hh t its see you bss i passedtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5r9513/data/0770.pdfmiss lottie lashbrook of...

t V i t SEPTEMBER bSS H SPECIALS a Wo havo boon fortunato enough to pick up three hundred Mens fine Percal and Madras Cloth Shirts tits kind that usually sell for 75c some with and some without collars ev ¬ > eryone a big bargain Ev ¬ eryone the latest styles Our Special Price Is 39c Childrens School Suits We aro well fixed to supply the boys with Suits and Pants Inspect our lino get our prices and wo will do the rest Childs Suits pants coat and vest SUQ to 500 Youths Suits long panta from 250 to 750 Childs School Pnntg to 1- 5years60c to 100 SpecinlI prices in Childrens Childrins School Hilts Shoes Etc Wo cordially invite you to como and inspect tour liuu bifore buying elsewhere Trade at the Bargain Center f S Q t V e r3crnjI E R Williams Paradise was a very pleasant caller at thin office yea terJiy 1Mlllnery opening Saturday Septem > the Economy Dry Goods Store Dr A S Yewell Osteopath Ex ¬ amination and Consultation reeRoom 12 Commercial Hotel A T Nail who has been confined to his room on account of stomache trouble for several dayaIs Improving We have just received 50 dozen mens odd pants Can furnish them from soc to jf 6 This is the place to get trousers CARSON Co U S District Attorney Thatcher of Louisville was In Hartford the first of this week representing the Governments Interest In an action In the County court Uncle William Foreman brought to this office yesterday a small egg that was found on the Inside ol aI medium sized egg by his daughterln law Mrs L P Forema- nWANrnoeverybody to look at our line of Ladles Tailor Made Skirts ranging in price from 150 to 10 Our 250 Shirt Is exceptionally goodI value ECONOMY STOBK We will receive this week an un- limited ¬ quantity of dress goods and trimmings also clothing for men and boys hats and capplrt fact everythlug necessary to supply an up to date store CARSON Co Cicero Maxwell Camp NO5 Sons ol Veterans will hold a special meet jng at the court house in Hartford on SaturdayS ptember t2at two oclock p m All charter members are earn estly requested to be present BAN S ClIANBEHlAIN Cspt For sale a 6o acre farm adjoining Beer Dam for 16oq A fine farm In goqd condition Good buildings all kinds of fruits One ef the nicest farms in Ohio county S A AMDERSOH Real Estate Agent STRAYRD From Hartford about cowI years j ed nice smooth horns was giving milk Any Information leading to her recovery be rewarded Call lion or address this office or JM Centertown Ky We have just received the largest and bese assortment of MllUery goods every brought to Hartford We have- goods from Indianapolis St Louis t Cincinnati and Louisville markets so you may be sure of getting just what you want at very lowest prices i at the Economy Dry Goods Store Wilt Mltchel colored was arrested at West Point by the town marshal i Tuesday charged willi stealing a i = L i watch at McHenry The marsha bronght him back to Mcllenry aod turned him over to Deputy Sheriff Clarence Keown who brought him to Hartford and lodged him in jail Wednesday Married September at the resl deuce ofJudge R R Wedding In Hartford Miss Ineze Cummins to Mr W J Young both of Spring Lick Graysou county These young peo- ple are popular society people whet they live and Tux RKFUOLICAN wishes them a long and happy life Rev J C Pete performed the ceremony In a very solumn and impressive man- ner I A Social Evening The first social event of the autumn was given by Misses Laura and Lydc Morton at the elegant home of Mr and Mr S A Anderson on Wash ington street Tuesday evening Sep tember 8 1903 Mr and Mrs An derson are noted for their social hose pitality while the young ladies have on many occasions demonstrated the excellent manner In which they can entertain and the Porch Party wasI no exception to the rule The evening was spent In playing Flinch Caroms Muggins and other games Ices and a variety ofI fruits were served All present were delighted with the evenings entertainment and declared It superb ab ovo neqe ad malaI The Invited guests present were Misses Mary Bennett Maggie MaruI Isabel Cox Martine Bennett Bernice Miller Ida Park Elizabeth Sanderfnr Fannie Cox Mabel Hubbard Flor- ence ¬ Morton and Llllle Thomas Messrs Ira Bean E E Birkhead Sam Cox Clarence Field Arch Iewj Is P C Miller and Chas GriffiuI WAISTEDChickens Eggs Sweet and Irish Potatoes at the New Cash Grocery Highest Market price paidc N BEDA KYt Sept 9The protracted meetings which is 11 progress at the M E Church Is being conducted by RevISc R D Bennett and J A Den ettI Rev J T Rushing Owensboro I who has been assisting In the pro- tracted ¬ meeting left Saturday forc New Bethel where be quarterly meetl gI School opened at this place Monday with a good attendance Walter Parks who has been clerk lag for J B Foster Hartford has re- Turned home to attend school Welter Parks and Miss Ethyl Ben nett visited friends near Maxwell Sat ¬ e urday and Sunday i Miss Stella Tanner who Is teach lag school at Sarvls Hill visited her mother Saturday Miss Mettle Pirtle and Mr Tabor of near Hartford visited the family oi V M Stewart last weekc Miss Georgia Carson la visiting her aunt Mrs Nancy Fos ¬ terMrs Bcttle liar who has been vis ¬ iting her daughter Mrs Rowan Greer has returned to her home In Owenaboro Misses Anna Bennett and Mary Liles went to Hartford Tuesday alterI noon Notice From now until the first day of Oc- tober 1903 we will receive