holywell neurological centre information about your …...about holywell holywell neurological...

Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your stay

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Page 1: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

Holywell Neurological Centre

Information about your stay

Page 2: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

About Holywell

Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire. The unit provides rehabilitation and/or complex discharge planning for people with a neurological condition. We treat a wide variety of neurological conditions including Stroke, Traumatic brain injuries, Spinal cord injuries, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis as well as many others. We have a specialist team comprising of Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Speech and Language therapists, Psychologists, Dietitians, Rehabilitation assistants, Healthcare assistants, Doctors and support staff. We also work closely with our colleagues at Hertfordshire social services. Only the relevant professions will be involved in your care.

Page 3: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

The Patient Journey

Arrival to Holywell

Following your transfer from the acute hospital to Holywell, we will be happy to

answer any queries or concerns. We will help you settle in over the next few

days as you become accustomed to day to day life at Holywell. You will have an

identified ‘Linkworker’, who acts as a single point of contact for you and your

family, and co-ordinates your stay and discharge. You will be given a bespoke

weekly timetable which lists all your appointments, therapy sessions and



Over the next few days the team will carry out initial assessments to determine

what input is appropriate. We will assess your needs over the 24 hour period.

These assessments will be carried out regularly throughout your stay.

Planning Meeting

This meeting will take place within 10 working days after your admission to Holywell. This meeting will include you, the relevant professionals who have so far been involved in your care and any relatives or friends you would like present. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the assessment results, agree a discharge date, decide whether further rehabilitation is appropriate and agree a date and time for the review/discharge meeting.

If you are receiving rehabilitation at Holywell, then you will set goals with the team and a rehabilitation programme will be discussed.

If rehabilitation is not appropriate for you, we will ensure that we have a

comprehensive management plan in place to best manage your condition and

work with you, your family and social worker to identify the most appropriate

discharge location and plan for discharge as soon as possible.

This meeting is a great opportunity for you and your family to ask any

questions to the team.

Page 4: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

The Patient Journey

Review/Discharge meeting

The review/discharge meeting will take place approximately a week before

your agreed discharge date. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the

progress you have made in relation to your goals and finalise the plans for

your discharge. This is another opportunity to ask any relevant questions to

the team.


If you are returning to your own home, if appropriate, you may have a home

visit with a member of your team before being discharged.

On discharge you will be given a report which will summarise all your therapy,

nursing and medical input, as well as the goals you have achieved and your

care plan. You may be referred to community teams to continue with your

rehab if deemed appropriate.

We will make sure all your medication is ready, any appropriate equipment is

installed and care support is ready to start. We will not send you home unless

all aspects to provide a safe discharge are in place.

Transport home: Depending on your needs, we will organise hospital transport to

take you home. If you are able to get in and out of a car then your family can take

you home.

Delayed discharges

Unfortunately there are occasions when something will prevent you leaving

Holywell on your planned discharge date. For example: equipment not being in

place, a care package not yet found or unavailability of your preferred care

home. We work closely with our colleagues at Herts social services to minimise

these from happening but can sometimes not be avoided. If the delay in your

discharge is likely to be a significant length of time then we will be required to

organise an interim placement while these issues are being resolved.

If social care arrangements have delayed your discharge, please be aware that

you may be discharged promptly with very short notice when care becomes

Page 5: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

A typical day

We will try and tailor your day to meet your individual requirements as much as


Getting up

The patient’s who have early morning therapy sessions will be prioritised when

getting washed and dressed. If you have a washing and dressing assessment

on your timetable then this will be completed with a member of the therapy



Depending on your ability, you may have your breakfast in your room or in our

large dayroom situated in the middle of the ward.


You will have a weekly timetable within your room which will be updated every

Friday afternoon. The nurses will try and have you ready for your allocated



Lunch is at 12:30 in the dining room. You will choose what you want for each

meal time the day before. We do try and encourage everyone to eat their meals

in the dining room.

