ham bli 2001

Finite element simulation of ®ne blanking processes using a pressure-dependent damage model Ridha Hambli * ISTIA Ð LASQUO, Upers JE 2039, 62, Avenue Notre Dame du Lac, 49000 Angers, France Received 10 January 2001; received in revised form 2 April 2001; accepted 20 July 2001 Abstract In order to accurately simulate ®ne blanking processes, a ®nite element model valid for numerically describing of such operations has been developed. The numerical simulation of the damage evolution and crack initiation and propagation have been described by means of continuum damage approach. In this paper, two models for damage accumulation has been implemented in the ®nite element code ABAQUS by means of the user routine UMAT). The Lemaitre damage model referred to LMD model) taking into account the in¯uence of triaxiality has been implemented as well as a damage model accumulation, based on the Rice and Tracey ductile fracture criterion allowing for the description of the exponential dependence on triaxiality of the stress ®eld. The comparative study between the results obtained by the simulations using the different damage models and the experimental ones, showed that the LMD model is not able to predict the fracture propagation path in a realistic way. Only the exponential damage evolution gives good results. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Fine blanking; Finite element; Damage law; Fracture; Experiment 1. Introduction In the ®ne blanking process, a ring indenter is pressed into the sheet to be blanked outside the blanking contour before the process is started. The purpose of using the ring indenter is to superimpose compressive stresses during blanking. In this case, the shear fracture stress will become larger than the shear ¯ow stress for a suf®ciently superimposed compres- sive stress, thereby reducing the chances of crack formation. By superimposing a pure hydrostatic compressive stress a fully smooth sheared surface of the part can be obtained as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the various stages of operation of a ®ne blanking process. Before the actual blanking process, the ring indenter V-ring) is pressed into the sheet along the blanking contour. During the blanking operation the coun- terpunch force holds the workpiece ¯at by acting in the opposite direction of the punch movement. After the blank- ing operation, the ring indenter and the blanking punch retract to their original positions. The sheet is stripped from the punch by the ring indenter, and the conterpunch is used as the ejector. For the successful operation of the ®ne blanking process, the tool geometry and the additional forces required play an important role. The main tool geometry characteristics are punch±die clearance, shape of the ring indenter, distance between ring indenter and blanking contour, height of the ring indenter and die-edge radius. In general, process involves very small clearances of 1±5% of the sheet's thickness and, generally, slow punching speed. In addition to the blanking force, optimum ring indenter and counterpunch forces must be determined for a success- ful operation. The counterpunch holds the sheet plane and ¯at during blanking, thereby preventing bending of the sheet. A direct effect of these parameters on the formation of the sheared surfaces can only be observed for thicknesses above 1 mm. In the shearing zone, the stress condition during crack formation is triaxial Fig. 3). According to Tresca, the ¯ow criterion is t max 1 2 s 1 s 3 1) s 1 , s 2 and s 3 are the principal tensile stress, the tangential tensile stress and the principal compressive stress. The stress condition changes through the deformation process. At the initiation of the cracks, t max reaches the fracture limit before the yielding limit Fig. 4). The cracks are propagated in the direction of maximum shear stress. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 116 2001) 252±264 * Tel.: 33-2-4136-5757; fax: 33-2-4136-5743. E-mail address: [email protected] R. Hambli). 0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0924-013601)01009-3

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