how only wj tile · "the~ghost~goes wild" mrs. don wolf announces staff of bible school...

IB August 14, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD DREDGE FOR LOWER COLORADO ORDERED Looking toward permanent re medial measures to coricct the difficulties caused by silt de I«jsits along the Colorado be- low Hoover Dam, the Bureau of Reclamation has awarded a con- tract i'or a specially designed dredge which will he put to work rutting new channel sec- tions particularly in the vicinity ol Needles and Topock, Calif. Section 8 R.D. 11833- Technocracy 1526 Cravens Ave. Room 6 Tuesday & Thursday 8 P.M. King Presents Revolver To Truman Hep. CYcll 1{. KliiK. who rrpri'srnts Tornuiro and the Harbor district In Washington, has prosontwl ITrahlent Tru- nian with the first .88 rallhrr servliv revolver turned out h.v I he Smith £ Wesson Ftrranu* fw., fur World War II. Carrying the serial No. VI the revolver w-u» the first of I,-H''.(MMI Nldearnis manufiu'- luml h.v the firm for the urmed force* during the war. King's collection of ftreiirms Is considered to be one of the finest in the country. The most iiilhnshisdr gun colk-ctor on Capitol Hill, King said the President expressed "great dellKht" when the pre- senlaliiHi was nuule: NOW PLAYING "High Barbaree" T"FoT THE" LOVE OF"' "RUSTY" SUN. - MON. - TUES. ene Kelly - Mnrie McDon "Living in a Big Way" NEXT WEEK—STARTS WED. "The Homestretch" GARDENA Gardena, Calif. "Honeymoon" "UNDERCOVER MAISIE" SUN. - MON. - TUES. The Homestretch" "THE MILLERSOrT CASE" FHONf LAST TIMES TONIGHT "Miracle on 34th Street" "Jewels of Brandenburg" "Boots of Destiny" Tlm"McCoy "LIGHTNING CARSON RIDES AGAIN" SUN. - MON. - TUES. - WED. AND THURS. Esther Williams 'TIESTA" NEW NOW PLAYINQ "Les Miserables" "STANLEY AND LIVINGSTONE" SUN. - MON. - TUES. "Honeymoon" "THE~GHOST~GOES WILD" Mrs. Don Wolf Announces Staff Of Bible School Mrs. Don Wolf has announced he names of seventeen staff ncmbers who will assist her as superintendent In carrying out program of a daily vaca- tion Bible school now being iponsored by four Torrancc :hurches. This is the second week of he school, and enrollment has eaehed 130. The daily program, Tuesday thru Friday, includes a general fun period at 9 a. m., department work until 11:15 and L concluding worship period. lasses meet at Ihe Christian hureh and in Ihe parish house if' the Episcopal church. Supervisors of the depart- nents are: beginners, Mrs. ! 1 a d y s Pietzschke; primary, Mvs. V. T. Vanderpool; junior, Mrs. G. Sommers, and inter- ediate. Mrs. Harry Gray. Teaching the various classes are: Mines. Harold Hutehinson, W. Edwards, David Howard, John Cox. M. J. Edwards, Doro- thy Hodges, Florence Viellenave, ', Pitzer, Tom Henger, Fred icon and Joyce Franzcn. Donna Pat Wolf and Jessie Quigley are the musicians, -CMUHCHI6' NOTICE: Copy for Church Notices cannot be accepted after 10 a.m. Tuesday. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C._ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH—1< Nurtlir sts. Telephu 9:30 a. m. 300. Special ervice." Gid- dlrectcd by 7:30 p. m., and the m. Servi, vival. Jonah at Fl»h." 1'ralso service," youth n 1 r. BYPU. 6:30 p. m.. seven UP3 for trnlninit. Wednesday. 7:30 m.. prayer ineetlnB an.l tentlmoiiy. rsday. 7:30 p. m.. choir rehearsal. pastor Servic L.A. To Award Contract On Strip School Bids for the construction of a $250,000 15-classroom elementary school at 216th st. and Halldale ave. will be awarded August 20, the Los Angeles Board of Edu- cation's architect's office said today. Giading of the site is expected to be completed within the next week, officials said, and work on the buildings will probably begin shortly after the contracts are awarded. The buildings will be of stucco construction, officials said; "the best we can get now." FIRST LUTHERAN tf 91. Frank O. Mec-hling, iim.lay school 9:30 a. m. (1:1.") il. In. Uuest preacher. NAZARENE CHURCH-"W. A. Pen- ner, pastor. 1IS01 W. Carson St. Sun. school 9:40 a. m. Mrs. Afncs Foster. superintendent. Services 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p .in. YOUIIR people's meeting. dent. ' Prayer meetlin^'wednesday. 