hornsy north puli shool · 2018! well done on what has been a very good season!ella x., jin, hloe,...

Replaced plasc slushy straws with paper straws. We have replaced bread rolls and muffins purchased from the supermarket in plasc, with bread delivered directly from the local bakery. We already compost all of our food waste. More to come as we move forward and we hope more opportunies for our children to see this process in acon. School Disco - Just a reminder we have our school disco coming up on Friday 31 August. Thanks to those parents and carers who have already booked in - we have more than 300 students, so make sure you get in quick to book! To book: hps:// www.trybooking.com/WPEX. Tickets are on sale right now and cost $5.00 each. Please be aware that places are limited, and cket sales will close at 3.00pm on Friday, 24 August. No cash will be accepted on the night. All ckets must be purchased via the link. At the P&C Meeng we've agreed to have our Uniform Shop open on the day/night along with a stall which will sell items leſtover from the Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls. Thanks to Tanya and Marika for making this happen - I am sure you'll agree this will be a very useful addion to the event and helpful for parents who may otherwise find it difficult to access the Uniform Shop during regular hours. Educaon Week - Finally, my thanks to all of the parents and friends who assisted Vicki with the Educaon Week BBQ last week - these events can't happen without you and we all appreciate your efforts. Janelle McIntosh SCHOOL FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TERM 3 - The above accounts have been sent home. Thank you to those parents/caregivers who have paid so promptly. The preferred method of payment is the secure Parent Online Payment system. The Department does not recommend parents provide hand wrien credit card details to the school, however, these can be processed in person at the Office. Cash and cheques are sll an acceptable form of payment. Reminder leers will be sent home next week. If you are experiencing financial difficules, please do not hesitate to contact me. SCHOOL PHOTOS—WEDNESDAY, 22 AUGUST—CLASSES - The photo envelopes were sent home last week. These should be returned to the Office as soon as possible. Sibling Photo envelopes are available from the Office. DAFFODIL DAY - Following is a note from Mrs Jeffrey - Daffodil Day is Friday, 24 August. Students in K-2 are being asked to wear yellow on this day and students in 3-6 are asked to accessorise their sports uniforms with yellow. For example, yellow socks, ribbons, beanies, scarves, etc. We would like everyone to donate a gold coin on the day in support of this fundraiser for the Caner Council. Mrs Sumpton From the Principal... 15 August, 2018 HORNSBY NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Ida Street, Hornsby, NSW, 2077 Phone : 9987 4605 Fax : 9482 2527 Before/After School Care : 9482 3484 Email : [email protected] Web site : www.hornsbynth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au I was delighted with the parent support for our Educaon Week Open Night/Aſternoon acvies. Thank you all for supporng the students and the staff. It is a wonderful school community and it is my pleasure to lead such an amazing school. Once again, the Art Show displayed the outstanding creave work that takes place in the classrooms on a day-to-day basis. As I sit at my desk, I read the following Spelling from ICAS:- 14 students received High Disncons, 60 students received Disncons and 63 students were awarded Credits. We can confidently say that strong basic Literacy and Numeracy programs take place at Hornsby North, as well as Creave Thinking and Arsc Programs. MESSAGE FROM OUR P&C PRESIDENT - Update from the P & C Meeng held on Monday, 13 August. As previously advised our Local Member of Parliament, Ma Kean joined us to take quesons, and to provide an update on our most discussed issue, air condioning for our school. Our P&C has been focused, over many year on raising funds to provide air condioning units in all our classrooms. To this effect, we've achieved great things with a real war chest, in excess of $100,000 set aside to fund the cost of the units and their installaon. Our crical stumbling block has been the electricity supply to the school, which requires an upgrade/substaon in order to be able to power these units. We have lobbied our State Member mercilessly to address this issue and he has followed this up at a budget level. We've been advised by Ma this week that we need 'a final push' to demonstrate to the community the need for this upgrade. He has set up a peon which can be accessed online and your P&C urges everyone to sign this—nyurl.com/ hnpselectricity. Please share with your friends and family . Canteen Menu Changes - You will see outlined in the Canteen news the menu changes that were agreed to the other night at the P&C Meeng. This is the beginning of further menu changes that will occur, but we wanted to let you know of these simple changes that respond to the Canteen survey requests and that we're able to implement immediately. Our Canteen and the War on Waste - Many of you will have been watching the ABC's War on Waste and may also be aware that Hornsby Shire Council is currently developing a new Waste Strategy. Many of you have expressed a desire to see change in how we handle waste in our Canteen. Here's an update on this front, with an outline of what our Canteen Manager Vicki is already doing in this area, with more to come as we progress through changes to the canteen menu:

