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7/21/2019 Holcombe 03 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/holcombe-03 1/18 CHAPTER 3 Property Rights and Economic Efficiency PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy Randa !ocom"e

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Property Rights and

Economic Efficiency

PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Property RightsProperty Rights

Set of rights to engage in specificSet of rights to engage in specific


$so inc%des responsi"iities$so inc%des responsi"iities Promote m%t%ay "eneficia e&changesPromote m%t%ay "eneficia e&changes

'hen ceary defined'hen ceary defined

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Poorly Defined PropertyPoorly Defined Property

RightsRights Create pro"ems 'ith reso%rce aocationCreate pro"ems 'ith reso%rce aocation

No incenti#e to conser#e reso%rcesNo incenti#e to conser#e reso%rces

Ins%fficient incenti#e to prod%ceIns%fficient incenti#e to prod%cereso%rcesreso%rces

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Poorly Defined PropertyPoorly Defined Property


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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Overuse of Resources withOveruse of Resources with

Poorly Defined Property RightsPoorly Defined Property Rights ExampleExample ()**+s , "%ffao #s- catte()**+s , "%ffao #s- catte

Property rights and endangered speciesProperty rights and endangered species

$frican eephants$frican eephants Property rights and reso%rce aocationProperty rights and reso%rce aocation

mar.ets depend on ceary/defined propertymar.ets depend on ceary/defined property

rights0 'here possi"erights0 'here possi"e

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

The Coase TheoremThe Coase Theorem

In the a"sence of transactions costs0 theIn the a"sence of transactions costs0 the

aocation of reso%rces 'i "eaocation of reso%rces 'i "e

independent of the assignment ofindependent of the assignment of

property rights-property rights-

ExampleExample Confectioner #s- 1octorConfectioner #s- 1octor

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

The Coase Theorem

Income effectsIncome effects   indi#id%as care 'ho gets initia assignmentindi#id%as care 'ho gets initia assignment

Reciproca nat%re of pro"emReciproca nat%re of pro"em 1o property rights ha#e to "e predefined21o property rights ha#e to "e predefined2

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

!mall and "arge #um$ers!mall and "arge #um$ers

Transactions costs ma.e impementationTransactions costs ma.e impementation

of Pareto s%perior mo#e diffic%tof Pareto s%perior mo#e diffic%t

Sma n%m"ers 3 o' transactions costsSma n%m"ers 3 o' transactions costs reso%rces aocated 'ith minima go#ernmentreso%rces aocated 'ith minima go#ernment


Large n%m"ers 3 high transactions costsLarge n%m"ers 3 high transactions costs reso%rce aocation depends on assignment ofreso%rce aocation depends on assignment of

property rightsproperty rights

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Common Pool Pro$lemCommon Pool Pro$lem

Common o'nershipCommon o'nership $ o'ners ha#e right to %se reso%rce4 cannot$ o'ners ha#e right to %se reso%rce4 cannot

e&c%de o'nerse&c%de o'ners

O'ners ha#e incenti#e to o#er%se reso%rceO'ners ha#e incenti#e to o#er%se reso%rce

So%tionsSo%tions 1i#ide commony o'ned reso%rce1i#ide commony o'ned reso%rce

Lease rights to a reso%rceLease rights to a reso%rce

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

%overnment versus Private%overnment versus Private

OwnershipOwnership Pri#ate o'nership , ease rights to aPri#ate o'nership , ease rights to a


5o#ernment o'nership , access to5o#ernment o'nership , access to

reso%rce controed "y go#ernmentreso%rce controed "y go#ernment  common poo pro"em does not e&istcommon poo pro"em does not e&ist

 en#ironmentaists oppose easing rightsen#ironmentaists oppose easing rights

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

%overnment versus Private%overnment versus Private

OwnershipOwnership Pri#ate o'nership , s%ppy and demandPri#ate o'nership , s%ppy and demand

determine reso%rce aocationdetermine reso%rce aocation

5o#ernment o'nership , reso%rces5o#ernment o'nership , reso%rces

aocated in proportion to poiticaaocated in proportion to poitica


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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

5o#ernment #ers%s Pri#ate5o#ernment #ers%s Pri#ate


Under go#ernment o'nership0 poiticaUnder go#ernment o'nership0 poitica

costs6 "enefits to go#ernmenta decision/costs6 "enefits to go#ernmenta decision/

ma.ers importantma.ers important Comm%na O'nership in CentrayComm%na O'nership in Centray

Panned EconomiesPanned Economies

Less prod%cti#e than mar.et orientedLess prod%cti#e than mar.et orientedeconomieseconomies

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Communal Ownership inCommunal Ownership in

Centrally Planned EconomiesCentrally Planned Economies Rea 7ord E&ampe of 8a%e of PropertyRea 7ord E&ampe of 8a%e of Property


Comm%na farmingComm%na farming

Centray panned economies generayCentray panned economies generay

ess prod%cti#e than mar.et orientedess prod%cti#e than mar.et oriented


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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

&ncentives of %overnment&ncentives of %overnment

'anagers'anagers P%"ic managers ha#e incenti#e toP%"ic managers ha#e incenti#e to

consider their pri#ate costs6"enefitsconsider their pri#ate costs6"enefits

rather than p%"ic costs6"enefitsrather than p%"ic costs6"enefits

Inherent efficiency pro"emsInherent efficiency pro"ems

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Property Rights andProperty Rights and

EntitlementsEntitlements Property RightsProperty Rights , right to engage in certain, right to engage in certain

acti#itiesacti#ities re9%ires others refrain from #ioating that rightre9%ires others refrain from #ioating that right

ExampleExample free speechfree speech EntitementsEntitements , others acti#ey pro#ide scarce, others acti#ey pro#ide scarce

reso%rces to hoder of the rightreso%rces to hoder of the right creates o"igation on others to f%fi thatcreates o"igation on others to f%fi that


ExampleExample heath careheath care

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

"and (se Planning An Application"and (se Planning An Application

of Property Rights Theoryof Property Rights Theory

Property rights and a' of n%isanceProperty rights and a' of n%isance

%stification for ;oning a's%stification for ;oning a's

created to codify and %se poiciescreated to codify and %se poicies specify ho' property in specific areas can "especify ho' property in specific areas can "e


method of protection prod%ced "ymethod of protection prod%ced "y


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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

Restrictive CovenantsRestrictive Covenants

Contract agreed to "y a o'ners of andContract agreed to "y a o'ners of and

in an areain an area

Specifies %ses of andSpecifies %ses of and

Pri#ate contracts0 #o%ntary agreementPri#ate contracts0 #o%ntary agreement

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PUBLIC SECTOR ECONOMICS: The Role of Government in the American Economy 

Randa !ocom"e

)*st Century "and (se)*st Century "and (se

PlanningPlanning <oning has "roadened o#er time<oning has "roadened o#er time

Land %se panning transfers propertyLand %se panning transfers property

rights from indi#id%as to poitica processrights from indi#id%as to poitica process

Red%ced the rights of property o'nersRed%ced the rights of property o'ners

Centra panning of and %seCentra panning of and %se