Throughout the day

Outside of meal times and your therapy, there are plenty of things to do. The

dayroom is a great place to socialise with other patients, watch TV or read a

magazine. If the weather is nice then please make use of the garden area.


Dinner is at 17:00 in the dining room.

Bed time

Depending on your preference of when to go to bed, the nursing staff will help

you get ready and settled for the night. Help from the nursing staff is available

throughout the night.

Page 6: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

The Staff


A Physiotherapist (PT) helps people to maximise their potential to move and regain use and control of their muscles and joints. For example, a physiotherapist will suggest exercises to help the person to improve their physical ability, balance and fitness, to enable them to become as mobile and independent as possible.

Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapists (OT) help people to develop independence in carrying out daily tasks such as dressing, washing, cooking and leisure activities. An OT will also help the person to develop the skills that underlie these activities including physical, visual, and thinking skills. At a later stage in rehabilitation, they are involved in the discharge planning process which may include equipment provision, home adaptations and advice and support. They may also provide advice regarding return to work if appropriate.

Speech and Language Therapist

A Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) helps people to improve their communication skills. This may include understanding and expressing both written and spoken language and improving speech clarity. The speech and language therapist will work with family members to help the person to communicate as best they can in their daily life and will identify any communication strategies or aids that may be helpful. They may also be required to assess swallowing difficulties and provide guidance on how this

Picture of team

Page 7: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

The Staff


The Nursing Team contains both qualified nurses and Health Care Assistants, who rotate through early, late and night shifts. The nursing team plays an active role in your rehabilitation and care. The nursing team are also available to answer any questions you or your family may have during your stay at Holywell.

Clinical Neuropsychologist

A Clinical Neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specialises in the assessment and treatment of behavioural, emotional and cognitive (thinking) problems as a result of neurological injury or illness. A neuropsychologist can advise on how to build upon the person’s existing skills and abilities and how to reduce some of their difficulties. A neuropsychologist may work collaboratively with other members of the therapy team or patient’s family, if behavioural, emotional or cognitive issues are affecting a patient’s progress in rehabilitation.


The dietitian’s role is to ensure all patients are receiving good nutrition and hydration during their admission. Dietary advice can be provided to suit cultural preferences and medical needs (eg. modified consistency diet, diabetic diet, Coeliac etc). For patients who are unable to meet their requirements by mouth and have an artificial feeding tube (eg. PEG tube) in place, the dietitian will ensure that the correct amount of nutrition and fluids are provided each day.

Rehabilitation Assistant

A Rehabilitation Assistant helps the therapy team carry out agreed treatment plans with each rehabilitation patient. They will also work closely with each rehabilitation patient and encourage the patient to develop their mobility and independence in all areas.

Medical team

We have an onsite duty doctor between Monday and Friday 9am to 5pm and on call cover during out of hours. A consultant visits Holywell twice a week to review medication and to help manage any other medical problems that may arise during your stay.

Social Worker

The role of the Social Worker is to assess, where appropriate, care needs for discharge from Holywell. This includes assistance with finding a package of care in a person’s own home or facilitating residential / nursing home placements.

Page 8: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

General info / FAQs

How long will I be admitted for?

This will depend on your needs and the pathway you are set to follow

(rehabilitation or complex discharge planning). The length of stay can be

anything up to a maximum of 6 weeks. You will be informed of the date of

discharge in the goal planning meeting that happens within the first 10 working

days of admission.

How much therapy will I receive?

This will depend on many different factors and will vary from patient to patient.

You may see one or more members of the rehab team . You will be given a

weekly time table with all your allocated sessions. You will also be given

exercises to carry out outside of therapy sessions if the therapist feels this is


What to bring

We ask that you bring your own clothes and toiletries. Please ensure that all

clothing is labelled and appropriate to wear during therapy sessions. We also

ask that you have suitable footwear that has a firm back to it, ideally trainers. If

you prefer your own bedding then you are more than welcome to bring it in to


Parking & visiting

Parking places are limited, and priority is given to individuals with reduced

mobility. There is agreed parking at Sainsbury and at the church across the

road from the entrance to Langley house. You can find the nearest bus stop on

St Albans Road a couple of minutes walk away.