7::tO p. ni. Prayer uiul fa»tiii|! aer- vlce, Friday 11 a. in. CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NA TIVITY Bngracla and Manuel aves.. -- - - - McOulnness. Kngn -enmilir. M. Brlmley. hool. 9:30 at Ail I L. B.C.. pastor; Bun -(rector. Su Service, 10:40 imil age children Is ma tiday morning so p&rei Idren may attend t! ung Peopfe's Chapel try Sunday at 8:00 p. i :holr ry Murph) SCALPING NOT FATAL Scalping an enemy, a practice of some American Indians, was painful but by no means fatal, according tc the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The part taken was usually a small circular patch of skin at the root-of the scalp- lock, just back of the crown. pastor: 1 tajii paator. Sundays: 6, 8. 10 a. m., 12 noon. Week day Mans: 7:30 a. m. Notena ervlcea to Sacred Ueart Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Devotions lo Sacred Heart, first Friday 6 and 7:30 a. m. Classes' for converts, Monday evening, 7 to 9 p. m.: Wednesday evening after services. Confessions; Saturday 4 to I p. m., 7:30 to I p. m.; eves of Holy days and first Fridays, sanie time. Catechism classes: Wednesday at 3 p. m.; Saturday at 9:30 a. m. , 13V7 El iprado. Pho_ __ school 9 30 a. m. Service 10:45 Rurst speaker. Sei \ li e 7:;io GlK-st speaker. Young- people's ; 6:15 p. in. Wednesday. 7:311. Van Tuyl In eharge. Friday .rehlc Bell In charge. ENTRAL EVANGELICAL UNITED ~ EN OWURCH H. Wcsley phone 131. Sunday i rnihK worship at 11:00 i -W. 3164 !M5th St.. ni. Uev. Dnvld Calderwood. guest inter, will speak on "Things That mot Be Shaken." The, vocal I be sung ' ay Miss Const leh. Service 7:30 p. m. Two oul- lldlng young people of the Pre». erlan churches of the UHIK Bcaeh rbor area will eon.luel the wor ip and speak on "The Chureh o day anil Tomorrow." Betty .Barret .cxi from Y<.utli Synod a .. and Mary I'unk.-y was i nuplsaloner to the National Youtl tenibly In Grlnnell. Iowa. Chrlstlai FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman pastor. 1620 Manuel ave.. phone 2062. Sunday Hchnol. 8:45 a. m. Departments for all ages with a mixed class lor ailults. Servlee 11:00 a. m. "Tho Church anil Her Children." MlM Mary Bdim Lloyd ot Nashville. Trniu-iwe will brink- the message. MJss Lloyd In one ..r the leading workers with ehll- dren. and edltoi publications, tie the youth eholr wuii, 2220 203rd St.. .Pue- IIOUC 1037-M. Sunday scl ' . m.. Gscucla Dominical, service, 2:30. Hlr. 7:30, angellco. Luaea: uraclon a ASSEMBLY OF COD^W. O. Zleglc FOURSQUARE OO5PKL Mrs. Oe . Files, pastur. 90364 Belleporte av< arbor City. Sunday school. 9:: m. Worship. 11:00 a. m. Crusadi ASSEMBLY OF ODD Paul II Perry. uaator, 1741 Border »v«. ~ e 1306-W. Sunday school. >:30 service. 10:4» ym -^asam*^ World's Largest Se/fing Portable H OW Only wj it**1*/ LET PHILCO QUALITY BE YOUR GUIDE :$&>" *c .%/' °~< /•*».°'*»o>.,, New War Developed >*'* Miniature Tube Circuit... A Powerhouse of Performance! " Pon.hl. re<ho with the n ,r.p«I I ulii*|Hiloi I Phil,,, bmll uniLtliofU iiiil deliver* »n Ainuing improvemeat in powrr nikow ik* a«,l of i|xci>l un>l! IiunmelyMatimc. pU)> irmoc* liKMiom... indoort or owdoon, oa AC or DC hoim tuniiu of oa iu xlf cuauintd. long lib benti;. Pla> il snyvhere liound Ihe houie. uWe u »ill> >ou »h.r«v,r you jo Euy lo Cllry;«, luKXAgc-i>[»« CMC. And * »MUauon»l value at ill price ia lose, parfomunce aad tjualnj'. Luiut oac, lr| iwc, J" ox Udue ow Mipply il Muppal up! El Prado Furniture Store THE STORE OF QUALITY AND LOW PRICES i:MNi Sariori 1220 El I'rado CASH PHONE TORRANCE 1067 CREDIT . ning . . ayer nic 7:30. llewl II be. the leade CHURCH OF CHRIST New edl hool. 9:45 a. In. Service 10:45 id 7:30 p.m. Young people's m 15 p. m. Wednesday. 7:30. we nd «tudy. Thursday. 