he 2011 libyan uprising

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  • 8/7/2019 he 2011 Libyan uprising


    he 2011 Libyan uprising, also known as the civil war in Libya, began as a series of protestsand confrontations occurring in theNorth Africanstate ofLibyaagainst Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year rule. The protests began on 15 February 2011 and escalated into a widespread uprising bythe end of February, with fighting verging at the brink ofcivil waras of 6 March 2011.Inspiration for the unrest is attributed to the uprisings in Tunisiaand Egypt, connecting it with

    the wider201011 Middle East and North Africa protests.[21]

    By the end of February, Gaddafi had lost control of a significant part of the country, includingthe major cities ofMisurata and Benghazi.[22][23] The Libyan opposition had formed a NationalTransitional Council and free press had begun to operate in Cyrenaica.[24]Social media hadplayed an important role in organizing the opposition.[25]

    Gaddafi remains in control ofTripoli,[26]Sirt,[27]Zliten,[28] andSabha,[29] as well as several othertowns. Gaddafi controls the well-armed Khamis Brigade, among other loyalist military andpolice units, and some believe a small number offoreign mercenaries.[30]Some of Gaddafi'sofficials, as well as a number of current and retired military personnel, have sided with the

    protesters and requested outside help in bringing an end to massacres of non-combatants.Most nations have strongly condemned Gaddafi's use of force against civilians.[31]Canada, theUnited States,Japan,Australia,United Kingdom and France have all imposed sanctions onGaddafi. The United Nations Security Councilhas passed aresolution freezing the assets ofGaddafi and 10 members of his inner circle. The resolution also imposed a travel ban andreferred Libya to the International Criminal Courtfor investigation.[32] Options for outsideintervention have been discussed by European and US governments and rebel leaders, includinga possible no-fly zone and humanitarian aid.[33] However, a few state leaders in Latin Americahave expressed support for Gaddafi's government[31] for which they were criticized by otherworld leaders.[34][35][36][37] The European Union's arms trafficking watchdog has stated that during

    the crisis Gaddafi has received military shipments from Belarus.


    On March 10, France became the first nation to recognize the National Transitional Councilasthe official government of Libya.[40]In an interview to French newspaperLe Journal duDimancheGaddafi has stated that he wanted France to take the lead of an independent "UN orAfrican Union" investigation in Libya.[41][42] Gaddafi claims that Al-Qaeda is behind the Libyanrevolt.[43]



    1 Backgroundo 1.1 Historyo 1.2 Repressive systemo 1.3 Early developments

    2 Timeline of eventso 2.1 1521 Februaryo 2.2 2228 February

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    o 2.3 14 Marcho 2.4 58 Marcho 2.5 911 March

    3 Protest movement's situationo 3.1 Social activism

    o 3.2 Official organization 4 Gaddafi's situation

    o 4.1 Threats against the protesterso 4.2 Arms traffico 4.3 Mercenary activityo 4.4 Gaddafi's supporterso 4.5 Censorshipo 4.6 Government media campaign

    5 Deaths and injuries 6 Other humanitarian concerns 7 Domestic responses 8 International reactions

    o 8.1 Condemnation and sanctionso 8.2 Evacuationso 8.3 Mediation proposalso 8.4 Financial marketso 8.5 No-fly zoneo 8.6 Relations with the rebelso 8.7 International aid

    9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading

    12 External links

    [edit] Background

    [edit] History

    Main article: History of Libya under Gaddafi

    Muammar Gaddafi has ruled Libya as de factoautocratsince overthrowing the monarchyin


    Following the retirement ofFidel Castro in 2008 and the death ofOmar Bongo in 2009,Gaddafi is the world's longest-ruling non-royal head of state.[45]WikiLeaks' disclosure ofconfidential US diplomatic cables has revealed US diplomats there speaking of Gaddafi's"mastery of tactical maneuvering".[46] While placing relatives and loyal members ofhis tribeincentral military and government positions, he has skilfully marginalized supporters and rivals,thus maintaining a delicate balance of powers, stability and economic developments. Thisextends even to his own children, as he changes affections to avoid the rise of a clear successorand rival.[46]Petroleumrevenues contribute up to 58% of Libya's GDP.[47]Governments with

