h££· jr-·pt.~ttssoci•n;

- ' MINUTES OF THE QF TI-lt: . GHA:rlt\.H££ · URtTBJ CONVENED WITH ·chapel Harris 0 !o mlnenci ng oo .. Thtirsday : Night ijefore tbe Fii-s. t · · .. . . , . ih 0 ° i9t3. 0 ,. . ; . . . 0.

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QF TI-lt:

. GHA:rlt\.H££· URtTBJ

Jr-·pt.~ttssoci•n; CONVENED WITH

~er~e ·chapel C~urch: Harris Co~nty., Ga~ , 0

!omlnencing oo .. Thtirsday : Night ijefore tbe Fii-s.t · · .. . . , . Sun~y ih


° Oct9~r i9t3. 0


E~~ue, ~amiig", .

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/"QRDER OF BUSINES~ QF UNIO~ MEETINGS. ' ~-' ! . " ~.. _..;

1. The body called to ord~t. by tb~ Moderator if he is pres­ent; if not the body may select some suitable member to act as· Moderatori 'pro tem. · '

2. O~anize by. prayer and call f<>r corresponding le.tters. 3. Election of Moderator 'and Clerk. 4. Invite . visiting brethren . to seats. 5. Appointment of committees.. 6. Call for .correspondent. '.

7. Appointdlt!:Dt of... cor~ondents. . 8. Appoint time :ana. place ~f holding. next session. 9. · Call for~ reports dt committees . .

10. Call for D).iscellanein.a/ busi~ess. 11. Call fo~ ~g ~nd-1 si o~g mi~utes.


12. A.t;IJourtunent •

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The seventy-etgbth ·annual session of the Chattahoochee Uni­ted Free Will Baptist Assoei~on convened with Pierce Chapel Church, Harris County, G&.., commencing on Thursday night: be­fore the first Sunday in October, 1913. The introductory ser~ mon was preached Ftiday at 11 o'clock A. M., 'by Rev~ s., N. ~ttle. Text first Tim.othy, fourth chapter, and sixteenth verse. · · Followed I by Re¥. E. c. Grimsley. After an intermission of one and qne-half hou1rs for refre~hmeRts, the body was called i(o· order by the for~ner Moderator, Rev. A. J . Parker. The ' . former clerk was in his sep.t. Next invited ~siting brethren to Seats with us in the 'body.. The next business in order was a call for corresponding letters, and received letters from fourteen churches in the Assoc:iation. On motion of the bOdy, Revs. H. L. Lumpkin and D. E.: Green were appointed to read the le'"tters, which duty they performea, ahd the names of delegates eJ?-\ rolled. · Th~ body .the1n permanently organized by electing Rev. A. """J. Parker Moderator and W. D. 'Gill ~lerk. Motion m:ade and carried that the Columbus Church be reinstated in 1JUs ~ body,. and the delega1te be given the right hand. of fellowship. Next called for cort·espo~ding messenger~ and received Rev. W. A. McDonald fronn the Midway Association of Georgip, &na Bro. W. T. Rustin and Rev. W. H. Homes from the ~rgia Union Association~ · J)J~ appC?inted the various commij;tees. .

On p~aching-B1ros. W. R. To~blin and J . A.. ~ait from the church and I. N. Wainwright, W. M. Watson, J. , ·Grimsley from the b1Gdy.

On State of the Churches and· Character of the Ministry-G. ~·Windham, l'. A. Britt, G. D. Perry, J. B. Little, J. Wa.-.,D. ·

On Finance-D. n. Green, J. J . .Jones, J. H. K. J~ea. On Obitu~E:: C. Grimsley, S. N. Little, J. JL Blair. On Beso~tion.a-!-:-~0. E. Green, S. N. Little; A. D. Foster •. On Sabbath SeboC)la and Li~atur&-J •. D. 'Little, J. V. lD~

ar, H. L. Lumpkin., · ;. · OJi TeiDperUe&-:A. C. Cromer, J. S. Chri~Pbtlt, l. J •. Je~-.. ·o,a JDotioii, ·the body actJCJIII'Md. UDtll SabmJaJ monl1!il

· - ~ o'eliq, -after~ ~ij, aDd ~,er ~ W. D. -.Gill. . · · ' ... t• ..


