emmons county record. (williamsport, d.t. [i.e. n.d

ill BMPPOCH BREVITIES. [b roiu tuu Ne»». luiie IT. 1MN.1 Considerable grain wu marketed last week. Hans Hanson has received a nice new ]>ian<>. I)r. Welsh is now the owner of a running horse. Blue Hoy. John MaeJ>oimell, who ha* been do- inK time at Bismarck for tbe past year, is hotne again. A west bound freight jumped the track Monday between lirittiu and lii.sinurck, which delayed the passen- ger service -4 hours. Mr. and Mrs. <i. K. Torrison are en- joying a visit from Mis. Torrison't brother. Unlit. Stickelljerg, of the eastern part of this slate. HAZELTON KAPPENMOS. [From the Krpubllcmi. June 21.1 Mrs. W. M. Matthews left this morn- ing tor Kocliester. Minn., to he ateent a couple of months. Mrs Martin Appert was in from the farm to-day and had a photo taken of those tine twin baby girls. Mis. Kin ma Cotton returned to Iter home at iiraddock last Friday after a visit or two weeks with Ha/.el ton friends. W. M. Matthews will next week move ids residence from its present location to lots in the southern part of town. I>r. Snyder left Saturday morning for Hunter's Hot Springs, Montana, where he hopes the baths will great- ly benelit him. Jerry Cole left to-day via Hraddock for some |ioint. in Wisconsin, called tlu-rc by a telegram announcing the illness of a relative. E. Torrison, the Cherry l'«rove farmer, is in town to-day. He is of the opinion that it pays to raise mules, tor he recently sold a pair of yearlings to F. II. Cotton, of Hrad- dock. for •lii'i. John Wilde, the Livnna old-timer, was in town yesteiday getting more inaU-ilal f"i' that new house. He re- pmlis the Mu-souri river higher than it has IHI'II during a June use in some years. It all over the flats, and tish are i>iayin< around in the brush, where it other linns the timber rab- bit made his home. Mr and Mrs. C. Wlnterton are hapjiv over the arrival of a new bar- ber at their l.ouie Friday, June lith. The young man and his mother are progressing nicely, and so is'Tapa Chris." only he's ataent-ininded, and, instead of the usual question of "Bay rum or witch hazel':*" he sometimes asks, "Castoria or paregoric?" Bitten by a Sow. A peculiar hut painful experience was bumped up against by Joe Clark, down at Dale, recently. Mr. Clark has a sow that is the motherof a litter of pigs. Iler owner liad exchanged some of the pigs for coin of the realm, and they had lieen taken away. Later, lie had occasion to go into the pen. About that time one of the pigs waB stepped on by one of the hoys in the pen. The mother heard its cries and became furious, attacking Mr. Clark viciously. He was badly bitten in the Irg, and. when he attempted to strike the angered brute 011 the snout to make her let go of his leg, she did so, but sei/.ed his hand instead and bit him badly on the hand and fore-arm. Her tusks went through the tlesli of the hand at the base of the thumb. Mr. Clark went at once to Pollock and had I lie wounds cauterized and dressed by Dr. Shockey. He is getting along all 1 iglit will at once promptly notify the IJec- ord, to the end that another III:I> to in your place, as it will take some time to notity other applicants fiom distant parts, lnolhervvonls.il' yon wait until it Is too late to put sonn- one else 111 your place, you simply hog" another person outof the trip - like the dog in the manger, you won't eat or let "any other body" eat. Fol- lowing is the list of names so t.ir, and those who want to go should promptly give their names, as the list, although the date of the excursion is at. least, a fortnight distant, Is nearly full. The name of town given denotes place for taking train. If wrong, notify Record at once, so that ticket may be sent to right place: Yeater, W. I,., llazelton. Yeater, Mrs. W. L., llazelton. Senger, Anton, Linton. Schaap. Ira, Linton. Yerhoef, Tone, Linton. t^uist, II. L.. llazelton. yuist, Mrs. II. L., Ila/.eltou. Wright. S. I'.. Ila/elt Wright. Mrs. S. F., llazelton. Kowerdink. .John, Linton. llaak, John, Lintuii. Kundtson. K., llazelton. Knudtsoii, Mrs. K., llazelton. Uroen, Wm. W., Linton. Martiu, K. E., Linton. Martin. Mrs. E. E., Liuton. Vau Soest, John II.. Linton. Van Soest, Peter M., Linton. Kurt/., Clovd, llazelton. Smith, Jos., llazelton. Ahem, Chas.. Linton. Baumgartncr, J. F . Linton. Schweitzer, Peter. Linton. Datlinrud. llazelton. Daflinrud. Mrs. <;., llazelton. Wells, W.. Linton. » \'olk, Frank K., Linton. Wolf. Franz. Linton. Jepson, Martin, Ilszeltoi:. Cliapinan. tieu., llK/.elton. Frederick, Earle, llazelton. Frederick, Artie, llazelton. Davis, Miss Keba, Linton. Bectille, William. Linton. Beelitle, Mrs. William. I.iiit<>ii. Mahaney, Jos , Linton. Mahaney, Wm.. Linton. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAM» HI KH K AT lti<M4KCK. N. i>.. •J Ulie 11. 1'Uti. » N'otiee !-> lii'i'-by i* i v«* ii 1 f ! he f«»! lowlti/• named Sell Ier ha*> tiled m of l*i Inten- tion to make homestead tinal pruof in M 1 pp> rt of hi* claim, and that said proof will !»• undo In form J'. l Jerk of llUtriet «'onri of Kmmon-. foiimv. N. Ik. ;it his ntl'-'i- in l.inl'Hi. .V I> . on, .hlly IT, r.*V., \i/ : '.v.'- UAI:I;Y 1*. ri'TTLK. ; ; \ u. i". 1 ir: 1. dated >. |it i | mi- 11,1- N. -f N K 5 , an.I K '.f N. W. of Sr.', K Tw|i, |:r: N\. Itee. > W. of 1: ft h IV M. He names tin- following wilnrsM's lo prnvc ) 1 i ^ eontimiou* 11 -s! ii <• n«'< upon ami euHiva- l ion of aid land. \ i /. : .lame-. Kiiu. i'f I ttiin itshiiru'- N I' \\ . || l.ee. of Kiiinion^inwi:. N. I' \Y. Is |,i-r, of Mmmonshur-i.'. N l>. I ri» <i T ;<'!» Sehnai hie. 1 »f I jnmon-diut'..'. N M. H .T K\\ KM.. IN I. Notice of l-"inal homestead I'roof. I.AMi 1 'H M 1: AT ItlSMAHl K. N I' . ' .1 tin** 11. 1'.**;. * N. it iee i> hen I v L'i v»*ii 111; 11 tin- fr»ll«»\v iti*r iiiiiiinl xi iili-r li;is li It 1] n mi j.'r- «*f hi^ ; t it en - \ i•>r 1 in in.-iKf- It.in;.;cl HUMI prnnf in sup- pnrt nf liK '1 a 1 m. :uhI thai »aiii proof will In* mail. IM I'..!-.- P. I. llnnUs. l !. rU of IHMfi'M I IKII I of Kin! 1 Mimls. N. I> at )ii-» «>f- tl.-f in Kifit'ih. N \K. on July I'.. I'""'-. Ni/ : \VI:M>I KIN >< 11 \I;II»I:I: IK K N". MM:, <1 atcii A pi i! \W\• ) I or il,,• W . . of N. :tml \V. : : of - w =, of -i t. n. Twp. 1:11 n . !»—''• \v. of r i ft II P. M. I Ir IIUIIM-N LLIF fo'iiiowinu' W i L IIRSSTS \ o prove lii^ I'out innous rrsitlriM'f upon ami I'uhiva- t ion of lamt, vi/: \ n J on io i^. «>f > t l a-^l "i r«. N. I». A 1,1 mi 11t;i 1'11, of m i a«.lm nr. N I L - \ . Ailam .-'liwaii. nf MraslMiri:. N. .losrpli >i'ii;n nlr r. of StraslmfiT. N. U. : M. II. .1 KWKKK. U.ni-ti r. Notice ol l-'inal homestead I'roof. KAMI UKFH I : .\'i HISMAHTK, N. I .1 HIM' IK < Noiicp i-> Ih• t'r 1 »v nivcn that the folimviu-j- naniriJ m I! i»*i* ha-> tiN-il noii.-r tif Imn intfii- 1 i 1 m 1 to ni;iKr I iomr >t ea 11 final proof in sti ppoi 1 of 11cla i in. ami 1 ha t *:t I proof w i i I I »r 111 at I •' I >• - ft i re P <». Knoks. i' 1 r ik of 1 >i*t r DM < on i t of KmmoiiN row nty. N 1:it his in Kintori. N. I' .on .Inly l». 1 .**>»;. viz : .!<>IK\ V\K> M ATT KPN. ; IK I!. NI., L-JI'N.. ii:I!R11 |H-C. IK I-" 1 .*! I .. r THE S : of N. K. V,. S. \V. of N, K. a ml N. I' I OF N. W. of See. II. TV\ p. | ;N N., P-R. 7ii U . of I' ifih P. M. He n:triies 1 he fol low in--' wit t«» prove hU eontinnotiN resiih-neo upon am! eiiltiva- t i• 11 nf »ai«l lam), \ i/.: .iohn l»yk.of WeM li«*I«I, N William I »y Ueina. i f Wesitiehl. N I I\ laas K;i(hier, of Hull. N- 1 1 IK t in a n hy Uerna. of 11 til I. N. I». y\. II. JKWKKK. Ueui>ier. Notice of l : inal homestead ilnJOK K.vM»«'i » \< i. \ i Ki \i \i i 1 \ N . H,, '> »i II. 1 H Noiier is i,rjf ;<y uiven ihat th» ii»/- liatllt'll •.rttirl' lias tl lei j I :t! I ;<'»•'* V(3 - ;11 I'" * tjoti to n.ake homesi.a<l l.iif! pioof in »iiiijiciit <tf hK elainu ami 1 . u* Mini I" •" l Will' h«- :na<le h»>f.'»re P. l,. pjViifs. « M <'t U "f I'istriet I'nuri of mtiM.i;s cnmi!y. N J'.. his nflii-r in KintoS'.N. I».. < -l n y 1 *. V,/ ' W I KM \\] DYKKMA. ill. I-'. Nm l^;.V»^#r.l Pelirtiitn' 11. K»nn ' I'< tr t h«• N of S^p , ' j 'slid N.- of S.' W , of sec. Twp.T.v >v. iU",-^'.:'A. of .Mi. P M. Il* - natiies jpe fi»l!«>A'iu;r .VSi :w?>,->t^s t o }»io^ 1 his con t iiiuotis i wsitleiu.'i* lip*.•;I'-iVjv*! «;|i it i»"i liouofsriitj lanil, vi/ : , jv : "f •Iohn hvk. of Westti.-l-l. N. I W i 11 i a 'ii « 'i litis, of II uii. N I > )<>h amies Mailt rn. of >; r;t>! .> : j'• : _ r a' \ . I \ ! 'it'U l'i t'ju'einii-r. of Mi;::. *s I». M . II JI'.WI I ! . !':• /isi.-.r Notice ot' f inal Homestead Proof. K \ N 11 i ». L t \ 1 I > i - '•! A i :i v. N I >.. . J Notiee Is hrrei'V ^iv«n that : followin: natiietl s'-tt!* i has fileu not ;>of his inter t ion jo e;aUr hot ue> t e:.».« I liuiu nmof in -tl} poi t of it is ri a i ni. am! t ha i sa.iu pr» •».»f w i I; ' math' •• P, «t II i>k < ik o. Histtie < i n: 11 of Kit h. > " i s .'on nt.v. N. I nl his i - flit in Kiulojj. N. h •<«! I a v. .T u.l«,l;!C vi/.: . ^ IlKM^ U I I I'M \> Mv Koi the N. : . Of N. I , am* N, % \ W of s«f, |. To,\ s, ,p } \ title. \\ . I il't It P M. IK names tl. JtrJloun.' v^H'Hssts i prove his e.