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    "resource curse" revenue have a lower need for taxes from other industries and consequently areless willing to develop theirmiddle class. To calm down opposition, such governments can usethe income from natural resources to offer services to the population, or to specific governmentsupporters.[48] The government of Libya can utilize these techniques by using the national oilresources.[49] Libya's oil wealth was spread over a relatively small population of six million,[50]

    with 21% general unemployment, the highest in the region, according to the latest census figures.[51]

    Libya's purchasing power parity (PPP) GDP per capita in 2010 was US $14,878; its humandevelopment index in 2010 was 0.755; and its literacy rate in 2009 was 87%. These numberswere lower in Egypt and Tunisia.[52] Indeed, Libyan citizens are considered to be well educatedand to have a high standard of living.[53]Its corruption perception index in 2010 was 2.2, whichwas worse than that of Egypt and Tunisia, two neighboring countries who faced uprising beforeLibya.[54] This specific situation creates a wider contrast between good education, high demandfor democracy, and the government's practices (perceived corruption, political system, supply ofdemocracy).[52]

    A significant portion of the population of Libya consists is under the age of 15.

    Much of the country's income from oil, which soared in the 1970s, was spent on arms purchasesand on sponsoring militancy and terror around the world. [55][56]

    Once a breadbasket of the ancient world, the eastern parts of the country become impoverishedunder Gaddafi's economic theories.[57][58]

    [edit] Repressive system

    Further information:Human rights in Libya

    Libya is the most censored country in the Middle East and North Africa, according to theFreedom of the Press Index.[59]

    Gaddafi's Revolutionary committees resemble similar systems in real socialist countries andreportedly 10 to 20 percent of Libyans work in surveillance for these committees, a proportion of

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    informants on par with Saddam Hussein's Iraq orKim Jong-il's North Korea. The surveillancetakes place in government, in factories, and in the education sector.[60]

    Engaging in political conversations with foreigners is a crime punishable by three years of prisonin most cases. In any case, Gaddafi removed foreign languages from school curriculum. One

    protester in 2011 described the situation as: "None of us can speak English or French. He kept usignorant and blindfolded".[61]However, English is currently the second language in Libya.English teaching was banned from 1986, when relations with the US and the UK declined, untilthe mid 1990s, when it was resumed.[62]

    Gaddafi has paid for murders of his critics around the world.[60][63]As of 2004,Libya stillprovides bounties for critics, including 1 million dollars forAshur Shamis, a Libyan-Britishjournalist.[64]

    The regime has often executed opposition activists publicly and the executions are rebroadcaston state television channels.[60][65]

    [edit] Early developments

    Abu Salim prison is a high-security prisonin Tripoli which human rights activists and otherobservers often describe as "notorious".[66][67][68]Amnesty Internationalhas called for anindependent inquiryinto deaths that occurred there in 1996,[69] an incident which AmnestyInternational and other news media refer to as the Abu Salim prison massacre.[70]Human RightsWatchbelieves that 1,270 prisoners were killed,[71][72] and calls it a "site of egregious humanrights violations."[72]

    On 24 January 2011, Libya blocked access to YouTubeafter it featured videos of demonstrations

    in the Libyan city of Benghazi by families of detainees who were killed in Abu Salim prison in1996, and videos of family members of Gaddafi at parties. The blocking was criticized byHuman Rights Watch.[73]

    Between 13 and 16 January, upset at delays in the building of housing units and overpoliticalcorruption, protesters in Darnah, Benghazi,Bani Walid and other cities broke into and occupiedhousing that the government was building.[74][75] By 27 January, the government had responded tothe housing unrest with a US $24 billion investment fund to provide housing and development.[76]

