how civilizations commit suicide

By Dr. Peter Hammond How Civilizations Commit Suicide

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By Dr. Peter Hammond

How Civilizations Commit Suicide

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If anyone doubts that London could become Londonistan, that Europe could become Eurabia and America could become Ameristan, they have not considered what multi-culturalism and mass Muslim migration did

for Egypt and what we today call Turkey.

Demographics are Destiny

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To understand what is at stake here one needs to consider the fate of Egypt and Byzantine. For many centuries Egypt was the greatest

economic and military superpower in the world.

Egyptians are Now a Minority in Their Own Country

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However, in the 7th Century, Egypt was conquered and colonised by Muslim Arabs.

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Today, the Egyptian Copts make up barely 12% of the total population

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and Christianity is a minority religion,

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in what for a thousand years had enjoyed a Christian majority.

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The Arabs have oppressed the Christian Copts for centuries.

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Stand with the Christians in Egypt

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For a thousand years, Byzantine was the greatest economic, military and political superpower in the world.

The Extermination of Christianity in Turkey

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Yet, on 29 May, AD1453, the greatest city in the world, Constantinople fell to the Muslim Turks who put the entire city to the sword,

slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians, including 12,000 in the greatest Christian church in the world at that time, the Hagia Sophia.

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Today Constantinople is called Istanbul and what was a vibrant Christian civilisation, for over a millennium, is today called Turkey. Christians are a small, persecuted minority in Turkey. The Turks are

the largest unreached people group in the world.

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For 1000 years Christianity predominated in Northern Sudan. From the 6th Century to the 15th Century Christianity was the official

religion of three Northern Christian kingdoms of Nubia, Alwa and Makuria (later Datawo).

How Did Christianity Die Out in Northern Sudan ?

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For 900 years the Black Christians of Sudan successfully resisted the southward expansion of Islam.

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It is an historic fact that the Christian kingdoms of Northern Sudan did not fall militarily, but through the continuous migration of Arab traders

and merchants into Sudan which eroded Christian civilisation as the influence of Islam increased.

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As Sudanese intermarried with Arabs, Muslims came to dominate the market places and trading routes. Christianity was exterminated in

Northern Sudan.

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"Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Because of this, the wrath of the Lord is upon you." 2 Chronicles 19:2

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There are those warning us that what we are facing today, is not a refugee crisis, but a Hijrah. Hijrah, jihad by emigration,

is to move to a new land in order to take Islam there.

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Hijrah is to emigrate for the cause of Allah. In Islam, Hijrah is considered to be a highly meritorious act. The Quran

declares: "And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations in abundance."

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A senior Imam, Sheik Muhammad Ayed, speaking at the Al-aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, declared that Muslims must use the migrant

crisis to "breed with Europeans" and "conquer their countries."

Breed to Conquer Europe

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"We will breed children with them because we shall conquer their countries" and

"trample them under foot, Allah willing."

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Islam gained its first foothold in Europe in 711 with the Umajjad conquests of Spain. They advanced into France, but in an epic battle

near Tours, in 732, they were defeated by Charles Martell the Hammer, and driven South, back across the Pyrenees Mountains.

The Historic Background

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It took 800 years to free Spain from the grip of Islam. Islam entered Eastern and South Eastern Europe in the 13th Century.

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The Ottoman Empire crushed and oppressed Albania, Kosovo,

Macedonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, Greece and parts of Ukraine and Russia for


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In 1526, the Turks conquered Budapest and looted the city. They then enslaved 200,000 Hungarian Christians and dragged them back to

Turkey as slaves.

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It is understandable that the East Europeans have been the most vocal in resisting this latest Islamic Refugee Trojan Horse invasion.

Their countries suffered centuries of oppression and enslavement by the Muslim Turks.

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Prime Minister Viktor Orban, of Hungary, has declared: "We are not facing a refugee crisis, we are facing a migration crisis …

let us not forget that those who are arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture.

Threat to Christian Survival

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Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity.

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Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? If we lose sight of this, the idea of Europe

could become a minority interest in its own continent."

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Zsolt Bayer, a politician in Hungary, declared in Budapest on 13 September: "There are all kinds of weapons: traditional, chemical,


Artificial Manufactured Migration to Destroy Europe

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And now we see that there are also racial weapons. This is a weapon that they, the invisible hands, have employed against Europe… why

has everyone, from everywhere, and all at once, decided to start heading towards Europe? Why?

