gv design sprints for engineers

GV Design Sprints for Engineers

Upload: peter-collins

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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GV Design Sprintsfor Engineers

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You’ll leave here today with

→ An understanding of UCD

→ Deep insight into the GV Sprint Process

→ Knowledge of the role engineers play in sprints

→ Some resources to go and learn more

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UCD, what is it?

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We are notour users.

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User Centered Design

An approach to building products where each phase of the design process is orientated around the needs, wants, limitations and desires of the end user.

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An approach with many flavours!

Lean UX Storyboards


Charrette Deep dive

PersonasCrazy 8s Journey Mapping




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What is a sprint?

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A 5-day Google Ventures inspired process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with end users.

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Idea Launch





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A failed idea is asuccessful sprint.

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When should you run one?

→ When speed and efficient decision making is required

→ To align a diverse team

→ To start a project with clear direction

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When shouldn’t you run one?

→ The product is already well defined

→ Significant research is required beyond 1-2 days

→ The scope is too broad

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How do you run a sprint?

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→ Facilitator

→ UX Designer

→ Product Owner

→ UI Designer

→ Front End Dev

Assemble your Cross Functional Team

→ Solution Architect

→ Business Analyst

→ Strategist

→ Marketer

→ Project Manager

→ Automation Tester

→ Interaction Designer

→ Middleware Engineer

→ Bus. Development

→ Acc. Management

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Day 1: Map

Be thinking about the service layer(s) required to support the journey map, especially when things happen out of view of the customer.


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Day 1: Personas

Use the defined behaviours, needs and goals to think abouthow we might treat data within the product. Caching? Offline mode?


Demographics Needs & Goals


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Day 1: Problem = ...

Identify any last remaining technical implications from the problem statement discussion and create your tech spike carpark.


Who is affected?What are the boundaries of the problem?When does it occur?Where does it occur?Why is it important we fix it?

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Day 2: Sketch

Focus your solutionson solving the technically complex parts of the journey map. Make sure you are adding to your tech spikes carpark.


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Day 3: Critique

Be the voice of reason about how ‘creative’ we get with the UI. We want a range of ideas, but they need to be easy to build & maintain.


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Day 3: StoryboardDevelopers

Be thinking about the service layer(s) required to support the storyboard. Highlight any major missed steps or ‘leaps’ made.

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Day 4: Prototype

Pick a new role! You can help make the prototype, stitching all the screens together, be a copy-writer, collect assets for the prototype or author test scripts.


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Day 5: Test

Observe the testing sessions run by the facilitator. Note down any major issues found, especially where there are technical implications.


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What role do I play as an engineer?

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As well as reducing the risk of poor product fit with users, we are also trying to reduce the risk of poor product feasibility with engineers.

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Go forth and sprint

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