how to remove “fbi cybercrime division” virus


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Page 1: How to remove “fbi cybercrime division” virus

How to Remove “FBI Cybercrime Division” Virus

“FBI Cybercrime Division” virus is a dangerous ransomware infection that attacks random computers and asks to pay a nonexistent fine for all kinds of law violations such as watching and spread pornography or any other illegal activities. However, none of the real authorities would use screen locker to collect fine. “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus is created by cyber criminals to get easy money in the name of FBI. The deceptive screen of “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus may look scary but fake. All it wants is to urge you to pay the fine by threatening with jail times. If you transfer money to this scam, you will fall for the trap and lose your money in vain. The computer will still be locked andblocked from access even though you pay for it.

Screenshot of “FBI Cybercrime Division” Virus

Page 2: How to remove “fbi cybercrime division” virus

“FBI Cybercrime Division” virus usually gets into your system via Trojans planted in malicious sites or spam email attachments. The removal of “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus is really tough. “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus adds its startup options by making changes to registries. In this case, “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus is able to pop up in seconds every time you log in system and locks up the entire desktop screen. Files that are responsible for the execution of “FBI

Page 3: How to remove “fbi cybercrime division” virus

Cybercrime Division” virus are randomly released or disguise as system files, which explains why it is never easy to completely get rid of “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus. Luckily, we can remove “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus manually by locating and ending its infections with skills. If you have any questions in following the manual removal guide, you are welcome to contact Teesupport agents 24/7 online for help.

Manual Removal Guide on How to Get Rid of “FBI Cybercrime Division” Virus

Step1. Log in safe mode with networking or safe mode with command prompt.

Step2. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to open the Windows Task Manager. Then stop all processes. Click on the Processes tab, search for suspicious .exe then right-click it and select End Process key.


Step3. Click Start button and select Run. Type regedit into the box and click OK to proceed. Once the Registry Editor is open, search for the registry keys added by “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus and Delete them.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[random].exe" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[random]" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system "DisableTaskMgr" = '1'

Page 4: How to remove “fbi cybercrime division” virus

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\random\shell

Step4. Search for infected files of “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus and delete.

%System%\drivers\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].sys %Temp%\[random] %Temp%\<random>.exe %StartupFolder%\ctfmon.lnk C:\WINDOWS\system32\[random name].dll

Attention: Certain expert skills will be required during the manual removal procedure to avoid wrong operation which may damage your computer permanently. If you cannot remove “FBI Cybercrime Division” virus completely by yourself, you’re welcome to Contact Tee Support 24/7 online computer experts here to help you quickly and safely remove all possible infections from your computer.