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Let us declare lively and level-headedly: This is an artificial, manufactured, mass migration. And its goal is the final and irreversible transformation of Europe's ethnic and religious


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And for this, they have already produced the necessary ideologies… Our leaders in Brussels want to sell Europe from over our heads and

they want to destroy our Europe…"

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Prime Minister Robert Fico, of Slovakia, observed: "Since Slovakia is a Christian country, we cannot tolerate an influx of 300,000 to 400,000 Muslim immigrants who would like to start building Mosques all over

our land and trying to change the nature, culture and values of the state… if we do not start telling the truth about migration, we will

never move from this spot."

Islamisation Threatens Europe

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British author, Peter Hitchens, has written: "We will not save refugees by destroying our own country.

Actually we cannot do what we like with this country.

Betraying Future Generations

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We inherited it from our parents and grandparents and we have a duty to hand it on to our children and grandchildren, preferably improved

and certainly undamaged.

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We cannot just give it away to complete strangers

on an impulse because it makes us feel good

about ourselves… Thanks to a 1000 years of

uninvaded peace, we have developed

astonishing levels of trust, safety

and freedom…

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I am amazed at how relaxed we are about giving this away… Mass immigration means we adapt to them,

when they should be adapting to us…

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So now, on the basis of an emotional spasm, dressed up as generosity, are we going to abandon this legacy and decline our obligation to pass it on, like the enfeebled, wastrel heirs of an ancient inheritance letting

the great house and estate go to ruin?

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I can see neither sense nor justice in allowing these things to become a pretext for an unstoppable demographic revolution in which Europe

merges its culture and economy with North Africa and the Middle East.

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If we let this happen, Europe would lose almost all the things which make others want to live


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Muslims are invading countries all over the world under the guise of being "refugees" and simply "seeking peaceful asylum." However,

Muslim jihadists are seizing the opportunity to plant their ideology in the West.

Trojan Horse

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Many are speaking of an Islamic invasion Trojan horse.

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Greek customs personnel intercepted 14 containers full of weapons and ammunition, described as plastic furniture items destined to

refugee camps.

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Muslim radicals have a definitive plan to conquer the entire world. "We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: These are our sons. Receive them, or we will send our

armies to you!"

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Another commentator observed: "This refugee crisis is a master ploy to sneak well trained ISIS terrorists disguised as refugees into Europe

to start an insurgency in the cities of Europe.

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What are the facts and forces behind this refugee crisis?

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The Islamic State has published a document entitled Libya: The Strategic Gateway for the Islamic State.

Infiltrate for Caliphate

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In this publication I.S. exhorts Muslims to go to Libya and to cross from there as refugees into Europe.

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The publication informs refugees that weapons from Gadhafi's arsenal are plentiful and easy to obtain in Libya and that the country has a long coast and looks upon the "Southern Crusader states", which "can be reached with

ease by even a rudimentary boat."

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ISIS has claimed that they have already infiltrated over 20,000 of their jihadists into Europe so far this year.

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The main goal is to destabilise."

A banner was unfolded on a German highway: "Your children will pray to Allah or die!"

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Saudi Arabia has offered to help by building 200 mosques in Germany.

Saudi Aim to Islamise Germany

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However, they have not been willing to receive any refugees themselves, nor are they offering any food,

shelter, medicine, or jobs for these migrants.

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Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, all close to war-ravaged Syria, are not yet willing to house any of the Syrian

refugees fleeing the conflict which they themselves are sponsoring.

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British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said that the United Kingdom must not only act with the heart, but also with the head.

Help Them in Their Own Lands

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He pointed out that Britain, more than any other country, is helping the refugees with direct aid in the Middle East.

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He also notes that Britain is currently not only fighting terrorism, but coping with the problem of

economic migrants and humanitarian problems caused by them.

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However, in Brussels, the self-proclaimed capital of Europe, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, insisted

that immigration from Muslim countries is a solution to Europe's demographic decline.

Demographic Decline

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"Let us not forget, we are an aging continent in demographic decline…Europe has made the mistake in the past of distinguishing between Jews, Christians and Muslims. There's no religion, no belief and no

philosophy when it comes to refugees."

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Here we see the philosophy of the EU globalists. The sharp decline of the birth rate of Europeans has been a direct result of the aggressive population control tactics, massive propaganda of overpopulation,

Demographic Engineering

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promoting birth control, abortion, sterilisations and euthanasia.

