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  • 7/25/2019 Home After 5 Years



    Rizal returned to Manila in August 1887, after ve years in Europe. However, his hoe!oing was et

    "y the friars# furor over $oli Me %angere. %he Ar!h"ishop of Manila issued an order "anning the

    possession and reading of the novel, an order that was later reinfor!ed "y the governor&general. 'i(

    onths later, pressured "y the 'panish authorities as well as "y his faily and friends to leave the

    !ountry and avoid further perse!ution, Rizal left Manila for Hong )ong. *ro Hong )ong, Rizal

    traveled to Ma!au and +apan "efore going to Aeri!a. Entering 'an *ran!is!o, alifornia, in April 1888,

    he visited the states of $evada, -tah, olorado, $e"rasa, /llinois, and $ew 0or. He otted down his

    o"servations of the lands!ape in his diary. Rizal arrived in England in May 1888. /n August, he was

    aditted to the 2ritish Museu, where he !opied Antonio de Morga#s assive study of the 3hilippines,

    'u!esos de las /slas *ilipinas, whi!h Rizal later annotated for pu"li!ation 4as a gift to the *ilipinos.5 /n

    the useu he devoted his tie reading all the sour!es on 3hilippine history that he !ould nd. He

    ept up his !orresponden!e with various people, in!luding his faily, who were "eing oppressed "y the

    'panish religious landowners6 the *ilipino patriots in 'pain6 and his Austrian friend, *erdinand

    2luentritt, with who he planned to for an asso!iation of 3hilippine s!holars. *ro 1888 to 18 he

    shuttled "etween 9ondon and 3aris, where he wrote ethnographi! and history&related studies, as well

    as politi!al arti!les. He also fre:uently visited 'pain, where he et with fellow *ilipino intelle!tuals lie

    Mar!elo H. del 3ilar, Mariano 3on!e, and ;ra!iano 9opez&+aena.

    Hoe After *ive 0ears His "rother 3a!iano and "rother&in& law warned that soe people ay!ause hi har "ut ignored "y Rizal.

    e!t of $oli Me %angere *ind out why 9eonor had stopped writing tohi


    %he *uror over the $oli Me %angere His arrival in the 3hilippines in!reased the tension. ;ov.;en. Eilio %errero, during his eeting with Rizal in Mala!a?ang, said that his novel wasspreading su"versive ideas Rizal defended that he was only providing a true pi!ture a"out the!onditions of the 3hilippines. He gave a !opy of the $oli to the general whi!h he too fro afriend

    8.%he *uror over the $oli Me %angere )nowing that his life was in danger, the ;eneral

    assigned a "odyguard to Rizal naed 9t. +ose %aviel de Andrade 3rotesta de ala"a @hile Rizal was in ala"a, ;ov. ;en. %errero ordered an investigation of

    the friar landholdings for they suspe!ted that the tenants were evading the full payent of the%a(es

    1. Rizal in defense Rizal drafted a !oplaint with the following reasons fro the tenantsB %heywere losing oney to the advantage of the =oini!ans =oini!ans in!reased the rent everyyear %he =oini!ans did not !ontri"ute in the towns esta High interest rates were !harged fordelayed payents. *ailure of payent eans !ons!ation of the !ara"aos, tools, and hoes oftenants


  • 7/25/2019 Home After 5 Years


    1G. =eparture for Europe 3roised to follow up the progress of agrarian protest of ala"a in'pain 2y the tie he rea!hed 'pain his faily and several townates involved in the ala"aprotest were evi!ted He "elieved to ght for his !ountry in Europe. And perhaps he wasinuen!ed "y the tea!hings of )arl Mar( and *riedri!h Engels


    RizalIs rst novel, $oli Me %angere, was pu"lished in 188D6 "y then Rizal had already "een

    living for four years in Europe. %he purpose of the novel was very siply to raise politi!al

    !ons!iousness in relation to the !urrent state of a>airs in the 3hilippines. Rizal and his fellow

    students fro the 3hilippines studying in 'pain had tried to disseinate inforation a"out

    their !ountry through ournalis and pu"li! de"ate, an enterprise referred to at the tie "y

    the ter propaganda taen in its original sense of pu"lishing inforation, "ut their su!!ess

    was relatively liited '!hua!her, 17airs in

    the !ountry, "ut the tone of this novel is !onsidera"ly "leaer than the rst. /t is not siply

    that the se!ond novel ends on a note of failure and the triuph of evil over good that was

    also the !ase with the $oli "ut there is no suggestion of redeption of any ind, no !entral

    !hara!ters with who the reader !an positively identify, no hint of an alternative to the

    "rutality and a"use whi!h have "een des!ri"ed6 even the huor is "la!er without the

    lighter tou!hes of the rst novel. 2y the tie of writing this se!ond novel, then, Rizal

    appears to have despaired of the eJ!a!y of politi!al opposition and e(!hanged the role of

    !riti! for one of prophet.

    =espite the di>eren!e in tone, however, the two novels are very alie in stru!ture and style.

    2ut "efore !onsidering these siilarities it ay "e useful to re!all in outline the plots of the

    novels. %he $oli relates the return of risostoo /"arra to the 3hilippines after a long period

    of study a"road in Europe. He has high hopes of arrying his !hildhood sweetheart Maria

    lara, daughter of aptain %iago, the ayor of the town in whi!h /"arraIs faily lives. /"arra

    also hopes to put his talents to iproving so!ial and e!onoi! !onditions in the 3hilippines.

    Kn "oth !ounts his hopes are thwarted "y the representatives of the religious orders, thefriars, who appear to !ontrol everything whi!h goes on in the provin!es and are a law unto

    theselves, vi!ious, !orrupt, ioral and the aor !ause of inusti!e in the !ountry as

    depi!ted in the $oli.
