^housing development finance corporation ltd, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance...

HiMDU5T(9M Ti nes - /2-oct- 4^^i i &^<piiei |t Mmt ^^ t oget herwif o fur ther i nter est®18%p. a. as appli cabl e, i nc^^ent el expenses, o*st e, *har ges etc. i ncurred up to the date of payment ami /or realisation ther eof. To the best of knowl edge and i nf or mation of the Authorized Off icer of HDFC Lid, there are no encumbrances i n respect of f oe above immovabl e properties. Secured Asset s save and except f or the proper t y/loan account ment i oned at S.No, 1 & 2 above, wherei n the borr owers/ occupants have removed the connect ing/common wall between both f oe f l at s/ proper t i es menti oned at S.No. 1 & 2( bof o f l at s/ pr oper t ies bei ng adjacent/ adj oi ni ng each ot her) . For pr oper ty mentionedat S. No.3 abovecert ai n amount i s payabl e to f oe buil der i. e Ansal Lotus Mel ange Proj ects Pvt Ltd (t owar ds Basi ccost j andt hesameshall be pai d to f oe Bui l der by HDFC Ltd out oft he sale considerat ion received underf he pr esentTender Sal e Ncti ce. Anyotherdues/ chargesincl udi ng but not li mitedto Transfer/ Regi strat i on Charges will have t o be bor ne/ pai d by f oe purchaser herei n. f or pr oper ty/ loan account menti oned atS.No.4above, f oe Legal Heirs/ Representat i ves of f oe deceased borrower (Lat e. Sh. Satpai) havefil edaCivi lSurt(CSNo. 1432/19^Moni ka& ot hers vs HDFC Ltd & others) in t he Di str i ct Court at Kar nal . The sal e herei n shall be subj ect to fi nal outcome and/or orders / dir ect ions etc as may be passed by f oe Hor fbt e Court. As on date there i s no order r estrai ni ng HDFC Ltd or i ts Authorized Off i cer from selli ng/ ali enat i ng the pert inent property. Last datefor submi sstonofSeal edTender ei s13.11. 2019 bef ore05:15PM. For qu8r ies, i nt erestedbuyer emaycont act Mr.Vai bhavSi nghTar aat 0172-6761040or Mob. No. 97B0516300 For Housing Devel opment Finance Corporat ion Ltd. ) ate: 13. 10. 2019Sd/- 'l ace: Chandigar h' Author i sed Officer 18 Mar ias ki tte 6, whi ch comes out t o 6-18/ 30 Mar i as ( approxi mately 197. 79 Square Yar ds) , Khewat No. 929/885, Khat oni No. 1113 as per Jamabandi f or f oe year 1998- 99, si tuat ed at Vil lage Jundla Tehsi l & Distr i ct Kar nat regi st ered i n t he name of Sh. Satpal S/o Sh. Dhar am Si ngh vi de Sale -- " 1248The proper ty can al so be ident i fied as House No. Smt . Reena Devi W/o Lat e Sh. Satpal ( Co- borrower and al so legal hei r/ representative of deceased borrower i/ . e Lat e Sh. Sat pal ), Smt . Moni ka D/o Late Sh. Satpal , Kumar i . Ri ya Devi D/ o Late, Sh. Satpal ( thr ough Smt . Reena Devi / Smt . Moni ka) , Master. Nishant S/ o Late. Sh. Sat pal (t hr ough Smt . Reena Devi / Smt. Moni ka) , i n t hei capacity as f oe f ogal hei rs/ repr esentati ves of Lat e _ _ _ Sh. Sat pal . All Rs/ o.: Vi ll age Jundl a, Distri ct Karnal . Al so for f oe attent ion of other known & unknown legal hei rs / repr esent at ives / assi gns/ successorsof Late. Sh. Sat pal. A/c Nos. 615000441, 615003365 &615003640. Rs. 14.11201B 25OOOOJ-lt12: 30PH Plot al ong wif o constructi on thereon, both present and future measuri ng 197,79 Square Yards i. e 6- 18/30/618 Shar e oTt ot S'f end~me"asuf i ng 30 Kanal KARNAL REGION Rs. 2372358/- thereon, both present and 9th Floor , Tower No.5 measur i ng 1324 Sq (approx and subsequent l y i ncreased i 1405 Sq. Ft ) Ft i n bui lding call ed Orchard County (Ansal Lot us Melange) , si t oated at Khar ar- Landran Road Sector-115, Mohal i, Punjab all ott ed in favour of Smt . Gaganj i t Kaur W/ o Sh. Gurpreet Si ngh S/o Sh.Manmohan Si ngh vi de all otment l ett er dated 23.12.2011 12500000/ -! 250000/- [at1130 AH Smt . Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh. Gurpr eet Singh (Borrower) and Sh. Gurpreet Singh S/o Sh. Manmohan Si ngh ( Co- Borrower ) R/o: House No- 2470, Phase 10, MohalU40301 A/c No: 603209285, Fl at No.904 ( al ong with construction | Physi cal! Rs. I Rs MOHAL1 REGI ON Sect or-20, Fanchkulainthe name ofSh. KutdeapSoni S/o Sh.RamChander Soni Sh, Kul deep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Ghander Soni j ( Borr ower ) Smt. Sanj u Soni W/o Sh. Kul deep Soni! (Co-Borrower) C/0: K Soni Buil ders & Promoters] Pvt Ltd SCF No. 6, Merr igoW Compl ex, Opposit e Sunny Encl ave Chajj umajr a Road, Kharar-140301 A/ c No: 600890161 Fiat No. 603, The Ti rupal i Co-Qp | Physical! Rs. | Rs. j 14.11^ Group Housing Sooety Ltd, GH-1G4G, [ |7700DOOH 770000/- l11: II Of call ed The fi rupat i Co-op Group Housi ng Societ y Limited. GH-104-G, Sect or 20 Panchkuia i n f oe name of Sh. Radhey Soni S/o Sh. Flam Chander Soni I7700000/ -I 770000/- [ atl^^MAI* Flat No. 601 situat ed i n the buil ding I Physi cal! Rs. | Rs. 114. 11201 call ed The Tl rupat i Coop Group | I700000/17000 Ui^^MA Sh. Radhey Son! S/ o Sh. Ram Chander Soni ( Borr ower ) and Sh. Ram Chander Soni S/o Sh. Mani Ram Sani ( Co-Borrower ) . C/o: M/ S Soni Hitech Bui l ders FM. Ltd. SCF No. 6, Merri gol tf Compl ex, Opposi t e Sunny Encl ave Chajjumaj ra Road, Kharar-140301 A-t oNos:602513454 &608359079 Rs. 6250991/- PANCHKULA REGI ON (B) TenderSale Not i ce f or sale of I mmovable Asset s under t he Secur i tisat i on and Reconst ruct i on of Fi nanci al Assets and Enfor cement of Secur it y I nt er est Act. 2002 r ead wi f o provi so t o Ruf e8( 6) of f oe Secur ity I nterest ( Enf or cement ) Rul es. 2002. Not icei s her ebygi ven t othe publ i ci n gener al and i n parti cul artot he Bor r owe^s) / Mor tgagor ^)/ l egal hei rs, l egal repr esentat i ves (whether known or unknown), execut or fs), aamlni strator( s}, successo^s) and assign( s) of f oe r espective Borrowe^s) / Mor tgagor(s)(si nce deceased), as f oe case- , may be, i ndicated in Column (A), t hat t he bel ow descr i bed i mmovable proper t y( t ies) descr i bed in Col umn (C) mor t gaged/ charged t o f oe Secured Credi t or, f oe const ruct ive I physi cal possessi on of whi ch has been taken as descnbeo in col umn (D) by the Aut honsed Officer of Housing Development Fi nance Cor porat i on Li mit ed ( HDFC Lt d) Secured Cr edi t or, will be sold on "^i s wher e i s", "As i s what is". end- Whatever t her e i s" basis as per f oe detail s ment ioned bel ow Noticeis her ebygiven to Borrowe^s) / Modi and assif i n(s) of the r espect i ve Borrowed:"1 (Enf or cement) Rules 2002. For detail ed terms and condit ions of f oe saf e pl ease r ef er t o f oe li nk pr ovided i n Housing Devel opment Fi nance Corporation Limit ed ( HDFC Ltd) Secured ~ "' t or' swebsi te i e www hdfc com ^HOUSI NG DEVELOPMENT FI NANCE CORPORATION LTD, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8- C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 . Tel : - 0172-6761000 CI N L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSI TE: www. hdfc. com Lt Gen Paramiit Singh Sangha ( left ) hands over t he charge of Whi t e Ni ght Cor ps t o Lt Gen Harsha Gupta in Jammu on Sat ur day, ht photo tary st at i on t o pay tr i but es t oCorps, conveying hi s appreci a- t he sol di ers who have madet i on and compli ment' s t o all supreme sacr i fi ce f or t her anks for thei r pr of essionalism nati on, he sai d. and steadf ast dedicati ont oduty Sangha al so addr essed t heintheserviceof thenati on,"the t r oops of t he Whi t e Kni ght spokesper son sai d. "" l apisaj d ys oe como thwart t he nefar i ous desi gns of enemy and inimical f or ces wit h excellent synergy between the ar my, ci vil admini strationand the par amili t ar y f or ces, sai d defence spokesper son Lt Col DevenderAnand. Ear lier , befor e r eli nquishi ng the command, Lt Gen Sangha l aid a wr eat h at 'A'shwamedh Shaur ya St haT in Nagrota mili- oninfull swingandthehi ghway is expectedt o reopen f or tr af f ic later in the day.ht c ^PEaqguiSJiqipnig Bpmont naayaltertnerOaawas ai waj cleared f or one-way traff i c but a f resh landsli de again f or ced the cl osure ofthehi ghwaythi smorn- ing," Eff ort s ar e under way to rest ore thehighway, the of f i ci al said, addingthatno vehicles were str anded on the hi ghway. The

