barbour jr, william h - judicial watch · magl

D ' ORGANIZATION/ENTITY 0 7-- :l ' ( < 0 4. c:: Report Required by the Ethics FIANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT AOJO in Government Act of 1978 Rev.1/008 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008 (5 U.S.C. opp.§§ 101-111) I. Person Reporting (las! name, firsc middle initial) Barbour, Jr., William H. 4. TIUe (Aricle 111 judges indicte active or senior slalus; magL<trale judge.< indicate full- or part-lime) District Judge, senior status 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of Report U.S. District Court 07/14/009 Sa. Report Type (check appropriate type) 6. Reporting Period D Nomination, Dale D Initial [ Annual D Final 01/01/08 lo 12/31/08 7. Chambers or Offce Addres 245 E. Capitol St., Suite 502 J ackon, MS 39201 S. Amended Report 8. On the basis of the Inforaton contained in this Report and any modificatons pertining thereto, it Is, In my opinion, in compliance with applicble laws and regulations. Reviewing Ofcer Date IMPORTANT NOTES: The instuctions accompanying thi form mus be follwed. Comlete all p, checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reporble infortion. Sign on lst page. I. POSITIONS. (Reporng idiviul only; stt pp. 9-13 of fling instrcons.) [ NONE (No reportable positions.) POSITION NAME OF 2. 3. 5. II. AGREEMENTS. (Repring indiviul only; su pp.14-16 of flng instcons.) ,. NONE (No reportable agreements.) = [ C = C) - :: C c_ r ,-. ; . . DATE PARTIES AND TERMS a ·· - = . 0 (' .. 1. r r1:. o :=- 2. ) rn - - 3. Barbour Jr, William H

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Page 1: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL


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Report Required by the Ethics FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT AOJO in Government Act of 1978 Rev.1/2008 FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008 (5 U.S.C. opp.§§ 101-111)

I. Person Reporting (las! name, firs middle initial)

Barbour, Jr., William H.

4. TIUe (Article 111 judges indicate active or senior slalus; magL<trale judge.< indicate full- or part-lime)

District Judge, senior status

2. Court or Organization 3. Date of Report

U.S. District Court 07/14/2009

Sa. Report Type (check appropriate type) 6. Reporting Period

D Nomination, Dale

D Initial [{] Annual D Final

01/01/2008 lo


7. Chambers or Office Address

245 E. Capitol St., Suite 502 J ack.<on, MS 39201

Sb. Amended Report

8. On the basis of the Information contained in this Report and any modifications pertaining thereto, it Is, In my opinion, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Reviewing Officer Date

IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructions accompanying this form must be followed. Complete all parts, checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on last page.

I. POSITIONS. (Reporting individual only; stt pp. 9-13 of filing instructions.)

[ZJ NONE (No reportable positions.)





II. AGREEMENTS. (Reporting individual only; su pp.14-16 of filing instructions.)

,..._,NONE (No reportable agreements.) =[Z] CJ = Cf) -= :::0

CJ c__ rn,-. ;

. . DATE PARTIES AND TERMS a·· - = .- 0(/)'.:, ..

1. rn

rr1:.....: o:t=-2. )> rn - -P.


Barbour Jr, William H

Page 2: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL





Page 2of12

Nam• of Prrson Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Date of Report


IIJ, N 0 N-JNVESTMENT JN CO ME, (Reporting individual and spouu; see pp. 17-24 of filing instructions.)

A. Filer's Non-Investment Income

IZJ NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)

SOURCE AND TYPE (yours, not spouse's)





B. Spouse's Non-Investment Income -(JJollar amount not required except for honoraria.)

NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)


I/you were nuuritd during any portion of the rtporting year, complete this section.






IV. REIMBURSEMENTS -- transportation,, entertainmtnl.

(/11clude.• those to .•pouse and depende11t children; .<ee pp. 25-27 of filing i1L'1ructiom.)

[2J NONE (No reportable reimbursements.)





Page 3: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL



Name of Person Reporting Dale of Report FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT

Page 3of12 Barbour, Jr., William JI. 07/14/2009

V. G JFTS. (Includes those to spouse and dependent children; see pp. 28-31 of filing instructions.)

[ZJ NONE (No reportable gifts.)





VJ. LJABJLJTJES. (Includes those of spouse and dependent children; supp. 32-33 of filing instructions.)

[ZJ NONE (No reportable liabilities.)