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. Saturday morning.. at 8 o'clock the body met according to adjournment. After singing ltnd prayer by Rev. W. A. Me-Donald, repQrts of committees. _.,

.. . 0~ PREACHING . . ~>f . Fr1day at 7:SO P. M., Rev. W. H. Hom,es. Saturday at 9

A. M., Rev. i. J. Jones to pre&tm. Saturday-at 11 A. M., Rev. W. A. McDcmald to preach. Saturday at ~ .. P. M., Rev. J. D. Little to preach. Saturday at '.7 :SO P. M.f )ie_v. E. :p. Green to preach, Rev. W. D. Gill to follo'w. Sunday ~at·. 9 :SO A. M., Rev. J. R. Blair~ pr~h and J{e.v. ~J. V. Klosser to ~llow. Sunday at 11 A. M., Rev. A. J. Parker J;;o preach and _Rev. H. t. Lump-kin to follow. I. N. ,WAINWRI-GHT, Cllairman . .


- M ~ We, your committee, find si)xr ~eaths. We also reeommepd

that -uch pastor-:-"'Write the obitu'"~es of liis church and hand thfl!l to th' clerk for publieatioil ·ili the minutes of this session.

REV.E~C.GRIMSLEY,Chm~ \ . . .

ON SABBATJi SCHOOLS. lWe find iD all . our churches only six Sabbath Schools, and

we ask that eaeh pastor organb~ a Sabbath School in each of his cliurches. REV. II. L. LUMPKIN, Chairman. ..

ON STATE·OF THE CHUB~CHES AND CHARACTER • ; OF THE MINiSTRY. We beg lea-a to aubmR\the f~tllOWing report: We recommend

. · that Bro. ~D. qrook'a n&JDe be ¢ricken from the ministepal · roll, and tliat 1iia church call in.


lbis credentials. Also that Bro. W. R. Merri&t"a Dame by lltt'idt."en from the Lieentlates' roll. and . that the ehUI'Ch p~ t6 · with ~eD;l· at once. We find all the other zpinfQeret standing, and also· the chu~e... D .• PERRY, Chai~ / ..

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each member shaH hAvt~ . the right to name ihe J'UIIOD whom they prefer to perform such mission worlt, proviiled ~ same­may be a minister who lioay be adjudged a Mdtable DUIJl f6r tlae ehurch or Association.

.> f

We would recommend that the deacons of the several dUrer-. ' .. . ' ent churches be · requi~ed to -look after ~Mle-. mt;.MSte of ~ churches ·more closely in


the future than baa been done in·aome instances ·in the past, and We would recommend . that for fail-

.... , ~ . . ..ure to do so the clmrehe~ deal with them. We al&9 recommend

-- th•t the churches which l'eQU~ that mission 'fu.nda previckia-ly,.sent up be refunded ~to them. ~

.. REV. D. E. GRE~N, Cbail'IIUql.


. We, your co~ttee, submit the following .-eport: We find patd in from the · vanous churches for minutes, ·Po. 76; lor

· Associati~nal pltrpQ~e~, ~JlO.OO ;· in the hands ~f the tzeasurer for · Associati~nal 'purposes,. $16.03. ·

- · REV •. J . H. K. JONES, Cll.milan. •• · ' t


AppQt~ted Correspolltding Messengers ~· our sistftr Associa-tiot~s as follows i. · 7" ; --.. • • •

To the Miclway:-Rev·s. H. L. Lumpkin, J. D. Lit*.. ' To the Georgia UniCJ•n_:_Revs.- J . J. Jones, H. L: LumPkin. Te·the Martin-Rev. J .- J. Jones. . To the· South Georgi1a and the Southeastern of Alabama, the

State Line ,of Alabama, by letter. · and. minutes. · .. . ' ·Motion ma4e and. cnrriea that the circular 1~ prepared

br6Rev. _J. D.· Li~e- be1 pub'lishecl i~ the mi~~tee{of ~ia A~

ciaaon. Agreed that tll~a b~y ll!~t with Beulah Clarrch_, ~.,­~r CQ~ntr, Ga.~.e~el~1ng o~ Thuriday night ~e!~the!.ilrilt .. $wlday in . October,· 1t~l4. · 'The lnt;~ ,senz•~• ... '. preached Friday at 11 A. M.,· by ReV. ·.A. J. Parks, Rev. W. · · . ~· .Gill_ 'aiteriate. Delt\gatea going bJ': ~ilroad ~'be met ~ . ~~rt and Charing ont the .~ B.· &: A. R: B. .f!f ~,......,.. -: ~-that ~e money ·~e paid b~k to~ ch~ whldl ~ ~ it ill f.ot .~on. _purr•~· Br. ~otien it... . to."-' the

·.---... .. ~ Ou ~~·- ..... ~. ~ ...... . . . --~lt;wau~ ...-¥w,~. ==

,.. .. ~ . .,eree . Ohapel :,~ ~ ~~ . ~ -~ ~~-~ ~~.flf of .the ~- ,"::.nW . .

