here is your god isaiah 40 the god who must not be underestimated


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Page 1: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated
Page 2: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

Here is your God

Isaiah 40

The God who must not be


Page 3: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

Behold your God•The impossible situation•The invitation to see •The incomparable Saviour

•The inexhaustible supply

Page 4: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated


God’s people need to told and re-told about who their God really is. On the whole we don’t believe it ! What is needed is a fresh vision of God. The Israelites are in captivity and it seems have no future. Isaiah is instructed to comfort God’s people. Lift up, Look up and never give up!


They did not destroy the peoples, Concerning whom the LORD had commanded them, But they mingled with the Gentiles And learned their works. They served their idols, Which became a snare to them. Ps 106:34-35

The impossible situation

Page 5: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated


Behold, the Lord GOD shall come

with a strong hand,And His arm shall

rule for Him; 

He will feed His flock like a

shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, 

Page 6: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

The incomparable SaviourTo whom then will you liken God? 

      Or what likeness will you compare to Him? v18

Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us,  that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 1 Samuel 5:20This is what happens when God no longer impresses us!

Page 7: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

Q: Who is this God who can rescue his people?

Q1 Who can measure what God has created? v12

Q2 Who is God’s boss? v13

Q3 Who is God’s surveyor, architect or builder?

Q4 Who is God’s advisor or consultant? V14,17

Q5 Who in all the earth is like God? v18, 25

Is God more like a tree, silver or Gold? V19-20

Page 8: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name.Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing. v26

3,000 in a clear night sky

100,000 with a telescope

100 billion in our galaxy

10 billion trillion stars!

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The inexhaustible supply

O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Have you never heard?Have you never understood?The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary.No one can measure the depths of hisunderstanding. v27-28

He is not powerless – He gives power!

He is not tired – like the youth of today!

Page 10: Here is your God Isaiah 40 The God who must not be underestimated

Q: Who would like to share in the limitless, incomparable greatness of God’s strength?

He gives power to the weak  and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired,

and young men will fall in exhaustion.But those who trust in the Lord will find new

strength.They will soar high on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary.They will walk and not faint.

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his facecontinually. Psalm 105:4

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