Page 4: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL


Page 4of12

Name of Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Date of Report


VII. INVESTMENTS and TR u STS .. income, value, transactions (Includes those of spouse and dependent children; Stt pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. ll. c. D.

Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end of Traosactions during reporting period

(including trust assets) reporting period reporting period

(I) (2) (1) (2) (!) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place "{X)" after each asset Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Dare Value Gain Identity of

exempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month- Code 2 Code I buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A-H) (if private

(Q-W) transaction)


2. Regions Financial Corp (AmSouth) Com D Dividend M T mon

3. Mobil Oil (common) A Dividend J T

4_ Belmont Lodge (common) None K w

5. Citibank Deposit Program-formerly SB Mo A Interest K T ney Funds

6. Miss. Cap. Imp. - Bond B Interest L T

7. Capital World Growth and Income Fund ( B Dividend K T American Funds)

8. Europacific Growth Fund (American Funds) A Dividend K T -

9. Income Fund of America (American Funds) B Dividend K T

10. New Perspective Fund (American Funds) A Dividend K T

11. Miss. Dev. BK- Bond B Interest L T

12. Miss. Cap. Imp. - Bond c Interest L T

13. USM Bldg CRP Rev-Bond B Interest L T

14. MS St RFDG - NfS-Bond B Interest K T

15. General Motors Dtd 7/3/03-Bond c Interest Sold 11/14 J A

16. Kayne Anderson Energy Total Return Fund B Dividend J T

17. REAL ESTA TE {Items 18-22)

1. Income Gain Codes: A =Sl,llOO or fc.11;,s B =Sl,IXJI • $2,51XI C :$2,5111 • $5,IXXI D =S5,llOI • $15,IXXI E =Sl5,IXll • $511,IXXl

(Sec Column> Bl ond 04) F =$511,IXJI - S llXl,lllXI G =SllXl,IXJI - Sl,IXlll,IXXI HI =Sl,IXXl,IXll - $5,IXXl,IXXI H2 =More lhan $5,IXXl,IXXI

2. Value Codes J :$15,DIXI or le'-< K =Sl5,IXJI • $511,0011 L :$511,IXll • SllXl,IXXI M =$1110,IXll • $2511,IXXI

(Se<: Columns Cl and 03) N =$2511,!Xll • $5!Xl,IXXI 0 =S5!Xl,IXJI • $1,0011,IXXI Pl =$ 1,IXXl,IXll - $5,IXXl,!XXI P2 =$5,IXXl,IXI I - $25,IXXl,IXXI

P3 :$25,IXXl,IXll • $50,IXXl,IXXl P4 =More lhon $511,IXXl,IXXI

3. Value Method Codc.11; 0 =Appraisal R =Cost (Real E.<lale Only) S =As.. ssmcnt T =Ca.<h Marice!

(Sec Column C2) U =Book Value V ;{)rhcr W = E...,timatcd

Page 5: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL





Page 5of12

Na mt or Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William II.

Da or Rtport


VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -- Income, value, transactions (Includes those of spouse and dependent children; SU pp. 34·60 of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. B. c. D.

Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end of Transactions during reporting period

(including trust assets) reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place "(X)" after each asset Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Gain Identity of

exempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div.• rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month- Code 2 Code I buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A-H) (if private

(Q-W) transaction)

18. Land #l, Yazoo County, MS c Rent L w

19. Land #2,Yazoo City, MS - 1/2 interest None K w

20. Land #2, Yazoo City, MS remaining 1/2 int None K w er est

21. RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION #1 (See e None N w (See note 21 & 22) xpl. Section VIII)

22. -Subdiv #l: Lots . Jess Lots (See Note 21 & 22)


24. IRA Rollover Acct-Brokerage Account #1 (24-36)

25. -AT & T, Inc.(formerly Bell South (comm B Dividend K T on)

26. -Regions Financial Corp (Amsouth) (com c Dividend T mon)

27. -Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Fund A Dividend K T

28. -Cilibank Deposit Program A Interest K T

29. -Seligman New Tech Fund D Dividend Sold 02/25 J A

30. -Franklin Income Fund c Dividend J T

31. -Legg Mason Opportunfty Tr Primary Class A Dividend J T

32. -Legg Mason Value Trust A Dividend J T

33. -Lord Abbett International Core Equity Fd A Dividend I T

34. -Bank of America (common) A Dividend T

I. Income Gain Code : A =SI ,OIKJ or le.• B =Sl,IKJI - S2,51KJ C =S2,5111 · S5,IKXJ D =S5,0lll • Sl5,IKKI E =S 15,IKll · $511,IKXI