>nt iinifUs ttpon : ;n en it: vat ion of >aii! land, xl/,:.. A\an<ii ; Wa'n f of , tN Ja-'ol. saut. r. ot Knit >M, N l»oy i arit y. ot Kmion. V h. - .lolin 1.. I i n _'e r, «-f i.inlon. >. I >. M. II ,IKW 1 ! I IN^^ier A Japanese Puzzle. ;1 loin the ItrathiO'L News*. K The HraiMi ck News indulged in a small |«ilitu'tl talk this week and while »uui talk was dictated from the ttirune, it bcin^ it-% first, the county will uiidouliteilly he swept Ijefure its p.>«erlul 11-Kic like a North liakota wheal iunl ln:f.-re a toriiadn. I'er- hap> the it'aM.'n, alter the News hail Iteen tainy .-did. f,.i tvlihholdiiiK ius transtfi "liilaftei the primaries." a ceitain Linton "Leader" having \Uiiril liraiUinck shortly after the sale has heen accnunted for. That's "poluir.s ol a high order. Kintnons County Advocate. The "small" political talk we in- dulged in last week seems to have made the e.\-chambermaid of one of Biaddock'.t lueiy stahles, who IN now 'editoiiai" »iiter on the Emmons County Aduu'ate, Mt up and take no- tice. This talented writer should write Ins at t ides in such a way that common people can read them in- telligently. Kithei this or furnish a diaytatn with each article. Notice of 1-inal Homestead Proof. KA.Nh IHTHT AT KIS M VU« K. N. ' I Ulie 1 K l'""'. \ot;ce is heieiiy uiven ihat the following Taken Up—Steer. One red steer, white l'acc and white lielly: one year old: no brand. Has been in neitflihurhood of my plai-e for over a month. Owner plea.se call, pay charges, and take the animal away. ANTON >KN<;KK. Lint'-n. N. I». Residence: 11 miles east of Linton, on Beaver creek. [junl4-:>! nameil settler has tiie«i noiler of her inten- tion t«t ma I. e homestead final proof in snp- po 11 of her claim, and that said proof vv i! { he made before, p. <». Pook s. < '! e 1 lv of ids- i ri«'t Ciititt I'f 1- T'n i no ns con 11T y, N I' - at hi> otlice iii Linton, N 1 >.. on .1 niy 1 *. vi/.: KKI/.A IlKTH KKNS' iii.KU. : ii. K. No. MtNh.. ,jm,.,j March 1""1.; K-l the s. •. of N. w -,. N. K *. of S. W. N. w. of S. K. '• of Sec. Twp n\ N . i;-t > w. of i tfth P. M. She lia mr> t he ft )i ioWil'.L' W it nessrs t«i pfoVi' j her . out in timi* residence u poti and cu i t: \ a* i l ion of said la mi li.'h or tail. I. vi/.: | i., ,n I i. iw. of f.;I. m. N'. I' i lot t iiet i s.'hmerier. of I lart.pt ot:. N I > | i •• «•. II ^! «• I.ai n. of Ki !i t «»n. N. I' .Jakoii i<;n iviiardt. of Knt nionshi; il'. N hi <' areie.'e M-'Kain. nf Klr'ton. N |i I'riedrieh uiiUiaiist r. «.f Halnpton. |). «'hiistian i»ied: 11.m• r. o; I -,'i!.<n. N. 1 j Jal.ot) l\eji,eile. of 11 a ti: pi in, . 1>. M. H .1 K'.VKKK, IIt".*ister. Notice ol* ft : inal lloniestcatl Proof. I. \ > .' ' »!• I IV t A 1 P. 1 s \ j \ k N . !' . May :JK -J'H'IJ.' Noiice is hereby iriyt'ii Men ?iit» followin^- n a mi d set t le r iias li led I tot ];'e «»f her i n t en I ion to make soldh t's widow's fiiiai proof in sup- port of her . I a i *t 1. that snpl proof wi!i oe made |.. for* P. i;. K'-ok*.. < ;eik <!' hi>tr;it t'l-nrt of l\iiiiii..i,s county. N. i at his ofij.-e in Kintoii. N !' . <,»n 'I'm stiay." July 17. 1. vi/. : i .l N 1K A li \ t.<; A K 1». I or the < W. s of \. 1: s. w •, and N. W. > \\ . -1 ot Twp. I-'.J N . P-e. \V of Kifih P. M. >he natiies the fo'i !• -W i ,fj; V\ i ! V 1 o pl-o \-e her cont inuous residence n poii ami en i 11 v , t ion of said 1 ami. v i/.: .loll n < >' I' £ > IIII. of Winon.i. "n i » v ' John I• 1 1111 er, of W inona. .\ •Kn'oli I;emie 1. of W'jnnua. \ .Iohn Patney.of W i'iona, l>. M ii. ,1 I'W I KK. Ke-ist, r. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. K.\ mill i A; Pi A K. N , i '.. May P.-. l'«'<:. Not itis he re i >y i' < \a n 1 h;t r t lie fol !o w i 11 ir- nattied sriiler has tiled notice of his inten- tion to nialo hon.estt ail tinat proof in sup- port of his ei a tin. ami t ha« s;.;.; pro- .f w i: I be made l.e'ol e P. 1 I. Pooks. l efk of | list t let « 011 ri o! 1 .MI 11 H-ns.'until y. N. I a t his >»ili.•• - in Kitit-'i:. N. Imi':-Tii'^ iay. J u 1 > K. r*".. vi/ : f.Ia'iH; >'< >KI.K!J. 1- »r t he \\. '4 of Si >\ T ., p. r.r, N.^-fee. w. of 1 if; i, p. m• IK' liailil's the foi iteA iu'j W i t neSsi'S t o pj'o \ r ids ,-i nit in uoii s residiMKre; njmn uud : cult i \ a - Notice of t-inal Homestead I'roof. ' I.VNil A't PiSMAKCK. \ li.. / June 11 li'.n., N . tlrf-' 4 s hV'i't liVi'U'fii Ihat the foi h »\v 1 n ^ ... uan.ediia- tiie't uoiwe of ids inteii- sioti to ii;uk 4 ' huh estead final proof in sup- port of hisclaim. and that said proof will be Iliade hefofe- P. iJo.jks. I'ielk of I M>t I ii"! t'oiitiof Kium-'Ms «'ounty. . at his of^ Hi v : ii IA nton. N . h.. on J u S> K. \ \/. : .loA« Tl i M M H Kl.K. ®5fJH. i:. No. \;UKK dated |el» t. t :«*V} : ; Kor 11te K. ; > of >. 1-*. : 1 and r*. i. : 1 of K. : , < if >e.- a mi s. W'. 1 , of \ W 1 , of Sec. :iK Twp. h.n N., i:-;e. o. W. of I ift h V. M. lie natiH's f he foiinwinv: wit nesses to m-ove hi> 4 «in 1 iume,i> 1 esidetice up"ti ami cu t\ a- t ion of *aid 'ami. vi/..: Plant/ ftross. of Ha'.vic. N |) I*'. 11 ife! 11 M i! ier, of }| a u'lie. N ;v Kali P»i;«'h!ei . IKojue. N. |». •; •) Juhanm s Kti'-' n. of llaj;ie. N I'. M. 11. JKWKKK. Ke-isiet. Notice of Final Homestead Proof. . I. \ I'KNRR AT ISM A HI K. N. , r . K 1 :; e U, I'M »ij. , N'.-.Jice is herei»y^ivin that the foiiowmir II a i:.ed set t ier has lil led not i.-e of his in ten- 1 ion 1 o ic.aiie ho ni' st e,id li 11:1 i proof in su p- port of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before p. 11, K'<H'ks. ('\eI'k td I hst riet I'niirl of |MI,I! lOisfoiinty. N h .at his oHi''e in KM t 1 •: .N I > .on •' u ; y K. 1' »•'«;, \ 1/ : K AIM. IT.K'N 1>. II 1 .No li ;trd .1 Illy l'Mi:l] lor lite > W. \ « fV 1 W.'tnfs.W.-, a ml >. ' of > W •!' 'i. Tu 11 K'.e, N ., 1«»e. v\. of 1 tfth p. M.^ He nan.es the fol low i n 1:' w i 1 mwe-. Jo pro\ e II is con t i n m MIS residence u pt MI and cultiva- tion of >aid hi ml. vi/..: .1 oseph heist . of M rasl I\3fj. N. I> .1«ilia line - Tschi >sek . of >1 rash 11 r_ - . V 1 1 Kpiio'ii.iiis \Va^in r, of >ira«!uii ':, V I >K' , li:u-VTt'rivc>. «f Mnishiit : N. U M. IK .IKWKKK, IJe-jlsjer. Notice of l-'inal homestead I'rool". 1. A \ I < M I' TI I! A'L' I»I S \| \ |!L K. N . I » .ll.tie 11. I'-'Ul'.. V Not ;ce is hereby iri ven that t lie fol low imr - named sett h r lias liied not ice of his tut en- lion t<- make horia st. ad linal |Moof in sup- ti >rt of ii | s c; a i m. ami that sa h I proof will be made before P I. Kooks. Cleik of l»,st riet t'oiirt of l-.'n,t: ; MIS coutity. N. I' . at his t dli'-e in Ki»11 on. N . . n .111 'y P.. vi/.. ANT' >N IK'PNKiK l or the N. '2 of S. K S. of >. P., ', andN. K. '; of < W a oi' Sec. Tu p I I". N.. U-e. ;*• W. oi Kift h P M. IK' n a nit's 1 he fol low in u w it n esses to prove h: s con t i 11 nou s resh h nee n pon a mi caiiiva- ton of sa id land, v i/ . : Pried 1 ich K el sch. of Kin ton. N. 1». A mlreas Krisch. ol Dalo-m, N l». .losepil po-rh. of h.ikeni. N. I >. pochus \'. tsch. of I i.akein. N. I >. M. 11. .IKWKKK. iv'e-ister. THE LINTON LEA DEPARTMENT STORE Our store is crowded with «ood Goods in all Departments. Come TYpp i if* -'-.j i. in and see for yourself, trouble to show goods. . 1NJ o EAST SIDE OP BROADW /\ \ A i \ fr r.v-^Vi Uiikiiiii* 1NmT( M [FL0'J^V" 1 - lac f K tu I MM) /.V FIOSSIHI 1' mil L/ irii/i, {///>,"?./* flt'llCl', ftl Otl Ill's/ IIII1! suits. nmke u.>r <r" //m SMOW WHITE hru 1111 uj' I' liui r. /; rill illltl (wcrllrlirr ill , s/>fcl I111 rr III'I'II /nt,ft 11 SV.KIJ.- . tinii'S, ill sti 11111111/ iru us, //, . will ndrunIn rfr I/mi /\ M , / /,•, ordering .s'.\V/ it III IE I /ttiU c. l». SMtTH. HF.STIST I.IXTUN. Soli. DAK. Notice of Final Homestead I'roof. K.Wli « 'i'KICK AT H I S M \|{iK N I >.. f •June u. y Notice is tin -ny u'iven that the foi io\v i ni' - named set t !er l»a> tiled notice of his in'eii tioutoinake hoiuestrad final pro.if in -up- j»t M t of his c:aim. and that said proo f w 1! i i.e made before P 'i Hunk-. ' 'ierk v»f Idsirict I'ourt of Kmuious county. N. h . at his ollice COMl'i.KTK Ai»stUA<"rs ok am. i.4xiw anI> j in Kiuton. N . Ion July 17. P.mv;. v W. : TOWN LOTS IN KMMONS 1'OfNTV 1 , \|;| |* K»>M \ N t'AUM AND KANCII I.ANI^ t <'P SA KK ;H P N"."'J'l<. dated' NoV H». Pm-.V, NOTAKY PITIiKlK. A^-eiit for AMKKh'AN i I or the K. '4 of >ec. I::. Twp. |:;:{ >., M*v. Emmons County Abstract Company I.. A. WKATHKKHY. otli.-ial 1 •>Ira.• t. i 81. ICETY I'll., of Nt-vv VniK ^ KoWKUIMNIi, WATOIIMAKKK AM* .IKWKI.I-|{ KKI'AIKINO A Sl'ICflAl.TV LINTON. Noli. l>AK CLINT O. SMITH 1MIOTOCJ KAl'l I KK LINTON. Noll. I>A K. •J* W. WF.I.SII. M. Ii.. fllVSICIAN A N 11 St'Kli l-"( >N It li A I >1 >t.H' 1\. N. tl Special altentton paid to diseases of Eye, Kar. N ttse atui Thtaiat. Niu'hi -ca 11s an• KWered from ollice. uiHtv ami hrujr Store opposite postofMce. W. of Kifth P. M . He nan.