harry houdini


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Page 1: Harry Houdini
Page 2: Harry Houdini


-slipping out of ropes, chains, and handcuffs while locked in trunks and milk cans, or submerged under water.

-slipping out of ropes, chains, and handcuffs while locked in trunks and milk cans, or submerged under water.

Page 4: Harry Houdini

Early Years Continued

• Starting out Ehrich sold newspapers and shined shoes to help support his family.

• Ehrich engaged in athletic activities and practiced acrobatic stunts.

• He first performed as a nine year old hanging from a trapeze

Page 6: Harry Houdini

The Start of His Career

-He first performed magic shows for civic groups when he was 17

-sometimes he would even do up to 20 shows per day

-He worked with his brother Theo as the Houdini Brothers

Page 7: Harry Houdini


• Beatrice Raymond was Houdini’s wife

• She was a singer and dancer and trying to get into show business

• Beatrice became Houdini’s new partner after they were married in 1894

Page 8: Harry Houdini

The Welsh Brothers Circus

-they joined the Circus for six months-at first they performed easy acts but as time went on Harry became more interested and began to experiment with new tricks

Page 11: Harry Houdini

His Career Sucesses

-Houdini practiced and pushed himself to his limit

-He made sure he was always at the top of the entertainment field

-He was president of the Society of American and he started the Magician’s club

Page 12: Harry Houdini

Sharing His Success

• He wrote books and magazines

• He even explained how to do his easier tricks

• His harder tricks were kept a secret because he wanted to remain the best

Page 13: Harry Houdini


-Because of his mother’s death he became involved in talking to the dead

-Houdini gave many lectures on spiritualism

-He would award anyone who could make a psychic effect

Page 14: Harry Houdini

Last Years As A Magician

Houdini was known for being able to “withstand any blow to his body” above the waist. A student challenged him but before he could prepare he was hit.

Houdini had peritonitis a fatal disease

-Houdini was giving a show after not sleeping for three days (His wife Bess had been sick with food poisoning)-He broke his foot

Page 15: Harry Houdini

Houdini’s Death-Life for Houdini was brought to an end on October 31, 1926

-His funeral was held in New York and many people came to watch

-the Society of American Magicians started a new tradition by breaking a wand

Machpelah Cemetery in Long Island, New York

Page 16: Harry Houdini

The end