sealed bids on the lower room of theJJaSea Ic building at Dundee Ohio county Ky For particulars or further in ¬ formation apply to J A WSTBHFIBU c mDR E P Moots J I to LIVERMORE KY Sept 9The Livermore Graded School began Monday The attend- ance was very large Tbe Ice cream supper given on Sat- urday evening for the benefit oi the t B Church was quite a success Miss Lucy Sullivan of South Car ollton has returned home after a I Visit of several days to relatives at this place- Miss Lottie Lashbrook of Owens Toro Is visiting relatives here Miss VanCleave of Hopklnsvllle who has been visiting Miss MattIe Edmunds for the last fortnight has etnrned home Meade Powell who has been visit- Ing his slater Mrs G A Hlllsman tell Tuesday for his home in St louisHenry Austin a farmer living near town met with quite a pelnlul but not serious accident Saturday while returning home with a load of lam ¬ ber He was descending a hill end losing his footing he fell under the wheel the hind wheel striking him on the shoulder and side of head J F Smith went to Owensbpro to purchase goods Tuesday Rev T M Morton filled his ap ¬ pointment at Utica last Sunday Mrs FLyverae Is In Cincinnati purchasing her fall stock of millinery The Sir Alfred Hennen is OB the ways at this place for repairs Capt J J Hennen la here sageriateudlog the work Mosaic BmeLol Owensboro have rented the two tobacco factories at this place bejoaglng to S W < Rowan for the ensnlng year and we are glad to welcome them or their representa ¬ tive again as they have proven to be very popular with the tobacco raising farmers as well as with the people In generalMessrs AlexRowan and Rol Riley ot Hartford were In town Monday Charles Thomasaon Jr returned to Lexington Monday to reenter the State College Dr Orion N Cox retulnedthll I y 1 hi I1 C morning from Diamond Springs where he has been for several weeks recuperating He will resume his medical studies at the Hospital Cot lege of Medicine in Louisville Jau nary the ist Mr Will Morton of Ceralvo w- in town last week Col Btlknap Responds- In an interview Col Morris Belkua Republican nomineesor Governs reviews Beckbams statement wltb refference to the question of pardons He said MrBeckhamln opening his car palgn has seen fit to go into tbe question of pardons He has made a declaration and a promise and dc mands I shan do the likewise Heaps clfically promises that hew lit not parI don Jett and White and by Implica- tion promises that he wilt not pardon Powers Howard and Yontsey I shall not under any circumstance enter Into competition with Mr Beck ham in the making of promises He has made such promises before and has broken them Whea he was candidate three years ago under ex- actly similar circumstances In the most solemn way be promised the State that he woald never pardon any man convicted of murder by e fair juryHe made that promise on the stump and broke it In the office I hope In aomelnstancts at least he was justified In breaking it He ought never to have made It The law and the charity of human nature Intend the prerogative of exeiclsea In case where justice otherwise would fall But Mr Beckham has broken his promise so olten in fact as well aa spirit that there Is nothing left of and now he makes a new one in Its placeFor myself I will make no prom ¬ ire aa to how I will decide any case until I have read the record and heard the facts No decent candidate for a Jndgeshlp will promise before he Is elected how he will decide a particular case The granting or refusol of a pardon is fn part a judicial act But I will promise this sad the promise shall be kept If I am elect ¬ Governor of Kentucky and any application for pardon Is made to me will give it the fullest consideration matter what the condition race religion or politics of the ap ¬ plicant If I believe It to be a proper for pardon and my conscience approves it I will issue the pardon I will not pardon Powers or any one else for a political reason Proud Is I should be to be elected Governor af Ibis Commonwealth I would nthI r loose n to feel that II rod staked the life or liberty of even the meanest of my fellow cltizens oa i game of political ambition That Is all I have to say on the subject said Col Belknap when be red concluded I dont see how I > nld say more or less- WIIITESYILLE KY Sept 9It Is very dry and dusty here and we are needing rain very badly Mrs C O Clements and Mrs Floyd of Knottsvllle visited rela here Sunday Mr and MrS D L Jackson and little daughter Mary Lee went to Dwensboro lest week Mr and Mrs Lawrence Stinnett ire visiting in Calhoon this week Misses Martha Klttlnger and Mary H Wedding and Mrs Livia Cecil rr urned last week from their trip to Cincinnati Mrs Francis McCarty of Owens Toro Is visiting friends here Misses Habit and Snyder ol Owens boro were the guests of Miss Florence llmmons Sunday Mr Claude Morton of Owensboro was in town Sunday Mrs Hines and daughter of Owens ioro are the guests of Mr Thomas Ilckeys family Mr Ion Crowe McHenry was the pest of Messrs Frank and Silas Bell Sunday Miss Stella Wedding returned home last week after a visit to friends and relatives In Owensboro Estill Mosley and Nannie Evans and Willie Coleman hand Music Nr el were married In Owensboro last week The entertainment Saturday night vas very successful The public school has begun work yltb Prof C M Crowe assisted by dies Patterson as teachers The Catholic school has also opened up and conducted by the Sisters of Parity A crowd of young folks went to