    The formerLibyan flag used by theKingdom of Libya. It, or modified versions of it, has beenused by many protesters as anoppositionflag.[77][78][79]

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    In late January, Jamal al-Hajji, a writer, political commentator and accountant, "call[ed] on theinternet for demonstrations to be held in support of greater freedoms in Libya" inspired by theTunisian and Egyptian uprisings. He was arrested on 1 February by plain-clothes police officers,and charged on 3 February with injuring someone with his car. Amnesty International claimedthat because al-Hajji had previously been imprisoned for his non-violent political opinions, the

    real reason for the present arrest appeared to be his call for demonstrations.[80]

    In early February, Gaddafi had met with "political activists, journalists, and media figures" and"warned" them that they would be "held responsible" if they participated "in any way indisturbing the peace or creating chaos in Libya".[81]

    [edit] Timeline of events

    Main article: Timeline of 2011 Libyan uprising

    [edit] 1521 February

    Opposition protests outside the White House, Washington, DC on 19 February

    In the evening of 15 February approximately 200 people began demonstrating in front of thepolice headquarters in Benghazi following the arrest of human rights activist Fathi Terbil.[82]

    They were joined by others later who totaled between 500 to 600 protesters. The protest wasbroken up violently by police, causing as many as 40 injuries among the protesters.[83]

    The main military encampment in Benghazi, al-Katiba, was battled over for three days, theturning point coming when one protester packed his car with explosives and rammed it into thewalls of the base.

    The Guardian reported on February 18th that 50 of Gadaffi's mercenaries were captured and

    executed by opposition forces in the city of Al Bayda.[84]

    A Libyan army officer who subsequently surrendered to the rebels has told of the killing of 10soldiers in the city of Benghazi who had refused to open fire on those marching against theregime, by Gaddafi loyalists, before they were forced to flee.[85]

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    On 23 February the BBC reported that, during the preceding week (February 139), these battlesbetween protests and government loyalists led to Benghazi falling into opposition hands as wellas resulted in "300 protesters and 120 members of the government forces [being] killed".[86]

    Al Jazeera reported that a decisive moment was the Sunday, February 19 defection to the

    protesters' side of longtime Gaddafi regime loyalist and special forces commander Abdel FattahYounes, who had troops from his unit attack Katiba with machine guns and truck-mounted anti-aircraft guns, with two tanks under Younes's command soon being added to the opposition's side.[87] Similar protests and conflicts with police continued throughout the country through 19February.[88][89]

    The Libyan government began hiring African mercenaries, mostly from Chad, to support its ownforces. It was reported that they were paid for 5,000 (Dinars) and the latest model cars just toget rid of demonstrators.[90] The conflict continued to escalate; on 19 February witnesses inLibya reported helicopters firing into crowds of anti-government protesters.[91]On 20 Februarythe United States Department of State, through the American Embassy, issued atravel warning

    to US citizens due to the continuing unrest in the country.[92]

    On 21 February in Benghazi,protesters took control of the streets, and looted weapons from the main security headquarters.Demonstrators also lowered the Libyan flag from above the main courthouse and replaced it withthe flag of the country's old monarchy.[93]Libyan Air Force warplanes and attack helicopters[94]

    launched airstrikes on protesters, reportedly targeting a funeral procession and a group ofprotesters trying to reach a military base.[93][95] Two senior air force pilots flew theirDassaultMirage F1 [94] fighter jets to Malta and requested political asylumafter defying orders to bombprotesters.[96]

    [edit] 2228 February

    A girl in Benghazi holding a paper: "Tribes of Libya are one group" on February 23

    Demonstrators inside al Fadeel battalion compound, al Berka, Benghazi

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    A government revolutionary committee office after it was torched by demonstrators, near thecenter of Benghazi.