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(4) I have $10.00 for his services. On m.otion th~ were retu~ . to the ehurcll and. community for their kindness and ho.Pltality during our stay with them. ;· . .

After singing and prafer by Rev. W. H. Homes, the Asao-:. eiaticm adjourned to meet 'w.ith ~eulah ehure& 12 months hence.

REV. )~ J . PABbR, Moderator.

• REV. ,~. D. GILL, Clerk •



The first Distnet m~ with Mt. Olive Church~. Taylor County, Ga., commencing on hiday night before the seeolid Sunday in August, 1914. Conv~~~es will m.eet ~elegates at Reynolds, Ga., . on Friday. Rev -lE. C. Grimsley to preach the Introductory Sermon Saturday· &lt'.l1 o'clock A. M.

The Second District meets·· ~~th Trinity 1 ehureh,-Taylor

county, Ga., on Friday night betQire.: the fourth Su.nday in July, 1914: The introductory sermon : io be preached Saturday at 11 o'eloek A. M., by Rev. J. W. C111iver, Re~. W. J. Lumpldn al- · temate. Deleg~ea going bY, raUroad will be met at Charing on Friday.

The preachers and deacons meeting will convene with New Life eaurch, commencing on Friday liigbt before the fifth Sun­day in Kirch, 1914. ReV • . w. B. :PoHy top~ the introdu~ tory sermon Saturday at 11 o'eloek I.. M. · Delegates going by railr~d will be met at ~uk an~: ~~rwick on Friday. ~

. . . OBtrU4]~IES. · ·

DeParted this lite Mercli 1fl1~i'31:. Si~r Emma Tyle~. She • j "' ,. • •

~.bom January 15, 186'1, )ler ~y on· -~ 46 ~. and a months. She wu a ' . of Bethany ebureh. . . She lea'(ea. hu8baDd, four ·a fatbe, and'mother, tlnie . ~ .a-ten and fOur ~rot'liera to "loa. Sh~·· ·waii ;;fcij&i:-to ·--


h•r eburch··~d to.-her . ~~e:~~fht, ~~ ·~ry .. · . · · ,~ .won. Good-bye, Si.lte~, tm· -~ · . 1" , • • • .:

cUL'IVEit: ... ~ . . . . !.tfk!~tllt:;.~~r; n. · J. TUrner •

. 1 .... . ~~- on earlh ao .Jhmer Qaapel ·

·Jie wu a devoted - hlimaDd aDd' ~ ~ • ... • • ••• fif~ ChUI'Ch. , .. ... ftl • wife; .... ~._. .. ..-.. .... t.nt~a~, • father

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ali~.~ .. &lid .,1?-~-~f f!'i~- to moum his I~ ft feel oar·• Ia. he.:VeD'a piD. · T9 his ~urch_he .. wu loyal ~ wu

1\0 ~ pUtor iD UDfaillDg helper and for the aalv&JiOD of ......_ he ~9dt~ ~~ energy aDd prayers. Servut of .. GOd, well done. ~ f.,.~ thy loved employ, the battle fought, the vietmy-woo. · Eater thy .~'ajgy. · . .. . - .

Amcmg ~e sightl ~t greet our eyea, When we ahall wake iD Paradise. We there will greet crilr b~er d~ar, .ADd with.him .. Gu••n!s giory ·share. We ~ elup his h&DA oh, yes, ·N~D And aing' with him heaVeD's sweet. refrain; Will dwell with him in mauiqDI bright,

·'in God's etlemal home of light.


. . . \ . REV. E. C. GRIMSLEY.