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Page 1: HORNSY NORTH PULI SHOOL · 2018! Well done on what has been a very good season!Ella X., Jin, hloe, Ella S., Felix, Anton, Alexander, harlie, This Friday the Senior boys play Turramurra

Replaced plastic slushy straws with paper straws.

We have replaced bread rolls and muffins purchased from the supermarket in plastic, with bread delivered directly from the local bakery.

We already compost all of our food waste. More to come as we move forward and we hope more opportunities for our children to see this process in action. School Disco - Just a reminder we have our school disco coming up on Friday 31 August. Thanks to those parents and carers who have already booked in - we have more than 300 students, so make sure you get in quick to book! To book: https://www.trybooking.com/WPEX. Tickets are on sale right now and cost $5.00 each. Please be aware that places are limited, and ticket sales will close at 3.00pm on Friday, 24 August. No cash will be accepted on the night. All tickets must be purchased via the link. At the P&C Meeting we've agreed to have our Uniform Shop open on the day/night along with a stall which will sell items leftover from the Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls. Thanks to Tanya and Marika for making this happen - I am sure you'll agree this will be a very useful addition to the event and helpful for parents who may otherwise find it difficult to access the Uniform Shop during regular hours. Education Week - Finally, my thanks to all of the parents and friends who assisted Vicki with the Education Week BBQ last week - these events can't happen without you and we all appreciate your efforts. Janelle McIntosh SCHOOL FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TERM 3 - The above accounts have been sent home. Thank you to those parents/caregivers who have paid so promptly. The preferred method of payment is the secure Parent Online Payment system. The Department does not recommend parents provide hand written credit card details to the school, however, these can be processed in person at the Office. Cash and cheques are still an acceptable form of payment. Reminder letters will be sent home next week. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact me. SCHOOL PHOTOS—WEDNESDAY, 22 AUGUST—CLASSES - The photo envelopes were sent home last week. These should be returned to the Office as soon as possible. Sibling Photo envelopes are available from the Office. DAFFODIL DAY - Following is a note from Mrs Jeffrey - Daffodil Day is Friday, 24 August. Students in K-2 are being asked to wear yellow on this day and students in 3-6 are asked to accessorise their sports uniforms with yellow. For example, yellow socks, ribbons, beanies, scarves, etc. We would like everyone to donate a gold coin on the day in support of this fundraiser for the Caner Council. Mrs Sumpton

From the Principal...

15 August, 2018


Ida Street, Hornsby, NSW, 2077 Phone : 9987 4605 Fax : 9482 2527 Before/After School Care : 9482 3484

Email : [email protected] Web site : www.hornsbynth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