(See Columns Bl and 04) F =S511,IKll - S llKl,lllXI G =Sl!Kl,IXll. Sl,IXIO,IKXI HI =$1,IXXl,IKll • S5,IXXl,IXKI H2 =Mon: than $5,IXKl,IKXI

2. Value Codes I :$15,lllXI or Jc'-' K =Sl5,IXJI · S511,IXlll L =S511,IKll - S llXl,IXXI M =S 1110,IXll . $2511,IKXI

(Sec Column• Cl and 03) N =S2511,IKll - S51Xl,IKXJ 0 =S51Kl,IKll. Sl,IXJO,IKKI Pl 41,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl,IXXl f2 =$5,IXXl,IXll • $25,IXKl,IXXl P3 =$25,IXKl,IXll - $511,IKKl,IXKI P4 =Mon: than SSll,IKKl,IKXI

3. Value Method Code. 0 =Apprai<al R =Cost (Real Estate Only) S =A .smcnf T =C h Marker

(See Column C2) U =Book Valu e V =Other W =fafjmatcd

Page 6: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL


Page 6of12

Nam• of Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Dau of Report


VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -- income, value, transactions r1nc1udes those of spouse and dependent children; see PP· J4·6o of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. 8. c. D. Description of Assets Income during Gross value al end of Transactions during reporting period

{including trust assets) reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (!) (2) {I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place "(X)" after each assel Amounl Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Dale Value Gain ldentily of

exempl from prior disclosure Code 1 div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Monlh- Code 2 Code I buyer/seller {A-H) or in!.) (J-P) Code3 redemption) Day {J-P) (A-H) (if private

{Q-W) 1ransac1ion)

35. -Johnson & Johnson (common) A Dividend K T

36. -Microsoft (common) A Dividend J T

37. IRA Managed Rollover -Brokerage Account _ (See note 37-41)#2 (37-41)

38. -American Balanced Fd CL A c Dividend L T

39. -Evergreen Asset Allocation Fd CL A D Dividend L T

40. -Washington Mutual Investors Fd CL A c Dividend L T

41. -Citibank Bank Deposit Program A Interest J T

42. IRA Rollover-Brokerage Account #3 (42-6 (See Note 42-69)9)

43. -IShares MSCI Emerging Mk.ts Index Fund A Dividend J T Sold 10/27 J A

44. -IShares S & P 500 Growth Index Fund A Dividend K T Sold 01/17 J A (part)

45. Sold 07/23 J A (part)

46. Sold 10/27 J A (part)

47. -IShares S & P 500 Value Index Fund B Dividend K T Buy 01/17 J (add'!)

48. Buy 04/21 J (add'!)

49. Sold 10/27 J A (part)

50. -!Shares TR MSC! EAFE Index Fd A Dividend K T Buy 01/17 J (add'!)

51. Buy 07/18 J (add'!)

I. Income Qajn c.odc : A =SJ ,O!Xl or le<• B =Sl .IXll · S2,51XI C :$2,501 · SS.IXXJ 0 =SS,0111 - StSJXXI E =S1s.1m. sso.1xx1 (Sec Column< Bl and 04) F =SSO,IXll - SllXl.flfXI 0 =SllXl,IXll. Sl.IXIO,IX!I HI =St,IXXl.IXll. $5,IXXl.IXXI H2 =More lhan SS.IXXl,IXXI

2. Value Code< J:SIS,lllXl orlc" K :$I s.1x11 • $50,IXlll L =SSO.IXll • Sl lXl.IXXI M :$1011,IXll. S2SO,IXXI (Sec Column• Cl and 03) N =$250,IXJI - SSIXl,IXXI 0 =SSIXl,IXll - Sl,IXJO,IXXI Pl =Sl,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl,IXXI P2 =$5,IXXl,IX)J - $25,IXXl,IXXJ

P3 :$25,IXXl,IXll - $511,IXXl,IXXI P4 =More rhan $50,IXXl,IXXI 3. Value Me1hod Cod < 0 =Apprai<al R =Cos! (Real E.<fale Only) S =A!i.o;.csmicnt T :Ca.<h Market

(Sec Column C2) U =Book Value V =Orhcr W =E. limatcd

Page 7: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL


Page 7of12

Name of Prrson Reportlng

Barbour, Jr., William Il.