Trinity · ···---··--·····:··· ·~·--"f········-- ············Buford Watton, ~ariQC, GL New Pro.pect .c. ............ ·-c-·----·-------1· A. Clements, . Sycamore, Ga. .. Ne• Lite ·---·----···----···-····----:. .......... L. D&Diel. Bueoa VISta, Ga. · . 'lal'nera Chapel ............................. _ ..... G. J. W"'4Mnt, Batter, G~ ~: Betlle1 .; ............................................................... G. D. Perry, I~ GL NMr ProaDect -·····---·-·-·--········--·-·--A. )J. Poaey, ~ ... Ga. . SPI'iaR..mll ~-----·---······-·-·····----W; M:·!hltOD, BueDa ViiW GL Jlomai Olive .................................... A: H. -windh~ 8eyDolds. ·Ga,. i ..,..Dr ................................. 0? . ; .............. ..1. N •. ~e), ~liDi~ ~ _ Corinth .................................. Mrs. J . W. Weleh,· Bueu. -Viata, 0.. PrcmdeDee ............................................ }{. A.· Joaea, Col1JIIIbu, G-. Bidah-_. ....... ;. ...... r----······--·-·-- · ·· ·····---~..R. L. .B11i'Dea;:· Butler, QL Ple,ce Chapel .................... ~\ ............ B .r E • . Loekh~ Bamllt9n, Ga. Plaaut IDU ........... : ........ !. ............. .J. W. Bre--. ~- 0.. , FriendJhip ......................................... :-- ··:··.J· Jl. Bat,-,_ Smit!iYille, ~ . Libe~ (}lapel •.. : .................... ~ ....... :: .......... -·-····-·······-·---·-, ,~

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, B. L. WlilP.kiD ................... : ............. :.: ........... : .• - ••..•.. _.Nor:wieh, G&. ~ : · ;s. M. PoMy : ............................ :~ ............. : .......•... : •.. -_, ......... ~ .. Butler, Ga. .

. A. J. Parker .. : ........ : ............................ ---···---: .. ::.: •. , ....... Eilarille; Ga. \ , S. N. Little- ..... r···· · ············· ············.: ········· ·····-·--·~----.Ashbum, Ga. ~-R. A.. Fuller.: ................................................ _. _____ : __ :.COlJainbua~ ·Ga. ·· · w: B. Poeey.:. ............. : ........... ~ : ............................... ~: ......... B,tler, Ga. J. V. Klosser ............ _ ....................................... : ... - ..... Re)"Jlolda, Ga. '· '

: .:J.~· R. Blair ..... m ...... -. ............. ! ............ - ................ ~-:~; ... :.Beyn~CJs,:sGa. . J. W. Culiver ............................................... --···-··-··: .... Norwich, 'Ga.

. \ . . . .

I • LJCENTIATES. ~ C. H. , MeonL ........ : ........ - ....................... :L.~: ........ .::J ...... .Reynolda, Ga. 0. C. Bridges.: ..................... ---··· ····-'··· ··~··-.·--·----2-... : .... EUaviDe, Ga.

CHURCH ORGANIZATION: . . Preliminaries. When several believers .\1ri&11 to be organized

into a church, they request a council from· some sister churclL' · Thia eoUBCil -or' eouqniitee · (coiDJII.Oidy ca:tled .a1i arm) -exQJines ~, the Chrjtst.ian ·. character, doc:trine and fello-.phip of the

. applicants, and 'their ability to ~D a e\urdi._ If the exami­Dation is satisfactory, #le orgaplu:pon prpc:eeds as fqllows:

'' Tiie-Bible is preeented as the ,;Only ~e of· faith· and pr&c:.· . tiee. A. church cqveDBDt is react .and ~ti~. - A prayer of eonseeration is offered. The h~d . of fellowship id'gi....-en. The · · church then proeeeda to elect .its .. officers, •hieh are a clerk, a treasurer, a pastor, and a board of directors; who constitute, with the pastor, a committee to ':pl-omote "order, ,activity, attend­anee, and the m~ .of grace, · benevolence, 1llld sufficient dis­cipline in the church. Deacons should . possess &Ound piety,

· . good buSiness ~pacity and large benevolence. Thet hold ofllc:e a~ the pleasure. of the ellun:h. They assist .in· baptism and the Lord'• Su.Pper, have c:are of the poor, and conduct religious

.ineetings in·the abaeDCe of the pastor. .


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• : ·. ab~ to . th__.vea by eoine modern: BaptiSt ~~tiona, . . -... Y.iew. them N -being nowhere precedented by the' primitive .. ,...a ot any eelf.createcl blnea. - ,

. · We, the. ~tea ~m out 'reapective ejlurebea, being au· 'thorized 'by our ehurehea, to agree to form ~nelvea iDto .an

. · u~atlo"' to .. be known by ~ name of the Cha~bee United Free Will Baptist Aasoeiation, and we Jl'Omise not ~~

·. ~draw ourselves "fro~ this .aaspeiaijon without first stating our reasona'· to the body for~ intended withdrawaL

. ·It ia propoeed by ~e aasociation, flist to ~mote revivals of · nligion by eamp~and protr'acted meetings. Seooiidly, to ~e an

active part ia. Home MisSions. It is not intended by tlfis ~ eiacfio~ to dl8eun queri'es. It is not tlie design of this )ssoeia­tioa to interfere in any. way with the .independene~ of eh~hes ~ing .it. I~ was noH ntended to establish creeds, ~es of

