guide to long lasting health and beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper...

Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty Ute and Roland Jentschura Publishing House Peter Jentschura

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Page 1: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

Guide to

Long Lasting Health and Beauty

Ute and Roland Jentschura

Publishing House Peter Jentschura

Page 2: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

Nature created humans as perfect beings.With our ability to constantly regenerate, wecould live to be 120 years old or even older.But even more interesting than being ableto reach a theoretical age is the practical wayto getting there. The question is:

How do I stay beautiful and healthy?

This is much easier, than many people knowor believe. Basically, the desire we all have ofbeauty and health is possible, simply by observing the three commandments that Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura formulated in hisbestsellers “Health by Purification” and “zivilisatoselos – living without the diseasesof modern civilisation.” These three commandments of beauty and health are:

1. Avoid all harmful things! 2. Eat, drink and do beneficial things!3. Eliminate all harmful things!

As human beings we are subject to the lawsof nature. Over millions of years we have de-veloped in line with nature and adjusted toit accordingly. Living nature has supplied us

with an abundance of nutrients that weneed for our health. There are only a fewharmful things, and the small amounts thatentered the body, could be easily eliminated.We couldn’t not live by the three command-ments of beauty and health.

Beauty and health are alkaline!

Our blood is the pivot of our metabolism.One of its most important functions is toconnect the almost hundred billions of cellsin our body to make up a meaningful whole.The blood permanently supplies all cellswith oxygen and nutrients. With the help ofour blood, our whole organism has to becontinually cleansed of carbonic and uricacid and from other, mostly acidic end prod-ucts of metabolism.

Only within the very narrow alkaline pH-range of 7.35 to 7.45 is the blood able to floweffectively, to nourish the billions of cells, tokeep the organism cleansed and to help ful-fill all its other vital functions.

Finally, a stronger drop in the pH-value of theblood leads to vein occlusion, with heart at-tack and stroke as the possible consequen-ces. It is therefore one of the highestprinciples of our metabolism to keep thepH-value of the blood as stable as possibleunder any circumstances.

However, a balanced acid-alkaline-equi-librium is not only the basis for the function- ality of the blood but for all metabolic pro-cesses and functions in the body, because,for example, hormones, enzymes and our

immune system cannot function in an overlyacidic environment.

What impairs our beauty and health?

Unfortunately, due to modern technologyand alleged progress we have drastically distanced ourselves from nature within justa few decades. Our initially alkaline-generat-ing eating habits and lifestyles have re-versed to become acid-inflated. Excessiveamounts of acids and toxins are accumula-ted, because nowadays we consume, forexample, too much animal protein, toomany processed fats, too many additive-enriched ready-to-eat products, too muchsalt and sugar, too many white flour prod-ucts etc. In addition, compared to the past,we take much less exercise or we do extreme sports. Both of these overacidify ourorganism. Many people suffer from constantjob-related and private stress. Environmentalpollution is also on the increase. The sum-mary on page 3 shows some typical acid-inflated, nutrient-destroying foodstuff, stimulants as well as energy-consuming lifestyle habits.

Alkaline-balancing nutrients in the form ofnatural, energy-rich minerals, vitamins, secondary plant compounds, fibres, plant-derived enzymes etc. are barely even con-tained in processed, concentrated foods,and are instead replaced by horrendousamounts of “empty” calories.

In the long-term, our buffer systems1 and elimination organs are overstrained with theflood of acids and toxins. Over millions ofyears, our organisms have developed differ-ent buffer systems, e.g. in order to maintainthe vitally important alkaline pH-value of theblood. Additionally, our organisms have dif-ferent elimination organs such as kidneys, in-testines and lungs, the skin and the mucousmembranes, which are able to eliminateacids and toxins to a certain degree.2

But often, the available capacities are not ca-pable of coping with today’s level of burden,so that harmful acidic substances accumu-late in the body.

1 Buffers ensure that the pH-value of a certain body fluid remains constant.

2 Also the liver as an important detoxification organ plays an important role in the acid-alkaline-regulation.


e vicious cycle of over-acidification

In the case of increasing over-acidificationof the blood, the red blood cells will become thicker and clotted, producing theso-called coin-rolling phenomenon. Theblood becomes viscous and flows moreslowly. This not only impairs the supply ofthe cells with oxygen and nutrients butalso impairs the removal and elimination ofcarbonic acid, other acidic end products ofmetabolism and other harmful substances.