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Page 1: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

HiMDU5T(9M Tines - /2-oct-


together wifo further interest® 18% p.a. as applicable, inc^^entel expenses, o*ste,*harges etc. incurred up to the date of paymentami/or realisation thereof.To the best of knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Lid, there are no encumbrances in respect of foe above immovable properties.Secured Assets save and except for the property/loan account mentioned at S.No, 1 & 2 above, wherein the borrowers/occupants have removed theconnecting/common wall between both foe flats/properties mentioned at S.No. 1 & 2(bofo flats/properties being adjacent/adjoining each other).For property mentionedatS.No.3 abovecertain amount is payable to foe builder i.e Ansal Lotus Melange Projects Pvt Ltd (towards Basiccostjandthesameshallbe paid to foe Builder by HDFC Ltd out of the sale consideration received underfhe present Tender Sale Nctice.Any other dues/charges including but not limited to

Transfer/Registration Charges will have to be borne/paid by foe purchaser herein.for property/loan account mentioned atS.No.4above, foe Legal Heirs/Representatives of foe deceased borrower (Late. Sh.Satpai)havefiledaCivilSurt(CSNo.1432/19^Monika& others vs HDFC Ltd & others) in the District Court at Karnal. The sale herein shall be subject to final outcome and/or orders / directions etc asmay be passed by foe Horfbte Court. As on date there is no order restraining HDFC Ltd or its Authorized Officer from selling/alienating the pertinent property.

LastdateforsubmisstonofSealedTendereis13.11.2019 before05:15PM.Forqu8ries,interestedbuyeremaycontactMr.VaibhavSinghTaraat0172-6761040orMob.No.97B0516300For Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.

