll.. county lnt lgDlp, hc.croup Cotrtrlbullon3


o Denore IntoaEup Rep atEndane at rast rcnth s meol n9


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ERIN RAYAccounting Services

12440 C.pri Circie NorthTreasur€ lsland, FL 33706

Plnellas Counly htergroup8340 Ulmedon Road, Suile 220

The fo lowing accounling seNi@s wllbe peiformedl


Revlew accounting 6 ries WeektyEnier any outstanding lransaciions

(purclrase ordeB, sales receipts accounts

Enler and prini payrol checksWnle checks for outslanding invol@s

Pay sales tax MonihtyPay monthly payroll iaxesReconci e baok sialemenlCreate Income Slatementand Balan@ Sheet

Prepare and p nt quarledy payroll lax .eiums QuarteryVerfy physical invenlory and adjust if necessary

Prepare and print yeany Staie Ufemployment Yearly

Prl@ ro pedom above seMces

Please nole This proposaldoes not nclude preparing the yearlyfede€ in@me

Page 13: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

Central Oflice Manager's ReportSeptember I lth, 2007

. Phonecalls Tot3l; 49'7

. lnfomslion: 415

. 12 step: 13

. Al-Anon: 4

. Other prosrams: l0

. Hdgsup: l0

. Othercalls: 4l

. Refefrls back m websire: 20

. on-line ordeFr 1

. VisiloB: l7OFlyerand direclions to ftc Gratitude Dinne. re available ftom

Ce.tEl Oflice. lndividual rickets *ill be distributed on a tust oome

W€ are investigaling the possibiliry ofadding a third phore linelo lnprove our serv'ce rc you.

ln lhe spirit of imprcving our app@rance. I m pl€ased toinform lnrergroup rhar Cenld Omce h6 a 'new'real hddwooddesk. AIso, we a.e l@king for voluntee6 with sohe shcet rock andiiaming expericnce to help build rclosel trpstais sowe crn moreeffi cienlly uiilize all ou.offi ce space-

A eenerous AA ha donared wall cabinets for ou! upslaisroom. Togethcr with thc new close! we willbegin allofourpicnic supplies ncatly. hus ma,lcins our upslahs room us€fultbr

Creanve Ads, one ot on main suppliers ofnedauions hasshipp€d us two back<rdeB ofthe very popular tri{olor design wilhthe Billdd Bob logoonthe tront. Additionally. wehaveaddedanew slyle to ournedallion enscmble.

finall), volunteem have been making Central Office bothcxcitinA $d pmductive. However, we still are searching ibr morenembeB who are lookins for sedice wo r.Ifyou would lik. tojoinus in Clrryitrg The Message, pledecallus a!530-0415, or drop bybelween l0:AM and 6:PM.

In fellowshipPaul S.

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3/25/2007 OUR COMMON PROAL€M$7952

241 2242 530392 $211257





IOI H. HAS BEEN WORKING WIIII UEALI-YEARAND SO HAS VALERIET.VALERIE ISOUR HoSTESS- sH€ GREEIS Al,lO llEtPS f,E lrrfl OIHER JOaS. nra X YOU IO AOl|lOF IHEI fOR IHEIR COIIIIXfi'E|IT.Thel crgrolp Meeting held on Sltudilt septembor I"'.sets nrw re.ord for.llerd,ne: l0l !.oDh rn€rdcd Ihisr.clinp.


pt.EASE sloN youR (;RotrP lrP To HosT A UNI rY ME!l lNc l!12003A1 ,\ 1t .,r,i. r:\.{ orcallAdelc al596-ls20 orconbcl thc lnrcrsmup otg.

ovos/o8 22so Grolp

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Plain and Straioht Report

Date Seplember 5, 2007

I tan use articles. I encourage alltoemail submissions, Any topic relatins totlre disease ofalcoholism and/or PinellasCounty Intergroup.Articlesshould be submitted no laterthanthe last day of the psious month. For€xampl€: to submit an article for theOctober issse of the Plain and St.aight,the la+ day to email the article to mewould be S€ptember 3oth.

[email protected] andplease type "Article submission" in the

Annivecary Eubmissions have the samedeadline - the la+ day orthe monti,Example: the last day to submitSeptember Anniversanes (which will be irth€ October issue) is September 30th.There are 3 ways to submitgroupmembers Anniversaries: fill out theAnniveEa Submission foin and har.d itto me before or aft€r the Interyroupmeetin, follow the link oa the website on 6rorpCu bnitsions rhe\ ctick on Annise.taryInfonnaabn and lallow lhe directions, oremail submissions to me diretlv [email protected] andplease typ€ "AnniveEary Submissions" in

Susan A.P ain and Sirajghl Chairperson

Page 16: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

Where & When Repod


By: Dawn Laine

Commenls and suggesiions are aways we come.