More and more acids and toxins then buildup in the organism and a vicious cycle begins - the acid-alkaline-regulation isunder increasing risk of losing its balance.

If the path of acid-inflated nutrition andlifestyle habits is pursued, our buffer

systems and elimination organs will soonbe permanently overstrained, resultingmore and more frequently in latent acido-sis (hidden overacidification). In today’s so-ciety this is very common and must betaken seriously as the cause of diseases ofmodern civilisation.

Initially, this slight overacidification is man-ifested by unspecific symptoms such asheadaches and migraine, constant fatigue,lack of concentration, recurring infections,skin problems etc. As one does not reallyfeel sick, such problems are not taken seriously. It is not usually realised that thereis a connection between overacidificationand these symptoms.

Conventional blood tests do not detectsuch abnormalities. However, the dark-fieldmicroscopy is a particular examination in

which a drop of blood from the fingertip isanalysed under the microscope. This method is usually carried out by naturo-paths who are specialised in it.


Dipl. oec. troph. & Naturopath Ute Jentschura and Dipl. oec. troph. [Nutritional Scientist] Roland Jentschura

pH stands for potentia hydrogenii, the power of hydrogen. The dilution degree of free hydrogen ions, which are consi-dered to be acid-bearers, is referred to as the pH-value.

e acid-alkaline-regulation

e.g. gastric acid pH 1.8

e.g. acetic acid, pH 3

e.g. gall, pH 8.8

e.g. amniotic fluid, pH 8.0 – 8.5

pH 7 = neutral, e.g. water

e.g. blood, pH 7.35 – 7.45

Acids (H+ ions) / bases (OH- ions)

acidic neutral alkaline


e.g. lactic acid, pH 4

stark strongweakweak

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acids are a burden on our health!

a. Acids, which definitely require elimination are a particular burden for our organism.As our metabolism is unable to remove them, they are a burden for the acid-alkaline-regulation and the elimination organs to a high degree.

Sulphuric acid → meat and meat products, cheese, curd, eggsUric acid → meat and meat productsNitric acid → cured meat and meat productsPhosphoric acid → soft and energy drinks, soft cheese, fish, eggs Acetylsalicylic acid → pain relievers*Formic acid → sweeteners

* An excessive use of pain relievers is often the cause of renal insufficiencies and kidney damage.

b. Although our organism is able to remove the acids, which do not necessarily require elimination, however, its capacity for such removal processes is limited. Particularly the large amounts of these acids are a burden for our acid-alkaline-balance.

Acetic acid → vinegar, white flour, sugar, confectionery Carbonic acid → soft drinks, shallow breathing,

lack of exercise Carbonic-, lactic, acetic and uric acid → excessive sports Lactic, uric and hydrochloric acid → stress Hydrochloric acid → table salt, savoury snacks, ready-made meals

Toxins are a burden on our health!

· Nicotine and alcohol

· Additives in foodstuffs, semiluxury food and body care products

· Medicines, anaesthetics, vaccinations

· Toxins in dentures

· Dishwashing detergents, laundry detergents, fabric softeners

· Chemicals in textiles, furniture, floor coverings

· Chemicals at the workplace

· Environmental toxins such as insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, exhaust emissions etc.

Overacidified blood: typical coin rolling phenomenon, erythrocytes block each other

Healthy blood: freely moving erythrocytes, well distributed

Crystalline deposits: Indication of acid-strain and over-acidification

C-Candida nest, growth of fungi in the blood: severe shiftin the environment, clear straining of the cells, focal stress

Symplasts: Indication of toxin accumulations / heavy metals

A.F. Dlouhy, R. Hofmann: Unser Blut – Spiegelbild des Lebens

Blood under the dark-field microscope

The acid-alkaline-regulation is a dynamic flow equilibrium that is constantly in motion, with the goalof maintaining the pH-conditions according to cell-type, organ or function as stable as possible.

Page 3: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

Fungi The acidic or even toxic environment onthe skin and mucous membranes result-ing from elimination creates ideal con-ditions for the growth of skin and nailfungi. The growth of fungi is the resultand symptom of an overly acidic andcontaminated organism. In natural med-icine, fungi are referred to as “acid andtoxin eaters”. They will only disappearlong-term, if the acidic environment ofthe skin, their ideal feeding ground, iscorrected by a balanced acid-alkaline-regulation.

3.Accumulation of impurities Our organisms neutralise excess acidsand toxins that cannot be eliminatedthrough the kidneys, intestines, lungs orthrough the skin or mucous membranes,with minerals, turning them into neutralsalts. Since they can only be eliminatedto a limited extent, the body must storethem as residue, mostly bound to waterand/or fat.