Providence to church Sunday night Miss Mary Weddtfcg has returned from a visit to Fordsvllle Born to Mr and Mrs Hamilton a twelve pound boy- MlaeeallamUton and Ola Howard returned to Betheletu Academy Mon ¬ day to enter school Miss Ophelia McBrady returned home Sunday from a visit to Knotts ¬ vllle Miss Mary Wedding spent Sunday with Miss Bertha Nave of Phllpot Mr and Mrs Moore ol Deanfield Wets the gnus of Mrs Moores par ¬ tats Sunday The party given by Mrs James Williams Saturday night was well at ¬ tendedv Miss Clara Early and mother are visiting at Pellvllle this week Mr Jesse Strother begun his school Monday Mrs Sarah Hale returned home Saturday from a visit to Reynolds Station she was accompanied by her granddaughter Miss Settle Owen f r It 3 PERSONAL MENTION II t HH Mlenr Brown McHeniy was in the city Monday L P Bennett Beaver Dam was In town Monday R T Taylor Beaver Dam was lu town Monday Byron Barnes Beaver Dam was lu town Monday- M J Williams Ceralvo was In town Monday Marion Faught McHenry was lu town Monday Howard Panght McHenry was In town Monday W S Gains Pordavllle was In town Saturday- SP McKenney Cromwell was In town Saturday Rev E W Cook of Beda was In town Wednesday Sheriff Cal P Keown WitS In Leltcbfield Tuesday James Galloway Centertown was In the city Monday Tom Black is attending the Eliza bethtowrr fair this week S M James Select called to lei us while In town Monday John Blair Buford called at this office while in town Saturday J M Rogers Cromwell called to see us while in town Monday- W C Smith McHenry called to see us while in town Monday C K Reneer Centertown called to see us while in town Friday- R L Boyd Horse Branch cane to see us while In town Monday Noah Skaggs Dundee called at this office while In town Monday Shelby Ashby Matanzaa called at this office while in town Monday William Anltmlre Render called to see us while in town Saturday- D W Kimmel Ceralvo called at this office while in town Monday David Gwynn Render called at this office while in town Saturday William Hersch Narrrows called at this office while in town Friday WP Coots Sunnydale called al- Ibis office while In town Tuesday S W Tichenor PL Pleasant made us a pleasant call while in town Mon > day v V M StewaVt Beda made us a- very pleasant call while in town Mon ¬ ray Dr J J Mitchell Beaver Dam war I pleasant caller at this office Wednes- day R P Miller of Owensboro Is biting relatives near Hartford this week Rev E D Maddox Ceatertown Called at this office while In town Friday ReV D J K Maddox Rockport made us a pleasant call while in town Monday Morris Reynolds Render made us- a very pleasant call while in town Saturday Will Fair ol the firm of Fair Co- la in Louisville this week buying fall goods for his firm Henry Shaver Beaver Dam was a a very pleasant call at tjila office whle In town Monday Marvin Miller who is located In West Central Texasis visiting friends and relatives here this week H G Barrau Republican Candl date for Circuit Court Clerk called to see us while in town Saturday Capt AB Stanley who has been visiting his son Dr A F Stanley here returned to his home at Wysoz Tuesday J B Foster who has been In Louis- ville ¬ for several months as excursion boat inspector has returned home rorI the season Misses Zella Nail and Bell Wocrnei rod Messrs Chester Keown and Lea lie Cooper visited Miss Pora Bell at leasant Ridge F M Joplin and sou Paul and laughter Miss Marelou Crawley A visited relatives In Hartford the first of the week BUFORD KY Sept yB F Graves returned last week from Louisiana after u months stay with relatives Mlse1 Abble Bell returned home Sat inlay after a few days visit here Mr Chester Keown and Miss Zeus Nail Hartford passed through our town Sunday Mr and Mrs Jim Garret Owenes boro are visiting Mrs Garrets par enta Mr and Mrs R R Cnndfff WN Blair returned to Owensborr Monday Oar school began Monday with A E Ellis teacher Dr C E Cottrell spent last Thurs lay night with Mrs Isabel Morgan- at MaxwellMrs Pate and little daugh ter Georgia of Darnells creek spent Sunday with Judge Ben Newton and wife Roy Richardson and Walter Blah attended services at Mt Hermon Sue day night A large crowd from here attended quarterly meeting at New Bethel Sunday Mrs B F Graves and Mrs San Holbrook have been on the sick list Miss Virgie Graves of Louisville will spend the winter here and at tead school Mr and Mrs RL Paris Hartford spent Sunday In our town 4 i J- uooo i t > f Sick Headache i Food doesnt digest well i Appetite poor Bowels constipated Tongue coated Its your j yers Pllls arc liver pills they sure dys- pepsia biliousness 25c All drnaafab Went your mouiUcho or bMta a bwuUful brown or blukT Then we BUCKINGHAMS DYE9ttr WD o P MALL A tKIL- LED AT DEANFIELD Marshal John Guess Kills gene Phillipps After Being Severe ¬ ly Wounded Late Tuesday afternoon Eugene PhllHppa went to the blacksmith ahc of Chas Thornton In Deanfield and became Involved in a fight with Thornton The fight came up ove Thornton saying that he was a friend of Guess Phillipps struck Thorntor over the bead with a hammer Thornton swore out a writ for Phil llppa and placed it in the hands of John Guess to be served Philipps In company with Bill Phillipps and Jaki Newton was overtaken by Guest about one half of a mile out of Dean fieldGuess told Phillipps to consider him sell under arrest whereupon rhllllpps fired both barrels of a doublebarrel ed shotgun at him the charge taking effect In his right leg about two inch ¬ es above the knee