gullac with cardamom and hazelnuts.doc

Güllaç with Cardamom and Hazelnuts October 08th, 2007 | Categor!  "essert , #ur$ish Cuisine Whenever I hear the word Ramadan, I immediately think of Güllaç. It is a traditional Turkish dessert that dates back to the Ottoman m!ire and was even once a !art of the circumcision ceremony menu for "ultan "üleyman, The #a$nificient%&'s sons. This milk based dessert is !re!ared with Güllaç leaves, which are basically starch wafers that are made of corn starch, flour and water. It is es!ecially !o!ular durin$ the month of Ramadan, because it is a very li$ht dessert (well, when com!ared to other traditional Turkish desserts) and hel!s the di$estive system durin$ iftar (the evenin$ meal that breaks the fast durin$ Ramadan). Traditionally, Güllaç is stuffed with cho!!ed walnuts and flavored with rose water. *fter a cou!le of hours walnuts transform the soft white color of the leaves into an una!!eti+in$ bei$e, so I almost always !re!are it with cho!!ed ha+elnuts. This time around, I also made a chan$e and flavored the milk miture with cardamom (instead of rose water). It was s!ot on.

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Güllaç with Cardamom and Hazelnuts

October 08th, 2007 | Categor!  "essert, #ur$ish Cuisine

Whenever I hear the word Ramadan, I immediately think of Güllaç. It is a traditional

Turkish dessert that dates back to the Ottoman m!ire and was even once a !art of the

circumcision ceremony menu for "ultan "üleyman, The #a$nificient%&'s sons.

This milk based dessert is !re!ared with Güllaç leaves, which are basically starch wafersthat are made of corn starch, flour and water.

It is es!ecially !o!ular durin$ the month of Ramadan, because it is a very li$ht dessert

(well, when com!ared to other traditional Turkish desserts) and hel!s the di$estive

system durin$ iftar (the evenin$ meal that breaks the fast durin$ Ramadan).

Traditionally, Güllaç is stuffed with cho!!ed walnuts and flavored with rose water. *ftera cou!le of hours walnuts transform the soft white color of the leaves into an

una!!eti+in$ bei$e, so I almost always !re!are it with cho!!ed ha+elnuts. This time

around, I also made a chan$e and flavored the milk miture with cardamom (instead ofrose water). It was s!ot on.

Page 2: Gullac with Cardamom and Hazelnuts.doc


This is what a Güllaç leaf looks like when you hold it a$ainst the sky. It is almost

trans!arent with small holes here and there. -ou shouldnt have any !roblem findin$

Güllaç leaves from your #iddle astern $rocery store, but /ust in case here is where youcan buy it online.

Güllaç with Cardamom and Hazelnuts


• 012 !ieces Güllaç leaves

• 3 cu!s whole milk 

• 4 456 cu!s su$ar 

• 456 ts! $round cardamom

• 4 456 cu!s ha+elnuts, finely cho!!ed

• 453 cu! !istachios, finely cho!!ed

• 0147 sour cherries


8rin$ milk, cardamom and su$ar to a boil, whisk until the su$ar dissolves and take off

heat. Wait until the miture comes to room tem!erature.

Trim a Güllaç sheet to fit your servin$ dish (47 inches in diameter, one and half inch

hi$h) and lay it on the bottom, shiny side u!. 9our a cu! of the milk miture on to! andwait until most of the li:uid is absorbed. ;ontinue with the scra!s from the first sheet and

re!eat the !rocess with the second sheet. Reserve 453 cu! of the cho!!ed ha+elnuts and

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lay the rest on to! of the second sheet. 9our another cu! of the milk miture on to! and

continue until all the sheets are used. If you still have some of the milk miture left, !our

it over the to!< dont worry the sheets will absorb almost all of it.

;over with !lastic wra! and transfer to the refri$erator for 61= hours. Garnish with the

remainin$ 453 cu! of cho!!ed ha+elnuts, !istachios and sour cherries. "erve cold.

$a$ule  Ar. ®¥®ulle 

a. bit. b. 4. >encefil$illerden, s?cak iklimlerde yeti@en $ü+el kokulu bir bitki (Elettaria cardamomum). 6. 8u

 bitkinin bahar olarak kullan?lan tohumu.