For many women, these initial residuedeposits come in the form of cellulite onthe upper thighs, bottom and hips. For

men, these residue deposits appear asthe so-called “beer-belly” in different shapes and forms.

Besides the storage of fat, weight problems are primarily accumulationsof neutralised acids and toxins.

Weight problems are caused by residuedeposits!

The progressive residue deposit “gout”,for example, is a result of uric acid cal-cium deposits after years of consumingtoo much animal protein or purine-con-taining* food.

* Purines are contained, for example, in meat, parti-cularly in offal and meat products, in fish, but also in beer and pulses.

Other deposits can manifest themselvesas rheumatism, gall stones, kidney stones or bladder stones, or as lipoma, fibroma etc. Not drinking enough fluids,lack of exercise, poor blood circulationand low body temperature promote thedeposition of impurities.

The skin is an elimination organ – many skin problems are ”healthy“eliminations!

If the elimination capacities of kidneys, intestines and lungs are exhausted, the skinbecomes increasingly active as an elimina-tion organ. In the case of an excess of acidsand toxins, depending on personal dispo-sition and on the concentration and aggressiveness of these acids and toxins,different skin problems will occur.

The mechanisms of the skin to eliminateacids and toxins a) Many acids can be eliminated through

the sweat glands. On the palms, thebottom of the feet, the hollows of theknees, the crooks of the arms, the arm-pits and on the head, the skin has up to600 sweat glands per cm². In these places, it can come to increased andperhaps even unpleasantly smellingsweating or various allergic skin reac-tions. If, as in the case of herpes zoster,little blisters develop, these little blisterscontain the harmful substances, whichmust be eliminated. In general, such elim-inations can become so corrosive thatthey affect the skin, resulting, for exam-ple, in neurodermitis or ulcus cruris.

b) The body increasingly eliminates toxinsvia the sebaceous glands. Each hair hasa sebaceous gland. They can be foundon the whole body, which means, thatsome hundreds of thousands seba-ceous glands are available to us for thismechanism of elimination. If the hair isconstantly oily, this may be an initialsymptom of over-acidification and con-tamination. It results in pimples or evenacne. If the eliminations are accumulat-ed, whether this is wanted, because onetries to suppress them, or unwanted,eczema, furuncles, abscesses etc. candevelop.

c) A third possibility for eliminating harmfulsubstances is an accelerated division ofskin cells. The cells are divided, filled withharmful substances and die. This resultsin increased dandruff on the scalp, inpsoriasis, which can affect the entirebody, or to extreme formation of callused skin. Harmful substances can also be eliminatedfrom the organism through the hair. This iswhy heavy metal contaminations or dop-ing can easily be proven in a hair sample.


With this method, preliminary over-acidifi-cation conditions can be made visible at anearly stage. Equally, fungal infestations suchas candida, but also borrelia, trichomonads,infections etc. can be identified, which findoptimum living conditions in an acidic environment and which increase the vicious cycle of over-acidification with theirown metabolic end products.

e three types of diseases inmodern civilisation accordingto Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura

If acid-inflated nutrition and lifestyle habitsare maintained for months and years, ourbuffer systems and elimination organs areconstantly overstrained and the latent acidosis will turn into a chronic acidosis.

However, such over-acidification may notaffect the pH-value of the blood. The accumulating acids and toxins must bemetabolised, which leads to the develop-ment of the so-called diseases of moderncivilisation. Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura hasclassified our human species, taking in account each individual disposition, intothree metabolism types. According to him,these types are characterised by differentsymptoms when over-acidification andcontamination occurs:

1.Structural damages a) Corrosion

If our buffer systems and also our elimi-nation organs are permanently

excessively stressed, an excess of acidsand toxins damages our cells, tissues, organs, tendons, ligaments, joints andbones. The observed corrosions areoften accompanied by inflammatoryprocesses, e.g. along the digestive tract,e.g. tonsillitis, gastritis or diabetes, or inthe locomotor system in the form ofmuscle pain, tendonitis, tenosynovitisand joint inflammations. Or the acids andtoxins corrode our nerves and our brain.In the worst case, the pH-value of theblood drops, with vein occlusion, heartattack or stroke as the consequences.

b) DemineralisationsIn order not to be corroded by acids andtoxins, our organism neutralises themwith the help of alkaline-generating vitalnutrients. Due to an excess of acids andtoxins and the lack of nutrients in foodstoday, our organism must often con-sume or depend on its own mineral reserves. Our organism therefore mobi-lises minerals in our skin, hair, nails, teeth,joints and bones to neutralise acids andtoxins. This results in, for example, hairloss, tooth decay, osteoporosis, interver-tebral disc diseases etc.