^s tin- follow im: witnesses-, to prove his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of said land, vi/ : Tim Met; uire. of M arie. N .1 I IMJ .Met •< MI tr h, of .Marie, N |i . :v John I.ovell. of Marie. N . I > Pat Malone. of Marie. N M II. .IKWKKK. ife-ist.r. I M . il JKW KKK. p.".:i-ti Wanted. By Chit'ti^o wholfsa 1«* and mail -older house, ussistant manager (man or uouian) for this county and atijoinim: territory >al- ary ami expenses paid weeUly. Kv- pt'iemMiKMiey advanced; work pleasant, po- rsition permanent. No investment or e\pe- lience reijulretl. Spate time valuable. Write at onoe for full particulars ami indole ^«If •(hlri'ssfd t'nv»dope toSP P KPI N l'l'N M1.N I\ I,ake Mrci'i, < 'hicai;i>. 1 P. ;".'ap-'-ati I Notice of Pinal Homestead I'roof. I.A.N li I HI^ IC I. AT III-i MA III K. V I I. ' .1 U lie 11, |M>*;. N ot ii a isheieby driven that tin- following- nameti >ei t h-r Ins ti,t*d notice of Ids inten- tion to make homestead linal proof in sup- port of his ei aim. .t nd that said proof will be math- before p. i *. poou*. r.ejk ,.f histrict < 'on it of Km moii s count v. N . I > . a t ids oili -e in Kinton. N. . on July 17. I 1 .*''', vi/..: K A liK IU:NI»KP. [IK 1". N". I•)">-. dated Sent h>. l - .';»0 ' 1'or the \. \v. of See lM. Twp. I d N , P-e p' w. of lit t h P. M. lie u a lues t lie fol lo w i nji witnesses to nr o\e his continuous residence upon ami cuM i va t ion of sa id land. vi/.: .Iohn Post ie. of Winona. N. I > (io.nr \\ ol for. of Winona, N.I' l iii'drich i iclinei'. I'f \\ iii"ii:i. N I' - : V .iohn Ponder, of W inona. N I' M. IK.IKWKKK. Krister. K=r"TlH' nt.'w spring tiiillitu'f.v i.-> rciidy t'ui inspection ;iL M. 1 ii-nisilVs. Notico of Ciimimilatiim l ii al Monic> stead Proof. KAMI ' 1 K I'B'L \T I'.LSM Mit'!.. N | ) . I May l'.-«. » Noli,a- is hereby .riven t hat the foiiowill'j- n:t:;;e«l set t !er has ti'c-d m - 5 - ce of his int en- t ion to ma lie coin: :i 111 a ? i<u» ii na i p: oof in sup port of his claim, and thai said pi oof will i >e made Itefnre t he Peuist er ath! 1 he Pee, i\ t r of t I.e K tilted Mates Kami Mlieo a' PismaioU. N. ! > . i Mi Tu- -day. ' u iy K. v ;/: .It >11 N P.KNid P. lit. r A', •, of >. c. ]•:, Twp. 1 ;} N . P c.i W . id i 111 h P. M. I|e names 1 he tY'i iowile-.' V, il !,i sses t O prove his ciiiii i!!U"'.is residence upon a nd i*u 11 iva- lioij of .said land. viz.: Ktiedrj.-h < vh<m t. of Winona; N I».' / ;• \*aiiMiiite- } | - mV. 'of W i j;»m: a. N . KalodeM u n-eii. ed W i notia. N . I ». I\ at l Ait hof. of W ii;« M;a. N I *. M. n. .ii:w i Ki.. p. Notice of l-'inal Homestead I'roof. I.AMi I > I I II' '. AT ItlSMA III li. N. I >.. I .1 line It P«u>'i. « Not ice i«, he re by L'i V e II that the fol low i II ^ - na mi d set t !er lia's li led not tee of her inteu t ioti .to maUir homestead tinal proof in support of licr claim, ami Ihat said proof will I'O made bifole P. ti Pooks. t ielkof tie- l >;si t i.-t t 'tea i t i if Kin moiis count y. N . I' . at hi> ollice in Kihion. N . on .luiy !., vi/.: KATHAPINA tilSK 1 or t lie S. of N. W'. ' i a nd N. ' 1 d" >. W . 1 1 of m c. ,;i. Twp. Id N.. P-c. i: W. ,-f Kilt i i P. M. She names t lie ftdh »w itii; wit n esses t o prove le-r continuous loideiice upon ami cultisa \ i> MI of said la nd, vi/..: Kmii .1 I\opti, 0f StrasbutLT. \ 1». Ant. n 1'irli, ;f Mrasbiir^. N. I •. .1 ii n I >u.\. :> ^t r.i i.ii rj. . I Kmlvvi'.: M i! ier. of >t rashu r^. N , I'. M. II. .IKWKl.K, Peuister, T AI{>IS ion SAM;: Inclitt/i//<y sntiw of the (n'st f'ttrms in ilmmnns <-<>iuUik ({na iri.sh In hn if it J'ttt in, f or ittmritt or a it"hn\ ;> j'ot/tfi'H.foiiii'esiigttt*'. MV urr sirlfs solicitors for the Hock-urn l.nnJ ( pott if, o! so the ilackiiCif hunts to tense for Ito t{. At, h' KililOb M;il" I Notice off Pinal Hotr.cstead I'roof. KAMI okkick .V; P<<M\S;<K. N. \ >.. # - .! i: ne i!,. I."-'-. Notice Is he reby ^ i Veil t ir.lt '.In- ! linwilll'- namod set t lej-has tiled m j t ic.-ni iinlen lion to mak»* hiiini stia.l final ptoot in sun port of his claitn. ai,d that said pro.if will be made before P. (I Pov t, s. t i'k of Pislri.'i i'ourt i.- f Kiiiii, ous county. N I ' . a I Pis o'lice in Kiuton. N. . .1n;y P.. P'-'r,, Vj/ ; ' •'« 'UN P. VAN Mil KKK<»M, v/";. ••••'( 1 i. I. p:H«:M. d.tted i.i.v, |sm,.;>;W;-'-. I or the V. . ! the \ w, e. :;}. Twp. i:;" N., li.e,;; w. of i-inij: p. m. IK- nana-s 1 he foi I 'Win^ witness, s t I I MO ve his c. in t inuoms residence n |»-..MJ a ml cu i t i \ a - t ion i •!' s;i id jam!, vi/.;' id'tiit Van Peek. oT-WestimJd, \. Ji Aient Vat' der ha a n. of Wesitj, d N f >. John \ an P.e< k, id' West I. N. ! >. Peirtis Van dej- Waid. of hale. N . | >. M M. .M'WKKK lh Mslcr':- ; Noticc of l : inal Homestead Proof. I. \\p nrnri: AT Hi < vi AIPK. N. P . - .! U ne 1 K L'.« , ' i . » : Noiifr is hcrepy ^ivcik th.it tlir !i)llo\v - iri^-iutiiicd .settler has tilrd tnditT t>t hi.s ihterdioii to make ht)inesit\t(i final proo! in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before \\ P.. Rooks, Clerk of thr 1 >istrict Court of MinnuM.s county. N. 1K. at his oftice in l .intoi^, N. 1 on July 17, 190^. vi/.: .H 'UN VAN I:I;K.K. 'II. 1: No . I d a t e d .1 ui v 10. MM. 1 IM' ! he S |;. ', of SV,::;,T.V|I N\. P'- e. TT W. of Kifth P. M. i le It a me > t he foil »W i 11ir witnt'ssrs lo prove his com intious residenci* up-m atidcultiva t ion of >a id iand. v i/.: tiet t it Van Pee!,, of West Held. N. I' A FENT Van DER KANN. of West liehi. N. I K . let ILLS Vau der Wa i i . of I >a le . N. P. lohw P. Van lleiikelom. of w esttirid. N. D. M. M . .1 KWKKK. KE-JISIER. & * & rtf * * * ^ - A A A I . Vi It: I.A MtKti. 1'rcs. t:ii\V|i It IIA I il n n 1 K, vti-c-l A. W. SIMS. 1 r. I'.. MAKTIN. Av 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE DR. W. C. WOLVERTON I'll YS|( I AX ANP St lUiKON LINTON, NOKTH l>/\K(»TA Mr- "I 'lK 1 \'L" I' I. \ III It'I Y S I'M A H VI \ R \ I PhiAUS ,IK\'1 11 KuuM ; CITY itAiMti:i; SHOP A M. UK I T'l'S. plinr, ir Kaumlry IPtsket KeaVes «»ti "^l«»:j• i\ s TUBULAR WELLS. PATENTS TRADE IVIAHK5 OESIGNS : COPYRIGHTS AC. X^V>NVORIP «OTU1TNIF :I HUOTRLI H»H! DOPCRINT urn NUIT "nttii'klv am'iTtnin <<tir op'aion free whet her :ii» luventton is i>rohnMv patentahle. Corntnt !ue«- urn**tru'tlveonthlei rial. Maiidh.-ok on I'aient'j sent free. <iM»«l akreitev t- r heeunn^ |»atent«<. Patent:* taken thronLdi Mii'tn \ C ». receive •nnciat notice, without clmriro in th»» Scientific Jimerlcatt. A nnnd a o!tn»ly lllustrritod weeklv. Kurcem .• r •illation 1 f :itiy j<eiettUtlc jMunutl Ternm. •:> . v*».-Tr : t"iir nintitlis, tl. JJOI». hy ail newsdealer*. MUNN & C0.3eiBrc dway. Ijgw York Urane 1 . otth «;. St., Warihitictoti. i>. ! Notice of l-'inal tlunicstcail I'ruuf. I . K AMI I'IIH r AT I!I^U!:I K, N. P>,. I j . I w 1 1 e 1 1 . 1 . i Notic- i- hereby L'ivi n titai t lie. od < n^- I named settler has liied notice ? his inteu ti«ut t" inake h'i.';:i stoad hnal piool m sup- port of his 0! a i !i .and that sa pt pn >ot tv ;: I h..- tlilide liefon- p li. Peuus. < ici: iv rj | »!s! I'd Court of Kmmoiis eon.uiv ,\. I?;, at h's ojli-'e in Kiuton. N P . •"'ii J'uiv 1P'n-.. vi/. •• ' 11 APKKS Aii KPN. Kor N. 1 . , f >e.-. ;p | v , i \ u_v. 75 W. of I! t l t P \| I\• i!ow; 1:» tt m'^>c's;v- i.o Notice of Final homcsteaU Proof. KA.M' ' U !'l« !a AT PlSMAUl K. N. P.. 1 11 lie 11. |!•«!»;. 1 Noti-'e 1m hefehv ^iva Ml that J lie foliowin^'- na tued >e|i ;e r ha S li it'll not t<*e t»f he|- inten tiou to 11.ake hoiiM siond titiai proof in sup- port of her claim, and that >aid pro .f \vi 1 > no ma "ie before 1'. \ I . P00lv s. < "lei U "f I h. Pis- t ri-M c, ,u rt «.f Km11 ions eoit nt v. N 1'-. :< t hi> dlice in I/mtiMj. N. p.. on .luiy IK PH'"., 1 K1J>TA I AKKAPA. (IK K. N I:;oo:K dat«•»! .Itiue '7. I'.'i"' > Koi the S }• •. ,,fs \v ! - of s K. ' . a ml N K. ; , of S. K. •; •'f :ui. 'I'n p Pi-: N p-". w. of :.ih p m She li a Pies t he fo'. iowiriL' w'it !!•'».'« Jo ptoVe he 1 c.int inuotis residon.'e upon ami cultiva- tion of said land, vi/.: Aiva Hur.'t'. of W|iiche>!ff. N. P. Michael Mahain-y. m .of K: n l on, N - I Clinton P. Washer, of Pint. MI. N Ih.; .Pi l%o!» ,-a u 11 r. of Pi tit on. N . I h M. li..IKWKKK. 1 {1 i s 11 r. Noticc of l-'inal Homestead I'roof. KAMI OKI'ICK AT PI-SVIAIP K. N. P . : CD nine ll. I'mii. ; Notii c i> hereby given that the tollow m^-nattitai .settler ha* filed notice ot her intention to make final homestead proof, and that said prooi will he made helore 0. Rooks, Clerk ot PiMrict Court of kmmons county, N. P., at his otiice in DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS I ;, Loans Money on approved security in sums watm I. p i i Interest paiil on Time Deposits. 1; j i i'Tiino Loans made 011 Improved l-'anns. ' M 'I .i\es paid for Hesidents and Non-Kesulents j' Insurance ellected in tlu: Ijust eoinpanirs. I Will also lease your Lands and collect Io-nis. xr r r for .**S'. Ul •'Mi it & St..ii;i' leaves Linton at 7 a. ni. daily fur 11a- /."!tnii and Iiraddock. C.inie.s |ia.s.viiy:ers l.ie- t wren Lin 11 in. I la/.ell i ill ami rii'addifk. lietuni iii'4. readies Linton at i'.;:M o'lin'k p. in. Livery, Feed and on Wm. Carmiclmel. I'n'iM Eilsl - ('hiss It i os, (it'ttth !' Horses, lieu sun uhl!0ffy-?jf~s- I'roniftl Sfrrif =3^=3 HP' Also Runs a Stage Line BetwH-n L:ni'"i.! Braddock, Through H.ui-U-a lie natiP^ .''.'iVuV =t?.,;Vu'ia*i:T..11' , '"" 1 I 1 mtonV'N. I'.. ..'lv July 1 /. IVOf.. vi.-.: I'll-.I \\. Kx• <. ,.r o> , \ !