Guess fell to the ground and drew his revolver He fired five shots at Phllllppsonly one ol which took effect hitting him in the left side and ranging upward Inflict ¬ ing a mortal wound from which he died in about forty minutes Guess was taken to the hospital at Ofvncnaborb by a special train from Louisville He is in a dangerous con ¬ dition Newton and Hill Phllllppa have both given up but as they took no part In the unfortunate incident they will be released Eugene Phillipps came from a good family and bore a good name aside from the fact that he sometimes drank too much He was under the influence of liquor at the time of his tragic death Big time at Central City Next Saturday Manager May of the Central City Bnsc Ball Clubbelieves In giving the > eople good attractions regardless of expenses and for that reason he has secured at a large expencc the Genu- ine Sioux Indian Base Ball Club of Spokane Washington play against his team next Saturday September sthf 230 prm The Indians are now enroate to California where they close their sea 80n December tot If you wont to man not afrald of Lx Jaw and hear him give some of- his heathen war yells when his fellow i raves are on the bases dont fall to- e at the game Arrangements being made to accommodate large crowds 10 be on hand and see a good game vhlch starts at 230 sharp You should call on A C Taylor the Undertak- er when in need of any thing in his line He can urnish a burial outfit on short notice at a very moderato price Ab Aolls Luck- A special from Bowling Green says A S Anil a dreggist at Auburn Ky and formerly ot Sulphur Springs Ohio county has come Into posses slop of an estate In England valued at 1000000 f Furious Free Fist Fight Sue Paton and Manda Nan two colored women of Haytl met In the street in front of the drug store of Dr Sean Wednesday and engaged Iri the Jscussion of a social matter of miner importance As the discussion In Teased In Interest and the earnest neSt of the disputants grew more en bnsiastlc a crowd gradually assem led partly through curiosity and rattly through an insatiable thirst or enlightenment The debate grew warm and the atmosphere hanged from an effulgent beaming b right to a pale blue tint The discussion grew warmer and the themometera in adjacent build nga ran up to 117 in the hade and a light tincture of sulphur fumes was lisernable in the air When the dis- pute grew warmest each of the debat ¬ ors attempted to carry her point by pulling the wool over thF eyes of icr adversary The spectators could see only a writhing seething mass oi iiuuanlty enveloped In dust occasion ally casting off meteoric showers ot nlscellaneons wearing apparel and prehistoric chunks of profanity At this critical moment Dr Jesse Bean appeared on the setae With his characteristic galantry be Immediate ¬ ly threw himself between the bellger enta aud by almost superhuruu ef- forts succeeded in stopping the fight He then passed around the hat among the spectators and collected thirty cents with which to bay arnica for the wounded As there waft no en- core t the meeting adjourned I RENFROW KY I Sept 9 Clerus Kendoll Is able to be out again Mr W H Dougherty has gone to the mines to work and will move his family soon A Gardner has moved Into the house vacated by Mr Daugh erty Pete Hoaklna has moved to Unto Ind Fl d rr J tWe want to See You i 1 WeHTreatYonRight i We know you dont like to be pulled and fjf passedt r T turned over to the proprietor simply because v t you do not find exactly what you want and T you dont want some little whippersnapper T i n clerk to insist upon you taking ivhat you fT i dont want You have doubtless been o through this ordeal and vowed you would Tr never go into that store again Youre right S You dont have to If you will come to our TiT r storo you will not havo to encounter any ofe t Or 7 this disagreeable experience o CLOTHING s Shouldstand on its merits and a firstclass house always has a largo enough as rsortment for a man to bo suited without hav ¬ j + c i something forced upon him which ho for over dislikes Como our wayl If wo cannot possibly suit you wo will treat you kindly if just tho same Ono thing is certain if wo i cannot fit a man with a Suit Trousers or any f thing olso in our lino nobody in Hartford can And furthermore if you do not find that our prices are right dont spend a cent It t CARSONt eaCO t HARTFORD KENT- UCKYACTAYLOR J f t Undertaker I have just received n full line of Coffins Caskets and Robes my Hearse isof the latest pattorn and strictly uptodate I have procured the services of Mr Wallaco Duncan an experienced Undertaker and Embalmer Washing layingout and dressing a specialty My House is open day and night Calls answered on short notice Ae Ce TAYLOR Hartford Ky If Its Bargains YOU ARE LOOKING FOR j Call at My Store- s Quicke rt i rn M II 1 Prices as Follows Mens Black Clay Worsted Suits 260sizes 35 to 42 Nice allwool Suits all colors 425sizcs 35 to 42 Youths black Clay Worsted Suits 260 sizes 14 to lOi Boys allwool Suits f 150sizes 6 to 14 Mens blarjfc wool Pants 100 Youths same 100 SHOES HamiltonBrown guaranteed every pair j Mens Fine Sunday Shoes 125 Womens Fine Shoos f 125 Big lino of Boys and Girls School Shoestho low prices will astonish you Big line of Hats Trunks Telescopes Satchels and Com ¬ panions Best Bleach at 5c Best Factory at 5c Best Cal ¬ ico at 5c Everything olso usually kept in a firstclass Dry Goods store as cheap as the cheapest r Sam Bach Hartford Ky 7 l 0 c c II 11 > it i iIt