    On 22 February, Eyewitnesses reported that Gaddafi flew African mercenaries into Tripoli,[97]

    and Gaddafi blamed foreign powers and hallucinogens being forced on the protesters for theunrest.[98] On 23 February, former justice ministerMustafa Abud Al-Jeleil alleged that Gaddafipersonally ordered the 1988 Lockerbie bombing,.[99]Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya,

    was reported to be "alive with celebration".[100] Also on 23 February, reports began to emergedescribing the situation as civil war [101] [102] orrevolution,.[103] On 24 February protesters assumedcomplete control of Tobruk, where soldiers and residents celebrated by waving the formerLibyan flag used between1951 and 1969, firing guns into the air and honking horns. Army unitsin Tobruk and throughout eastern Libya sided with protesters, with some soldiers and officersparticipating in demonstrations.

    On 26 February, former justice minister Mustafa Mohamed Abud Al Jeleil led the creation of aninterim government claiming control of the country.[104] On 26 February, the regime beganarming its civilian supporters and sent armed patrols to maintain control in the capital.[105] TheUS Government called publicly for Gaddafi to step down, marking an escalation of its rhetoric

    against his regime.[106] On 27 February, Al Jazeera and Reuters reported that Ali Aujali, Libya'sambassador to the United States, had declared his support for the interim government inBenghazi.[107] Al Zawiyah, just 30 miles (48 km) from Tripoli, was taken by the protesters.

    On 28 February, Gaddafi gave an interview in which he claimed there was no unrest in Libya.All my people love me, Gaddafi told journalists from ABC News, the BBC and Britain'sSunday Times. He also described the pressure from foreign leaders as betrayal and laughed atsuggestions that he should leave the country. Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the UnitedNations, said the interview indicated Gaddafi is delusional and unfit to lead Libya.[108]TheNew York Times reported US military assets in the Mediterranean and Red Seas were beingrepositioned to facilitate possible military intervention in Libya, British Prime MinisterDavid

    Cameron proposed a no-fly zonethat would prevent Gaddafi from airlifting mercenaries andusing his military planes against civilians.[109] Top US State Department officials also suggested ano-fly zone could be imposed to prevent Gaddafi from flying in mercenaries or using aircraft toattack opposition forces or civilians.[110]

    [edit] 14 March

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    describing the jamahiriya as a democracy without elections [controlled by] the authorityof the people. By the later part of the day, the news agency afrol reported that local protesters inthe southwestern oasis town ofGhadames, on the border with Tunisia and Algeria, apparentlytook control of the settlement, though some reports suggested parts of the town and its environsare being disputed by pro-Gaddafi elements.[128]At a summit in Cairo, the Arab League rejected

    direct military intervention as an option in Libya, but suggested it could establish a no-fly zoneover the country, possibly in conjunction with theAfrican Union.[129]

    On 3 March, an opposition website posted a "distress call" purportedly from "the people ofBrega" warning that mercenaries had reinforced forces loyal to Gaddafi atHrawah, midwaybetween Ra's Lanufand Brega, and calling for immediate reinforcements in case Gaddafi'sfighters attacked Brega again.[130]The government of the Netherlands said three Dutch marineswere captured by pro-Gaddafi forces after landing nearSirt as part of a rescue operation toevacuate Dutch workers trapped in the country. Dutch and Libyan authorities are reportedly innegotiations over the marines' fate, with the Netherlands seeking the immediate release of thecaptured servicemen into Dutch custody. At least two of the workers the marines were

    attempting to evacuate have left the country,The Guardianreported.