8:00, Calif . . . Sttl . ching: a nr people. Sunday, 6:3U vice each evening. Evangelli eaching . The famed Vatican Choir, which will appear in H»llywood Bowl on September 21-22, is shown prior to leaving Rome on th* good-will tour that will take the singers to th« major cities of the world. The elvnr under the direction of Magr. Ijcinio Retire, is Baking the tour £'. the behest of Pope Piut XII in th« wWfWt» of inttAalioaal good v/jll and amity. Famed Vatican Choir Will Appear In Hollywood Bowl Sept. 21,22 One of the outstanding rmisHrwhich reverently Intoned thi cal evenls in Southern Califor- nia's history will take place on the evenings of Sept. 21 and 22 in Hollywood Bowl, when the lariK-d Vatican Choir, direct from Rome, appears in concert. This marks the fiist time a choir has ever lefl Ihe Vatican City sin 314 A. D., when Manufacturing Firms Experience Large Increase Manufacturing firms In Los An- s County have number from 5,600 creased in n 1939 to youi more than 7,500 today and an estimated 60 percent of them are engaged in metal work Chair man Carl T. Colt of Los Ange. Ics Chamber of Commerce do- iado committee an- nounced. Colt explained the facts are reported in a new mining indus- try booklet, compiled by Mining Commissioner Ned Arthur, now being distributed by the Cham- ber. The booklet briefly discusses Los Angelc-s County's place among the five largest manufac- turing centers in the United Stall's. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ;i£NTIST 312 218lh St. and Ma- Jul ave. Sunday luornliiK services at 1. Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Wednea- ny evcnlnc meettnv. 9 p.m. Reading iom at 17BO Manuel ave.. 11 a.m. to SAINT ANDREW'S PROTESTANT -------- Engracla. ' ipltal. PISCOPAL CHURCH the Torr_.... il Moore Wheeler. . ....... . nd 373-H. Dur- July nncl August the. hour of the lay service will Im at II) a. m.. ad ot 11 «... ni. During the 10 a.m. ch service, the beginners and prl- V departments of the church nl will meet, 111 Hie parish house, or church members will attend regular service. There will all vlco Service* 11 a. I y Sunday. 9:45 . p. in. Sunday. p.m. We.lnesday anil Kridny at 8 m., prayer meeting, teallinunlea and ion sermon. Monday through 1>I- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF hall, LATTER DAY SAINT :<M,e L> You 65th and N. . . Sunday school. Uellef Bo- . -- 6:80 p. Sacrament meeting. Wed. 7:30 p. 6:30 p.m., ... 7:30 I primary. __ Manhattan ])l . MKnln 4-10114. Suinla Kellowshlp, 6:30 p. Metal workrrs here deal /ith steel, aluminum, copper, rass, antimony and smell inn o( econdary metals. Los Anjieles County lias 36 major 1 stcel-con.sumin"; industries raiiKiiiK from agricultuval imple- ment production to wire pro- ducts manufacturing. Colt said the booklet illus- trates the need for metul pro- duction hero by [minting out that the west has JO to 12 per- cent of the nation's market for industrial, mining and construc- tion equipment while production of those item,s here amounted to only four percent of the national total before the war. THAT aJI.INIi MOMENT That blind moment that oc- curs after a car with dazzling headlights has passed Is easily explainable. It Is owing to the fact that the pupil of the eye, dilated by the darkness of night has contracted enormously as a result of exposure, to the bright ray of the other car's light The contraction, which occui at 60 times the speed of dila lion, 'is such as to result in tern ponny blindness. Rome's church singers were fi organized into choral groups un- der Pope Sylvester I. Under the direction of Rt, Rev. Msgr. Licinlo Refice, one of the world's fotvmost conduc tor-composers of .liturgical mu sic, the choir--composed of 60 selected voices- will offer a pro- gram of the shcred music of thi Catholic as well as the Jewish and English speaking churches. Of the 60 voices in the choir, 24 are boys ranging in ages from 8 to 15, while the rest at« adults. They were brought to- gether from all over Italy, hav- ing been selected for the- excel- lent quality of their voices. The choir is made up of voices that sing regularly in the lour major basilicas In the Va- tican City: St. Peter, St. John an, Santa Maria Muggiore and the Slstinc Chapel. The members of the choir aiv colonnl group, appearing on stage in the surplices and cas identical to those they orn in Vatican choir lofta for hundreds of years. Theii pella singing, which