)ate: 13.10.2019Sd/-'lace: Chandigarh'Authorised Officer

18 Marias kitte 6, which comes out to 6-18/30 Marias (approximately 197.79 Square Yards),Khewat No. 929/885, Khatoni No. 1113 as per Jamabandi for foe year 1998-99, situated at Vil lageJundla Tehsil & District Karnat registered in the name of Sh. Satpal S/o Sh. Dharam Singh vide Sale

--" 1248The property can also be identified as House No.

Smt. Reena Devi W/o Late Sh. Satpal (Co-borrower and also legal heir/representative ofdeceased borrower i/.e Late Sh. Satpal), Smt.Monika D/o Late Sh. Satpal, Kumari. Riya Devi D/oLate, Sh. Satpal (through Smt. Reena Devi/Smt.Monika) , Master. Nishant S/o Late. Sh. Satpal(through Smt. Reena Devi/Smt. Monika), in theicapacity as foe fogal heirs/representatives of Late _ _ _Sh. Satpal. All Rs/o.: Village Jundla, District Karnal. Also for foe attention of other known & unknown legal heirs / representatives / assigns/

successorsof Late. Sh. Satpal.A/c Nos. 615000441,615003365 & 615003640.

Rs. 14.11201B25OOOOJ-lt12:30PHPlot along wifo construction thereon,

both present and future measuring197,79 Square Yards i.e 6-18/30/618 Share oTtotS'fend~me"asufing 30 Kanal


Rs. 2372358/-thereon, both present and9th Floor, Tower No.5 measuring 1324 Sq (approx and subsequently increased i

1405 Sq. Ft) Ft in building called Orchard County (Ansal Lotus Melange), sitoated at Kharar-LandranRoad Sector-115, Mohali, Punjab allotted in favour of Smt. Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh.Gurpreet Singh S/oSh.Manmohan Singh vide allotment letter dated 23.12.2011

12500000/-! 250000/- [at1130 AHSmt. Gaganjit Kaur W/o Sh. Gurpreet Singh(Borrower) and Sh. Gurpreet Singh S/o Sh.Manmohan Singh (Co-Borrower) R/o: House No-2470, Phase 10, MohalU 40301A/c No: 603209285,

Flat No.904 (along with construction | Physical! Rs. I RsMOHAL1 REGION

Sector-20, Fanchkulainthe name ofSh. KutdeapSoni S/o Sh.RamChanderSoniSh, Kuldeep Soni S/o Sh. Ram Ghander Sonij(Borrower) Smt. Sanju Soni W/o Sh. Kuldeep Soni!(Co-Borrower) C/0:K Soni Builders & Promoters]Pvt Ltd SCF No. 6, MerrigoW Complex, Opposite Sunny Enclave Chajjumajra Road, Kharar-140301

A/c No: 600890161

Fiat No. 603, The Tirupali Co-Qp | Physical! Rs. | Rs. j 14.11^Group Housing Sooety Ltd, GH-1G4G, [|7700DOOH 770000/-l11:IIOf

called The firupati Co-op GroupHousing Society Limited. GH-104-G, Sector 20 Panchkuia in foe name of Sh.Radhey Soni S/o Sh. Flam Chander Soni

I7700000/-I 770000/- [atl^^MAI*Flat No. 601 situated in the building I Physical! Rs. | Rs. 114.11201called The Tlrupati Coop Group |I700000/17000 Ui^^MASh. Radhey Son! S/o Sh. Ram Chander Soni

(Borrower) and Sh. Ram Chander Soni S/o Sh.Mani Ram Sani (Co-Borrower). C/o: M/S SoniHitech Builders FM. Ltd. SCF No. 6, MerrigoltfComplex, Opposite Sunny Enclave Chajjumajra Road, Kharar-140301A-toNos:602513454 & 608359079