Thank you fof allowing me to be oi seruice

Down O

[email protected]

. Newest lssue is Haryest Gold

. Dontihrow old issues outl

Biq thanks 1o everyore who submitted updaiesl

PLEASE do notdiscad o d Whee &Whe.sjusr because ihe new onesare out Eithergive awayyour old ones beiore you siart handing ou he newones oR bring your old copies to cenrbl office. For every lwo ,,otd" issues you.etlrn io ihem, theylLgiveyou a new issue for freei Whala g.eatdeatl

Please em nd everyone lhat lhe best way to preseni changes io theWhee & When is to fll out the fom on the Website. Updaies shoLrtd besubmiited as soon as they are known. Please nctude a conlacrphone numbetand/oremai address ln case I have any qlestions. Thdnkyout tfyoudonthaveacess 10 a compller, please callCentra Office io make yoLr coreciions

PLEASE askALL groups to Let me or CeniratOife know if ihey sropmeetng - as soon as they stop L Thee 13 eally no €ason ior our meering tisl nollo be (practically) perfect Please siess thls ai ALL meelings you attend. Even itlheg.oup d@snt have an InieEroup Rep theyshoutd stitkeep us awae of

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September 2007Helpline Repon

Pinel*counq M Helpline wassaffed durinsthp month by

! 1AA twa ve nep g.olps

cnlr sbri{i6 ro. !! 2m7: (w. toi: month b€hind ro p.ovile AnsGr Fk rida wirhaddi.omrlime& pddu€a reeon)

t After hous me$a8es 215I hou6 me$aces: 0a. After hou6 disparcher 7!3


9olid.s and F.dedurus l* ih€ Helprine ae bd4 submin d thk monlh rof revi€w and .ppFEl or Int.Ebup and

1t"' """E-!=!r!a." "reiL:,+"!--' Ett-;,T Fsjd bi* ^'e' c6r? o1 c' . osE6

Volunteers with a desire to stafi theappreciated; pl€ase contact Chris L.

ou,inq H6u,: rllE!!99':!9!$96lenshrle cenrais€toic€,s doh -

_ _'atlr!9c! Dr!rrsh!ci4!q&L!!!!e qrqlrle6

helplin€ are alwavsat 727-78t1096 or

[email protected] if you'd like to help. or know someone who

'lhafk vou lor allowino me to b. ofseruice,


Page 18: htergroup Maste.Agenda IMA - Pinellas County Intergroup ... · htergroup Maste.Agenda Form IMA v2.1 D.t€: ... SusanA. Plain E Sr.aghr Char BryanaW. ... made a molon lo aceplihe

WEB SITE REPORTSteering Committee l4eeting sspt€mber 11, 2oo7

Repo.l ior August 2007

Ialn Poi.E

W€b site siatisti6 for the morth of August, 2OO7:

Totalvisits (The told iumber or rm6 peopi. 14,702h.4 visiEd rh. *b s're )Tolal page vre6: ohe ror.r nuhbs ot w€o 3.1 ,.172sn€ pEs* $at Bave been vie*€d )Toialhiis (A requesi to lhe web retoer rbr E it. j03,376sudt 6 . reb p€se. imao.. eic.)

ReferredfroniAl@holics, 134

To submit anniveFares, events, and meeting changes, orio sigf up ior ihe UnityMeeling, 12-Slep List, or Helpline, 9o to Nw aapinettas org and cttck oo .crcupSubmissions" in he leff-hand navigalion Then ctick on ths fom you need.