offers "voce bianche," or trebcl i'c, is as old as the Roinaj Catholic church Itself. It is ren if the muffled chant sacred songs through the cata combs where the early Chrii tians knelt in fear of martyr jm. Among the music of all faith hlch the choir,will offer, wi be Msgr. Refice's recently-con posed "Eulogy to the Dead o World Wfcu- II." This compositto has received high critical a claim in its several renditions i the United States. The Vatican Choir embarki upon this tour at Jhc behest Pope Plus XII, through the P pal Secretaiy of State. Its pru clpal objective is to foster gooc will and harmony between pet pics and nations. In making possible for the choir to lea attcan City on their mission imlty and, good-will, the Pop ssed the hope, that throng hoir the different ten apart throughout th rorld will be subdued, and th he powerful forces which bin icn of all creeds and natior igethei will be strengtheno or this porpose, there I renter instrument than sacre lusic, he said. arbor Area * Home Building hows Increase Harbor district homo building increasing '>y lca Ps an(1 ndn accordlnR to figures on at the San Pedro building flee. Home building perrnita issued June were more than twice nut of any previous month, of- cials said. A total of 48 n<;i-mits totaling 287,410 were Issued. Included wrrx five, permits « KtU-tHlr tlt.V llSKrl'K»"na r $21,480 and IZ for Ihe Shoe)- string strip totaUug »I9,IIO. The Shoestring strip, attract- g moderate priced home con- tructlon, is leading the harbor rea in home building with BO ermlts issued since the first i^H ic year. Total cost: $464,n30.'»W Harbor City has accumulated i home building permits In 947 totaling $101,651. Harbor City homes have aver- ged $8,986 each; Shoestring trip Monies, $8,160. TILE Interior Decorative —Bathrooms —Drainboards TORRANCE TILE C. Z. WARD ! Res. 1720 Gramercy Torrance I H5-W i Office Phone 1282-J PHONE TORRANCE 1067 CARNty N. EMMET Credit DENTISTRY No Extra Cost You. art welcome (a avail yourself of Dr. Cowen's Liberal Credit Plan for all branches of dental work . . . Not One Penny Addi- tional Cost. Arrange to have all your work completed right now . . . pay later in small weekly or monthly amount!. It il easy to arrange for credit at Dr. Cowen's. ;s: iyyy^ U.. Free Parking 311 W. Broadway, Long Be«cr> iKKKNI.AND Some 705,000 squnrc miles reenland's total area of 83 32 square miles are covered laciers, according; to the En> lopaedia Britannica 104T Boc f the Year. >| (^ £ PHBB AUTO PARK Now Playing Endl 9st, Cont. Show Friday from 6 p. m. Joel McCrM Veronica Like "RAMROD" Alto Lorttta Young David Nlv»n * "JHi PERFECT MARRIAGE" SUN. MON. TUES August 17-K-11 <)rxory Peck Jane Wyman "THE YEARtlNG" In. Technicolor Also Freddie SMwart June Prellier and th« Ta*n Ag«r "VACATION DAYS" Coming Wednesday "CHEVENNE" Alio "LOVE LAUGHS AT ANDY HARDy" 8ant« headi assist cago, Your kitchen docw't not a tem- perature when you cook electrically. Your electric range conffHlratet the heat where it belongs .. . under your pans in your oven! Snap it on it's hot! Snap it off- it's cool I Evea white kitchen curtain* keep their crisp, dainty look when you cook electricallyl Your kitchen will be u immaculate and inviting u any room in your house... because an electric range a clean as sunsluotl : costs leu when electricity doei U all I Your Ediwn rales are the lowest in history...and an electric range wiU mean even lower rates for you! Yes, eltctrif cooking costs lest Man you tkinl(l where you want to go, do what you want lo do... because an electric range cooks by iuetfl Automatic elocfc control will cook your meals while you're away... and cook it to appetizing perfection! N«w lM|«s NOW at your Shining new pojtwar electric rangei... in all their modern, streamlined beauty... are now on display at dealers everywhere! See them today! There's a model nude just rijjht for your home and family. You can arrange (or immediate instillation... then you can enjoy all (he cooking thrilli and convtniencei found only in an electric range t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY^