Hair loss – caused by acids The scalp must be understood as a readilyavailable deposit of alkaline-generatingminerals. In the case of extreme or lastingover-acidification and contamination,many people’s organisms shift the aggressive harmful substances into thescalp for neutralisation. The scalp then itches and burns and is often inflamed. Or the organism withdraws the vital nutrients from the scalp to maintain itsacid-alkaline-regulation. In both cases,the scalp becomes thin, it “starves” to premature greying and perhaps hair loss.The scalp must be understood as anorgan within our acid-alkaline-regulation.In the case of cancer and chemotherapy,which is often carried out during this ill-ness, with hair loss as a result, thisfunction of the vital nutrient deposits forour acid-alkaline-regulation becomesmore than clear.

2.EliminationNeutral salts result from neutralisingacids and toxins with the help of min-erals. However, our elimination organs,the kidneys, intestines and lungs, cannotsimply eliminate large amounts of acidsand toxins or the neutral salts built up.Each of these organs has a very specificelimination function as well as capacity,and if they are excessively strained or exceeded, it would then lead to corrosion, contamination, salinisation orresidue deposit of these organs.

Kidney barrier Perhaps the kidneys are not able to eliminate all the acids that occur. A pos-sible cause of this may be the kidney bar-rier, which has been studied by Prof.Manfred von Ardenne. The kidney barrieras a self-protection ensures that kidneys,ureter, bladder and urethra will not be-come corroded. The kidney barrier has a pH-value of 4.4. In order to ef-fectively support the kidneysin their function, it is veryimportant to drink sufficient amounts ofnon-carbonated waterand to consume alkaline-generating plant-derivednutrients, e.g. by high-value plant food granules.


Passage prohibitedfor acids below

pH 4.4!

… also appear in various combinated forms.

Structural damages

Deposits Eliminations

Over-acidification and contamination

The three types of diseases in modern civilisationaccording to Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura

Process of formation of impurities and residue deposits


fat water

impurity, bound to fat and/or water

neutral salt,difficult to eliminate

acid / toxin

The skin is an elimination organred = up to 600 sweat glands per 1 cm2

Page 4: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

The deposition of impurities takes placeaccording to the “Hierarchy of Vital Im-portance”, which has been studied by Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura and Josef Lohkämper. It first occurs in fat tissue,then in the connective tissue, then in themuscles. If these “depositories” are full,then additional build-up can occur in thejoints, venous walls and in the kidneys,bladder and gall bladder, and subse-quently in other organs, later on also inthe organs and finally in the brain and inthe heart.

Because the hands, feet, knees, anklesand knuckles have lower temperaturesthan the mid-region of the body andblood circulation is slower in these re-gions, because they are further awayfrom the heart, residue is deposited inthese peripheral spots first. Due to ten- sions in the neck and shoulder area, theblood supply in these areas is poorer,which results in accumulations.

Over-acidity can manifest itself in differ-ent ways. Just observe yourself!

What is beauty? What is health?

Physical health means that the cells, tissuesand organs are free of acids, toxins and impurity deposits while at the same timehaving full mineral and vitamin reserves.

Allowing these reserves to remain un-touched for as long as possible is the bestprerequisite for staying permanently healthyand beautiful. If all cells, tissues and organshave a sufficient reserve of mineral and vitamin potential, they are then able to continuously regenerate themselves and toneutralise and eliminate harmful substances.

Successful regenerationwith the “ Triple Jump to Purification”

To restore or maintain beauty and health, apurification regimen has proven to behighly effective.

Purification means the removal of built-upneutral salts from cells, tissues, glands,joints and organs of the body. In the caseof metabolism, this cleansing occurs ac-cording to the “Triple Jump to Purification”that was first researched by Dr. h. c. PeterJentschura.

Break-up of deposited impurities1st step of the

“Triple Jump to Purification”Releasing deposited impurities consists

of splitting up the impurities, i.e., the deposited neutral salt, into its mineral-based component and into the remain-ing acid or toxin. This means thatthrough splitting the impurity, the pre-viously bound, neutralised acids and toxins are re-activated. Only this reacti-vation makes it possible to subsequentlyremove and eliminate these harmfulsubstances.