Rs. 6250991/-


TenderSale Notice for sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act.2002

read wifo proviso to Rufe8(6) of foe Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules.2002.Notice is hereby given tothe public in general and in pa rticularto the Borrowe^s)/ Mortgagor^)/ legal heirs, legal representatives (whether known or unknown),executorfs), aamlnistrator(s}, successo^s) and assign(s) of foe respective Borrowe^s) / Mortgagor(s)(since deceased), as foe case-,may be, indicated inColumn (A), that the below described immovable property(ties) described in Column (C) mortgaged/charged to foe Secured Creditor, foe constructive Iphysical possession of which has been taken as descnbeo in column (D) by the Authonsed Officer of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited(HDFC Ltd)Secured Creditor, will be sold on "^is where is", "As is what is". end-Whatever there is" basis as per foe details mentioned below

Notice is hereby given to Borrowe^s) / Modiand assifin(s) of the respective Borrowed:"1(Enforcement) Rules 2002.For detailed terms and conditions of foe safe please refer to foe link provided in Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) Secured

~ "'tor'swebsite i e www hdfc com


. Tel :-0172-6761000 CIN L70100MH1977PLC019916 WEBSITE: www.hdfc.com

• Lt Gen Paramiit Singh Sangha (left) hands over the charge of WhiteNight Corps to Lt Gen Harsha Gupta in Jammu on Saturday, ht photo

tary station to pay tributes toCorps, conveying his apprecia-the soldiers who have madetion and compliment's to allsupreme sacrifice for theranks for their professionalismnation, he said.and steadfast dedication to duty

Sangha also addressed theintheserviceofthenation,"thetroops of the White Knightspokesperson said. ""

lapisajdys oe como

thwart the nefarious designs ofenemy and inimical forces withexcellent synergy between thearmy, civil administration andthe paramilitary forces, saiddefence spokesperson Lt ColDevenderAnand.

Earlier, before relinquishingthe command, Lt Gen Sanghalaid a wreath at 'A'shwamedhShaurya SthaT in Nagrota mili-

on in full swing and the highwayis expected to reopen for trafficlater in the day.htc

^PEaqguiSJiqipnigBpmontnaay alter tnerOaa was aiwajcleared for one-way traffic but afresh landslide again forced theclosure of the highway thismorn-ing," Efforts are underway torestore the highway, the officialsaid, adding thatno vehicles werestranded on the highway. The

Page 2: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

INVITATION FOR BIDS fIFBlthe Executive Engineer Electrical Division, HPPWD, Mandi HP

on behalf of Governor of H.P invites the item rate bids, in electronictendering system, from the Principal manufacturer/OEM (Lift;Authorized agency of OEM's for the works as detailed in the table.

Sr. No : 1, Name of Work : C/o Sanskriti Sadan at Motipur, DistrictMandi HP (SH: Providing and fixing One No. Electric Traction Elevator Lift8 Passener and E.I for lift thereini-

E-Mail: [email protected] no. 01905- 222172HIMACHAl PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT

<e-r r' i't^fis

EMLOYMENiT NOTICE1.Services of Retired Defence Officers required as Manager

of URC/ESM Canteens on a contractual basis for 11months at Shimla, Ghumarwin, Hamirpur and Mandi

2.The applicatnt should not be above age of 59 yrs ondate of interview and should have knowledge ofcanteen and accounts. Interested candidate to

21.10.2019 5=4. 6.11.2019 5it

Page 3: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-SC, Madhya Maig, Chandigarh 160 008.

Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.

Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916



1.The particulars in respect of the Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) specified hereinabove have been

stated to the best of the information and knowledge of the Authorised Officer/ HDFC Ltd.

2.However, the Authorised Officer / HDFC Ltd shall not be responsible for any error, misstatement oromission in the said particulars. The Bidders are therefore requested in their own interest, to satisfythemselves with regard to the above and all other relevant details / material information pertaining to the

abovementioned Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s), before submitting the bids.

3.Statutory dues like property taxes / cess and transfer charges, arrears of electricity dues, arrears of watercharges and other charges known and unknown in respect to the secured assets being sold, shall beascertained by the Bidder beforehand and the payment of the same shall be the responsibility of the buyer

of Secured Assets.