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Page 1: HOW Only wj TILE · "THE~GHOST~GOES WILD" Mrs. Don Wolf Announces Staff Of Bible School Mrs. Don Wolf has announced he names of seventeen staff ncmbers who will assist her as superintendent

IB August 14, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD


Looking toward permanent re medial measures to coricct the difficulties caused by silt de I«jsits along the Colorado be­ low Hoover Dam, the Bureau of Reclamation has awarded a con­ tract i'or a specially designed dredge which will he put to work rutting new channel sec­ tions particularly in the vicinity ol Needles and Topock, Calif.

Section 8 R.D. 11833-

Technocracy1526 Cravens Ave.

Room 6Tuesday & Thursday 8 P.M.

King Presents Revolver To Truman

Hep. CYcll 1{. KliiK. who rrpri'srnts Tornuiro and the Harbor district In Washington, has prosontwl ITrahlent Tru- nian with the first .88 rallhrr servliv revolver turned out h.v I he Smith £ Wesson Ftrranu* fw., fur World War II.

Carrying the serial No. VI the revolver w-u» the first of I,-H''.(MMI Nldearnis manufiu'- luml h.v the firm for the urmed force* during the war.

King's collection of ftreiirms Is considered to be one of the finest in the country.

The most iiilhnshisdr gun colk-ctor on Capitol Hill, King said the President expressed "great dellKht" when the pre- senlaliiHi was nuule:


"High Barbaree"



ene Kelly - Mnrie McDon

"Living in a Big Way"


"The Homestretch"

GARDENAGardena, Calif.




The Homestretch"




"Miracle on 34th Street"

"Jewels of Brandenburg"

"Boots of Destiny"Tlm"McCoy



Esther Williams



"Les Miserables"





Mrs. Don Wolf Announces Staff Of Bible School

Mrs. Don Wolf has announced he names of seventeen staff ncmbers who will assist her as superintendent In carrying out

program of a daily vaca­ tion Bible school now being iponsored by four Torrancc :hurches.

This is the second week of he school, and enrollment has eaehed 130. The daily program, Tuesday thru Friday, includes a general fun period at 9 a. m., department work until 11:15 and

L concluding worship period. lasses meet at Ihe Christian hureh and in Ihe parish house if' the Episcopal church.

Supervisors of the depart- nents are: beginners, Mrs. ! 1 a d y s Pietzschke; primary,

Mvs. V. T. Vanderpool; junior, Mrs. G. Sommers, and inter-

ediate. Mrs. Harry Gray.Teaching the various classes

are: Mines. Harold Hutehinson, W. Edwards, David Howard,

John Cox. M. J. Edwards, Doro­ thy Hodges, Florence Viellenave,

', Pitzer, Tom Henger, Fredicon and Joyce Franzcn.Donna Pat Wolf and Jessie

Quigley are the musicians,

-CMUHCHI6'NOTICE: Copy for Church Notices cannot be accepted after


Nurtlirsts. Telephu 9:30 a. m.

