how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? FINLAY WILLICOTT

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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?FINLAY WILLICOTT



GOOGLE – this is a search engine that I used massively throughout the course for research of film posters and magazines as well as my trailer. Google can be often forgotten about as a form of technology due to the fact that it’s very common and used so much. Despite this Google has been one on the most helpful pieces of technology used in the course in aiding me research conventions and genres of each final piece.


EDUBLOGS – This is a free website that I used throughout my research and planning stages whilst creating my media products. My use of Edublogs started at AS when we made a music magazine. This has then caused me become extremely familiar with the website and how it works. Edublogs has enabled me to keep my work in a secure and neat area whilst being able to display my progress in an easy and logical way. Because Edublogs is a website, I was able to log on at home and continue to work on my body anywhere as long as I had internet and continue with my work.


YOUTUBE – this was used so that I could watch a variety of film trailers and therefore evaluate them and decide on how I wanted to shoot my own trailer and what conventions I wanted to use. As well as this there were many channels which only specifically posted film trailers and even more specifically horror film trailers, this meant I could subscribe and then easily evaluate and decide what I wanted to do.



CAMERA – To shoot the footage I was unable to get hold of a decent camera. For the shooting I used an Iphone 5s, which meant I was able to shoot with 8 megapixels and at 1080p (30fps). As well as this because I worked with one other student who also had an iphone, we were able to Airdrop the videos to each other which made it easier to share and sort the footage. I also used the Iphone 5s to take the photos for the poster and magazine cover. Due to the fact that I always carried my phone it meant that I was always carrying my footage so I wouldn’t forget it. Because we didn’t have any dialog in the trailer there was no need for a good quality microphone.


OLLOCLIP ORIGINAL 3-IN-1 LENS – This allowed us to take macro, fisheye and wide shots which have been used throughout the trailer. This meant that we were able to increase our variety of shot types even more and therefore cause the trailer to become more interesting. As well as this is helped us to recreate some shots used by professional filming companies.


OLLOCLIP QICK-FLIP CASE – This made it much easier to film shots. This is because we could attach the phone to a tripod which meant that we could make certain movements of some shots much smoother as well as being able to capture other still shots without any movement.


PREMIER PRO, AFTER EFFECTS & PHOTOSHOP, INDESIGN – All of these programmes were used heavily throughout the process of construction the trailer, magazine cover and poster. Premier Pro was used to cut and piece together the trailer in terms of shots and sounds as well as changing certain colours on certain shots. After Effects was used to produced the glitch effect on the title of the film at the end of the trailer. Photoshop was used heavily during the editing of the photos used in the magazine cover and poster. Photoshop enabled me to edit the photos so that I was able to make them much scarier and more intense. Finally InDesign allowed me to rectify all of the text and the images so that I could create what is now on my blog. I could have done this on Photoshop, however I am much more familiar with InDesign and find it much more useful.



POWERPOINT & SLIDESHARE – PowerPoint is a simple programme which allowed me to easily answer the evaluation questions in a simple and elogical way. Slideshare enabled the PowerPoints to be put onto the internet, by uploading it onto the webside then using the embed code in a post on my blog.


PREZI – This is an alternative to PowerPoint. It’s use slides and unique style allowed me to answer the evaluation questions in an easy but effective way. The many different colour schemes and movements within the programme also allowed me to answer the question in a slightly more exciting way. I would then embed this into my blog.


THINGLINK – This allowed me to explain the various conventions of my poster and magazine in a more interesting way. It also meant that I didn’t have to have text and arrows polluting the page. As well as this it’s effective in the use of technology and looks good.


POLLDADDY – This website enabled me to create a survey where I could ask the public about my product. This product is a part of WordPress which is very similar to Edublogs. On this website I was able to embed the survey into my blog so that it became more accessible. Additionally I could obtain the information and then use it on my blog.