EdGWeb Site Commitiee Chanman

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Ann@lsary Oinler ReportSeot 11.2007

As most ol yo! know, i have besn m $e Midw.$ all sufrmer bul hale been on top ot fteAnnive6.ry oinner which is.ow s months 4avr Sat.. Feb 9. 2008 OurAndw6arvCommir€ h* |\.m€d sub@hmines that sll bo ptching i. and gNi.g ther *t!€ to lhe

Baskei Sub-Comhiliee is in lraco Madha is rosmnsible ior th€ baskets and has commiliemembeE who .rs 'ReADY TO GO" A iew ot the areas rhal aE @vered lnclude PaLm Halbor.Duredin. Larco End St Pete

Publiciy sub-chmitt@ and Trctel Surcdn l4 in lude myselt and Tommy il tm theMondav Nlohl Sreake6 Meetinq .lon0 wi0r 6llwho wanl to pil.h n W6 willdiscust lhEihorouohlv n the nen month

we wilbe 6ing the fiyeG forlheAnnreGary Oinner and Rattle Baskek lDm laBt yearwiln afew cham€s. We are metino the last @k ol Seoienber !o edrl fve6 and UcleG end shouidhde it€m eady to qo by the li€t of ocrober

afrer reviewlng lhe budgel and lhe huge diEcount neqotialed wilh the HarboMew center afabllous. oul-oliown crcuit sp.6kor has beon.sked to speak atih s evenl Th I w ll h6lp drawa crow! lor our dinnerlhal niqht, as th.G rrc two othe. M ev.nls going on lhen - 1)sandy Beach 6 speakinq jn w6l Pas@ counlv for lheir a.niveGery ANo 2) lndian RocksB€ch is halino a Biq Bdk Stody

'|at re.kend

we will be callrng Jack c. to ask her lo b€ o( beck'up speak€r m ft€ elenl som€thhg @mesuplhal wo! d Dcvent ou ma n speaker lom ait6ndinq

JimH @lled and conlirmed he and Maia wil belaonolhiseveni

20{19 Annlv.6a Dinn9r

All,\ough lhis s an unusua r€quesl. lwolld lik.lnle€rouplo congdervoling me in tor a *@ndlerm a3 chdfran ol the Anniv€rcary Dinner tor2009. The @ason lam requesling lh s now 6lhal the speaker lwould like lo brng in nee& ai least a yeaf and a halt adva.ce nolrce t havealreadv wth Ha.bodiew lhat lhe dat6s ae ooe..

lwould llke lo lhank everyofe lor allMng ne lhe opponlnily lo b€ oi seM@ tor such a sp€cialevent lhat holds a da@ in our hearls for AA m Pinellas county

It sexclrnotob€ap.dotth663dAnnvers.ryOi.nerandl ook fotuard to seing you :t soon

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PICNIC REPORTSteering Comminee Meering

Septenber I l, 2207

The sit€ for the April 2008, Pinellas Couty Inrergroup Picnic has

Costs fbr deposils & etc. cannot be calculated ar this time du€ ro Srareand Couty budgeLry problems.

Picnic Connittee h6 a Vice- Chair?edoq Robert P.

Bryana W.

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Earlv commitmonb of Baskelr from the Ft Do6oio Picrlc - 2007

kishields@verizoj !ellAt the End of the Rainbow)

8ryan T. '727-831{901gorolelhoralzoo3@y4baeEer!

MaBha c. - 727 564-4845 - lnleroroue ReD


Rid G 727-639-8035!!r eshe rn@-aq clo

W.tY1icS - 7r7-787-gn \2wood e@webfoot nel

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Gratitude Dinner Report

I ro tur-a plcs.d to srr lhrt th. smtirude di!ftr coDDitte ir {orLirs vcr-y h...1 rirn hpi.llyrppucling gntild.

'rin&r .

The rnm. codbillc. is s€itirg suppli$ lnd cle.ytlils ihet ,ed t w,s rold thrt ther $ nrny

Thc gretirB co@ita4 ir turdr to go I s.! roH tni rh.-r im! .u. bgs .nd r[ of ttc rupptie

Ihr cook *e rc41"v to go we lrc arin s.itilg for a pric. to order $. .!in corBc rbrt shodd bc dotrcbdorc tn orl ot tb! Dortl . r. ril [ry. plc y oI3rR.F to lt.lp *n.TL. co6e onnitr.. is s€U or iB nI th.' tlcir colte polr .!d gcncntoF th.' rrc B.nire thcirsupplie! lnd dcltthing thsy loed $ r.spclk

Tirt te dd nt.B h.r. bo pri!r.'r tic*c! .r. lqn.bL eltnl ohc. ir pftkr of r0 rh.t t.v. b.6givd oor or otigrnal eith th. ricl.l #s tneir mnc .!d br.phorc d

Voluntccrs are cnlililg m.t enllilg ddlt rc !!ee lots ofholp ard could use n lot nore.

Tti5 !' goitrg lo b. . ght dcn! *. rrc il looLitrs fodrd to it .

Thrktou for dloqhs nc t'o go rtis ..,..,,,,.,...,.,....