> 1 .'AM- 1>YK, .'t'i»niierlv Van <le Vorste. Willi;,!,, .I,;iii,„,i,. ..r I >1. N |i I ,H. K. No. l.M-l'J, dated l-Vli. 1-1. IVOil.! U all: KM-. ,.f Nli ! . .. . , nil.- I Mil/ii ni'i i. if I... 11 .. > . J I 1 1 nr tin- \\ . ot >. 1-.. ; and I-.. . ot .->. \\ . \!. 11. .1 I W i ! I I,, _l-.ii i i . ot S-i-. 11. Tu'l'. 1 1" N.. Kv;e. W, 1 i-'itth r. M. The Farmer's Excursion. !• oi low nit; is a list of I hose who lia\e, so far. si-nt in applications for places with the I.Hinei.s' excursion. The ex- clusion will lake place in July, some tune lie twee it the «tli and Hth. It will leave Linton on Tuesday and re- tuin l''iid,n. If a11v farmer who lia< asked to un doei nut tlnd his name on the list uiven ltelow. he should drop a po.«iiii-cai'il to the Ut'coi'd oiticecalling attfiiti.iu to ihi 1 tact, and his name will lie placed on tin. iisl. Those who lia\e not none on a previous excursion to the aarictiliural college have tirst Lhance. Ideiitilicuiion cards will he turnif.lie.1 to those who are listed for the tup. '1 he.se cards are not trans- feiabie. l'eopie who take the train at Linton wi,l ^et their cards at> tlie Uecoul ortn-e. Those who entrain at lla/.ellon can yet them at tlie Repub- lican i.nice. The cards will not tie given out untu the evening before tlie -date of depailure. Following is a list of the names of the party, as lx>oked up to date. If you have changed your inind and will not go, unless yon are very sellisli you r-KVKN VK.AKS- t:.\ I'KIJI l-'Ni 'K sATIsl-'A.TInN (I t' A UA NT l'i" 11 AH KNT I'OH Uin it lilt I' \VIM>Mtt.l~ I'liANCIS .1 AS/.KuW I A K. No 4-1 Twelfth Street. Iti-.ti.iir.-k. I' N JOHN PETERSON, and Woodworker. The Publisher's Claims Sustained UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS ! The ruUi>hcr» <»l' Webster's International , Dictionary alleire i hat it "i-. in fuel.The pupu- I liir rtmhn.iue.l tinm >uulily re-o«iitu«l iti cver\ let ail. uiul vast ly enri«*he «l iti every |»:irt, wit li t he |nirpu>e nt' jnlapi ititr it t »» meet t he larger »m<l severer ivijuireiuents of unutber ^eneru- 114)11." We are of the opinion that ihi> allegation Notice of Tina! tlomosicai! rro4>i I ASM i i n i \ ; I i i - NM !:• u. N ! - . \i lie II. I'H'h, - ., NtH'.t'e is I u-1 i •! i,V u t \ e 11 that lie' l'i l'i«\viir_'- I li 11 iei 1 selllfi' Iki'n li < *•< i j.'e t»l hi- iin »-n - I >i i 1«» I h.'i !< e lii .mr>l e:ol lin'ii :n pf.'lt ni' liis ei a : ii;. : 11 i1 1 ha 1 -:i;«!. "pn»»f w iii !,.• !ii;itit' iM'fi-lv j'. 1H •! iK *• ' dMU.it'J'i-lllfl i < 11! i t «1-,»:111si»n«» ftuuiiy. N 1' , .ii h i- in l.;iii"i.. N. I».. » r; .'M'i :V j ., r.H,'i;4.- yv/:-:- .1 Ai t»u l;l t K IK . . 11 . i:. Nil. Ml' i:;. it:.I. .1 I'eh. ' |-"oi the N. K '!' N. V. . •. N. ' - ..J \ I' t of >«•«• :.*4. I v. p. N.., K^ev-fttt I ;! 11» !• M. lie ua?h« ^llM !'t-i'-tw 1 iiir-' pr-»\ e his i't)iiiii!iii>n> ai.e'l- en it \ h»u «*l >aiil ia ml.: vi/.. hail!.-: K. .i;i._rei. «>j' I. i N J' . Mii> hi«:/nitei!. of Lit.ion. N i > )"hn ^'ii :«sh nifK . t •! l/ttjini.. N l 1 K > in ' :e i 1 !i >! i n _*«• i. - ! I.; sr. >: - ."V 1 1 . M. II. .M-'\V!"U. ):•. ' H AZKhTOX NOliTH I >A KOTA. tnnst elearlv un«I aeenrately ttoseril»eH tlu wi.rU that na.« been neeoiuplUheii and the result that lias U-en roaehe«l. The I Met ionary. a< n n»»w Man<U, ha.4 Iteen tln»rmiL r hl>' re- e«liie«l in every iletail, ha* !>een eenvt-leil in everv pari, un*l is a«lniiral»ly a'lapie<i t«» inert the larirep ami severer ivnuirenients «»f u __ i ueneratmn whieh deinarvi^ mmv of popular . . ,, ' philiil«»irU.a| Unowietlure than unv jreneratton 1 Jierebv respectfully mtnnn 1 be : that the Wurhl luisevero.niaine.1. public thai 1 am iio\v'|.iv{i:iml lo tin : work iii my lim\ and will i-arncMK en- j Jll( deavoi to satisly tlios^ who ^1\1' lnt^ i tiun: iitiil lliat in tiie t lit ti i-e lis iti t he p:i.M it their patronage j "ill In- tliosiiureent nui^iiiit ter.-feiiei-. CH AK1.KS 4N< ' TT, 4 "LI, ltivtir»>. 'V l„\U liKNCK. u I'.Ll" *N .loilN J'AVIS. STANTnN J. JM i.l.U.. ' I'll Aitl.KS I;. H' >\V!:Y. 7*?h* n r.. !<> \vi:iisri;u s INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE t lie hiifhist ;nviiftli wa< iriven t" 1 lie Interna- tienal at the W'<irM*> 1'asr. St. l.»>ui^. A COOP WELL necessary to every farm Ami r.meh. it mi there Is no tm>re tlesiralile. n<» elean- *?r unit no nu»re thirahle ^ - eSi than a drilled well. m% Trill-I.AU l either two luetifh t»r three uu-lu-s in iliameter. will Ktv* yim an ahumhtiu'e of pn>tl. pure w»kt*r. W«» t».4tl *1 rtn t«. ;*my »>rtlinary •iSd-uniu" 1 ,ur " UI ' 1>lp " ' " 4 w , ,? U ,l 1 U ' 1 Ul *H.%!* ! i: t o * rite II,« what ym. want nkls w AM»I-'.HSON Hraddock N,,r. i,uk Public l.sml Sale. iBa>e«i uivii i-;• 1. «-i 1* W'rWv. : v \tTl- !• r- I'A'i I » l;:VNO--« »Vri'i-K : . ' I'. i < si \ in k . N 1 1 . V ay I Notice i.s hereby ^iven Mi;'.) iii aiu'e t)l in^tr'U'tior.s troi'.t '»>'• ^ siulier ot the (.elicral 1 -tini Oi!;«."e. .t> rontairiril iii letter "l "ft lvol, \nuler authority d in hiai hy Nv It is perhaps ne*Mile>s to a»M t iiat we refer ' I iCe\ ;^e<l ^Utt'^es. ;i> the «iiitionnry in onr jmlieial w<n k a-ot ; •. T,. ie hiyhe>t a lit horit v in aeeiiraev of «lelini- 1 'tiueinlt'd h\ Uu* t - i i 1 ' 'February A». 1W'., we will profeetl ti» offer at public sale at 1> 1 o'clock a. ni. on the l.'th tlay ft July. 1V«^., at this oil icef the to! low inij t rart i^f la t it!, tvi-wJ: S. W. Quarter ot S W. Quarter ot Sec. Twp. N.. 1,1 I'i^h \\ M. AiiVand all persons claiming atlverse- ly the above ilescribeti <an«l. or any part thereof, are adviscti tti tile their claims; in this oitice oi. or bei».>rc the tii'.ie ab«»v»' liesi^nateil for the v^Mninenceintrni < »t tlie GET THE LATEST AND BEST:Ss:!i M. 11. JKWKM., K.lister. JOHN SA I 1'KKirNb. K.'Cfiver;' - She names tiie lolh>win^ u itnesses to prov<- h<*r continuous reshience upoti ami cultivation of said land, vi/.: William Pykema. ot Westtiehi. N. P. : rJohannes Mattern. of Strasbur^. N. P. , t'eter Pykema. ot WesttieUi, N. I\ I'^ltuie \erhoet, tit \\ esttiehl. N. 1'. ^5. II. JKWKI.I.. UeiriNt.-r. Noticc (if Final Momesteail I'roof. I. \ M i i u i n i A I Hi.auiiiK. N 1 .1 SI IP' i I . : N"<U -i'c i> il« I i IV U') V en t hi t the t ii i>«\\ it) LI-'- li.ilue.l ! ier h:i^ liieil in.lie.'.'! her inlen 1'MII to n:aUe IhMiie-teml tina! |>i«"'f n, sup pM>e , .| h. : e l.i mi -oi'I Ihat -a;>i pro.»( win !><• mad* 1 >< t«• re <•. IOMIU-. « ,eiU el h'lNiijrt iiiiiM ..f r.mni : »!i^ i-iMiniy. N. . at his < t - I'M'' , :I I.;!.; < n. V I' . on .!uiy I 7, Ivnii. \ M Ai;l.\N ^ I} i N 1'/.. < u iu« '\v of Joha-t im «. t ,Vr j i i ll. 1 Ne. 1 l.i. \ ti:i 1 t «l Ma\ IM'l l''t»r «hi s. of N I'.. . .Onl N - or > I l j of Twp i-i n . l^e, imil r. M.y -lie n a mt > t he t'o '• U , n; wtiiii -•»<- I.' jvvc he r eon t i 11 n on «• t '"hlei..-" ii|ini: ami «-n 111 \ .i - i fon '•!' \ i/. ; 'Knjeiaett Meier, of si r;i>i>ut »'. \ 1 K .n>M-ph .h-elinni. of si ra«*l»nri. r , N '' li-nn li'M'fili l>u\. ot St r;i>li!irj. N. I' '•-.h\ ii t on sel; a a. "t > i ra •>! "i t -. N >: !i ! i:w i i.i.. THE FARMER'S STORE L. W. BROPHY, Prop r. "The Place Where You Get Your Money's Weill!" M.W WOVAh SF .WINli MA( IIIM> KM l'i I.' K < IJ KA M SKI'AKATOHS IIAKNKSS KKI'AIKS K4>H Sl'KINC \\ol!K (il{()( KIMKS, SKKDS. KTC. M'AV STOCK 4 IK PKY 414)4 IDS IIAIJDWAUK ; Our prices are the lowest. Come and look our stock over and be convinced. No old site' worn goods to dispose of. V«'ii iri'J J-t »•!»».. ir ./ I G. & C. MERRIAM CO., BPRINGFiCLD, MASS. wrusi fHS K rt-'HN \T1UVM >\ UlC IlUNAtft Noticc ni l inal llonicstcail IVool". 1. \\ » >1 . I .it lil -MA KC;». N i . I;I !.E U. pwv... \ ."S «•! i«e i> )'i i :<> L'iven t ha t the t'o] lo w i n c- e.a met; »ei t !»• r h:i •% li led not ire o|' hi«» iutei; I j. Ml : n:aUe lio!i-evt ead tina! _|.»to-.f In -a ji. p. •! \ of 11: ^ * I;«! m. ami t i i a l -»:t !d p: ''"f ttnl I »•' made Ijeiore 1'. «i. Uook i'lei ..f I h-I i i«"l iiHiit «•! n: t * i' > i e.-iinty. N. Iat .in-*el - tice in Kin:..!-,. N !».i, .1 u.v K. Al'.Wi Tl h 'M .\ s. ,11 1 . No. Iilateii ^lay \'ii. h 4 "' .j i\11- ii.. .-. w i ><< - i". -i- i-'- •• " r w , > .- -hi. i V W. < -I >. W . ; i i-l M-'-- -. I »'l>. i •» :':N.. i;... ;i. I if: 1 ' I' II,. I-, ni, > the t'o I i,iw :n*j u it ru"»e> t o pin v e 111" e< - i111nU"if re>idi-u 'e npt.ei and eu!11 va I U'II d >a i»i la ri.j. v : JOSEPH IS ANNUAL UU R. o !" SI ra ^: O; I N H. ; t .U<l \ vtu- . Mattern. of SI R.i^HIN-'. N I»- : , ie li .' lil lie - M iltleri . o | M L.I \ 1 ».:- L.: pp. of !' a- : «at -. N. L». M H- .M:\VKl.i.. ICeL'i-ierV- New Cattle Uramt. ; 4C| iVi.n. .1. Im. ^ ;• I .>it;'Uliler. ;.i l"t - t # >eetI I -'d\ ' ii*-* per . t > I i/n iefi hjpV | i°" '• fl j ilu.siit-.. s. •• i., w. i;ii>i-ii. v -' : 1; ' 1 >• N : I A (iOOl) THlXd r lX ) TI K T( ) 'f!. ^• . / m IB ; L pi 1 ii'*' j 1 H pf. vt: ,..J Hi H. il f .. .. •ir » V- ' i , ' l-'.rcni sin'r trr make wr hit tri/ina t<> a'-': riisliii)ii r.--i/ot/or our sate ouhj. hut '<> sll'lllllj IH it foil of flit I' )'./!,'!>. lis IIT.I (I t>' I i rr a ml he n toiio' tiiur with i.">" '' wont//mi to He fo us. DACOTAH LI Miii;i: 40 LINTON. - NORTH IJf\K.Ql ' ***** * 's-a 's--

