how to speak so that people want to listen - julian treasure

How to speak so that people want to listen

Upload: sameer-mathur

Post on 15-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. How to speak so that people want to listen
  2. 2. Human voice is the most powerful sound in the world -Julian Treasure
  3. 3. 7 Deadly Sins of Speaking
  4. 4. Gossip
  5. 5. Judging
  6. 6. Negativity
  7. 7. Complaining
  8. 8. Excuses
  9. 9. Exaggeration
  10. 10. Dogmatism
  11. 11. HAILTo greet or acclaim enthusiastically
  12. 12. Honesty - to be clear and straight Authenticity - to be yourself Integrity - to be your word Love - to wish them well
  13. 13. This toolbox changes the way how you speak
  14. 14. Register We can locate our voice right up through our body Most of us speak from the throat but if we want weight we should go to our chest
  15. 15. It is the way how your voice feels People prefer rich, smooth and warm voices
  16. 16. Pace Prefer talking at a moderate pace Silence is very powerful tool in between speech
  17. 17. Pitch
  18. 18. Volume
  19. 19. Register Pace Timbre Pitch Volume Prosody
  20. 20. Gossip Judging Negativity Complaining Not listening Excuses Lying Noise Bad Acoustics
  21. 21. Powerful Conscious speaking Listening Designed spaces
  22. 22. Conscious Creating Receiving Designing
  23. 23. Created by Sai Srujan,RGIPT RaeBareli, during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur,IIM LUCKNOW