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Page 1: HH t Its See You bSS i passedtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5r9513/data/0770.pdfMiss Lottie Lashbrook of Owens Toro Is visiting relatives here Miss VanCleave of Hopklnsvllle who has been

t Vi



Wo havo boon fortunatoenough to pick up threehundred Mens fine Percaland Madras Cloth Shirtstits kind that usually sell

for 75c some with andsome without collars ev¬

> eryone a big bargain Ev¬

eryone the latest styles

Our Special Price Is 39c

Childrens School SuitsWe aro well fixed to supply

the boys with Suits and PantsInspect our lino get our pricesand wo will do the rest ChildsSuits pants coat and vestSUQ to 500 Youths Suitslong panta from 250 to 750Childs School Pnntg to 1-5years60c to 100 SpecinlIprices in ChildrensChildrins School Hilts Shoes

Etc Wo cordially invite you to como and inspect

tour liuu bifore buying elsewhere

Trade at the Bargain Center

f S Q




E R Williams Paradise was a

very pleasant caller at thin office yea


1Mlllnery opening Saturday Septem> the Economy Dry Goods


Dr A S Yewell Osteopath Ex¬

amination and Consultation reeRoom12 Commercial Hotel

A T Nail who has been confinedto his room on account of stomachetrouble for several dayaIs Improving

We have just received 50 dozenmens odd pants Can furnish themfrom soc to jf 6 This is the place toget trousers CARSON Co

U S District Attorney Thatcherof Louisville was In Hartford thefirst of this week representing theGovernments Interest In an action In

the County court

Uncle William Foreman broughtto this office yesterday a small eggthat was found on the Inside ol aImedium sized egg by his daughterlnlaw Mrs L P Forema-

nWANrnoeverybody to look at ourline of Ladles Tailor Made Skirtsranging in price from 150 to 10

Our 250 Shirt Is exceptionally goodIvalue ECONOMY STOBK

We will receive this week an un-



quantity of dress goods andtrimmings also clothing for men and

boys hats and capplrt fact everythlugnecessary to supply an up to datestore CARSON Co

Cicero Maxwell Camp NO5 Sonsol Veterans will hold a special meet

jng at the court house in Hartford onSaturdayS ptember t2at two oclockp m All charter members are earnestly requested to be present


For sale a 6o acre farm adjoining

Beer Dam for 16oq A fine farmIn goqd condition Good buildings

all kinds of fruits One ef the nicestfarms in Ohio county


Real Estate Agent

STRAYRD From Hartford aboutcowIyearsj ed nice smooth horns was givingmilk Any Information leading to

her recovery be rewarded Call

lion or address this office or JMCentertown Ky

We have just received the largestand bese assortment of MllUery goodsevery brought to Hartford We have-

goods from Indianapolis St Louist Cincinnati and Louisville markets

so you may be sure of getting justwhat you want at very lowest prices

i at the Economy Dry Goods Store

Wilt Mltchel colored was arrested

at West Point by the town marshali Tuesday charged willi stealing a

i= L i

watch at McHenry The marshabronght him back to Mcllenry aodturned him over to Deputy SheriffClarence Keown who brought him toHartford and lodged him in jailWednesday

Married September at the resldeuce ofJudge R R Wedding In

Hartford Miss Ineze Cummins to MrW J Young both of Spring LickGraysou county These young peo-

ple are popular society people whetthey live and Tux RKFUOLICAN wishesthem a long and happy life Rev JC Pete performed the ceremony In

a very solumn and impressive man-

ner IA Social Evening

The first social event of the autumn

was given by Misses Laura and LydcMorton at the elegant home of Mrand Mr S A Anderson on Washington street Tuesday evening September 8 1903 Mr and Mrs Anderson are noted for their social hosepitality while the young ladies haveon many occasions demonstrated theexcellent manner In which they canentertain and the Porch Party wasIno exception to the rule

The evening was spent In playingFlinch Caroms Muggins and othergames Ices and a variety ofIfruits were served

All present were delighted with theevenings entertainment and declaredIt superb ab ovo neqe ad malaI

The Invited guests present wereMisses Mary Bennett Maggie MaruIIsabel Cox Martine Bennett BerniceMiller Ida Park Elizabeth SanderfnrFannie Cox Mabel Hubbard Flor-ence


Morton and Llllle ThomasMessrs Ira Bean E E BirkheadSam Cox Clarence Field Arch IewjIs P C Miller and Chas GriffiuI

WAISTEDChickensEggs Sweet and IrishPotatoes at the NewCash Grocery HighestMarket price paidc

N BEDA KYtSept 9The protracted meetingswhich is 11 progress at the M EChurch Is being conducted by RevIScR D Bennett and J A Den ettIRev J T Rushing Owensboro Iwho has been assisting In the pro-



meeting left Saturday forcNew Bethel where bequarterly meetlgISchool opened at this place Mondaywith a good attendance

Walter Parks who has been clerklag for J B Foster Hartford has re-

Turned home to attend schoolWelter Parks and Miss Ethyl Ben

nett visited friends near Maxwell Sat¬ e

urday and Sunday iMiss Stella Tanner who Is teach

lag school at Sarvls Hill visited hermother Saturday

Miss Mettle Pirtle and MrTabor of near Hartford visited thefamily oi V M Stewart last weekcMiss Georgia Carsonla visiting her aunt Mrs Nancy Fos ¬

terMrs Bcttle liar who has been vis ¬

iting her daughter Mrs RowanGreer has returned to her home In

OwenaboroMisses Anna Bennett and Mary

Liles went to Hartford Tuesday alterInoon

NoticeFrom now until the first day of Oc-

tober 1903 we will receive sealedbids on the lower room of theJJaSeaIc building at Dundee Ohio countyKy For particulars or further in ¬

formation apply toJ A WSTBHFIBU c

mDRE P Moots JI


Sept 9The Livermore GradedSchool began Monday The attend-

ance was very largeTbe Ice cream supper given on Sat-

urday evening for the benefit oi the

t B Church was quite a successMiss Lucy Sullivan of South Car

ollton has returned home after a I

Visit of several days to relatives atthis place-

Miss Lottie Lashbrook of OwensToro Is visiting relatives here

Miss VanCleave of Hopklnsvlllewho has been visiting Miss MattIeEdmunds for the last fortnight hasetnrned home

