how to stay safe online a guide for students. e-safety e-safety relies on selecting appropriate...

How to stay safe online A guide for students

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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How to stay safe online

A guide for students


e-Safety relies on selecting appropriate privacy levels, knowing how to behave online and understanding the risks of using the Internet and mobile technologies

We will be looking at 5 main areas of e-safety

• Social Networking• Email• Chatrooms and Instant Messaging (IM)• Cyberbullying• Mobile phones

Social Networking platforms are basically websites with applications which help connect friends using different tools like blogs, profiles and photos

Social Networking

Social Networking

Be careful what information you give out on your profile. Remember that you don’t know who your friend’s friends are…or your friend’s friend’s friends...

Do you know all of your online friends?

Social Networking

You don’t know what they’ll do with your picture or your personal details if you give them out.

Don’t forget once a picture is out on the net it’s out there forever and may cause unfavourable attention and unwanted consequences…..

Consequences Film

Social Networking

Privacy settings on Facebook

Digital Dirt Film

Email General Rules

Legitimate banks and businesses NEVER ask for your password or personal details by email.

If it seems to good to be true…IT IS! You can’t win a lottery you haven’t entered!

If you’re not expecting an attachment in an email be suspicious. Contact the sender BEFORE opening it!

If an email is from someone you don’t know and contains an attachment do NOT open it – just delete it.

If you are not sure an email is genuine call the bank/business/person that emailed you and confirm it was them that sent it.

Chatrooms and Instant Messaging (IM)

Chatrooms and Instant Messaging

Even when you have been chatting to the same person for ages and you think that you know them, remember it’s very easy to lie on the internet…

Chatrooms and Instant Messaging

• Be careful not to share too much information in chatrooms, you don’t know who is listening

• If you wouldn’t be comfortable yelling it out in a crowded room, it’s best not to write it in a chatroom

i-Smart Film

Cyberbullying• What is it?

…the use of the Internet or mobiles to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.


This type of bullying affects people not just at college but everywhere, even at home 24/7 and can have devastating effects.

What should you do?

Report Cyber-bullying

• Tell someone• Save Evidence• Block the bully • Don’t reply or retaliate to

things they say or do• Contact your mobile service


Mobile Phones

Who knows your mobile number?

Only give your number to people you can trust and never online.

Don’t put your number on your social networking profile.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

GPS can pinpoint your exact location

Some Apps and phones have built in GPS

Your contacts will be shown on a map

They can see exactly where you are!

Scary if you have contacts on your profile that you don’t

know or trust!


Camera phones

Be careful if you share your photos with others

Pictures can be altered or shared around

Think about what the image is and who you are sending it to

Once it’s out there …it’s out there forever!


Film - Exposed

If things go a step too far, report directly to Click CEOP