J discipline, or make ally law Whatever to bind the churches, but • l.. .to .leave each ch~ to regulate ita own ~ain. "

. We," aa an assOciation, take the Old .and Ne~ Testaments u ' ()lU' eon.feasion of faith, as relates to the mdepeJideney •

. We believe that a duly organized ehureh . eonsi~ of a eon· ~on of saints ·baptized upon a : creditable· profession of filth in Christ. . . Christ is the only Christian lawgiver and

!- aupreme head of the churches, and the word of God the only , infallible -rUle of .faith and praetioe. Every man has an inal­, ienable right_ to ..Pri:vate judgment in eon~rns of religion, and

au equal -right·l.O express his opinion in any way which will not Y$}ate ~e .laws of God <Or the rights of his .fellow man.

A church bna a right to adopt aueh measures only as are in aecomBDCe' with the ~Word of God, and such are deemed .neees-...., to carry into effect tfie great system of practice. .. - . The e'ba~ ..._ia the hignest .eeelesiastieal -tribunal on earth,

from wboae decision there is ·J)o appeal. . ,., ·. This eonatitu~on may b'e altered ~r am~ded at uy meeting

of· tho assoejation by tWo.thirds ot ~e bedy. 1

.. · ·Read 'Sad ·adtU»ted the ~e as the eonSt:itution of the Chat. / · tahooehee United Free Will Baptist Aasbeia£ion. .

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(9) 15. No member shall be r~ived without the unanimous·

consent of the members present, but unreasonable objpoDB • s'ball not be valid, and. unless withdrawn the JDember who makes ' them shall be liable· to be taken under dealing by the ehureb:

16. When the moderator caps for 8bsentees1 the clerk shall : inform the ·church that members have been abseftt for thr~ sueceasive eonfe.rences, . aqd the m~erator sb~lt tppoint some­brother or•brethren to cite each 'of them. to the next conference. ·

17. No member shall be exPelled unless he has been cited . verbally or in writing, to attend his trial; provided his resi­dence be JmoWn to the church. .

18. When a witness, not a member of the eburoh, is /intro­duced,. he shall not be examined till the question has been put . to the ehul'Ch: "Will you hear the testimony of this witness?"

19. The evidence in ee;y ease of dealing and scknowledge­inent shall be minuted in the church book.

20. Members dism1ssed from the church by letter who be- · come diso~derly, or continue to bold their letters without a good reason, shall be cited to the conference to answer for their . conduct.

21. Expelled members may be restored to fellowship on their petition. if their walk since expulsion has convinced the ehurth that they have sincerely repented of their former evil · j 22. A yote Ehall not ~ taken on any question without a move and a seeontl, and in all important questions the vote shall be .taken by rising ·on their feet. . ·.· '

23. No other motion shall be considered while a previous motion and seeond is before the conference. · .

24. It shall be considered disorderly for a member to absent · bimlielf from conference when an important question is to be cteelded; but a member upon his request, may be excused by · the ehurch from voting on either side in p.eeuliar eases.

25. No member shall leave : the bouse during e9nference . without a sufficient cause· nor engage in conversation or whi&-· perinj without being subject to be called to order by the moderator. - ' · . 28. All discussions in conference must be conducted with

ealmbeaa and good' feeling; those who speak must .rise.-~ ~eir feet ·ahd address ihe moderator/ and keep ~·the point in debate. :

2'1. No one aball speak more th~ th~ titnea ~n the same motion without . perm!B.!lon fllOID file · !~~:oderator, nor shall the ~~of oy olie be unreasolla\bly long. · .

· 28: When the .. moderafor speaks he ' must nominate ;aotne brother in· his stead. . ·

· · ».~.;·No one -ahaftl .be interrupted while qeaking unleu it be \ ~ to- eall the ~er to order. · · . .

1 • It shall be 'the rule of the church to attend to the "ad· ."-~n of the Lord's Supper at ~'Jour time& a~.

w tbe upesa*• ate to be paid by the e'bdrdl. . ' . 8£ Mtabeza· Dot ln. good ataDding shall ftOt eoaillluae, blit ·

the admilli.ttation aJ{alJ not be ·deferred on aecouat of ~

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.mi~ ·ma'tter•·Of aealillg. ··: ·s2. Fe,t washing shall be attended to as the church sees

proper.- · . . ·r . ' . 88. , Publie fasting, ]nmiiliation ·~ prayer sbal) be ob-

. aerved ·on p_roper ocicasions. · - · 4~ . S4. Thia deeo~m may~ be amen~~,or altered by· the vote

of two-thirds. of the members 1»Mient.: .at .any two &uccessive aonthly meetings. ' . · ·


GOVERNMENT 'AND ORf)INANCES. . • . -1. We b~lieye that a Gosp·ei ChurCh, or a ehureh qf Christ, .