300. Specialervice." Gid-

dlrectcd by 7:30 p. m.,

and them. Servi, vival. Jonah

at Fl»h." 1'ralso service," youth n 1 r. BYPU. 6:30 p. m.. seven UP3 for trnlninit. Wednesday. 7:30 m.. prayer ineetlnB an.l tentlmoiiy. rsday. 7:30 p. m.. choir rehearsal.

pastor Servic

L.A. To Award Contract On Strip School

Bids for the construction of a $250,000 15-classroom elementary school at 216th st. and Halldale ave. will be awarded August 20, the Los Angeles Board of Edu­ cation's architect's office said today.

Giading of the site is expected to be completed within the next week, officials said, and work on the buildings will probably begin shortly after the contracts are awarded.

The buildings will be of stucco construction, officials said; "the best we can get now."


91. Frank O. Mec-hling, iim.lay school 9:30 a. m. (1:1.") il. In. Uuest preacher.

NAZARENE CHURCH-"W. A. Pen- ner, pastor. 1IS01 W. Carson St. Sun. school 9:40 a. m. Mrs. Afncs Foster. superintendent. Services 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p .in. YOUIIR people's meeting.

dent. ' Prayer meetlin^'wednesday. 7::tO p. ni. Prayer uiul fa»tiii|! aer- vlce, Friday 11 a. in.

CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE NA TIVITY Bngracla and Manuel aves..

-- - - - McOulnness.

Kngn -enmilir. M.

Brlmley.hool. 9:30

at Ail I L. B.C.. pastor; Bun

-(rector. Su Service, 10:40

imil age children Is ma tiday morning so p&rei Idren may attend t! ung Peopfe's Chapel try Sunday at 8:00 p. i


ry Murph)


Scalping an enemy, a practice of some American Indians, was painful but by no means fatal, according tc the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The part taken was usually a small circular patch of skin at the root-of the scalp- lock, just back of the crown.

pastor: 1 tajii paator.Sundays: 6, 8. 10 a. m., 12 noon. Week day Mans: 7:30 a. m. Notena ervlcea to Sacred Ueart Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Devotions lo Sacred Heart, first Friday 6 and 7:30 a. m. Classes' for converts, Monday evening, 7 to 9 p. m.: Wednesday evening after services. Confessions; Saturday 4 to I p. m., 7:30 to I p. m.; eves of Holy days and first Fridays, sanie time. Catechism classes: Wednesday at 3 p. m.; Saturday at 9:30 a. m.

, 13V7 El iprado. Pho_ __ school 9 30 a. m. Service 10:45 Rurst speaker. Sei \ li e 7:;io

GlK-st speaker. Young- people's; 6:15 p. in. Wednesday. 7:311.Van Tuyl In eharge. Friday.rehlc Bell In charge.


H. Wcsleyphone 131. Sunday i

rnihK worship at 11:00 i

-W. 3164 !M5th St..

ni. Uev. Dnvld Calderwood. guest inter, will speak on "Things That mot Be Shaken." The, vocal I be sung ' ay Miss Const leh. Service 7:30 p. m. Two oul- lldlng young people of the Pre». erlan churches of the UHIK Bcaeh rbor area will eon.luel the wor

ip and speak on "The Chureh o day anil Tomorrow." Betty .Barret

.cxi from Y<.utli Synod a .. and Mary I'unk.-y was i

nuplsaloner to the National Youtl tenibly In Grlnnell. Iowa. Chrlstlai

FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Clyde E. Ruckman pastor. 1620 Manuel ave.. phone 2062. Sunday Hchnol. 8:45 a. m. Departments for all ages with a mixed class lor ailults. Servlee 11:00 a. m. "Tho Church anil Her Children." MlM Mary Bdim Lloyd ot Nashville. Trniu-iwe will brink- the message. MJss Lloyd In one ..r the leading workers with ehll- dren. and edltoi publications, tie

the youth eholr

wuii, 2220 203rd St.. .Pue- IIOUC 1037-M. Sunday scl ' . m.. Gscucla Dominical,

service, 2:30. Hlr. 7:30, angellco. Luaea: uraclon a


FOURSQUARE OO5PKL Mrs. Oe . Files, pastur. 90364 Belleporte av< arbor City. Sunday school. 9::

m. Worship. 11:00 a. m. Crusadi

ASSEMBLY OF ODD Paul II Perry. uaator, 1741 Border »v«. ~ e 1306-W. Sunday school. >:30

service. 10:4»

ym -^asam*^

World's Largest Se/fing Portable

HOW Only wjit**1*/




*c .%/' °~<


New War Developed >*'*Miniature Tube Circuit...A Powerhouse of Performance!