DaIt o l Rt port


VII. INVESTMENTS and TR u ST s .. income, value, transactions (Includes those of spouse and dependent children; SU pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. H. c. D.

Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end of Transactions during reporting period

(including trust as.<ets) reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place "(X)" after each asset Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Gain Identity of

exempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month· Code 2 Code I buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A·H) (if private

(Q-W) transaction)

52. Buy 10/27 J (add'I)

53. -!Shares TR S & P World EX-US PPTY I A Dividend J T Buy 04/21 J ndex Fund Sym:WPS

54. -!Shares Dow Jones US Regional Banks In A Dividend J T Buy 07/18 J dex Fund

55. Buy 07123 J

56. -!Shares SPDR SER TR S & P Homebuild A Dividend J T Buy 07/23 J ers ETF Sym:XHB

57. -!Shares Cohen & Steers Realty Majors S B Dividend J T Buy 01/17 J ymbol: IC F (add'I)

58. Sold 04/21 J A (part)

59. Buy 07/18 J (add'I)

60. Buy 10/27 J (add'I)

61. -!Shares Trust S & P Midcap 400 Growth A Dividend J T Sold 01/17 J A Index Fd Symbol: UK (part)

62. Sold 07/18 J A (part)

63. -!Shares TR Russell 2000 Value Index Fd A Dividend J T Sold 04/21 J A (part)

64. -!Shares TR Russell 2000 Growth Index Fd A Dividend J T Sold 04/21 J A Symbol:IWO (part)

65. Sold 07/18 J A (part)

66. Sold 07123 J A (part)

67. -!Shares Trust S & P Midcap Value Index A Dividend J T Sold 01/17 J A Fd (part)

68. Sold 07/18 J A (part)

I. Income Gain Codc!ii: A =St,mXlorl"'< B =SI ,!XII • $2,51XI C =$2,5111 • $5,tXXI D =S5,mll • $15,tKXI E =SI 5,IXll · $511.IXXI

(See Column< Bl and 04) F =S511,1x11 • s11x1.mx1 G =SllXl,IXll - Sl,IXlll,tXXI HI =Sl,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl.IXXI H2 =More than S5,IXXl,tXKI

2. Value Codc!i J =Sl5,(l(XJ or le<.< K =Sl5,!Xll • $511,IXIO L =S511,1Xll ·SI IXIJXKI M =SlllO,IXll • $2511,IXXI

(See Col umn• Cl and 03) N =$2511,IXll • S51Xl,IXXI 0 =S51Xl,IXll • Sl,IXlfl,IXXI Pl =Sl,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl,tXXI P2 =$5,IXXl,IXll • $25,IXXl,IXXI

PJ =S25,IXXl,1Xlt • S51l,IXXl,IXXI P4 =More than $50,IXXl,IXXl 3. Value Method Cod 0 R =Co<! (Real E.<tatc Only) S =A-.scssmcnt T =Cash Market

(Sec Column C2) U =Book Value V::::Orhcr W =E. .. rimatcd

Page 8: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL



Page 8of12

Name or Ptrson Rtporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Dalt or Rtport


VII. INVESTMENTS and TR u STS - income, value, transactions (Includes those of spouse and dependent children; Ste pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. B. c. D.

Description of Assets Income during Gross value al end of Transactions during reponing period

(including trust assets) reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place '(X)" after each asset ;\mount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value G ain Identity of

exempt from prior disclosure Code I div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month- Code 2 Code 1 buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A-H) (if private

(Q-W) transaction)