'ia a eongregation of Christians constituted and gov.em'ed ac-eording t.o the .rules laid down· in the New Testament. ·

2. That those rules require churches to preserve the form of ~vemment and 'the orcfuiances of the nrst Christian churches ~ to t?e compo~d of ba~~ beljev~rs in Christ. "

-....8. ThJlt the. vtsible eh~h as the aggregate_9r whole-num­hr-of Gospel churches, arul';tba't the invisible chureh is cctm­posed of the red~med no~''in heaven, and of such Christians -'On earth as are · not attached to tbe visible church, according -to the. Gospel .. wles. .. :

4. That the estab&shment of · a central or cat)lolic gov­te!'mnent pve1 the visible church, or any _part thereof, is a· fie~ 'Of earthly ambition repugnant to the ""W or<l of God, subservient to the chut"Ches and dangerons· to 'the liberty of men .

. 5. The Gospel churches are. tbe only ecclesiastical bodies or 11n"bunals authorize!~, by th~ Scrip'tures; that each church has :the unrestri~ rig);lt to admipister its own-government Without Sl])ervisl'on or. inteLfereuce, being U!lder Christ essentialfy, illde-

. pendent -and absolute; and ~hat . if thi~ right be surrendered to a : su~~ding· jul'isdietioti by delegation or otherwise, the -assembly ceases: to bi a cbul"Ch.

6. That.. chQ.rehes .nevertheless, we suppose, meet by .clel~tea, form .an ana declare the terms upon which "they wiU keep up the but · that the fights and authority of ~burch~ or in no wise compro-~aed· or hindered by iate(.~aasociation, 4:11d th.erefore * ~-i~on bas' ·no . over. churcb~s or individuals, ~ir. only, poWer - wbibb doea. not· pertain to cbun:hes in capacity ; to proiJlote

1 ~ ih~tcounle, voluntary effort, and 1;o give that advice to with egual autbor-iW be given bJ. any ·' · . · · · 'I! 7bat tlie ia dest(Pled1 fOF tile

...,.aaaUoD .,_ the· ~ and for the: =Jf.V~ f# ~ -~.: aQll OD earill;

. it fa tla1JT IIJiileifJil& ~ but that it ~-- not extep4 ~ pen10•, of meD ~.aD~ ........ ~ • • . . . .. .

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(11)' 8. That the only requisites to churcli· member&liip are £ai~

in Christ and obedience to the Gospel; that faith iiJ Ghrist neeesaarily exists in connection with the belief in the fund&,.. mental truths cif Christianity, and that to prescribe llDY other requisite of. such membership is an assu!Dption of authority on the part of the chutrll and a departure from the Gospel plJlll.

9 • . That the officers of a church ..are elders and deacons;: that the elders are also called bishops or pastors; and all the· elders are equal .in rank, though they may perfonn different. functionE-since some may lfe the bishops or pastors of particu­lar churches, while others may be· simply elders, having no pas-toral charge. , .

10. _ That the authority of a minister of the Gospel extends: to teaching, exhortation and rebuke, but no further; that he cannot perform an,- acts. 'that belong to the authority of the· -church-such as the reception of •members into the church coJQpact. or the expulsion of offenders; that as a member of the­ehureh, he is nO::.JDore than any other member, and if he is guilty _of transgression he is to ~ brought to trial before his brethren ancJ convicted or acquitt.ed in the s,ame manner as if he was . , private person; yet we think it prudent to ·call in advisoey help, especially if the·minister is io be_ tried upon -a charge of heresy.

11. THat Christian baptism is the immersion of a beb~ver · in water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. . .