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The demographic decline referred to by the EU official

is a direct result of the EU's core policies!

Now the massive influx of Muslim immigrants into

Europe is being orchestrated to bring about a

transformation of Europe into Eurabia.

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The subverting of stable governments in Africa, Asia

and South America, and bringing about economic

collapses, has stimulated a vast movement of refugee

populations into Europe, North America,

South Africa and Australia.

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By dramatically decreasing populations of those countries traditionally Christian, and exploding the populations of other races, the goal is a

dramatic change in demographics and the death of the West.

The Death of the West

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Although unemployment is rampant within the European Union, especially among young Europeans, Juncker has said "I am strongly in

favour of allowing refugees to work from day one of their arrival in Europe."

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The sharp decline of the birth rate of Europeans and the massive influx of Muslim immigrants into Europe is being orchestrated to bring about

a transformation of Europe into Eurabia.

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The goal in all of this is a world population more amenable to manipulation and control by the globalists to be railroaded into their New World Order.

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Promoting birth control,

abortion, sterilisations

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the globalists have been involved in

demographic engineering,

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dramatically bringing down the populations of Europeans and Americans.

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Then, by betraying stable governments in Africa, Asia and South America, and bringing about economic collapses,

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a vast movement of refugee populations have been stimulated into Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia.

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President Milos Zeman of the Czech Republic declared that no one had invited these migrants to his country, but once they arrive, they must

respect the laws of the host country, or leave.

Respect our Laws

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In Denmark, Andreas Kamm, the Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council, warned that the current refugee crisis could lead to a

total collapse of European society.

Total Collapse of Europe

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Kamm declared: "Europe is facing a total Armageddon scenario… we are experiencing a historical imbalance between the very high

numbers of refugees and migrants, and the global capacity to provide them with protection and assistance.

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The answer cannot be that Europe imports surplus populations. We cannot be required to destroy our own society."

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Danish Minister of Finance, Claus Frederiksen said: "I am most indignant over the Arab countries who are rolling in money and who

only take very few refugees. Countries like Saudi Arabia. It is completely scandalous."

Scandalous Hypocrisy

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Many have pointed out that Saudi Arabia has a well organised tent city of 100,000 air conditioned and fire proof tents which can

comfortably accommodate 3 million people and which is only used for a couple of weeks each year for pilgrims coming on the Hajj.

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3 Million refugees could easily be housed in the tent city outside Mecca. However, to date, Saudi Arabia is not known to have taken in a

single refugee from Syria.

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The German Interior Minister, Thomas De Maiziere, has observed "the migration crisis presents a formidable challenge.

Enormous Burden

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It is bigger than any of us have previously thought – socially, politically, economically, culturally… now we will get hundreds of

thousands of Muslims with an Arab background… between 15 and 20% of the adult migrants are illiterate."

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Josef Joffe, publisher of Die Zeit, has written that the government seems completely oblivious to the long term consequences of

importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

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He asked if Germany was now meant to turn into "a country of immigration, accepting different colours,

faiths and origins. So Germany is evolving into a kind of America, where you need not be born an American, but can become one.

It is a mental and emotional revolution."

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When the flood of Muslim refugees have finally settled down in their new homes, Germany could unexpectedly find itself housing the

continent's largest Muslim minority.

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Most of those who are being called Syrian refugees are in fact not from Syria. Germany expects 800,000 Muslim refugees this year.

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A German reporter, Jurgen Todonhofer, who successfully imbedded with the Islamic State has reported in "Inside I.S. – Ten Days in Islamic

State" that: "The terrorists plan on killing several hundred million people.

Nuclear Terrorism Tsunami Planned

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The West is drastically underestimating the power of ISIS."

ISIS is planning nuclear annihilation across the globe:

"A nuclear tsunami preparing the largest religious cleansing in


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According to, Europe already has three countries with a majority Muslim population: Albania (79%), Bosnia

(60%) and Kosovo (90%).

How Many Muslims are in Europe?

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France has 6 million Muslims (9.6%). Germany has 4 million Muslims (5%). 13% of Bulgaria are Muslim, 34% of Macedonia. 4.9% of Sweden

and 5.7% of Switzerland. 4.6% of the United Kingdom is Muslim.

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Muslims currently make up a total population of 56 million in Europe, 7.6% of the population. That is excluding Turkey who are applying to

be accepted into the European Union.