There are many possibilities for releasingdeposited impurities. Drastic dissolversare, for example, vinegar and salt spring,or the acids contained in them or the saltitself. However, any acids taken in resultin an additional burden for the acid-alkaline-regulation and, particularly inthe case of table salt, in a burden on the elimination organs.

Recommended gentle impurities dissolv-ers are vegetable juices, but above all,what has been proven since immemo-

rial times, herbalteas. Particularlywell-proven aremixtures that con-tain a targeted selection of teaherbs. The compo-

sition is important! According to theprinciple “like dissolves like” such a teais able to dissolve impurities, becausethrough the elements contained in iteach individual tea herb addresses


certain impurities and thereby dissolvesthem gently and safely into its compo-nents. Drinking sufficient amounts ofnon-carbonated water dilutes the con-centration of the released harmful sub-stances. At the same time, watersupports their removal and eliminationthrough the kidneys and the skin. Inorder that the harmful substances,which are re-activated by the break-upof deposited impurities, do not put aburden on the acid-alkaline-balance,our organism must be supplied with substantial amounts of alkaline-generating nutrients to effect a crisis-free purification.

Neutralisation2nd step of the

“Triple Jump to Purification”Targeted neutralisation as well as safe removal of acids and toxins is carried outwith the help of large amounts of plant-derived vital nutrients from an alkaline-generating diet. Vital nutrients areessential components of our bodies’ ownbuffer systems and our enzymes, whichserve as building blocks and “fuel”.

The body’s entire deacidification meta-bolism is supported and optimised bythe range of plant-derived vital nutrients.Vital nutrients help the organism “to helpitself”! With the help of vital nutrients,acids and other harmful substances areneutralised, removed and already partlyeliminated through the kidneys. Forexample, the kidneys’ central deacidifica-tion enzyme, carboanhydrase, workswith the vital nutrient, zinc.

Due to the presently predominating

denaturated diet in modern civilisation,which is acid-inflated and low in vital nutrients, it is necessary to change oureating habits to a primarily alkaline-generating diet. This should be rich invital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins,secondary plant compounds and highlyvaluable plant-derived amino and fattyacids.

“If someone seeks a cure, ask him firstif he is willing to avoid the causes of hisillness in the future. Only then you mayhelp him.” Sokrates

Nutrition - as natural as possibleAn alkaline-generating, whole-food dietsupplies our organism with all the impor-tant nutrients. For millions of years we haveneeded the vital nutrients from plants forour health and beauty. A valuable diet richin vegetables, salads, sprouts, gluten-freeplants such as amaranth, quinoa, buck-wheat, rice, millet, some fruit, high-quality vegetable oils and omnimolecular (compre-hensive) plant food granules can help ensure that our bodies’ own potential toneutralise and eliminate acids and toxins isoptimised. This way, our body’s own mineraldeposits can continually regenerate and remain well filled.

Why are plant food granules important during a purification regimen?During a purification regimen, a doubleburden is placed on the organism. Not onlydo the current acids and toxins from ourdaily nutrition and lifestyle habits have tobe neutralised, but so too do the reacti-vated harmful substances, which are mobi-lised by the break-up of deposited


This is why a change in eating habits aloneis enough to cope with this acid and toxinsflood. High-value plant food granules support the organism in neutralising harm-ful substances. In addition, the consump-tion of alkaline-generating nutrients is anexcellent support for our kidneys to elimi-nate the acids. Such plant food granules areparticularly valuable if they contain asmany different plants as possible and areproduced as naturally as possible. In thisnatural form, the variety of vital nutrientsour bodies and our digestive systems have known for thousands of years, can be effectively exploited and used. Natural,plant-based nutrients are effectively bioavailable.

Purely plant-based, natural food granulesand other preparations have the additional advantage that, unlike in the case of syn-thetic food supplements, there is no risk ofover-dosage.