12. . That the Lord's Supper and waslmlg the saints' feet are ordinances to be observed in the church until the Lord -comes. ,

18. That elders and deabons must be s~ apart to their office by ordination, or the imposition of the · liands of· the presbytery and prayer, withOJJt which they are not authorized to administer the ordinances pertaining to their respectiv .. offices. ,

14. No preacher shall be ordained unless called to .take- ' charge of a church as pastor, or for some other good· &DC[ sufficient reason. · - . I

. r ARTICLES OF FAITH AND DOCTRINAL VIEWS. 1. We believe that the Holy Bible was written by meJr

divinelY inspired and is a ir~re of heavenly instruction; tliat it hu God for its author, salvation for its end, the truth without:' any ~re of .error. for its matter:;· that it reveals the priDCi­plea by whicll QOd. Win judge o~ ·oct · therefore it ahaU ~aiJF wltll us to the end of time the true eenter of Christian uniOJr aDd the supreme standard to whieh all humaD ContiUI!t aDd' opbdou ccmfQrm.--:lleY. 18:14; l-ohn i:la. • ._


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(12) ' That there is one true and living GOd, whose name ia Jehc).

J)lh, the maker and ruler -of heaven and earth, inexpreaaible glorious in holiness, wortliy· of all po,aible honor, confidence and lOve, ~vealed in the pe~al di~inction of Eather, Son and • Holy Ghost, equal in ri~ divine perfection, and executing " distinct but harmonious ~omces in the great work of redemption. -Ex. 6:3; Psar. 88:18. --,

3. That man was created in a state of holiness under the law of his maker, but by: volun~ transgression feU from that holy and happy state, in consequel)ce of which men are now sinners, not by constraint, but by choice, being by nature utterls

... devoid a£ holiness required by the law of God, wholly given to the gratific~tion of the world, of Satan and their own sinful passions, and therefore are under just condemnation to eternal TUin with opt defense or excuse. -Gen. 1 :27, · 2: 7, 3 :6, 19, 28.

4. That the q.lvation pf sinners. is wholly of grace, through the mediatorial office of the So~ of God, who took upon himself .our n&tture, yet without sin, honored the law by his own per­sonal obedience, and. made etonement for sin by his death; being risen from the c)ea~ he is now enthroned in heaven, and ·uniting in his wonderfuk_ persqn the tenderest sympathies with -divine perfection· in eve~-way qualified -to be suitflble, compas-1 ..si'onate and all sufficien~'fJC!tvior.-~pn. 2 :5, 5:8, Rom. 7 :11.

. 5. That the Gosp~ssings .which- Christ in his fullness bestows on such a~ bci~ in him, is justification. That this ju!rtification-consists il)~f;pardon oisin and promi~ -of eternal life., .. upon ·J>rincjpl~s o.ft:;.~ous~-:~at it is bestowed. not in .consideration of anyt;ldtlg· we dQ, ~~.solely through his own Tigbteousness and atOneiDen~ ana~ ;it brings US into a state of most b1essed peace and favort~··.God.-Rom. 8:30, Ezek. 18·:28; John 3 :14, 161 Ro~ .s :,_~ •. 1'-, ~.,..j.:.

6. . That the · ble8sings of· ~l•aticiri are made· free to all by the Gogpel; that it is the immedi• duty of all to receive them by a cordiai and obedient faith ~·that. nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner u~ 'earth, but his own volun­tary refueal to submit to the · Lord Jesus Christ, which refusal will subject him to an aggravated" eondemnation.-Mark 16 :16, Jottn 17 :20; ls.a. 20. I • • . r '

7. Th~ in or~r to be saved we must be regenerated,)or born again; til at regeneration eonaista of giying a holy diSpo­sition to the mind and is, afrected 4 ili a manner above ou~ com­prehension by the power of the Hoty· Spirit~! producing volUiltary obedienee to the Gospel; and that ita .evidence is. found Ql....tbe holy fruits which we bring forth to God.-;John 3:8-8, · Matt. 8:8-10~

8. That election is the gracious p1J.l'PC)Se of God, accordiDg . to which he repner.-, DDcWlea and aaYea linDen, it ~

perfectly conaiatent with the free ·apnq of mall, that it c-. p~be~. all meau with the end; ~ it ia a priOQ8 .. of· GOcl'a goodness, beiq iDftuiteb• wUe, holy,. aDelaP----! . ~



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that it utl.erlf e%cludes boasting and promotes humility, prayer, pndae 'trust .in God and ·active imitation of his free . mercy, tlaat if aeoaragea the Qlle of. means in tbe highest degree; that it· is tha foUildation of Christian assurance,· and that to asce$Lin it ·with regad to ounelvea, · demands and tlesel"Vea -our utmost

·:, ""Z"Ciili~ . . . . . . 9. That ·the preserving attachments of true believers to

Chrjst is the grand mark which distinguishes them from ~per­. i . flcial posaesaors; that a special Providenee watches over their

· welfce, ana that they are kept by ·the power of God through faith unto salvation.-Eph. 1:1-2: .