Visiting is between 10am and 8pm. Visitors are requested to avoid the hours of

12.30-13.30 and 17.00-18.00. These are protected meal times to ensure the

dignity and privacy of all patients.

TV & Wi-Fi

There is a large TV in the communal dayroom. Unfortunately Wi-Fi is not

available on the unit.

Page 9: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

General info / FAQs

Day/ weekend leave

We recognise that there may be times when you want to leave the unit. We will

try and facilitate this to the best of our ability but in some cases this may not be

advisable. We may recommend that you go home for a set period of time as

part of your therapy and to ease the journey back to living at home. Please

inform the Nursing staff if you wish to leave Holywell and make sure the

therapists are happy for you to get in and out of a car.

Weekend therapy

We currently do not run a weekend therapy service. You are advised to carry out the self directed therapy as prescribed by the therapists. We encourage your family to carry out the exercise programme with you if they have been shown and are confident. In agreement with your therapist, you may be able to access some gym equipment with supervision or assistance of nursing staff.

Hospital appointments

If you have any hospital appointments then please make the nursing team aware. We are able to organise hospital transport to take you to your appointments.


We have a chef onsite and a full menu and snacks are provided by the unit. If

you would like to bring your own food, this is allowed but please check with the

nursing staff. We are unable to reheat any food due to infection control

guidelines and seafood is strongly discouraged. Please confirm what food is

safe with the speech and language therapists if you have swallowing



Unfortunately we are unable to offer a laundry service. Patients’ laundry will be put into hospital bags into the wardrobe to be taken home by family to wash. If the laundry is soiled it will be put into a white and orange bag which the seam will dissolve at a 30 degree in the washing machine. This eliminates people from having to handle soiled items.

Page 10: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

General info / FAQs


Speak to a member of the nursing team if you would like an appointment with the hairdresser and they will add your name to the list and find out the cost. If you wish to do so you could arrange your own hairdresser to come in and do your hair for you.

Can my family stay overnight?

There is no accommodation for patients’ families at the unit but there is a large

selection of hotels and B&Bs available within the Watford area. Information on

what is available with in walking distance from the unit is available with the


Nursing observations

Routine nursing observations (BP, heart rate, temperature etc.) are done between 6 am and 7.30 am and again between 6pm and 7.30pm every day for all patients. We request your co-operation with this as it may cause some inconvenience to you particularly in the morning.

Page 11: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire

Useful contact numbers

Holywell Unit reception: 01923 686 820

Hertfordshire Adult Social Services: 0300 123 4042

Stroke Association: 01462 485 887

Health and community services: 0300 1234042

Age UK: 01707 386076 (Mon-Fri) / 01438 285300 (Sat & Sun)

Patient advice and liaison service: 0800 011 6113 (E-mail:

[email protected])

Complaints: 01707 388036 (E-mail: [email protected])

Page 12: Holywell Neurological Centre Information about your …...About Holywell Holywell Neurological Centre is a 16 bedded specialist in-patient unit situated in the north of Watford, Hertfordshire


We place a high value on the contribution made by our volunteers and are

always on the look out for new volunteers to help with patient activities such

as: art, music, gardening, quizzes and puzzles. If you or any one you know is

interested in volunteering please let one of the senior staff members know.

Trust’s Core Values :

CARE We put patients at the heart of everything we do

RESPECT We always respect patient privacy and confidentiality

QUALITY We strive for excellence and effectiveness at all times

CONFIDENCE We do what we say we will do

IMPROVE We will improve through continuous learning and innovation

Holywell Neurological centre

698, Langley House

St Albans Road, Watford

WD25 9FG

Tel: 01923 686820

Fax: 01923 686838

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

Unit 1a Howard Court, 14 Tewin Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1BW

Tel: 01707 388 000 Fax: 01707 321 840 Web: www.hct.nhs.uk