For example, the following individ-uals have an increased nutrient requirement:· people during a purification regimen · athletes· pregnant and breastfeeding women · women in menopause· children and young people · women and men in demanding life

situations such as stress, ageing and in the case of the over-acidification symptoms described


Weight problems: small, subtle differences betweenwomen and men

Impurities dissolvers

Process of purification

The “Triple Jump to Purification”according to Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura

1. Break-up of deposited impurities – Splitting of deposited impurities into

their components

2. Neutralisation – Metabolisation and safe removal of

dissolved acids and toxins

3. Elimination– Targeted elimination of acids and toxins,

particularly through skin and mucous membranes

vital substance, plant-derived

reactivated acid

2. Neutralisationand metabolisation of the released harmful substances by using WurzelKraft / AlkaLife

1. Break-upof the impurities out of the tissuesby using 7x7 AlkaHerb herbal tea

3. Eliminationvia the skin by using AlkaBath in various alkaline applications

Page 5: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

Enjoy a balanced diet and lifestyleDiscover the healthy balance betweenacids and bases for yourself, for “pleasure is in taking everything in mo-deration”. Low amounts of acids can beenjoyed if compensated with excess alkalinity. But you can and should balance out every excessive acidicpleasure with alkaline-generatingfoods and alkaline body care!

· 1 cup of coffee: 1 tsp. plant food granules or the like + 1 glass of water

· 1 small meal with meat: 1 largeportion of vegetables or salad

· excessive exercise: 1 alkaline full bath · 1 piece of cake: 1 alkaline foot bath

+ 1 tsp. plant food granules or the like

Elimination 3rd step of the

“Triple Jump to Purification” In natural medicine, the skin, includingthe mucous membranes, is regarded asthe so-called “third kidney”. Acids andother harmful substances from the organism are constantly eliminatedthrough the skin as an elimination organ.This continues until the skin is so acidicthat it stops this mechanism in order notto become irritated itself. In an alkalinebath, the skin is released of the acids andharmful substances, which have alreadybeen eliminated.

Now that the skin is alkaline again, it signals the organism that more acids canbe “fed in again”. In this way, the skin’s natural elimination function is used in analkaline way and the entire organism isrelieved. The body is cleansed gently and

the skin can regenerate. At the sametime, the elimination bottleneck of kidneys, intestines and lungs is over-come and these elimination organs arerelieved.

Alkaline body care – nature’s sensible andmost effective elimination aid Babies grow up in the mother’s alkalineamniotic fluid and in these nine monthsthey eliminate acids and toxins almost ex-clusively through the skin. With its ideal al-kalinity of approx. pH 8 – 8.5 and it’s highmineral content, the amniotic fluid neutral-ises the acids so that they do not burdenthe baby’s skin. Baby skin is purely alkaline,as soft as velvet and has a pleasant smell.

It is only during the course of life that theskin becomes more and more acidic due tothe eliminations through the sweat glandsand the sebaceous glands.

Alkaline-mineral body care with a pH-value of 8 – 8.5 relieves the skin of irritatingacids and toxins, prevents skin problems,deprives fungi and warts of the environ-ment they need for their existence and optimises regeneration. Particularly themixture of natural minerals in the alkalinebody care salt helps optimise the skin’s self-oiling process in a natural way. Moreover,an alkaline-mineral body care salt becomesparticularly valuable, if the formula containsa selected mixture of precious stones. Thisresolves possible blockages of the chakrasand meridians and stimulates the energyflow.

The best for everyone Alkaline applications are suitable foreveryone who wishes to grant his/herbody relaxation as well as intensive relief.People with different skin problems such as neurodermatitis and psoriasis are a specifictarget group. Pregnant and breastfeedingwomen appreciate a targeted deacidifica-tion of their own and their baby’s organ-isms. This natural care has especially been

full baths is 36 – 38° C. Long alkaline baths,which may even last two to three hours orlonger, have proven to be particularly effective. For these types of baths, alkalinebody care salts should be added during thecourse of bath in order to achieve a higherbuffer capacity. If the pH-value has achieved the optimal value of 8 - 8.5 can bemeasured with a pH-test strip.

Getting cold in an alkaline bath? Not at all, because an alkaline bath stimu-lates the skin’s self-oiling process. This iswhy the skin does not become wrinkly,perhaps only a little on the palms of thehands and under the feet, because thereare no sebaceous glands. The self-oilingprocess, which quickly establishes itself inan alkaline bath, causes the water to be repelled intensively so that you hardly getcold because of the little contact betweenskin and water. This is different in a tradi-tional foam bath, where you not only experi-ence the loss of the body’s own protectivefat layer but you also get cold more quicklybecause of the intensive contact betweenwater and skin that occurred due to thedrastic degreasing of the skin.

Alkaline foot baths In natural medicine, the feet are consideredto be “auxiliary kidneys” because the gland-rich soles of the feet can eliminate many

metabolic end products, acids and toxins.This becomes unpleasantly “smellable” forexample by the phenomenon of “sweatyfeet”. If a renal insufficiency was diagnosed,an unpleasant urine smell can often be observed on the feet.

