health issues of ict

Healt h Effec ts of ICT Bruny, Maño, Nicolás, Martha CBC March 2012 ICT (Technology)

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Page 1: Health issues of ICT

Health Effects of ICT

Bruny, Maño, Nicolás, MarthaCBC

March 2012ICT (Technology)

Page 2: Health issues of ICT

Introduction ObjectiveTopics

Eye Strain Back and Neck Ache RSI Ozone irritation



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With modern inventions human life has improved however there have also been negative consequences, permanent use of technology may lead to health problems. Since we are always in contact with computers and smart phones it is important to know what provokes health issues and how to prevent them.


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Find the effects that the use of ICT could cause on humans health. Pointing out how the physical and psychological effects, on a short and long term.

Identify neck and back problems caused by the use of ICT

The effects of ozone emitted by printers

The problems that affect humans physical health in general


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Eye-Strain is a problem that appears after using computers for a long time.

Eye-strain is tiredness of the eyes.

Caused by: Staring at the screen for too long Being too close to the screen Using a screen which flickers Looking at the monitor at the same

constant distance. Working in bad light, in glare or with

a flickering screen. What happens is that the muscles

that focus the eyes do not move, and therefore your eyes get tired.


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Symptoms: Burning or itching eyes Blurring or double vision Headache, fatigue and


Preventions Have a regular eyes test Take regular breaks Use proper lightning and

window blinds Get glasses Use TFT/LCD/Plasma


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Caused by bad position or bad posture

While using the computer, or cellphone for a long time

Leads Health problems such as:

Neck acheBack ache


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A fully adjustable chair should avoid poor posture.

Footrests can reduce these problems.

Screens should tilt and turn to a position that avoids awkward movements.


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Distance between your eyes and the monitor, or the angle for your elbows and knees.

Take regular breaks Sit in an adjustable chair with

lumbar support Your feet should be rest Allow forearms to rest on it

when using the keyboard "When you sit, it is best to sit in

an upright neutral posture . This maintains the natural curve of the spine and so preventing excessive loading of the lower back”


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Is damage to the fingers, wrists and other parts of the body due to repeated movements over a long period of time.

Causes Typing and using a mouse for long

periods (carpal-tunnel syndrome). Excessive force used in typing Repetitive finger and hand


Repetitive Strain Injury


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Symptoms Pain in arms and hands Weakness and inflammation Pain in shoulder and neck

Solutions Have correct posture Use wrist rests Have a five-minute break

from typing every hour. Keep elbows close to your

sides Make finger exercises


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Ozone, or trioxygen, is a triatomic molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is much less stable than the diatomic allotrope (O2).

Ozone in the lower atmosphere is an air pollutant with harmful effects on the respiratory systems of animals and will burn sensitive plants; however, the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is beneficial, preventing damaging ultraviolet light from reaching the Earth's surface.

Ozone is present in low concentrations throughout the Earth's atmosphere. It has many industrial and consumer applications.


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Health experts have suggested that ozone emitted from laser printers can lead to breathing problems.

SolutionIt is recommended that laser printers should be situated at least one meter away from where people are sitting and there should be good ventilation in the area.

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People must be careful with they use they give to technology. If people are well informed about the health problems the constant use ofgthecnology generates they can take preventive measures.

Mainly the solution is to be aware of the problem.