69. -!Shares Dow Jones US Insurance Index F A Dividend J T Buy 10/27 J und

70. OIL AND GAS INTERESTS (70-100) (See Note 70-100)

71. -#I-Marathon Oil Co. & Citgo, Claiborne A Royalty J w rish, IA

72. -#2-Sohio Pet Co., Franklin Parish, I.A None J w

73. -#3-Marathon Oil Co., Claiborne Parish, I.A A Royalty J w

74. -#4-Placid Oil Co., Warren County, MS None J w

75. -#5-Pursue Energy Corp(was Shell Oil Co.) D Royalty J w Rankin County, MS

76. -#6-US Trading Co., Madison Parish & Ri None J w chland Parish, I.A

77. -#7-McGowan Working Partners, Yazoo B Royalty J w County, MS

78. -#8-Pennzenergy (was Pennzoil Exp & Prod None J w Co., Yazoo Co., MS

79. -#9-TXP Op Co., Yazoo County, MS J --

None w

80. -#10-Shell Western E&P, Lincoln County, None J w MS

81. -#11-Pennzoil Exp & Prod Co, Yazoo Coun None J w ty,MS

82. -#12-Petro-Hunt Bovina Field, Warren Co., A Royalty J w MS

83, -#13-Jefcoat, Yazoo Co., MS None J w

84. -#14-Bruxoil, Clay Co., MS A Royalty J w

85. -#15-Chevron USA, Claiborne Parish, LA None J w

1. Income Gain Codc!i>: A :$1,lllXl or lc.<s B =Sl,IXll - S2,51XI C :$2,5111 • S5,IXXI D =SS,11111 - $15,IXXI E =SIS,IXll - $511,IXXI

(Sa: Column< Bl and 04) F =S511,tXll - SllXl,lllXI G=SllXl,IXll • Sl,IXlll,IXXl HI =Sl,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl,IXXI H2 =Mon: lhan SS,IXXl,IXXI

2. Value Code" 1 =Sl5,lllXI or tc .. K =Sl5,1Xll - $511,IXlll L =S511,IXII . SllXl,IXXI M =Slllll,IXII • S2511,(XXI

(Sa: Columns Cl and 03) N =$2511,llOI • $51Xl,CXXI 0 =S51Xl,IXll - Sl,IXlll,IXXI Pl =Sl,IXXl,IXll - S5,IXXl,IXXI P2 :$5,IXXl,IXll - $25,IXXl,IXXI

PJ =$25,IXXl,IXll - $50,IXXl,IXXI P4 :More lhan $51!,lXXl,IXXl 3. Value Method Code. 0 =Apprail;al R =Co<I (Real E.<latc Only) S =Assc"smcnr T =Ca."ih Markel

(Se< Column Cl) U =Book Value V=Othcr W =E. r;ma!cd

Page 9: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL



Page 9of12

Name or Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Date or Report


VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -- income, varue, transactions r1nc1udes those of spouse and dependent children; see PP· 14-60 of filing instructions.)

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

A. H. c. D.

Description of Assets Income during Gross value al end of Transactions during reporting period

(including trust assets) reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Place "(X)" after each asset Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Gain Identity of

exempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month- Code 2 Code 1 buyer/seller (A-H) or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A-H) (if private

(Q-W) transaclion)

86. -#16-Coho Resources, Jasper Co., MS None J w

87. -#17-Denbury On Shore LLC(was Denbury F Royalty L w Clark,Llncoln,Pike Co, Resources) Jasper Co) MS

88. -#18-D&S Oil & Gas, Claiborne Parish, LA A .

Royalty J w

89. -#19-Devon Energy, Yazoo Co,MS,Bossier None J w Parish, L

90. -#20-EOIT Energy, Jasper & Smith Co., M None J w s

91. -#21-Ergon, Madison & Yazoo Co., MS None J w

92. -#22-Fina Oil, Claiborne Parish, LA None J w

93. -#23-Hassie Hunt Exploration, Yazoo Co., A Royalty J w MS

94. -#24-J.P. Oil, Lincoln & Pike Co., MS A Royalty J w

95. -#25-McGowan Working Partners, Yazoo B Royalty J w Co., MS

96. -#26-Marathon Oil, Oaiborne Parish, LA A Royalty J w

97. -#27-Shell Oil Co., Pike Co., MS A Royalty J w

98. -#28-Spooner Petroleum, Jasper Co., MS A Royalty J w

99. -#29-St. Mary Land & Exploration, B Royalty K w e Parish, LA

100. -#30-Pennzenergy, Yazoo Co., MS c Royalty K w

101. -#31 Tecton Energy, LLC;Choctaw Co AL A Royalty J w

102. -#32 XTO Energy, Inc B Royalty J w

I. Income Gain Code : A =SI ,ilrXI or le>' B =Sl,IXll • $2,S!Xl C =$2,501 • $5.IXXI D =$5,11111 • $15,0IXI E =Sl5,IXll · $50,IXXI

(Sec Columns Bl and 04) F =$50,IXll • SllXl,()(XJ G =S l!Xl,IXI l • S l ,!XHl,IXXI HI =Sl,IXXl,IXll • $5,IXXl,IXXI H2 =More than S5,IXXJ,IXXI