I was delighted with the parent support for our Education Week Open Night/Afternoon activities. Thank you all for supporting the students and the staff. It is a wonderful school community and it is my pleasure to lead such an amazing school. Once again, the Art Show displayed the outstanding creative work that takes place in the classrooms on a day-to-day basis. As I sit at my desk, I read the following Spelling from ICAS:- 14 students received High Distinctions, 60 students received Distinctions and 63 students were awarded Credits. We can confidently say that strong basic Literacy and Numeracy programs take place at Hornsby North, as well as Creative Thinking and Artistic Programs. MESSAGE FROM OUR P&C PRESIDENT - Update from the P & C Meeting held on Monday, 13 August. As previously advised our Local Member of Parliament, Matt Kean joined us to take questions, and to provide an update on our most discussed issue, air conditioning for our school. Our P&C has been focused, over many year on raising funds to provide air conditioning units in all our classrooms. To this effect, we've achieved great things with a real war chest, in excess of $100,000 set aside to fund the cost of the units and their installation. Our critical stumbling block has been the electricity supply to the school, which requires an upgrade/substation in order to be able to power these units. We have lobbied our State Member mercilessly to address this issue and he has followed this up at a budget level. We've been advised by Matt this week that we need 'a final push' to demonstrate to the community the need for this upgrade. He has set up a petition which can be accessed online and your P&C urges everyone to sign this—tinyurl.com/hnpselectricity. Please share with your friends and family . Canteen Menu Changes - You will see outlined in the Canteen news the menu changes that were agreed to the other night at the P&C Meeting. This is the beginning of further menu changes that will occur, but we wanted to let you know of these simple changes that respond to the Canteen survey requests and that we're able to implement immediately. Our Canteen and the War on Waste - Many of you will have been watching the ABC's War on Waste and may also be aware that Hornsby Shire Council is currently developing a new Waste Strategy. Many of you have expressed a desire to see change in how we handle waste in our Canteen. Here's an update on this front, with an outline of what our Canteen Manager Vicki is already doing in this area, with more to come as we progress through changes to the canteen menu:

Page 2: HORNSY NORTH PULI SHOOL · 2018! Well done on what has been a very good season!Ella X., Jin, hloe, Ella S., Felix, Anton, Alexander, harlie, This Friday the Senior boys play Turramurra

containers. Send these items to Miss Laird’s classroom (1 Red). Thank you for your help! Lisa Fowler. SCIENCE NEWS - THANK YOU! I have once again been blown away by the involvement from everybody in the Science Expo's this year. The amount of work and enthusiasm that the children have brought to the events has been absolutely amazing. As an experienced teacher who has taught at many schools in different countries, I have never seen such an opportunity for the children to proudly present their ideas and work to a large audience. It has been overwhelmingly positive to listen to the children and see all the effort they have been putting into their projects. Whether that be a project they have completed independently or with their family. I believe the children benefit from every effort. Thank you, thank you and thank you! Karen Fitzsimons. PSSA AFL - Here it comes! Semi Final time for our Junior 1s who are set to play Turramurra this Friday at Foxglove Oval. The game will begin around 1.00pm. Last week, Junior 1s had a comfortable win over Wideview 1s to remain un-defeated through the rounds. What a great effort. However, the Finals will be very tough games. Senior 1s went down to a strong Berowra 1s and will now play friendlies for the next 2 weeks. Both Junior & Senior 2s were beaten and will also play friendlies to finish the season. Good luck to our Semi Finalists, continue to play hard but fair. We’re very proud of EVERY AFL player this year who represented Hornsby North. Thank you, Peter Hughes. PSSA BOYS’ FOOTBALL - Match Day 14 of the PSSA Boys Football Competition was played against Mt Kuring-gai P.S. at Mt Kuring-gai Oval last Friday. The Junior boys played positive football and maintained focus to win 1-0! The Senior boys were magnificent, getting back on track and winning 9-1! The Player Points were awarded to Riley P. and Tobi M. Congratulations boys! At the beginning of the season the objective for both teams was to develop a positive, proactive, skills based style of football. I am extremely proud of each and every boy that has pulled on the HNPS shirt in 2018! Well done on what has been a very good season! This Friday the Senior boys play Turramurra P.S. at Montview Oval in the Semi Final. Kick off is at 1:20pm. The Junior boys are invited to come along and support them. For full training and game schedule, please check the HNPS Sport Blog or Twitter @chad_lawrence_. I am looking forward to seeing our parent supporters cheering the boys on this week! Chad Lawrence, Sport Coordinator. PSSA NETBALL - Hornsby North Vs Mt Kuring-gai. Juniors 4-4 & Seniors 20-6. A great game by the girls who all worked very hard for their last game. They have had a great season and have continued to develop and strengthen their netball skills. The Juniors ended up coming in 6th and should be very proud of themselves. They have shown great sportsmanship and commitment and this has been apparent with each training session. Both the Associate Team and the Playing Team have been very dedicated and I am looking forward to working with them again next year. My Player of the Week goes to Adelaide K. who has shown huge improvement in her skills on court. Congratulations again girls and looking forward to our end of year celebration.