" Pon.hl. re<ho with the n,r.p«I I


I Phil,,, bmlluniLtliofU iiiil deliver* »n Ainuing improvemeat in powrr nikow ik* a«,l of i|xci>l un>l! IiunmelyMatimc. pU)> irmoc* liKMiom... indoort or owdoon, oa AC or DC

hoim tuniiu of oa iu xlf cuauintd. long lib benti;. Pla> il snyvhere liound Ihe houie. uWe u »ill> >ou »h.r«v,r you jo Euy lo Cllry;«, luKXAgc-i>[»« CMC. And * »MUauon»l value at ill price ia lose, parfomunce aad tjualnj'. Luiut >» oac, lr| iwc, J" ox Udue ow Mipply il Muppal up!


i:MNi Sariori 1220 El I'radoCASH — PHONE TORRANCE 1067 — CREDIT

. ning

. . ayer nic

7:30. llewlII be. the leade


hool. 9:45 a. In. Service 10:45 id 7:30 p.m. Young people's m 15 p. m. Wednesday. 7:30. we nd «tudy. Thursday. 8:00,

Calif .

.. Sttl

. ching: a nr people. Sunday, 6:3U

vice each evening. Evangelli eaching .

The famed Vatican Choir, which will appear in H»llywood Bowl on September 21-22, is shown prior to leaving Rome on th* good-will tour that will take the singers to th« major cities of the world. The elvnr under the direction of Magr. Ijcinio Retire, is Baking the tour £'. the behest of Pope Piut XII in th« wWfWt» of inttAalioaal good v/jll and amity.

Famed Vatican Choir Will Appear In Hollywood Bowl Sept. 21,22

One of the outstanding rmisHrwhich reverently Intoned thical evenls in Southern Califor­ nia's history will take place on the evenings of Sept. 21 and 22 in Hollywood Bowl, when the lariK-d Vatican Choir, direct from Rome, appears in concert.

This marks the fiist time a choir has ever lefl Ihe VaticanCity sin 314 A. D., when

Manufacturing Firms Experience Large Increase

Manufacturing firms In Los An-s County have

number from 5,600creased in n 1939 to


more than 7,500 today and an estimated 60 percent of them are engaged in metal work Chair man Carl T. Colt of Los Ange. Ics Chamber of Commerce do-

iado committee an­ nounced.

Colt explained the facts are reported in a new mining indus­ try booklet, compiled by Mining Commissioner Ned Arthur, now being distributed by the Cham­ ber.

The booklet briefly discusses Los Angelc-s County's place among the five largest manufac­ turing centers in the United Stall's.

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ;i£NTIST 312 218lh St. and Ma- Jul ave. Sunday luornliiK services at 1. Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Wednea- ny evcnlnc meettnv. 9 p.m. Reading iom at 17BO Manuel ave.. 11 a.m. to

SAINT ANDREW'S PROTESTANT -------- Engracla.' ipltal.


il Moore Wheeler.. ........ nd 373-H. Dur-

July nncl August the. hour of the lay service will Im at II) a. m.. ad ot 11 «... ni. During the 10 a.m. ch service, the beginners and prl- V departments of the church nl will meet, 111 Hie parish house, or church members will attend regular service. There will all


Service* 11 a. I

y Sunday.

9:45 . p. in. Sunday.

p.m. We.lnesday anil Kridny at 8 m., prayer meeting, teallinunlea and

ion sermon. Monday through 1>I-


hall,LATTER DAY SAINT :<M,e L> You65th and N. . .

Sunday school. Uellef Bo- . -- 6:80 p.

Sacrament meeting. Wed. 7:30 p.6:30 p.m.,

... 7:30 I primary.

__ Manhattan ])l . MKnln 4-10114. Suinla

Kellowshlp, 6:30 p.