10. That the law of God is the eternal, unchangeable .1'\lle of ,his Go~mine~t; that it is holy, just and good; that the inability whieh·tfte Scriptures ascriPe to fallen man to fulfill i~ precepts, arises entirely from his lo~e of sin; to deliver him through a mediator to unfeigned obedience to the holy law, is one design of the' Gospel and' of the means of grace connected

' with the establis}u_pent of t!:te visible chureh.-Matt. 5: 13, ~uke 10:1~-20, 14 :17. ,.

11. That the first · day of the week is the Lord's day,- or · Christian Sabbath ; that it sbDuld be kept sacred to religious pnwoses by abstaining ~rom all secular labor an~ ~reation; by the dire.ct observance of all means of grace, both public ~d private, and preparation for that rest which remains for the

\ ~dren of God.-Ex. 19:8, Heb. 4 :9, ,Thess. 1 :7,-Psa. 16 :9. ,_1 · 12. That·civil government is of divine appointment for the

intel!eSt and good order of human society, that magistrates are. <to be -p:tilyed fGr . conscientious ly, honored and obeyed in all things not contrary to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is,

. the Lord of the conscience and Prince of the kings on earth.-. Ex. 23:7, Acts 23 !.5, Tim. 5:17: ·

13. That there is a radical and ~sential difference between ' the righteous and the wicked; that such only as' are justified by ~

· faith in the name of the )4)rd Jesus, and sanctified by the ~itit of God are truly righteous in his esteem, while such as eontinue·in impenitence .and in unbelief, are in his .sight wicked aDd under this curse, and this distinetion-ho1ds good among· men

..\M»lh in and after Qp.th.-Matt. 25:46; Mark 16:-16. ', '·! 14.- That the end Gf tliis world bs approaching, when Christ

Will descend from heaven a nd raise the Ciead from their graves \0 ftnat :retiibu\ion; that a solemn· separation will then· take place, the righteous being adjudged to everlasting happiDe18, .m . th.e ·wieked tq endleaa panisluDent, and ~judgment Wl-n

, ti foiever Ae ftllal alate of man in heaven or hell, on principles « ~osiaeas-Jolm 6:26, Ma\t. 25-:'h~41:46. . . .. .

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,. . . -,~ -- -- - --- -,---- - ~--~,

. R. Tomblan, J . S. Lockhart._ L . I . Pterce .. .: ____ H. L. LumpkiD . A. W,indham, I . N· Wainwright _____ _____ __ ____ J. W: Cullver _ . B. Windham _______________ .; __ __ ___ ____________ A.. J. Parker-. H . Little __ ------ __ :._ -.. ------- ------- ____ ___ --- __ J . D, Llttle-~--

G I 1 · · ~ , , . .• ' ·· · ··· C H · M n r ms ey - -----'""'-------:<.~:.;.-----,-------- --- -- . - : oore __ ·M W ts' · ·'·" "" , ·t ~ - • A J u L ""~-. . a . ~n __ __ __________ , ____ ___ .,. ___ ____ ___ __ __ . . ""ar~er..;:.-

n Watson ___ : _L __ _: ________ ___ ________________ ..; E.-c. Grimsley . Youngblood, J. ~.DanieL __ __ ______ ___ __ _______ W. J. - · . U, Perry, A. C. Cromer, B. L . Raburn ____ .: ___ -__ H.L. L

Providence--- Muscogee __ T. A . Britt, J. H. K. Jones- ---------------- --- "' --- H •. L. N"ew Life ______ Marion _____ AD ~"ostcr, E L Corley J S Christopher, ECarnes .. : E. C .. ~prlng Hill ____ Marion _____ R. H. Hamil top, W. M. Melton ____ ___ : _________ ___ H.IJ.Lum Corinth -- ... ---- lfarion _____ By Letter_ -----~-------- ----- .:. ----- --_--------- --- W. J ; Lum~~ ......... Pleasant HilL_ Schley __ _ _._ By .Letter-------------------··------ ---- ----- ______ W. J. Columb·us __ ___ Muscogee .. J. It. Lovick--- -------------~- ---------- -L------- D. E. Gl'eene .. Friendship ____ Sumter ____ ~ot ·Represented. ___________ -- ------------ ______ __ __ _____ ___ ---~ Liberty Chapel Bibb ----- .. - Not Represented ~-- -1. .. -- : ----- ---- - -- - - _ ___ ------ _ _. ____ - ------- ..

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