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Page 1: Emmons County record. (Williamsport, D.T. [i.e. N.D


BMPPOCH BREVITIES. [b roiu tuu Ne»». luiie IT. 1MN.1

Considerable grain wu marketed last week.

Hans Hanson has received a nice new ]>ian<>.

I)r. Welsh is now the owner of a running horse. Blue Hoy.

John MaeJ>oimell, who ha* been do-inK time at Bismarck for tbe past year, is hotne again.

A west bound freight jumped the track Monday between lirittiu and lii.sinurck, which delayed the passen­ger service -4 hours.

Mr. and Mrs. <i. K. Torrison are en­joying a visit from Mis. Torrison't brother. Unlit. Stickelljerg, of the eastern part of this slate.

HAZELTON KAPPENMOS. [From the Krpubllcmi. June 21.1

Mrs. W. M. Matthews left this morn­ing tor Kocliester. Minn., to he ateent a couple of months.

Mrs Martin Appert was in from the farm to-day and had a photo taken of those tine twin baby girls.

Mis. Kin ma Cotton returned to Iter home at iiraddock last Friday after a visit or two weeks with Ha/.el ton friends.

W. M. Matthews will next week move ids residence from its present location to lots in the southern part of town.

I>r. Snyder left Saturday morning for Hunter's Hot Springs, Montana, where he hopes the baths will great­ly benelit him.

Jerry Cole left to-day via Hraddock for some |ioint. in Wisconsin, called tlu-rc by a telegram announcing the illness of a relative.

E. Torrison, the Cherry l'«rove farmer, is in town to-day. He is of the opinion that it pays to raise mules, tor he recently sold a pair of yearlings to F. II. Cotton, of Hrad-dock. for •lii'i.

John Wilde, the Livnna old-timer, was in town yesteiday getting more inaU-ilal f"i' that new house. He re-pmlis the Mu-souri river higher than it has IHI'II during a June use in some years. It i» all over the flats, and tish are i>iayin< around in the brush, where it other linns the timber rab­bit made his home.

Mr and Mrs. C. Wlnterton are hapjiv over the arrival of a new bar­ber at their l.ouie Friday, June lith. The young man and his mother are progressing nicely, and so is'Tapa Chris." only he's ataent-ininded, and, instead of the usual question of "Bay rum or witch hazel':*" he sometimes asks, "Castoria or paregoric?"

Bitten by a Sow. A peculiar hut painful experience

was bumped up against by Joe Clark, down at Dale, recently. Mr. Clark has a sow that is the motherof a litter of pigs. Iler owner liad exchanged some of the pigs for coin of the realm, and they had lieen taken away. Later, lie had occasion to go into the pen. About that time one of the pigs waB stepped on by one of the hoys in the pen. The mother heard its cries and became furious, attacking Mr. Clark viciously. He was badly bitten in the Irg, and. when he attempted to strike the angered brute 011 the snout to make her let go of his leg, she did so, but sei/.ed his hand instead and bit him badly on the hand and fore-arm. Her tusks went through the tlesli of the hand at the base of the thumb. Mr. Clark went at once to Pollock and had I lie wounds cauterized and dressed by Dr. Shockey. He is getting along all 1 iglit

will at once promptly notify the IJec-ord, to the end that another III:I> to in your place, as it will take some time to notity other applicants fiom distant parts, lnolhervvonls.il' yon wait until it Is too late to put sonn-one else 111 your place, you simply

hog" another person outof the trip -like the dog in the manger, you won't eat or let "any other body" eat. Fol­lowing is the list of names so t.ir, and those who want to go should promptly give their names, as the list, although the date of the excursion is at. least, a fortnight distant, Is nearly full. The name of town given denotes place for taking train. If wrong, notify Record at once, so that ticket may be sent to right place:

Yeater, W. I,., llazelton. Yeater, Mrs. W. L., llazelton. Senger, Anton, Linton. Schaap. Ira, Linton. Yerhoef, Tone, Linton. t^uist, II. L.. llazelton. yuist, Mrs. II. L., Ila/.eltou. Wright. S. I'.. Ila/elt Wright. Mrs. S. F., llazelton. Kowerdink. .John, Linton. llaak, John, Lintuii. Kundtson. K., llazelton. Knudtsoii, Mrs. K., llazelton. Uroen, Wm. W., Linton. Martiu, K. E., Linton. Martin. Mrs. E. E., Liuton. Vau Soest, John II.. Linton. Van Soest, Peter M., Linton. Kurt/., Clovd, llazelton. Smith, Jos., llazelton. Ahem, Chas.. Linton. Baumgartncr, J. F . Linton. Schweitzer, Peter. Linton. Datlinrud. llazelton. Daflinrud. Mrs. <;., llazelton. Wells, W.. Linton. • » \'olk, Frank K., Linton. Wolf. Franz. Linton. Jepson, Martin, Ilszeltoi:. Cliapinan. tieu., llK/.elton. Frederick, Earle, llazelton. Frederick, Artie, llazelton. Davis, Miss Keba, Linton. Bectille, William. Linton. Beelitle, Mrs. William. I.iiit<>ii. Mahaney, Jos , Linton. Mahaney, Wm.. Linton.

Notice of Final Homestead Proof. LAM» HI KH K AT lti<M4KCK. N. i>.. • •J Ulie 11. 1'Uti. »

N'otiee !-> lii'i'-by i* i v«* ii 1 f ! he f«»! lowlti/• named Sell Ier ha*> tiled m of l*i Inten­tion to make homestead tinal pruof in M 1 pp> • rt of hi* claim, and that said proof will !»• undo In form J'. <« l Jerk of llUtriet «'onri of Kmmon-. foiimv. N. Ik. ;it his ntl'-'i- in l.inl'Hi. .V I> . on, .hlly IT, r.*V., \i/ : '.v.'-

UAI:I;Y 1*. ri'TTLK. ; ; \ u. i". 1 ir: 1. dated >. |it i | mi- 11,1- N. -f N K 5, an.I K '.f N. W. of Sr.', K Tw|i, |:r: N\. Itee. > W. of 1: ft h IV M.

He names tin- following wilnrsM's lo prnvc ) 1 i ^ eontimiou* 11 -s! ii <• n«'< • upon ami euHiva-l ion of aid land. \ i /. : .lame-. Kiiu. i'f I ttiin itshiiru'- N I' \\ . || l.ee. of Kiiinion^inwi:. N. I' \Y. Is |,i-r, of Mmmonshur-i.'. N l>. I ri» <i T ;<'!» Sehnai hie. 1 »f I jnmon-diut'..'. N I»

M. H .T K\\ KM.. IN I.

Notice of l-"inal homestead I'roof. I.AMi 1 'H M 1: AT ItlSMAHl K. N I' . ' .1 tin** 11. 1'.**;. *

N. it iee i> hen I • v L'i v»*ii 111; 11 tin- fr»ll«»\v iti*r iiiiiiinl xi iili-r li;is li It 1] n mi j.'r- «*f hi^ ; t it en -\ i•>r 1 in in.-iKf- It.in;.;cl HUMI prnnf in sup-pnrt nf liK • '1 a 1 m. :uhI thai »aiii proof will In* mail. IM I'..!-.- P. I. llnnUs. l !. rU of IHMfi'M I IKIII of Kin! 1 Mimls. N. I> at )ii-» «>f-tl.-f in Kifit'ih. N \K. on July I'.. I'""'-. Ni/ : \VI:M>I KIN >< 11 \I;II»I:I: IK K N". MM:, <1 atcii A pi i! \W\• ) I or il,,• W . . of N. :tml \V. : : of -w =, of -i t. n. Twp. 1:11 n . !»—''• \v. of r i ft II P. M.

I Ir IIUIIM-N LLIF fo'iiiowinu' W i L IIRSSTS \ o prove lii^ I'out innous rrsitlriM'f upon ami I'uhiva-t ion of lamt, vi/: \ n J on io i^. «>f > t l a-^l "i r«. N. I». A 1,1 mi 11t;i 1'11, of m i a«.lm nr. N I L - \ . Ailam .-'liwaii. nf MraslMiri:. N. .losrpli >i'ii;n nlr r. of StraslmfiT. N. U. :

M. II. .1 KWKKK. U.ni-ti r.

Notice ol l-'inal homestead I'roof. KAMI UKFH I: .\'i HISMAHTK, N. I• .1 HIM' IK <

Noiicp i-> Ih• t'r 1 »v nivcn that the folimviu-j-naniriJ m I! i»*i* ha-> tiN-il noii.-r tif Imn intfii-1 i 1 m 1 to ni;iKr I iomr >t ea 11 final proof in sti ppoi 1 of 11cla i in. ami 1 ha t *:t i« I proof w i i I I »r 111 at I •' I >• - ft i re P <». Knoks. i' 1 r ik of 1 >i*t r DM < on i t of KmmoiiN row nty. N • 1:it his • • in Kintori. N. I' .on .Inly l». 1 .**>»;. viz : .!<>IK\ V\K> M ATT KPN.

; IK I!. NI., L-JI'N.. ii:I!R11 |H-C. IK I-"1.*! I .. r THE S : • of N. K. V,. S. \V. of N, K.

a ml N. I' I OF N. W. of See. II. TV\ p. | ;N N., P-R. 7ii U . of I'ifih P. M. He n:triies 1 he fol low in--' wit t«» prove hU eontinnotiN resiih-neo upon am! eiiltiva-t i• • 11 nf »ai«l lam), \ i/.: .iohn l»yk.of WeM li«*I«I, N l» William I »y Ueina. • if Wesitiehl. N I I\ laas K;i(hier, of Hull. N- 11 IK t in a n hy Uerna. of 11 til I. N. I».

y\. II. JKWKKK. Ueui>ier.

Notice of l:inal homestead ilnJOK K.vM»«'i » \< i. \ i Ki \i \i i 1 \ N . H,, '>

»i II. 1 H Noiier is i,rjf ;<y uiven ihat th» ii»/-liatllt'll •.rttirl' lias tl lei j I :t! I ;<'»•'* V(3 - ;11 • I'" * • tjoti to n.ake homesi.a<l l.iif! pioof in »iiiijiciit <tf hK elainu ami 1 . u* Mini I" •"l

Will' h«- :na<le h»>f.'»re P. l,. pjViifs. «M<'t U "f I'istriet I'nuri of mtiM.i;s cnmi!y. N J'.. his nflii-r in KintoS'.N. I».. < -l n y 1 *. V,/ ' W I KM \\] DYKKMA. ill. I-'. Nm l^;.V»^#r.l Pelirtiitn' 11. K»nn ' I'< tr t h«• N • • of S^p , ' j 'slid N.- of S.' W , of sec. Twp.T.v >v. iU",-^'.:'A. of .Mi. P M.

Il*- natiies jpe fi»l!«>A'iu;r .VSi :w?>,->t^s t o }»io^1 his con t iiiuotis i wsitleiu.'i* lip*.•;I'-iVjv*! «;|i it i»"i liouofsriitj lanil, vi/ : ,jv: "f

•Iohn hvk. of Westti.-l-l. N. I • W i 11 i a 'ii « 'i litis, of II uii. N I > • )<>h amies Mailt rn. of >; r;t>! .>:j'•:_ra' \ . I \ • ! 'it'U l'i t'ju'einii-r. of Mi;::. *s I».

M . II JI'.WI I ! . !':• /isi.-.r • Notice ot' f inal Homestead Proof.

K \ N 11 i ».L t • \ 1 I > i - '•! A i :i v. N I >.. . J • Notiee Is hrrei'V ^iv«n that : h« followin: natiietl s'-tt!* i has fileu not ;>of his inter t ion jo e;aUr hot ue> t e:.».« I liuiu nmof in -tl} poi t of it is ri a i ni. am! t ha i sa.iu pr» •».»f w i I; ' math' •• P, «t II i>k < ik o. Histtie < i n: 11 of Kit h. > " i s .'on nt.v. N. I nl his i - flit in Kiulojj. N. h •<«! I a v. .T u.l«,l;!C vi/.: .

• ^ IlKM^ U I I I'M \> Mv Koi the N. : . Of N. I , am* N, % \ W of s«f, |. To,\ s, ,p } \ title. \\ . I il't It P M.

IK names tl. JtrJloun.' v^H'Hssts i prove his e.>nt iinifUs ttpon : ;n en it: vat ion of >aii! land, xl/,:.. A\an<ii ; Wa'n f of , tN |» Ja-'ol. saut. r. ot Knit >M, N l» l»oy i arit y. ot Kmion. V h. -.lolin 1.. I i n _'e r, «-f i.inlon. >. I >.

M. II ,IKW 1 ! I IN^^ier

A Japanese Puzzle. ;1 loin the ItrathiO'L News*. K

The HraiMi ck News indulged in a small |«ilitu'tl talk this week and while »uui talk was dictated from the ttirune, it bcin^ it-% first, the county will uiidouliteilly he swept Ijefure its p.>«erlul 11-Kic like a North liakota wheal iunl ln:f.-re a toriiadn. I'er-hap> the it'aM.'n, alter the News hail Iteen tainy .-did. f,.i tvlihholdiiiK ius transtfi "liilaftei the primaries." a ceitain Linton "Leader" having \Uiiril liraiUinck shortly after the sale has heen accnunted for. That's "poluir.s ol a high order. Kintnons County Advocate.

