how effective is the combination of your main production - media question

Zerrin Gurcali

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How effective is the combination of your main production - Media Question

Zerrin Gurcali

Page 2: How effective is the combination of your main production - Media Question
Page 3: How effective is the combination of your main production - Media Question

With my main production I had a genre of romance that I wanted to be clear in my music video. As my song is clarity I researched on many different types of romance and forms of ways that it breaks down.

I wanted my main product to be different yet have the codes and conventions of romance and love.

Though out my research I looked at various music videos and found that slow pace had more narrative and that fast pace was more upbeat and party type of narrative.

As my song was slow I looked into narrative and focused on my characters. I wanted to give out the sense of power, loss and love to my viewers though my main production and digipak and magazine advert.

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Though out my music video I aimed it on my main character who is also the artist as people will feel more connected with her than an actor and also that she is showing a personal side to her attracted the audience.

The song artist is a female and I wanted to stick to that to make the audience feel more relaxed and that my target audience was manly young adult which are females I felt they would be more connected to a female character than male.

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The Location was very effective throughout my main production and ancillary task as I focused on loneliness which added to the narrative of how my main character was feeling.

I wanted the audience to be invading a personal space of my female character and for this I placed her in a bedroom which was secretive and personal like the narrative story as it starts to unfold towards the end.

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The effectiveness of my use of props and costumes was very effective as I wanted to be linked with the audience and show it as young love with the modern clothes and the pictures taken.

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Page 10: How effective is the combination of your main production - Media Question

I wanted the combination of my music video and ancillary task to connect and to do this I focused on the way I could tell the narrative to the audience again though the front cover and inside of my digipak.

I wanted to show the relationship between the to characters and when the audience/viewers/buyers see my digipak to understand the story.

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The front cover of my digipak is to focus on to my artist and promote her. I deliberately place her alone and in a field to show she is isolated and that she is alone – connect with her main production of her lover has left her.

The colours are not bright and they are very dual did this to show her mood and to contrast with the inside digipak.

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I wanted the inside of my digipak to represent the feelings of my character and her deep thoughts. I wanted them to feel the romance as they saw the inside of my digipak.

Compared to the outside I made sure my character was placed with the male character as it represented her love is deep and that deep inside she is thinking of him.

I liked the combination of the inside colours of nature and flowers to represent innocence's and caring to the audience as we see this in the music video to.

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I kept the CD cover to fade into the inside digipak and show that when the audience takes the CD they still can see the two lovers and that they are still together

I kept with the theme of romance though out the digipak romance and made it clear to the audience of there status though the location and position of the characters.

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I added the same background as the digipak so its easier to recognise to the audience and fans of the artist.

I made it simple and very bold to stand out and I think is was very effective in capturing the attention of my viewers.

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Thank you

Zerrin Gurcali