2. V aJuc Code J =$15,()(XJ or le"' K =Sl5,1Xll • $50,IXIO L =$511,IXll . SllXJ,IXXI M =Slllll,!Xll • $2511,IXXJ

(Sa: Column• Cl and DJ) N =$2511,IXll • $51Xl,IXXI 0 =S51Xl,IXll • $I ,IXIO,IXXI Pl =Sl,IXXl,IXIJ • $5,IXXl,IXXI P2 =$5,IXXl,IXll • S25,IXXl,IXXI

Pl :$25,IXXJ,IXll • $50,IXXl,IXXJ P4 =Mon: lhan $50,IXXl,IXXl 3. VaJuc Method Code5 0 =Appraisal R =Cost (Real Eslale Only) S ::.As. s cnl T =Cash Markel

(Sec Column C2) U :Book Value V =Other W ::;Ei;timatcd

Page 10: Barbour Jr, William H - Judicial Watch · magL

1 103.


Page 10of12

Name or Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.

Date or Report


VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -· income, value, transactions r1nc1udes those of spouse and dependent children; see PP· 14-60 of filing instrucnons.J

D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)


Description of Assets

(including trust assets)

Place "(X)" after each asset

exempt from prior disclosure

ll. c. D.

Income during Gross value at end of Transactions during reporting period

reporting period reporting period

(1) (2) (!) (2) (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Gain Identity of Code I div., rent, Code 2 Method buy, sell, Month- Code 2 Code 1 buyer/seller (A-HJ or int.) (J-P) Code 3 redemption) Day (J-P) (A-HJ (if private

(Q-W) transaction)

LAND, Humphreys Co., MS (LLC) None N R

J. Income Gain Code!;; A =St,OIXl or le<• B =St,tXll • S2,51Xl C =S2,511t · $5,IXXI D =$5,11111 • $15,IXXI E =$15.IXll. $511.IXXJ (Sec Column• Bl and 04) F =$511,IXll • S!IXl,lllXl G =S!IXl.IXll. St.IXllJ,IXXI Ht =Sl,IXXl,IXll. $5,IXXl,IXXI H2 =Mon: lhan S5,IXXl,IXXl

2. VaJuc Code J =SIS,OIXJ or lcr..<i K =$15,IXll · $511,!Xlll L =$511,IXll • S!IXl,IXXl M =S 1011,IXll • $250,IXXI (Sec Column• Cl and DJ) N =$2511,IXll • $SIXl,IXXl 0 =$51Xl.IXll • S l,IXlll,IXXl Pl =Sl,IXXl.IXll • $5,IMXl,!XXl P2 =SS,IXXl,IXll • $25,IXXl,IXXl

P3 :$25,IXXJ,!Xll • $51J,IXXl,IXXl P4 =More lhan $51J,!MXl,IXXI 3. Value Method Cod 0 R =Co<I (Rc•I Estalc Only) S =As..'\Ci;!imcnl T ::Ca"<h Marker

(Sec Co lumnC2) U =Book V•luc V =Other W =E...;timalcd

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Name of Person Reporting

Barbour, Jr., William H.


Date of Report



Lines 21 and 22 show the unsold lots in my Residential Subdivision at the end of the reporting period with an estimated value for those unsold lots on Line 25. There will be no income produced by the remaining lots in inventory unless and until they are sold.

Line 37 through 41 - This is a second IRA rollover account held at a brokerage house. It was opened after the partial sale of 1st American stock that was made in the first IRA rollover account. I have a money manager who invests this account, thus, it is designated "IRA Managed Rollover".

Lines 42 through 69 - This is a third IRA account held at a brokerage house. It was opened January 2005 with a transfer of funds from IRA #2.

Lines 70 through 100 - As I have noted for several years, I may own oil and gas interests which I inherited or obtained otherwise and of which I have no records. All income-producing interests have been included in my reports. As leasing activity occurs, I add them to my report.

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Name or Person Reporting Date or Report

Barbour, Jr., William H. 07/14/2009


I certify that all information given above (Including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent children, if any) is accurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutory provisions permitting non-disclosure.

I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honorarla and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are in compliance with the provisions of 5 V.S.C. app. § 501 et. seq., 5 V.S.C. § 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.




Mail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

Committee on Financial Disclosure Administrative Office of the United States Courts Suite 2-301

One Columbus Circle, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20544