Meade Powell who has been visit-

Ing his slater Mrs G A Hlllsmantell Tuesday for his home in St

louisHenryAustin a farmer living near

town met with quite a pelnlul butnot serious accident Saturday whilereturning home with a load of lam ¬

ber He was descending a hill endlosing his footing he fell under thewheel the hind wheel striking himon the shoulder and side of head

J F Smith went to Owensbpro topurchase goods Tuesday

Rev T M Morton filled his ap ¬

pointment at Utica last SundayMrs FLyverae Is In Cincinnati

purchasing her fall stock of millineryThe Sir Alfred Hennen is OB the

ways at this place for repairs CaptJ J Hennen la here sageriateudlogthe work

Mosaic BmeLol Owensboro haverented the two tobacco factories atthis place bejoaglng to S W < Rowanfor the ensnlng year and we are gladto welcome them or their representa ¬

tive again as they have proven to bevery popular with the tobacco raisingfarmers as well as with the people In

generalMessrsAlexRowan and Rol Riley

ot Hartford were In town MondayCharles Thomasaon Jr returned

to Lexington Monday to reenter theState College

Dr Orion N Cox retulnedthll

Iy 1 hi I1


morning from Diamond Springswhere he has been for several weeksrecuperating He will resume hismedical studies at the Hospital Cot

lege of Medicine in Louisville Jaunary the ist

Mr Will Morton of Ceralvo w-

in town last week

Col Btlknap Responds-In an interview Col Morris Belkua

Republican nomineesor Governsreviews Beckbams statement wltbrefference to the question of pardonsHe said

MrBeckhamln opening his carpalgn has seen fit to go into tbequestion of pardons He has made adeclaration and a promise and dc

mands I shan do the likewise Heapsclfically promises that hew lit not parIdon Jett and White and by Implica-

tion promises that he wilt not pardonPowers Howard and Yontsey Ishall not under any circumstanceenter Into competition with Mr Beckham in the making of promises

He has made such promises beforeand has broken them Whea he was

candidate three years ago under ex-

actly similar circumstances In themost solemn way be promised the

State that he woald never pardonany man convicted of murder by e


made that promise on the

stump and broke it In the office Ihope In aomelnstancts at least he

was justified In breaking it He

ought never to have made It Thelaw and the charity of human natureIntend the prerogative of exeiclsea In

case where justice otherwise wouldfall But Mr Beckham has brokenhis promise so olten in fact as well aa

spirit that there Is nothing left of

and now he makes a new one in Its

placeFormyself I will make no prom ¬

ire aa to how I will decide any caseuntil I have read the record and heardthe facts No decent candidate for aJndgeshlp will promise before he Is

elected how he will decide a particularcase The granting or refusol of apardon is fn part a judicial act

But I will promise this sad thepromise shall be kept If I am elect ¬

Governor of Kentucky and anyapplication for pardon Is made to me

will give it the fullest considerationmatter what the condition race

religion or politics of the ap ¬

plicant If I believe It to be a properfor pardon and my conscience

approves it I will issue the pardon

I will not pardon Powers or anyone else for a political reason ProudIs I should be to be elected Governoraf Ibis Commonwealth I would nthIr loose n to feel that IIrod staked the life or liberty of eventhe meanest of my fellow cltizens oa

i game of political ambitionThat Is all I have to say on the

subject said Col Belknap when bered concluded I dont see how I

>nld say more or less-

WIIITESYILLE KYSept 9It Is very dry and dusty

here and we are needing rain verybadly

Mrs C O Clements and Mrs

Floyd of Knottsvllle visited relahere Sunday

Mr and MrS D L Jackson andlittle daughter Mary Lee went toDwensboro lest week

Mr and Mrs Lawrence Stinnettire visiting in Calhoon this week

Misses Martha Klttlnger and MaryH Wedding and Mrs Livia Cecil rrurned last week from their trip toCincinnati

Mrs Francis McCarty of OwensToro Is visiting friends here

Misses Habit and Snyder ol Owensboro were the guests of Miss Florencellmmons Sunday

Mr Claude Morton of Owensborowas in town Sunday

Mrs Hines and daughter of Owensioro are the guests of Mr ThomasIlckeys family

Mr Ion Crowe McHenry was thepest of Messrs Frank and Silas Bell

SundayMiss Stella Wedding returned home

last week after a visit to friends andrelatives In Owensboro

Estill Mosley and Nannie Evansand Willie Coleman hand Music Nrelwere married In Owensboro last week

The entertainment Saturday nightvas very successful

The public school has begun workyltb Prof C M Crowe assisted bydies Patterson as teachers