    In the easternMediterranean, US warships passed through the Suez Canalon their way to waters off Libya.[132]

    Forces loyal to Gaddafi again marched on opposition positions in coastal Cyrenaica, hittingBrega and Ajdabiya again from the air while advancing overland, although the strength andaggressiveness of the loyalist ground forces is unclear.[133][134] U.S. President Barack Obamareiterated his administration's demands that Gaddafi leave power and go into voluntarily exile ina televised news conference.[135]

    On 4 March, protesters planned to march in force in Tripoli despite reports of violence, arrests,and kidnappings directed at activists by security forces loyal to Gaddafi. Time Magazinereported Pro-Gaddafi forces firing at least five canisters of tear gas at approximately 1,500 of the

    marching protesters.


    On the same day, government troops attacked once again the city of Zawiya. The attack wasopened with a prolonged artillery barrage and then troops attacked on both sides of the city. Inthe first hours of the fighting the rebel commander, colonel Hussein Darbouk, was killed. In theevening, the rebels were pushed back to the central square in Zawiyah, where about 2,000 ofthem were preparing to make a last stand. During the night, pro-Gaddafi forces withdrew to theoutside of the city, according to local witnesses.[137][138][139][140] At the same time, opposition forcesfrom Marsa Brega laid siege on the port town ofRa's Lanuf. They managed to capture its airportand later advanced and captured the military base. During the battle, loyalist forces hit rebelswith airstrikes and heavy weaponry.[141][142] Rebel casualties stood at 16 dead and 31 wounded,with loyalist forces losing 2-25 dead.[143]

    [edit] 58 March

    By 5 March, rebel forces had captured the town of Ra's Lanuf, reportedly after a large number ofdefections in pro-Gaddafi forces. A Libyan Air Force jet was also shot down by rebels, killingthe pilot. They began converging on the city ofSirt, Gaddafi's hometown and stronghold,stricken by protests since a tribe in the region defected to the opposition.[144]The town ofBin

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    Jawad, along the road from the east to Sirt, was captured by rebel forces as well.[145] Gaddafi'sforces attacked Zawiyah, briefly re-occupying the city centre and executing a number of capturedrebels, according to eyewitnesses. Opposition forces counterattacked, and destroyed twoLibyanArmy tanks with RPGs, forcing pro-Gaddafi forces into retreat once again.[146]The NationalTransitional Council established by the opposition declared itself Libya's sole representative

    government, marking the first time it actively sought international recognition.[147][148]

    FrenchForeign MinisterAlain Jupp announced that his government was petitioning the United NationsSecurity Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya in conjunction with theUnited Kingdom.[149]

    On 6 March, The Sunday Times, a British newspaper, reported that eight British SAS troops werecaptured by opposition forces on the previous day and were being held in Benghazi, but the UKgovernment refused to confirm or deny the report. It admitted, however, to having a smalldiplomatic presence in Benghazi.[150] Meanwhile, an opposition official said rebels were"surrounding" Sirt and had "sufficient forces" to capture the city.[146] Possibly contradicting anearlier news report that Ghadmis had fallen to the opposition, US media reported a witness said

    the border town was under police control, though it was unclear whether the police in Ghadmiswere still loyal to Gaddafi.[151] Shortly before dawn, heavy gunfire and honking of car horns wasreported in central Tripoli.[152] Officials with Gaddafi's government claimed his forces werecelebrating the reported fall of Zawiyah, Misurata, and Tobrukto the Libyan military,[153][154]

    though the opposition and journalists reporting from those areas said they remained in rebelhands.[154][155][156][157]Libyan warplanes targeted opposition forces trying to capture Sirt later in themorning, though the effectiveness of the airstrikes was unclear,[157] and a witness fighting for theopposition reported heavy fighting in Bin Jawad as Gaddafi loyalists apparently launched acounterattack against the town.[158]Al Jazeera reported that opposition forces were massing for adecisive battle at the town ofWadi-al-Ahmar, which could determine control of Sirt itself.[159] Atleast some advancing rebels withdrew toward Ra's Lanuf underhelicopterattack, Al Jazeera and

