heart intelligence, temple of the sun, house of god

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  • 7/31/2019 Heart Intelligence, Temple of the Sun, House of God



    Friendship Cube Group: The Sirius Alliance

    **Graeme Kilshaw

    June 30, 2012

    The way to a brighter future for all walks of life is being paved by our Friendship Cube Group.

    Our Friendship Cube Group is introducing new ways of thinking and communicating; new ways of being

    uniting East and West. Through our unique group, global problems are being solved through better and

    brighter ways of thinking. In our work, we focus on new ways of thinking that educate, empower, and

    unite people.

    The friendship cube group continues to grow. We are an innovative platform for collective

    conscious action. Our friendship cube group empowers our connection to the earth and to one another.

    We represent our heart alliance for humanity and our planet. Within our community and culture we

    have the means to build a bigger and better personal world, starting from the heart. It all starts from

    functioning from the core of our innermost intelligence and our intuition. Our innermost core joins us

    with each other and with the intelligent universe. We empower people and communities to dream,

    learn, and achieve from the core of heart intelligence with the friendship cube. Collectively, our

    friendship cube group contributes to the evolution of humanity and consciousness, functioning from the

    core of intelligence and working to integrate this core into human cultures. We continue to expand,

    equipping and empowering diverse communities with our friendship cube technologies. Our friendship

    cube is our teaching tool. It is a social communications tool that is linking the world and creating value

    for communities. We use it in programs for evolving, transforming, and uniting human cultures. Our

    friendship cube is our platform for collective, conscious action from the heart.

    Our friendship cube programs are educational and evolutionary initiatives. Our friendship cube

    programs help people to advance forward, to contribute to growing a vibrant society, and to simply help

    one another. We use secular visual binary intelligence systems to unlock human potential and to unite

    people. We use our friendship cube to overcome barriers, to build confidence, and to educate people.

    We awaken young people to become active participants in the conscious evolutionary process throughour friendship cube programs. Via our presentations, our workshops, our courses, and our programs,

    we help communities to develop the cultural skills of being able to systematically and powerfully access

    their collective heart-will, and apply it to transform our realities. It is like democracy; on steroids. Via

    our programs, we help people function from the core of their intelligence, and thereby reach their

    fullest potential. We use our friendship cube programs to strengthen the heart and mind, and to teach

    skills that promote making strong choices. We work to develop systematic ways of aligning our lives

    with what is important. We maximize our individual human potential while building a vast community

    of people on this same human journey.

    There are many social factors attracting new participants into our friendship cube group

    programs. People of all walks of life come to us, wanting to try something new and different; wanting to

    have positive community experiences that enable personal growth and empowering, educational social

    development. Our programs provide participants the opportunity to learn, network, achieve, and earn

    more. We teach that the true source of wealth for us on this planet is our minds working in unison

    towards the common good. Through our programs, we spread knowledge of our friendship cube far and

    wide, and thereby we overcome barriers and unite to do what we know to be right for humanity and our


  • 7/31/2019 Heart Intelligence, Temple of the Sun, House of God



    What is happening? Change enabling greater intuition, coherence, and unity; change being

    enabled by our words and our languages. We are engaged in the Great Work. With our Great Works,

    every responsibility is an honor and every honor is a responsibility. We are one alliance and enterprise

    forward, for peaceful, positive democratic change. And there is much change ahead. There is much to

    do. Our forms of communication are evolving. Our friendship cube code is being introduces to new

    peoples. It is simple enough to be gradually introduced anywhere, through the gift of the friendship

    cubes. We must work hard. We must think, and give back through our charitable efforts. Our

    friendship cubes are great first-discovery toys; ideal for young children just entering school. Our

    friendship cubes are our natural gift. And we love to give. We must work hard in the friendship cube

    enterprise. We must be empowered by our alliance; giving and receiving for the one. Unity is being

    created from deep within us, through words and language leading to greater peace and security. We

    are becoming a more conscious collective. We are continuing to evolve in consciousness. From our

    energetic heart, conscious and compassionate changes have emerged. We are evolutionary

    consciousness. Changes emerge from our desire to create a better world, and to provide our global

    family with grounded stability and the basic needs of everyday life. We have the spiritual backbone and

    the will to move forward. We must be the change that we want to see in the world. We must become

    the conscious engineers of the new world, thinking globally and acting locally. We must lead by example

    and provide good role-models, especially engaging young people. And then a brighter future will bewithin our grasp.

    The new language of visual binary has emerged. We dont know exactly how old this language

    is, but we know it is here and that it works. It is our international language. It stems from the core of

    our visual binary intelligence systems. Interpret that as you will. Visual binary symbolism is increasingly

    present, brought to us from our core language. Our friendship cube language is a powerful working

    tool. It works in coherence with other languages. We are using it to manifest a stately and superb

    human edifice, optimal in form and honorable to the builder.