The Catholic school has also openedup and conducted by the Sisters ofParity

A crowd of young folks went toProvidence to church Sunday night

Miss Mary Weddtfcg has returnedfrom a visit to Fordsvllle

Born to Mr and Mrs Hamilton atwelve pound boy-

MlaeeallamUton and Ola Howardreturned to Betheletu Academy Mon ¬

day to enter schoolMiss Ophelia McBrady returned

home Sunday from a visit to Knotts ¬


Miss Mary Wedding spent Sundaywith Miss Bertha Nave of Phllpot

Mr and Mrs Moore ol Deanfield

Wets the gnus of Mrs Moores par ¬

tats SundayThe party given by Mrs James

Williams Saturday night was well at ¬

tendedvMiss Clara Early and mother are

visiting at Pellvllle this week

Mr Jesse Strother begun his schoolMonday

Mrs Sarah Hale returned homeSaturday from a visit to Reynolds

Station she was accompanied by hergranddaughter Miss Settle Owen




II t HHMlenr Brown McHeniy was in the

city MondayL P Bennett Beaver Dam was In

town MondayR T Taylor Beaver Dam was lu

town MondayByron Barnes Beaver Dam was lu

town Monday-

M J Williams Ceralvo was Intown Monday

Marion Faught McHenry was lutown Monday

Howard Panght McHenry was Intown Monday

W S Gains Pordavllle was In

town Saturday-

S P McKenney Cromwell was Intown Saturday

Rev E W Cook of Beda was In

town Wednesday

Sheriff Cal P Keown WitS InLeltcbfield Tuesday

James Galloway Centertown wasIn the city Monday

Tom Black is attending the Elizabethtowrr fair this week

S M James Select called to leius while In town Monday

John Blair Buford called at thisoffice while in town Saturday

J M Rogers Cromwell called tosee us while in town Monday-

W C Smith McHenry called tosee us while in town Monday

C K Reneer Centertown calledto see us while in town Friday-

R L Boyd Horse Branch caneto see us while In town Monday

Noah Skaggs Dundee called atthis office while In town Monday

Shelby Ashby Matanzaa called atthis office while in town Monday

William Anltmlre Render called

to see us while in town Saturday-

D W Kimmel Ceralvo called atthis office while in town Monday

David Gwynn Render called atthis office while in town Saturday

William Hersch Narrrows calledat this office while in town Friday

W P Coots Sunnydale called al-

Ibis office while In town Tuesday

S W Tichenor PL Pleasant madeus a pleasant call while in town Mon >

day vV M StewaVt Beda made us a-

very pleasant call while in town Mon ¬

rayDr J J Mitchell Beaver Dam war

I pleasant caller at this office Wednes-


R P Miller of Owensboro Is

biting relatives near Hartford thisweek

Rev E D Maddox CeatertownCalled at this office while In townFriday

ReV D J K Maddox Rockportmade us a pleasant call while in townMonday

Morris Reynolds Render made us-

a very pleasant call while in townSaturday

Will Fair ol the firm of Fair Co-

la in Louisville this week buyingfall goods for his firm

Henry Shaver Beaver Dam was aa very pleasant call at tjila office

whle In town Monday

Marvin Miller who is located InWest Central Texasis visiting friendsand relatives here this week

H G Barrau Republican Candldate for Circuit Court Clerk calledto see us while in town Saturday

Capt AB Stanley who has beenvisiting his son Dr A F Stanleyhere returned to his home at WysozTuesday

J B Foster who has been In Louis-



for several months as excursionboat inspector has returned home rorIthe season

Misses Zella Nail and Bell Wocrneirod Messrs Chester Keown and Lealie Cooper visited Miss Pora Bell at

leasant Ridge

F M Joplin and sou Paul andlaughter Miss Marelou Crawley

A visited relatives In Hartford thefirst of the week

BUFORD KYSept yB F Graves returned

last week from Louisiana after u

months stay with relativesMlse1 Abble Bell returned home Sat

inlay after a few days visit hereMr Chester Keown and Miss Zeus

Nail Hartford passed through ourtown Sunday

Mr and Mrs Jim Garret Owenesboro are visiting Mrs Garrets parenta Mr and Mrs R R Cnndfff

WN Blair returned to OwensborrMonday

Oar school began Monday with AE Ellis teacher

Dr C E Cottrell spent last Thurslay night with Mrs Isabel Morgan-


Pate and little daughter Georgia of Darnells creek spentSunday with Judge Ben Newton andwife

Roy Richardson and Walter Blah

attended services at Mt Hermon Sueday night

A large crowd from here attendedquarterly meeting at New Bethel


Mrs B F Graves and Mrs SanHolbrook have been on the sick list

Miss Virgie Graves of Louisvillewill spend the winter here and attead school

Mr and Mrs R L Paris Hartfordspent Sunday In our town


J-uooo i t > f

Sick Headache iFood doesnt digest well i

Appetite poor Bowelsconstipated Tongue coatedIts your j yers Plllsarc liver pills they sure dys-pepsia biliousness

25c All drnaafab

Went your mouiUcho or bMta a bwuUfulbrown or blukT Then weBUCKINGHAMS DYE9ttrWD o P MALL A tKIL-LED AT DEANFIELD

Marshal John Guess Kills gene

Phillipps After Being Severe ¬

ly Wounded

Late Tuesday afternoon EugenePhllHppa went to the blacksmith ahcof Chas Thornton In Deanfield andbecame Involved in a fight withThornton The fight came up oveThornton saying that he was a friendof Guess Phillipps struck Thorntorover the bead with a hammerThornton swore out a writ for Philllppa and placed it in the hands ofJohn Guess to be served Philipps Incompany with Bill Phillipps and JakiNewton was overtaken by Guestabout one half of a mile out of Dean

fieldGuesstold Phillipps to consider him

sell under arrest whereupon rhllllppsfired both barrels of a doublebarreled shotgun at him the charge takingeffect In his right leg about two inch ¬

es above the knee Guess fell to theground and drew his revolver Hefired five shots at Phllllppsonly one olwhich took effect hitting him in theleft side and ranging upward Inflict ¬

ing a mortal wound from which hedied in about forty minutes

Guess was taken to the hospital atOfvncnaborb by a special train fromLouisville He is in a dangerous con ¬

dition Newton and Hill Phllllppa haveboth given up but as they took nopart In the unfortunate incident theywill be released

