how to shed those post-pregnancy pounds

How to Shed Those Post-Pregnancy Pounds

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: How To Shed Those Post-Pregnancy Pounds

How to Shed Those Post-Pregnancy


Page 2: How To Shed Those Post-Pregnancy Pounds


Stay Hydrated

Doctors agree, hydration is key for maintaining a healthy bodyweight

and for achieving a healthy pregnancy recovery. Use your urine as a hydration gauge — if your urine

is mostly clear, then you’re in the clear!

Page 3: How To Shed Those Post-Pregnancy Pounds


Choose  Nutrient-­‐Dense  Foods  

Nutrient dense foods, or “super foods,” are especially

important for new mothers because they need all the

nutrients they can get. This is especially the case for

nursing mothers who need to provide nutrition for their new babies as well as their own


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Catch Up On Sleep

New mothers are notoriously overtired and under-slept, but good sleep is critical to losing that

post-pregnancy weight. Try to get to bed when your baby does and prioritize napping during the day. Rested mothers have lower levels of stress hormones and are more motivated to keep to

their exercise and eating goals.

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Research studies aren’t definitive on whether

exclusive breastfeeding is helpful for weight loss, but it’s

definitely healthy for your new baby. If you decide to nurse your baby, you’ll be

able to recoup 200-300 extra (healthy) calories in your


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Start Burning Calories


Like any weight loss goal, shedding post-pregnancy weight is half-eating and half-

exercising. !

Try to include a mix of aerobic activity (like running or biking) and weight training into

your exercising regimen. Not only does regular exercising help your weight loss

goals, but it will also help you sleep better and feel better too!

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