how does your media product represent different social groups

How does your media product represent different social groups? The main protagonist is a teenage male who is a survivor of a natural disaster. Usually, typical teenage males are represented as boisterous and reckless with little care. Our main character varies from these stereotypes as he is shown as a serious and level headed individual. He is represented in this way through various ways. Firstly, his costume shows a lack of colour and appears scruffy. It favours practicality over appearance which goes against common teenage stereotypes, as they focus on appealing clothing rather than practical clothing. Although he is physically represented as someone who is not a typical teenager, other aspects of the opening suggest he used to be. Most notable being the shot of him glancing at his mobile phone, an act that is common within modern day teenagers.

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How does your media product represent different social groups

How does your media product represent different social groups?

The main protagonist is a teenage male who is a survivor of a natural disaster. Usually, typical teenage males are represented as boisterous and reckless with little care. Our main character varies from these stereotypes as he is shown as a serious and level headed individual. He is represented in this way through various ways. Firstly, his costume shows a lack of colour and appears scruffy. It favours practicality over appearance which goes against common teenage stereotypes, as they focus on appealing clothing rather than practical clothing. Although he is physically represented as someone who is not a typical teenager, other aspects of the opening suggest he used to be. Most notable being the shot of him glancing at his mobile phone, an act that is common within modern day teenagers.