hannah springett - 2nd year portfolio

HANNAH SPRINGETT P O R T F O L I O m: 07921147220 w: www.hannahspringett.com e: [email protected]

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H a n n a H S p r i n g e t t p o r t f o l i o

m: 07921147220w: www.hannahspringett.come: [email protected]

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HierarcHy photography

Jess and i established that hierarchy was about placing yourself above others, which led us to vanity. on facebook everyone has a profile picture which they choose and upload themselves. We ranked our graphics group on how vain they were by looking at the number of pictures they had uploaded. We then viewed their reaction, which was soon proved to be successful in making people feel embarrassed about their own photos.

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Page 4: Hannah Springett - 2nd Year Portfolio

UnpopUlar typography

This brief was about something you find unpopular. Arrogance is the one attribute in people that I find most unattractive. I wanted to show the idea that these people only think about themselves. all the words that you associate with arrogance all feature ‘i’. the list seems endless.

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pUblic SqUare ConCept proJeCt

this project started by each student selecting a random square from the london a-Z Map. the brief was all about grabbing opportunities. proximity london (large advertising agency) was one of the companies i contacted. they quickly replied and asked me to come in for an interview with their head designer. i took the opportunity to show my portfolio and website which was followed by gaining a work placement. i wanted to share the tips and examples i’d learnt from the industry with other students.

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nUclear FiSSion experiMental proJeCt

this group brief was set by the london Science Museum. each group was given a scientific theory to illustrate. Our group was given ‘nuclear fission’ which involves chain reactions. We started experimenting with balloons and tried to get one explosion to cause another. after extensive development and testing we found a way to achieve this. We created a book to document our findings and created a short documentary film. This showed our live experiment that we performed in front of an audience and then the action replay.

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HealtH and Safety live experiment

aCtiOn replaylive experiment aCtiOn replay

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Hotel tHeFt Self initiated proJeCt

for this project i started by looking into the differences between hotels and travel inns. after extensive research i discovered that hotel theft was more common than i had initially thought. My aim was to deter customers from stealing. i focused on the most obscure items that people steal and branded them. By using the phrase ‘complimentary gift’, which is commonly applied to free soaps and shower caps, it makes the guest realise how petty it is to steal such items.

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goUrmet garden advertiSing

this 30 second advert was to promote gourmet garden garlic paste. Kate and i based the concept around a product truth that cutting garlic always leaves the smell on your hands; we showed someone trying every way to stop the problem before providing a winning solution.

“Congratulations on such a fantastic advert” Gourmet Garden Marketing Coordinator.

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tipping point CONCEPT WORK

inspired by the book ‘tipping point’ by Malcolm gladwell we explored the topic of popular culture and trends. our aim was to start a new trend and show that any new craze can become popular. our new venture involved getting people to buy bananas because they were a good hangover cure. We have tried to mimick how the media would hype the intial idea far enough for it to impact popular culture. the series of articles, news reports and magazine spreads shows how the trend could have taken hold. We have also created a museum exhibition that would show how the craze developed.

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as a group, this brief was to design the promotional material for the Kingston University Degree Show. We decided on the title ‘Close Up’. We designed a poster and invitations which portray the concept of attention to detail which Kingston University prides itself in. as a group, we got through to the final selection process where I was chosen to pitch our ideas to the heads of faculty and the dean.

Kingston University

Degree show 09

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doritoS yCn CoMpetition

for this brief we had to break the rules of packaging and point of sale to bring the doritos brand to life. our idea was aimed at young adults that love to play so we wanted to incorporate interaction on purchase. We wanted to use arcade and pub machines as a way of selling the product. We also introduced an added incentive of winning a big money prize if you won a golden bag.

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perSonal detailS

t: 01206 384398M: 07921 147220a: 11 ShortlandS road, KingSton Upon thaMeS SUrrey, Kt2 6hd

e: [email protected]: WWW.hANNAhSPRINgETT.COm

aboUt me

i am a young, enthusiastic and creative graphic design student who is eager to learn. i continually motivate myself and others in my work and thrive to perfect my skills. i value work placements in the industry and have worked hard to get my work out there and gain as much experience as possible.

i have particular interest in web design and advertising. i have challenged myself to learn the basics in flash and dreamweaver. i have produced a website for my own work and have been paid to create websites for freelance clients.

other than university assignments, i have accepted several commissions for freelance work including: branding, web design, promotional work, packaging and photography. these experiences extend my working knowledge and contact with clients.

When I’m not designing I am a keen skier. I try to get out on the snow several times per season and really enjoy the apres ski. i have been skiing every year since i was 12 and plan to escape to the slopes for a season after university.


KingSton UniverSity 2007 - 2010B.a. honors in graphic design in progress

ColCheSter inStitUte 2006 - 2007diploma - foundation Studies of art and designdistinction

ColCheSter Sixth forM College 2004 - 2006product design (a) geography (a)iCt (B), Maths (d)

philip Morant SChool 1999 - 2004gCSe’s 12 a* - C’s (including a* in Mathematics)

Mr and MrS SMith, Soho, londonWork Placement - April 2009

‘runner job’ at a tv production/advertising company in central london. i created contacts with several freelance designers and illustrators and learnt a lot about animation and moving image.

foUr CoMMUniCationS, leicester Square, londonWork Placement - march 2009

i worked on logos for clients, image creation for pr pitches within the company and attended staff meetings and brainstorming sessions.

page nine deSignS ltd, Colchester, essexhired as a freelance designer - august 2008

i did numerous designs for clients, involving designing layouts for magazines, website design, research and idea generation for clients and photography tasks. Several of my designs and ideas were published.

FUtUre placementS

So-Creative, Brick lane, londonThE WhOlE hOg DESIgN COmPANy, Barbican, london

work experience

additional SkillS

CoMpUting SKillS good working knowledge and experience of:CS4 - Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, microsoft Office, pro desktop CadBasic knowledge of: dreamweaver, final Cut pro, access.

WORKShOP SKIllSi studied product design at gCSe and a-level gaining workshop skills and material knowledge. I can efficiently use many of the workshop machines safely.




peter greatorexart directorpage nine ltd Colchester

+44 (0) 1206 364 999www.page9.co.uk

mIChAEl WOODtv presenter / producerMaya vision international Barbican, london

+44 (0) 20 7796 4842www.mayavisionint.com

H a n n a H S p r i n g e t t p o r t f o l i o