    Reuters reported,


    and Libyan warplanes again bombed positions near both Ra's Lanuf andZawiyah.[160] Bin Jawad was retaken by loyalist forces as the rebels retreated,[161]but Al Jazeerareported opposition forces pushed west after shooting down an attack helicopter and reassertedcontrol over the hamlet, though heavy fighting was ongoing in the area.[156]Al Arabiyaand otheragencies reported that forces loyal to Gaddafi began shelling the city of Misurata, the largestopposition stronghold in Tripolitania, around midday.[162][163][164] Zawiyah was attacked for a thirdtime from both the ground and the air, but rebels again repulsed the attack. They also retainedcontrol of Misurata, cutting off and surrounding loyalist forces as they entered the city.[165] TheBritons, sixSAS soldiers and two MI6 agents, who were held in Benghazi were released by theend of the day.[166] They departed Libya on the HMS Cumberland .[167] Britain's Foreign Secretaryadmitted that the SAS troops detained by Libyan rebels were part of a "bungled" British SpecialForces operation.[168] The group Libya Reliefreported that the National Transitional Council hasjust 810 days worth of fuel and food supplies left, according to Al Jazeera.[156]

    On 7 March, Muammar Gaddafi briefly appeared at a rally in Tripoli'sGreen Square, but he didnot address his supporters.[169] An article by Robert Fisk, the Middle Eastcorrespondent forBritish newspaperThe Independent, alleged that the US government has secretly contactedSaudiArabia asking the House of Saudto supply anti-tank and surface-to-air weapons (purchased fromthe US) to the Libyan rebels in Benghazi. Fisk's article claimed the Saudi government has not yet

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    communicated either assent or refusal, but said if the Saudis do send weapons to Benghazi, theycould arrive within 48 hours.[170] Al Jazeera reported that loyalist forces appeared to haveadvanced eastward overnight, with fighting ongoing between Brega and Ra's Lanuf and beyondtoward Bin Jawad.[169] Reuters said many residents of Ra's Lanuf, which remains in oppositionhands, had evacuated the town after anti-Gaddafi forces concluded it was likely to face renewed

    bombing during the day.[171]

    On 7 March at least two airtrikes by the Libyan Air Force werecarried out on rebel positions near Ra's Lanuf.[94] The Arabic-language newspaperAsharq al-Awsatreported that Gaddafi sent an envoy to Benghazi to negotiate possible terms for exile, butthis report has not been corroborated by other sources.[172] Al Jazeera reported rebel forces hadcaptured 10 loyalist soldiers outside the opposition-held desert town ofZintan, including an armycolonel.[169] It was initially suggested that Gaddafi's forces had taken control of Zawiyah afterbombarding the city for hours,[173] but more recent reports suggested that the government inTripoli could not exert any control over Zawiyah despite its forces surrounding the city, becauseits residents are so fiercely anti-Gaddafi.[169][174]

    On 8 March, the Libyan Army halted the advance of opposition forces on Tripoli with heavy

    rocket fire. Meanwhile, pro-Gaddafi forces continued theirsiege on Az Zawiyah, shellingneighborhoods with tank and artillery fire. Libyan forces were pushing towards the city's centralsquare, where rebels had set up their camp. The elite Khamis Brigade was believed to be leadingthe assault. According to an eyewitness who slipped out of the city and an advisor to the LibyanForeign Ministry, government forces had re-captured the square. A resident ofSabratha claimedthat refugees from Zawiyah had told him that fighting continued, with rebel forces regaining thesquare, and with both sides launchinghit-and-run attacks.[175]

    Al Jazeera reported that the National Transitional Council rejected an offer presented by JadallahAzzuz at-Talhi, a former prime minister, for Gaddafi and his family to be allowed to go intoexile without facing trial. Under the terms of the proposal, as reported, a committee of the

