how to prevent your site from having canonical issue?

CANONICAL ISSUE Canonical URLs is very significant factor in terms of SEO, each website need to have canonical URL attributes for search engine prospective. If this attribute are not available then you might be facing the problem of duplicate content i.e. www. and without www. Domain name considerable different domain name search engine. You know, now days Google penalizes the websites if your website are having “duplicate content”, you have been observed sometimes you have two URLs that refers the same page? i.e. and actually might refer the same product page. But in technical terms these URLs are different. On the other hand Google thinks there are two pages having duplicate content. That’s why canonical URLs are being used to prevent from such issue. If you use Canonical URLs, Google must index the site even of the one used to access the page. <link rel="canonical" href="/blog" /> Code sample What is Canonicalization? Text Links :-<a href=> keyword in anchor text </a> No followed link: - <s href =” rel=”nofollow”> keyword in anchor text </a> Image link :- <a href=><img src=”img/keyword.jpg” alt=”keyword” width=”#” height=”#”></a> What is Canonical URL?

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Sometime internal page of your site known as duplicate by crawler even technically those are different cause of Canonical Issue. For more info please visit my website


Page 1: How to prevent your site from having Canonical Issue?



Canonical URLs is very significant factor in terms of SEO, each website need to have canonical URL attributes for search engine prospective. If this attribute are not available then you might be facing the problem of duplicate content i.e. www. and without www. Domain name considerable different domain name search engine.

You know, now days Google penalizes the websites if your website are having “duplicate content”, you have been observed sometimes you have two URLs that refers the same page? i.e. and actually might refer the same product page. But in technical terms these URLs are different. On the other hand Google thinks there are two pages having duplicate content. That’s why canonical URLs are being used to prevent from such issue. If you use Canonical URLs, Google must index the site even of the one used to access the page.

<link rel="canonical" href="/blog" />

Code sample

What is Canonicalization?

Text Links :-<a


keyword in anchor text </a>

No followed link: - <s href


rel=”nofollow”> keyword in anchor text


Image link :- <a


src=”img/keyword.jpg” alt=”keyword” width=”#”


What is Canonical URL?

Page 2: How to prevent your site from having Canonical Issue?

Using Asp Codes?

You need to be inserted at the top index.asp or default to asp file to get non WWW version redirected to www version of

home page or index page: -



If InStr(Request.ServerVariables(“SERVER_NAME”),”www”) = 0 Then

Response.Status=”301 Moved Permanently”

Response.AddHeader “Location”, “http://www.” & Request.ServerVariables (“HTTP_HOST”) &



End if

Dim Page

if Request.ServerVariables(“SCRIPT_NAME”)= “/default.asp” then




end if



Redirecting one page to a new page by following this code:


Response.Status = “301 Moved Permanently”

Response.AddHeader “Location”, “”



Resolving Canonical Issue Using 301 Redirects IIS7?

Resolving the Canonical Issue for

Microsoft IIS Server?



Page 3: How to prevent your site from having Canonical Issue?

With the updated version of Microsoft Windows IIS7 web server, URLs redirect rules have been enabled in the web.config file. The

Following code you need to be use to resolve that issue:





<rule name="Redirect to WWW" stopProcessing="true">

<match url=".*" />


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (your site name)


<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^$" />


< action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" />







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