hecklers hangout

#HecklersHangout Listly Thursday, 4 October, 12

Upload: nick-kellet

Post on 08-May-2015




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Page 1: Hecklers hangout


Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 2: Hecklers hangout

Lists Connect People to PassionWe love Lists

“List Posts” are top performing content on the web

30% of content are in a list format

Why do we love Lists?

They prove we are smart

They make us smarter

We skim lists

It’s always a positive ROI - even for a bad list

We only see lists on topics that we love.

Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 3: Hecklers hangout

Content: Ramp trumps DecaySpiked Launch + Long Tail

We accept and expect this

So we create more content

We perpetuate the myth

Classic post: “Peak & Decay” content lifecylce



Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 4: Hecklers hangout

Content: Ramp trumps DecaySpiked Launch + Long Tail

We accept and expect this

So we create more content

We perpetuate the myth

Content Should Mature

Declining Views is flawed

Focus on utility

Involve people

Classic post: “Peak & Decay” content lifecylce

Listly: “Launch & Ramp” content lifecycle



Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 5: Hecklers hangout

Organic Crowd Validated SEO1 list: 500+ hits/day & rising


Crowd-validated content drives organic SEO

Be useful

Thursday, 4 October, 12

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Listly: Social Curation MojoBrand, Publishers & Bloggers

Listly helps more people see, share & engage with your content over a longer period of increase revenue, exposure or engagement

Listly lets you rethink your content lifecycle and content expecations.

Consumers : Giving & Receiving Utility

How cool would it be if this was your list?

You too can make content worth sharing

Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 8: Hecklers hangout

Lists Around PassionsHindi Songs List

How to get 500 click/day


EBook Marketing Danny Iny

Go Naked - Ebook

21k view / 24 Embeds


Denise Wakeman

Ultimate List Post Tool


Cendrine Marrouat - Tools

Her Biggest Blog Post Ever


12 Most - Customer Service

Hands down best customer feedback platform


Lean Startup Tools & services

75k views, 600+ curators


Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 14: Hecklers hangout

What’s NewoEmbed Support



Simpler Embed Workflows

Simpler Wordpress Integration

Thursday, 4 October, 12

Page 15: Hecklers hangout

What’s Next?Premium Product

More Control

More Scale

More Insight

Bulk Importing

Importing Pinboards

Importing via Delicious

Importing Lists eg via Twitter

More Layouts

More publisher control

Filtering of content

Thursday, 4 October, 12