    The morning star has risen. From the darkness, something glimmers in the East our dog star

    Sirius. It is true that our Eastern Star is Sirius. Brilliantly blazing, Sirius is the brightest beacon in ournight sky, beckoning us from the brilliant heavens. Small wonder Sirius was granted God status among

    many early peoples, including the Egyptians and the Sumerians. Today we see Sirius as a cosmic, visual

    binary star system. Sirius B, a white dwarf star invisible to the naked eye, packs almost the entire mass

    of our sun into a globe only four times as large as the Earth. Sirius Bs surface is 300 times harder than

    diamonds, while its interior has a density 3000 times that of diamonds. Spinning on its axis 23 times per

    minute, Sirius B generates a huge magnetic and gravitational field. The two stars dance around each

    other, exchanging particles. Because of its greater density and magnetic field, Sirius B takes the lions

    share, actually vaporizing gases and materials off its larger host body, Sirius A. The Tibetan Master

    Djwhal Khul, author of the Alice Bailey books, taught in the early 20th

    century about the effects of the

    Sirian visual binary star system in our world. The concept of Sirius playing a Godlike role to our world is

    not a new one. The Dogon, the African tribe who have worshipped the invisible star Sirius B for

    thousands of years, claim visitations from beings of the Sirian system. In their religious dogma, they

    acknowledge the star as immensely heavy, invisible, very small, yet extremely powerful. Their

    understanding of the two stars orbits coincides exactly with modern astronomical findings, yet was

    arrived at thousands of years before the equipment needed for such measures even existed. Their

    ability to recognize the awesome power of the visual binary star system is truly remarkable. Sirius,

    considered by the ancient Egyptians to be the most important star in the sky, was astronomically the

    foundation of their entire religious system. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian calendar

    Siriuss heliacal rising marked the beginning of the Egyptian year and coincided with the flooding of the

  • 7/31/2019 Heart Intelligence, Temple of the Sun, House of God



    Nile. In Sumerian civilization, predating the Egyptians, their epic poem Gilgamesh describes a dream of

    Gilgamesh where the hero is drawn to Sirius. This star descends from heaven and rests upon him. Even

    in the Bible, the Lord of Hosts proclaims himself, I am the bright; morning star. This could be

    translated to mean, I am Sirius. Or I am the Visual Binary Intelligence.

    Whatever the future holds for us, it feels safe to venture that great change is imminent for our

    world and civilization. A pedagogical paradigm shift has occurred as a result of our work in

    communications with the visual binary friendship cube. A new model of the universe has emerged; one

    of vast cosmic interdependence and unity.

    How do we most naturally communicate? The answer, according to scientific principles in

    communication, is visual binary. As a species, we are gradually emerging to shed the need for lower

    vibration waves and to start focusing more on the light. Television and the Internet have been steps in

    this collective evolutionary process. And now we have this new stepping stone. Via our visual binary

    friendship cube, clean communication has become more simple and natural for us as a species. Clean

    communication is visual binary. It is efficient. Friendship cube symbols rotate creating letters, and

    combine creating visual binary anagram words. Our friendship cube group technologies represent

    another stepping stone in the evolution of communications technology.

    Our universe is clearly, a developing being. Our friendship cube is central to our cosmic story

    here on earth. A new literacy is emerging. It is digital, visual binary, global, and possibly even cosmic.

    The greatest global problem we face collectively here on earth may be the lack of global literacy. We

    have the solution. It is ready. We are preparing to teach the next generation of teachers. Our

    friendship cube is our teaching tool for the new global literacy. Our friendship cube is our tool for new

    global thought; for expanded consciousness. Our consciousness transcends nationality and race. Our

    consciousness is not alien to Spirituality. Our consciousness is becoming more universal and more

    spiritual gradually. We are just beginning to understand the universal nature of intelligence and our

    potential future as an intelligent species in the universe of oneness. No person or species that is

    conscious of this oneness could justly be called alien. We will continue presenting our friendship cubeenterprise in the context of a humanistic and spiritual tradition and ancient spiritual alliance. In our

    friendship cube group, we will serve the universal intelligence, creating unity and order. Our friendship

    cube group teaches conscious collectivism tending towards unity and order. Visual binary is the

    language of our highest potential; our innermost human spiritual super-intelligence. And the friendship

    cube seeds we plant today will bear fruit in the years, decades, and centuries to come. It is not about

    me it is about all.

    A new way of collective thinking has arrived. Collective consciousness has emerged via systems

    that unite us from a deeper level; our hearts. Deep within there is a heart coherence. The dew drop of

    our individual human consciousness is uniting with the great sea of the one collective mind; as a

    singularity. Perhaps starting from the fringe and gradually turning into the mainstream; and then again

    going outwards from the center. An old and a new world are being arranged for the one. We will keep

    the memories of the past that hint towards a future guided by the same hidden mystery, leading to a

    stronger and more grounded heart-wisdom for the living earth.

    **Visual Binary Intelligence