The "small" political talk we in­dulged in last week seems to have made the e.\-chambermaid of one of Biaddock'.t lueiy stahles, who IN now 'editoiiai" »iiter on the Emmons

County Aduu'ate, Mt up and take no­tice. This talented writer should write Ins at t ides in such a way that common people can read them in­telligently. Kithei this or furnish a diaytatn with each article.

Notice of 1-inal Homestead Proof. KA.Nh IHTHT AT KIS M VU« K. N. ' I Ulie 1 K l'""'.

\ot;ce is heieiiy uiven ihat the following

Taken Up—Steer. One red steer, white l ' a c c a n d w h i t e

l ielly: one year old: n o b r a n d . H a s been in neitflihurhood of my p l a i - e f o r over a month. Owner p l e a . s e c a l l , p a y charges, and take the a n i m a l a w a y .

ANTON >KN<;KK. Lint'-n. N. I». Residence: 11 m i l e s e a s t of Linton,

on Beaver creek. [junl4-:>!

nameil settler has tiie«i noiler of her inten­tion t«t ma I. e homestead final proof in snp-po 11 of her claim, and that said proof vv i! { he made before, p. <». Pook s. < '! e 1 lv of ids-i ri«'t Ciititt I'f 1- T'n i no ns con 11T y, N I' - at hi> otlice iii Linton, N 1 >.. on .1 niy 1 *. vi/.: KKI/.A IlKTH KKNS' iii.KU. : ii. K. No. MtNh.. ,jm,.,j March 1""1.;

K-l the s. •. of N. w -,. N. K *. of S. W. N. w. of S. K. '• of Sec. Twp n\ N . i;-t > w. of i tfth P. M. She lia mr> t he ft )i ioWil'.L' W it nessrs t«i pfoVi' j her . out in timi* residence u poti and cu i t: \ a* i l ion of said la mi

li.'h or tail. I. vi/.: | i., ,n I i. iw. of f.;I. m. N'. I' i lot t iiet i s.'hmerier. of I lart.pt ot:. N I > | i •• «•. II ^! «• I.ai n. of Ki !i t «»n. N. I' .Jakoii i<;n iviiardt. of Knt nionshi; il'. N hi <' areie.'e M-'Kain. nf Klr'ton. N |i I'riedrieh uiiUiaiist r. «.f Halnpton. |). «'hiistian i»ied: 11.m• r. o; I -,'i!.<n. N. 1 j Jal.ot) l\eji,eile. of 11 a ti: pi in, . 1>.

M. H .1 K'.VKKK, IIt".*ister.

Notice ol* ft:inal lloniestcatl Proof. I. \ > .' ' »!• I IV t A 1 P. 1 s \ j \ k N . !' . • May :JK -J'H'IJ.'

Noiice is hereby iriyt'ii Men ?iit» followin^-n a mi d set t le r iias li led I tot ];'e «»f her i n t en I ion to make soldh t's widow's fiiiai proof in sup­port of her . • I a i *t 1. that snpl proof wi!i oe made |.. for* P. i;. K'-ok*.. < ;eik <!' hi>tr;it t'l-nrt of l\iiiiii..i,s county. N. i at his ofij.-e in Kintoii. N !' . <,»n 'I'm stiay." July 17. 1. vi/. : i .l N 1K A li \ t.<; A K 1».

I or the < W. s of \. 1: s. w •, and N. W. > \\ . -1 ot Twp. I-'.J N . P-e. \V of Kifih P. M. >he natiies the fo'i !• -W i ,fj; V\ i ! V 1 o pl-o \-e her cont inuous residence n poii ami en i 11 v , t ion of said 1 ami. v i/.: .loll n < >' I' £ > IIII. of Winon.i. "n i » v ' John I• 1 1111 er, of W inona. .\ i» •Kn'oli I;emie 1. of W'jnnua. \ !» .Iohn Patney.of W i'iona, l>.

M ii. ,1 I'W I KK. Ke-ist, r.

Notice of Final Homestead Proof. K.\ M» mill i A; Pi A K. N , i '.. • May P.-. l'«'<:.

Not itis he re i >y i' < \a n 1 h;t r t lie fol !o w i 11 ir-nattied sriiler has tiled notice of his inten­tion to nialo hon.estt ail tinat proof in sup­port of his ei a tin. ami t ha« s;.;.; pro- .f w i: I be made l.e'ol e P. 1 I. Pooks. l efk of | list t let « 011 ri o! 1 .MI 11 H-ns.'until y. N. I a t his >»ili.•• -in Kitit-'i:. N. Imi':-Tii'^ iay. J u 1 > K. r*".. vi/ :

f.Ia'iH; >'< >KI.K!J. 1- »r t he \\. '4 of Si >\ T ., p. r . r , N.^-fee. w. of 1 if; i, p. m•

IK' liailil's the foi iteA iu'j W i t neSsi'S t o pj'o \ r ids ,-i nit in uoii s residiMKre; njmn uud : cult i \ a -

Notice of t-inal Homestead I'roof. ' I.VNil A't PiSMAKCK. \ li.. / June 11 li'.n.,

N . tlrf-' 4 s hV'i't liVi'U'fii Ihat the foi h »\v 1 n ̂ ... uan.ediia- tiie't uoiwe of ids inteii-sioti to ii;uk4' huh estead final proof in sup­port of hisclaim. and that said proof will be Iliade hefofe- P. iJo.jks. I'ielk of I M>t I ii"! t'oiitiof Kium-'Ms «'ounty. I» . at his of^ Hi v : ii IA nton. N . h.. on J u S> K. \ \/. : .loA« Tl i M M H Kl.K. ®5fJH. i:. No. \;UKK dated |el» t. t :«*V} : ;

Kor 11te K. ; > of >. 1-*. : 1 and r*. i. : 1 of K. :, < if >e.- a mi s. W'. 1, of \ W 1, of Sec. :iK Twp. h.n N., i:-;e. o. W. of I ift h V. M. lie natiH's f he foiinwinv: wit nesses to m-ove hi> 4 «in 1 iume,i> 1 esidetice up"ti ami cu t\ a-t ion of *aid 'ami. vi/..: Plant/ ftross. of Ha'.vic. N |) I*'. 11 ife! h» • 11 M i! ier, of }| a u'lie. N ;v Kali P»i;«'h!ei . IKojue. N. |». •; •) Juhanm s Kti'-' n. of llaj;ie. N I'.

M. 11. JKWKKK. Ke-isiet.

Notice of Final Homestead Proof. . I. \ M» I'KNRR AT P»ISM A HI K. N. I» , r . K 1 :; e U, I'M »ij. ,

N'.-.Jice is herei»y^ivin that the foiiowmir II a i:.ed set t ier has lil led not i.-e of his in ten-1 ion 1 o ic.aiie ho ni' st e,id li 11:1 i proof in su p-port of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before p. 11, K'<H'ks. ('\eI'k td I hst riet I'niirl of |MI,I! lOisfoiinty. N h .at his oHi''e in KM t1 •: .N I > .on •' u ; y K. 1' »•'«;, \ 1/ :

K AIM. IT.K'N 1>. II 1 .No li ;trd .1 Illy l'Mi:l] lor lite > W. \ « fV 1 W.'tnfs.W.-, a ml >. ' • of > W • •!' 'i. Tu 11 K'.e, N ., 1«»e. v\. of 1 tfth p. M.^

He nan.es the fol low i n 1:' w i 1 mwe-. Jo pro\ e II is con t i n m MIS residence u pt MI and cultiva­tion of >aid hi ml. vi/..:

.1 oseph heist . of M rasl I\3fj. N. I> .1«ilia line - Tschi >sek . of >1 rash 11 r_-. V 11 Kpiio'ii.iiis \Va^in r, of >ira«!uii ':, V I >K',li:u-VTt'rivc>. • «f Mnishiit : N. U

M. IK .IKWKKK, IJe-jlsjer.

Notice of l-'inal homestead I'rool". 1. A \ I • < M I' TI I! A'L' I»I S \| \ |!L K. N . I » .ll.tie 11. I'-'Ul'.. V

Not ;ce is hereby iri ven that t lie fol low imr -named sett h r lias liied not ice of his tut en-lion t<- make horia st. ad linal |Moof in sup-ti >rt of ii | s c; a i m. ami that sa h I proof will be made before P I. Kooks. Cleik of l»,st riet t'oiirt of l-.'n,t:;• MIS coutity. N. I' . at his t dli'-e in Ki»11 on. N . i» . n .111 'y P.. vi/.. ANT' >N IK'PNKiK

l or the N. '2 of S. K S. of >. P., ', andN. K. '; of < W a oi' Sec. Tu p I I". N.. U-e. ;*• W. oi Kift h P M. IK' n a nit's 1 he fol low in u w it n esses to prove h: s con t i 11 nou s resh h nee n pon a mi caiiiva-ton of sa id land, v i/ . : Pried 1 ich K el sch. of Kin ton. N. 1». A mlreas Krisch. ol Dalo-m, N l». .losepil po-rh. of h.ikeni. N. I >. pochus \'. tsch. of I i.akein. N. I >.

M. 11. .IKWKKK. iv'e-ister.

THE LINTON LEA DEPARTMENT STORE Our store is crowded with «ood

Goods in all Departments. Come

TYpp i i f * -'-.j i.

in and see for yourself,

trouble to show goods. .

1NJ o


\ fr


Uiikiiiii* 1NmT( M

[FL0'J^V" 1

- lac f K tu

I M M )

/.V FIOSSIHI 1' m i l L / i r i i / i , { / / / > , " ? . / *

f l t ' l l C l ' , f t l O t l I l l ' s / I I I I 1 !

s u i t s . n m k e u . > r < r " / / m S M O W

WHITE h r u 1 1 1 1 u j ' I ' l i u i r . / ;

r i l l i l l l t l ( w c r l l r l i r r i l l ,

s / > f c l I 1 1 1 r r I I I ' I ' I I / n t , f t 1 1 S V . K I J . - .

t i n i i ' S , i l l s t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / i r u u s , / / , . •

w i l l n d r u n I n r f r I / m i / \ M , / / , • ,

o r d e r i n g .s ' . \V/ i t I I I I E I / t t i U

c. l». SMtTH. HF.STIST


Notice of Final Homestead I'roof. K.Wli « 'i'KICK AT H I S M \|{iK N I >.. f •June u. y

Notice is tin -ny u'iven that the foi io\v i ni' -named set t !er l»a> tiled notice of his in'eii tioutoinake hoiuestrad final pro.if in -up-j»t M t of his c:aim. and that said proo f w 1! i i.e made before P 'i Hunk-. ' 'ierk v»f Idsirict I'ourt of Kmuious county. N. h . at his ollice COMl'i.KTK Ai»stUA<"rs ok am. i.4xiw anI> j in Kiuton. N . Ion July 17. P.mv;. v W. : TOWN LOTS IN KMMONS 1'OfNTV 1 , \|;| |* K»>M \ N t'AUM AND KANCII I.ANI^ t <'P SA KK ;H P N"."'J'l<. dated' NoV H». Pm-.V,

NOTAKY PITIiKlK. A^-eiit for AMKKh'AN i I or the K. '4 of >ec. I::. Twp. |:;:{ >., M*v.

Emmons County Abstract Company I.. A. WKATHKKHY. otli.-ial 1 •>Ira.• t. i

81. ICETY I'll., of Nt-vv VniK





LINTON. Noll. I>A K.

•J* W. WF.I.SII. M. Ii.. fllVSICIAN A N 11 St'Kli l-"( >N

It li A I >1 >t.H' 1\. N. tl Special altentton paid to diseases of Eye, Kar. N ttse atui Thtaiat. Niu'hi -ca 11s an• KWered from ollice. uiHtv ami hrujr Store opposite postofMce.

W. of Kifth P. M . He nan.^s tin- follow im: witnesses-, to prove his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of said land, vi/ : Tim Met; uire. of M arie. N I» .1 • IIMJ .Met •< MI tr h, of .Marie, N |i . :v John I.ovell. of Marie. N . I > Pat Malone. of Marie. N I»

M II. .IKWKKK. ife-ist.r.

I M . il JKW KKK. p.".:i-ti

Wanted. By Chit'ti^o wholfsa 1«* and mail -older house, ussistant manager (man or uouian) for this county and atijoinim: territory >al-ary ami expenses paid weeUly. Kv-pt'iemMiKMiey advanced; work pleasant, po-rsition permanent. No investment or e\pe-lience reijulretl. Spate time valuable. Write at onoe for full particulars ami indole ^«If •(hlri'ssfd t'nv»dope toSP P KPI N l'l'N M1.N I\ I,ake Mrci'i, < 'hicai;i>. 1 P. ;".'ap-'-ati I

Notice of Pinal Homestead I'roof. I.A.N li I HI^ IC I. AT III-i MA III K. V I I. ' .1 U lie 11, |M>*;. •

N ot ii a • isheieby driven that tin- following-nameti >ei t h-r Ins ti,t*d notice of Ids inten­tion to make homestead linal proof in sup­port of his ei aim. .t nd that said proof will be math- before p. i *. poou*. r.ejk ,.f histrict < 'on it of Km moii s count v. N . I > . a t ids oili -e in Kinton. N. I» . on July 17. I1.*''', vi/..: K A liK IU:NI»KP. [IK 1". N". I•)">-. dated Sent h>. l-.';»0 '

1'or the \. \v. of See lM. Twp. I d N , P-e p' w. of lit t h P. M. lie u a lues t lie fol lo w i nji witnesses to nr o\e his continuous residence upon ami cuM i va t ion of sa id land. vi/.:

.Iohn Post ie. of Winona. N. I > (io.nr \\ ol for. of Winona, N.I' l iii'drich i iclinei'. I'f \\ iii"ii:i. N I' - : V .iohn Ponder, of W inona. N I' M. IK.IKWKKK. Krister.

