healthy birthdays for children

with vanilla bean ice cream Featuring... Christine Cronau Author, martial arts instructor, and mother of two. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue at a young age after living a “healthy” lifestyle, she went on a quest to find the truth about food. Christine has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years, and has become passionate about sharing her discoveries with others. Christine is now a picture of health and uses her knowledge as a natural health advocate; she teaches children about nutrition at a local school, and runs a healthy tuckshop program to educate children and parents about easy, healthy food choices. Healthy Birthdays Healthy Birthdays Cooking Demonstration and Seminar Menu: Chocolate jaffa cake Learn how to raise healthy children without depriving them This generation of children is now displaying the shocking results of poor quality food; behaviour issues, reduced IQ, weak gross motor skills, reduced focus and concentration, poor development, and more. The great news is that the above symptoms are entirely reversible by replacing sub-par food with real, quality food. But what do we do about sweets when our children are surrounded by commercial desserts, snacks and other sugary food on a daily basis. Join nutritional author Christine Cronau for this inspiring cooking demonstration and lecture, and learn how to make healthy alternatives for all your children’s favourite foods including cupcakes, muffins, chocolate, ice cream, and cake; even freddo frogs. Christine has been throwing healthy birthday parties for her children for years, and their little guests don’t even know the food is healthy. Children always come back for seconds and thirds! Enjoy the tasting at the end of the demonstration. Free Public Seminar Location: Brisbane Independent School 2447 Moggill Rd, Pullenvale Date: Saturday, 28 th May, 2011 Time: 2 pm to 4 pm RSVP: 07 3378 5466 ( Children welcome! Tea and coffee provided.

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Healthy birthdays


Page 1: Healthy birthdays for children

with vanilla bean ice cream


Christine Cronau Author, martial arts instructor, and mother of two. Diagnosed with chronic fatigue at a young age after living a “healthy” lifestyle, she went on a quest to find the truth about food. Christine has been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years, and has become passionate about sharing her discoveries with others. Christine is now a picture of health and uses her knowledge as a natural health advocate; she teaches children about nutrition at a local school, and runs a healthy tuckshop program to educate children and parents about easy, healthy food choices.

Healthy Birthdays

Healthy Birthdays Cooking Demonstration and Seminar

Menu: Chocolate jaffa cake

Learn how to raise healthy children without depriving them

This generation of children is now displaying the shocking results of poor quality food; behaviour issues, reduced IQ, weak gross motor skills, reduced focus and concentration, poor development, and more.

The great news is that the above symptoms are entirely reversible by replacing sub-par food with real, quality food. But what do we do about sweets when our children are surrounded by commercial desserts, snacks and other sugary food on a daily basis.

Join nutritional author Christine Cronau for this inspiring cooking demonstration and lecture, and learn how to make healthy alternatives for all your children’s favourite foods including cupcakes, muffins, chocolate, ice cream, and cake; even freddo frogs.

Christine has been throwing healthy birthday parties for her children for years, and their little guests don’t even know the food is healthy. Children always come back for seconds and thirds!

Enjoy the tasting at the end of the demonstration.

Free Public Seminar

Location: Brisbane Independent School

2447 Moggill Rd, Pullenvale

Date: Saturday, 28th May, 2011

Time: 2 pm to 4 pm

RSVP: 07 3378 5466 ( Children welcome! Tea and coffee provided.