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British MEP Janice Atkinson has declared: "This is not a refugee crisis, but a massive crisis of illegal immigration

which must be resisted for what it is."

Illegal Migrants Threaten Europe

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Nigel Farage of UKIP has declared to the BBC: "Genuine refugees have tended to be groups of people, ethnic groups or religious groups who

are directly under persecution and fleeing in fear of their lives.

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The problem we have right now if you look at the definition of the EU's Common Asylum Policy, it includes anyone… even people fleeing


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US Ambassador John Bolton has warned "spreading terrorism, armed conflict and collapsing political authority in the Middle East" are

causing this present crisis.

Overwhelming Terrorism Threat

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"Europe is being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people on the move, thereby losing control of the decisions of who to admit and who

to turn away. These concerns are legitimate. There is a serious and rising Islamic terrorist threat hidden within the tides of people seeking


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Arthur Chrenkoff In the New York Observer

has written:

"Europe is experiencing a mass movement of people

not seen since the aftermath of the

Second World War.

Unprecedented Flood of Migrants

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Unlike the end of the war, however, none of the

masses currently on the move are European.

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As hundreds of thousands of people continue to arrive on Europe's doorsteps and throng her roads and railway lines… the majority of the immigrants who have arrived in Europe so far this year are not Syrians.

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Less than a third are, with the rest originating in a miscellany of African, Middle Eastern and South Asian countries. The majority seem

to be single, healthy looking, young men…"

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Daniel Greenfield of the Freedom Centre writes: "The Syrian refugee crisis that the media bleats about is not a crisis. And the Syrian refugees they champion are often neither Syrians nor refugees.


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Fake Syrian passports are cheaper than an EU politician's virtue and easier to come by.

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Just about anyone who speaks enough Arabic to pass the scrutiny of a European bureaucrat can come with his two wives and take a turn at

the carousel of a welfare state… to bring the Muslim terrorists of tomorrow to our towns and cities.

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And their gratitude will be as short lived as our budget.

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"A head of a UNHCR camp called these refugees 'the most difficult refugees I have ever seen… in Italy, Muslim African refugees rejected

pasta and demanded food from their own countries…

Difficult and Demanding

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also mobile phone charging stations so that the destitute refugees can check on their Facebook accounts. It had to be done because the

refugees in Italy were throwing rocks at the police while demanding free Wi-Fi.

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There is a tawdry sense of entitlement of the Muslim refugee that the media champions.'"

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Greenfield gives the example of refugees receiving thousands of Dollars of benefits, and living in air conditioned quarters, being

ungrateful and having a sense of entitlement.

Arrogant Entitlement

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"He hasn't worked, paid for, or thanked anyone for, any of it. And why should he? He is entitled to it by virtue of his superiority as a Muslim

and our inferiority as infidels. There is no sense of gratitude.

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Only constant demands, as if the people who drove out their own Christians have some moral claim on the charity of the Christians of

the West."

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"What is happening in Syria is a religious civil war fought over the same ideologies as the ones practiced by the vast majority of the


The DNA of Islam

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This is an Islamic war fought to determine which branch of Islam will be supreme.

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It is not a war that started last week, or last year, but 1400 years ago. We cannot make it go away by overthrowing Assad, by giving out candy or taking in refugees. This conflict is in the cultural DNA of


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"There are Christian and non-Muslim minorities who are genuine refugees, but the two Muslim sects whose militias are murdering each

other are not victims, they are persecutors.

Welcoming the Hateful Ideologies that Cause


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Just because Sunnis are running from a Shiite militia or Shiites from a Sunni militia right now does not make them victims. The moment that their side's

militia wins and begins slaughtering the other side, the

oppressed will become the oppressors.

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Such shifts have already taken place countless times in this conflict. The refugees are not fleeing a dictator.

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They are fleeing each other while carrying the hateful ideologies, that caused this bloodshed, with them.

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We are not taking in people fleeing the civil war. We are taking in their civil war."

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Europe is in danger to falling to Islam. There is an urgent and serious need for a new Biblical Reformation and a fresh spiritual Revival. Only

Christianity – true Biblical Christianity – can defeat radical Islam. Secular humanism and hedonism are no match for Islamic jihad.

Reformation or Islamisation

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By rejecting Christianity, Europe is committed spiritual suicide. By embracing secular humanism and welcoming Islamic immigration,

Europe is committing cultural and economic suicide.