K=r"TlH' nt.'w spring tiiillitu'f.v i.-> rciidy t'ui inspection ;iL M. 1 ii-nisilVs.

Notico of Ciimimilatiim l ii al Monic> stead Proof.

KAMI ' 1 K I'B'L \T I'.LSM Mit'!.. N | ) . I May l'.-«. » Noli,a- is hereby .riven t hat the foiiowill'j-n:t:;;e«l set t !er has ti'c-d m - 5 - ce of his int en-t ion to ma lie coin: :i 111 a ? i<u» ii na i p: oof in sup port of his claim, and thai said pi oof will i >e made Itefnre t he Peuist er ath! 1 he Pee, i\ t r of t I.e K tilted Mates Kami • Mlieo a' PismaioU. N. ! > . i Mi Tu- -day. ' u iy K. v ;/:

.It >11 N P.KNid P. lit. r A', •, of >. c. ]•:, Twp. 1 ;} N . P c.i W . id i 111 h P. M.

I|e names 1 he tY'i iowile-.' V, il !,i sses t O prove his ciiiii i!!U"'.is residence upon a nd i*u 11 iva-lioij of .said land. viz.: Ktiedrj.-h < vh<m t. of Winona; N I».' / ;• \*aiiMiiite- } | - mV. 'of W i j;»m: a. N . l» KalodeM u n-eii. ed W i notia. N . I ». I\ at l Ait hof. of W ii;« M;a. N I *.

M. n. .ii:w i Ki.. p.

Notice of l-'inal Homestead I'roof. I.AMi I > I I II' '. AT ItlSMA III li. N. I >.. I .1 line It P«u>'i. «

Not ice i«, he re by L'i V e II that the fol low i II ^ -na mi d set t !er lia's li led not tee of her inteu t ioti .to maUir homestead tinal proof in support of licr claim, ami Ihat said proof will I'O made bifole P. ti Pooks. t ielkof tie- l >;si t i.-t t 'tea i t i if Kin moiis count y. N . I' . at hi> ollice in Kihion. N P» . on .luiy !., vi/.: KATHAPINA tilSK 1 or t lie S. • of N. W'. ' i a nd N. ' • 1 d" >. W . 11 of m c. ,;i. Twp. Id N.. P-c. i: W. ,-f Kilt i i

P. M. She names t lie ftdh »w itii; wit n esses t o prove le-r continuous loideiice upon ami cultisa \ i> MI of said la nd, vi/..: Kmii .1 I\opti, 0f StrasbutLT. \ 1». Ant. n 1'irli, ;f Mrasbiir^. N. I •. .1 ii n I >u.\. :> ^t r.i i.ii rj. . I Kmlvvi'.: M i! ier. of >t rashu r^. N , I'.

M. II. .IKWKl.K, Peuister,

T AI{>IS ion SAM;: I n c l i t t / i / / < y s n t i w o f t h e ( n ' s t f ' t t r m s i n i l m m n n s < - < > i u U i k

( { n a i r i . s h I n h n i f i t J ' t t t i n , f o r i t t m r i t t o r a i t " h n \ ; >

j ' o t / t f i ' H . f o i i i i ' e s i i g t t t * ' .

M V u r r s i r l f s s o l i c i t o r s f o r t h e H o c k - u r n l . n n J (

p o t t i f , o ! s o t h e i l a c k i i C i f h u n t s t o t e n s e f o r I t o t { .

At, h' KililOb M;il" I

Notice off Pinal Hotr.cstead I'roof. KAMI okkick .V; P<<M\S;<K. N. \ >.. # -.! i: ne i!,. I."-'-.

Notice Is he reby ^ i Veil t ir.lt '.In- ! linwilll'-n a m o d s e t t l e j - h a s t i l e d m j t i c . - n i i i n l e n lion to mak»* hiiini stia.l final ptoot in sun port of his claitn. ai,d that said pro.if will be made before P. (I Pov t, s. t i'k of Pislri.'i i'ourt i.- f Kiiiii, ous county. N I ' . a I Pis o'lice in Kiuton. N. I» . .1n;y P.. P'-'r,, Vj/ ; ' •'« 'UN P. VAN Mil KKK<»M, v/";. ••••'( 1 i. I. p:H«:M. d.tted i.i.v, |sm,.;>;W;-'-.

I or the V. . ! the \ w, e. :;}. Twp. i:;" N., li.e,;; w. of i-inij: p. m. IK- nana-s 1 he foi I 'Win^ witness, s t I I MO ve his c. in t inuoms residence n |»-..MJ a ml cu i t i \ a -t ion i •!' s;i id jam!, vi/.;' id'tiit Van Peek. oT-WestimJd, \. Ji Aient Vat' der ha a n. of Wesitj, d N f >. John \ an P.e< k, id' West I. N. ! >. Peirtis Van dej- Waid. of hale. N . | >.

M M. .M'WKKK lh Mslcr':-;

Noticc of l:inal Homestead Proof. I. \\p nrnri: AT Hi < vi AIPK. N. P . -.! U ne 1 K L'.« ,' i . »

:Noiifr is hcrepy ^ivcik th.it tlir !i)llo\v -iri^-iutiiicd .settler has tilrd tnditT t>t hi.s ihterdioii to make ht)inesit\t(i final proo! in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before \\ P.. Rooks, Clerk of thr 1 >istrict Court of MinnuM.s county. N. 1K. at his oftice in l .intoi^, N. 1 on July 17, 190^. vi/.:

.H 'UN VAN I:I;K.K. 'II. 1: N o . I d a t e d .1 ui v 10. MM. 1

IM' !he S |;. ',of SV,::;,T.V|I N\. P'-e. TT W. o f K i f t h P. M.

i le It a me > t he foil »W i 11ir witnt'ssrs lo prove his com intious residenci* up-m atidcultiva t ion of >a id iand. v i/.: tiet t it Van Pee!,, of West Held. N. I' A FENT V a n DER KANN. o f W e s t liehi. N. I K . let ILLS Vau der Wa i i. of I >a l e. N. P. lohw P. Van lleiikelom. of w esttirid. N. D.


& *




* *

^ - A A A

I . Vi It: I.A MtKti. 1'rcs. t:ii\V|i It IIA I il n n 1 K, vti-c-l

A. W. SIMS. 1 r. I'.. MAKTIN. Av



I'll YS|( I AX ANP St lUiKON


Mr- "I'lK 1 \'L" I' I. \ III It'I Y S I'M A H VI \ R \ I

PhiAUS ,IK\'1 11 KuuM ;

CITY itAiMti:i; SHOP A M. UK I T'l'S. plinr,

ir Kaumlry IPtsket KeaVes «»ti "^l«»:j• i\ s




X^V>NVORIP «OTU1TNIF :I HUOTRLI H»H! DOPCRINT urn NUIT "nttii'klv am'iTtnin <<tir op'aion free whet her :ii» luventton is i>rohnMv patentahle. Corntnt !ue«-• urn**tru'tlveonthlei rial. Maiidh.-ok on I'aient'j sent free. <iM»«l akreitev t- r heeunn^ |»atent«<. Patent:* taken thronLdi Mii'tn \ C ». receive •nnciat notice, without clmriro in th»»

Scientific Jimerlcatt. A nnndao!tn»ly lllustrritod weeklv. Kurcem .• r • •illation 1 • f :itiy j<eiettUtlc jMunutl Ternm. •:> . v*».-Tr : t"iir nintitlis, tl. JJOI». hy ail newsdealer*. MUNN & C0.3eiBrc dway. Ijgw York Urane1. otth «;. St., Warihitictoti. i>.

! Notice of l-'inal tlunicstcail I'ruuf. I . K AMI I'IIH r AT I!I^U!:I K, N. P>,. I j . I w 1 1 e 1 1 . 1 . i Notic- i- hereby L'ivi n titai t lie. od < n^-I named settler has liied notice ? his inteu ti«ut t" inake h'i.';:i stoad hnal piool m sup­port of his 0! a i !i .and that sa pt pn >ot tv ;: I h..-tlilide liefon- p li. Peuus. < ici: iv rj | »!s! I'd Court of Kmmoiis eon.uiv ,\. I?;, at h's ojli-'e in Kiuton. N P . •"'ii J'uiv 1P'n-.. vi/. ••

' 11 APKKS Aii KPN. Kor N. 1 . , • f >e.-. ;p | v , i \ u_v. 75 W. of I! t lt P \|

I\• i!ow; 1:» tt m'^>c's;v- i.o

Notice of Final homcsteaU Proof. KA.M' ' U !'l« !a AT PlSMAUl K. N. P.. 1

11 lie 11. |!•«!»;. 1 Noti-'e 1m hefehv ^iva Ml that J lie foliowin^'-na tued >e|i ;e r ha S li it'll not t<*e t»f he|- inten tiou to 11.ake hoiiM siond titiai proof in sup­port of her claim, and that >aid pro .f \vi 1 > no ma "ie before 1'. \ I . P00lv s. < "lei U "f I h. Pis-t ri-M c, ,u rt «.f Km11 ions eoit nt v. N 1'-. :< t hi> • dlice in I/mtiMj. N. p.. on .luiy IK PH'".,

1 K1J>TA I AKKAPA. (IK K. N • I:;oo:K dat«•»! .Itiue '7. I'.'i"' > Koi the S }• •. ,,fs \v ! - of s K. ' . a ml

N K. ; , of S. K. •; •'f :ui. 'I'n p Pi-: N p-". w. of :.ih p m She li a Pies t he fo'. iowiriL' w'it !!•'».'« Jo ptoVe he 1 c.int inuotis residon.'e upon ami cultiva­tion of said land, vi/.: Aiva Hur.'t'. of W|iiche>!ff. N. P. Michael Mahain-y. m .of K: n l on, N - I Clinton P. Washer, of Pint. MI. N Ih.; .Pi l%o!» ,-a u 11 r. of Pi tit on. N . I h

M. li..IKWKKK. 1 {1 • i s 11 • r.

Noticc of l-'inal Homestead I'roof. • KAMI OKI'ICK AT PI-SVIAIP K. N. P .:CD nine ll. I'mii. ;

Notii c i> hereby given that the tollow m^-nattitai .settler ha* filed notice ot her intention to make final homestead proof, and that said prooi will he made helore

0. Rooks, Clerk ot PiMrict Court of kmmons county, N. P., at his otiice in


I ;, Loans Money on approved security in sums watm I. p i i Interest paiil on Time Deposits. 1; j i i'Tiino Loans made 011 Improved l-'anns. ' M 'I .i\es paid for Hesidents and Non-Kesulents

j' Insurance ellected in tlu: Ijust eoinpanirs. I Will also lease your Lands and collect Io-nis.

x r r r


.**S'. U l

• ' M i

i t


St..ii;i' leaves Linton at 7 a. ni. daily fur 11a-/."!tnii and Iiraddock. C.inie.s |ia.s.viiy:ers l.ie-t wren Lin 11 in. I la/.ell i ill ami rii'addifk. lietuni iii'4. readies Linton at i'.;:M o'lin'k p. in.

Livery, Feed and on

Wm. Carmiclmel. I'n'iM

E i l s l - ( ' h i s s I t i o s , ( i t ' t t t h ! '

H o r s e s , l i e u s u n u h l ! 0 f f y - ? j f ~ s -

I ' r o n i f t l S f r r i f

=3^=3 HP'

Also Runs a Stage Line BetwH-n L:ni'"i.! Braddock, Through H.ui-U-a

lie natiP^ .''.'iVuV =t?.,;Vu'ia*i:T..11' ,'""1 I 1 mtonV'N. I'.. ..'lv July 1 /. IVOf.. vi.-.:

I'll-.I \\. Kx• <. ,.r o> , \ !> 1 .'AM- 1>YK, .'t'i»niierlv Van <le Vorste. Willi;,!,, .I,;iii,„,i,. ..r I >1. N |i I ,H. K. No. l.M-l'J, dated l-Vli. 1-1. IVOil.! U all: KM-. ,.f Nli ! . .. . , nil.- I Mil/ii ni'i i. if I... 11 .. > . J I 1 1 nr tin- \\ . ot >. 1-.. ; and I-.. . ot .->. \\ .

\!. 11. .1 I W i ! I I,, _l-.ii i i . ot S-i-. 11. Tu'l'. 1 1" N.. Kv;e. W, 1 i-'itth r. M.