Metal workrrs here deal /ith steel, aluminum, copper, rass, antimony and smell inn o( econdary metals. Los Anjieles County lias 36

major1 stcel-con.sumin"; industries raiiKiiiK from agricultuval imple­ ment production to wire pro­ ducts manufacturing.

Colt said the booklet illus­ trates the need for metul pro­ duction hero by [minting out that the west has JO to 12 per­ cent of the nation's market for industrial, mining and construc­ tion equipment while production of those item,s here amounted to only four percent of the national total before the war.

THAT aJI.INIi MOMENTThat blind moment that oc­

curs after a car with dazzling headlights has passed Is easily explainable. It Is owing to the fact that the pupil of the eye, dilated by the darkness of night has contracted enormously as a result of exposure, to the bright ray of the other car's light The contraction, which occui at 60 times the speed of dila lion, 'is such as to result in tern ponny blindness.

Rome's church singers were fi organized into choral groups un­ der Pope Sylvester I.

Under the direction of Rt, Rev. Msgr. Licinlo Refice, one of the world's fotvmost conduc tor-composers of .liturgical mu sic, the choir--composed of 60 selected voices- will offer a pro­ gram of the shcred music of thi Catholic as well as the Jewish and English speaking churches.

Of the 60 voices in the choir, 24 are boys ranging in ages from 8 to 15, while the rest at« adults. They were brought to­ gether from all over Italy, hav­ ing been selected for the- excel­ lent quality of their voices.

The choir is made up of voices that sing regularly in the lour major basilicas In the Va­ tican City: St. Peter, St. John

an, Santa Maria Muggiore and the Slstinc Chapel.

The members of the choir aiv colonnl group, appearing on

stage in the surplices and cas identical to those they orn in Vatican choir lofta

for hundreds of years. Theii pella singing, which offers

"voce bianche," or trebcl i'c, is as old as the Roinaj

Catholic church Itself. It is ren if the muffled chant

sacred songs through the cata combs where the early Chrii tians knelt in fear of martyr

jm.Among the music of all faith hlch the choir,will offer, wi

be Msgr. Refice's recently-con posed "Eulogy to the Dead o World Wfcu- II." This compositto has received high critical a claim in its several renditions i the United States.

The Vatican Choir embarki upon this tour at Jhc behest Pope Plus XII, through the P pal Secretaiy of State. Its pru clpal objective is to foster gooc will and harmony between pet pics and nations. In making possible for the choir to lea

attcan City on their mission imlty and, good-will, the Pop

ssed the hope, that throng hoir the different ten apart throughout th

rorld will be subdued, and th he powerful forces which bin icn of all creeds and natior igethei will be strengtheno or this porpose, there I renter instrument than sacre lusic, he said.

arbor Area * Home Building

hows IncreaseHarbor district homo building

increasing '>y lca Ps an(1 ndn accordlnR to figures on at the San Pedro building

flee.Home building perrnita issued

June were more than twicenut of any previous month, of-cials said.A total of 48 n<;i-mits totaling

287,410 were Issued.Included wrrx five, permits « KtU-tHlr tlt.V llSKrl'K»"nar

$21,480 and IZ for Ihe Shoe)-string strip totaUug »I9,IIO. The Shoestring strip, attract-g moderate priced home con-

tructlon, is leading the harborrea in home building with BOermlts issued since the first i^H ic year. Total cost: $464,n30.'»W Harbor City has accumulated

i home building permits In947 totaling $101,651. Harbor City homes have aver-

ged $8,986 each; Shoestringtrip Monies, $8,160.

TILE Interior




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iKKKNI.ANDSome 705,000 squnrc miles reenland's total area of 83 32 square miles are covered laciers, according; to the En> lopaedia Britannica 104T Boc f the Year.




Now Playing — Endl 9st, Cont. Show Friday from 6 p. m. Joel McCrM Veronica Like

"RAMROD"— Alto —

Lorttta Young David Nlv»n


SUN. — MON. — TUESAugust 17-K-11

<)rxory Peck Jane Wyman"THE YEARtlNG"

In. Technicolor Also

Freddie SMwartJune Prellier

and th« Ta*n Ag«r


Coming Wednesday

"CHEVENNE"— Alio —


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