Continental Suicide

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By inter-marrying with Muslims and building mosques and madrasses throughout the continent, Europe is betraying future generations to

bondage. By rejecting God's Law, Europe may soon fall under Islamic Shari'a law.

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Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat its failures. Guilt manipulation and indoctrination have neutralised

Europe. We need to re-discover our history.

Ignorance of History is Catastrophic

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As Karl Marx declared:

"The first battle field is the

re-writing of history." As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

declared, of Russia, in 1917:

"We forgot God!"

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"Another generation

grew up who knew neither the Lord nor

what He had done…

they provoked the Lord

to anger." Judges 2:10-11 

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Secularism, humanism, heathenism and hedonism have gutted Europe – morally, spiritually and ethically – making her vulnerable to an

Islamic takeover.

Aborting Their Future

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By aborting her babies, Europe is aborting her future. By secularising her schools, Europe is condemning her youth. By paganising her

populations, Europe has perverted her society. By importing millions of Muslim migrants, Europe is committing demographic suicide.

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How should we as Christians respond?

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There are two extremes that we need to guard against: there are those who refuse to see the crisis. They say there is no problem! Then there are those who panic and say there is no hope! Both of these extremes

are false.

A Balanced Perspective

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We must recognise the problems – honestly and soberly. Man is depraved and in rebellion to God and His Word.

Sin inevitably reaps tremendous trouble. But we must also recognise that God is Sovereign and Almighty.

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There is power in prayer. The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.

How can any Christian say there is no hope?

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"These are the nations the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (He did this only to teach

warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience)… they were left to test the Israelites to see if they

would obey the Lord's commands…" Judges 3:1-2

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This is first and foremost a battle

for the mind. Obtain Slavery, Terrorism

and Islam – the Historical Roots and

Contemporary Threat (290 pages, 200 pictures),

A Battle for the Mind

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the Muslim Evangelism Workshop audio MP3 (20 lectures),

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and the Islam Rising DVD.

These are the absolute basic

minimum introduction to

the threat confronting us.

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We must wake up to the urgent and serious crisis. Most churches are asleep, or in apostasy. The world is rushing on its way to hell. Our

prayer meetings are sparsely attended and lacking in fire and fervour.

Wake Up

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Most Evangelical churches engage in little,

or no Evangelism. Missionary vision is weak

and much that is done in the name of missions,

has little to do with fulfilling the Great Commission.

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We need to make disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded.

We need to understand Islam and we need to evangelise Muslims.

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God has not given us a spirit of fear – but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

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What does the future hold?

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Europe must be won back to Christ. Europe needs a Biblical Reformation and a Spiritual Revival. Europe for Christ!

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"Restore us, Oh God Almighty, make Your face shine upon us, that we may be saved." Psalm 80:7

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It is either God's Law or Shari'a law. Christianity or Islam.

Reformation or Islamisation.

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"Will You not revive us

again that

Your people will rejoice

in You?" Psalm 85:6

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"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you.

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Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.“ 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

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"In the time of those kings, the God of Heaven will set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people.

It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end. But will itself endure forever." Daniel 2:44

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Page 213: How Civilizations Commit Suicide

Dr Peter Hammond

Reformation Society

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Who Is On The Lord’s Side?

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1: Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King?

Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring?

Who will leave the world’s side? Who will face the foe?

Who is on the Lord’s side? Who for Him will go?

By Thy call of mercy, by Thy grace Divine,

We are on the Lord’s side, Saviour, we are Thine.

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2: Not for weight of glory, not for crown and palm,Enter we the army, raise the warrior

Psalm;But for Love that claimeth lives for whom He died,he whom Jesus nameth must be on His side.By Thy love constraining, by Thy grace Divine,We are on the Lord’s side, Saviour, we are Thine.

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3: Jesus, Thou has bought us, not with gold or gem,

But with Thine own life Blood, for Thy diadem;

with Thy blessing filling each who comes to Thee,

Thou has made us willing, Thou hast made us free.

By Thy grand Redemption, by Thy grace Divine,

We are on the Lord’s side, Saviour, we are Thine.

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4: Fierce may be the conflict, strong may be the foe,

But the King’s own army none can overthrow;

round His standard ranging, vict’ry is secure,

for His truth unchanging makes the triumph sure.

Joyfully enlisting, by Thy grace Divine,

We are on the Lord’s side, Saviour, we are Thine.

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"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the nations will bow down before Him,

for our dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations."Psalm 22:27-28