housing sub-group - luton borough council  · web view10 am until 12:30pm. venue: the hat factory,...

Minutes Easy Read Name of Group: Learning Disability Partnership Meeting Date & Time: 19 th of October 2015, 10 am until 12:30pm Venue: The Hat Factory, 65-67 Bute Street, Luton LU1 2EY. The Gallery Room. Who came: Lisa Galloway – Precious Homes, Jeanette Tennyson – Yawn Life, Andy Assan – Healthwatch, Renu Aggarwal – service user, Serena Carter – service user, Polly Parrish – LBC, Peter Vallely – service user, Manprect Kaur – Craegmoor, Tracy Finlan – service user, Cllr Naseem Ayub – LBC, Val Sheridan – LBC, Rose Winter – LBC, Shabena Abbas – LBC, Sheila Smith – service user / Co Chair, Maria Watkins – Co Chair – Optimal Living, Kelvin Cox – service user, Sam Morrison – ELFT, Alan Fletcher – Healthwatch, Tracey Brennan – LBC, Simon Nightingale – LBC, Annie Morton –LBC, Clare Barham – ELFT, Cheryl Parker – ELFT, Judith Batson – Parent, Emma Hare – POhWER, Michael Mullenda-Francis – Healthwatch, Glenda Tizard – POhWER, Karen Walsh – ELFT, Gemini Downing – LBC, Karen Ferguson – Health Facilitation Service, Sharon Jackson – ELFT, Krishan Gokal– service user, Chris Brandom – New Horizons, Hussona Bashir, Terri Brooks – Healthwatch, Linda Ambrose – LBC, Michelle Hart Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection 1

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Minutes Easy Read

Name of Group: Learning Disability Partnership Meeting

Date & Time: 19th of October 2015,10 am until 12:30pmVenue: The Hat Factory, 65-67 Bute Street, Luton LU1 2EY. The Gallery Room.Who came:Lisa Galloway – Precious Homes, Jeanette Tennyson – Yawn Life, Andy Assan – Healthwatch, Renu Aggarwal – service user, Serena Carter – service user, Polly Parrish – LBC, Peter Vallely – service user, Manprect Kaur – Craegmoor, Tracy Finlan – service user, Cllr Naseem Ayub – LBC, Val Sheridan – LBC, Rose Winter – LBC, Shabena Abbas – LBC, Sheila Smith – service user / Co Chair, Maria Watkins – Co Chair – Optimal Living, Kelvin Cox – service user, Sam Morrison – ELFT, Alan Fletcher – Healthwatch, Tracey Brennan – LBC, Simon Nightingale – LBC, Annie Morton –LBC, Clare Barham – ELFT, Cheryl Parker – ELFT, Judith Batson – Parent, Emma Hare – POhWER, Michael Mullenda-Francis – Healthwatch, Glenda Tizard – POhWER, Karen Walsh – ELFT, Gemini Downing – LBC, Karen Ferguson – Health Facilitation Service, Sharon Jackson – ELFT, Krishan Gokal– service user, Chris Brandom – New Horizons, Hussona Bashir, Terri Brooks – Healthwatch, Linda Ambrose – LBC, Michelle Hart – Keyring, Tania Pettet – ELFT, Natalie White – service user, Hightown group, Paul McCann - service user, Hightown group, Lorna De Freitas - service user, Hightown group, Janine Macey – LBC

Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection


Minutes Easy ReadWho let us know they couldn’t make it:Harminder Patel – LBC, Maud O’Leary – LBC, Debra Collins – LBC, Liz Langley – Oakley Lodge, Kerry Rees – LBC, D White – POhWER, Emma Storrie – Precious Homes, Emma Sullivan – Aragon Housing, Rizvan Bashir – Luton Cultural Services Trust, Diane Walsh – LBC, Jaki Whittred – Bedfordshire Police, Amanda Middleton – Rose Court, Sarah Solman – Apex Care.

The traffic light cards were spoken about to let everyone know how to use them.There were also red and green voting cards on the tables, which will be used later in the meeting.

Sheila asked everyone to introduce themselves.Minutes from the last meeting – all the actions have been completed and everyone was happy with them.

Simon Nightingale and Annie Morton:Simon and Annie gave a presentation about the advice and information consultation that is currently happening.Link to consultation:http://consult.luton.gov.uk/portal/lbc/healthandsocialcare/adult_social_care_information_advice_and_guidance_strategy_2015-2017

We then had a workshop on accessing advice and information.

Discussion that followed the workshop.It is still to be decided where to put the equipment for people to access the directory when out in the community. We are thinking about the libraries, community centres, The Mall to start with. Any other

Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection


Minutes Easy Readsuggestions would be welcomed.Access to I.T equipment should start on the 16th of January 2016.If you have difficulty reading or writing, how can the directory be used? There is an audio version available and this can be delivered in many different languages. The size of the text can also be changed and support to use the system will be in place.The main aim is to raise awareness and get the information to the right people, including GP surgeries.Appointments with doctors are very short so people could be signposted to other areas for both them and their families to get the information.The telephone helpline will not be removed; people will also still be able to phone for advice. Many of the staff who answer the calls can speak more than one language.Will there be a printed directory? No, the directory will be updated too often but you will be able to print out pages at home or through our community computer equipment.The online directory is picture based and uses easy to understand language.Each group was only asked to do some of the tasks and people asked to be able to feedback on all of them. Following the meeting all of the tasks were sent out to everyone who attended today.The consultation ends on the 30th November

POhWER – Emma HareEmma, Sheila, Kelvin and Serena told us about the new service user subgroups and what they had been doing.

Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection


Minutes Easy ReadThere is also a Being Safe group that happens once every 4 weeks.They also talked about what happened when they went to the professionals subgroups.Tracey Brennan – UpdateTracey gave an update to the group from all of the professionals’ subgroups. These slides are part of the main presentation. 3 names for the new day care provision were

shortlisted. The decision as to the preferred option was given to Pam Garraway (Director of Housing & Community Living). The final decision was that the service would be called ‘Community Choices’

Hockwell Community Centre should be available for service users to access in November, following some improvements to the toilets on the site

The specialist unit at Lewsey Community Centre will be available at the same time as the Stopsley site is ready

Councillor Naseem Ayub:Councillor Naseem Ayub is the new portfolio holder for Adult Social Care, and she spent a few minutes introducing herself to the group and talking about her support for people with disabilities.

Future Partnership Meetings and what would you like to hear more about:The voting cards were used today: Green for YES. and Red for NO

Question 1 –This meeting today was held at The Hat Factory, is this a good venue? Yes – 28 No 8

Question 2 – Do we need to ask if they have a microphone? Yes – ALL

Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection


Minutes Easy ReadQuestion 3 – Would we like an update on the information and advice consultation from Simon Nightingale and Annie Morton at the next meeting? Yes – ALL

The service users in the group today told us that they want more activities and less talking and that there were too many big words used, also that we moved on too fast without giving them enough time to think about what had just been said.It was explained that ‘keep Safe’ is different to ‘Being Safe’ and Val said that there will be a presentation on the launch of a Keep Safe in Luton at the next Partnership Meeting.Any other business:

Krishen told us that his time being a Mencap Ambassador is coming to an end and that he has now applied for a paid job with Mencap. Congratulations and well done. Everyone wished him good luck with the interview.

Date & Time agreed for next meeting:To be held at: The Hat Factory, Bute Street, Luton.On the: 11th March 2016From: 10 am to 12:30pm,If you have any issues that need to be discussed before the next Partnership meeting please contact the chair person

Learning Disability Partnership and subgroups - some pictures are courtesy of the Valuing People Clipart Collection