4.Wherever applicable, it is the responsibility of buyer of Secured Assets to deduct tax at source (TDS) @ of 1%of the total sale consideration on behalf of the resident owner (seller) on the transfer of immovable propertyhaving consideration equal to Rs.50 Lakh and above and deposit the same with appropriate authority u/s

194 I/A of Income Tax Act.

5.Sale is strictly subject to the Terms, Conditions and Disclaimers stipulated in the prescribed TenderDocument, Offer Acceptance Letter, Public Notice , terms and conditions mentioned hereinbelow and any

other related documents.

6.The Tender Document can be collected / obtained from the Authorized Officer of Housing DevelopmentFinance Corporation Limited (HDFC Ltd) having his office at SCO No. 143-144, First Floor, Sector 8-C,

Madhya Marg, Chandigarh on any working day during office hours.

7.The Tender Document will also be available at site on the respective date fixed for inspection of the

Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s).^

8.Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall be available for inspection on 05.11.2019 between 11: 00 A.M and

05:00 P.M.

9.For any assistance related to inspection of the property, or for obtaining the Tender Document and for anyother queries, please get in touch with Mr. Vaibhav Singh Tara at 0172-6761040 or 9780516300.

10.Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount as mentioned above shall be deposited by the Tenderer throughDemand Draft / Pay Order in Favour of "HDFC Limited" payable at par in sealed envelope along with theTender Document and shall be submitted at SCO No. 143-144, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

11.The offer amount (to be mentioned in Tender Document) shall be above Reserve Price.

12.The last date of submission of Tender in prescribed Tender Document with all necessary documents and

EMD in stipulated manner is 13.11.2019 before 05:15 PM.


Page 4: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.

Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Paiekh Matg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Chutchgate, Mumbai 400 020.

Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916


13.Incomplete Tender Document or inadequate EMD amount or Tenders received after the date indicated at

Sr. No 12 hereinabove shall be treated as invalid.

14.Conditional offers shall also be treated as invalid.

15.The Tenders will be opened on the date and time mentioned hereinabove in Column (G) in the presence ofthe Authorised Officer at HDFC Ltd. SCO No. 143-144, First Floor, Sector 8-C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

16.The Immovable Property(ies) / Secured Asset(s) shall not be sold below the Reserve Price.

17.On sale of the property, the purchaser shall not have any claim of whatsoever nature against HDFC Ltd or its

Authorised Officer.

18.It shall be at the discretion of the Authorised officer to cancel the Tender proceedings for any reason andreturn the EMD submitted and HDFC Ltd will not entertain any claim or representation in that regard from

the bidders.

19.The Authorized officer has the absolute right to accept or reject the highest and / or all Bid(s) or postponeor cancel the sale, as the case may be without assigning any reasons thereof and also to modify any of the

terms and condition of this sale without prior notice.

20.The sale shall be conferred on the highest bidder subject to confirmation by Secured Creditor i.e. HDFC Ltd.

21.EMD of successful tenderer shall be adjusted and for all other unsuccessful tenderers , the same shall berefunded within 10 days from Tender opening date. The Earnest money deposit will not carry any interest.

22.Along with Tender Document the Bidder(s) should also attach his/her photo identity proof such as copy ofthe Aadhar Card (UID), passport, election commission card, ration card, driving license, copy of the PANcard issued by the Income Tax department etc. and the proof of residence countersigned by the bidder


23.The successful bidder shall be required to pay 25% of the offer amount (including the amount of EMD)immediately i.e. on the same day or not later than next working day, as the case may be (as per theamended provisions of Rule 9(3) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002) on confirmationofoffer acceptance by HDFC Ltd, failing which the EMD amount remitted will stand forfeited. The balance75% of offer amount shall be paid within 15 days of confirmation of sale by the Authorised officer. If thebalance amount is not remitted within stipulated time the amount of 25% will stand forfeited as per the

amended provisions of Rule 9(4) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.