will again be supplying fresh daffodils, which will be sold on 24 August. Single daffodils will be $2.00 and bunches will be $5.00. Thank you for your support of this amazing charity. IMPORTANT SAFETY REMINDER - For the safety of all our students, families and teachers, please do not bring dogs into the school grounds, even on a leash. All dogs, apart from police and corrective services dogs and genuine assistance dogs, are banned from School grounds. If a school decides to be involved in a program that involves a dog being regularly in the school, such as Therapy Dogs, the handler or owner is responsible for its welfare. The supervising teacher is responsible for providing appropriate facilities if they are required and assisting students to understand the animal and its needs. In this case, permission is given from the Principal. PEN PALS - We have had a request from a family in Florida USA who would like their children, who are entering Grade 2 (girl) and Grade 4 (boy), to correspond with two Australian children. Parents who are interested in further information should contact Mrs Hall.

Maree Sumpton Principal

Coming Events…… Thursday 16 August: Year 6 Science Expo. Friday 17 August: Year 1 Bee Incursion. Wednesday 22 August: School Photos—Classes. Thursday 23 August: Milo Cricket Gala Day Yrs 3-6. Friday 31 August: Zone Athletics Carnival / P&C School Disco. Monday 3 September: Year 3 Zoo Excursion / Year 5 Rouse Hill Excursion / Year 4 World of Maths.

From The Classroom - SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS - Week 3, Term 3: Ella X., Jin, Chloe, Ella S., Felix, Anton, Alexander, Charlie, Eleanor, Thomas, Janvi, Paavni, Ishaan, Karina, Virat x 2, Clara, Clarice, Onni, Erica, Robbi, Joe, David, Eddie x 2, Michael A., Nandika, Talia, Michael D., Dominic, Estella x 2, Kevin, Angelina, Jasper, Gemma, Libbie, Abigail, Lila, Lars & Ben. KINDERGARTEN NEWS - News Week 5: Design and draw a map of a farm. Discuss your map with the class. Thank you, Sharon Gates. TERM 3 CLUBS—KINDERGARTEN - This term Kindergarten will be constructing junk craft for clubs. We are collecting small boxes (smaller than a shoe box size), cardboard rolls, buttons, fabric, ribbons, beads, plastic berry boxes, lids and anything else that might be interesting to stick together. Please drop any donations into Kindy Orange. Thank you, Helen Oakley. TERM 3 CLUBS—YEAR 1 - It’s that time of the year again and we need your help! Year 1 will participate in Clubs this term in Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Please send in junk craft items, for example clean recyclable items, egg cartons, cardboard boxes & plastic

Hornsby North Public School Newsletter Page 2

Page 3: HORNSY NORTH PULI SHOOL · 2018! Well done on what has been a very good season!Ella X., Jin, hloe, Ella S., Felix, Anton, Alexander, harlie, This Friday the Senior boys play Turramurra

Hornsby North Public School Newsletter Page 3

A convincing win by the Seniors who also play with great skill and in a fair and sporting manner. Throughout the season, I have had other umpires as well as parents and coaches comment on ‘what a great game’ the girls from Hornsby North play. I am very proud of the girls who have made it to the Semi Finals. They came in equal 3rd place but after goal differences have made the 4th position. Our Semi Final game will be against Asquith P.S. at the Montview courts. My Player of the Week goes to Ashira T. who continues to give 110% every time she hits the court. We are looking forward to an exciting game on Friday. Congratulations to both teams for their wonderful season, go Hornsby North!! Thank you, Mary McGlynn.

