historical concepts

Historical Concepts How our thinking shapes the way we approach historical inquiry

Upload: jessica-woods

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Historical concepts

Historical Concepts

How our thinking shapes the way we approach historical inquiry

Page 2: Historical concepts

People perceive events in different ways – this includes

historians! Factors influencing the perspectives people form: age, gender,

social position, beliefs, values What does this mean to a student of history?


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Historians recognise that over time some things stay the

same, while others change Change can occur within a certain civilisation or specific time

period, but also across different civilisations and time periods

Continuity and Change

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Used by historians to identify chains of events and

developments, both in the short term and in the long term aims to identify, examine and analyse the reasons why events

have occurred

Cause and Effect

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Primary sources

Secondary sources

Why is it important to distinguish between the two?

Which type is more reliable? Why?


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the ability to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’ – to be

aware of, and sensitive to, their feelings, thoughts and experiences.

Having an appreciation of the circumstances they faced and the motivations, values and attitudes behind their actions


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What is the level of importance of a particular

person, event, artefact, site etc.?


1. How important was this to people who lived at that time?

2. How many people were affected?

3. To what degree were people’s lives affected?

4. How widespread and long-lasting were the effects?

5. Can the effects still be felt today?

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explanations or interpretations of past events that are

open to debate

this concept relates to perspectives