Eugene Phillipps came from a good

family and bore a good name asidefrom the fact that he sometimes dranktoo much He was under the influenceof liquor at the time of his tragicdeath

Big time at Central City NextSaturday

Manager May of the Central CityBnsc Ball Clubbelieves In giving the

>eople good attractions regardless ofexpenses and for that reason he hassecured at a large expencc the Genu-ine Sioux Indian Base Ball Club ofSpokane Washington play against

his team next Saturday Septembersthf 230 prmThe Indians are now enroate to

California where they close their sea80n December tot

If you wont to man not afrald ofLx Jaw and hear him give some of-

his heathen war yells when his fellowi raves are on the bases dont fall to-

e at the game Arrangements beingmade to accommodate large crowds10 be on hand and see a good gamevhlch starts at 230 sharp

You should call on AC Taylor the Undertak-er when in need of anything in his line He canurnish a burial outfit onshort notice at a verymoderato price

Ab Aolls Luck-A special from Bowling Green says

A S Anil a dreggist at AuburnKy and formerly ot Sulphur SpringsOhio county has come Into possesslop of an estate In England valuedat 1000000 fFurious Free Fist Fight

Sue Paton and Manda Nan twocolored women of Haytl met In thestreet in front of the drug store of DrSean Wednesday and engaged Iri the

Jscussion of a social matter of minerimportance As the discussion In

Teased In Interest and the earnest

neSt of the disputants grew more enbnsiastlc a crowd gradually assemled partly through curiosity andrattly through an insatiable thirstor enlightenment The debate

grew warm and the atmospherehanged from an effulgent beamingbright to a pale blue tint

The discussion grew warmer andthe themometera in adjacent buildnga ran up to 117 in the hade and a

light tincture of sulphur fumes waslisernable in the air When the dis-

pute grew warmest each of the debat¬

ors attempted to carry her point bypulling the wool over thF eyes of

icr adversary The spectators couldsee only a writhing seething mass oiiiuuanlty enveloped In dust occasionally casting off meteoric showers otnlscellaneons wearing apparel andprehistoric chunks of profanity Atthis critical moment Dr Jesse Bean

appeared on the setae With hischaracteristic galantry be Immediate ¬

ly threw himself between the bellgerenta aud by almost superhuruu ef-

forts succeeded in stopping the fightHe then passed around the hat amongthe spectators and collected thirtycents with which to bay arnica forthe wounded As there waft no en-

coret the meeting adjournedI


I Sept 9 Clerus Kendoll Is able tobe out again

Mr W H Dougherty has gone tothe mines to work and will move hisfamily soon A Gardner has movedInto the house vacated by Mr Daugherty

Pete Hoaklna has moved to UntoInd

Fl d rr J

tWe want to See You i1

WeHTreatYonRight iWe know you dont like to be pulled and fjfpassedt r


turned over to the proprietor simply because v

t you do not find exactly what you want and Tyou dont want some little whippersnapper Ti n clerk to insist upon you takingivhat you fTi dont want You have doubtless been othrough this ordeal and vowed you would Trnever go into that store again Youre right S

You dont have to If you will come to our TiT

r storo you will not havo to encounter any ofet

Or 7this disagreeable experience


CLOTHING sShouldstand on its merits and a firstclass

house always has a largo enough as

rsortment for a man to bo suited without hav¬j

+c i something forced upon him which ho for

over dislikes Como our wayl If wo cannot

possibly suit you wo will treat you kindly

if just tho same Ono thing is certain if woi cannot fit a man with a Suit Trousers or any fthing olso in our lino nobody in Hartford

can And furthermore if you do not find

that our prices are right dont spend a centItt CARSONteaCOt HARTFORD KENT-


J f



I have just received n full line of Coffins Casketsand Robes my Hearse isof the latest pattorn andstrictly uptodate I have procured the services ofMr Wallaco Duncan an experienced Undertakerand Embalmer Washing layingout and dressinga specialty My House is open day and nightCalls answered on short notice

Ae Ce TAYLOR Hartford Ky


j Call at My Store-sQuicke rt

i rn M II1

Prices as FollowsMens Black Clay Worsted Suits 260sizes 35 to 42Nice allwool Suits all colors 425sizcs 35 to 42

Youths black Clay Worsted Suits 260 sizes 14 to lOiBoys allwool Suits f150sizes 6 to 14Mens blarjfc wool Pants 100 Youths same 100

SHOES HamiltonBrown guaranteed every pair jMens Fine Sunday Shoes 125Womens Fine Shoos f125Big lino of Boys and Girls School Shoestho low prices

will astonish youBig line of Hats Trunks Telescopes Satchels and Com ¬

panions Best Bleach at 5c Best Factory at 5c Best Cal ¬

ico at 5c Everything olso usually kept in a firstclass DryGoods store as cheap as the cheapest

rSam Bach Hartford Ky


l0 c cII 11 > it i iIt