game of sprints

Game of Sprints @KevlinHenney

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Post on 05-Apr-2017




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Game of Sprints



They satirized

the reductive

and banal

nature of



Will Gompertz

Think Like an Artist

Scrum works by making visible the dysfunction and impediments that are impacting the Product Owner and the team’s effectiveness, so that they can be addressed.

The Scrum framework will quickly reveal these weaknesses. Scrum does not solve the problems of development; it makes them painfully visible, and provides a framework for people to explore ways to resolve problems in short cycles and with small improvement experiments.

It has become commonplace to suggest that failure is good for entrepreneurs. In this view, failure that comes early in a founder's career can teach them important lessons about doing business and harden them up for the next start-up attempt.

David Storey "Lessons that are wasted on entrepreneurs"

In the UK, the evidence is that novices are neither more nor less likely to have a business that either grows or survives than experienced founders. In Germany, where much more extensive statistical work has been undertaken, it is clear that those whose business had failed had worse-performing businesses if they restarted than did novices.

David Storey "Lessons that are wasted on entrepreneurs"

In short, the assumption that entrepreneurs use the lessons of their own experience to improve their chances of creating a series of profitable businesses is not borne out by the evidence. Success in business remains, as in life, something of a lottery.

David Storey "Lessons that are wasted on entrepreneurs"

Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.

Francis Bacon

No matter what humans

think about, we tend to

pay more attention to

stuff that fits in with our

beliefs than stuff that

might challenge them.

Psychologists call this

"confirmation bias."

When we have embraced

a theory, large or small,

we tend to be better at

noticing evidence that

supports it than evidence

that might run counter

to it.

As any psychologist will tell you, pretty much everything you think and do is coloured by biases that you are typically totally unaware of. Rather than seeing the world as it is, you see it through a veil of prejudice and self-serving hypocrisies. mg21028122.200-the-grand-delusion-blind-to-bias.html

You have just experienced the illusion of naive realism - the conviction that you, and perhaps you alone, perceive the world as it really is, and that anybody who sees it differently is biased. mg21028122.200-the-grand-delusion-blind-to-bias.html

If, at this point, you are thinking: "Yeah, right, that might be true of other people, but not me," then you have fallen foul of yet another aspect of the illusion: the bias blind spot. Most people will happily acknowledge that such biases exist, but only in other people. mg21028122.200-the-grand-delusion-blind-to-bias.html

If you want to learn how

to build a house, build a

house. Don't ask anybody,

just build a house.

Christopher Walken

empirical, adjective

based on, concerned with, or verifiable by

observation or experience rather than theory

or pure logic

pertaining to, or derived from, experience

capable of being verified or disproved by

observation or experiment

Concise Oxford English Dictionary ∙ Oxford English Dictionary ∙ Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

The "defined" process control

model requires that every

piece of work be completely

understood. Given a well-

defined set of inputs, the

same outputs are generated

every time.

The empirical process control

model, on the other hand,

expects the unexpected. It

provides and exercises control

through frequent inspection

and adaptation for processes

that are imperfectly defined

and generate unpredictable

and unrepeatable results.

Plan Establish hypothesis,

goal or work tasks

Do Carry out plan

Study Review what has

been done against

plan (a.k.a. Check)

Act Revise approach

or artefacts based

on study

Deming/Shewhart Cycle

Starting from a position of incomplete knowledge and gradually iterating through hypothesis, experiment and discovery towards — one would hope — working software addresses part of the question of moving from the unknown to the known.

Kevlin Henney "The Uncertainty Principle"

NDC Magazine 2009

If a plot works out

exactly as you first

planned, you're not

working loosely

enough to give room

to your imagination

and instincts.

/ WordFriday

pantser, noun Writer who writes by the seat of their pants.

In contrast to a plotter, a pantser doesn't

work to (or have) an outline.

Plan Establish hypothesis,

goal or work tasks

Do Carry out plan

Study Review what has

been done against

plan (a.k.a. Check)

Act Revise approach

or artefacts based

on study

Deming/Shewhart Cycle

Write As the behaviour is

new, the test fails

Reify Implement so that

the test passes

Reflect Is there something in

the code or tests that

could be improved?

Refactor Make it so!

Test-First Cycle

TDD is fun! It’s like a game where you navigate a maze of technical decisions that lead to highly robust software while avoiding the quagmire of long debug sessions. With each test there is a renewed sense of accomplishment and clear progress toward the goal. Automated tests record assumptions, capture decisions, and free the mind to focus on the next challenge.

James Grenning Test-Driven Development for Embedded C

TDD is fun! It’s like a game where you navigate a maze of technical decisions that lead to highly robust software while avoiding the quagmire of long debug sessions. With each test there is a renewed sense of accomplishment and clear progress toward the goal. Automated tests record assumptions, capture decisions, and free the mind to focus on the next challenge.

James Grenning Test-Driven Development for Embedded C

TDD is fun! It’s like a game where you navigate a maze of technical decisions that lead to highly robust software while avoiding the quagmire of long debug sessions. With each test there is a renewed sense of accomplishment and clear progress toward the goal. Automated tests record assumptions, capture decisions, and free the mind to focus on the next challenge.

James Grenning Test-Driven Development for Embedded C

Rock climbing, story-telling, and carpet wrestling are not about winning or losing; the game is all about having fun.

As long as the guessing or the story-telling is interesting, the game is worth playing.

These are cooperative games.

The point of the game is to interact with each other, or perhaps to help each other.

Alistair Cockburn "Software Development as a Cooperative Game"

/ WordFriday

nomic, noun & adjective

a game in which changing the rules of the game is

a legal move and part of the game

the original Nomic was invented by Peter Suber,

but the term is now generalised to describe any

game that has these properties

political constitutions, legal systems, software

development processes and many games that

children spontaneously evolve over an afternoon

of play are nomic in nature

Software development: a social activity with technical practices.

Helen Sharp

The four conditions that characterize wise crowds: diversity of opinion, independence, decentralization, and aggregation.

There’s little correlation between a

group’s collective intelligence and

the IQs of its individual members.

But if a group includes more

women, its collective intelligence


"What Makes a Team Smarter? More Women"

As a

I want

So that




As a

I want

So that

team member



As a

I want

So that

team member

to develop software


As a

I want

So that

team member

to develop software

I can have fun