    General People's Congress would have assumed control of Libya once Gaddafi left the country.The rebels allegedly said any option that would give Gaddafi an "honourable" exit wasunacceptable.[176] Libyan state television denied that any such deal had been offered.[177]Rebels ina mountainous part of western Libya sent Al Jazeera what appears to be video footage of soldiersbeing bound and shot for refusing to follow orders from loyalist commanders, which the Qatar-based news agency promptly made public.[178] In an interview with Al Arabiya, Saadi Gaddafi,one of Muammar Gaddafi's sons, warned that the government in Tripoli had yet to unleash itsfull military might against the rebels and said Libya could become "anotherSomalia" if thesituation deteriorated into "civil war".[179] Abroad, the Japanese government placedeconomicsanctions on Libya in line with UN resolutions aimed at punishing the Gaddafi regime. [180]

    Despite reportedly rejecting Gaddafi's supposed deal to step down in exchange for protection,Mustafa Mohamed Abud Al Jeleil said the National Transitional Council was issuing anultimatum to the jamahiriya's longtime leader demanding that he step down within 72 hours. IfGaddafi leaves the country by late 11 March and orders a halt to alleged state-sponsoredviolence, the Libyan Republic will not prosecute him or members of his regime for what Jeleilcalled "the crimes of oppression, persecution, starvation and massacres", he said.[181]

    [edit] 911 March

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    Rebels in Brega, 10 March 2011.

    US Secretary of StateHillary Rodham Clintonsaid the US supports a no-fly zone, but it will notlead an effort to impose one. Clinton, who said responsibility for the no-fly zone should derivefrom the Libyan people, requested broad support from the international community and rappedthe UN for its apparent inaction on the proposal. [182]Prime MinisterDavid Cameron said thatBritain was seeking international support for any measures to be taken against the Libyan

    leadership, including a no-fly zone, which he originally proposed on 28 February.[183]

    In Az Zawiyah, 30 miles west ofTripoli, loyalist forces launched an offensive in the fifth day offighting and gained control of the outskirts of the city while rebels held onto the city center.[184][185] The heavy fighting shut down one of Libya's major refineries in Zawiya.[186] Eyewitnessesreported to MSNBCthat pro-Gaddafi forces were closing in on the main square of Zawiya withtanks and that civilians in the city were pinned down in their homes by sniper fire.[187] It was alsoreported that a Libyan Major had flown to Cairo for talks with the interim government of Egypt.[188] Loyalist forces engaged in the siege of Ras Lanouf struck an oil pipeline and oil storagefacility. Activists in London calling themselves Topple the Tyrants occupied the mansion ofGaddaffi's son, saying they would stay "until this property can be returned to the Libyan


    As the possibility of a no-fly zone got closer, the Libyan Air Force stepped up airstrikes onrebels. Enforcing the no-fly zone might be a problem for NATO partners (especially the US)because this would draw air assets that are used for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.[94] Therebels attempted to move against Bin Jawad once more; however, after firing off around 50rockets and making some advances, they were hit by artillery and air strikes and retreated to Ra'sLanuf.[190][191] The Libyan state TV reported that Gaddafi offered a half million-dinar bounty(approximately US$410,900) for the capture of top rebel leaderMustafa Abdel Jalil.[192] On 10March, rebel forces in Ras Lan'uf deployed heavy weaponry, including rocket launchers andtanks to the front lines just west of the city, but were forced back by heavy shelling. Loyalist

    forces then launched heavy barrages of tank, artillery, and naval gunboat fire against Ras Lan'uf.Rebels returned fire with rocket launchers, but within hours, were forced into a disorganizedretreat. Hundreds of rebels in cars and trucks with mounted machine guns fled eastward out ofthe city. Doctors and hospital staff, along with wounded, were hastily evacuated from thehospital. Rebel forces had lost 4 dead, 35 wounded, and 65 missing in the fighting.[193]

    UPI reported that Egypt had quietly been assisting the anti-Gadaffi rebels, with special forcesproviding weapons, training, and helping with organisation.[194]The Guardianhave reported