P & C News - Please join us on Facebook to keep up-to-date on all matters P&C. Simply search for Hornsby North Public School P&C Association on Facebook and Like us to join. CANTEEN NEWS - DIP OF THE WEEK: Hummus. We are now introducing sushi 3 days per week—Tuesday, Thursday & Friday starting Tuesday 21 August. The new variety is Salmon, cucumber & avocado. We also have fresh bread rolls available each day with all the sandwich fillings. Helpers: Thursday 16 August: Nancy Dai, Toby Shan. Friday 17 August: Julie Hughes, Jean Ryan, Claire Rienits. Monday 20 August: Asha Sidhu. Tuesday 21 August: Savana Li, Helen Wang, Asha Sidhu. Wednesday 22 August: Claire Rienits, Sue Liu, Lauren He. Vicki Stubbings, Canteen Manager. BAND NEWS - Congratulations to all our students and their Conductors in Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Stage bands for their impressive performances at the NSW Band Festival last Sunday. Great results were achieved on the day Junior-Gold, Intermediate-Silver, Senior-Gold and Stage-Gold. It was a pleasure to be able to sit back and listen to all the bands and they looked so professional on stage. Well done to you all. Thank you to parents for getting the children out to Kensington on a Sunday afternoon. Weekends are precious to families so we thank you for your support. I am sure you will agree it was certainly worth it. Special thank you to our Band Liaison teachers Mrs Butterworth, Miss Butterworth and Mr Seifert for giving up their Sunday to come and support our band children. We have a few performances coming up on the band calendar so attendance at rehearsals and tutorials and regular practice is still of high importance. A Calendar of Events will be emailed home this week. Students are encouraged to keep working towards their award audition. Stage Band is performing at the Asquith Boys H.S. Community Fun Day this Sunday. We hope they enjoy playing in front of the local community and I know the crowd will love listening to them. Meeting time is 11.00am at the high school. Dress is full Winter uniform. Thank you, Catherine Pedersen, Band Committee Coordinator. SCHOOL BANKING - Rewards ordered last week haven’t reached us but we will distribute them as soon as we get them. Please be reminded that Scratchpads are no longer available as a

reward item and we can’t order rewards available in Term 4. A couple of reminders for housekeeping: • You can't pool tokens between students. • Please leave the tokens in your banking wallet to avoid confusion or disappointment. • Only one (1) deposit can be accepted per week. • Please ensure deposit slips are filled out, especially the Name and Student Number. We thank you in advance, as this will help run our School Banking smoothly. Thank you, Pearl and Ruth.

Community News - OAKHILL COLLEGE TOUR - We warmly invite all prospective students and families to attend an Oakhill College Tour on Thursday, 16 August 2018. From 9.30am – 11.30am, the morning provides a great opportunity see how the College inspires students to aspire to greatness. Explore our beautiful grounds and facilities at the College and meet the Principal, Brother Steve Hogan. Visit http://www.oakhill.nsw.edu.au/enrolments/book-a-tour/ to reserve your place or contact the Registrar on 9634 0802 for further information. AUTISM SUPPORT GROUP - The Autism Community Network provides free support during school terms for families living with autistic conditions. If you would like to meet other carers who understand you or find social opportunities for your ASD child and their siblings, please contact us or come along to our free support group meetings. HORNSBY SUPPORT GROUP—EVENING When: First Tuesday 7.30 to 9.30pm. Venue: Hornsby RSL Club—in the Sports Lounge. HORNSBY SUPPORT GROUP—DAY When: Fourth Thursday 10.00am to noon. Venue: Hornsby RSL Club—in the Sports Lounge. For more information: www.autismcommunity.org.au [email protected] 9543 9036. LEARN TAE KWON DO – (Australian Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan Association). Established in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney since 1974. Training:- Tuesday 7.30-8.30pm (Hornsby North Public School Hall); Saturday 12.00-1.00pm (Asquith Community Hall, Storey Park). For enquiries please phone 9972 1651.

Page 4: HORNSY NORTH PULI SHOOL · 2018! Well done on what has been a very good season!Ella X., Jin, hloe, Ella S., Felix, Anton, Alexander, harlie, This Friday the Senior boys play Turramurra

Hornsby North Public School Newsletter Page 4