Even the regions of the lower leg, the hol-lows of the knee, the palms of the hand,lower arms and the crooks of the arms areintensive sweaty regions, which can beused to effectively flush out acids and toxins.

For an alkaline foot or hand bath oneshould take at least 30 – 60 minutes oftime. The recommended bath temperatureis 38 – 41° C.

Brushing in the direction of elimination This special brushing technique increasesthe skin’s elimination potential during alka-line full and foot baths. The circulation inthe skin is thereby stimulated, the individ-ual pores open and the skin’s eliminationcapability is increased.

It is recommended to brush every ten minutes in the direction of elimination, i.e.,using the shortest way to the next “drain”such as toes and fingertips, armpits andgroin.

The targeted use of alkaline wraps Wraps soaked in alkaline solution can beused specifically for the elimination of acidsand toxins. For such wraps, natural materi-als, e.g. gauze from unbleached cotton,


Relieving, bypassing elimination “Spare structures, which are in bad shape. Eliminate through intact structures!”

According to this principle, particularly affected areas of the body are initially not caredfor, but alkaline and harmful substances are eliminated in a targeted way through thehealthy skin. In this way, poorly functioning tissues can recover and regenerate.

In the case of elimination problems such as acne or severely irritated facial skin, theseregions can be relieved from their elimination function by eliminating the harmfulsubstances into an alkaline foot or full bath. In such cases, alkaline facial treatmentsshould be avoided. The alkaline neck wrap is helpful here because of its function asan acid and toxin inflow barrier.

For tissues, which are in a particularly bad shape, e.g. diabetic feet or ulcus cruris, bathing the affected foot should be avoided. Severely affected tissues can be relievedby caring for the rest of the body with alkaline cleansing and detoxification. Eliminationcan be done around and through intact tissue and through the healthy foot. Alkalinestockings and cuffs have been proven for this.

proven for babies and children with sensi-tive or dry skin. Athletes also appreciate analkaline-mineral body care salt after sportsin order to prevent sore muscles and toachieve fast regeneration.

Possibilities for alkaline applications There are numerous possibilities for usingthe skin as an elimination organ: by alkalinefull and foot baths, by alkaline cuffs, stockings, wraps, massages, steam bathand sauna, inhalations, douches, dentalcare etc.

Alkaline full baths – bathe like a baby The alkaline full bath is a particularly effective measure for achieving effectivepurification. It activates the largest possibleskin surface of approximately 2 square meters for targeted elimination of acidsand toxins via the hundreds of thousandsof sweat and sebaceous glands.

The longer, the better In order to use the elimination potential ofthe skin effectively, alkaline baths are recommended to last at least 30 minutes.The ideal temperature recommended for

1 2









Brushing in the direction of elimination

Page 6: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”


should be used. They are always used according to the same principle: A thin internal cloth is soaked in alkaline solution and covered with a dry externalcloth. In the case of liver or kidney wraps, ahot water bottle or a warm moor mud cushion can also be used.

Especially for people who have little timeand may wish to use resting phases or thenight for deacidification, the use of wrapsis a useful addition or effective alternativeto alkaline baths.

At a glance:“Triple Jump to Purification“– practical application

1. Break-up of impurity deposits:1 – 3 cups of purifying herbal tea,gradually increased to ½ –1 litreor more

2. Neutralisation: 3 x 2 – 3 tsp. of plant food granulesor more

3. Elimination: per week 2 – 3 alkaline full baths, 4 – 5 alkaline foot baths and/or alkaline stockings/cuffs, wraps etc.

In addition, daily· 1 – 1 ½ litres of still water· alkaline-generating whole-food

nutrition · regular exercise· 1 – 2 x per month alkaline enema

Weight reduction by purification A pleasant side-effect of purification is apossible weight reduction. Due to thebreak-up of deposited impurities even fatand water, previously bound to those impurities, are released and can thus be eliminated.

In addition to a weak connective tissue,weight problems are due to demineralisa-tion and storage of fat and primarily resultfrom the deposit of neutralised acids andharmful substances. Most of the time,weight problems are due to residue depos-its. This is why traditional diets do not takeeffect. The only help is the “Triple Jump toPurification”.

e “careful purification“

People who are already severely demineral-ised, burdened by impurities, contaminat-ed or suffer from chronic illnesses such asrheumatism, gout, fibromyalgia, but alsopeople with elimination problems, particu-larly skin problems etc. must carefully prepare for the “Triple Jump to Purification”.