The Farmer's Excursion. !• oi low nit; is a list of I hose who lia\e,

so far. si-nt in applications for places with the I.Hinei.s' excursion. The ex­clusion will lake place in July, some tune lie twee it the «tli and Hth. It will leave Linton on Tuesday and re-tuin l''iid,n. If a11v farmer who lia< asked to un doei nut tlnd his name on the list uiven ltelow. he should drop a po.«iiii-cai'il to the Ut'coi'd oiticecalling attfiiti.iu to ihi1 tact, and his name will lie placed on tin. iisl. Those who lia\e not none on a previous excursion to the aarictiliural college have tirst Lhance. Ideiitilicuiion cards will he turnif.lie.1 to those who are listed for the tup. '1 he.se cards are not trans-feiabie. l'eopie who take the train at Linton wi,l ^et their cards at> tlie Uecoul ortn-e. Those who entrain at lla/.ellon can yet them at tlie Repub­lican i.nice. The cards will not tie given out untu the evening before tlie

-date of depailure. Following is a list of the names of

the party, as lx>oked up to date. If you have changed your inind and will not go, unless yon are very sellisli you

r-KVKN VK.AKS- t:.\ I'KIJI l-'Ni 'K sATIsl-'A.TInN (I t' A UA NT l'i" 11

AH KNT I'OH Uin it lilt I' \VIM>Mtt.l~ I'liANCIS .1 AS/.KuW I A K.

No 4-1 Twelfth Street. Iti-.ti.iir.-k. I' N


and Woodworker.

The Publisher's Claims Sustained UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS !

The ruUi>hcr» <»l ' Webster ' s Internat ional , Dict ionary al le i re i hat i t " i - . in fuel .The pupu- I l i i r r tmhn. iue. l t inm >uuli ly re-o«iitu«l i t i cver \ • le t a i l . uiul vast ly enri«*he«l i t i every |»: i r t , wi t l i t he |n i rpu>e nt ' jn lapi i t i t r i t t»» meet t he larger »m<l severer ivi juireiuents of unutber ^eneru-114)11."

We are of the opinion that ihi> a l legat ion

Notice of Tina! tlomosicai! rro4>i I ASM i i n i \ ; I i i - NM !:• u. N ! - . \i lie II. I'H'h, - .,

NtH'.t'e is I u-1 i •! i,V u t \ e 11 that lie' l'i l'i«\viir_'-I li 11 iei 1 selllfi' Iki'n li < *•< i j.'e t»l hi- iin »-n -I i« >i i 1«» I h.'i !< e lii .mr>l e:ol lin'ii :n pf.'lt ni' liis ei a : ii;. : 11 i1 1 ha 1 -:i;«!. "pn»»f w iii !,.• !ii;itit' iM'fi-lv j'. 1H •! iK *• ' dMU.it'J'i-lllfl i < 11! i t «1-,»:111si»n«» ftuuiiy. N 1' , .ii h i- • in l . ; i i i" i . . N. I». . » r ; . 'M'i : V j . , r.H, ' i ;4 . - y v / : - : -.1 Ai t»u l;l t K IK . . 11 . i:. Nil. Ml' i:;. it:.I. .1 I'eh. • '

|-"oi the N. K '!' N. V. . •. N. ' - ..J \ I' • t of >«•«• :.*4. I v. p. N.., K^ev-fttt I ;! 11» ! • M. lie ua?h« ^llM !'t-i'-tw 1 iiir-' pr-»\ e his i't)iiiii!iii>n> ai.e'l- en it \ h»u «*l >aiil ia ml.: vi/.. • hail!.-: K. .i;i._rei. «>j' I. i N J' . • Mii> hi«:/nitei!. of Lit.ion. N i > )"hn ^'ii :«sh nifK . t •! l/ttjini.. N l1 K > in ' :e i 1 !i >! i n _*«• i. • - ! I.; sr. • >: - ."V 11.

M. II. .M-'\V!"U. ):•. '


tnnst elearlv un«I aeenrately ttoseril»eH tlu wi.rU that na.« been neeoiuplUheii and the result that lias U-en roaehe«l. The I Met ionary. a< n n»»w Man<U, ha.4 Iteen tln»rmiLrhl>' re-e«liie«l in every iletail, ha* !>een eenvt-leil in everv pari, un*l is a«lniiral»ly a'lapie<i t«» inert the larirep ami severer ivnuirenients «»f u __ i ueneratmn whieh deinarvi^ mmv of popular . . ,, ' philiil«»irU.a| Unowietlure than unv jreneratton 1 Jierebv respectfully mtnnn 1 be : that the Wurhl luisevero.niaine.1. public thai 1 am iio\v'|.iv{i:iml lo tin : work iii my lim\ and will i-arncMK en- j Jll( deavoi to satisly tlios^ who ^1\1' lnt^ i tiun: iitiil lliat in tiie t lit ti i-e lis iti t he p:i.M it their patronage j "ill In- tliosiiureent nui^iiiit ter.-feiiei-.

CH AK1.KS 4N< ' TT, 4 " L I , ltivtir»>. 'V l„\U liKNCK. u I'.Ll" *N • .loilN J'AVIS. STANTnN J. JM i.l.U.. ' I'll Aitl.KS I;. H' >\V!:Y.

7*?h* n r.. !<> \vi:iisri;u s


THE GRAND PRIZE t lie hiifhist ;nviiftli wa< iriven t" 1 lie Interna-tienal at the W'<irM*> 1'asr. St. l.»>ui^.

A COOP WELL I» necessary to every farm Ami r.meh. it mi there Is no tm>re tlesiralile. n<» elean-*?r unit no nu»re thirahle ^-eSi than a drilled well.

m% Trill-I.AU l either two luetifh t»r three uu-lu-s in iliameter. will Ktv* yim an ahumhtiu'e of pn>tl. pure w»kt*r. W«» t».4tl *1 rtn t«. ;*my »>rtlinary •iSd-uniu"1 ,ur"UI' 1>lp" '

"4w,,?U ,l1U'1 Ul *H.%!* ! i: t o * rite II,« what ym. want

nkls w AM»I-'.HSON Hraddock N,,r. i,uk

Public l.sml Sale. iBa>e«i uivii i-;• 1. «-i 1*

W ' r W v . : v \tTl- !• r- I'A'i I » l;:VNO--« »Vri'i-K:. ' I'. i < si \ in k . N 11 . V ay I

Notice i.s hereby ^iven Mi;'.) iii aiu'e t)l in^tr'U'tior.s troi'.t '»>'• ^ siulier ot the (.elicral 1 -tini Oi!;«."e. .t> rontairiril iii letter "l "ft lvol, \nuler authority d in hiai hy Nv It is perhaps ne*Mile>s to a»M t iiat we refer ' I iCe\ ;^e<l ^Utt'^es. ;i> • the «iiitionnry in onr jmlieial w<n k a-ot ; •. T,. ie hiyhe>t a lit horit v in aeeiiraev of «lelini- 1 'tiueinlt'd h\ Uu* t • - • • i i 1 ' 'February A». 1W'., we will profeetl ti» offer at public sale at 1>1 o'clock a. ni. on the l.'th tlay ft July. 1V«^., at this oil icef the to! low inij t rart i^f la t it!, tvi-wJ: S. W. Quarter ot S W. Quarter ot Sec.

Twp. N.. 1,1 I'i^h \\ M.

AiiVand all persons claiming atlverse-ly the above ilescribeti <an«l. or any part thereof, are adviscti tti tile their claims; in this oitice oi. or bei».>rc the tii'.ie ab«»v»' liesi^nateil for the v^Mninenceintrni < »t tlie

GET THE LATEST AND BEST:Ss:!i M. 11. JKWKM., K.lister. JOHN SA I 1'KKirNb. K.'Cfiver;' -

She names tiie lolh>win^ u itnesses to prov<- h<*r continuous reshience upoti ami cultivation of said land, vi/.:

William Pykema. ot Westtiehi. N. P. : rJohannes Mattern. of Strasbur^. N. P.

, t'eter Pykema. ot WesttieUi, N. I\ I'^ltuie \erhoet, tit \\ esttiehl. N. 1'.

^5. II. JKWKI.I.. UeiriNt.-r.

Noticc (if Final Momesteail I'roof. I. \ M i i u i n i A I Hi.auiiiK. N 1 .1 SI IP' i I . :

N"<U -i'c i> il« I • i IV U') V en t hi t the t ii i>«\\ it) LI-'-li.ilue.l ! ier h:i^ liieil in.lie.'.'! her inlen 1'MII to n:aUe IhMiie-teml tina! |>i«"'f n, sup pM>e , .| h. : e l.i mi -oi'I Ihat -a;>i pro.»( win !><• mad* 1 >< • t«• re <•. IOMIU-. « ,eiU el h'lNiijrt iiiiiM ..f r.mni:»!i^ i-iMiniy. N. J» . at his < • t -I'M'' , :I I.;!.; < n. V I' . on .!uiy I 7, Ivnii. \ M Ai;l.\N ^ I} i N 1'/.. < u iu« '\v of Joha-t im «. t ,Vr j i i ll. 1 Ne. 1 l.i. \ ti:i 1 t «l Ma\ IM'l l''t»r «hi s. of N I'.. . .Onl N - or > I lj of >« Twp i-i n . l^e, imil r. M.y

-lie n a mt > t he t'o '• U , n; wtiiii -•»<- I.' jvvc he r eon t i 11 n on «• t '"hlei..-" • ii|ini: ami «-n 111 \ .i -i fon '•!' \ i/. ; 'Knjeiaett Meier, of si r;i>i>ut »'. \ 1 K .n>M-ph .h-elinni. of si ra«*l»nri.r, N '' li-nn li'M'fili l>u\. ot St r;i>li!irj. N. I' '•-.h\ ii t on sel; v» a a. "t > i ra •>! "i t -. N '»

>: !i ! i:w i i.i..


"The Place Where You Get Your Money's Weill!"

M.W WOVAh SF .WINli MA( I I IM> KM l ' i I . ' K < IJ KA M SKI 'AKATOHS I I A K N K S S K K I ' A I K S K 4 > H S l ' K I N C \ \ o l ! K (il{()( KIMKS, SKKDS. KTC. M'AV STOCK 4 IK PKY 414)4 IDS IIAIJDWAUK

; Our prices are the lowest. Come and look

our stock over and be convinced. No old site' worn goods to dispose of.

V«'ii iri'J J - t »•!»».. ir ./ I


wrusi fHS K rt-'HN \T1UVM >\ UlC IlUNAtft

Noticc ni l inal llonicstcail IVool". 1. \\ !» » >1 . (» I .it lil -MA KC;». N i .

• I;I !.E U. pwv... \ ."S «•! i«e i> )'i i • :<> L'iven t ha t the t'o] lo w i n c-e.a met; »ei t !»• r h:i •% li led not ire o|' hi«» iutei; I j. Ml : • • n:aUe lio!i-evt ead tina! _|.»to-.f In -a ji. p. •! \ of 11: ^ * I;«! m. ami t i i a l -»:t !d p: ''"f ttnl I »•' made Ijeiore 1'. «i. Uook i'lei ..f I h-I i i«"l iiHiit «•! n: t * i' • > i e.-iinty. N. Iat .in-*el -tice in Kin:..!-,. N !».i, .1 u.v K.

Al'.Wi Tl h 'M .\ s. ,11 1 . No. Iilateii ̂ lay \'ii. h4"' .j i\11- ii.. .-. w i > < < - i". -i- i-'- •• "r w , > .- -hi. i V W. < -I >. W . ; i i-l M-'-- -. I »'l>. i •» :':N.. i;... ;i. I if:1' I' II,. I-, ni, > the t'o I i,iw :n*j u it ru"»e> t o pin v e 111" e< - i111nU"if re>idi-u 'e npt.ei and eu!11 va I U ' I I • d >a i»i la ri.j. v : • JOSEPH IS ANNUAL UU R. o !" SI r a ̂ : O; I N H. ; t .U< l \vtu- .Mattern. o f SI R.i^HIN-'. N I»-: ,ie li.' l i l l ie- M iltleri. o| M L.I \ 1 ». :-

L.:pp. of !'a- :«at-. N. L». M H- .M:\VKl.i.. ICeL'i-ierV-

New Cattle Uramt. ; 4C| iVi.n. .1. Im. ^ ;• I .>it;'Uliler. ;.i l"t -

t # >eetI I - ' d \ ' ii*-* per

. t > I i/n iefi hjpV |i°" '•fl j ilu.siit-.. s. •• i., w. i;ii>i-ii.v-': 1;'1 >• N: I

A ( i O O l ) T H l X d

rlX ) TI K T( )


^• . / mIB ; L pi 1 ii'*' j 1 H pf. vt: ,..J Hi H.

il f .. .. •ir » V- ' i , '

l - ' . r c n i s i n ' r t r r m a k e w r h i t t r i / i n a t < > a ' - ' :

r i i s l i i i ) i i r . - - i / o t / o r o u r s a t e o u h j . h u t ' < >

s l l ' l l l l l j I H i t f o i l o f f l i t I ' ) ' . / ! , ' ! > . l i s I I T . I ( I

t > ' I i r r a m l h e n t o i i o ' t i i u r w i t h i . " > " ' '

w o n t / / m i t o H e f o u s .


***** * 's-a 's--