-", HDFC

Page 5: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

The sale shall be subject to the final outcome of and/or orders, directions etc. as may be passed bythe Hon'ble Court from time to time in the above proceedings. The successful bidder / purchasershall be required to discharge all the encumbrance to which the above immovable property /secured asset are subject to including the above encumbrances and comply with the decree / orders

/ directions of the Hon'ble Court.

HDFC Ltd. has not admitted the claim of the Applicants in the above case and the proposed sale inexercise of powers under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcementof Security Interest Act, 2002, as envisaged hereunder shall be without prejudice to the rights of and

remedies available to HDFC Ltd.

As on date there is no order restraining and/or injuncting HDFC Ltd / the Authorised Officer of HDFCLtd from selling, alienating and/or disposing off the above immovable property/ secured asset.

HDFC Ltd. does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in thedocuments that are relied upon in the above proceedings (that is pending adjudication) or as to theexistence of any other fact alleged or representations made by Applicants whether in the pleadings

or otherwise.

The prospective purchasers / bidders and interested parties may independently take inspection ofthe pleadings filed in the abeve proceedings / orders passed etc. including but not limited to thedocuments of title pertaining therete available with HDFC Ltd. and satisfy themselves in all respect

prior to submitting tenders or making offers.

HDFC Ltd. / the Authorised Officer of HDFC Ltd. does not accept any responsibility or liabilitywhatsoever for loss that may be incurred by the successful bidders / purchasers at a later date

whether en account of non availability of information or otherwise.

S.C.0.153-155, Sectoi-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.

Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.

Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916

Monika & others vs HDFC Ltd & others

Title of the suit

District Court-Kamal

(Civil Judge -JuniorDivision)

CS No. 1432/2019

Court / Suit No.

4/3 HindustanTimes/AmarUjala

Sr. No.



To the best of knowledge and information of the Authorized Officer of HDFC Ltd, there are no otherencumbrances / claims in respect of the above immovable property / Secured Asset save and except

what is disclosed hereinbelow.


For the property mentioned at S.No. 4 (Hindustan Times) & S.No. 3 (Amar Ujala) above,litigation has been initiated by the Legal Heirs/Representatives of deceased borrower against

HDFC Ltd details of which are as under.


Page 6: ^HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION LTD, · 2019-10-15 · ^housing development finance corporation ltd, BRANCH: SCO 183-155, SECTOR 8-C, MADHYA MARG, CHANDIGARH-160008 Tel :-0172-6761000

S.C.0.153-155, Sector-8C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh 160 008.Tel.: 6761000. Fax: 0172-2724860.Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgatc, Mumbai 400 020.Corporate Identity Number: L70100MH1977PLC019916

For HousingCorporation Ltd.

Date: 13.10.2019

Place: Chandigarh

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any groundwhatsoever including but not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of the prospectivepurchasers / bidders to apprise themselves of all material facts which may influence their decision

before submitting tenders and/or making offers.

2. For property/loan account, mentioned at S.No. 1 & 2 (Indian Express & Amar Ujala), theborrowers/occupants of the immovable properties / secured assets have removed the common wallseparating both the said immovable properties/secured assets. Also, successful bidder / purchasershall be required to deduct tax at source (TDS) (5> of 1% of the total sale consideration on behalf ofthe resident owner/s (seller/s) on the transfer of immovable property the same havingconsideration more than Rs.50 Lakh and deposit the same with appropriate authority u/s 194 I/A of

Income Tax Act

Successful bidders / purchasers shall not have any recourse against HDFC Ltd. on any groundwhatsoever including but not limited to the above. Hence, it will be in the interest of theprospective purchasers / bidders to apprise themselves of all material facts which mayinfluence their decision before submitting tenders and/or making offers.


Prospective Purchasers at large are hereby informed that HDFC Ltd and its Authorized Officer does not deal incash transaction with respect to Immovable Properties mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice.

The name and contact details of the agency / broker, if any, authorized by HDFC Ltd to deal with sale ofImmovable property can be obtained only from the office of HDFC Ltd at the address mentioned above.