havanese puppies for sale

In this day and age, where people within our country are having to decide between food, shelter and clothing according to what they can afford, it is the rare person who goes that extra mile to look out for their neighbors. Holly Mastroianni of Royal Flush Havanese in Charlestown, Rhode Island is just that person. In her quest to find loving, responsible families with which to place her adorable Havanese puppies, she is gathering food and financial donations for her local food bank. In 2011, Holly began her innovative program by giving her puppy buyers a deep discount on the price of their puppy in exchange for a donation of either 20 canned goods or non-perishable food items - or a $100 financial contribution. The beneficiary of this selfless endeavor is RICAN, the Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need. And Holly's generosity is contagious; often her customers will give more items or financial aid than requested, because they know they are helping people who really need it. Since Holly began "giving back" more than 12 months ago, she has single-handedly raised thousands of dollars worth of food donations for this worthy organization, as well as lots of financial contributions.

Upload: jenifar2012

Post on 10-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Havanese puppies for sale

In this day and age, where people within our country are having to decide between food, shelter and clothing according to what they can afford, it is the rare person who goes that extra mile to look out for their neighbors. Holly Mastroianni of Royal Flush Havanese in Charlestown, Rhode Island is just that person. In her quest to find loving, responsible families with which to place her adorable Havanese puppies, she is gathering food and financial donations for her local food bank.

In 2011, Holly began her innovative program by giving her puppy buyers a deep discount on the price of their puppy in exchange for a donation of either 20 canned goods or non-perishable food items - or a $100 financial contribution. The beneficiary of this selfless endeavor is RICAN, the Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need. And Holly's generosity is contagious; often her customers will give more items or financial aid than requested, because they know they are helping people who really need it. Since Holly began "giving back" more than 12 months ago, she has single-handedly raised thousands of dollars worth of food donations for this worthy organization, as well as lots of financial contributions.