The chief commandment for purifica-tion is: “The more acidic, demineral-ised and burdened by impurities theorganism is, the more carefully youmust prepare for the purification process!”

By preparing yourself in this way, you canavoid any possible excessive straining ofthe organism and the familiar initial worse-ning or healing crises. Perhaps you have al-ready had a similar experience duringfasting or during a cleansing or purificationregimen.

Preparing measures a) Alkaline-generating nutrition

The neutralisation potential of the or-ganism is optimised from the inside byan alkaline-generating whole-food dietand with the help of high-value plantfood granules. This alkaline-generatingdiet helps to refill the body’s own min-eral deposits. On the one hand, harmfulacids and toxins are directly neutralisedand already partly eliminated due to thestrengthening of both of the kidneys,which has already occurred. On theother hand, much less harmful substan-ces are ingested via food. In order to di-lute harmful substances so that they canbe eliminated better, the body must be

thoroughly flushed. This is achieved bydrinking 1 – 1 ½ litres of non-carbona-ted water per day.

b) Alkaline body care Particularly in the case of severe residuedeposits and skin problems the capaci-ties of the three elimination organs – thekidneys, the intestines and the lungs -are often excessively stressed. This elimi-nation bottleneck of the skin and themucous membranes can be resolvedwith the help of intensive alkaline bodycare. In the beginning, this is best achie-ved with well tolerated “small” but long-lasting alkaline applications, such asalkaline foot baths, alkaline stockingsand cuffs, alkaline wraps, alkaline rinsings, inhalations etc. and later alsowith alkaline full baths.

At a glance: “Careful purification“ – preparing measuresIn the case of severe over-acidifica-tion/demineralisation/residue depos-its the “Triple Jump to Purification“ ispreceded by the following measuresfor approx. one to two weeks, if neces-sary:

1st week · 3 x 1 tsp. of plant food granules

per day or more · daily alkaline foot baths and/or alka-

line stockings/cuffs, wraps, inhalations

2nd week · 3 x 2 tsp. of plant food granules

per day or more · per week 1 – 2 alkaline full baths,

5 – 6 foot baths and /or alkaline stockings/cuffs, wraps, inhalations

In addition, daily · 1 – 1 ½ litres of still water · alkaline-generating whole-food


After this preparation phase, while maintain-ing alkaline body care and the alkaline-ge-nerating diet, a purifying herbal tea isadded and so the “Triple Jump to Purifica-tion” (see box: “Triple Jump to Purification”)is started.

By observing this holistic concept, effec-tively cleansing the body can give youmore health, beauty, well-being and, aboveall, a higher quality of life.

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texts and graphics from the available written material requires the approval of the publishing house. Violations in terms of the copyright law will have legal consequences.

Note: The advice presented has been carefully researched and examined by the authors. However no guarantee can be made for the results. For all serious illnesses it is expressly

recommended that you consult a professional for medical advice. The authors and the publishing house claim no liability for physical damage, physical or financial

losses. © 2014 Publishing House Peter Jentschura · 48163 Münster


Dr. h. c. Peter JentschuraJosef LohkämperISBN -13: 978-3-933874-16-0

Publishing House Peter Jentschura Dülmener Str. 33 · D-48163 Münster · Tel.: +49 (0)2536 - 342990 · Fax: +49 (0) 2536 - 3429999 ·

Health by Purification

Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura · Josef Lohkämper

Who is not interested in questions like: What isageing? What is enjoyment? Why do women havecellulite? Why do men suffer from hair loss? Whathappens with the metabolism of a woman duringher menopausal years? What are nature and causesof modern civilisation diseases? What is health?What is disease? How can I preserve physical healthand beauty? How can I purify myself? Which acidspoison our body? How can I break up impuritiesand neutralise acids? How can I avoid dental loss,hair loss, skin loss (stretch marks), spots or haemorrhoids during pregnancy? How can I refillthe emptied mineral stores of skin, hair, scalp, teeth,nails, bones, vessels etc.?

Once you have read this book, youwill view your body in a different

light, you will look at every personfrom a different perspective and with

new knowledge. The book offers astonish-ing new insights and a totally different view on

curability and cure. A revolutionary breakthroughfor the health of mankind.

Page 7: Guide to Long Lasting Health and Beauty...deposits come in the form of cellulite on the upper thighs, bottom and hips. For men, these residue deposits appear as the so-called “beer-belly”

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